Megacity Design Studio Indonesia-Japan 2018
Sensible High DenCity 2018
The University of Tokyo Universitas Indonesia Keio University
Megacity Design Studio Indonesia-Japan 2018
Sensible High DenCity
Contents Prologue
ABOUT Jakarta Project
The Happy Ending Love Story at Kampung Cikini Kramat Evawani Ellisa
MCK PROJECT 2013-2017
Symposium: Spontaneous Place Making
A Critical View on Social Design in Japan Akiko OKABE Event and Temporal Urban Space structure Hery Fuad Designing for Passage Territories Kristanti Paramita
Sensible High DenCity
Megacity Design Studio Indonesia-Japan 2018
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0. About JKTWS 2018
Making-Place; Non-ordinary or Ordinary?
1. Inspectation&Pre-Survey
Tomohiko Amemiya
2. Survey&Hearing
The Hidden Resources
3. Proposal
4. Construction
5. Celebration
6. Finish a wedding ceremony in Cikini
Hajime Ishikawa Credit
56 58 60
Sensible High DenCity
Megacity Design Studio Indonesia-Japan 2018
Prologue 04-13
ABOUT Jakarta Project
A Critical View on Social Design in Japan Akiko OKABE The Hidden Resources Hajime Ishikawa
06 07
MCK PROJECT 2013-2017
The Happy Ending Love Story at Kampung Cikini Kramat Evawani Ellisa
Associate Professor | Universitas Indonesia When Genta and Yuri decided to celebrate their marriage at Cikini
rituals and significantly simplified procedure of ceremony. In return,
Kramat, I was trying to look back to many weddings I attended. I found
urban weddings adopt modern elements and show the characteristics of
that since most of the weddings were modern style, one aspect that had
a contemporary lifestyle. In cities and towns, generally the bridegroom’s
been lost was the ceremony. How to consider the informality of Kampung
family receives guests at a large wedding hall. Although plenty of food
Cikini to mingle with the ceremony? How to make the ceremony as the
is provided for the guests, the ceremony is relatively simple and more
most ultimate part of wedding event? How to implement tactical wedding
focused on entertainment rather than on rituals. People take photos
at the neighbourhood of Cikini? Within these questions in mind, we hold
and record the wedding ceremonies and some families use a electronic
JKTWS in September 2018.
devises to play songs. This kind of wedding is mostly profit-oriented, and cash gifts given by the guests are an essential part of the wedding.
For many Indonesian, the most physically active, dramatic, and symbolic
Many families often spend a large amount of money during a wedding
events are wedding, as it demonstrates the social and religious features of
ceremony, which depends on how many people are attending the wedding
culture. In some ethnic, wedding rituals are comprised of many days that
and how grandiose the event they offer. In this case, weddings hold
make them particularly elaborated and impressive. On each day certain
almost exclusively as a “production” by EO (Event Organizer) that follow a
events take place that are unique to that particular day only. In each
fixed pattern.
reserved day serial events take place which comprises of series rituals. Therefore, rituals are planned events which make a sequence and lead to
The question is what kind wedding party we were going to hold? We
the wedding day.
are not part of the community, but almost all the community members have been regarded Genta as the brother of Kampung Cikini. We need
Mostly, wedding rituals are also accompanied by symbols such as a colour
a platform for inspiration. In this regard, we tried to adopt the modern
of dress, an atribut or lyric of a song with culturally recognized meanings.
concept of wedding as a “production”. The producers of the entire
These symbols meanings transmit from one generation to another
wedding event were all JKTWS students and community members,
through songs and performance of rituals. They are important not only
of which each member was responsible for a particular aspect of the
for the couple who is going to be married but also for people who are
production. We have to make a wedding plan. For that reason, UI team
present in the ceremonies. Each ritual takes care of the social hierarchy
should prepare all necessarily things prior to the implementation of
and the relationships which exist between them.
the wedding party. First of all, we should search for the most important aspect in wedding party. We need to find a caterer who could whip up
However due to practical reasons, these days wedding rituals are not as
delicious feat for 300 guests. Luckily, ibu-ibu of Kampung Cikini, under
elaborated as they used to be in past times. Some people emphasize these
the leader of ibu RW voluntary offered their hands to help. Next, we have
parts, and others focus on those parts, but many of them certainly skip a
to set up other “wedding organizer participants” from the community
big portion of the rituals. In urban areas, a wedding has been gradually
members who would be accountable for the smooth event of the wedding
shifted from the original ritual type into more entertainment event. Some
traditional features continue to exist, but one can only find symbolic
working for no 3 spots
Sensible High DenCity
Megacity Design Studio Indonesia-Japan 2018
We initiated the preparation by exploring the symbolic interpretation
procession stopped and capture a certain moment. Students created
of the Betawi wedding rituals to ensure that the wedding attires, the
celebrating atmosphere using the right kind of features and performance.
schedule and the spots for ritual venues would be properly taken up. In
The parade ended at the final spot at the vicinity of MCK RT 11 where
this step, the issue of budget is the most important aspect, since it binds
students set up decoration of semi-indoor ceremonies to create the
up everything. Holding a wedding party at kampung means inviting the
atmosphere and welcome the guests during the reception.
whole community members. Without a proper budget, it is hard to keep
Before the reception, a palang pintu (door's bar) tradition of silat
the costs under control and it can cause lots of financial issues in the end.
Betawi demonstrated in front of the guests. It was a choreographed
The wedding organizers should be stress free and the budget should be
fighting between groom's entourage with bride's jagoan kampung (local
kept in realistic amount.
champion). This symbolized the groom-to-be has to perform a martial art
Finally, the day of the wedding party had come. We hold the main event
technique to ensure the bride’s family that he is capable of protecting
of the wedding ceremony that incorporate with the spectacle of parade
his wife and his future family. Lots of jokes are cracked during palang
along the main kampung paths. Early in the morning, a local beautician
pintu. The fight is naturally won by groom's entourage as the village
was busy dressing the bride and the groom in Betawi attire. It took times
champs welcomes him to bride's home. The ceremony is soon followed
for the beautician to transform the couples into the perfect Betawi bride
by a reception in Betawi culture called Kebesaran. Both the bride and the
and groom dressed in what is considered to be the most traditional-Betawi
groom sit on pelaminan to accept greetings from the guests who enjoyed
attire. We embarked the wedding procession starting from the open space
the foods and songs performed by local singers.
at RT 05. In Betawi culture this procession called “ngerudat”. It is a ritual
The wedding of Genta and Yuri was a true example of “Tactical Urban
where the groom’s big family come to the bride’s home bringing offering
Wedding”. The different with the modern weddings is that, while the
and roti buaya (crocodile-shaped bread). Crocodile bread is a symbol of
former is characterized by the uniformity, formality and elaborateness, the
loyalty because crocodiles are reptiles that are monogamous: the female
latter offered diversity, informality and simplicity. And there was a huge
pairs with the same mate for life, and has a nest that is fixed. The bread is
contrast; the wedding party at kampung was much more memorable. The
also a symbol of the hope that the household become resilient and able to
community recognized the love story of Genta and Yuri ever since 2014
survive anywhere and anytime.
when the couples joined JKTWS. In their hometown of Cikini Kramat,
The parade consisted of two lines; the first line was made up of the
in one fine Sunday morning, the love story of Genta and Yuri become a
bride, the groom, the bridesmaids, and six little girls who performed
happy ending. The couple had deliberately remade the huge promise to
Betawi Dance. The second line was made up of the rest of the wedding
build life together in the witness of hundreds of kampung community
revellers. The parade was very much happening. The community
members appeared out from their shelters along the passing routes to cheer and bless the couples. As the weddings also mean more than just blessings to newlyweds, everybody enjoyed the festive atmosphere. The students applied the idea of tactical intervention at four important spots at the kampung nodes. These nodes spotted along the route where the
preparing the feast
preparing decoration at MCK RT 11
Jakarta is one of the biggest megacities which have a population of over 10 million, and it is expanding its area rapidly. Cikini is one of high density town in Jakarta. Kampung Cikini is in the center of Jakarta. Kampung, in English “a village�, was swallowed into the city along the urbanization to form the informal residential district. (fig.1) In Cikini, around 3,200 people are staying on 4 hectare land. around 3,200 people are staying on 4 hectare landIncluding temporary residents, 5,000 people have their life here. Many small houses from one to three stories are gathering and making super high density built environment. A shopping street, which was railway track in Dutch colonial age, is now making a strong axis of this area. Because of the low living cost, good access to the city center, and rich community of neighborhood, many people are thinking to keep staying here. But, many problems such as polluted groundwater, illegally-disposed garbage on a street, or high risk of disaster are necessary to be solved.(fig.2) We have proposed a strategic approach in micro scale to tackle with megacities pragmatically since 2011. Topical interventions should be applied frequently to give immediate solutions to actual problems, at the same time to manage strategically the entire megacity. Urban structure is spatially continuous and everywhere is affecting each other from macro scale to micro scale. What micro scale projects have to think is how they could contribute to the entire Jakarta megacity and how their value could be accepted in the global standard of value.
fig 1.Where is Cikini
Sensible High DenCity
Megacity Design Studio Indonesia-Japan 2018
fig 2.High density area Cikini
Area Population Number of unit Residential loor area Density
: 40,000 m2 : 3,200 people : 800 units : 32,000 m2
: 800 people/ha
JAKARTA PROJECT 2011-2017 2011
2011 WS Intervention in Flow
2012 WS Alternative Helicopter 2013 WS AFP Extension
WWW 1.0
Team F Hideup Pasar!
WWW 2.0
Team B Narrow but Exciting Alley
After Fire Project Megacity Skeleton I
Team A Parking to Park
MCK Project Megacity Skeleto
Team D Flowing
WWW 3.0
Team E Self-learning Kitchen Station
Scenario Study Team C Water Flow -From Cikini to the World-
Cikini 3 Scenario
Macro Scenario 2050
JKT WS 2011
JKT WS 2012
Megacity Design Studio Indonesia-Japan was firstly started in 2011. More than 30 students from Japan and Indonesia collaborated in loads of creative discussions, which excelled by the supports from University professors and young architects from both countries to facilitate tremendous process during the workshop period. The workshop was divided into two main phases: the field survey and the proposal.
Based on workshop in 2011, 2012ʼs workshop tried to do one real physical construction on site. The main aim was to let local people aware about the value of the river. The workshop explored “Alternative Helicopter”, which gives local people a chance to reevaluate the river. In order to turn the river into a place for relaxation or a playground for children, an architectural installation was designed with local people.
JKT WS 2015
JKT WS 2016
In this WS, we focused on “water”. Kampung that sometimes identical to informal area is actually connected with the formal (city) area by “water”. There are possibilities to link our bottom up and top down urban planning through the “water”. We conducted some detail surveys to grasp the current situation and to learn conventional knowledge from local people. After that, we made some proposals to improve the water infrastructure.
In this workshop, keyword is CELEBRATION. The CELEBRATION as a key and an integrated approach of design practice. In the end of workshop (August 21st 2016), students and local people together arranged celebration “Wedding Party of Kazuki Ueda” as a media of design implementation. About 20 participants from each country (Indonesia and Japan) participated for this yearʼs workshop.
10 Sensible High DenCity
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20 Void
:Short termWS
2016 WS Cikini in Celebration
:Long term practice
*WWW=White Wall Workshop
2017 WS Bricolage Workshop (IMMINENT COMMONS)
WWW 4.0
on II
014 WS d Proposal
Riverside Project
2015 WS Water -Pressure & Challenge-
Helicopter MCK Project
GLOBAL SCENARIOS Project Flow 2011-2017
JKT WS 2013
JKT WS 2014
In JKTWS 2013 we were working for the extension area of After Fire Project. The extension area were designed by students based on discussion with local people. Local people then voted one of three proposals made by students. The construction of extension area was done together by students and local community.
The aim of 2014 Workshop “VOID PROPOSAL” is to grasp how we implement VOID idea (AFPʼs main concept) in real living environment. In kampung, local people design and construct the houses by themselves. In addition, they often renovate their own houses depend on needs. House is not like a “trade” for them. Therefore itʼs important to confirm and to discuss with them about how to integrate the idea with real condition.
JKT WS 2017
The points of this WS is the practice of micro approach. The theme is Imminent Commons. What is Imminent Commons? The definition of Imminent Commons is observing situations precisely and finding force of necessity, which was the theme of Seoul Biennnale. We also set Bricolage as the keyword of micro approach.
JKT WS 2018
MCK PROJECT 2013-2017
Started from environmental void idea, After Fire Project was designed with the elements which are easy to understand for everyone such as daylight or wind, and was simply composed so that community residents can learn the idea and apply it to their own practice. Some workshops and meetings with local people were held for community engagement in this project.
In 2014, we started to think the next project which is MCK. Same as previous project, After Fire Project "Rumah Pintar", some workshops and meetings were conducted together with local people to grasp the knowledge and need of local people regarding MCK. Both Japanese and Indonesian students together with local people decided design alternatives and built the MCK. The MCK project was done mostly with youth community at Kampung Cikini.
Started from environmental void idea, After Fire Project was designed with the elements which are easy to understand for everyone such as daylight or wind, and was simply composed so that community residents can learn the idea and apply it to their own practice. Some workshops and meetings with local people were held for community engagement in this project.
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Axonometry of MCK
Zincalume Roof
Glasswool Triplex 8mm
Detail 1
Flexible Skin / wood, glass, net Flexible and temporary part which residents can freely customize, but ‘environmental void’ which is defined by ’ permanent skeleton’ could not be changed in any conditions .
Glass Reuse the discarded glass Transom Reuse the wood used for concrete mold frame.
Environmental Void For ventilation, lighting drainage. The flows of the water such as rain water and the drainage are collected here.
Permanent Skeleton / concrete +steel
Furniture Reuse the wood used for concrete mold frame.
By regurating flexibility of additional construction, the Skeleton ensure the living enviroment such as daylight or ventilaton
Detail 2
Garbage dump
Existing septic-tank
Well Depth is around 8000mm
Detail of MCK C-75×35×1
hebel block
nippe 2000 reinforced pillar M-8 bolt cement
wire mesh deck plate
M-10 anchor bolt Plate t=6 M12-Anchor bolt
Φ5 steel
Detail 1
Detail 2
14 Sensible High DenCity
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Study 14-29
JKTWS2018 SYMPOSIUM-SPONTANEOUS PLACE MAKINGA Critical View on Social Design in Japan Akiko OKABE Event and Temporal Urban Space structure Hery Fuad Designing for Passage Territories Kristanti Paramita
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28 29
IEDP STUDIO 2018 0. About IEDP STUDIO -Introduction-
Mapping -Macro
observation and Micro practice-
In JKTWS 2017, we made the local creation on the theme of bricolage (Levi Strauss). Residents of informal settlements skillfully divert given functions and create new. (Bricoleur). While “strategy” is built upon a holistic point of view, concerning political, economic and scientific efficiency, “Tactics” can be taken on improvising manner with flexibility in order to manage one’s living. In the S2 term(May to July), we dealt with the former (super-macro, general). We explored the strategy of 'Micro practice in Cikini' with mapping [in] formalities. "Informal residences naturally generate, how should we cope with it?" Mapping holds the key to it. And on this local WS we handle the latter (super-micro, small station).It is important to be conscious of both, and this is the purpose of the studio.
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Global Comparison Mapping allows us to compare cities and informal areas in the world in a uniďŹ ed standard. It gives us new perspective to the cities as we can see from the maps above. However, for informal areas, it is diďŹƒcult for there are little datas and diďŹ nition is unclear.
Team-1Our team focused on the periodical transition of the urban structure. Usually the urban informality is defined by its current conditions, like the quality of housings and residents income. However, Urban Kampungs in Indonesia or Urban Villages in China obviously have their uniqueness in its historical characters. We aimed to define these informality s from the change in the city s street pattern change. Our procedure involved two steps, the first one is to classify the temporal informality of the each divided cell using street density and its regularity. Then, the corresponding cells of each time period were compared. In this analysis, the dynamics of the informal urban development can be visualized. For example, the analysis of the Canton showed the unique contrast of the transformations between the each side of now demolished city .
Liao Qinling Wang Yijia Mizuki Iseki
1. Inspiration
2. Concept
Historical Maps, Tokyo
Urban Network Transition To Be Categorized
Levels Of Informality
4. Process
18 Sensible High DenCity
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Urban Network Traced, Example of Canton
Presentation-Create Mapping-
Distribution Of Informal Urban Structures
Comparative Analysis
Our hypotheses is that Sharp slopes where houses that can not get access to the road gather, are informal area , and we analyzed Tokyo, Jakarta, Mumbai, Shanghai and Rio in 3 scales-- 5, 10 and 50 km square. 1st we got the satellite images of 5 cities from Google Earth, divided them into 555m or 1.4km squares and marked the altitude. Then we knew the altitude difference between each unit and have a Topographical grid Map. 2nd we evaluated the Accessibility to road of houses in each square, and got a graph of accessibility. 3rd we combined these 2 graghs, and got the mapping of Gradient*accessibility. We checked the places that are considered informal with street view and compared them with mappings in the book 『Mapping urbanities: Morphologies, flows, possibilities』, and found that the two mappings are basically coincident, especially on the darkest place. Which is to say, the index gradient * accessibility to road is helpful in finding the most informal area. Besides, While gradient and informality are not necessarily related, accessibility to the road is a very strong index of informality.
Team-2Gong Xinjie Tsuzuki Rei Feng Qi Kage Akifumi 1. The Topographical Grid Map
1st we got the satellite images of 5 cities from Google Earth, divided them into 555m or 1.4km squares and marked the altitude. Then we knew the altitude difference between each unit and have a Topographical grid Map.
Tokyo 50km*50km
Jakarta Mumbai Shanghai Rio 50km*50km 50km*50km 10km*10km 10km*10km
(Satelite images)
(Map of Altitude)
(Map of Gradient)
2. The Map of Accessibility
2nd we evaluated the Accessibility to road of houses in each square, and got a graph of accessibility.
(Map of Accessibility)
20 Sensible High DenCity
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Presentation-Create Mapping-
3. The Map of Gradient * Accessibility 3rd we combined these 2 graghs, and got the mapping of Gradient*accessibility. We checked the places that are considered informal with street view and compared them with mappings in the book 『Mapping urbanities』, and found that the two mappings are basically coincident, especially on the darkest place. Which is to say, the index gradient * accessibility to road is helpful in finding the most informal area. Besides, while gradient and informality are not necessarily related, accessibility to the road is a very strong index of informality. Tokyo
Jakarta Mumbai Shanghai Rio
Mapping of Informal area (K.Dovey『Mapping urbanities: Morphologies, flows, possibilities』)
Overlap the mapping of Gradient*Accessibility and the mapping of Informal Area.
Team-3Atsuki Ryokawa Kei Honda
This group maps boundaries between formal area and informal area. By focusing on boundaries of buildings, streets, and blocks, the mapping shows gaps in cities and this indicates the (in)formality regardless of the patterns or codes of buildings, streets. We mapped boundaries of the density of buildings and that of the codes of blocks. We attempted to ďŹ nd informality in the relation of these two boundaries.
1. Boundaries in a city
When we see aerial images, we can find some boundaries of
areas depending on its codes of streets ofbuldings(density, hight, similarity, etc ).
2. Find informality as a gap
Our method to map informality is to find boundaries which
show a gap between two areas. Informality is relative context and we thought its difference shows up as a gap.
3-1. Boundaries of the density of buildings We can find bordaries where the density of buildings changes. This shows the differnece of density of two districes regardless of the degrees of density.
3-2. Boundaries of the codes of blocks. We also focus on codes of blocks and streets. We founds the boundaries where the codes or rules of blocks and streets change, regardless of types of codes or rules.
22 Sensible High DenCity
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The cases of boundaries were; 1)The boundary of the density of buildings and the boundary of blocks are coincide: 2) These two boundaries are not coincede: 3)There is no clear boundary: In this mapping, the case no.2 shows more diversity of patterns and we found informality in this type of area.
We mapped these two boundaries, the boundary of the density of buildings
Tokyo 5km x 5km
Jakarta 5km x 5km
Quito 5km x 5km
Lisbon 5km x 5km
and the boundary of the codes of blocks, in the center area of four cities, Tokyo, Jakarta, Quito, and Lisbon, by 5km2.
To check the actual situation, we compared our mapping of Jakarta and Tokyo with images of Google Street Vies. The red part in these mappings are informal areas. The actual situations were almost coincide with our mapping.
We focused on two major things in mapping.The first is the number of public facilities . Public facilities is a facility that basically target various people such as shops and hospitals. The second is Urban pattern . While formal areas are easy to understand for everyone, we thought that informal areas are easy to understand for only certain people. We thought of these two items together and defined the formal area as an area that is more accessible to various facilities, while the informal area is a plain place for a specific person. As a mapping method, we first create a map with two indicators the number of public facilities and Urban pattern). Next, multiply that item and create a map of 9 colors (3 x 3). By doing so, you can see the area with potential even in the mixed area: an area where there are attractive facilities, but the road is difficult to understand. There is no facility but an easy-to-understand area for anyone. Finally, mapping was done with formal-informal index in one color
Masahi Sugiura Zhang Jimi Hansol Park
1.The number of Public facilities × Urban Pattern large
The number of Public facilities
small not planned
Urban pattern
2. Formal × Informal
The number of Public facilities
Urban pattern
24 Sensible High DenCity
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Presentation-Create Mapping-
The number of Public facilities
Not clear
Urban pattern
JKTWS 2018 SYMPOSIUM Thursday September 13th 2018 Multimedia Room Dep. of Architecture UI,2nd Floor
SPONTANEOUS PLACE MAKING Speakers Akiko OKABE Strategic SocialDesign in Japan Hajime Ishikawa Walking as an Opportunity for Discovering the Land Achmad Hery Fuad Event and Urban Space Temporal Structure Kristanti Dewi Paramita Design for Passage Territories Evawani Ellisa Space inappropriation
Moderator Amira Paramitha
26 Sensible High DenCity
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A Critical View on Social Design in Japan Akiko Okabe
Professor | GSFS, the University of Tokyo March 11, 2011 and social design
H. Arendt discusses the private realm, the public realm, and society
Social design is now quite common in Japan. Architects think that the
(Arendt 1958). She says that “A man who lived only a private life … was
social justification of their works is indispensable. However, this is rather
not permitted to enter the public realm” [Fig1]. Here, we can observe
a new trend. The role of architects has changed drastically towards being
the clear contrast between the public and the private. She argues, “the
more “social” after March 11, 2011 the great earthquake (Arch+Aid
rise of society brought about the simultaneous decline of the public as
2016). Architects have become aware that working in favor of the
well as private realm”. She uses the word ‘society’ in a very peculiar way.
private interest of their clients would not necessarily contribute towards
Arendt’s ‘society’ has a negative notion and is close to “the common
a better society. Japanese architects are now more conscious of their
realm” [Fig2].If we apply Arendt’s framework of public, private and social
social responsibility. However, it is too optimistic to think that the public
(common) realms to Japanese cities, they have been the common realm
interest is respected more than before.
in the first place. Although the notion of public and private was imported
Unexpectedly, social design has become a growing business chance
with the modernization of Japan, it has remained very weak and the
for private advertising agencies in Japan. They are coordinating social
common realm continues prevailing. In Japan, the public is synonymous
design projects for the reconstruction of areas affected by disasters and
of governmental or official. Hence, it is quite natural that there is no civic
regeneration of remote rural aging and shrinking areas (issue+design
movement to reclaim the public realm.
project 2011; Namikawa 2012). They are working as a profitable business on social design projects. But, didn’t social design emerge on the
Social design, pretended?
basis of the premise that the private interest can be against the public
The public interest, if it is not the government’s interest, is public-
interest? Those projects managed can never be authentic social as far as
common interest. It can be reinterpreted as ‘interest for all’ including the
the advertising agencies give priority to their private benefit.
private interest. Corporate private interest, through social design projects, promoting sympathy among all Japanese, sharing pains with disaster
Privatization of public spaces
victims can be easily disguised as interest for all, or public interest. We
Recently, the privatization and commercialization of public spaces such
have to be aware of symptoms of totalitarianism that exclude or ignore
as squares and streets, through deepening neoliberal trend, have been
the options unfavorable to the market. It can be called commercial
severely criticized in European cities. The right to the city is threatened
totalitarianism under the proliferation of neoliberalism.
(Harvey 2012).
Social design is not always in conflict with commercial market activities
On the other hand, in Tokyo, spectacular huge redevelopment projects
but it should be a strategical complement of them.
are in progress in urban nodes such as Shibuya and Shinjuku. Private initiatives are leading the projects and the whole district has turned as if a monstrous shopping mall. You are obliged to consume, spend money on shopping, drinking or eating, if you wish to enjoy and feel comfortable there. Curiously there is a scarce criticism against commercialization of public spaces. Moreover, they are appreciated as good practices of publicprivate partnership. Why Japanese people welcome the private oriented upgrading urban spaces rather than striving for the right to the city?
fig1.The private and public realm
fig2.The rise of the common realm
Public, common and private Public space is generally translated into Japanese kokyo-kukan ( 公 共 空 間 ). Ko( 公 ) means ‘public’ and kukan ( 空間 ) means ‘space’. Then, what is kyo ( 共 )? It means ‘common’. The precise meaning of kokyo-kukan ( 公 共 空 間 ) is public-common space, and not public space. Japanese cities haven’t had symbolic squares or main streets such as European cities (Okabe 2017). The traditional urban fabric of Japanese neighborhoods is characterized by a network of narrow alleys (Sand 2013). They are common spaces for neighbors rather than public spaces. They are regarded as public-common spaces.
Event and Temporal Urban Space structure Ached Hery Fuad
Doctor |UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA How do we reveal hidden structures within a complicated web of social
findings of the study indicate the occurrence of events within an event,
interactions? How can we explain the complex nexus of relationships in a
small units within a larger unit, and smaller units within a small unit,
public space? Here, I offered a different perspective on urban structures
as well as the identification of a hierarchy of actions in the events and
by using a multi-layer perspective to understand the structure of space
overlap among the events and units. These findings suggest an alternative
that emerges from the complex uses of spaces. I particularly benefit
way of understanding urban structure that differs from the previous
from the concept of nesting as the theoretical lens in our research. We
approach of modern urban planning and design.
use a popular urban leisure space in Jakarta as a case study: The Hotel Indonesia (HI) Roundabout during Car Free Day Sunday events. I revealed
In the case of the urban picnic at the CFD events at the HI Roundabout,
that within this particular event, there are nested smaller events. The
we can see that the nesting approach provides opportunities to reveal
nesting structure also demonstrates how events and activities overlap
the complexity of social activities in urban spaces. The nesting approach
within a single setting. The nesting approach provides us with a chance
shows the phenomena of the events nested within an event; the small
to seek an alternative structure for urban spaces.
units nested within a larger unit. We can also look at the differences among the events and units and see the relationships between the
Ideas about nesting were presented by Gibson (1986) with examples in
entities and units. The relationship is easy and infinite, with or without a
nature. He explained that valleys are nested in mountains, trees are nested
hierarchy, and sometimes overlapping. The nesting approach can reveal
in valleys. The smaller units are embedded in the larger units by what I
the structures nesting within the structure and depict the mechanism of
will call nesting (Gibson, 1986, p.9). Gibson also explained that nesting
the overlapping structures of the units. Therefore, it provides a chance to
appears on every level of the environment, which opens up the possibility
seek out alternative structures of urban spaces.
of a different perspective in studying our environment (Gibson, 1986). Gibson (1986) also wrote about nesting and hierarchy. He suggests that there is a hierarchy in nesting and units can take subordinate and superordinate roles and may also be transitional and overlapping. The research was conducted in the HI Roundabout, one of the most popular places in Jakarta. The HI Roundabout is surrounded by tall buildings with commercial functions such as shopping malls, offices, and hotels. Every Sunday from 6:00 to 11:00 a.m., this area is used for Car Free Day (CFD) events to provide an opportunity for Jakarta citizens to
fig1.Various events in the HI Roundabout
enjoy the urban space free of motor vehicles. We recorded the activities the visitors were doing and where, when, and how they used the urban space. Observations were carried out on a weekly basis to reveal the types of activities, the actors, and the places of activity. These data show patterns in the use of the space around the HI Roundabout by those attending the CFD events.
Figure 1 shows the setting of the HI Roundabout on a Sunday morning. The observation of the CFD event shows that events are occurring within the main event of CFD. People are performing various activities, such as
fig2.Small units within a larger unit
sports activities being conducted by teenagers, adults, and children. Some families go to the CFD event to relax and enjoy the atmosphere. Teenagers and communities often hold many attractions, campaigns, promotional events, and performances while selling food and other merchandise. The observation shows that there are events nested within the main event (Gibson,1986).
In CFD events, a variety of activities overlap in the space; they are interrelated and provide mutual support to each another. The main
28 Sensible High DenCity
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fig3.Overlaps among events
Designing for Passage Territories Kristanti Paramita
Master of Architecture |UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA My presentation in JKTWS 2018, titled Designing for Passage Territories,
The presentation follows by providing some design examples based on
addressed some important notes on design for a fluid and non-hierarchical
understanding of passage territories. Examples are a series of hubs inside
living spaces that can spans across spatial scales. The study that become
a high-density neighbourhood that appropriate areas destroyed by flood
the basis of this presentation is based on the field study of contested
and abandoned, and become the place for haphazard dumping by local
neighbourhoods in Jakarta that are at risk of evictions between 2015 to
dwellers. The hubs employ these spaces for collective disposal area, in
2016, some of them are Kampung Pulo and Manggarai neighbourhoods.
addition to other neglected neighbourhood needs such as playground and
The field study investigates how limited space and resources, along with
other shared space. These hubs bridge the gap of waste system that is
contestation brought by environmental disaster and threats of evictions
especially vulnerable in dense neighbourhood, allowing easier access for
bring alternative understanding of space. The presentation then provide
further organisation of household waste collection services. The presence
reflection how this alternative understanding of space can bring different
of playgrounds and other shared spaces also changes orientation of space
perspective of design.
and inhibit litters.
An important proposition of such perspective is looking at territories
Another example provided by this presentation is the design of
as made of passages. The notion of passages is borrowed from Richard
distribution and preparation center of street vendors inside a
Sennett (2006), which argues in his essay titled Open City, that we need
neighbourhood that is surrounded by temporary market. This proposition
to increasingly design based on passage territories, incomplete form
highlight traces of people, structure, goods left in the pedestrian
and unresolved narratives. The presentation annotates that different to
spaces from market activities well beyond the market’s trading hours.
traditional meaning of territory of living spaces as something bounded,
This proposition separates overlapping activities such as delivery and
created by proximity and compactness of required spaces; passage
preparation of goods from the trading area and therefore decrease
territories are something that is open and consist of dispersed options of
potential risk of such traces. It also employs connection between
spaces, with infrastructure as a process instead of a predetermined fixed
the street vendors and local neighbourhood dwellers to appropriate
neighbourhood space for trading purposes.
The presentation follows further by providing notes on steps required
In current discourses, design strategies in contested context tends
to take when designing a passage territor(ies). First, it highlights the
to isolate a ‘problem’ in the context, frequently leading to the act of
importance to construct a complete view of the overall territory instead of
removal and contributes to social fragmentation. The steps and design
the predefined ‘site’. The presentation recommends the act of tracing all
proposition outlined in this presentation demonstrate alternative design
movements of actors and highlight spaces occupied by them regardless of
methodologies based on the notion of passage territories. The steps
ownership, fleetingness and sizes. Understanding the extent of dispersal
aim to understand the overall context through connections between
and options of spaces that the actors have is important to construct
actors and spaces. It highlights dynamic of spaces and aims to acquire
their passages territories. The presentation discusses how such form of
a real time understanding of a context that is often hidden or blurred.
territories may also generate different definition and mechanism of space,
Such knowledge enables forms of design to takes place across spatial
using examples of two dwellings in Kampung Pulo and Manggarai.
scales, from dwelling to neighbourhood, and from neighbourhood spaces to public domain. In this sense, design proposition based on passage
The second step highlights the importance of understanding the
territories reveal hidden connections or highlight potential disconnections
temporality of passage territories. Temporality brings understanding
which are often ignored, expanding architectural design methodologies
of limits and cycles of occupying space, as spaces in passage territories
for contested context.
are often much more used in a fleeting way. Investigating temporality emphasises the movements and connections between actors, particularly in addressing their logistical needs. The third step enlisted in the presentation is related with the second step, which is to highlight traces left from occupation of space beyond its assigned temporalities. This step allows real understanding of space in real time, addressing breakdowns, overrun activities, or displaced by-products. This real time understanding of space brings potential for further interventions that are relevant and based on complexity of living practices.
one room and an open space with nearby community amenities.
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Practice 30-53
0. About JKTWS 2018
1. Inspectation&Pre-Survey
2. Survey&Hearing
3. Proposal
4. Construction
5. Celebration
6. After the wedding ceremony
52 31
0.About JKTWS2018 -Introduction-
Tactical Urban Wedding -What Bridges the SUPER MACRO and the SUPER MICRO?-
Local construction workshop on micro practice in informal residential area ‘Cikini’, located in the center of Jakarta. Chikini is a district where Okabe, a studio coordinator, has been using as a project field since 2011. We have practiced this short-term workshop everyear, while carrying out activities to construct shared facilities with the community. This workshop, with community, will carry out from planning, preparing and celebrating of a wedding party, of a former member of Cikini project as a practice of tactical urbanism. 1. Reconsider informality from wedding? Tactical urbanism is characterized by its tactics. With a tactic to question something to the society, it takes action on a specific site. The terms and conditions of this workshop are: 1) Using a wedding party as a tactic. 2) Question informality of residence. (One idea can be regarding ‘Water’) As you thinking about informal settlement issues, I would like you to design a wedding party as an effective tactic. 2. Why can wedding be a tactic It is the second time following 2016 to make wedding the subject of this workshop. The groom of 2016 was a former project member from the first communal facility project. We tried to think about informality by setting the parade route to bridge formal and informal. In order to raise a question socially, it is crucial to involve people from different backgrounds, and 2016 WS suggested that wedding is with tactical potential. 3. Informal residences as Tactical urbanism While urban designing and planning by the professional seeming to have shown its limit, tactical urbanism encourages local people to act for themselves to enrich their place. <Independence, activeness> are emphasized here. From this point of view, informal residential districts can be viewed as developed areas of the tactical urbanism practice. As a former project member in Cikini, Mr. Genta Sawai, the groom of this wedding party, investigated the water problems typical to informal districts, and designed and constructed a meeting facility and shared toilets. He investigated how the residents manage their wastewater on their own initiative in the absence of sewage infrastructure, although with problems of sanitation.
32 Sensible High DenCity
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site tour
Kickoff meeting
10 Local Session
Eve Party
Local Presentation
: Idea Working
: Construction
-SiteKampung Cikini is in the center of Jakarta. Kampung, in English â&#x20AC;&#x153;a villageâ&#x20AC;?, was swallowed into the city along the urbanization to form the informal residential district. While it suffers numerous problems, its location and the strong community ties are prefered by many. Can they keep their home here along with the strategy of the mega-city?
Local presentation Eve party venue
Site 2
Site 1
Site 3
Site 4 K
Celebration Site
Parade Route 33
1. Inspection&Pre-Survey We inspected 4 specific sites holding wedding party.These space are used as community space to gather garbage or parking lot...etc During this workshop, we designed these to celebrate the bride, the groom and their family and also to improve the living environment in Kampung Cikini.
Sept. 8-inspect 4 sites-
Sept. 9-pre-survey-
Kick-off meating
To join a meeting in RT
34 Sensible High DenCity
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2. Survey&Hearing We looked for the thing which could express the place appropriate for the wedding ceremony from an inquiry and the site investigation to inhabitants in Cikini. We repeated the esquisse with teachers and gradually brushed up a plan and changed it into the thing which had high feasibility.
Sept. 10/11-survey&hearing-
Finding Materials
Hearing to inhabitants in Cikini
3. Proposal
members Valdo Karya/Raynald Santika Fiona Alexandra Nizomi Rana Fitri Athaya/Achmad Soerio Hutomo Nisrina Nur Septriyani Mizuki Iseki Fen/Takehiro Okada This site is located at the start of the parade, and is one of the largest open spaces in the whole community. As we pursue the survey, we came to realize the rich possibility of the site. It was used as an extension to a personal residence, a gathering spot, and a playing field for children. A guardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shed, usually unused, was a physical infrastructure with a potential. However, the site has been taken up as a motorcycle parking. They are essential means of transportation where large vehicles and public services are unavailable. Although motorcycles presence is unavoidable, we found that they also have positive affordances, that it was used as a chair to sit on, or even a playground toy that children can play on. To maximize these potentials, we planned a small stairs that connected the shed to the center of the site. Paintings to celebrate the wedding was done on the shed and the stairs, creating a stage for bride and groom. Motorcycles that previously had occupied the site was rearranged around kembang kelapa, a Betawi wedding ornament, to be used as seats for the audience. These temporal interventions aims at two long term goals. By connecting the guardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shed and the site, the shed will be recognized as a part of the open space and utilized by the locals. This axis can also change the alignment of the motorcycles to leave the center vacant. Secondly, the idea that parked motorcycles can be included in open space composition, will be passed on in the community after the wedding ended.
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3. Proposal
Site 2 Final Presentation Board
Re-Design Re-Born members Muhammad Razaq Raudhi Hutari Maya Rianty/Ziqo Birgita /Dhanendra Prathama Dwik Ristanto/Haruko Dong Jingyao/So Nishimura This site is located in a place that can be called Cikiniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s entrance.There is a motorcycle repair hall next to the site, so parking a lot on the premises such as bikes waiting for repair. There is a chickenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meeting place on the far side of the site.In front of that there are plenty of plants on a tall shelf and there is a closed atmosphere. We thought that we could improve this site by utilizing what we had until now rather than creating something new on this premises. In other words, we thought that we could improve the environment of the premises by using only the materials that are available as much as possible and make a good shooting spot at the wedding ceremony. So I looked at the wooden box. Many wooden boxes are used in the market to bring fruits and grains. The wooden boxes are made by the farmers at the time of shipment, they are made roughly and the strength etc. varies greatly depending on the box. Residents in the area use wooden boxes as garbage boxes and luggage compartments, but many wooden boxes are thrown away. For that reason we will pick up the wooden box and reinforce it as a bench and plants shelf by applying appropriate reinforcement. And by arranging this arrangement various spaces are born. I divided the bike parking lot and the space chosen by the residents so that they could talk more safely or changed the space to open space by creating a space like the edge before the meeting place. We will create this box with local residents. And I ask local residents to know the convenience of this box and I hope that people in the area will devise newly and create various other ways of use.
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Tactics Concept
Throw Back Garbages Design Detail
Plant & Box
Street & Paint
Living things
Site Detail(M)
Cikini Campon(L)
There are many informal areas, Campon, in Jakarta. After WWII,
many people in rural areas come to Jakarta in order to get jobs and to RT05
RT04 2
Site 2
live. Now there are more than 5000
people in Cikini. Their works varies, but they support city needs.
RT15 RT01
At Wedding celemony, many girls will perform and take photos
RT13 RT14
RT16 K
A……Community Furniture
C……Community Engawa
B……Celebrating Board Location Before
3. Proposal
Site 3
Our site is located in the street which connects RT01, RT16
also in front of a local elementary school, which means the
many children and venders who targets mostly children as
If we change the order of staff (motorcicles, vende
make more space for something spetial
Site 3 is a small square in front of an elementary school in Cikini. Since elementary schools in Indonesia are generally separated in the morning for lower grades and in afternoon for upper grades, this square is always full of children. At the same time, street venders of snacks, lotteries also was gathering, targeting these children. When we conducted field survey, we were surprised by the number of children, but also surprised by a number of staff on the street which occupied most space of this small square. The width of this square was 4.9 m, however, these staff was occupying more than 4m, which means people only used 1m in the middle for passing by. So our idea was to make this space larger by organizing these things to show the spatial potential of this square. We wanted local people to get different impression about this small square that was always occupied by staff like motorbikes. We thought if we can do so, this place will be used for more fun events, not always, but sometimes.
What if we organize these staff....
So many stuff on the street...... Concept
members Annis Zarina Alfansi Hasya Lillah/Untari Meistuti Muhamad Rendy Abdillah Sabrina Rahma Atsuki Ryokawa/Fumiya Matsunaga Kaoruko Abe/Zhang Jie
The street was wider than we imagined befor
The patterns of using the space m
On Tuesday, we changed the way of parking more shaply to walls. And it actually looks better and we can use more spaces.
4900 4900
Wedding parade as an opportunity to
Perspecrive of Tactical U
-We show how this space has pot
-We show the patterns of ways to use th
Perspective of wedd
40 Sensible High DenCity
Megacity Design Studio Indonesia-Japan 2018
-We can organize the space to prepare
-We make special spaces for weddi
Site analysis
6, and RT14. It is
ere are always
and width of the street
s well.
and heights of walls. We also researched where staff from venders and neighbors, such as motorbikes and venders shops, street furniture so
Elementary school
that we grasp the current real situation.
Local people s story
We masure the length The street vendors categorized into 2types Fixed = local, house nearby Mobile = Gerobak / cart, outsiders Most motorcycles, that are parked in front of school, are owned by people from RT13/14. But few are from RT16. RW leader suggests it s better to move the motorcycles from that parking lot. The street vendors don t always open throughout the day; they are ollowing the school s schedule Some stuff (covered with teurpaline) are owned by the locals. Some vendors (that are fixed) are literally fixed, planted to the ground.
Our proposal
ers shops, furniture ...etc) we can
more efficiently.
0 show the potential here.
tencials for events.
his space more efficiently.
e for a wedding parade.
ing parade with kids.
3. Proposal
Site-4SITE4 Research
members Domic Vincent A.K/ Rizqy Mulya Alfiyanti Muhammad Iqbal/ Husni Fadhil Maulana Helga Sania Putri Masashi Sugiura Gong Xinjie Masatora Atarashi As the end of the route, site 4 is where the wedding ceremony takes place. It includes 3 spots—the road, the building MCK and a parking lot. Between MCK and the parking lot there is a garbage dump, so the site is very smelly. Sometimes people hold weddings and events on the parking lot. Some local people are worried about the quality of water provided in MCK because it is next to the garbage dump.Based on the current situation, we proposed 3 super macro targets—garbage, water and accessibility to organized public space. For the first 2 targets— garbage and water, we hope to take the wedding as an opportuni- ty to clean up the garbage dump and the surrounding, so that people’s impression of the site would be somehow different. First, we want to encourage people to use garbage bags. The site is smelly mostly because they always throw garbage directly into the dump, so we plan to make a cute trash can and encourage people to throw garbage into it. In addition, we intend to distribute good-looking garbage bags to local people and ask they to bring these bags back on the wedding day filled with garbage as invitations. Second, since consumption of bottled water in Jakarta is amazing, as an attempt to exploit the potential of garbage, we choose to make most of the wedding decorations with used bottles. About the last target, we believe that everyone has the right to get access to organized public space. Therefore, we take investigation about the current situation of the space , design and draw lines, and arrange the wedding scene using these lines.
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parade route
Bamboo hut
Garb As the end of the route, site 4 is where the wedding ceremony takes place. It is located on the edge of Kampung Cikini and belongs to RT11, including 3 spots̶the road, the building MCK and a parking lot. Between MCK and the parking lot there is a garbage dump.
Proposal Road
Before the wedding
THE ROAD: Cleaning MCK: Decoration PARKING LOT: Plan of the parking lot, Arrangement and decoration of the wedding scene.
Else: Distribute garbage bags as wedding invitations to local people. Make trash can and put it near to the garbage dump. Encourage people to throw garbage into the garbage bags instead of directly into the dump.
Garbage du
On the wedding Indonesian wedding custom̶Palang Pintu
Hearing Survey
bage dump
Local people are worried about the quality of water provided in MCK because it is next to the garbage dump, some said they don t want our project to attract too many people who don t buy their food, some expressed their concern that if we build something here the naughty children would break it, while most people seem to be satisfied with the current situation, they said that this parking lot is necessary for them because they need a place to park their cars.
Concept Super Macro Targets Based on the current situation, we proposed 3supermacro targets
①garbage ②water ③accessibility to organized public space
Super Micro Practice First, we intend to encourage people to use garbage bags. Second, we plan to make most of the wedding decorations with used bottles. Third, we want to design the usage of space on the parking lot, and arrange seats on the wedding day according to it.
Garbage dump Stage On the wedding
arade route
The groom stands on the road and proposes to the bride who stands on the 2nd floor of MCK. After that, the couple stand together on the 2nd floor of MCK, wave to the people and throw the flowers.
Stage garbage bags
used bottles
On the wedding People bring good-looking garbage bags filled with garbage as invitations and throw them into the garbage dump.
On the wedding Sizes of cars and hawkers parked here were measured too. Based on the survey, we decide to draw parallel lines 1m part from each other on part of the ground, and arrange the wedding scene using these lines, which includes the stage, the chairs for bride and groom and their parents, the long table for food, seats for guests and so on.
4. Construction
Our Proposal was Repainting the Kent and making axis using stairs.
The stair was designed using gabages collected from the site. Gabages were semented to woodboad. The construction itself seemed to inďŹ&#x201A;uence the alignment of motercycles too.
Repainting of the Kent obviously interested the local kids. We worked together to turn the hut into celebration colors of orange, yellow and green.
44 Sensible High DenCity
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4. Construction
Str u c tur e
B am boo
e nt
a tt i n
We a
vi n
Ma teri als
How to Make
ls ria e t a M ing n i mb Co
R elaxi
g B e n ch
ar d
b e le
n g Bl ac k b o ra t i
4. Construction
Experiment Experiment
Making furniture Making furniture for wedding
for wedding
Preparation Preparation
46 Sensible High DenCity
Megacity Design Studio Indonesia-Japan 2018
4. Construction
Used bottles collected by the locals, cleaned and cut into the upper part, body and bottom.
Cutting upper parts of bottles into flowers
Lotus made from the upper part of a bottle and painted
Painted flowers
Cutting bottles into lanterns
Stage of the wedding ceremony in construction, with the roof decorated with lanterns and the gated decorated with flowers, while both lanterns and flowers were made with used bottles.
Finished lanterns
(Upper) Groom and Bride standing on the stage (Down) 2nd floor of MCK, where the bride were proposed and the new couple waved to the people and throwed the flowers, with decorations made from used bottles,
5. Celebration
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Site 2
Site 1
Site 3 Site 4
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6.After the wedding ceremony
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My promise
Genta Sawai(groom)
The first time I visited Cikini was Feb 2013, it was also my first experience for me to visit foreign countries. I still remember that I was overwhelmed with the power of Cikini’s life. When I had got used to the life I recognized the event which is often held in the alley is the wedding ceremony and I encountered the ceremony about once a week in Cikini. In the beginning, the scene seemed a little bit strange for me because wedding ceremony in Japan often conducted in the specific place for wedding cerebration. However as I got used to the life in Cikini I became to feel the strong attraction to the wedding ceremony which is made by preparing tent, chairs, dishes and ornament by themselves. I had stayed in Cikini for one and half years totally. During the period, I asked by residences many times that I’ll hold wedding ceremony at Cikini and introduce my family to them and I promised it. In this year I visited Cikini for the first time in 2 years, and I was able to hold wedding party. Though I expected smaller scale event during the planning stage, finally magnificent event which involves whole area of Cikini was carried out. I was really surprised by it. The contents and stage which was made by students and residents were wonderful. Those expressed the attractiveness of Cikini fully. And parade which involved whole area of Cikini seemed very powerful event. Especially, I was deeply moved to see the parade being outside of kampong CIKINI and walking proudly around. My parents are also really moved by this wedding party. This wedding party has became a proud wedding for me that can not be experienced elsewhere. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who prepared in this wedding party. Especially, I’d like to express my gratitude to Okabe-sensei who gave me this opportunity.
Special place "Cikini"
Yuri Onuki(bride)
I’ve visited Jakarta in 2013,September for a workshop (UI & Okabe lab). At that time, I was surprised by the density and quantity of people. But people in Cikini were vety kind. First time I heard about this wedding plan, Although it is not common in Japan, I thought it was very interesting. Probably because I knew that Cikini is a nice place. so I didn’t have big worries about having a party in Cikini. Five years have passed since last visit. I was worried that people and town changed. We arrived at Jakarta in 13 September. The way from the airport to Cikini, Jakarta seemed to become clean. But when we stepped into Cikini, there were people who didn’t change and smile to us heartily. I am extremely grateful for teachers and students to be pleased to work hard for the party. Despite limited time, materials and power, you made nice venues. The stairs where various materials were put in the concrete was beautiful. When I found a message on the blackboard I was happy and smiled. A picture of we pass through curtains with straws appeared in “Kompass(a popular newspaper in Indonesia)”. The decorations using PET bottles that were in the party venue were also beautiful. It was a nice photo spot. When children showed off dance and songs, I was about to cry a little more. It was a pleasure to celebrate what each person can do. My family and friends also said they enjoyed this party. We were celebrated a lot and I wondered if there is nothing to be celebrated by so many people from now on. Cikini and Jakarta are special places for me. If we have children, I want to take them to there. Possibly, the city will change but I hope people who have warm hearts and nice smiles will not change.
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Epilogue 54-61
Review of JKTWS 2018
Making-Place; Non-ordinary or Ordinary? Tomohiko Amemiya The Hidden Resources
Hajime Ishikawa Credit
Making-Place; Non-ordinary or Ordinary? Tomohiko Amemiya Architect | R/URBAN DESIGN OFFICE Exploring a strong skeleton that allows free adaptation
Wedding parade walked in the informal settlement (fig.3). Sometimes it
It has already been eight years since we started involved in environmental
jumped out to the main road. People surrounded the parade and blessed
improvement project at Kampong Cikini in Jakarta. Until now, we have
the bride and groom. We created a small construction on the roadside of
done various student workshops and designed small buildings in such
the parade at this year's workshop. Then, the things that were juxtaposed
densely built environment as a field. At the root of those activities, there
flat were suddenly positioned in the dynasty of the festival. The slowly
was always the theme of how to propose a "strong skeleton" that allows
moving wedding parade changed everything along the roadside to
residents' free adaptation while guaranteeing their prosperous life in
"something special" and made it shine. A powerful and ceremonious
Kampong for the future. While being fascinated by the charm of Kampong
formal event “wedding parade” changed the meaning and relationship of
that shows different expressions every time we visit, we continue
things only for that moment.
searching for "something" that will not be buried in its daily life.
It is an event that you may call “Place-Making” for just that moment. But on the other hand, we will have to think about the “Places” when
Mosque buried in the ordinary life in kampong
we return to everyday after the temporary festival have passed. In that
We have been making a proposal to renovate the mosque in Kampong
sense, I think that there was no work in the workshop that could have the
Cikini since this spring, though it is not an exaggeration to say that
impact for Place-Making after the wedding parade. From the moment the
we propose it almost without permission. Each RT (community unit
parade passed, most of them were buried in everyday space, or just left
consisting of 50 to 100 houses) in Kampong has a small mosque between
emptiness or discomfort of "after the festival*" without being able to join
the densely built environment. These Kampong mosques are completely
the everyday space (even such discomfort might be just dailyized in the
different in space from the huge mosque we usually visit in sightseeing.
strong bricolage system of Kampong). Is it impossible to expect that we
Among the limited conditions, it seems difficult to adopt a formal style
could propose something as an “infrastructure” that supports the richness
of the mosque's space (rectangle plan, “mihrab” facing Mecca's direction,
of the everyday life of Kampong "after the festival"?
etc.), and it can be said that Kampong mosque is forcibly created
In other words, it is nothing other than responding to both the
reflecting to the shape of existing site (fig.1). While religious meaning
overwhelming sense of festival in wedding and the overwhelming
remains in limited decorative elements, the most part of mosques are
everyday nature of Kampong. Perhaps such a thing may not exist. But this
buried and assimilated in everyday objects. Kampong is made of objects
year's workshop taught me that continuing to think about such things is
whose original meaning and usage are lost (bricolage was the theme in
necessary to design the informal settlement of tomorrow.
last workshop). Plastic bottles become potted plant, and drainage pipes become instruments. In addition, a variety of painting are covering over
*note; “After the festival ( 祭りのあと )” is a famous Japanese idiom expressing
the things in a way that is totally different from the classification of
the feeling of collapse awakened from excitement after the festival ended.
the elements that constitute the built environment. The meaning of the element has been deprived, and a flat space where everything is nonhierarchically juxtaposed has spread. However, the circumstances change completely at the event where large people gather. “Sajjāda” is laid not only in the mosque but also on the ordinary alley, which is transformed into the place of worship immediately. Just by temporarily setting the extremely small formal element “Sajjāda”, the formal space is created in a blink of an eye. I was surprised at the vividness of the transformation because most parts are routinely made (fig.2).
Place-Making by Wedding Parade This year's workshop "Tactical Urban Wedding" gave me a chance to think about the relationship between temporary formal event and “things” again. It is a kind of moving event that the wedding parade creates a temporary festival space, just like “Sajjāda” created a temporary worship space.
56 Sensible High DenCity
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fig1.Mosque in Kampong Cikini
fig2.Temporary worship space on ordinary alley
fig3.Wedding parade
The Hidden Resources Hajime Ishikawa Professor, Landscape Arhitect | Keio University
"The Tactical Urban Wedding" was the theme of this workshop.
various scales of urban infrastructure and connects urban roads and
As we had two years ago, with the fortune that there is a couple doing a
alleys. Through the preparation work of the wedding, we noticed this
wedding ceremony here, we attempted to improve some circumstances
meaning and rolls of the bikes.
by throwing a festival into the high density urban informal community. On the day of wedding, we have witnessed Kampong street changed its The wedding was planned as a festival of movement around Kampong.
landscape into a festival place. The temporary equipment the student
The ceremony started from a RT plaza, parading around Kampong, then
team prepared and installed worked as intended, but along with that, the
the reception was held in a tent installed at a parking lot along the road.
street and alley itself served as the stage for the wedding parade.
Students made benches, gates and stairs at the corner of the street or alley to receipt the parade for for photographs.
A festival like a wedding ceremonies are made by many conventions and traditional rules. People who belong to that culture are aware of such
The effect expected of such a short-term intensive workshop is to derive
conventions beforehand and act according to the rules. Each act has a
the hidden characteristics and attraction of the place. Especially, a
cultural meaning. It is the essence of the ritual to trace the promised
wedding is an easy-to-understand festival, aimed at residents themselves
menus and routines without thinking the reasons deeply.
to discover the potential possibilities of the place by causing unusual circumstances in the urban land.
The streets were overflowing with residents of Kampong. The residents were happily performing the procedure of a wedding. From the technic of
What we found out is that there are already abundant resources in this
sacrificing the goat of the day before to the reception, and to the karaoke
area, and it spews out by some trigger event.
singing, residents properly took out the ceremonial rituals that can not be seen in everyday life. Kampong stores the festival ritual resources in it.
One example is a small square occupied with motorbikes. Since the dispatch service such as GoJEK had got popular recently, the 125cc class small motorcycle has become an important tool around Kampong, not only for transportation but for the business tool for young residents. Yet, seeing motorbikes parked on a sidewalk or square, we often regard it as damaging the landscape and interfere with the activities of the original plaza, such as the children play or neighborhood communication. Students who participated this time also had a similar idea. One of the proposal was made to redeploy the parking bike that occupied the small square on the route of the wedding into the shape of flower petal to change the square into a temporary festival space.
It was not a bad idea as a temporary landscape design. However, once we visited the plaza, we saw the residence had been using already those bikes more than we expected. The parked bikes were utilized like outdoor furniture. Some of the bikes parked in the plaza are used like one badminton net, the other children sitting on the bicycle seat as outdoor benches. Surrounding these children, adults in the neighbor were chatting.
Small motor bikes are highly versatile mobility. It is a "traffic machine" that travels at speeds equal to those of trucks and cars on Jakarta's main streets and highways, but also the bikes squeeze into a small alley with a width of less than 1 meter. Jakarta motorbike is a medium that crosses
58 Sensible High DenCity
Megacity Design Studio Indonesia-Japan 2018
The wedding ceremony had withdraw and visualized the potential.
Photo by Hajime Ishikawa
Credit UI Workshop Coordinators Evawani Ellisa
UT Workshop Coordinators Akiko Okabe
Students Participants Indonesia: Achmad Soerio Hutomo Annis Zarina Alfansi Birgita
Dhanendra Prathama
Tomohiko Amemiya
Dominic Vincent A.K.
Workshop + Symposium Manager (Students)
Dwiki Ristanto Hasya Lillah
Mizuki Iseki
Helga Sania Putri
Dominic Vincent A.K.
Husni Fadhil Maulana
Hutari Maya Rianty
Haruko Sugimoto
Rizqy Mulya Alfiyanti
Rizqy Mulya Alfiyanti
Booklet authors (Based on Order of Publication) Akiko Okabe
Muhammad Iqbal
Muhammad Razaq Raudhi Muhamad Rendy Abdillah Nisrina Nur Septriyani
Hajime Ishikawa
Rana Fitri Athaya
Tomohiko Amemiya
Raynald Santika
Evawani Ellisa
Sabrina Rahma
Achmad Hery Fuad
Untari Meistuti
Kristanti Dewi Paramita
Valdo Karya
Sawai Genta Yuri Onuki
Yasuyuki Fukuda
Speakers, Discussant, Moderator Symposium : SPONTANEOUS PLACE MAKING
Atsuki Ryokawa
Dong Jingyao
Fumiya Matsunaga
Evawani Ellisa (Universitas Indonesia)
Gen Kikukawa
Hajime Ishikawa (Keio University)
Haruko Sugimoto
Kristanti Dewi Paramita, S.Ars,M.A. (Universitas Indonesia)
Masashi Sugiura
Muhammad Rizqi (Universitas Indonesia)
Mizuki Iseki
Akiko Okabe (The University of Tokyo)
Gong Xinjie
Dr.Ir.. Achmad Hery Fuad,M.Eng. (Universitas Indonesia)
Kaoruko Abe
Amira Paramitha (Universitas Indonesia)
Masatora Atarashi
Organizer (Universities) The University of Tokyo
So Nishimura
Takehiro Okada Zhang Jie
Universitas Indonesia Keio University
Wedding Couple and Family Genta Sawai
Special Thanks Muhammad Rizqi Shaflian Islami
retary of RW 01
Yuri Onuki
Parents of Genta Sawai
All of Pak RT in RW 01
Parents of Yuri Onuki
Housewives Community at RT 7
Local people of Kampung Cikini, Yasuyuki Fukuda
60 Sensible High DenCity
Megacity Design Studio Indonesia-Japan 2018
Published in Japan on February 1st, 2019 Megacity Design Lab + Okabe Laboratory Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwashi, Chiba-ken 277-8561 Authors: Megacity Design Lab Editor: Akiko OKABE, Tomohiko AMEMIYA Photo: NUWALARUPA[P.6,7,8], Workshop Participants, Professors Design: Yasuyuki FUKUDA Š 2019 by Megacity Design Lab + Okabe Laboratory All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the copy right holders. 2019 Printed in Japan
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
Graduate School of Media and Governance, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University