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Yasmin Allaouzi, Zineb Faidani, Mae de Monchy & Alexandre Willikens

CONTENT I. Framing 3-6 Introduction 3 Productive Oostende 6 II. Inquiry 7 - 29 Current State analysis 7 Productive clusters 9 Industrial Ecology 14 Spatial Inventory 17 Frima 19 Waste Speculation 21 Oil 23 Litter 25 Fishwaste 29 III. Design 33 - 42 Strategy 33 Strategy to space 35 Reinventing fishing 37 Materials 41 Floor plans 43

IV. Bibliography

46 - 48

INTRODUCTION This research by design was carried out as part of the studio: Space Speculation (2018- 2019), linked to Faculté d’Architecture la Cambre Horta and Laboratory of Urbanism, Infrastructure and Ecologies (LoUIsE).1 The studio “invites spatial designers to move beyond the object-centered legacy of urbanism and towards a systemic understanding of cities, seizing upon ows, actors, and places for their proposals of urban transformation”.2 The starting point here is the proposition that the fragile times we inhabit - with the earthsystem deteriorating under anthropocentic pressures - can stimulate a new way of thinking about the design of physical spaces. Can an understanding of the unsteady assemblages between anthropocentic and natural systems trigger a new way of thinking about of physical places? And can these ways of designing render more sustainable, more resilient, eventually more ‘circular’ cities? 3 The space upon which to reflect on these issues is the Port of Oostende, situated in WestFlanders.

This booklet will lead through a thinking process of our group, following the phases of: 1) Framing 2) Inquiry and 3) the design of an intervention. First, framing our first observation of the area, and the strategic choices for the way we inquire more information. Second, the inquiry revolved around obtaining knowlegde on specific flows, actors and places in the Port, and finally the principles and strategies that guided our final design. A first observation of the zone, is that there is an on-going renegotiation of its economic function, after a period of relative decline in cargo traffic and fishery, new developments for windenergy, and a new strategy and governance structure as of February 2019: “Port of Oostende focuses on continuity, growth and employment based on 5 pillars: Blue Economy, Bulk & Project Cargo, Cruises & Ferries, Circular Industry and the Fishing Industry. These sectors will be further developed with two main principles in mind: prioritising safety, health and environment on the one hand and supporting innovation and development on the other hand” 4 3.

How can we cherish the existing industrial space and productivity to respond to the demands of a new economy? Our second observation was the new housing development, a newcomer in the portzone. Although there are ways for economic and residential activities to co-exist, the way this is done requires some attention: “Building new homes for
 a growing population is linked to the preservation and enhancement of the urban economy and industry. (…) A robust urban economy requires that the city offers space and support to a diversity of economic activities and jobs”5 .

Lastly, the area near the Oosterover project is has a lot of closed shops and manufacturies, underused (cargo) storage and bankrupt companies. These cases represent opportunities to reuse industrial heritage for the implementation of a futur project. Following these three observations we would like to find an opportunity to connect the people working in the harbor to match the metabolic flows and social demands of the city through an architectural intervention.

Residential Productive Focus area

The Vuurtoren district is divided by the N34 road. One side of the road hosting industrial and portrelated activities and the other is designated for residential housing. The Oosteroever housing project, at the Baelskaai disrupted this duality.


PRODUCTIVE OOSTENDE The starting point of our research by design is the productivity in the port of Oostende. The task at hand is to use the port’s productivity for the transition to a sustainable urban metabolism. This metabolism, will be circular, and involves a radical change in the management of material flows6 . Industry and the legacy of its infrastructure will play a crucial role, in (1) shortening the supply chains of the consumed products in urban regions, and (2) as strategic locations for re-use or storage7 . The mix between Blue and green economy, heavy industry, small manufacturing, Bulk & Cargo traffic and fishery, give it an interesting set of possibilities for circularity and the management of material flows. It is a challenge and opportunity to remain a diverse ecosystem, where these elements interact with the residential and touristic developments. It will be assessed to what extent the productive and logistic centrality can be emphasized in a way that the (socio-economic) transition of the Port accelerates circularity and integrates its economic with its social and environmental ecology.

Our choice to focus on productivity, is based on the assumption that for the diversity in such an ecosystem to be sustained, requires the protection of certain activities that risk to be pushed away by others – more favored by market logic . We focus on the part of the ‘Vuurtoren district’ - priory destined for industrial and maritime purposes -, undergoing a transformation that threatens its productive activities in favor of a housing development. This kind of development follows a common pattern, where planning authorities move away from protecting employment land to the active promotion of mixed-use redevelopment of employment sites, even when there are thriving businesses on these sites and a shortage of supply of employment premises and land, relative to demand8. We follow the imperative to “let the scale of workspaces define the housing development and not vice-versa”.9 A thorough knowledge of the terrain , its productive clusters and material management are a crucial first step in order to follow this imperative. 6.

Our current state analysis first developed an inventory map. Through this practice the potential of the urban fabric appeared as concentrations of certain sectors and scales came to the forefront, this was needed to assess the possibility of cooperation, sharing
space, or closing flows.


For all these clusters we conducted an inventory of the material use/ demand, and potential by-products/ waste which could become the input for another process. Based on a material paspoort of the different economic clusers we can start to think about the resources that can provide a critical mass to steer the development of circular actions in the port. The spatial layout gave insights into, where these resources are handled and how the generosity of existing volumes could be cherished

Food manufacturing Fish market Energy port

- Stimulate centrality in resource management,

- Inventory of productive activities - Spatial layout - Speculation: A critical mass to shift the transition

- Cherish generosity of existing volumes, and productive knowlegde

Shipyards and boat related Car trade Housing and construction





㄀ ⴀ 䘀爀椀洀愀 㨀 䘀爀漀稀攀渀 昀漀漀搀 洀愀渀甀昀愀挀琀甀爀攀 ㈀ ⴀ 䘀椀最漀戀攀氀 㨀 䘀爀漀稀攀渀 昀漀漀搀 洀愀渀甀昀愀挀ⴀ 琀甀爀攀 ㌀ ⴀ 䴀漀爀甀戀攀氀 㨀  䘀漀漀搀 洀愀渀甀昀愀挀琀甀爀攀         ⠀ 攀砀挀氀甀猀椀瘀攀氀礀 ǻ猀栀 ⤀  䠀伀唀匀䤀一䜀 䄀一䐀 䌀伀一匀吀刀唀䌀吀䤀伀一    㐀 ⴀ 䨀愀渀猀猀攀渀猀 㨀 䘀椀猀栀 瀀爀漀挀攀猀猀椀渀最 㔀 ⴀ 匀椀洀漀渀 ☀ 䐀攀挀爀甀 㨀 䘀椀猀栀 瀀爀漀挀攀猀猀椀渀最  㘀 ⴀ 刀攀瘀椀 䘀漀漀搀 䈀瘀戀愀 㨀 䘀漀漀搀 洀愀渀甀昀愀挀ⴀ 琀甀爀攀 ⠀ 洀愀椀渀氀礀 ǻ猀栀 ⤀


㄀ ⴀ 䠀漀甀猀椀渀最 瀀爀漀樀攀挀琀猀  ㈀ ⴀ  匀愀最爀攀砀 㨀 匀愀渀搀 愀渀搀 最爀愀瘀攀氀 攀砀琀爀愀挀琀椀漀渀 愀琀 猀攀愀 ㌀ ⴀ 伀琀愀爀礀 㨀 䌀漀渀猀琀爀甀挀琀椀漀渀 戀甀猀椀渀攀猀猀




㄀ ⴀ 䤀䐀倀 㨀 匀栀椀瀀礀愀爀搀 ㈀ ⴀ 䰀漀眀礀挀欀 一⸀嘀⸀ 㨀 匀栀椀瀀礀愀爀搀 ㌀ ⴀ 䤀渀搀甀瀀爀漀 䈀攀氀最椀甀洀 㨀 栀礀搀爀愀甀氀椀挀 愀渀搀  椀渀搀甀猀琀爀椀愀氀 瀀爀漀搀甀挀琀猀 ⠀ 瀀甀洀瀀猀 ⤀  㐀 ⴀ 䰀攀昀攀戀瘀爀攀 匀愀椀氀猀 䈀瘀戀愀 㨀  匀愀椀氀猀 洀愀渀甀ⴀ 昀愀挀琀甀爀攀 㔀 ⴀ 䄀爀琀漀椀猀  㨀 倀愀椀渀琀 猀礀猀琀攀洀猀 昀漀爀 戀漀愀琀猀



ᰠ䄀 䐀椀爀琀礀 猀攀挀爀攀琀  漀昀 琀栀攀 眀椀渀搀ⴀ 洀椀氀攀 椀渀搀甀猀琀爀礀  椀猀 琀栀愀琀 琀栀攀  挀漀渀猀琀爀甀挀琀椀漀渀  瀀爀漀挀攀猀猀 挀漀渀ⴀ 猀甀洀攀猀 愀 氀漀琀 漀昀  漀椀氀氀

Material demand: - Fuel oil for the construction proess

Material demand: - Fuel for vehicles - MDO (Marine Diesel Oil)

Material demand: - Unrefined oil: Taking care of large oil based ship motors. - Painting, Lacquer and varnish work: - Bio Oil based (Vegetable, linseed & Tung oil)

Material demand: - Ice - Isomo isolated packageing polystyrene (PS) - Hard plastic packageing boxes Polypropylene (PP)


Material demand: Sand and Gravel extracted from sea

Material demand: - Metal - Wood - Machine oils

Material demand: - Fast packageing Sprinter boxes - Cardboard - Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) - Isomo isolated packageing polystyrene (PS)


The geographical location close to the northsea, has fuelled a diverse set of economic activities, that exchange their resources and knowledge. The housing construction and windfarms, both use wind, sand and gravel. The fisheries have generated the emergence of various shipyards, fishmarkets, food packageing and manufacturing industries.

These sectors exchange specific demands and needs with regard to ship maintenance, food processing, and logistics. The productive knowlegde of shipyards explains the existence of cartrade and maintenance. The logistic requirement for all these industries, have left its marks on the infrastructural facilities in the port: truck parkings and cargo storage. The impact of this newcomer in the district - together with the residential project - has not yet been accounted for.


Fish packaging



Fish waste

Sand and gravel









Oil Steel



In put Out put Waste Links








INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY Productivity in and of itself is not a valid criteria to argue for the implementation of a new project in former workspaces. Our inquiry therefore assessed the ‘Vuurtoren district’ as an industrial system with the goal of finding ways to lessen their environmental impact. We followed the approach of industrial ecology, which conceptualizes Industry as a human-made ecosystem which operates in a similar way to natural ecosystems, or a closed loop system10. The productive, social and cultural activities in the port and its neighboring areas, can through this lense be thought of as “an integrated whole” constituted of several interacting parts and elements.” By giving space to new interactions, the productivity in the port can remain a complex adaptive system of components that dynamically interact, This network of interacting, actors can adapt and scale-up over time.

Based on the inventory map, different productive clusters emerged, which directly relate to each other and the nearby ocean. There are already valuable synergies between the different productive clusters in the port zone. Following the principles of industrial ecology to balance industrial inputs and outputs to natural levels by increasing knowledge of ecosystem behavior, we took a closer look at maritime waste/resources as starting point for new processes. These are both the fishery and fishery industries as well as other waste related to maritime traffic in general. The flows that struck our attention, for their potential to fuel new recycling processes, and create a more balanced dynamic between anthropocentric and productive forces, were the following three: 1) fish waste 2) Oil waste, and 3) Marine litter. All these resources/ by products can be grouped under the category ‘Maritime Waste’.


倀氀愀猀琀椀挀 愀渀搀 氀椀琀琀攀爀 伀椀氀 眀愀猀琀攀  䘀椀猀栀 眀愀猀琀攀




OIlwaste (Sludge, Bilge)

Sand and gravel

Production wastes

Input Output Waste Links

Waste Recycling



Consumption wastes

Re- manufacturing


Value production


Adapted from: Ayres, R. U (1994) Industrial Metabolism: restructuring for sustainable development, The United Nations University, Tokyo Available at:

Adapted from: (UNU, 1994)


Value production




An investigation of the empty and unused industrial buildings, made us aware of their potential to host the new processes for future waste management. These places have a history of accomodating to storage of big quantities of solid and liquid substances: warehouses and tanks. Due to a decrease in cargo traffic, there are unused cargo storages close to the sea, the area also knows big empty warehouses namely hangar 17. Logistically, the roads that are presently available for trucks are make visible. Some of these infrastructures will be adapted as part of the masterplan for the housing development., this will be taken into account in our design.

1 - Frima 2 - Wharehouses 3 - Underused space ( trafďŹ c and Ro/Ro ) 17.




2 E



2 C

3 Wharehouse 17


2 Wharehouse 1

Trucks traffic Maritime traffic 18.



Frima has been chosen as our main site. The Bankrupcy of this frozen food manufacturer, has left close to 100 people without a job. Oostende has around 3000 non-working jvobseekers, of which half has enjoyed a practical education. This labor can be used when the building of Frima is re-opened. The building and productive knowlegde (machinery and labor) are particularly interesting for the processes of sorting, shredding, heating, cooling, that are needed to proces fishwaste, and potentially other resources.

‘Job-seeking unemmployed’ Oostende: 10.8% Bredende: 6,5%


MARITIME WASTE Waste management in the North Sea needs to be drastically reorganized. It is estimated that around 20,000 tonnes of waste is dumped in the North Sea each year11. Situated in Europe’s busiest maritime area; 52º14’N - 2º 56’ E, the port is and could become a versatile short sea port accommodating to all types of coastal traffic, and their waste disposal12 .The destructive impact of these dumpings now backlashes to the natural and anthropocentric ecosystems.13 The material study focused on 1) potential processes - resultant of new waste regulations and recycling techniquesand 2) the present quantity and quality of these resources as they pass through the port. The three maritime waste/resources we looked into as as potential starting point for new processes, include management of fishery industries and other production processes related to maritime traffic. As the port of Oostende is becoming a green energy port, it makes sense to develop green policy related to the waste production of coastal traffic.

If the port reception facilities provided for ships by port authorities. are inadequate, complicated to use or simply too expensive, it provides ship operators with an incentive to dump their garbage at sea. This is illegal in most cases but unlikely to be detected14. The incentives to bring waste on land should be stimulated, either by regulations or financial incentives. Ship waste is generally handled by private enterprises, there is no flemish port city that intervenes in the negotiation about the actual processing of the waste coming from ships. The relations are based on verbal/ personal contact or long-running contracts. The port solely facilitates, by permitting the waste-receiving parties to enter the port-area, and tracks the number of disposals by fixed amounts15. The (public) port authority should regain control over waste processing in the port once established that there are vital outputs for this waste, that do not all have to be managed with market logic.


Other 6%

Rubber 24%

Nets, ropes, cords 28%

MARITIME WASTE Bilges/ sludge 29%

mixed residual 6%

collected in the ports of Oostende and Zeebrugge (2016- 2017).

The amount of oil containing waste deliveries by ships in Oostende (2017): Sludge: 16.32 Bilges: 48.80 Solid: 7.10

Solid oil 7%

Payment and registration function of the port authority in maritime waste management.

Source: Port of Antwerp16



“A con

The future construction of windmile industries, will create a big oil demand, and oil containing production waste. The production of sludge, bildge and solid oildwaste on board of ships is created by operations of the main engine, various types of auxiliary machinery, and handling of fuel oil. Sludge/ bildge is stored in engine room tanks and is discharged to shore facility, incinerated or discarded from the ship17.

Oil discarding is a big threat to marine ecology. The collection of solid waste is taken care of per region, Since 19 juli 2018 ‘De Vlaamse Waterweg nv, changed its collection regulation for reasons of efficiency. Oostende is part of the region ‘ Bovenschelde’, where a vacuum car is able to collect the waste now once in 3 months. Ovam furthermore coordinates waste parks , and a ‘bilgeship’ in gent and Antwerp18.


“A Dirty secret of the windmile industry is that the construction process consumes a lot of oil�[1]

1 turbine

Windpark (100 turbines)

Powering the ships involved in construction

18 857 oil barrel

around 2 million oil barrel 24. [1]The Daily Caller News Foundation, Andrew Follett, 03/03/2017

WASTE SPECULATION: LITTER It is estimated that more than 86 million tonnes of plastics have accumulated in the world’s oceans, while 4.6-12.7 million tonnes are added every year19. All Marine litter is anthropocentric it is a human-created waste that has deliberately or accidentally been released in a lake, sea, ocean, or waterway. Taking into account its accumulation and dissemination, marine litter may be one of the fastest growing threats to the health of the world’s oceans. Infiltrated in the smallest organisms MARINEfoodchain, LITTER INTTIATIVES at the bottom of the its is a destructive force for many species inhabiting sea and land. It also causes serious damage: losses for coastal communities, shipping and fishing20 . Globally, most of marine litter comes from land. But in the Northsea, up to 40 % comes from the maritime sector. In the Netherlands as much as 90% of the plastic found on beaches originates from shipping and fisheries21. Better management of maritime waste is thus crucial for prevention of discarding hazardous materials to be released into the sea. For the collection and detraction of this litter different infrastructures, technologies and actors will need to work collectively. Growing awareness of the tragedy, has mobilized different actors. The EU set policy frameworks to tackle the challenge22 ,

OVAM has formulated strategies for management of marine litter in Flanders23 . Technical research is working on large clean-up systems. Fishing for litter, is an initiative that has been set up to include fisherman in the responsibility24. Other grassroots initiatives collect litter from the beaches (in Oostende) Yet, floating and beach litter is only as small part of the big quantities at the bottom of the deep sea and coastal waters.


Source: Federale Overheid, 201925

90% of Marine litter is plastic in different substance stages

Source: European Commission, 2019


LITTER AND OILWASTE PROCESSING Pyrolysis is a process where unrecycled plastic, sludge and bilge are converted into oil, which - after refinery- can be used as an alternative to the diesel/ CMO that many vessels in the port of Oostende use26 . This process can be used for both litter and oil waste. It can succeed to process different types of plastic (PP, EP, EPS, PS). We did a research on the quantities expected to be needed for the successful processing of the plastic waste with pyrolyisis and the spatial requirements for these quantities, depending on both storage, the sizes of the processing spaces and their required machines27. It is hard to assess the mass of plastic that is likely to be coming into the port. We therefore based estimations of the maximum amount of plastic that could be stored in the port area. For the the conversion of plastic into oil to work effectively, plastic will need to be treated in so-called ‘fast pyrolysis’28. This requires big amounts of and maximisation of liquids production is desirable, This is done with residence times of less than 2 seconds, rapid heating and temperatures of around 500°C29. Hence, this treatment works only with large quantities, It remains questionable whether the Vuurtoren district has the spatial capacities for this process.

For both oil waste and litter, their collection and spatial demand remain the main obstacle from implementing Pyrolysis as process in the Vuurtoren district. Oilwaste collection is handled by a coalition of enterprises. in a fragmented network30. For Marine waste, the current collection methods are not sufficient to run a pyrolysis plant. Using residential plastic waste is possible but ambitious for the size of the area. There is a change for conflictual relations with the surrounding neighborhood, resultant of the big amounts of waste that need to be moved around and stored in the area for the machines to function properly. Moreoever, might the industry compete with nearby company Renasci , which is specialized in similar processes: the processing of waste into fuel and biocoal. It is unlikely that Frima, situated within the masterplan for residential development, would take upon this very industrial function. Nevertheless can fishing for litter be introduced as a way to include the responsibility of Oostende’s fisherman in the detraction of litter. This litter can be transported to companies ll that further process it, like Renasci. 27.



FUEL OIL Waste Motor oil 1% Residue 2nd condenser

85% - 95%

Pyrolysis Oil

Industrial fuel for production of heat and electricity, raw material for manufacturing petrochemicals (petrol, diesel, base oil, lubricants etc)

Carbon Black

370 - 550 °C 1st storage

Fuel in boiler/furnaces/cement plants, raw material for manufacturing carbon nano-tubes & activated carbon

2nd storage

8% Pyrolysis Gas




WASTE SPECULATION: FISH WASTE Different types of waste arise at specific stages of the production - consumption process. At each stage there are several by-products which can be obtained to stimulate new lifecycles. The by-products that are most attractive to obtain, in the current logistic scenario of Oostende are present in the figure. The bigger quantities available for recyclage are 1) the waste of fish that has not been sold by the fishmarkets. This waste, can be maintained at highest value for social consumption or recycled into new products. Another big quantity is a kind of production waste called 2) “bycatch”; the general term for unwanted fish or other sealife/ animals. This fish is often discarded. The practice returns unwanted catches to the sea, either dead or alive, because they are undersized, due to market demand, the fisherman quota or because catch composition rules impose this. The EU has set a new legal obligation for the treatment of discarded fish31 . As of january 2019 the fishery industries have to bring their bycatch on land. This will become a new resource that needs to be handled in the port’s infrastructure. The facilities of Frima, are suitable to handle this type of waste. The bycatch is likely to be mixed with other waste materials such as ropes, nets, litter etc. These will need to be sorted and distributed for different processes. There are infrastructures that already cater to direct consumption of ‘the local catch’ through the fishmarket and a coalition of restaurants, these infrastructures can also be used to obtain organic residues like cooking oil or organic waste. Thisway the present network is used to create a more local production and consumption pattern for fish, where the whole lifecycle of the product is taken into account.

The auction lands around 6000 tonnes of fish a year. Important species: Cod, brown shrimp, sole, herring and plaice


Wild catch

Aqua culture

BY-PRODUCT - Nutrients from fish faeces - Discarded fish (by-catch, fish of low value, seaweed)


Special permits can be given to smaller fishvessels to sell their catch directly at the market. All other fish has to be auctioned.

The shops in the port cater to more direct consumption. The food processing industries have longer supply chains,


Direct consumption through l’Ostendaise; a coalition of restaurents that serve a menu with the local catch13.



Big supermarkets Fishmarket

Food Manufacturing

Online sale


Harbour shops Auction

BY-PRODUCT - Waste water




- Bones, skins, shells, scales, guts, etc.

- Organic waste from retail retaurants, cooking oil, shells

-Unsold ďŹ sh - Energy surplus



FISHERY Processing


Packageing and Storing






Fishwaste recyclage

Recyclage There are various methods to create valuable products from the production waste (discarded / unsold fish )32. The different outputs can share machines for processes like; heat exchange, centrifuge, crusher, mixer, cooling and drying. The Frima, has already infrastructure and machines for some of these processes, based on their offer in an auction. Hence, the building is suitable to facilitate these processes. >> In the current scenario, fishwaste of markets, and shops is sold to recycling companies in France for the production of catlitter, but with a new infrastructure this waste can be kept in the port. 32.


The industrial heritage of the port, including labor, skills and infrastructure for sustainable resource management


Damaged oceanic ecosystems. Balance the negative impact of human productivity on maritime ecosystems, through waste management.

Close Connect Emancipate Localize

Material loops that are (or will) be passing through the port, and spatialize the processes needed for circularity. Residential & productive; Fishery & Gastronomy making the industrial area more attractive and relatable for residents without excluding the industry in this process. The local food manufacturing and fishery sectors, by making the productive activity visible relatable, and more important with a new infrastructure coming from food waste. Invest in infrastructures which localizes the food production through aquaculture, aquaponics or protein- rich seaweed and algae,


Precedents for a new infrastructure that preserves and localizes maritime food production, Research & Development:

The importance of fishery would be mutually beneficial for gastronomy & tourism:

In the existing masterplan the two residential districts will be connected by a passage next to our site.

1. European Aquaculture Society 2. Flemish Institute for the Sea 3. International Oceanographic data 4. Flemish Institute for Agriculture and fishery 5. Maritime Institute

Experience fishing Consume the local catch and exchange waste

This context x our design will stimulate visibility and interaction



STRATEGY TO SPACE Our design proposal will provide the facilities for handling fishery related waste in the building of former foodmanufacturer Frima. This could turn into a circular scenario, The collected fishwaste from existing fishsellers, would be kept in the area instead of selling it to France for remanufacturing. Part of the foodwaste from bycatch can still be consumed in a social restaurant, with a menu based on ‘the local catch’.or distributed to people in need. A new infrastructure will be implemented to take care of sorting out the ‘bycatch’, that is not able to be recycled for consumption purposes. This part of the waste flow can be used in a process of biowaste refinery with various outputs. The biorefinery is aimed at valorizing fish processing residues in order to obtain Omega-3 concentrates, protein containing substances for aquaponics/ agriculture fertizer and Biofuel’33. The processes can be used to stimulate to port’s productive ecosystem with outputs such as fishfeed for aquaculture. and fuel for maritime traffic in the port.

The refinery can accomodate to resources that require a similar infrastructure and treatment such as used cooking oil recycling for biodiesel production. The steps needed for treatment are spatialized in the productive sections of the factory. Our site will furthermore initiate a a reinvention of the fishery sector, by giving importance to the traditional sector and create spaces to experiment with new techniques. On the rooftop spaces are made for aquaponics and algae culture. Inside, research centers and the fishery school can exchange idea’s, on new techniques for aquaculture. The result is a productive ecosystem, which is partly open for the public. This will cater to the meaning of this industry for the population of Oostende and visitors. In a restaurant on site, food can be consumed from eatable fishwaste, and the vegetable gardens on the rooftop. The processes inside the building reinforce eachother, as the output of one by-product can be used to stimulate another. 35.


In reponse to the housing development we changed the truck entrance to the SouthEast facade.


REINVENTING FISHING Our site aims to give renewed importance to the Fishing sector, which has lost prominence. Historically, the port of Oostende was by far the most important of Belgium, Today the auctions of Zeebrugge (53%) and Oostende (45%) share the landings34. Belgium is a large importer of seafruits, with supply chains ranging from the Netherlands, to China and Vietnam. The Food industries in the port process prawns and shrimps, that are mostly imported. Despite this modest scale, there is a lot of knowlegde present, on fishery, marine ecosystems and ocaenographic data. The last Belgian fishery school, Mercator, is also situated in Oostende. Stimulating the local aquaculture sector in new ways, would effectively use this knowlegde, decrease the importcosts of fish and seafood and stimulate other sectors like foodmanufacturing. In further reinventing fishing there are promising techniques, our site will cater to processing these and the top-floor will be concerned with new production techniques.

Aquaponics requires less land, water, and natural resources than agriculture. It may also be a means to produce seafood with less detrimental impacts to marine ecosystems than fishing35. Techniques range from on land containers to seashore installation.The food production system uses nutrient-rich water from fish culture to irrigate and fertilize plants. The only input to the process is food for the fish. The fishfeed needed for this process can be accomodated for by the processing of foodwaste. Seaweed farms and algae parcs are other promising aquaculture technique. Seaweed grows fast, can host rich marine ecosystems and contains a large amount of proteins for consumption. Both algae as seaweed can be processed into biofuel and bioplastics. The plants furthermore take up toxic residues from the seawater, and are able to process CO2 faster than trees. The first pioneering seaweed farms in the Northsea have been implemented underneath windfarms, as this is a profitable spot to host the marine eco/ aquacultural system36. Hence, the technique is likely to be welcomed by the Ports productive system. 37.


In our interpretation of the former warehouses, the principle to cherish what is already there, is maintained: Not only through using existing labor force and knowlegde but also in the maintenance of the buildigs and material choices.

The four different buildings of the site are connected internally. The external staircase acts as unifying structure for the different structures and their facades.



MATERIALS The North-West facade is made of slate. Inspired by StudioAssemble we kept the material but changed the appearance. Instead of using multiple colors we created a palette from one tint. for each of the two buildings with this material.

For the East facade the same principle was applied. The concrete wall will be maintained but the red shade - inspired by PedevillaArchitectswill change the appearance. The metalic cladding on the Eastern block will be kept as it is.

The concrete on the SouthWest facade will be replaced for a glass structure. The concrete that will be dismantled, can be re-used as building blocks, or floor tiles outdoors.


Red steel staircase









Endnotes 1 Casabella, N., deClerk, P. (2018). An Eastend. Studio Space Speculation 2018- 2019, (pp. 1- 36) 2 Ibid, p. 3 3 Ibid 4 Port of Oostende. (2019). Port of Oostende changes course. [online] Available at: news/ port-of-oostende-changes-course [Accessed 5 Apr. 2019]. 5 Architecture Workroom Brussels (2016, October 26) A good city has industry. BOZAR Brussels, (pp. 1 – 46). [online] Available at: ments/ABXL_Bozar_GUIDE_ENG_DEF_webres.pdf [Accessed April 2019]. 6 Kampelmann, S. (2018). On the circularization of territorial metabolism. In G. Grulois, M. C. Tosi, C. Crosas, & M. Ranzato, Designing Territorial Metabolism: Barcelona, Brussels, and Venice (pp. 41- 53). Jovis. 7 Architecture Workroom Brussels (2016, October 26) A good city has industry. BOZAR Brussels, (pp. 1 – 46). 8 Ferm, J., & Jones, E. (2016) Mix-use ‘regeneration’ of employment land in the post-industrial city: challenges and realities in London, European Planning Studies, 24(10), pp. 1913 – 1936 9 Architecture Workroom Brussels (2016, October 26) A good city has industry. BOZAR Brussels, (pp. 1 – 46). 10 UNU (1994). Industrial metabolism: Restructuring for sustainable development. 2nd ed. Tokyo: United Nations University Press. 11 Port of Oostende. (2019). Port of Oostende.[online] Available at: 12 Seas at Risk (n.d.) Waste from ships. [online] Available at: https:// [Accessed 21 May 2019] 13 de Backer, P. (2019). Action plan marine litter. [online] Health. Available at: default/files/uploads/fields/fpshealth_theme_file/action_plan_ marine_litter.pdf [Accessed 4 Jun. 2019]. 14 Ibid. 15 OVAM (n.d.) Scheepsafval van de binnenvaart in Vlaanderen, [online] Available at: de-binnenvaart-in-vlaanderen [Accessed April 2019]. 46.

16 Port of Antwerp. (20120). Waste handling procedure, (pp. 1 -22). [online] Available at: 1 sites/portofantwerp/files/POA_waste_brochure_finaal_0.pdf 17 Agarwal, M. (2019). An Overview Of Sludge And Bilge Management Onboard Ships. [online] Marine Insight. Available at: bilge-management-onboard-ships/ [Accessed 25 Jun. 2019]. 18 OVAM (n.d.) Scheepsafval van de binnenvaart in Vlaanderen, [online] Available at: de-binnenvaart-in-vlaanderen [Accessed April 2019]. 19 de Backer, P. (2019). Action plan marine litter. [online] Health. Available at: default/files/uploads/fields/fpshealth_theme_file/action_plan_ marine_litter.pdf [Accessed 4 Jun. 2019]. 20 ibid 21 Seas at Risk (n.d.) Waste from ships. [online] Available at: https:// [Accessed 21 May 2019] 22 European Commission (2019). Commission welcomes European Parliament adoption of new rules on single–use plastics to reduce marine litter [Press release]. 27 March. Available at: en.htm 23 OVAM.(2017). VLaams Actieplan Marien zwerfvuil. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 May 2019]. 24 KIMO. (2018). Fishing for Litter. [online] Available at: http://www. [Accessed 25 Apr. 2019]. 25 Ibid, de Backer, P. (2019). Action plan marine litter.

26 Enboard. (2019). Pyrolysis plant business set-up. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Apr. 2019]. Haig, S., et Al. (2013). Plastic to oil products. [online] Axion 27 consulting. Available at: https://www.zerowastescotland. [Accessed 1 May 2019]. 28 Zero Waste Scotland. (2019). Plastic to oil report. [online] Available at: default/files/Plastics%20to%20 Oil%20Report.pdf [Accessed 25 May 2019]. 29 Ibid, 47.

30 Vlaamsewaterweg (2019). Over ons. De Vlaamse Waterweg nv. [online] Available at: https://www. [Accessed 25 Jun. 2019]. 31 European Commission (2019). Discarding and the landing obligation. [online] Available at: fisheries/cfp/fishing_rules/discards_en [Accessed 25 Jun. 2019]. 32 Fiori, L., Volpe, M., Anesi, A., Manfrini, M., Guella, G. (2017) From fishwaste to Omega-3 concentrates in a biorefinery concept, Waste and Biomass Valorization , 8(8), pp. 2609 - 2620 33 Hollyer, J., e.t all (2019). On-farm food safety: food for aquaponics. Food Safety and Technology, 38(1), pp.1 - 8 [online] Available at: freepubspdf/ FST38.pdf [Accessed 21 May 2019]. 34 Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (n. d.) Fisheries in Oostende, [online] Available at: Oostende [Accessed April 2019]. 35 Landkamer, D. (2019). Transform fish waste into food for an aquaponics garden. Available at: https://extension. aquaponics-garden [Accessed 4 June. 2019].

Bogdanovic, Z. (2019, 13 June). Redden algen de wereld? Zeewier komt met een belofte. De Groene 36

Amsterdammer, 143(24), (pp. 20- 23)


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