TAN_YI_812975_Part A

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TAN YI 812975 1








My name is Yi Tan. I am currently studing at The University of Melbourne where I am in my second year of the Bachelor of Environments, majoring in architecture. I was born in China and I decided to come to Australia to gain a higher education when I was 17. In that time, I was in high school and I did not have any idea about what kind of job that I could do and enjoy throughout my whole life. Later, I got a chance to travel to Europe and during this journey I was deeply impressed by the charm of architecture. I came to realize that it might be a good choice to study architecture that I would definitely enjoy. Architecture involves imagination, creation, challenges and also power.





"Every great architect is -- necessarily -- a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age." - Frank Lloyd Wright

In the contemporary society, we are now getting into the new age in architecture development. Buildings are expected to serve more rather than just shelter. We hope that architecture can help us with the environment; we want the buildings can delight out feeling and serves the needs of the society; we want to use new technology and new repurposed material [1]…… It is necessary for an architect to have a visionary capability of seeing into the future.

1. Marc Kushner, ‘Gallery: 10 buildings showing the future of architecture’, IDEAS.TED.COM, (2015), <http://ideas.ted.com/gallery-10-buildings-showing-the-future-of-architecture/> [accessed 11 Aug 2017]



Water Cube is the 2008 Olympic National Swimming Centre constructed in Beijing. The core design idea is water with square similar to a cube of water molecules that represent traditional Chinese culture and mythology. In the design concept, the structure of the building is undefined clusters of foam bubbles protrude out of a square box which symbolizes the natural condition are transformed into cultural condition. The interior structural framework is the steel frame which is based on the “soap bubbles”. These “bubbles” are fixed at the joints to the spherical steel nodes which consist of stainless steel members as sides. One of the great advantages of this structural design is that it can be suited to Beijing’s seismic conditions [1]. During the design process, there are a number of challenges that the design team meet with. One of the greatest challenges is the use of ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFT) which is a new material that seldom used in architectural design. In order to optimize this material, the design team made great effort to test and make adjustments to the material to realize the best result. Finally, the material was shown to be able to reduce sound impact with high lighting and thermal efficiency and also to be environmentally friendly that prevents corrosion with about 100 years of service year [2]. The Water Cube has great effects on showing the power and beauty of welldesigned structure that can be regarded as one of the most remarkable buildings representing wide-span space structure. It changed the thinking of architects about the importance of spatial structure in architectural design Water Cube mainly hosted the swimming, diving and synchronized swimming competition or events during the Olympics in 2008. Nowadays, it is open to public and become the venue for different kinds of activities including swimming, fitness and recreation.

1. ‘Structural Systems’, Beijing National Stadium, (2017), < https://beijingbirdsnest.wordpress.com/structural-systems/ > [accessed 11 Aug 2017] 2. ‘The most striking structure of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games’, ARUP, (2017), < https://www.arup.com/en/projects/c/Chinese-National-Stadium > [accessed 11 Aug 2017] 3. ‘Architectural Influence’, Beijing National Stadium, (2017), < https://beijingbirdsnest.wordpress.com/architecture/architechural-influence/ > [accessed 11 Aug 2017]





FIG 1. https://www.dezeen.com/2008/02/06/watercube-by-chris-bosse/ FIG 2.https://www.dezeen.com/2008/02/06/watercube-by-chris-bosse/ FIG 3.https://www.dezeen.com/2008/02/06/watercube-by-chris-bosse/


NATIONAL STADIUM, BEIJING, CHINA ARCHITECT: Herzog & de Meuron, Arup LOCATION: Beijing, China Built: 2004 - 2007

Near the National Aquatics Centre, there is another remarkable building constructed for the Olympics in 2008. The dynamic form and its huge scale of the National Stadium has now become the new landmark of the city of Beijing. With the similar structural shape of “a bird’s nest”, the design idea of its structure is inspired by traditional Chinese style of ‘crazed pottery’. Similar with the Water Cube, the design of National Stadium also considers the seismic conditions in Beijing and optimizes the structure by using advanced earthquake analysis. The structural frame the stadium with 12 meter depth is described as “an architecture forest”. Similar with concept of tress and branches, the spatial transition from the external environment to the internal is finished by the well-organized beams, stairs, frames and other steel elements. Moreover, the roof framing of the stadium used numerous connections and grids to determine its geometry of the ideas of “Nest”. This massive and incredibly complex structural design was introduced by the Herzog & De Meuron. The development of structural calculations of this building used computer software to complete and some hand calculation to verify the final result [1]. With the outstanding architectural design and structural engineering, the National Stadium also considers the experience and feeling of a great number of visitors from all over the world. The detailed design of National Stadium around people such as optimizing spectator’s view and providing comfortable seats, can maximum the enjoyment of sporting activities [2]. The core design concept of Beijing National Stadium and its circular shape represents the “great nature” on earth. As one of the significant parts of the Olympic Green project in Beijing, this building has great influence on reflecting the coexistence of the Olympic Games and the natural environment [3]. Overall speaking, the iconic concept and construction of the National Stadium achieve the theme of nature and balance that brings great positive effects on the future urban planning of Beijing City and the typical architecture development in the world.

1. ‘Structural Systems’, Beijing National Stadium, (2017), < https://beijingbirdsnest.wordpress.com/structural-systems/ > [accessed 11 Aug 2017] 2. ‘The most striking structure of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games’, ARUP, (2017), < https://www.arup.com/en/projects/c/Chinese-National-Stadium > [accessed 11 Aug 2017] 3. ‘Architectural Influence’, Beijing National Stadium, (2017), < https://beijingbirdsnest.wordpress.com/architecture/architechural-influence/ > [accessed 11 Aug 2017]





FIG 1. https://beijingbirdsnest.wordpress.com/architecture/architechural-influence/ FIG 2. https://beijingbirdsnest.wordpress.com/structural-systems/load-resistance/ FIG 3. https://beijingbirdsnest.wordpress.com/structural-systems/structural-design/





In the contemporary society, computer has already dominated the process of architectural design. Since 1960s, Computer Aided Design (CAD) has been developed that provide a system program can help improve the process of 2-demensional drawing. In the 1990s, software programmes such as Rhino, 3DsMAX and so on create the possibility of 3D drawing and 3D modeling and develop the whole object-oriented design system. Consequently, these digital tools have the ability to bring creation, simulation and analysis of construction alternatives for various kinds of purposes. In the whole process of construction from project development to refurbishment, design data is considered as one the most important parts that produced by digital programme. Both data production and data communication are significant that represent the interdependence of Geographical Information System (GIS) tools and Computer Aided Architecture tools. Being used in the design phase, computer and software tools are capable to automate the repetitive calculation and finish the drawing works with specific data which has the positive effects on finding new solutions for design with a higher level of precision. It can optimize the design process in a faster and more effective way [1]. In the Digital Age for architects, it is a new approach to represent, to express, to generate and to build constructions by using digital information. As one of the most significant areas of the Digital Architecture, using processes and techniques identically can be employed to the industry but not simply the rediscover the complicated curving shape. Digital technology brings the possibility to create various complex shapes, finish the complex calculation with high speed through computer algorithms, which provides larger possibilities for architectural designs. It also enable a real images or a 3d model with the same information of the design to be set up that increase the relation between design and actual construction [2] (Mafana, 2011).

1. ‘Computers in building design’, Designing Buildings WIKI, (2016), < https://www.designingbuildings.co.uk/wiki/Computers_in_building_design > [accessed 11 Aug 2017] 2. Mafana, ‘How does technology impact architecture?’, WordPress, (2011), < https://mafana.wordpress.com/2011/10/03/how-does-technology-impact-architecture/> [accessed 11 Aug 2017]


GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM BILBAO ARCHITECT: Frank Gehry LOCATION: Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain Built: 1997

There are examples that can illustrate the benefits of technologies and computing that can bring a completely new style and new way to think and to design. The Guggenheim Museum, located by the Nervion River in Bilbao, mixes the complicated, swirling forms and captivating materiality together responding to an intricate program and the industrial urban environment. This building change the way of people and architects to think about museum that also provides great economic success with over ten million visitors to its recognition. In the design process of the museum, 3D design software CATIA allows the complex calculations to achieve the twisting curves in the design by solving mathematical intricacy. Importantly, CATIA digitizes the information of points, surfaces and relates back to the real models made by Gehry to build on-screen models [1](Pagnotta, 2013).


1. Brian Pagnotta, ‘AD Classics: The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao / Gehry Partners’, Archdaily (2013), < http://www.archdaily.com/422470/ad-classics-the-guggenheim-museumbilbao-frank-gehry> [accessed 11 Aug 2017] FIG 1. http://images.adsttc.com/media/images/521f/a1d2/e8e4/4eb9/4a00/0044/slideshow/Sections_2_Frank_Gehry_1991-1995__1995..jpg?1377804744





FIG 1.https://i0.wp.com/www.guggenheim.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/architecture-bilbao-exterior-night-2009-web-resized.jpg?w=1170 FIG 2.http://images.adsttc.com/media/images/521f/a1d2/e8e4/4eb9/4a00/0044/slideshow/Sections_2_Frank_Gehry_1991-1995__1995..jpg?1377804744 FIG 3.https://i0.wp.com/archiseek.com/wp-content/gallery/spain-biscay/guggenheim_lge.jpg


LONDON TOWN HALL ARCHITECT: Foster and Partners LOCATION: London, United Kingdom Built: 2002

Another example is the London City Hall, designed by Foster Associates in 2003. It shows not only the great linkage between parametric modelers and their scriptable mediated variability and outstanding performance simulation software. As a paradigm of collaborative design, this digital system creates an environment for communicating the interactive digital generation and performance simulation (Oxman, 2014). This advanced digital techniques of computer-modelling helps create the surface area that can achieve optimum energy performance by maximizing shading and minimizing the surface area exposed to the direct sunlight [1].


1. ‘London City Hall’, ArchiTravel (2015), < http://www.architravel.com/architravel/building/london-city-hall/> [accessed 11 Aug 2017] FIG 1. http://www.fosterandpartners.com/media/1701668/img4.jpg





FIG 1.https://i0.wp.com/www.guggenheim.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/architecture-bilbao-exterior-night-2009-web-resized.jpg?w=1170 FIG 2.https://sites.google.com/site/londoncityhall/_/rsrc/1472847339459/structure/analysis/foundation.jpg?height=321&width=400 FIG 3.https://londoncityhall.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/technology-city-hall.jpg





Actually, it is obvious that the introduction of computation to architectural design opens up a new way to generate architectural form by using computers. Receiving the raw information, computers have the ability to create forms by simple analysis and calculation. It can be considered that generation of this building only happen at the early stage of the design process while most of the works are multiple evaluations as an optimization process done be computers[1]. However, in the traditional design process, there are a number of stages of form generation that should be happen within the design process such as generation of initial form/envelope, generation of secondary spaces/division to floor and sub-spaces, generation of building elements (façade, windows, doors, etc.) and generation of building details. All of these for levels that have been mentioned above can be explained into two major types: introducing or creating a new form and making changes to the topology of the existing forms. An appropriate design solution should be designed under the fusion of function and context. However, function and context do not cover all the information that is necessary for form generation. On the other hand, designer’s knowledge, experience and intuition are the perceptual and cognitive premise of generation [2]. Computer, a problem-solving machine with high intelligence, has the ability to automate the design process and providing “optimal” project suggestion. Nevertheless, the computer generated programs are impossible to transfer the creative work done by architects and functional or performance based criteria into quantitative information to create an entire “optimal” project. An architectural project involves too many criteria and too complicated problem, and some are even contradict to one another. Meanwhile, perception and emotion of designers on this design process is not able to be calculated by algorithms [3]. After all, It can be illustrated that computation has great benefits on dealing with smaller well-defined or less criteria requirements projects, for example, the envelop or initial form of a building design or interior elements generation [4]

1/2/3/4. Yasha Jacob Grobman, ‘Computer-Based Form Generation in Architectural Design – a Critical Review’, International Journal of Computing, 7 (2009),535-553.


KHAR SHATRY ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE ARCHITECT: Foster and Partners LOCATION: Astana, Kazakhstan Built: 2010

The Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre is a new project designed for the people of Astana, Kazahstan with entertainment facilities and leisure spaces. The temperature varies greatly in Astana which can be as high as 35 degrees in hot summer and as cold as -35 degrees in cold winter. Therefore, a sheltered climate enclosure is necessary to bring a comfortable area for visitors to enjoy various kinds of activity in this civic and social centre. Together with the cable-net structure, the three-layer ETFE envelop are created to protect the internal environment from extreme weather and also optimize the daylight coming into the interior. During the design process, parametric design tools are used to generate a number of different forms of the enclosure. Algorithm programs can help calculate and simulate the structural force of the cable-net structure and according to the result to generate various design options. Develop the geometric structural feature along the cable net in parallel are possible to rationalize a group of four concentric arcs that step up in a linear aesthetics. It also simplify the site and follows the construction strategy [1].


1. Brady Peters, ‘Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre’, Foster + Partners, (2008), < http://www.bradypeters.com/khan-shatyr-centre.html > [accessed 11 Aug 2017] FIG 1. http://www.bradypeters.com/khan-shatyr-centre.html





FIG 1.https://d2v9y0dukr6mq2.cloudfront.net/video/thumbnail/CGC-az4/central-asia-kazakhstan-astana-night-view-over-khan-shatyr-entertainment-center_v1nodco__F0000.png FIG 2.http://www.bradypeters.com/khan-shatyr-centre.html FIG 3.http://www.bradypeters.com/khan-shatyr-centre.html


WEST KOWLOON MASTERPLAN ARCHITECT: Foster and Partners LOCATION: Hong Kong, China Built: 2003 - 2004 The West Kowloon Masterplan is a large project that a huge park developed from the waterside to the CBD surrounding the residential towers. The Great Canopy covered the whole park is a 1500 metre long roof protecting the environment from climate changes and modifying the temperature for visitors. In the design process of generating the roof, structure and panel system, various parametric design systems are necessary. Microsatation’s Dimension Driven Design (DDD) system is used to develop the form generation that create 2D profiles. And then array these profiles in 3D that can change to a series of smooth surface patches. These surface patches are important elements to compose the top and bottom surface profiles by a sequential array. In the next stage, digital programs generate the spaceframe and placeholder panels from the surface profile created in the previous stage. The importance of using program to design the roof structure has been emphasized. Digital systems has the positive effects on encoding the relations between different elements and populating the surfaces with a great number of examples of these architectural systems to generate the roof which is impossible to do in traditional architectural design [1].


1. Brady Peters, ‘The West Kowloon Masterplan, Second Stage Competition’, Foster + Partners, (2004), < http://www.bradypeters.com/the-great-canopy.html > [accessed 11 Aug 2017] FIG 1.http://www.bradypeters.com/the-great-canopy.html





FIG 1.http://www.bradypeters.com/the-great-canopy.html FIG 2.http://www.bradypeters.com/the-great-canopy.html FIG 3.http://www.bradypeters.com/the-great-canopy.html





During the study of Part A, I gradually understand the importance of digital techniques to modern architecture. It is not only a useful technology that can help architects to solve problem by using algorithm techniques, but also open up a complete different way for architect to think, to design and to realize their ideas into reality. Computation with great power of calculation and analysis can deal with problems with numerous calculated amounts which is impossible for traditional architecture with hand calculation. As a kind of useful tool, it improves the speed and also the quality of design thinking development. Moreover, the development of various software programs has great benefits to increase the drawing quality and create 3-dimensional models to modify the ideas. It is obvious that the development of computing technology will have great effects on the future designing. About my intended design approach, I am now thinking about to pay more focus on the composition and generation part in parametric design. In my previous pages which has discussed the advantages and disadvantages of digital technology on design generation. In general, it can used to generate forms for envelop or faรงade of the building but not the whole detail design. Therefore, I am interested in how can the algorithms techniques approach in the design process and in what extend it can have a better performance to help designer to generate various types of forms. However, at this stage, I still need to improve my proficiency in Grasshopper which still need more practice. I will try my best to studying this software that can help me achieve my design thinking.





In the first three weeks study of air studio, I start to understand the development of parametric design. Although I used to use various computer programs such as AutoCAD, Rhinos and so on to help me do the design projects, I never think about the meaning of parametric design: what does it mean to traditional architecture; how it will development in the future and what does it bring to the development of architecture. During the study week by week, I read researched based articles, I make discussion with classmate and do various exercise using Grasshopper, I learn a lot on the parametric and algorithm knowledge. And I get the chance to experience this new architecture design thinking in depth. I think all of these knowledge can absolute improve my previous design projects. For example, in the final design of my earth studio, I designed a gallery with the form of 3D maze by the riverside. It use glass and steel as the main material to construct that can provide a better communication of exterior and interior environment. Actually, I realized that as a gallery, using too much of glass that sunlight can directly get through and flash on the artwork may bring negative effects on the preservation of these artwork. Moreover, it will also be very hot in summer and cold in winter which will cause great use of HVAC system. I think parametric designs can help me analyses the surrounding environment and the weather condition to help me modify a better direction to reduce the energy cost and also help providing choices of what kind of material is much more suitable for this building rather than double glazing/curtain wall.





In this exercise, our task is to use loft component to design a “vase”. When I first do this exercise, I make a number of normal vase is different height and width. And then in the next step I try to make some changes: changing the direction of the curves, rotate the plane and even change the order. Under these processes, I make various “vase” that with crazy shapes but still share the same characteristic. In this exercise, I first try to break the original stereotype of the shape of a vase and what should a vase look like to do some crazy changes. Moreover, during the process I can feel how the shapes are change and why they change in this form which makes me have more understanding of this form. 27

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. ‘Structural Systems’, Beijing National Stadium, (2017), < https://beijingbirdsnest.wordpress. com/structural-systems/ > [accessed 11 Aug 2017] 2. ‘The most striking structure of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games’, ARUP, (2017), < https://www. arup.com/en/projects/c/Chinese-National-Stadium > [accessed 11 Aug 2017] 3. ‘Architectural Influence’, Beijing National Stadium, (2017), < https://beijingbirdsnest.wordpress. com/architecture/architechural-influence/ > [accessed 11 Aug 2017] 4. ‘Water Cube – National Aquatics Centre, China’, Designbuild-network.com, (2017), < http:// www.designbuild-network.com/projects/watercube/ > [accessed 11 Aug 2017] 5. Marc Kushner, ‘Gallery: 10 buildings showing the future of architecture’, IDEAS.TED.COM, (2015), <http://ideas.ted.com/gallery-10-buildings-showing-the-future-of-architecture/> [accessed 11 Aug 2017] 6. Brady Peters, ‘The West Kowloon Masterplan, Second Stage Competition’, Foster + Partners, (2004), < http://www.bradypeters.com/the-great-canopy.html > [accessed 11 Aug 2017] 7. Brady Peters, ‘Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre’, Foster + Partners, (2008), < http://www. bradypeters.com/khan-shatyr-centre.html > [accessed 11 Aug 2017] 8. Yasha Jacob Grobman, ‘Computer-Based Form Generation in Architectural Design – a Critical Review’, International Journal of Computing, 7 (2009),535-553. 9. ‘London City Hall’, ArchiTravel (2015), < http://www.architravel.com/architravel/building/ london-city-hall/> [accessed 11 Aug 2017] 10. Brian Pagnotta, ‘AD Classics: The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao / Gehry Partners’, Archdaily (2013), < http://www.archdaily.com/422470/ad-classics-the-guggenheim-museum-bilbao-frankgehry> [accessed 11 Aug 2017] 11. ‘Computers in building design’, Designing Buildings WIKI, (2016), < https://www. designingbuildings.co.uk/wiki/Computers_in_building_design > [accessed 11 Aug 2017] 12. Mafana, ‘How does technology impact architecture?’, WordPress, (2011), < https://mafana. wordpress.com/2011/10/03/how-does-technology-impact-architecture/> [accessed 11 Aug 2017]


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