Yiran Tao 869650 Earthbook

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A R C H IT EC T U R E D ES IGN S TU D IO: E A R TH S 1, 2017 S U B JE C T S TU D E N T B OOK Yiran Tao

869650 Toby Charles Dean





CONT ENT S 1 .0 1 .1 1 .2 1 .3

T HREE REL AT IONSH IP S Po in ts/ L in e s/ Pla n e M a ss F r a m e & In fill

2 .0 2 .1 2 .2 2 .3 2 .4

HERRING ISL AND: A PLA C E FOR K EE P IN G SE C R E TS Site An a lysis Co n ce p t De sig n Co n ce p t De ve lo p m e nt F in a l De sig n

3 .0 REF L ECT ION 3 .1 F e e d b a ck 3 .2 F u r th e r De ve lo p m e n t 4 .0 BIBL IOGRAPHY 5


1. 0 THRE E R E L AT I O N S H I P S 1. 1 P oint s / L i n e s / P l a n e 1. 2 Mas s 1. 3 Frame & I n f i l l


1. 1 P oi nts/ L i n e s / P l a n e Brief Design a combination of levels, possibly with some slopes that explore ways of defining ground-related space, by using the progression of point to line to plane, andby analogy, from standing to sitting to lying down. No part of the composition should be higher than a seat. Make it out of cardboard and some balsa sticks. Work directly on the model, with no preliminary drawing. Work at scale 1:50.The site could be anywhere: or rather, the site is the baseboard for the model, which you should establish first. Come to the first session for this exercise with the baseboard already cut, with card and balsa, glue and cutting equipment.



LINES When points move vertically, the moving tracs create lines.


LIN When points mo the moving trac

NES ove horizontally, cs create lines.

PLANES All the ends of vertical lines connect with other which create endless planes.

PLANES All horizontal lines create a surface.




Fi nal M o d e l

Its name is fasciation. The design language of the work is points lines and planes. The model is built on semi underground. On the middle of the circle, there is a circle. It is a point and an origin as well. Everything starts from points. Just like that everything spring into life. And then many lines grow from semi underground in vertical direction. These lines are in different height. And then these lines extend freely in horizontal direction. They are growing and flowing in chaos. When everything freezes, here comes sequence. Lines arranged themselves in rhythm. End points of these lines connected with the end points next it. Finally, they become a wave line. A hook face is enclosed by the ring curve line and reticular lines. Points, lines and planes are shown in the model clearly. It looks just like a kinds scrubby plants. The concept of my work is growing from the earth and it uses a nature form. I think point, lines and planes are the most common language in the nature and plants is closest to the earth. In nature form, points often exists as origins such as the seed of plants. lines often exists as frame suck us stem and veins. And planes exists as surfaces, such as foliage. I think the form can have great interaction with the earth.


1. 2 M a s s Brief thru the solid ground with spaces carved out of it, or in it. Include an access space from above the ground, or the ground surface, and design two spaces: one DARK and interesting to touch and feel your way around, and one which uses LIGHT in an interesting way. Use charcoal, or fat black pens on cartridge paper and tracing paper. Use the cartridge drawing as the main or controlling section, and the trctions if they are required. Draw at 1:50, which probably means A3 sheets minimum.


Klein Bottle


In mathematics a non-orientab manifold again normal vector c formally, it is a upon, could be while flipping th ed non-orienta and the real pr


Spiral Stair


s, the Klein bottle is an example of ble surface; it is a two-dimensional nst which a system for determining a cannot be consistently defined. Inone-sided surface which, if traveled e followed back to the point of origin he traveler upside down. Other relatable objects include the Mรถbius strip rojective plane.


Pr evi ous Wo r k


F in al Dr aw i ng They are two inverse trapeziums. On the left picture, light is gathered and disappear in the hole. On the other picture, nature light is leaked out from the small hole and disperse to the space. I want to enrich the spatial experience, so i combined two kinds of feelings. (left figure)


It is a u-shape space. It has two entrances. Two entrances are in two different form. From the view of the earth, the space is arranged underground. Nature light could be designed to emphasize the feeling of walking into earth. When people walk down from the left entrance, first they are in bright environment, then they are attacked by unknown dark and step down the stair. The space around them become smaller and smaller. Finally, they reach the dark bottom of the space. In the darkness, they can see a subtle shimmer. Walking directly to the light, the light is leaked from the right entrance. The right part is smooth, people can only slide down but cant climb up. If people slide down from the right entrance, they can stay at this part to feel a beam of light spreads towards the center of earth. Then, they can slide down and step up the stairs. In their way to climb up, their world become brighter and the view of ground appear in their eyes. (right figure)



1.3 Frame & Infill

MAKE A STRUCTURE / COMPOSITION which stands above cuses views out of it, and which shows this quality through its

e ground, possibly into the air, and which fos form.Stairs, steps need only be indicative.


Pre c e dents There are three levels in the model. The concept of the model is burst, which use the elements of geometry and creste the physical condition to leak light. 28



Final D esign C oncept The model is combined by frame and infll. The frame is made of woodern triangle which is the core concept of the design. It come from the roots and branches of trees. The above part of infill is made of transparent glass and the bottom part is made of translucent glass. It comes from the dense crown of trees.


Fin al M odel Frame is not just somthing to support infill and infill is not something to contain human any more in modern architecture. Architecture is about experience. The deisgn creates a sense of forest. When people walk past the pavilion, sunshine rests upon human’s body through translucent glass just like sunlight through the gap of leaves in the forest. Keeping stepping on, they can access the infill part to sleep, relax, read or anything they want. There is stair up to the top of the pavilion. When some body walking on the transparent glass, they may feel that they are walking on the root of trees in the centre of the earth.




2 .0 HERRING IS LA N D : A PL ACE F OR K EE P IN G SE C R E TS Conceptacle is a w or d c oi ned by ar c hi tec t N i gel Wes tbr o ok in M elbour ne i n the 1970s , as a c ontr ac ti on of ‘ r e ceptacle for con c epts ’ . Al though he m eant i t to des c r i be full- size ar chitec tur e, for thi s pr oj ec t, ‘ c onc eptac l e’ i s m eant to be a s m al l obj ec t, a m odel i n ev er y s ens e of the idea, a m odel w hi c h s ets out the c om pos i ti on i n the m os t diagr am m atic way, and w hi c h then ac ts as a k i nd of r efer ence point while w or k i ng thr ough the des i gn dev el opm ent stages of the pr oj ec t. Your c onc eptac l e s houl d m odel how the thr ee zones r el ate, and c oul d do thi s thr ough di ffer ent for m s and mater i al s . Sc al e m ay not be c r uc i al .M ak e the conceptacle s o that i t eas i l y s i ts i n the pal m of y our hand 35

2. 1 S i te Ana l y s i s Herring island is an isolated island in River Yurra. It is covered by dense vegetation. Along the river, there are some roads. Residense are near these road. Road and water make the island noisy. The center of the island is quiet outside. There is only one entrance for the island. People take ship from ferry and arrive at the other ferry opposite the departure ferry. Walking along the muddy path, there are some wood curves, stone sculpture and a gallery. There is only one toilet in the island, without disabled toilet. In the center of of it, there is a heart shape turf without trees. The topography of the island is undulant. Drains only exist on the paths.

Pavilion Site 36


2 .2 Co n c e p t De s ig n



B ar-Ty pe P a v i l i o n


Concept M o d e l

U nderground turnnel

R epetati on col umns

Impossi bl e structure 41

2. 3 Concept D e v e l o p m e n t



2. 4 Fi nal De s i g n

Site Plan



Generat rix

There are six entrances in the pavilion. Not every stair leads to exits. If people choose the false entrances and stairs, they may go back to bottom part of the pavilion and choose another ways. 45

El evati on



Secti on P ers t e c t i v e It is a four floor pavilion consist of three stairs. Two floors are above the earth and two floors are under the earth. There are six entrances with three above the earth and three below the earth. The pavilion could be entered by the under ground turnnel and walking through the narrow walkways.


49 49

I nt e r i o r E x p e r i e n c e There are lots of columns on the stairs. people will not have the same view wherever they stand. With the moving of sun, the interior experience will change by light.




Final Model





3.0 R EF L EC T ION 3.1 F eedbac k There is no strong connect between the pavilion and earth. How does secrets are represented in the pavilion? Why the pavilion is located on the top of the island? There is no public service in the pavilion such as disable toilet and recording room.


3. 2 Fur ther D e v e l o p m e n t Making landscape model by mdf instead of plain foam. Making full use of underground part to strength the connection with the earth. Adding some functional rooms ro keep secrets. Enhancing the skill of rendering and hand drawing.


4. 0 BI BLI O GR A P H Y https://au.pinterest.com/pin/820429257087791927/ https://au.pinterest.com/pin/820429257087758043/ https://au.pinterest.com/pin/538813542901732116/ https://au.pinterest.com/pin/820429257087894427/ https://au.pinterest.com/pin/820429257087831127/ https://au.pinterest.com/pin/820429257088340012/ http://www.nadaulavergne.com/ https://www.behance.net/gallery/Impossible-Figures/10921891


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