applications Hanwei FRP Pipe Applications LINE PIPE & FITTINGS. Hanwei designs, engineers and manufactures FRP line pipe systems for oil and gas production where highly corrosive fluids, high temperatures (93°C) and high pressure (3,600PSI) environments are encountered. Four joining systems are available depending on application together with a comprehensive range of fittings and flanges.
DOWN HOLE PIPE AND CASING. Hanwei offers customized client solutions for down hole and casing applications to meet the mechanical properties (pressure and axial load), chemical resistance, temperature capability, and cost goals which may make one system more suitable than others. Hanwei tubing and casing is offered in diameters ranging from 40mm to 200mm. Applications have included injection system pipelines for water, CO2 and polymer/surfactant applications. MARINE and OFFSHORE. Hanwei serves the offshore oil production market with a wide range of lightweight, FRP piping systems that can combat and provide superior, enduring performance in highly aggressive marine environments where metal piping is typically replaced two or three times. When labor costs, downtime and maintenance costs are added, the metal pipe costs could easily be more than six times the original investment. Hanwei FRP pipe can be installed for less cost than carbon steel without the need for certified welders or special welding techniques.
INFRASTRUCTURE. Adapting its proven technology and manufacturing expertise from the oil and gas industry, Hanwei provides a range of high performance, low cost FRP pipe systems to address the diverse needs of municipal water and wastewater applications. Hanwei FRP pipe systems have been used in a variety of infrastructure projects in the Middle East and Asia. Hanwei FRP pipe is a preferred choice over concrete pipe that deteriorates rapidly from sewage due to hydrogen sulfide attack. BRINE and SALT. Traditionally steel and cast iron pipe has been used in the salt and brine industry. Since these types of pipe are subject to scaling and corrosion, after an initial year of service they may operate for only 200 days a year that means not only high costs for repairs and maintenance, and a substantial reduction in production capacity, but also significant environmental impact from leaks and pipe failure.
CUSTOM SOLUTIONS. Regardless of application Hanwei seeks to provide custom solutions to meet the specific requirements of each of our valued clients. We understand that operations always vary due to a range of business factors such as geography, application, performance, budget, construction logistics and time constraints. We bring our extensive engineering, R&D, manufacturing and project management expertise to serve our client’s needs in the most cost and time effective manner.
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