The Opportunity Centre
(Aspire-igen) Aspire2lead – Free Training The Opportunity Centre 18-19 Colliergate, York YO1 8BN
Supporting employed Call 01904 656655 toand talk to us! self-employed women in York and North Yorkshire to progress in work and Aspire2lead – Free Training Supporting employed and self-employed women in York and North Yorkshire to achieve their through: progress in work and achievepotential their potential through: Leadership and management training
• Leadership and management training Raising aspirations and confidence by developing effective communication, networking, and change management skills • Raising aspirations and confidence by Acquiring essential skills for self-employment developing effective communication, Accelerate into Work or Learning networking, change Intensive support for and 16 -24 years management skills Anyone aged 16+ and unemployed • Acquiring essential skills for self-employment Come and get a qualification Meet employers Do a work experience placement Get a job or move into Learning
Accelerate into Work orin work Learning Not or education and over 18?
Action Towards Inclusion - Are you a Lone Parent? Come and talk to our keyworkers Get support to develop your skills and abilities Develop strategies to manage challenges Gain confidence Move closer to Employment or Learning
Intensive support for 16 -24 years Anyone aged 16+ and unemployed -
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Whatever your interests, present or future, you will find like-minded individuals to learn with and shared activities to enjoy. With well over 1500 members this is also a way to make new friends.
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Come and get a qualification Meet employers Do a work experience placement Get a job or move into Learning
Action Towards Inclusion - AreThe youOpportunity a Lone Parent? Centre (Aspire-igen)
The Opportunity Centre Not in work or education 18-19 Colliergate, York YO1 8BN Call 01904 656655 to talk to us! and over 18?
Come and talk to our keyworkers Aspire2lead – Free Training
• Supporting Get support develop your skills and abilities employed andto self-employed women in York and North Yorkshire to progress in work and achieve their potential through: Leadership and management training • Develop strategies to manage challenges Raising aspirations and confidence by developing effective communication, networking, and change management skills • Gain confidence Acquiring essential skills for self-employment • Move closer to Employment or Learning Accelerate into Work or Learning Intensive support for 16 -24 years Anyone aged 16+ and unemployed Come and get a qualification Meet employers Do a work experience placement Get a job or move into Learning
The Opportunity Centre (Aspire-igen) Action Towards Inclusion - Are you a Lone Parent? The Opportunity Not in work or education and over 18? Centre Come and talk to our keyworkers 18-19 Get support to develop your skills and abilities Colliergate, York YO1 8BN Develop strategies to manage challenges Gain confidence Call 01904 656655 to talk to us! Move closer to Employment or Learning
See our website and join now!