Training Newsletter | Jan–Mar 2020

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Q u a r t e r ly T r a i n i n g

Newsletter [Jan uary / Fe b r uary / March]

F o r c e S u p p o r t S q u a d r o n T r a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e ( F S S TI )

T e n Strate g i e s f or B u i ldi n g Str on g I n t e r nal Cu stom e r R e lati on s h i p s (1/2) 内 部 顧 客 と 強 固 な 関 係 を 築 く1 0 の 方 策 ( 1 / 2 ) by Bob Lucas Internal customers are organizational or contracted employees to whom you provide information, products and services. They rely on you to give good service. Unfortunately, many employees fail to realize the importance of developing powerful strategies for building and maintaining strong internal customer relationships. That is too bad because internal customers are just as important as those outside the organization. Still, some employees fail to realize that everyone in the organization is a customer service provider, even if they work behind the scenes in a support function. This is why you should never forget that you are an important part of the customer service chain no matter what your job title.


内部顧客とは、 自分が所属する組織の従業員や派遣・契約従業 員などです。情報、商品、サービスなどを提供し合い、優れた接 客を提供するために互いを頼っています。 残念ながら、多くの従業員は、内部顧客と強固な関係を築いて維持する方策の 重要性を見落としています。内部顧客は組織外の顧客と同様に大切なため、見

落としはよくありません。しかしながら、組織内の誰もが(裏方のような業務で あっても)、接客に従事していることに気づいていない従業員がいます。それ故、

仕事の内容が何であれ、自分は接客の重要な部分を担っているということを決し て忘れないで下さい。

以下は、内部顧客と強固な関係を築くための強力な方策です。 1. 前向きな関係を発展させる。 日々、他者に気持ちよく挨拶をしたり、 「お願いします」や「ありがとうございま

The following are powerful strategies for building and maintaining strong internal customer relationships:


れないでください。自分や内部顧客の成功は、自分と内部顧客との関係の強さ に左右されます。

1. Develop positive relationships. Make an effort to greet others pleasantly each day and display common courtesies such as saying “please” and “thank you.” Do not forget the power of such simple acts. The impact your success and that of your internal customers depends on the strength of your internal relationships.

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2. 客観的に聴く。

2. Listen objectively. When another employee has an idea, take the time to listen and discuss it. This is especially true when it affects external customers. Keep an open mind and consider the merits of what is offered before responding or making a decision on any action needed.

3. Take time to get to know more about your internal customers. Possibly take breaks with your internal customers. Go to lunch or talk before or after work in order to get to know them as a person and not just as another employee. People are more likely to provide better internal customer service when they like the person they are serving.


これは、特に外部顧客に影響を与えます。謙虚な気持ちで、その提案の利点を吟 味し、返答したり、取るべき行動に対する結論を出したりして下さい。

3. 時間をかけて自分の内部顧客のことを知る。 可能なら、自分の内部顧客と休憩を取りましょう。従業員の一人としてではなく、

一個人として知り合うために、昼食を取ったり、仕事の前後に話をしたりしましょ う。内部顧客に好感を持つと、接客が一段と良くなることがあります。

4. 内部顧客個人やその人の仕事内容について学ぶ。 これは、その内部顧客が何を提供すべきで、自分がそれを手助けする方法をより よく理解することにつながります。その結果、自分の仕事や客へのサービスがも っと容易になるかもしれません。この簡単な手順を踏むことで、組織の構造や部

4. Learn about customers on a personal level and about the job that they do.


This can lead to a better understanding about what they might have to offer and how you might be able to assist them. The result might be that your job and service to your customers might become easier. Taking these simple steps can also give you a better understanding of organizational structure and departmental functions.


5. Show appreciation for help provided by others. If someone goes out of his or her way to assist you, take the time to acknowledge it. This could be a text or email message, or more powerfully, a hand-written note. Depending on the effort of the person, perhaps give a small reward. For example, give a hand-baked jumbo cookie along with a personalized thank-you note for any extra effort they provide to help you. The powerful strategies for building and maintaining strong internal customer relationships in this article are important to your success. While they can help improve relationships, continue to search for additional ideas that can improve your ability to deliver stellar service to all customers. (To Be Continued) 2

5. 他者からの手助けに謝意を示す。 ょう。ショートメールやEメールでもかまいませんが、手書きのものがより有力で


せん。例えば、職務以上の手伝いをしてくれたことに対して、 「ありがとう」と書 いた個人的なメモを添えた手焼きの超特大クッキーを贈りましょう。

皆さんが成功するためには、この記事にある、内部顧客と強固な関係を築くとい う強力な方略は重要です。これらの方略で関係改善を進めながら、更なる着想

を探求し続けて下さい。そうすることで、全ての客に対して花形的な接客をする 能力を高めることができるでしょう。


About the Author Robert (Bob) W. Lucas is an experienced customer service consultant and has written many books, including the top selling college textbook, Customer Service Skills for Success and Customer Service: Building Success Skills for the Twenty-First Century.

Class e s Offe r e d クラ ス の 概 要

Mi crosoft Com p u ter B a s ed T r a i n i n g Integrated Microsoft software courses are offered in the FSS Training Institute Computer Room from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. by appointment. Microsoft Office 2016 and Windows 10 courses are self-paced, interactive, step-by-step simulation ranging from beginner to advanced learning. FSOT also has Japanese versions available. This training is available to FSS personnel. To reserve a time slot, call the FSS Training Institute staff at 225-8105 and send an FSSTI Form 4 to マイクロソフトのソフトウェアの統合コースが、FSS訓練課で08:00から 15:00まで提供されています。Office 2016 と Windows 10のコースは、自 分のペースで、段階定期に疑似体験ができ、初心者から上級者まで学習で きます。日本語のソフトウェアも用意しております。この訓練はFSS(軍支

援中隊)の従業員が対象です。予約は、225-8105までFSOTに電話をした 後、FSSTI フォーム 4 をまでお送り下さい。

Adult CPR, AED & First Aid Training

Citizen CPR

(FSS Employees Only)

In accordance with the Services Training and Education Plans (STEPs), this course is mandatory for employees that require CPR training but not certification. Members will learn hands-only CPR and other required techniques. The following duty positions, at a minimum, are required to attend: club managers, food service activity managers, club and food service administration staff, assistant club managers, assistant food service activity managers, bar assistants, bartenders, club and food service activity cashiers, caterers, club operation assistants, cook leaders, cook supervisors, cooks, food service work leaders, food service workers, head cashiers, ID checkers, material handlers and waiters.

This program provides participants with the knowledge and skills to sustain life and minimize the consequences of injury or illness until EMS arrive. This course is mandatory for all unit members that require CPR certification. このプログラムは、救急隊が到着するまで生命の維持や怪我や病気による影響 を最小限にするための知識や技術を提供します。

(In English & Japanese — FSS Members Only)


み)は、CPR訓練が必要であるが証明書を必要としない従業員の必須訓練とし ます。CPRとその他の必要な技術を実践して学びます。最低限、以下の職種は参 加が必須です。


Class e s Offe r e d クラ ス の 概 要

Computer Based Training

FSS Annual Training

(FSS Employees Only)

(FSS Employees Only)

Some of the courses offered: Total Force Awareness Training, Office, Windows, the Air Force Training Record and Services Management. Office courses are self-paced and interactive with step-by-step simulation.

A yearly refresher course mandatory for all FSS employees — military and civilian.

Total Force Awareness Training, Office, Windows, 空軍訓練コース、 サービス 部管理コースなどが提供されます。Officeのコースは、自分のペースでできる相 互的、段階的に疑似体験ができます。

Dram Shop (FSS Employees Only)

A MANDATORY course required annually for all FSS employees that sell or serve alcoholic beverages. Please reference AFI 34219 for more information. アルコール飲料の販売や取扱いをするFSS従業員全てに義務付けられた年次訓 練です。詳しくは、AFI34-219を参照して下さい。

English Conversation for Hotel & Restaurant Staff (In Japanese)

Basic English (targeting LD/LPL 0~1) classes for employees working in hotel or restaurant environments. Attendees will learn basic vocabulary, phrases and conversational expressions used in hotel and restaurant operations. ホテル/レストラン従業員のための基礎英語(語学0~1を対象)のクラスです。基

本的な語句や慣用句、ホテル/レストランの現場で使われているなど会話表現を 学びます。

FSS従業員に義務付けられた年次講習です。軍人、民間人ともに必要条件を満 たすため毎年受講する必要があります。

Initial FSS Training (FSS Employees Only)

A mandatory orientation for new unit members that must be completed within the first 30 days of working in FSS. Course topics include information on safety, ethics, diversity, harassment and customer service. FSSに入職した従業員のオリエンテーションで、入職後30日以内に受ける必要が あります。コースには、安全規則、倫理、多様性、嫌がらせ、接客などの情報が含 まれます。

ServSafe Food Handler Training (In English & Japanese — FSS Employees Only)

It is MANDATORY that all food service related workers in FSS be certified annually in the NRA ServSafe Food Handler program. This course teaches basic disciplines of food safety and gives the employees an overall understanding of their role in the food service safety program. Certification is valid for three years. FSSで働く、食品に関わる全ての従業員は、NRA ServSafe Food Handlerの資格 取得が義務付けられています。このコースで、食品安全の基本的な規則を学び、 食品サービスプログラムに於ける自分の役割について、全体的な理解が出来るよ うになります。資格は3年間有効です。


Class Sch e d u le

クラ ス ス ケ ジュ ー ル

J a n ua ry 2 0 2 0 Mon


Wed 1

*Training for FSS employees only. *第374軍支援中隊従業員のみ








ServSafe Food Handler Training*

Citizen CPR*


New Year's Day



(in Eng)

9–11:30 a.m.



Initial FSS Training* 8 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

ServSafe Food Handler Training*


(in Jpn)

2–3 p.m.


17 New Employee CBT Session* 8 a.m.–4 p.m.

(in Jpn)

8–10 a.m. DRAM Shop* (in Jpn)

10–11 a.m.




English for Restaurant Staff

ServSafe Food Handler Training*

1–3 p.m.

9–11:30 a.m.

(in Jpn)


Family Day

Martin Luther King Jr. day



(in Eng)




FSS Annual Training*

FSS Annual Training*

ServSafe Food Handler Training*

2–4 p.m.

2–4 p.m.

1–3 p.m.

New Employee CBT Session* 8 a.m.–4 p.m.

(in Jpn)



(in Eng)

(in Jpn)

DRAM Shop* (in Jpn)

3–4 P.m.


Class Sch e d u le

クラ ス ス ケ ジュ ー ル

F e b r ua ry 2 0 2 0 Mon 3

Tue 4

Wed 5

*Training for FSS employees only. *第374軍支援中隊従業員のみ





ServSafe Food Handler Training*

Trai n i ng HOLI DAY

(in Eng)

9–11:30 a.m.





Initial FSS Training* 8 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

ServSafe Food Handler Training*

FSS Annual Training*

8–10 a.m.

2–4 p.m.

New Employee CBT Session* 8 a.m.–4 p.m.


(in Jpn)

(in Jpn)

DRAM Shop* (in Jpn)

10–11 a.m.





ServSafe Food Handler Training*

ServSafe Food Handler Training*

1–3 p.m.

8–11 a.m.

(in Jpn)


Family Day

george Washington's Birthday


(in Eng)

DRAM Shop* (in Jpn)

3–4 p.m.






English for Hotel Staff

FSS Annual Training*

1–3 P.m.

9–11 a.m.

FSS Annual Training* at Tama Hills

FSS Annual Training* at Tama Hills

FSS Annual Training* at Tama Hills

8 A.m.–4 p.m.

8 A.m.–4 p.m.

8 A.m.–4 p.m.

(in Jpn)

(in Eng)

(in Jpn)

(in Jpn)

(in Jpn)

New Employee CBT Session* 8 a.m.–4 p.m.


Class Sch e d u le

クラ ス ス ケ ジュ ー ル

March 2020 Mon 2







ServSafe Food Handler Training*

Citizen CPR*

FSS Annual Training*

(in Eng)

9–11:30 a.m.



*Training for FSS employees only.


(in Eng)

2–3 p.m.


2–4 p.m.


13 New Employee CBT Session* 8 a.m.–4 p.m.

(in Jpn)

1–3 p.m.



(in Jpn)

English for restaurant staff









Quarterly Training Monitor Meeting 10–11:30 a.m.

New Employee CBT Session* 8 a.m.–4 p.m.

ServSafe Food Handler Training* (in Jpn)

8–10 a.m. DRAM Shop* (in Jpn)

10–11 a.m.



Initial FSS Training* 8 a.m.–12:30 p.m.



ServSafe Food Handler Training*

FSS Annual Training*

2–4:30 p.m.

9–11 a.m.

(in Eng)

(in Eng)


2020 [Jan uary / Fe b r uary / March]

Who's Eligible? 受講資格

FSS Training Institute classes are open to all base employees and family members, unless otherwise noted, and are held in building 316, room 133A and 133B. Please submit an FSSTI Form 4 to 374FSS.FSOT.1@ with your supervisor’s (or sponsor’s) signature to 374 FSS/FSOT at least five business days prior to class start date. For more details, please email or call 225-8105/6.

特別に表記が無い限り、基地従業員と軍属全ての方に講習を受けてい ただくことができます。講習は建物番号316, 133Aと133B号室で行われ

ています。FSSTIフォーム4に上司の署名をもらい、講習開始日の5日前 までに、第374 FSS訓練課まで提出(Eメール: して下さい。お問い合わせは、225-8105までお電話下さい。

374th F o r c e S u p p o r t S q ua d r on Trai n i ng I n stitute R m. 142, B ldg. 316 D S N 225-8105/810 6 H ou r s of Ope rati on M o n–F r i • 7:3 0 a.m.–4:3 0 p.m.

Y o k o ta F S S . c o m

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