FSSTI Quarterly Newsletter | Apr-Jun 2019

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Q u a r t e r ly T r a i n i n g

Newsletter [ A p r i l / M ay / J u n e ]

F o r c e S u p p o r t S q u a d r o n T r a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e ( F S S TI )

6 Ways to Deal w i th An g r y C u stom e r s (1/2 ) 怒って い る 客 へ の 6 つ の 対 応 の 仕 方 ( 1 / 2 ) By Myra Golden マイラ・ゴールデン 1.冷静さを醸し出す

1. Create Calm The first thing you need to do with demanding and unreasonable customers is create calm. Create calm by using anti-inflammatory words and using words that show the customer that getting to the bottom of the problem is as important to you, as it is to them. Statements like these work well:


“I’m sorry you’ve had such a frustrating experience.”


“This is no more acceptable to us than it is to you.”


“Thanks for taking the time to let us know.”

「お時間を割いてお知らせくださり、 ありがとうございます。」

“We want to get to the bottom of this as much as you do.”


Responses like these show the customer that you’re on their side. Customers won’t refute these statements, and you’ll begin to create calm.



じくらい重要であることを言葉で示しましょう。次のような言い方が役に立つで しょう。


2. 安心させる簡潔な応答に限定する

2. Limit Your Responses to Simple Reassurances


Sometimes it’s best to let your customer vent a little. Make them feel heard and understood by occasionally saying something like, “Umm hmmm,” “I see,” or “I can see your point on that.” After a few seconds of venting, coupled with your concise words of reassurance, your customer feels acknowledged. Then, you can jump in and steer the conversation by saying something like, “Let’s take a look and see what’s going on here.”

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れていると客に感じてもらえるよう、時折、 「ええ」、 「そうですね」、 「おっしゃ る通りです。」という相槌を打ちましょう。


認識してもらえたと感じます。それから、 「今の状況を確認いたしましょう。」 などの言葉をきっかけに、会話に持ち込むことができます。

Y o k o ta F S S . c o m

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3. Take Control by Answering Your Customer’s Questions before They Ask Them I learned this strategy from a Vice President of a company I worked with more than twenty years ago. Lead the conversation by immediately telling the person:

私は、20年前に働いていた会社の副社長からこの方略を学びました。相手に、次 の言葉を即座に伝えることで会話を導いていきます。 こちらが、私共が把握している内容です。 これが、私共のこれまでの対応です。

Here’s what we know.


Here’s what we’ve done.


Here’s what’s next. Proactively telling the customer what you know, what’s been done, and explaining what’s next positions you to answer the customer’s questions before they even have the opportunity to ask you anything. This puts you in control. Here’s an example of how a young man used these three steps on my husband when he had some awful news to deliver. We’d parked our rental car with the valet of a lovely hotel. The next afternoon when my husband picked up the car, he found that the rental had been damaged. It wasn’t bad, but it was a noticeable dent. My husband was pissed. Totally pissed. The young valet employee quickly created calm using the steps. 1. I listened as he told my husband what he knew: The accident happened in our parking garage at 7:42pm. The driver was in a white Honda Civic, license #… He sped off and left the scene. 2. Then he explained what they’d done: We’ve filed a claim with our loss-prevention team. We have two eyewitnesses. We have filed a police report with the Austin Police Department. 3. Finally, he explained what was next: You also need to submit a police report. You need to notify both your insurance company and your rental car company. Your insurance company will go after the driver. I’ll be honest, my husband was still pissed, but he was calmer, and so the valet was successful in de-escalation. I certainly felt fine, and I was impressed with the young man’s explanation and his confidence. To Be Continued.


3. 客から尋ねられる前に疑問に答えることで主導権を握る

とを説明し、客が何かを尋ねようとする前に疑問に答えます。これで主導権が握 られます。

次に挙げる事例は、ホテルのボーイが、私の夫に最悪の知らせを伝えるとき に、3つの段階をどう使ったかというものです。私たちは、素晴らしいホテルに

レンタカーを停めてボーイに預けました。翌日の午後、夫が車を取りに行ったと き、車に傷がついているのを見つけました。ひどくはありませんでしたが、へこみ

が目立っていました。夫は怒っていました。怒り狂っていました。若いボーイは、 次の手段で冷静さを醸し出しました。

1. 私は、ボーイが自分の知り得た事を夫に話しているのを聞いてい ました。

午後7時42分に、駐車場で事故が起きました。運転手は、ナンバーがXXXXの ホンダシビックに乗っていましが、その場を走り去って行きました。

2. それから、ボーイは何をしたかを説明してくれました。

私共は、損害防止斑に損害請求を申し立てしました。二人の目撃者がいま す。オースティン警察署に被害届を提出いたしました。

3. 最後に、ボーイは次にすることを説明してくれました。


会社にも通知しなければなりません。保険会社からその運転手に連絡がいき ます。

正直なところ、私の夫はまだ怒っていましたが、落ち着きを取り戻していった ので、ボーイのなだめ方が功を成したと言えるでしょう。私はもう大丈夫だと 感じ、その若者の説明と堂々たる態度に感服しました。 次号に続く

About the Author Myra Golden helps companies design and deliver optimum customer service through consultations, keynotes, training and blog posts. Myra Golden’s original video on handling angry customers has more than a million views.

C ou r s e D e scr i p ti on s クラ ス の 概 要

Mi crosoft Comp u ter - B a s ed T r a i n i n g Integrated Microsoft software courses are offered in the FSS Training Institute computer room from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. via appointment. Microsoft Office 2010 and Windows 7 courses are self-paced, interactive, step-by-step simulation, ranging from beginner to advanced learning. FSOT also has Japanese versions of these programs available. This training is available to FSS personnel. To reserve a time slot call the FSS Training Institute staff at 225-8105 and follow up with an FSSTI Form 4 to 374fss.fsot.1@us.af.mil マイクロソフトのソフトウェアの統合コースが、FSS訓練課で08:00から 15:00まで提供されています。Office 2010 と Windows 7のコースは、自分

のペースで、段階定期に疑似体験ができ、初心者から上級者まで学習で きます。日本語のソフトウェアも用意しております。この訓練はFSS(軍支

援中隊)の従業員が対象です。予約は、225-8105までFSOTに電話をした 後、FSSTI フォーム 4 を374fss.fsot.1@us.af.milまでお送り下さい。

Citizen CPR

Computer Based Training

(In English and Japanese — FSS Employees Only)

(FSS Employees Only)

In accordance with the Services Training and Education Plans (STEPs), this course is mandatory for employees that require CPR training but not certification. Members will learn HandsOnly CPR and other techniques. The following duty positions, at a minimum, are required to attend: club managers, food service activity managers, club & food service administration staff, assistant club managers, assistant food service activity managers, bar assistants, bartenders, club & food service activity cashiers, caterers, club operation assistants, cook leaders, cook supervisors, cooks, food service work leaders, food service workers, head cashiers, ID checkers, material handlers and waiters.

Some of the courses offered: Total Force Awareness Training, Office, Windows, the Air Force Training Record and Services Management. Office courses are self-paced and interactive with step-by-step simulation.


み)は、CPR訓練が必要であるが証明書を必要としない従業員の必須訓練とし ます。CPRとその他の必要な技術を実践して学びます。最低限、以下の職種は参 加が必須です。

Total Force Awareness Training, Office, Windows, 空軍訓練コース、 サービス 部管理コースなどが提供されます。Officeのコースは、自分のペースでできる相 互的、段階的に疑似体験ができます。

Dram Shop (FSS Employees Only)

A MANDATORY course required annually for all FSS employees that sell or serve alcoholic beverages. Please reference AFI 34219 for more information. アルコール飲料の販売や取扱いをするFSS従業員全てに義務付けられた年次訓 練です。詳しくは、AFI34-219を参照して下さい。

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C ou r s e D e scr i p ti on s クラ ス の 概 要

English Conversation for Hotel & Restaurant Staff

Initial FSS Training

(In Japanese)

A mandatory orientation for new unit members that must be completed within the first 30 days of working in FSS. Course topics include information on safety, ethics, diversity, harassment and customer service.

Basic English (targeting LD/LPL 0~1) classes for employees working in hotel or restaurant environments. Attendees will learn basic vocabulary, phrases and conversational expressions used in hotel and restaurant operations. ホテル/レストラン従業員のための基礎英語(語学0~1を対象)のクラスです。基


(FSS Employees Only)

FSSに入職した従業員のオリエンテーションで、入職後30日以内に受ける必要が あります。コースには、安全規則、倫理、多様性、嫌がらせ、接客などの情報が含 まれます。


FSS Annual Training

ServSafe Food Handler Training

(FSS Employees Only)

(In English and Japanese — FSS Employees Only)

A yearly refresher course mandatory for all FSS employees — military and civilian.

It is MANDATORY that all food service related workers in FSS be certified annually in the NRA ServSafe Food Handler program. This course teaches basic disciplines of food safety and gives the employees an overall understanding of their role in the food service safety program. Certification is valid for 3 years.

FSS従業員に義務付けられた年次講習です。軍人、民間人ともに必要条件を 満たすため毎年受講する必要があります。

FSSで働く、食品に関わる全ての従業員は、NRA ServSafe Food Handlerの資 格取得が義務付けられています。このコースで、食品安全の基本的な規則を学 び、食品サービスプログラムに於ける自分の役割について、全体的な理解が出来 るようになります。資格は3年間有効です。


Class Sc h e du le

クラ ス ス ケ ジュ ー ル

Apr i l 2019 Mon 1





ServSafe Food Handler Training*

CSS Training 3:30–4:30 p.m.

(in Eng)

*Annotates training for FSS personnel only.









ServSafe Food Handler Training*

FSS Annual Training*

1–3 p.m.

2–4 p.m.

New Employee CBT Session* 8 a.m.–4 p.m.

9–11:30 a.m.



Initial FSS Training* 8 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

(in Jpn)

(in Jpn)

DRAM Shop* (in Jpn)

3–4 p.m.




ServSafe Food Handler Training*


Citizen CPR* (in Jpn)

9–11 a.m.

(in Eng)

2–4:30 p.m.







ServSafe Food Handler Training*

Citizen CPR*

New Employee CBT Session* 8 a.m.–4 p.m.

(in Jpn)

8–10 a.m.

(in ENG)

1–3 p.m.

DRAM Shop* (in Jpn)

10–11 A.m.



FSS Annual Training*

English for Hotel Staff

2–4 p.m.

1–3 P.m.

(in ENG)

(in JPN)


Class Sc h e du le

クラ ス ス ケ ジュ ー ル

M ay 2 0 1 9 Mon


*Annotates training for FSS personnel only.


Wed 1





ServSafe Food Handler Training* (in Eng)

9–11:30 a.m. CSS Training 3:30–4:30 p.m.






ServSafe Food Handler Training*

FSS Annual Training*

Citizen CPR*

8–10 a.m.

9–11 a.m.

1–3 p.m.

New Employee CBT Session* 8 a.m.–4 p.m.




ServSafe Food Handler Training*

Citizen CPR*

(in Jpn)

(in Eng)

(in Eng)

DRAM Shop* (in Jpn)

10–11 A.m.



Initial FSS Training* 8 a.m.–12:30 p.m.


(in Eng)

9–11:30 a.m.


(in JPN)

9–11 a.m.




FSS Annual Training*

English for Restaurant Staff

ServSafe Food Handler Training*

9–11 a.m.

1–3 P.m.

8–10 a.m.

New Employee CBT Session* 8 a.m.–4 p.m.

(in Jpn)

(in JPN)

(in Jpn)

DRAM Shop* (in Jpn)

10–11 A.m.



29 ServSafe Food Handler Training*


Memorial Day


5th Air Force Family Day

(in Eng)

9–11:30 a.m.



Class Sc h e du le

クラ ス ス ケ ジュ ー ル

J u n e 2019 Mon 3

Tue 4

ServSafe Food Handler Training*

Wed 5

*Annotates training for FSS personnel only.


Thu 6

CSS Training 3:30–4:30 p.m.

(in Jpn)

Fri 7 New Employee CBT Session* 8 a.m.–4 p.m.

1–3 p.m. DRAM Shop* (in Jpn)

3–4 p.m.



Initial FSS Training* 8 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

ServSafe Food Handler Training*





Citizen CPR*

ServSafe Food Handler Training*

FSS Annual Training*

8–10 a.m.

9–11 a.m.

New Employee CBT Session* 8 a.m.–4 p.m.

(in Eng)

1–3 p.m.




Citizen CPR* (in JPN)

1–3 p.m.

(in Eng)

9–11:30 a.m.


(in Jpn)

(in ENG)

DRAM Shop* (in Jpn)

10–11 A.m.




English for Hotel Staff

ServSafe Food Handler Training*

FSS Annual Training*

1–3 P.m.

9–11:30 a.m.

2–4 p.m.

(in JPN)

(in Eng)

(in Jpn)


28 Quarterly Training Monitor Meeting 10–11:30 a.m.


2019 [ A p r i l / M ay / J u n e ]

Who's Eligible? 受講資格

FSS Training Institute classes are open to all base employees and family members unless otherwise noted and are held in Building 316, Room 133A & 133B. Please submit an FSSTI Form 4 with your supervisor’s (or sponsor’s) signature to 374 FSS/FSOT at least five (5) business days prior to the class start date (Email: 374fss.fsot.1@us.af.mil). You can also contact us via phone, 225-8105/6, or via email for more details.

特別に表記が無い限り、基 地従 業員と軍属全ての方に講習を受け ていただくことができます。講習は建物番号316,133Aと133B号室

で行われています。FSSTIフォーム4に上司の署名をもらい、講習開 始日の5日前までに、第374 FSS訓練課まで提出(Eメール: 374fss.

fsot.1@us.af.mil) して下さい。 お問い合わせは、225-8105まで お電話下さい。

374 t h F o r c e S u p p or t Sq ua d r o n Trai n i ng I n stitute B ldg. 316, R m. 142 D S N 225-8105/810 6 H ou r s of Ope rati on M o n–F r i • 8 a.m.–4 p.m.

Y o k o ta F S S . c o m

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