H OW W E WOR K I N PA RTNER SH I P W I T H E MPLOY E R S... Delivering your Apprenticeships Working with employers, we help develop the skills of new recruits and existing staff through our work-based apprenticeships, covering a wide-range of industry sectors including: Business and Accounting, Construction, Digital Technologies, Engineering, Hairdressing, Hospitality and Science.
Business, Personal and Professional Short Courses We offer an extensive range of business, personal and professional short courses designed to help individuals enhance their skills and businesses, meeting their needs and statutory requirements. Delivery methods include classroom-based, virtual or CPD distance learning. Courses range from accountancy to management and supervisory skills, through to general employability and health and wellbeing.
Work Placements By offering a short or longer-term work placement to a York College student, you are helping to support the future generation to make informed choices on their career path. Through this route, you can benefit from additional help at no extra cost; gain understanding of current learning, and trial some of your potential future employees, cutting down on recruitment costs.
Higher Education Choosing degree and higher-level study at York College University Centre will give you access to a course validated by a UK university or institution. You will also be supported by academic and professional services staff who were awarded a Silver Award in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). We offer HNCs, HNDs, Foundation Degrees and Degrees, providing the perfect progression route to gain higher qualifications or employment. For those who don’t currently meet the entry requirements for higher-level study, we also offer a year long Access to Higher Education Diploma. For a full listing of our Higher Education courses, please download our prospectus online at www.yorkcollege.ac.uk/prospectus-request
Employer Forums and Networking Opportunities We host regular employer events including our Business Breakfasts and York Business Community Network events, providing opportunities to network amongst like-minded people and explore opportunities of collaborative working. We welcome employers to participate in our curriculum forums, encouraging employers to contribute to shaping our future curriculum and engage with our students to help support and address immediate and more long-term skills gaps, benefitting the business communities in which they serve.
Share your Experience with the Workforce of the Future York College welcomes any employers who wish to engage with our students, your future workforce, at any point throughout their programme. These are opportunities for you to showcase your business, realistically educating young people about your sector and industry. Specifically, this could involve delivering talks to groups of students about your industry, your organisation, career and progression routes available, through to actual site/business visits, role plays for mock interviews, development of key employability skills, attendance at our Open Events and key careers and progression events. All are outstanding ways of increasing your engagement with York College students and ensuring that the next generation of workers know your business and what to expect from your industry, thus ensuring a better start for all entrants into your organisation.