1. All Out of Town Travel must be pre-approved by the supervisor. 2. A check request form may be filled out in advance for payment directly to the hotel and for airfare reimbursed to the employee. A statement or invoice from the hotel or airline indicating the amount is required. 3. Actual reasonable expenses will be reimbursed subject to the limits set forth. a. Personal automobiles Personal vehicle travel shall be reimbursed at a stated IRS rate in effect at the time of travel. Normally, the YMCA of Greater New Orleans adopts the IRS standard reimbursement rate for personal auto use, for fuel, insurance, depreciation, and any other costs of usage. Parking and tolls should be itemized separately and receipts should be included. For two or more persons traveling together in the same vehicle, only one person will be reimbursed for mileage. b. Rental cars Reimbursable costs include the daily rental fee, gasoline charges, parking and tolls. Invoice or receipt is required. c. Bus, Train, and Taxi A receipt should be requested to document these expenses. d. Air Travel Air travel expense is reimbursed on the basis of the actual cost incurred by the traveler using normally traveled routes. Invoice is required. e. Lodging Travelers are strongly encouraged to use standard accommodations at reasonably priced mid-market hotels or motels. Hotel receipts are required for reimbursement. f. Conference Registration Receipts or proof of payment are required accompanied by a requisition for reimbursement. g. Meals and Incidentals The YMCA of Greater New Orleans will reimburse a traveler for allowable meals during business-related travel. Receipts or proof of payment are required.
4. Out of Town Travel Request may be filled out for employee’s need of cash advance. a. Will be permitted with prior approval by the supervisor for ground transportation, meals & incidentals. b. The employee will be required to sign a travel advance form. c. Receipts must be turned in with in 10 working days after trip or the advance will be deducted from the next payroll. d. The YMCA of Greater New Orleans does not pay a per diem.
YMCA of GREATER NEW ORLEANS Travel Advance Agreement Date: ___________________
Purpose of travel: ___________________________________________________ Dates Conference/Event will take place: _________________________________ Employee (s) in attendance: __________________________________________
Budget Amount: Conference/Event Fee:
Hotel Costs:
Total Cost:
I am requesting an advance for the purpose(s) as listed above. I understand that if I have not submitted receipts and any unused funds within 10 working days upon returning, I will have the full amount of the advance deducted from my next payroll check (Potential date of payroll deduction: ________________).
Employee Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________ Director Approval:
___________________________________ Date: __________
CEO/CFO Approval: __________________________________
Date: __________