Palliative Care Service Easing suffering in advanced illness In the face of advanced illness which has been treated to the best of medical ability, something more can always be done to improve the patient’s quality of life. Palliative care provides holistic management of patients and their symptoms even when the underlying disease cannot be cured. The main goals are to relieve pain, suffering and other discomfort, and to help the patient cope with the progression of a serious, life-threatening disease. Palliative care aims to alleviate social, physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual or intellectual problems arising from failing health. What does the service offer? Our Palliative Care Team consists of physicians, specialist nurses, medical social workers, pharmacists and dietitians working closely together to oversee and assist in the management of a terminal illness for you and your
loved ones. After an initial assessment, we assist in drawing up a comprehensive palliative care plan that provides you and your family with full support and the necessary services to maintain your comfort and well-being.
How does the service help? We recognise that facing a lifethreatening or incurable condition is traumatic for patients and loved ones. We aim to journey with you, and assist you in achieving and maintaining your maximum potential, however limited this may be, for as long as possible.