The Military Legacy Fund - Serving Those Who Serve Us

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The Military Legacy Fund Serving Those Who Serve Us

Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and proclaim

the Gospel to the whole creation.” — JESUS CHRIST

The Challenge Their unique lifestyle produces: Moving an average of 7 times Loss of relationships Loneliness Reality of a parent in harms’ way 1 in 5 has a plan to end their own life

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.� R O M A N S 8 : 1 8

The Solution Bring the hope of Jesus Christ to military teens who are living in chaos, instability and fear. Club Beyond is the only organization exclusively focused on this mission.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” JEREMIAH 29:11

Our Proposal Help us build a pipeline of resources to help launch, sustain and grow ministry with military kids. We invite you to partner with us by: Giving strategically today and, Investing through your will or trust for tomorrow

“Future generations will be told about the Lord. They will proclaim His righteousness to a people yet unborn.� P S A L M 2 2 : 3 0 - 3 1

Investor Promise #1 Your Investment will be used strategically

Military Camp Scholarships

Military Teen Discipleship Grants


Recruit, Train & Deploy new Club Beyond Staff and Volunteers

Match our Heroes

Investor Promise #2 It’s Accountable and Leveraged

Your gift will only be used for the 4 outlined elements of the program Every one of your dollars will be multiplied by someone else’s dollar Fund recipients must meet all the requirements of their respective programs before receiving help from the fund Both the Field Director and the Executive Director will review and approve all requests for funds

“The generous man will be prosperous, and he who waters will himself be watered.” PROVERBS 11:25

Investor Promise #3 It Will Have a Lasting Impact

Fund will pay out 10 percent of the fund balance each year.

Question: How long could your gift extend

your “footprint” beyond your lifetime? Answer: As many as 50 years — five generations of kids! Assumptions: Gift: $100,000 / Payout: 10% / Earnings: 6%* Ending Year Payout Principal Interest Balance


Year 1

(1) Annualized earnings represents blended return Year based on asset allocation and forecasted returns. (2) Data was gathered from CRSP 1-8, MSCI World

results. (4) Detailed investment forecast with assumptions is available upon request. (5) The assumptions of the earnings forecasts were validated through a separate Monte Carlo simulation. (6) Inclusive of management and investment fees.




5 8,048 4,253 3,795 76,224

Year 10 6,134 3,242 2,892 58,102

ex-US, Ibbotson, HFRI, Venture Economics, Year NAREIT-All REIT and the 3-mo T-Bill to determine forward looking investment assumptions. (3) Past performance is no guarantee of future


15 4,676 2,471 2,205 44,288

Year 20 3,564 1,884 1,680 33,758 Year 25 2,717 1,436 1,281 25,732 Year 30 2,071 1,094 976 19,614 Year 35 1,578 834 744 14,951

Year 40





Year 45 917 485 432 8,686 Year 50 699 369 330 6,621 $176,686 $93,379 $83,308 $6,621

Investor Promise #4

It ‘s Well Managed and Transparent Funds are invested conservatively. MCYM legacy gifts will be overseen by the Young Life Foundation and managed by outside investment counsel. Performance data is available for review at any time.

The women and men who lead our Young Life Foundation are deeply committed to managing and leveraging the financial resources entrusted to us with the highest levels of financial oversight, so that, we are able to introduce as many of our young

friends as possible to a God who loves them deeply and wants the very best for them. — Newt Crenshaw, Young Life President

“Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.” PROVERBS 15:22

Investor Promise #5 It’s About Family Legacy

Once a year you will receive communication with the results and progress of the fund. Upon request, we will send these reports to your kids and grandkids as a way to help you pass along your values to successive generations.

“We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about His power and His mighty wonders.� PSALM 78:4

Psalm 145:4-5 “One generation commends tell of Your mighty acts. They speak majesty—and I will meditate

Your works to another; they of the glorious splendor of Your on Your wonderful works.�


Since 1980, MCYM has been going inside the barbed wire to walk alongside military teens on installations in the US and abroad. Listening to the whisper of the Holy Spirit, we have recognized the need for reliable resources so that we can continue to launch, sustain and grow ministry with military kids well into the future. Long-term pipelines of resources like the Military Legacy Fund are critically important to ensuring that Club Beyond is able to continue serving military teens for generations to come. Liz and I are excited about the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of military kids for many years after we have been called home to live in eternity with The Life Giver – Jesus Christ! Thank you for considering joining us in this effort.

Marty McCarty MCYM/Club Beyond Executive Director

P.O. Box 2486 | Colorado Springs, CO 80901

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