YMCA Winter Program Guide 2022_2023

Page 31

OnlineRegistrationOP.ens: Sunday,December4,2022@5PM in �·1 8 f
Membership Information Hours of Ogeration .................... 3 Membership Fees................. .....3 Drop Day Pass Fees ................... 3 The Fine Print......................... 3 �gistration Info 4 Health& Fitness Groug Fitness Classes 5 Personal Training . 7 Meet Your Trainers 8 Fitness Survey ......................... 8 Aquatics Conversion Chart ..... ............... 9 Swimming Lessons 10 Lessons/Time Chart ................... 13 Private Swimming Lessons ............. 14 First Aid CPR Courses ................. 16 Lifeguard Courses ..................... 18 Child and Youth Crafts & Dood e. 19 Youth Develogment Basketball. 19 STEM. 20 ntro to SP-Orts -Y SP-ort................ 20 LeadershiP- Programs .................. 21 Schools Out Cam� .................... 22 Host A Pool/BirthdaY. Partyl ............. 23 YMCA Program Partners Judo 24 Kend O 25 .:....;.=-:..� Wado Kai Karate...... ................ 25 Under Water HockeY... 26 �uash 26 Before &AfterSchool Program BASC Programs........................27 Community Outreach Partners School Reintegration Program 28 Youth Transitions Program 28 Y Mind (Teen & Youth) 29 Philanthropy &More Caribou Legili:.Y. Club 30 Gifts & Vo unteering .................... 3 1 GetConnectedat theVToday Everyone is healthier in a supportive community Health and well-being at the Y is so much more than working out.We are a place where you and your family will always feel welcomed and belong! The YMCAof Saskatooniscommittedto buildingacommunity ofhealthy, confident, andconnectedchildren, youth, adults, and families.


Bi weekly payment schedule

*A Family is defined as 2 adults (married or common law) and their dependants under 17, all residing at the same residence. Photo ID is required for entry for ages 18+. Fees subject to change. MustbesigneduponautowithdrawalfromeitherCreditCard(MC/VISA) orBankinginformation

The Fine Print

Holds: Won't be able to use your membership for a few months? Don't pay while you're away! Put your membership on hold anytime! See Member Services for details. (1 day's written notice is required).

Cancellations: Need to cancel your membership? No worries! With no cancellation fee or locked-in contracts, cancelling your membership is easy. Visit one ofour Member Services staff for details. (1 day's written notice is required).

Assisted Memberships: At the Y, we believe finances should never be a barrier to accessing programs and services for you and your family. That's why we offer financially assisted memberships through the Strong Kids Financial Assistance or through YChampions Financial Assistance programs. See Member Services for details.

Program Registration: Everyone must be a member before registering for programs. For programs that allow non-members, all fees must be paid at the time of registration and not on the first day of class. See Member Services for details.

Monday- Friday 5:30am -1 0:00pm ---------------Saturday and Sunday 7:00am - 7:00pm ---------------Statutory Holidays Closed Membership Fees*
Day Pass Fees Child (0-14) $15.42 Child/Youth (0-17) $4.00 Youth (15-17) $15.42 Young Adult (18-26) $9.00 Young Adult (18-26) $17.45 Adult (27+) $15.00 Adult (27+) $24.95 Family** $20.00 Women's Plus (18+) $30.03 Men's Plus (18+) $46.58 Family** $50.87 Family** Plus $78.10


Enjoy allthe inclusive benefitsof a Y Membership

• Group fitness classes

• Expert Fitness Staff

• YMind

• YThrive

• Full Access including the functional fitness area, squash, racquetball, and gymnasium

• Child, youth, and family programs

• Access to YMCAs all over Canada

WINTER 2022 Online Registration Update

• Online registration will open at 5:00 pm on Sunday, December 4th - click here to register. Technical support will be available by email only (memberservices@Y.mcasaskatoon.org)


a.Make sure you are able to log into your account before attempting registration

b. Ensure that your membership (or your child's membership) is active. Membership MUST be active to register

c. Browse our activities before registration so that you know what you want to register for

d. Register early! Spots do fill up fast for many programs so register as early as possible

• In-person support will begin on Tuesday, Dec 6th at 9 am. Member services staff will be available to assist you with registering on your own device.


• All Winter Session Programs will be visible on the Active site on November 24th.

• Wearenolongeracceptingphonecallsoremailsforregistrationpurposes.The YMCAmovedtoanonlineregistrationplatforminApril 2022. Aswetransitioned throughthischange,wecontinuedtoacceptregistrationinpersonandbyemail. Goingforward,weencourageallmemberstousetheonlineplatformand willoffer settimesforin-personregistrationforthosewhodonothaveaccesstoa computer/internet (thismaychange/alterfromsessiontosession).

Each weekweofferavariety ofclassesfrom: Low Intensity •• • •• Medium Intensity • Aquafit • Forever in motion •• •• • Y-Fit Strength • Yoga •••••••• •• • • Y-Cycle • Pickleball •••••• ••••••• ••• •• •• •••• •••••••• ••• •••• ••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••• •• Hi h lnteRsity • CardioFit • Y-FitCircuit

Low Intensity ..

Though classesarelabelled Low Intensity, itdoesnot mean thatyou willnot beworkinghard!

Aquafit: Anenergetic, lowimpactclassthatusesthewater'sresistancetoincrease muscularstrengthwhilemaximizingyourcardiovascularsystem.

Forever...in motion: Alowintensityclassthathelpsolderadultsandthosewith chronicillnessestostayphysicallyactiveandindependent.

Medium Intensity

Y-Strength: Greatfull-bodyworkoutdesignedtohelpimprovemuscularstrength.

V-Cycle: Cardiovascularintervalexercisedeignedtoprovideyouwith optimalfat burningandstrengthtraining

Yoga: Aphysicalandmentalpracticethatfocusesonrelievingstress, supportinggoodhealthhabits, improving balanceandflexibilityand relievingtensionthroughoutthebody.

Pickleball: Agamethatcombinestheelementsofbadminton, tennis, andpingpong. Greatforimprovingcardiovascularfitnessandhand-eye


High Intensity �

V-Fit Circut: Ahigh-intensity, fast-pacedworkoutthatinvolvesmovingyourway arounddifferentexercisestations, performingeachexercisetohelp toneyour body.

Cardio-Fit: Designedtostrengthenyourcardiovascularsystemthroughvarious high-intensitymovementsthati creasetheheartrateandallowyouto workupaswea .

•••• ••
• • • •
• • • •


Ourdedicatedpersonaltrainersareheretohelpyou achieveyourfitnessgoal. Whetherit'saonetime sessiontogetcomfortableinthegymtohelpyour athleticpursuits, orhelpingyouto feelyourabsolute best!

Joinourteam ofFitnessVolunteers·
Program Design: Member $125 Non-Member $150 Private Personal Training: 1 hour Member Non-Member 3 Sessions ($175) 3 Sessions ($200) 9 Sessions ($450) 9 Sessions ($540) 15 Sessions ($675) 15 Sessions ($825)
Personal training benefitsALL levels of fitness


Rob Friedt

Rob specializes in functional training using kettlebells, TRX, ropes, etc. He's here to encourage, motivate, and guide you through your health and fitnessjourney, whether increasing strength and muscle, improving your sport, losing weight, or just feeling and moving better. With years of experience in individual and group training, Rob is certified through the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and CanFitPro and is a YMCA-certified Group Fitness Leader.


Peggy has been involved in sports and activities from a young age. From dance to softball to synchronized swimming, both an athlete and a coach. She began volunteering as a fitness instructor at the Yin early 2015 and taught boot camp, strength and conditioning, synergy and cycle classes. She was certified as a Spin instructor in the early months of 2019. In 2019 she was certified as a personal trainer at the Y. Peggy's primary interest is functional fitness, and her goal is to support and encourage people of all ages to live a healthy, active Iifestyle.

Formoreinformationortosetupaconsultation, pleasecontactthe Fitness Departmentat fitness@ymcasaskatoon.org



• • ••
• PUTA VIBRANTYOU INMOTION. YThrive will help you get there. ,� THRIVE Visit our membership desk for details.

Swimming Lesson ConversionChart

Age Groups

6 months-2years11 monthsold (accompanied by a parent) 2-5yearsold (parent accompanied optional) 6-12 yearsold
YMCA Program LifesavingSociety Program Splashers Starfish ParentandTot 1 Duck ParentandTot 2 Bubblers SeaTurtle ParentandTot3 Robbers SeaTurtle PreschoolA Floaters Salamander Gliders Preschool B Divers Sunfish Surfers Crocodile PreschoolC Jumpers Whale Preschool D Otter Swim Kids 1 Swimmer 1 Seal Swim Kids 2/3 Swimmer 2 Dolphin Swim Kid4 Swimmer3 Swimmer Swim Kids 5/6 Swimmer4/5 Star 1 Swim Kids7 Swimmer6 Star2/3 Swim Kids8 CSP- Rookie Star3/4 Swim Kids9 CSP- Ranger Star5/6 Swim Kids 10 CSP-Star Star7 BronzeStar

YMCASwimming Lessons

Parent & Tot (6 mo-2 yrs)

Splashers: FirstLevelinourYMCA PreschoolSwimming Lessons Program. Designedasanintroduction

towaterforinfantsandtoteachwatersafetyandplaywatergames.Introductiontoentering andexitingthewater,gettingfacewet,andvariousmovementsthroughthewater. Parents areREQUIREDtobeinthewaterwitheachchild.


SecondlevelinourYMCA PreschoolSwimmingLessonProgram. Designedforinfantsthatare morecomfortableinthewaterandtofurtherteachwatersafetyandplaywatergames.Infants willbecomeacquaintedwithbreathcontrol,floats,surfacesupportandvariousmovements throughthewater. ParentsareREQUIREDtobeinthewaterwitheachchild.

Preschool (3-5 yrs)

Bobbers: The child will be introduced to the water by doing bobs, assisted front floats and back floats,kickingwhileholdingonthewallandblowingbubbles.

Floaters: Children will continue to develop their front and back floast unassisted, and be


Gliders: Childrenwillfurthercontinuedevelopmentontheirfrontandbackglidesbyincreasing their endurance.Theywillbeintroducedto sidebreathing, sideglide, deepwater skills, andaccessingEMS.

Divers: Children will further develop all their swimming abilities and increase their endurance. Kicking on front and back for 1Om, surface support 10 seconds. Learn about boating safety.

Surfers: Children will continue to work on advanced deep-water skills, surface support and be introducedtoFrontandBackCrawl.

Jumpers: Childrenwillbeintroducedtodivingintodeepwaterandcontinuetodevelop Frontand BackCrawl. Eventuallybeingabletosw1mS£ftewholelengthofthepool.

Learn To Swim (6-12

Otter: Seal:



Otter teaches children how to stay safe in the water and develop their swimming skills. During these classes, the child will focus on submersion and streamlined gliding.

Seal builds on the swimming skills taught in Otter and focuses on propulsion through kicking, rolling balance, and some deep water skills.

Dolphin progresses the child's swimming skills into a sequence of events forming front and back crawl motions. This level improves skill coordination and encourages the child to be more comfortable and confident with deep water skills.

Swimmer: Swimmer focuses on the initial standard of front and back crawl for the length of 25m. This level also encourages an increased focus on deepwater skills as they spend most of the class in the deep water.

Star Program {6+ yrs)

Star 1: Star 2: Star 3: Star 4:

In the first star level, the child focuses on the whip and egg-beater kicks. Building from these kicks, the child learns elementary backstroke initial standard, builds endurance, and will be able to tread water with buoyant support.

The child will learn to perform front and back crawl at an intermediate standard in the secondstar level. They will also be transitioning from learning whip kick on their back to using it on their front for breaststroke initial standard. They will also be working on gaining their i. endurance for their 1 00m swim.

In the third level of the star program, the child will work toward the more advanced standard for front and back crawl. They will also progress their elementary backstroke and breaststroke to the intermediate standard. With these progressions, they will continue building their endurance to tread water for 2 minutes and swim 200m without stopping.

While Breaststroke is progressing to the intermediate standard, the child will learn scissor kick which is a progression to learning sidestroke. Their endurance challenge increases to 350m, and they will learn a few rescue skills.

� �

Star Program Cont.

Star 5: Butterfly will be the new stroke in this level as they have advanced through the other strokes. The endurance challenge increases to 500m, and the child will continue to learn rescues and basic first aidskills.

Star 6: Swimmers will continue to develop lifesaving and first aid skills. They will also begin to learn how to teach others to swim. This level encourages the swimmer to take responsibility for their own learning outcomes by selectingoption criteria to learn.

, Star 7: Star 7 bridges to the YMCA Assistant Swim Instructor and Lifesaving Society's Bronze programs. In addition to first aid and lifesaving skills, swimmers will continue to build their abilities by selecting from a list of option criteria


Adult (16+yrs)

· Adult 1: For Adults new to swimming. Learn the basics and develop water comfort. Always in the shallow end.


Adult 2: For adults who have experience in swimming and can swim a whole length of the pool by themselves with an aid.

Adult 3: For adults who have experience in swimming and can swim a whole length of the pool by themselves without aid.

Classes start Week ofJan 9thuntil March 26th

No Lessons February 18 - 24, 2023

To register for swimming lessons, please click here

�� . . � �--� � ., 'V [�][�v] � � (@@ � � ., CLASS Sp ashers& Bubblers (parented) Bobbers& Floaters GIiders& Divers Surfers& Jumpers Otter Seal/ Dolphin Swimmer Star1 Star2/3 Star4/5 Star6/7 AdvanceStroke Adult1 Adult2/3
Monday Registration wi11 close on January 23 5:45-6:25 pm 4:35-5:05 pm 5:45-6:15 pm 5:10-5:40 pm 5:10-5:40 pm 6:20-6:50 pm 4:35-5:05 pm 5:45-6:15 pm Frida Registration will close on January 23 4:35-5:05 pm 5:45-6:15 pm 5:10-5:40 pm 4:35-5:05 pm 5:45-6:15 pm 6:20-6:50 pm 5:10-5:40 pm 5:45-6:15 pm Registration will close on January 23 12:05-12:35 pm 11:30-12 pm 12:40-1:10 pm 1:15-1:45 m 11:30-12:00 pm 1:15-1:45 pm 12:05-12:35 pm 12:40-1:10 pm 11:30-12 pm 12:40-1:10 pm 1:50-2:20 pmSeal Onl 5:10-5:40 pm 5:10-5:40 pm 12:05-12:35 pm 1:15-1:45 pm 6:20-7:05 pm 6:20-7:05 pm 1:50-2:35 pm 7:10-7:55 pm 7:10-7:55 pm 2:40-3:25 pm 6:20-7:05 pm 6:20-7:05 pm 1:50-2:35 pm 7:10-7:55 pm 7:10-7:55 pm 2:40-3:25 pm 2:40-3:25 pm 7:10-7:55 pm

Private&Semi-Private Swimming Lessons


10privatelessons,preferredrate:$270 (10%savings)

·,··10semi-privatelessonspreferredrate$337.50 (10%savings)

Private&Semi-Private Swimming Lessons

If you are looking for more one-on-one lessons for you or your child, Private Lessons may be the answer. We offer two different options for Private Lessons. These lessons are student-led and strive to improve swimming abilities and skills for swimmers of all ages.

Private Lessons are one-on-one lessons.

$30+tax I per 30-minute class (members)

$35+tax I per 30-minute class(non-members)

Semi-Private Lessons are for 2 participants, usually siblings, to learn their skills together.

$37.S0+tax I per 30-minute class(members)

$45.S0+tax I per 30-minute class(non-members)

*For private and semi-private swimming lessons, depending on the child's swimming ability, a parent or guardian 16 years or older may need to be in the water.*

Classes start weekend of February11 until weekend of May 6 (11 classes)

No Lessons will be held between February 18 - 24, & weekend of April8

Saturday Sunday

Pr·vates 11:30 ami-12:00 pm 3:30 - 4:00

Classes start week ofJanuary 9 until week of March 20 (10 classes)

No Lessons will be held between February18 - 24

Cancellation Policy: cancellations lessthan 48 hours in advance of the lesson cannot be refunded or re-booked. Private lesson bookings are subject to instructor availability. We

reserve the right to change fees & schedules Fees subject to applicable taxes. For

information, contact Breann at gguatics@Y.mcasaskatoon.org. Click here to register

Monday Tuesday Friday Sunday Privates 4:35 -5:05 5:30- 6:00 4:35 -5:05 1:00-1:30 5:10-5:40 6:00- 6:30 1:30-2:00 5:45 -6:15 6:20-6:50 6:55 - 7:25 7:30-8:00
-� ,·

Lifesaving Society of Canada Standard First Aid with CPR-C and AED

Lifesaving Society Standard First Aid is the most comprehensivefirstaidprogramforthegeneralpublicanda prerequisite for National Lifeguard. Learn how to assess and treat airway, breathing, and circulatory emergencies and . management of medical, musculoskeletal, and environmentaI emergencies.



Ages: 12+

Participants: 12

Full Course

, Fee:

Members: $148.00; Includes First Aid Manual

Non-Members: $165.00; Includes First Aid Manual

Dates: January 21-22; 9am - 6pm

March 11-12; 9am - 6pm


i Fee:

Members: $84.00

� Non-Members: $95.00

First Aid Manual: Extra $20.00

Dates: January 15; 9am - 5pm

Contact gguatics@Y.mcasaskatoon.org for more information

Click here to register.

Howto Becomea

Step 1 Bronze Medallion

(_ Step 2 Bronze Cross

(_ Slep 3 Stan rd Fir � t Aid (_ Step 4 National Lifeguar



Bronze Cross

The Lifesaving Society's Bronze Cross begins the transition from lifesaving to lifeguarding and prepares candidates for responsibilities as assistant lifeguards. Candidates strengthen and expand their lifesaving skills and apply the principles and techniques of active surveillance in aquatic facilities. Bronze Cross emphasizes the importance of teamwork and communication in preventing and responding to aquatic emergencies. Bronze Cross is a prerequisite for advanced training in the Society's National Lifeguard and leadership certification programs.

Prerequisite: Completed Bronze Medallion


- Members: $115.55

- Non-members: $130.00

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual is mandatorY. for this class and is an extra $40.00

Dates: March 20, 22, 24, 27, 29, & 31; 5:00 - 9:00 pm , - .- . --


National Lifeguard Recertification

The purpose of an NLS Recertification is to reconfirm that National Lifeguards can perform at the NLS standard

Prerequisite: Must have proof of National Lifeguard certification and Standard First Aid CPR-C


- Members: $62.00

- Non-members: $70.00

Age: 17+

Dates: January 28; 9:00 - 3:00 pm

Contact gQUatics@Y.mcasaskatoon.org for more information on all Lifeguard Classes. To register, click here.

Crafts & Doodle!

Explore and discover your artistic self. This class offers a variety of crafts to enjoy and have the opportunity to express themselves through visual art. Give free rein to your artistic creativity while learning new skills. We will explore all sorts of crafts and encourage self-expression.

Time: Mondays 6:10- 7:00 pm -Ages 5- 7 7:00 - 8:00 pm -Ages 8 -12

Cost: Free

Youth Development Basketball

A co-ed, weekly, one-hour basketball session that aims to teach and improve technical skills such as shooting, dribbling, passing, and learning how to play the game, in an inclusive and fun-focused environment.

Time: Saturdays 11:00 -12:00 pm; Ages 7- 14

Cost: Free

Click here to register


, STEMstandsforScience, Technology, Engineering, andMath. ASTEMprogram incorporatesthosefourlearningareas. Eachweektherewillbeanewtopicwithanew experimentforparticipants. TheSTEMprogramwillhelpgrowinterestinthesciences andteachchildrenabouttheworldaroundthem.

Time: Wednesdays 6:10 - 7:00pm; ages 8-11 7:00 - 8:00pm; ages12 -16

Cost: Free

IntrotoSports -YSports Jumpstart,.

. IntrotoSportis fundedbyJumpStartisagreatprogramopportunityforyoungkidsto learnavarietyofdifferentsportsthattheymayneverhavebeentaught. Everytwo weekskidswilllearnanewsportandbeabletoimplementthenewgametheyjust learned. Theprogramwillcoveraminimumof5differentsportsrangingfromlacrosse I to Indigenousgamestowaterhockey. Helpkidsgetactiveandlearnnewskills!

•· Sportsthatcouldbetaught ➔ Lacrosse, Pickleball, Cricket, Softball, Paralympicgames (sittingvolleyball, goalball), Indigenousgames

Time: Thursdays5:00 - 5:45pm; ages 6 -9 5:45- 6:45pm; ages10 -14

Cost: Free Thanks toJumpStart Grant

Giving kids a sporting chance.

Leadership Programs

OurYouth Leadership Programspromotevolunteerismandstrongcitizenshipthatwill improvetheabilityofyouthtobecomeengagedleadersintheircommunity. Our programsprovideyouthwithopportunitiestobuildtheirskillsthroughplannedlessons andhands-onexperientiallearning. Weworktosupportparticipantstodeveloptheir skillsincommunication, decisionmakingandteambuildingthroughouttheprogram. Ourgoalistoensurethatyouththrive, leadandhelpcreateaninclusivecommunity thatsupportsthedevelopmentandwellbeingofeveryone. OurYouth Leader ProgramsareledbyYMCAstaffmemberswithexperienceandcommitmenttoyouthleadership andengagement. Allprogramswillhavetakehomeelementtobecompletedeach week.

JR Leaders

TheJunior Leadersprogramisdesignedtoprovideparticipantswiththeopportunityto becomemoreindependentdecision-makersinourcommunitybyteachingthem introductoryleadershipskills. Inadditiontoteambuildingandgroupactivities, our Junior Leaders focusoncommunityengagement, suchassupporting specialeventsand :. fundraisersheldattheYMCAof Saskatoon. TheJunior Leadersprogramalsofocuses ondevelopinghealthylifestylesandbuildingpositiverelationshipsthroughfun, interactiveandengaginglessons. Ages7-12.

Saturdays1:00- 2:45pm Member FREE Non-member: $50


The LeaderCorpprogramenhancesyouthleadershipskillsthroughcommunity involvement, activeteamengagement, mentorshipopportunitiesandgroupactivities. 1· Our LeaderCorpparticipantswillplayanactiveroleincommunityevents, campaigns andfundraisers. Participantswillgainhands-onworkexperiencebyrunningchildren andfamilyeventsattheYMCA. Ages13-17.

Saturdays3:00-5:00pm Member: Free Non-member $50


Our SODC's are a fun and exciting way for children ages 5-12 to spend their day when school is out. Join us in fun activities throughout the day such as; swimming, gym activities, art creations, and science experiments. Each child is placed in a small group with children their own age and is led by one of our fantastic camp leaders.

This year, we are taking extra measures to ensure that our staff and participants are safe.

We offer before care starting at 7:30am and after care until 6:00pm at no extra cost. Registrationis by the day.

Cost is $45 per day.

If you have any questions regarding SODC, please contact camP-.@Y.mcasaskatoon.org

2022Dates Dec9 Dec23 Dec27-30 Jan-June2023 Jan 2-6 Jan 23 Feb 21-24 Mar 13 Apr 10-14 Mays Jun 5 Registration is ongoing and fills up fast - click here to register

Saturday Only Bookings

2:00 - 4:30 pm

$200 + tax {choose one of the following)

• Pool (1 hour)

• Gymnasium (2.5 hours)

• Multipurpose Room {2.Shrs)

Bouncy Castle (extra)

$50 {supervision included)

contact Danielle at Y.OUthRrograms@Y.mcasaskatoon.org

Pool (1 hour)

Cancellation Policy: cancellations less than 48 hotirs in advance of the party cannot be refunded or re-booked. For information, contact Danielle at Y.OuthP-rograms@Y.mcasaskatoon.org.

Gymnasium (2.5 hours) Bouncy Castle $50 (supervision included)


"Judo" is actually made of two Japanese words: "ju" and ''do". Ju means "gentle," · and do means "the way," so put together, the word "Judo" literally translates to · "the gentle way." The development of character, mind, and body. Judo is fun, safe, social, active, and provides a positive learning environment. It also helps build , confidence and coordination and promotes anti-bullying and self-protection.

Kinder Judo - Ages 4-6 years old

Wednesdays 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm Limited to 12 kids.

. Please note that parents are reQuired to come onto the mats to as�ist in the class.

Beginner Kid's Judo - Ages 7 years and older

Tuesday and Thursdays 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Li it@ to 12 participants

· Please note that parents are welcome to come onto the ats to assist in the class.

Intermediate Kid's Judo - Minimum age is 7 years old, a d must havejudo experience.

� Tuesday and Thursday 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. Limited to 12 participants

Hi h Performance

� Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm. It is limited to 20 participants. We will have a waiting list and must be approved by Instructor to atteRCJ.

Space is limited. All participants MUST register through the YMCA of Saskatoon.

Judo Saskatchewan Requires that ALLjudo athletes, regardless of age, MUST pay a CLUB fee. This information is provided at the beginning of the session.

Click here to register

For further information please contact rebecca.newson@ymcasaskatoon.org



Kenda is traditional Japanese sword-fighting. Kenda players wear light armour and use split bamboo swords to attack targets on the armour. Kendo is practiced at full speed and complet contact but is very safe due to the equipment and rules. Kenda matches are fast-paced battles of skill and mental strength. Students must be at least 12 years old with no upper age limit. Saskatoon Kenda Club is a member of the Canadian Kendo Federation, the sole governing body of Kendo in Canada under the International Kendo Federation. Kendo accepts new beginners in September and January. Returning members, or people with previous Kendo experience from other clubs, mayjoin at any time throughout the year. If continuing from Summer, you will have to re-register.

No Additional Club Fees are required

Ages 12 years and older

Wednesdays: 7:00 - 9:00pm

Sundays: 3:00 - 5:00pm

Click here to register

Wado Kai Karate

Tuesdays and Thursdays

Family Class 7:00 - 8:00pm (Ages 8+ / Beginner-Intermediate skill level)

This class will focus on traditional Shintani Wada-Kai Karate techniques, developing confidence, basic self-defence skills, body-space awareness, and beginner sports techniques and tactics.

Advances Class 8:00 - 9:30pm (Ages 13+ OR belt rank of Orange belt or higher):

*Note- white-yelIow-orange-green-blue-brown-black*

This class will be well-rounded with focuses on advanced Shintani Wado-Kai Karate techniques, self-defence (combat), fitness training, sports tactics, and introduce Shindo techniques. (short staff)

Space is limited. All participants must register through the YMCA of Saskatoon. An additional Club fee is required. An annual fee will be collected online now! Ask Member Services for details or visit www.shintani.ca to begin the registration process.

Click here to register

Saskatoon SealsUnderwater Hockey Club

Monda s 8 -9 & Frida s 8Also called Octopush it is a globally played limited-contact sport in which two teams compete to maneuver a puck across the bottom of a swimming pool into the opposing team's goal by propelling it with a pusher. Drop in class.



• tolearnwhentheyreopenin2023!

Cricket Saskatoon

Sat rdays 9:30 -10:30 am

Cricket is a new program that will be offered at the YMCA of Saskatoon in the Winter 2023 session beginning January 14th. Cricket is a bat and ball sport that encourages endurance, stamina balance, hand-eye coordination, and physical fitness. This is an inclusive program.

No experience necessary! Learn the basics of cricket and fall in love withthe sport!


Ages 7 - 14 No Additional Fees


BASC Program Overview

The Before and After School Care Program (BASC) offers a safe, fun, and stimulating environment for young people aged 5-12. The program supports the learning goals of the school community while allowing parents and caregivers to pursue their other commitments with peace of mind. The YMCA serves 13 school communities in Saskatoon, Martensville and Warman, and we are always interested in bringing our BASC program to more schools.

For more program details, contact the Before and After School Program Manager Jorda· at bascP-rograms@Y.mcasaskatoon.org.

Please be aware that programs could change with the direction of each school board during this time.


Saskatoon - St Luke, St Matthew, St Gerard, Sutherland, Wildwood, Westmount, Egntaoff, Montgomery, Forest Grove, Dundonald

Martensville - Lake Vista, Holy Mary Warman - Holy Trinity

REGISTRATION IS LIMITED Click here to register Are you looking to do some part time work providing some flexibility and all school days off? Click Here to Learn More YMCA of Saskatoon WEARE HIRING Before & After School Leaders Leaders facilitate activities, in their respective schoolsthat representthe Y's values and have fun with their group of kids.


ReintegrationProgram (SRP) Program Overview

The School Reintegration Program is a free program intended to help students who are having difficulties attending school by identifying and resolving a range of issues that students may be experiencing. This program aims to re-establish students in the school environment and reduce the risk of potential relapse through transformational positive experience, which nurtures personal development and autonomy. So that students and their families are provided with the tools that will help them to successfully reintegrate into the school environment.

Learn more or register for the School Reintegration Program: srp@ymcasaskatoon.org

(306) 652-7515 X 241

YouthTransitionsProgram (YTP) Program Overview

YMCA Youth Transitions Program (YTP) is a free service focused on providing support to youth aged 12-19 who are facing barriers in their lives.

These barriers could be related to school, employment, peers, family, housing or addictions. This program is offered in-person in the Saskatoon region and virtually throughout Saskatchewan.

Learn more or register for the Youth Transitions Program:


(306) 652-7515 X 351


Y Mind (Teen) Program Overview

Y Mind Teen is a free seven-week mental wellness program delivered across Saskatchewan.

This program supports teens ages 13 to 18 who are experiencing symptoms of mild-tomoderate anxiety or stress.

Participants learn and practice evidence-based strategies to help manage anxiety.

LearnmoreorregisterfortheY Mind Teen Program: MHW@Y.mcasaskatoon.org

(306) 652-7515 X 330


Y Mind (Youth) Program Overview

If you are aged 18 to 30 and struggling with mild-to-moderate anxiety or stress, this group is for you.

Y Mind Youth is a free seven-week mental wellness program delivered across Saskatchewan.

Anxiety can impact our lives by preventing us from doing what we want or need to do. It can also be an isolating experience.

LearnmoreorregisterfortheYMind Teen Program: MHW@ymcasaskatoon.org

(306) 652-7515 X 330


Caribou Legacy Club = Long Term Sustainabilty

Why Become a Member of the Club?

• Tohavethesatisfactionofknowingthattogetherwehavecreateda legacytoensurethesustainabilityoftheY.

• Toknowthatwehavedoneourpart, tothebestofourability.

• Togiveback, andtocontributetoourcommunity.

• Tosetanexample. MembersoftheCaribou LegacyClubarepartofan honouredgroupofsupporters.

Joinwithothersinmakingalegacygifttoreachthelivesofthechildren, youth, adults, seniors, andfamiliesoftheYMCA. Yourgenerosityand kindnesscanmakeallthedifference. Togetherwecanbuildthefuture.

YoucanmakealargeimpactonyourYMCAthroughtheCaribou LegacyClub Fund. Bypledgingyoursupportthroughplannedestatebequests, lifeinsurance polices, ordonationofsecurities.Yourgiftskeepgivingyearafteryear, generatingrevenuefromthefundtosustainourprogramsandservices.

Creating a Will shouldn't have to be complicated. Planning your family's future today will give you peace of mind tomorrow.

Nomatteryourageorlifestage, creatingaWillallowsyoutoleavealegacyto protectlovedonesand supportcausesyoucherish. Youcanleavealegacyof I ·j hope, helpingsupportfuturegenerationsofusersoftheYMCAtocome. •

: WehavepartneredwithWillfora, a FREE resource tohelpmakecreatingor updatingaWilleasierthanever. Willforaallowsyoutocreatea legal Will online in20-minutesorless, atnocosttoyou. Learn moreat www.Y.mcasaskatoon.org/wills

· Theconfidential, secureWill-writingplatformmakesiteasytocreateorupdate yourWillfromhome, andalsogivesyoutheoptiontosupportcausesthatare importanttoyou. Thisway, youcanshowyourcareforthoseyoulove, while helpingtheYMCAandthecommunityweserve..That'sagreatlegacytoleave..


Strong Kids, YChampions& Imagine Funds VOLUNTEERING

YMCA Strong Kids, YChampions and the Imagine Funds are our annual fundraising campaigns focused on raising much-needed resources to give opportunities the community needs to live healthier, happier lives today and in the future. These funds provide either financial assistance or funding assistance for programs.

Last year, through the generosity of our community partners, over $341000 was raised for those funding areas. Through them, you provided access to over 390 children, teens and adults in Health and Wellness programs all in a safe, supportive environment

By giving today, you build a better community for the future. Will you partner with us to ensure that every person has the chance to realize their full potential.

All the donations raised in our community, stays in our community.

$37.SO/month $SO/month helpsafamilyto sendSendtwo childrento Schools Out Day Campforoneweek

Sendtwochildren toweeklong summercamp!

Blackstrap/Super Summer Day Camp

$7S/month provides support to a child during the school year in a YMCA BASC program (Before & After School Care)

$1OO/month providesafamily � membershipgiving lastingbenefits of regularphysical activityforayear

Instead of donating treasure, consider time & talent! Consider Volunteering

www.ymcasaskatoon.org/donate to fill outthe Volunteer form

YMCA STRONG KIDS . CAMPAIGN N E _________ E D NogiftofTime,TalentorTreasuretoosmall (ortoobig!)

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