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- 2012 - 02 99 35 56 20 - Photos : Caroline Ablain, Michel Ogier, Didier Gouray, Guillaume Prié, Pôle Images & réseaux.

Rennes Metropolitan District

Capital to Brittany


Brest St-Brieuc


Quimper Vannes

Rennes Metropolitan District

Capital to Brittany 654,500 inhabitants, 35% of them under 25 years in age

(eleventh largest urban conurbation in France and third highest rate of population growth) 29,478 business establishments 302,000 jobs reported (fifth largest employment pool in France, one in four jobs Breton) unemployment two per cent below the national average Rennes has the third highest GDP of French cities



ateway to Brittany and also its capital, Rennes is a truly European metropolis in which to live and do business. On the human scale, our city has just the right balance between town and country, in wonderful surroundings.

With a pool of innovative businesses, excellent universities and colleges, Rennes is one of France’s most dynamic cities. Renowned for its living standards, 45 minutes from the sea and soon to be linked by rail to Paris in 1 hour 27 minutes, our city now has a population of 405,000 and an unprecedented population growth rate, with more than 30,000 new residents expected between now and 2030. The EuroRennes strategic project, major urban and economic challenges, the ViaSilva Eco-City, development potential in the immediate vicinity of the Rennes Atalante Science park, easier mobility with the arrival of the second metro line: these are some of the concerns for our area’s future. Rennes Metropolitan District is currently focussed on several key priorities including higher education and research as well as the beauty and appeal of our region. In the roll call of European cities, Rennes is a welcoming, modern and innovative metropolis, valuing quality of life and the talents of tomorrow. Daniel Delaveau President of Rennes Metropolitan District Mayor of Rennes

e di t o ri al



multimodal transport hub


ateway to Brittany, Rennes is one of the best connected cities in the country It is at the heart of an efficient network of rail and motorway routes.

Brittany’s capital will be even more accessible with the opening of the high speed Brittany - Pays de la Loire line in 2016 (182 km of new track and an investment of €3.4 billion). Rennes will then be less than 1½ hours away from Paris and its European transport networks, a time saving of 37 minutes. By 2018, 128,000 passengers daily (double today’s figure) will be using a brand new station served by two metro lines. With its choice of the Siemens Cityval, Rennes Metropolitan District will be the first city in the world to be equipped with the latest generation driverless metro system. The estimated investment is more than one billion euros. Rennes Metropolitan District is determined to consolidate its role as a regional economic capital and position itself on the European chessboard of important cities. The future Grand Ouest airport, combined with the proposed fast rail link between Rennes and Nantes will also help to anchor the Rennes conurbation in the international travel networks.

A new Metro line by 2018 100 million journeys across the network by 2020

An international airport for Western France by 2017 Plans for 4 million passengers

Rennes to Paris in 1 hour 27 minutes by 2016 A time saving of 37 minutes


urban horizons


ith the extension of the high speed rail link, Rennes will be only 1 hour 27 minutes away from Paris by 2016, compared to 2 hours 3 minutes today. EuroRennes has its part to play in this development.

Directly linked to all public transport (high speed rail, metro, subway, intercity and local bus networks), the EuroRennes will be the best served sector of its kind in Brittany. Based around a modern, efficient railway station, EuroRennes will establish itself from the outset as a place of functional diversity and social interaction, combining the functions of a multimodal exchange hub and a major economic centre. The project management for this ambitious urban development has been entrusted to the FGP team, Jacques Ferrier, Philippe Gazeau and Louis Paillard, whose ambition is to make EuroRennes a major emblematic city of tomorrow. Built over 270,000 m², EuroRennes will accommodate tertiary activities (in office buildings of 5,000 to 7,000 m²), services (3 and 4 star hotels, shops, restaurants, etc.), and housing. Objective: to attract between 120 and 170 new businesses. EuroRennes is also close to major cultural facilities (the Champs Libres, the Gaumont Multiplex cinema and the Liberté concert hall) and will be linked to the Jacobins Convent, the future convention centre for Rennes.

An ambitious programme 160,000 m² of office space 20,000 m² of retail space 65,000 m² for housings

A destination for investors Marketing : from 2012/2013

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A strong architectural signature a permanent place of activity and innovation


business destination


o enhance its attraction as a place for business meetings, Rennes has chosen a city centre heritage site for its future convention centre, the Jacobins Convent.

Listed as a historical monument in 1991, this important thirteenth century building has been witness to the political, intellectual and religious life of Brittany. In deciding to restore it and use it as for congresses, Rennes Metropolitan District is embarking on a strategy of differentiation in a highly competitive European market. Mission statement: to attract more than one hundred new major events a year. To meet this challenge, the architectural project stresses both the symbolism and functionality of the site. The heritage dimension has been carefully assessed and the facilities tastefully integrated. The final result is a combination of elegant architecture and contemporary spaces. With its brightness, flexibility, fluidity, large exhibition and relaxation areas, and proximity to the metro and the train station, everything has been designed to meet the requirements of an efficient convention centre, with an estimated annual economic return of some 20 million euros. Investment: 84 million euros. In parallel with the convention centre, the Rennes hotel district will grow in strength and range of choice. Plans for a hotel of international standard could also come to fruition at the site of the Palais Saint-Georges, another of the city’s heritage buildings.

13,000 m² for professional gatherings

A convention centre for 2016

on a historic site in the heart of the city

Labtop /Jean Guervilly

• 2 auditoriums with 1000 and 300 seats respectively • a 500-seat open-plan conference hall • 20 meeting rooms

Christian Devillers Architecte



sustainable city

Another emblematic project sited within the ring road is the Courrouze. By 2020, the 115 hectares of this new district will be home to 4,800 housing units, a population of 10,000 and more than 3,000 jobs. The Parc des Dominos already houses the new headquarters of Crédit Agricole of Ille-et-Vilaine and the Legendre group. The offices of the Prefecture and the Regional Council of Brittany will be installed there later. Conceived as a stimulating and innovative life space by the Secchi-Vigano team of architects, the Courrouze will eventually be linked by the second metro line to EuroRennes and the ViaSilva 2040 district.

ViaSilva 2040 an exemplary urban model

Christian Devillers Architecte

The latest major urban development in the heart of a conurbation (560 hectares), ViaSilva 2040 is designed as a laboratory for the city of tomorrow. Comprising 6 districts, each of them divided into macro islands, the site will be able to accommodate 40,000 residents and 25,000 jobs by 2040. Urban diversity, mixed infrastructure, preservation of the natural environment, low carbon emission mobility and efficient energy performance of buildings are essential components of the project, designed by the urban planner Christian Devillers.

Christian Devillers Architecte

ignatory to the Aalborg Charter, uniting European cities committed to sustainable development, Rennes is often praised for the success of its land management policy and its commitment to controlling energy demands. The city’s zeal in safeguarding green belts, the creation of an “accessible city” in favour of modes of transport other than the private car and the European Cit’ergie and EcoCity labels from the ViaSilva 2040 initiative are all proof of this success story.

Christian Devillers Architecte

A pilot eco-district for France

Christian Devillers Architecte

The Courrouze.




or more than 25 years, with the creation of the Rennes Atalante Science park, Rennes Metropolitan District has demonstrated its ability to anticipate society’s future needs and to develop of new modes of consumption and travel. To stay in the first league of creative and innovative cities, Rennes Metropolitan District succeeds in combining the skills of a wide network of cross-sector partners and innovators. Tests and trial projects have been launched concerning food, the habitat of tomorrow (in the field of home maintenance), future vehicles (electrically powered, embedded electronic systems, laser welding techniques and composite materials). A number of experiments have been developed with industry and SMEs in the region, in the search for new economic models. Some of the successful outcomes can be seen nationally.

The culinary engineering platform: commencing 2013 A place for forward thinking and culinary innovation, bringing together partners in the agri-food sector

Rennes, pioneer of low-carbon emission mobility

A major experiment in the use of electric vehicles conducted in partnership with PSA

At the dawn of a third wave of innovations, the issue is size. This is about making the region a privileged place for an all-encompassing form of progress and strengthening the key sectors of the economy, primarily cars, agri-food and biotechnology, and promoting the emergence of growth sectors for employment. To meet the challenge of creativity, our region also looks forward to the construction of the Cité Internationale in early 2015. Bringing in foreign researchers and senior graduates, this 5,700 m² centre, which will also house the headquarters of the European University of Brittany, will strengthen international scientific cooperation.

The Cité internationale A tool for international scientific exchange Opening 2015

Hérault Arnod Architectes

Périphériques Architectes

The Biopôle, 2,500 m² dedicated to the life sciences and young, cuttingedge businesses Opening at the end of 2013


digital convergence


s the centre of the Images et RĂŠseaux cluster, Rennes is at the forefront of digital technology convergence. All the links in the value chain - networks, content, services and applications - come together in Rennes.

The Breton digital ecosystem 44,000 jobs 650 businesses 15,000 researchers

The Breton capital brings together many of the big names of French manufacturing and research (Orange, Technicolor, Alcatel-Lucent and others) and a dynamic network of innovative SMEs. Established for many years, these players form a dynamic ecosystem, capable of attracting the talent and ideas needed to promote new projects and business opportunities.. The B-Com project of the Technology Research Institute has been demonstrating and optimising the interactions at work in our region. This project, structuring on the future of networks and content, could lead to the eventual creation 3,000 new jobs in our region, as well as a 6,000 m² construction project. Today, everything is in place for Rennes to create the right environment to lead in digital innovation and to develop new services and applications for the digital technology community. An open network of more than 500 km of optical fibre cable connects the business parks and all the towns in our region. Rennes Metropolitan District was also the first local authority in France to release an open data platform and thus generate a free-flow of innovative applications in all types of digital media. Large organisations, web entrepreneurs, research laboratories, universities and user communities all converge on Rennes to explore alternative technologies as well as new artistic and cultural convergences.

Unique expertise

in ultra high speed networks, in ultra high-deďŹ nition imaging, 3D, virtual and augmented reality projects







Ambition: to be the world leader in immersion and hyperconnectivity technologies

Capital to Brittany Rennes

Hôtel de Rennes Métropole 4 avenue Henri Fréville - CS 20723 35207 Rennes Cédex 2 Paris Direction du Développement Economique Phone. +33 (0)2 99 86 64 40 - Fax. +33 (0)2 99 86 64 31


- 2012 - 02 99 35 56 20 - Photos : Caroline Ablain, Michel Ogier, Didier Gouray, Guillaume Prié, Pôle Images & réseaux.

Rennes Metropolitan District

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