Duct Ectasia

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Duct Ectasia Women’s Clinic

What is duct ectasia? The breasts are made up of lobules (milk-producing glands) and ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple), which are surrounded by fatty tissues and supportive tissues. As women reach menopause stage and the breast ages, the ducts behind the nipple gets shorter and wider. This process is called ectasia. It is a normal progress in breast change and there is no cause for concern.

Sometimes secretion may collect in the widened ducts and their lining can become irritated. It is also possible for the lining to become ulcerated and painful though this is not common. This condition, which is benign (non-cancerous), is called duct ectasia. Duct estasia can also result in discharge from the nipple, which is usually thick and viscous but may

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