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Logo colour treatments on backgrounds
The black only logo is used for engraving, blindembossing and etching in glass, as well as for one-colour print requirements such as newspaper advertisements or internal memos where colour is not available. The greyscale version of the logo can also be used for newspaper and magazine ads where only black is available, as long as the resolution in the printing process will hold the screen value (minimum 133 lpi). If the logo is to appear on a solid colour, it can be “knocked out” of the background, but should normally appear in white. An exception can be made in the case of outdoor displays and flags where white may show dirt more easily. In this case, a one-colour version of the logo using 43% of the Gold PMS110 can be used.
Black only logo
Black Region name is knocked out in white
Knockout of solid background Black only greyscale logo
Black and 30% black Region name is knocked out in white
Option for knockout on Blue PMS288
When there is a practical use for a one colour logo on the corporate blue background, a 43% tint for Gold PMS110 can be used. This is effective for outdoor displays and flags where white may show dirt more easily.