The Campership Legacy Fund
Reaching thousands, one at a time
“If a man owns a hundred sheep and leave the 99 and go to look for the
one wanders away, will he not one that wandered away?” — JESUS CHRIST M AT T H E W 1 8 : 1 2
Our Plan Young Life is working to double our reach from 1 million to 2 million kids annually through our Reaching a World of kids program.
“Young Life’s Reaching a World of Kids initiative is a worldwide movement to extend our reach from one million to two million kids annually. We know that this will happen only through the power and provision of the One who loves every kid everywhere. We also know that we’ll need great friends to reach this goal – friends whose legacy will be their desire to give kids the opportunity to experience and understand the love of Christ at Young Life camp. Thank you for your partnership in this great endeavor.” — Denny Rydberg, Young Life President
Go into all the world and preach the good news ‌ MARK 16:15
The Problem The enemy is winning the battle for their attention. They are surrounded by the “whitenoise� and the chaos of life.
Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear ‌ M AT T H E W 1 3 : 1 3
God’s Provision The solution to the problem is Jesus. Young Life camp provides the opportunity for kids to STOP, and consider the truth about Jesus. It’s more important today than ever.
Be still and know that I am God. PSALM
Investment Promise #1: It’s Strategic. We are going after first-time, UNREACHED kids that may never have the chance to go to camp unless we help. For many kids, the barrier is purely financial.
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. J O H N 1 5 : 1 3
Investment Promise #2: It’s Intentional. Kids are recommended by their leaders through a written application process and reviewed at the local and regional levels.
Whatever you did for the least of these, you did unto me. M A T T H E W 2 5 : 4 0
o h c S f o e Sampl
n o i t a c i l p p larship A
Investment Promise #3: It’s Generous. The fund is designed to payout 10% annually regardless of investment performance.
Question: How long could your gift extend
your “footprint” beyond your lifetime? Answer: As many as 50 years — five generations of kids!
Assumptions: Gift:..............................$100,000 Payout:.......................10% Earnings:....................6%*
Scholarship Ending Year Dollars Principal Interest Balance
Year 1
Year 5 8,048 4,253 3,795 76,224 *NOTES: (1) Annualized earnings represents blended return
Year 10 6,134 3,242 2,892 58,102
Year based on asset allocation and forecasted returns. (2) Data was gathered from CRSP 1-8, MSCI World ex-US, Ibbotson, HFRI, Venture Economics, NAREIT-All REIT and the 3-mo T-Bill to determine forward looking investment assumptions. (3) Past performance is no guarantee of future results. (4) Detailed investment forecast with assumptions is available upon request. (5) The assumptions of the earnings forecasts were validated through a separate Monte Carlo simulation. (6) Inclusive of management and investment fees.
15 4,676 2,471 2,205 44,288
Year 20 3,564 1,884 1,680 33,758 Year 25 2,717 1,436 1,281 25,732 Year 30 2,071 1,094 976 19,614 Year 35 1,578 834 744 14,951
Year 40
Year 45 917 485 432 8,686 Year 50 699 369 330 6,621 $176,686 $93,379 $83,308 $6,621
*A minimum of 97.5% of all gifts go directly to kids.
Investment Promise #4: It’s about Family Legacy. Twice a year we will communicate to you, your kids and even your grandkids about our plans for the year and our results.
Summer 2012 Actual Report
Investment Promise #5: It’s Well Managed. The fund will be invested conservatively by our professionals at the Young Life Foundation who provide the highest levels of fiduciary oversight.
“Young Life staff and Board are led by quality men and women who are committed to both responsible financial oversight as wel l as our single-minded mission to reach kids for Jesus Christ.You won’t find a better team.” — Denny Rydberg, Young Life Pre sident
Investment Promise #6: It’s Camp Connected. We want you to come and see to discover firsthand how your generosity is touching the lives of kids! So we invite you to stop by for a meal with us, enjoy an evening at club or an overnight stay at any of our camp properties.* And bring your friends.
* With your “Guest for Life” card, you will be able to check the availability at any camp property by calling our toll-free phone line. The card does not cover any associated costs of visiting a Young Life camp.
Jesus said, “Come and see.” JOHN
Future generations will be told about righteousness to a
the Lord. They will proclaim His people yet unborn. PSALM 22:30-31