Rectal Prolapse
Rectum Prolapse
What is a rectal prolapse?
A rectal prolapse is a condition in which the rectum sticks out of the anus. While the condition occurs in both sexes, it is more common in women.

What are the symptoms of a rectal prolapse?
• Leakage of stool or mucus from the anus
• A lump coming out from the anus when you pass motion
What causes a rectal prolapse?
• The supporting tissues of the pelvic floor can become stretched and lax with repeated straining
• Supporting tissues may also weaken during the process of giving birth
• Generalised failure of the pelvic floor
How is rectal prolapse diagnosed?
Your doctor will ask you to do a series of tests and examinations.
These might include you pushing down as if you are having a bowel movement. These tests might appear to be undignified but they are helpful in diagnosing how extensive your prolapse is and how best to manage it.
An x-ray might be taken if the rectal prolapse is hidden or on the inside. A white paste will be inserted up your anus and an x-ray will be taken as you squat and pass the paste out. Alternatively, another test called a dynamic MRI may be performed. It is similar to the previous test, but you are lying down.
How is rectal prolapse treated? A minor prolapse can be treated and managed with laxatives. Avoiding straining to pass stool can also help. For major prolapses, surgery may be required.
Surgery can be performed in two ways:
• From the bottom end (perineal approach)
• From the abdomen (abdominal approach)
If this is the best option for you, your surgeon will explain the type of surgery in more detail to you.