Relationships Winter 2018

Page 1

Young Life helps launch a future stuntwoman » 13

When your bully gets on the bus with you » 16

Meeting with the pope » 17

Winter 2018 | Vol. 31 Issue 3

The Grand Opening of


Young Life’s Camp in Armenia 11




see the back cover for details








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From the President #younglife Young Life Lite In It With Kids Passages Young Life Spoken Here

ABOUT THE COVER Cheers, smiles and tears of joy accompanied the grand opening of Pioneer, our brandnew camp in Armenia. Pioneer is the fulfillment of many Armenians’ dreams and we’re thrilled to share more of the story and photos on page 11.


Cover photo by Brian Orlovich

Publisher/President Newt Crenshaw is a publication of Young Life, a mission devoted to introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith. Relationships magazine is published three times a year (spring, fall and winter) by Young Life. If you’re receiving duplicate copies or would like to switch over to the electronic version, please contact the Young Life Mission Assistance team at 877-438-9572. We can also help you with the change of address or giving information.


Executive Editor Terry Swenson Senior Editor Jeff Chesemore Coordinator Donna McKenzie Copy Editor Jessica Williams Art Director Isaac Watkins

Designers Liz Knepper Joann Oh Diné Wiedey Contributing Photographers Corey Jenkins Annie Mays Brian Orlovich Sports Outreach Institute

Young Life is a Charter Member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. P.O. Box 520 Colorado Springs CO 80901 Support Young Life at



We often find it helpful to communicate about Young Life through our Mission, Vision, Values and Methods. Allow me to share how I like to think about the foundational elements of our ministry:

Introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.


Together we have set our eyes Forward, joining in a movement that compels us to go deeper in our walk with Jesus while helping young people grow deeper in their faith; to welcome a diverse team of men and women to all levels of leadership; to innovate new ways to reach and teach; and to grow — building relationships with more young people all over the world.

Mission – answers the question, “Why do we exist?” Essentially, it is our statement of purpose. Vision – answers the question, “Where are we going?” It describes our deeply desired future state. Values – answers the question, “Who are we?” It describes the people we aim to be at our core. Methods – answers the question, “How do we act?” These are the ways we want to behave every day.

In the left margin, we have displayed our first value and method in Young Life. This first value is at the core of who we are, and directly relates to our mission of “Introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.” The gospel is Jesus Christ Himself and what He has done for us in VALUE #1 His perfect life, sacrificial death The gospel — Living according and triumphant resurrection. Our to and communicating the commitment is to never, ever tire whole gospel of Jesus Christ. of living out this good news with our whole lives and telling young people about it in ways they METHOD #1 can understand. Praying for young people. It is first and foremost a gospel of God’s love for us, beautifully, tangibly and undeniably made real when Jesus took on flesh and dwelled among us. The gospel provides the remedy to heal a broken relationship with our Creator God because of our sin and waywardness, have new life by the Spirit today, and live eternally with Him. We need only take Him at His word, trust in Christ alone for our salvation and entrust our lives fully to Him as we seek to live by the power of His Spirit (the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead!). Jesus has given all to us, and all to Him we owe. This whole gospel is “truth” understandable to our renewed minds, and “new life” to be lived out by the Holy

Spirit’s power in accordance with our Creator’s image and design deeply imprinted within each of us. Our founder, Jim Rayburn, was fond of saying, “Jesus Christ is the most exciting person who ever walked this earth!” Indeed, He is! What a privilege we have to follow our risen Lord and Savior and tell young people about His wonderful, life-changing love for them. Our first method is “praying for young people.” Why is this our first method? Our ministry’s history instructs us on this one — Jim Rayburn’s call to ministry in Gainesville, Texas and his pastor’s approval of his outreach to unchurched kids, were both an answer to the prayers of Clara Frasher and her friends, who lived in that town. Prayer is our lifeline to the greatest power source in the universe, the Spirit of the Living God, available to each one of us and the kids we love and serve. Here’s the gut-level truth about what we do — we cannot do it without the Lord! We cannot change one kid’s heart to see Jesus for who He is, to see their sin and separation from God, understand the gospel and have a believing heart. Only the Holy Spirit can do these things. We are in desperate need of His power, help, guidance and encouragement in Young Life. Young Life is full of fun, adventure and beautiful relationships. But, make no mistake, it is hard. It is often lonely. There are times we may feel like giving up or playing it safe. We need the Lord and the courage and encouragement only He can give. You see, prayer is not only essential for turning young peoples’ hearts to Jesus, but also for us to be about our Lord’s work with glad and brave hearts. Thank you for living according to and communicating the whole gospel of Jesus Christ. And, thank you for being faithful in praying for all kinds of kids in all 50 states and around the world — and for one another, too! To see the complete set of Young Life’s Mission, Vision, Values and Methods, visit

Newt Crenshaw Young Life President






Our FOURTH and Last Camp is about to arrive!! Our work crew is ready to welcome them with love and joy!!

No matter how tired you are, sunrises are worth the lack of sleep when you’re at camp



I’m freaking thankful for the ministry of @younglife whether it’s in Boerne TX, New York City, or Savannah GA. YL means authentic people approaching Jesus

what i would give to live the best month of my life just #onemoretime !!!



I can't believe @madiisonhall is heading off to college this week! It has been a fun year full of @younglife adventures.

“I’m a leader because I feel that the Lord has called me to reach out to middle schoolers. I want them to know that Jesus loves them like crazy and will be there for them no matter what and that I will too.” @ awarren1996





Young Life

Young Life


“Old” Meets “New”

By Jeff Chesemore

Why there’s no aging out of this Allen, Texas, Campaigners group! On Monday nights a lively group of girls climbs into the SUV and carpools home from Campaigners. When not giggling hysterically, they’re continuing the conversation from the meeting or catching up on life. All in all, a pretty familiar scene wherever there’s Young Life. What sets these Campaigners apart, however, is that the “girls” just happen to be 40- and 50-somethings! For the past three years these moms of former Campaigners have been meeting just like their daughters used to, and for the same reason — to grow deeper in their faith. The only two differences: the ages and the name … they lovingly refer to their group as “Old Life.” How do you start an Old Life group? You listen to the wisdom of a teenager, of course! Matt and Randi Wideman had been Young Life volunteer leaders for 10 years when they sensed God calling them to something new. After the graduation of the Class of 2014 — kids the Widemans had worked with since they were freshmen in high school — Matt and Randi were ready to follow God into their next adventure ... whatever that might be. That summer Randi took the Even though life issues newly graduated girls on a mission look a little different trip to Romania. It was here, Randi from 17 to 47 or 57, said, God began to unveil His plan. the heart issues are “One of these sweet girls said, ‘Randi, I know what the Lord wants exactly the same. The you to do next year.’ gospel never changes “I was like, ‘Great! Tell me, girl!’ and God’s truth is ‘You need to lead a Bible study needed at every stage for our moms.’ in every life. We all ‘What?’ need Jesus. ‘I know it’s crazy, but they’ve seen what Young Life has done in our lives and if you lead the study, they’d come to it.’ “I said, ‘Teenagers are my thing. Little kids are my thing. Grown women are really not my thing! That’s so far out of my comfort zone!’ ‘Randi, just promise me you’ll pray about it.’” At that moment Randi thought, “Thank you, Lord, for my Young Life kid being my Young Life leader right now.” By summer’s end Randi was emailing the girls’ moms. “I said, ‘Here’s my heart, I don’t know if any of you are interested, but I would love it.’”

She quickly found out the interest level when more than 20 moms showed up that first night. “Some of these mamas had never opened a Bible before, so I started with the Gospel of Mark because I wanted them to really know who Jesus is and that He is so worth following. “Every Monday night we’d meet and at 10:30, I’d start getting all these calls from the daughters in college, saying, ‘Randi, you won’t believe it. My mom called me after Old Life and we talked about the Lord! And what she’s learning! And the Bible!’” As the moms grew in their relationships with Jesus, they grew closer to each other, too. The timing was significant, said Melissa Randolph, one of the moms. “God pulled us together at just the right time. That first year was tough for us; a dear friend in the group passed away from brain cancer and another mom lost her daughter.” Randi said, “God was preparing the group for this moment so we could draw together as the Young Life family; the whole community had loved the daughter and now could love the mom.” While they’ve shared tears, they’ve also shared plenty of joy, too. From celebrating their kids’ weddings, to the birth of grandchildren, to lake retreats to hilarious dinners, the ladies have graduated from simply attending Campaigners meetings to living life together. “Women are not much different than teens,” Randi said. “At the heart of every person is the need to know the Creator. Even though life issues look a little different from 17 to 47 or 57, the heart issues are exactly the same. The gospel never changes and God’s truth is needed at every stage in every life. We all need Jesus” “Some of us have been Christians for a long time,” Melissa said, “but seeing our kids’ fresh perspective and how they follow Jesus inspires us. That’s one thing I love about Old Life. Even though we’re older, we’re infused with this newness, this freshness of how Jesus serves, loves and lives, and asks the same of us. I’m just so thankful for all of it.”


and the walls came

down I’ve been writing for Young Life in various capacities since 2005. In all those years, I’ve never been asked to share a story I witnessed firsthand … until now. The following are reflections from a Young Life Expeditions trip I participated in last May.

By Ned Erickson On the edge of the West Bank of the Jordan River, there’s a sign you pass that reads “Jericho. World’s Oldest City.” It’s pockmarked with bullet holes and appears to be pointing at a pile of dirt. Nevertheless, by all accounts, this city has been in existence for over 11,000 years. Many know this city from the biblical account of Joshua who marched the Israelite army around its fortified walls then blew trumpets. “When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and … the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city” (Joshua 6:20, NIV). In recent years, the city has been a little harder to “take.” Jews are restricted from entering, and there are very few Arab Christians. In Jericho, as well as in other parts of the Holy Land, it’s actually illegal to share your faith across religious boundaries. This has made starting Young Life here incredibly challenging. But just as God cleared a way for the Israelites to cross the Jordan to the Promised Land, God has provided a creative path into the oldest city in the world. And last May, when 80 children and their parents attended a Young Life Capernaum Camp near Bethlehem, walls came down.

Aida never left home.

Aida soaking up the sun and fun.


By “never” I mean she remained inside, all day, every day — except for the time her mother took her to the orphanage and left her there. Needless to say, getting her onto the bus was not easy. And when she was greeted by a man wearing a white suit and an Afro wig, it’s quite understandable why she was terrified (although it came as quite a shock to the program character — me!). You can imagine my surprise when later I saw Aida basking — literally basking in the sun. Over the next 48 hours, the young woman soaked up everything we threw at her. She sat at the front of club. She screamed with glee in my friend Sean’s ear as he carried her around the pool. She jumped in the center of the circle during the dance party. When it came time to leave, she gave Dakota, the other program character, the biggest hug he’d ever received (it didn’t dawn on him until it was too late that she had no intention of letting go).

Sauson and Ned Erickson

We were all left speechless. “The beauty was in the camp,” Sauson wrote me later. “The smile you drew on our faces by your good hearts. It was a lot of fun to learn about the cause of my faith.”

How do you reach a city when it’s illegal to share your faith? Five years ago, Hunter and Lauri Lambeth moved to Nazareth with their daughter to start Young Life in the Middle East. He had been working with Yousef (the speaker in the previous Sauson is beautiful. story) to help launch Young Life’s first club in the I admit when I saw her sitting by the fence region. There are now clubs in nine cities, eight instead of joining in the action, I thought she was indigenous staff and dozens of volunteer leaders. not a camper but a bad leader! Later, when I saw This summer, nearly 800 Arab and Jewish her walk to lunch I realized there was more to teenagers went to camp. her story. Yet there are areas of the country, not Sauson’s body is broken. Her arms, legs, even to mention neighboring countries, nearly her tongue simply will not obey what her mind is impossible to reach because of the institutional telling them to do. It’s painful to watch. And for a restrictions imposed by authorities. woman with as sharp a mind as Sauson’s, it must “But,” said Lambeth, “the be incredibly painful to live with. government has relaxed the rules when She was crying by herself during you work with special needs children.” lunch. Ruba, one of the most impressive to show and receive This is the creative response that leaders I have ever met, approached love to and from keeps Young Life relevant in the world. her and warmly asked her how she “Just as when you’re feeding the these mothers could help. Awash with humiliation, poor,” Lambeth continued, “these and children with Sauson explained she was unable to Muslim parents don’t see anybody disabilities ... made eat. Quietly, Ruba got her food and fed caring for their kids or giving them every moment of fun, her. Just the two of them. From the attention. The fact we’re Christians outside looking in, it could have been activity and laughter is not a barrier because they are so two friends having lunch together, so significant. starved for help.” which is what it became. For the first time Lambeth and I shared dinner with Sauson that his team decided to let parents come evening, and along with Ruba and to camp with their children. “We had to,” others laughed, sang and even danced with explained Lambeth. “It was the only way these Sauson. It was the first time in Sauson’s life she parents would let their kids come. We saw it as actually felt like a young adult. You should have an opportunity to share the gospel with them seen her on the dance floor that night … as well.” The next day, our camp speaker was finishing One of our leaders, Jessica Kok, said, up his final talk when Sauson, to the shock of “To show and receive love to and from these everyone, struggled to her feet. Yousef, the camp mothers and children with disabilities (normally speaker, stopped mid-sentence and asked her marginalized and rejected by their communities if there was anything he could do for her. She and denied that type of interaction), made asked if she could say something. every moment of fun, activity and laughter Believe it or not, I have had things like this so significant.” happen to me. And let me tell you — they rarely Following up to the tremendous response end well. Generally speaking, it’s never smart at camp, Yousef and the team have launched to give the mic to a camper — but that’s exactly Jericho Young Life this fall. Boys and girls what Yousef did. like Aida are there. Sauson wants to become This is what Sauson said: “I have never in my a leader … life experienced moments like this. No one in our Looks like the walls around Jericho are village cares for us like this. And what I realize crumbling down once again. here is that it is not the person who has the problem with their body who has the problem. No, it’s the person who has a problem in their mind toward the person who has a problem in their body that has the problem. Thank you for showing us we are special and we can do things that normal people do.”


Dreaming of an experience like the Jericho camp week?

it was tremendous experiencing living, holy stones in the holy land. i loved walking where jesus walked and seeing what he saw … seeing kids served and loved where jesus served and loved in person was awesome and inspiring. — anne marie vonkahle, young life committee member

The Holy Land awaits! Come serve kids in the land where Jesus walked and lived out His ministry! You can bring a group of high school or college kids, committee, donors and friends to help with a Young Life camp. You can then embark on a spectacular Holy Land tour with experienced, passionate Christ-centered tour guides and be blown away by the wonder of it all! Young Life camps typically run from May to August. Young Life camps come in all varieties in this region of the world: middle school and high school students, families, kids with disabilities and Young Life College. Help is needed — from program to work staff to caring for kids and leaders. Expeditions is the service division of Young Life and coordinates all aspects of your trip from start to finish. Go to or call 888‑963-4443 to find out more! You can also simply choose to do a Holy Land Encounter to visit all the historic and holy sights and we’ll make sure you connect with Young Life leaders and kids.

yl expeditions. com | 8 8 8 -9 6 3-4443 7

IN IT WITH KIDS! In 2010, as a high school senior, I was the first person in my family to be involved in Young Life and the first to begin a relationship with Christ, when I was at Lake Champion. I’ve since seen my brother, sister, mom and stepdad come to faith and become a part of the ministry as well. Seven years later, I’m now on staff in Marysville, Ohio. My brother is now on staff in Dublin, Ohio, and my sister, mom and stepdad are all volunteer leaders in a Capernaum club in Columbus, Ohio. While it’s any believer’s dream for their family to just come to know Christ, the joy of getting to share the same ministry is awesome, in the truest sense of the word. I’m thankful for Young Life and how it has transformed my whole family. — Sam Meyung, staff in Marysville, Ohio Sam (second from left) and his family.

When I was in high school, my Young Life leader, Kathy Mason, told me I could be anything I wanted to be, she pushed me to be a better human and wanted to get to know me, my hopes, my fears, my dreams. She made me feel special every day. She changed the trajectory of my life. I don’t think she understands the impact she had on my life and countless others. — Bailee Miracle, volunteer leader in Paradise Valley, Arizona

Kathy and Bailee

In 2013, my Young Life leader, Jawaan Ballard, needed a place to stay for a few weeks before he left for summer camp, so he moved in with my family. He wound up living with us for more than a year. I was already close to him but he became like a brother to me. I’m now a senior in college and his friendship and mentorship has made a real difference in my life. He truly became a member of our family — he calls my sisters his sisters, and his wife and newborn son have also been embraced by my family. We’re all so blessed by Young Life bringing our families together. — Bryant Rodekohr, student at Baylor University

Bryant and Jawaan


By Leslie Strader

A WyldLife leader’s unexpected phone call brings light to many. Fourteen-year-old Allison* was in a dark place, a place she’d been for too long. She’d just hung up the phone after breaking up with her boyfriend, and felt the too-familiar heaviness pulling her down like a weight. Moments later, her phone rang again. This time, a voice of hope was on the other end. It was Allison’s WyldLife leader, Hannah Russell, making a phone call she never thought she’d make, with an invitation that would prove life changing. Russell, now a senior at Miami University, had just been placed as a WyldLife leader at Harrison Junior School in Oxford, Ohio, when she met Allison and her friends in February 2015. Since then, Russell had only interacted with Allison in the crowded cafeteria or in a group at WyldLife club. Now more than a year later, Russell was reaching out to this eighthgrader she hardly knew to invite her to camp, trusting God was working beyond what she could see. “It’s easy to think you have to build a whole relationship with kids and that there is so much on us as leaders,” Russell said. “But that’s not always true. God is bigger than that. His timing and truth are above any work that I do.” Harrison WyldLife campers.

Answering the Call

While Russell didn’t know Allison well, she did feel a connection with her. Allison was a “good kid” with a smile on her face that betrayed the war in her heart. “Allison and I have similar backgrounds. I never knew the Just because I’m by myself Lord or understood the gospel growing up,” Russell said. “We were dubbed ‘Christian’ in school because we were good kids. doesn’t mean I’m lonely at all. Allison was a gentle spirit and kind beyond belief. While she Now I have Someone watching came off as a happy-go-lucky kind of girl, she was in a battle with depression much deeper than I could see or understand.” over me. There is Someone Russell grew close to one of Allison’s best friends, Rachel,* over the school year. I know who cares about me. Allison remembers meeting Russell and her invitation to WyldLife club. She said it met an emotional need in her life, temporarily. “I was struggling with depression and starting to seek out places to channel my emotions,” Allison said. “When Hannah invited us to WyldLife, I thought, ‘Maybe I’ll try it.’ And I had a really good time. It seemed to really help.” But in the quiet of her room, her battle still raged. The night she and her boyfriend broke up was pivotal. She had just taken a knife to her room, intent on self-harm or perhaps more.


Hannah Russell (center) with her cabin at camp. That same evening, Russell learned there was one open, paid-for spot for camp. They needed a girl to fill it before they left at 6 a.m. the next morning. Russell immediately thought of her young friend, Rachel. “I vividly remember getting my phone out to call Rachel,” Russell recalled. “And then I had this thought, ‘No, you need to call Allison.’ And so I dialed her number. As the phone was ringing, I remember thinking, ‘Why am I calling Allison instead of Rachel?’ But I decided to roll with it!” Miraculously, in the midst of her darkest moment, Allison answered. And another miracle: her parents said yes to camp.

Finding Her Savior and Herself Russell sat beside Allison on the bus the whole way to camp. In their conversation, Allison told Russell about the breakup the night before. “She made everything sound very positive,” Russell said. “I knew she struggled with depression before, so I asked her about that. She said she was fine and excited to go to camp. So I left it at that.” Allison tried to keep her chin up, but as the days went by, the talks started to hit home. “After the cross talk, we talked for two hours,” Russell said. “Allison said, ‘My life is not OK.’ She told me she was contemplating selfharm the night I called. She said she’s not sure she would have made it through the week. Some of what she said was hard to hear. But she said, ‘God put me here for a reason.’” Allison told Russell, “I’ve been trying really hard to follow all these rules and be good and do what you’re supposed to do for so long. It feels like I have a hole and nothing fixes it. I never knew I didn’t have to do all that.” They both knew Russell’s phone call that night was no coincidence.

Hannah (far right) and friends. “Allison realized the sin in her life at camp that week. She realized her need for Jesus. She decided she wanted Jesus,” Russell said. “There is so much joy when a kid meets Jesus, when they see He is their only real option. There are no words to describe the beauty.” “It was like I’d found myself for the first time,” Allison said.

Miracle After Miracle After camp, Russell and Allison met weekly for Bible study. Then another miracle happened. “Our second week at Bible study, Allison told me that for the first time in about a year, she had a real conversation with her dad,” Russell said. “This 14-year-old told her father the gospel. And her dad said he finally understood what his life was missing. Her family started reading the Bible together and going to church again. “One little whisper from the Spirit to call Allison, and within two weeks, her whole family had gained eternity. What a gift. What a miracle.” Allison said her struggles didn’t instantly subside, but she has been able to walk through them, with Jesus. “Even after camp I still struggled,” she said. “I was a pretty heavy self-harmer, but I realized things take time. Believing didn’t cure things, but God absolutely changed my life for the better. “Now I am a way stronger person than I used to be. I used to rely on other people to bring me happiness. I was seeking attention in the wrong ways. Now I accept who I am as a person. And I’m not worried about being alone. I learned that just because I’m by myself doesn’t mean I’m lonely at all. Now I have Someone watching over me. There is Someone I know who cares about me.” *Name has been changed


Young Life’s NEW in


ARMENIA! Holy and historic are the words that best describe the August 7, 2017, dedication of Pioneer, Young Life’s camp in Armenia. And how fitting, when considering the Armenian leaders and faithful friends who’ve supported this project. This property, perfectly located in Artavaz along the Marmarik River, was once a premier communist camp. With the fall of the Soviet Union and Armenia’s independence in 1991, the camp was abandoned. Our Armenian Young Life pioneers believed a place once used to teach kids about communism and atheism could be reclaimed and turned into a place to learn about the love of Christ. The dream of having a camp in this strategic part of the world became a reality when Young Life purchased the property in 2011, and within a year, members of the local village were helping build and staff the camp. By providing local jobs, Young Life is winning the right to be heard and building trust within country that’s seen too much fear and suspicion.


Camp Pioneer is built for every kid. U.S. and Armenian architects have collaborated to build a camp accessible for kids with disabilities — a new concept in Armenia as kids with disabilities are often hidden from the public. There will also be a medical clinic on this property available to the villagers. Young Life is intentional about constructing a year-round facility to serve the people in the community. The thousands of kids who came to Pioneer this summer slept in beautiful dorms constructed with the culturally appropriate excellence we expect in all our camps. There’s an outdoor club room we’ll continue to use until 2019, when the permanent one is completed. We hope to complete the kitchen and dining hall as funding allows.

Clockwise from bottom right: Girls listening to the club talk; Work crew ready to welcome kids to camp; Arman Asatryan, regional director of Armenia, sharing a club message; Kids entering camp; Two thumbs up for Pioneer!


Flipping the Script By Jeff Chesemore

A young woman’s encounter with God propels her into a life of action.

Laurie Singer in action.

You’re probably not familiar with the name Laurie Singer; but you certainly know her work (and that’s just fine by her!). For the past seven years the stuntwoman has vaulted, fallen, kicked, catapulted and fought in dozens of movies (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Mockingjay – Part 1, Spiderman 2) and TV shows (Gotham, Royal Pains, Blue Bloods, The Good Wife). Using various tricks of the trade, Singer’s true identity is invisible to the human eye as she stunt doubles for many of today’s most well- known actors. But the silver screen is the only place Singer wants to be incognito. Off screen, she’s quite open about who she is, and how her faith plays a major part in her “true identity.” Her passion for Christ mirrors her chosen profession in terms of energy, enthusiasm and resilience. She readily credits Young Life for coming along at just the right time in her life — when she’d never been more ready to hear about God’s love.

Tumbling Growing up in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Singer enjoyed a happy childhood surrounded by a loving family, strong friendships and her success in gymnastics. These innocent times would not last, however. Her world turned upside down when, as a 15-year-old, she attended a party where she was sexually assaulted. Singer was devastated. “I was so sad and depressed. I didn’t want to talk to anybody about it,” she said. “There was just no hope.” Singer withdrew into herself and shut out others; at her lowest point, she experimented with cutting and an attempted overdose. “I couldn’t really understand why I did it. I hated myself so much.” Singer’s mom sought professional help for her daughter and she was prescribed medications for depression and ADHD. “I started becoming more even, but the drugs didn’t give me joy in my life again. I was living, but I didn’t feel like I used to.”

Release Adrift and hopeless, Singer continued to muddle through her high school years. One day during the spring of her junior year at Chapel Hill High School, however, Singer was handed a lifeline from a stranger. For on that day she met Tracy Mansfield, a junior at the University of North Carolina, and a Young Life leader. “Tracy came up with this huge smile on her face and I thought, ‘Wow she’s so happy! That girl has got something special and whatever it is, I want it.’ I’d never seen a joy like that. When she invited me to Young Life, I thought, ‘Yeah, I want to go wherever you go!’”


Mansfield, for her part, had no idea the impression she’d made. “We always prayed before we went into the high school, ‘God, please just show us who you want us to meet today.’ We were having club that night and handed out maps to where we’d be meeting. God had totally orchestrated this for Laurie. It had nothing to do with me.” Not surprisingly, Singer showed up to club and was blown away. “There was no judgment, just ‘come as you are and we’re going to love you,’” she said. “No matter what you’ve done or what’s been done to you, everybody’s welcome. As I continued to go to club, I noticed the other kids weren’t there to be popular or something else you may want to be in high school. They were there to find out Laurie (center, in striped shirt) with Tracy and Laurie in 2004 about Christ. That was something I hadn’t seen Tracy Mansfield (top middle) and in the high school culture. This was different friends at Campaigners. because these kids were sincere. I wanted to be around this amazing group of people.” Mansfield loved befriending Singer. North Carolina State, where her gymnastic “I remember being drawn to this girl. Laurie was abilities continued to shine. She graduated in so easy to be around; she fit naturally because 2008 and God was soon opening doors to the she was so fun, but could be serious and real, next part of her journey. too. She was mature beyond her years.” “One day I sensed God whispering in my ear, Soon Singer started attending Campaigners. ‘Move up to New York City.’ “We were going through the book Just Like Jesus “I didn’t know why. I didn’t have a job lined by Max Lucado, and that book was so tangible up. I was like, ‘Really? Am I hearing you right? for the girls,” Mansfield remembered. “Laurie Are you sure, God?’ kept listening and taking things in.” “He said, ‘Trust me.’ In a matter of weeks, Singer “‘OK, God, I’m going!’” began a relationship with Jesus. She showed up in the Big Apple “When I found out who Jesus is, with two suitcases and a friend’s When I found out who I started to feel joy in my heart floor to sleep on. “The day I arrived again. He loved me despite the I auditioned for a dancing part and Jesus is, I started to feel darkness that had happened in my I got it!” joy in my heart again. life. I said, ‘Yes, Lord, come into my The opportunities continued to life. I’m ready. Bring it on!’ After roll in. She found work in fitness He loved me despite I made that decision, it felt like the and figure competitions; modeling; the darkness that had depression went away.” starring as the lone female acrobatic The decision to follow Jesus dunker for the Knicks’ halftime show happened in my life. only made her hunger and at Madison Square Garden; and even thirst for Him all the more real, a stint portraying one of the Power Mansfield said. Rangers at different events. “I definitely saw a vulnerability “By word of mouth I kept getting in Laurie and a desire to know, ‘Who is this referrals for more and more jobs. I’m walking Jesus? What does He have to do with my life?’ by faith in this big city filled with people; I told She really went after Him and asked good the Lord, ‘I’ll just walk through open doors and questions. Laurie wasn’t afraid to say, ‘I don’t praise you in the process.’ Within a year I’m a understand that. Can you explain it to me?’” full-time stunt performer. That’s God!” Singer also grew during her week at Young Life Cartwheels camp. “I loved Windy Gap! I remember going Since 2010, Singer has lived in the “stunt outside, sitting by myself and praying during world.” It’s a calling that requires spending time that one-on-one time with Jesus. It was so on both coasts, shuffling between home and beautiful, connecting with God in the peace Hollywood. She’s learned a lot about navigating of His mountains.” that world without compromising her beliefs. Springboard “You don’t usually meet people in this Singer matured in her relationship with business willing to be bold about their faith,” Jesus and after high school, she left for (continued on page 15)


(continued from page 14) she said. “Many Christians in Hollywood feel like they can’t talk about their faith because it could easily lead to unemployment.” So imagine her surprise when she heard about Will Harper, a follower of Christ who also happens to be a highly sought-after stuntman. Learning about their mutual love for Jesus, the two soon began dating in 2014 and were married two years later.

Balance Today Laurie Singer looks back fondly on her foundational years in Young Life and continues her friendship with Tracy Mansfield. “Young Life was such a special place to belong and Tracy really set an example of what it looked like to follow Christ. She loved me so much and I didn’t even know her. It’s so amazing to see what He was doing through her with me and the other kids.” Mansfield shares the amazement of God’s work in her friend. “I’m amazed at the way Young Life sets up people to share their faith; I feel so honored to be part of Laurie’s story. I’m so thankful for how the Lord orchestrates things — working in Laurie’s life before I met her and preparing her for what she’d hear in club, Campaigners and at camp. God uses Young Life leaders to do that. “Knowing it’s in the Lord’s hands, we shouldn’t grow weary. He’s the one who opens ears and eyes to His truth. I’m so thankful He’s done it in such a powerful way with Laurie.”


201 8

GALÁPAGOS ENCOUNTER June 22-29 — Go, See and Engage Young Life in Ecuador! Experience the local culture and Young Life alongside staff and leaders in Quito. Then be amazed as you explore God's creation in one of the most unique locations in the world ... the Galápagos Islands.

TANZANIA July 7-21 and July 21-August 4 — Partner in community outreach with Tanzanian staff and leaders in a remote Maasai village, where Young Life has a lively and growing ministry. In addition, you'll have the option to join a Safari Trip to the Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti or Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, to the top of Africa at 19,430 feet.

These trips are perfect for all ages and provide awe-inspiring ways to see the world with Young Life! Visit for details. To explore more opportunities to serve Young Life around the world, go to 15

when your

BULLY A tale of two teenagers in San Antonio, Texas.

gets on the bus with you By Annie Mays

Early in the morning on July 15, Anthony rescue to the brokenhearted, and many of them jumped out of bed and ran to his suitcase. He struggled with the implications of receiving that checked the contents to make sure he hadn’t truth into their lives. But nothing could have forgotten anything. Clothes, shoes, hat, swim prepared Anthony for what he heard Abraham trunks ... it was all there. The day had finally say to the boys sitting in a circle on their come! He was going to Young Life camp! cabin floor. That afternoon, he and his friends “I’m worthless,” said Abraham. climbed onto a charter bus in a hot “I’m a terrible person … and I know it. I’m just as broken as you parking lot and claimed their seats. He God could never forgive me for what are. I don’t deserve God’s couldn’t believe that, in minutes, they I’ve done to people. I don’t even know would begin what his leaders promised forgiveness either. But He’s why I’m like this. It doesn’t make me would be the best week of his life: seven feel better about all this mess and pain giving it to both of us. And days at SharpTop Cove in Georgia’s Blue in my life.” I think we should take it. Ridge Mountains. Anthony felt his heart stir with Suddenly an athletic kid wearing a mix of anger, sadness and, finally, a gray football shirt walked onto the courage. He was shocked to hear himself bus and made his way up the aisle. Anthony’s begin to speak to Abraham for the first time all heart sank. Could it be? It was Abraham, a week. “You’re right, dude. God should be mad at varsity football player who had made Anthony’s you. You threw food at me in the cafeteria on sophomore year the most miserable of his life. my first day of school while I was sitting alone. From Anthony’s first day as a transfer student You called me names in front of everyone so at McCollum High School, Abraham had they could all laugh at me. You made me hate repeatedly mocked and humiliated him in front school and you almost made me miss this trip. of countless students he had hoped to become When I saw you get on the bus, I tried to get off friends with. Anthony avoided Abraham at and stay home.” Anthony took a breath. Every school whenever he could, and he definitely guy in the cabin sat in silence, wondering what wasn’t going on a trip with him, no matter how kind of fight they were about to witness, but great the destination. even Abraham was quiet. Anthony had to find a way out. He decided Anthony continued. “But I’m no better then to call his mom, pretend he was sick and than you. And I know that now. I had no idea apologize later to his leader for abandoning what you’ve been through and I know I’m just Abraham and Anthony the trip. He stood up and tried to walk off the as broken as you are. I don’t deserve God’s bus without attracting attention, forgiveness either. But He’s giving but his girlfriend yanked him by it to both of us. And I think we the shirt, back into his seat next should take it.” to her. “You’re not backing out Anthony stood and walked now,” she whispered. “Don’t worry across the circle, reaching his about him.” hand down toward Abraham. In The bus pulled away from the the next moment they both stood, parking lot. Anthony stared out hugging and in tears, embracing the window, dreading what he had in friendship. Here they were: looked forward to for months. the bully and the target, the new Four nights later, he found kid and the popular athlete, the himself in their cabin’s nightly victim and the villain. Reconciled. discussion time, listening to Restored. Rescued. They arrived at Abraham speak. The boys and their Young Life camp as enemies, but friends had heard incredible stories Abraham and Anthony came home about the God-Man named Jesus as brothers. Is there anything God who offered grace to sinners and cannot do?





Young Life’s Marty Caldwell meets Pope Francis, who reaffirms the importance of relational ministry to kids. “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” — Ephesians 4:3, NIV

From left to right: Marty Caldwell, Pope Francis and Susan Caldwell.


Pastors, priests, authors and worship leaders shuffled reverently past the Swiss Guard and into the room. It was Thursday, June 8, and Marty Caldwell, executive vice president of Young Life International Ministries, had been anticipating this moment for months. All were gathered in the spirit of Jesus’ prayer in John 17:21, “that they may be one” — Catholic, Protestant and Pentecostal together, black and white, men and women, clerics and lay people. “Thank you for what Young Life does with our church,” one whispered. “We need your help in reaching kids in our city,” another noted. The sense of fraternity was already stirring. Moments earlier, the room had been arranged in typical fashion — a large chair of historical significance in front with stackable chairs positioned in linear rows for the audience. But this wouldn’t do. The pope asked for the large chair to be removed. He wanted to sit in a stackable chair like everyone else. And concentric circles. He wanted everyone to be able to see not only him but the whole body gathered together. “He was the picture of a servant before he even walked in the room,” Caldwell reflected.

A Historical Appreciation Caldwell recalled the story of how Jim Rayburn, Young Life’s founder, had visited Rome in 1968. Rayburn met with five Catholic seminarians studying for the priesthood. He loved it. And he loved them. He absolutely cherished the meeting, later calling it “the highlight of my European tour.” Whether he knew it or not, the meeting ushered a rising tide of unity and shared mission about to reach a true watermark for the Kingdom of God. His heart full, Caldwell sat in his stackable chair and remembered his own encounter with Christ. It was 1969, only a year after Rayburn’s powerful visit to Rome. Caldwell met Jesus through a group of Young Life leaders in Phoenix.

By Michael Havercamp It changed his life forever. Nearly 50 years later, Caldwell is now overseeing an explosive growth of Young Life ministries in over 100 countries worldwide. When Pope Francis entered the room, everyone stood. The pontiff greeted every person slowly, face-to-face, looking each one in the eyes with a gentle handshake. There were pre-submitted questions they were all eager to discuss — questions about prayer, unity in Christ, working together in evangelization and discipleship, loving people well, and healing our broken world. The group worshiped, told stories, prayed and encouraged each other in what would have seemed like a very normal Young Life meeting. The one-hour meeting quickly became two hours, then a half hour more. Retracing the steps of Rayburn in Rome was powerful for Caldwell. He has always embraced the ecumenical vision of Young Life, building abiding friendships with Protestants and Catholics across the country and, in his current role, around the globe. But this was truly a special moment. Protestants and Catholics together in Christ, hearing Pope Francis speak of the need for effective ministry to young people. “You are the ones who accompany young people on their path,” Pope Francis said, “helping them find the way that leads to Christ.” He spoke passionately about evangelization, over and over again emphasizing the power of relationships. “Much more than promoting a series of activities for young people, you walk with them,” Pope Francis said, “accompanying them personally in these complex and difficult times.” It is in this ministry of accompaniment, where the verbal and non-verbal proclamation of Christ is experienced, that real transformation happens. It’s meeting kids where they are, and walking with them through all of life’s challenges, that creates real and enduring connections. “It’s in this connection,” Pope Francis insisted, “where a true dialogue can be engaged in by one who lives a personal relation with the Lord Jesus.” The pope’s ecumenical heart was evident, always honoring other Christian traditions.

He praised the Pentecostal emphasis on the Holy Spirit. He honored the Protestant emphasis on Jesus Christ and the Catholic reverent emphasis on the wonder of the Father. These were all implied and meant as beautiful affirmations that we need each other to fulfill the prayer of John 17 and the Great Commission.

Like Oxygen The meeting was exhilarating. Caldwell and his wife, Susan, would comment later, “His humility and servant leadership were like oxygen. A good shepherd with his people. A pastor caring for his flock. We were utterly blessed by every second.” The conversation was translated into English from Italian but language was no barrier on this day. “His spirit, his demeanor and the fragrance of Jesus would have been all we needed,” Caldwell recalled. “Here is a good man, a good shepherd who loves Jesus, loves people and wants us to be a unified expression of the gospel for the world.” Was Young Life mentioned to the pope? “No,” Caldwell said, “and I did not expect it to be.” But Caldwell knows Catholic leaders will not be able to keep quiet for long. Catholic bishops in Texas, Oregon, Kentucky, New York, Tanzania, Kenya, Poland, Nicaragua and many other places are already working with Young Life to reach a world of kids and more connections with the Catholic Church are being made every day. He has every confidence Pope Francis will soon hear about Young Life as an ecumenical collaboration of churches reaching adolescents for Jesus and helping them grow in their faith. So what should we do? “Pray,” Caldwell said. “Start in prayer.” Caldwell further exhorted: “Read John 17 and pray. Then call a local priest or pastor and offer to get to know each other in friendship. Then pray John 17 together. Of course Young Life will come up. Let it come up in friendship and in a vision for kids to know Jesus. Invite others from different Christian traditions than yours. Rather than begin with, ‘How can we work together?’ Begin with, ‘How can we pray for our city together?’ Friendship will take it from there.” What else? Marty said, “Go to the school, go to the neighborhood, get some leaders together and plan camp, call your community to pray for kids. What? That sounds like, ‘Keep doing good Young Life.’ Yup. Indeed.” And if you need help, don’t hesitate to call the office of Young Life – Catholic Relations. We have staff to walk with you every step of the way. By the way, they sang “Amazing Grace” as they closed. Amazing. Grace. Indeed.

You can contact the Young Life Catholic Relations office at: Director — Dr. Michael Havercamp • 563-549-0556 Eastern States — Nathan Gunn Western States — Marisa Avramovich


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How a football injury + chess sets + decades of faithfulness = HOPE. By Shannon Harrell

Sue and Russ Carr


Born in one of the most impoverished villages in the world, nine-year-old Phiona was forced to grapple with life in the slums of Uganda after her father died of AIDS. When Christian missionaries began investing in the children of her slum and taught them the game of chess, her life changed forever. In 2016, her story of hope, faith and courage was captured in the award-winning Disney movie Queen of Katwe. Phiona can trace her story back five decades before she was born to Santa Barbara, California, as Russ Carr made a head-on tackle at football practice and his lip collided with a teammate’s cleat. As an eager high school athlete with a bloody lip, Carr never dreamed the impact he would make on teenagers all over the world, especially in the slums of Uganda. While cleaning his wound, Carr was approached by Jay Beaumont, a Young Life leader. Beaumont, a college student at Westmont, had been faithfully attending the Santa Barbara High School (SBHS) football practices and cheering on the players. Beaumont checked on Carr and then asked the famous question, “Have you heard of Young Life?” This encounter led to a lifelong friendship and the beginning of SBHS’s Young Life club. In 1951, Carr met Jesus at a Young Life winter camp in the San Bernardino Mountains of Southern California. He was captivated as Young Life’s founder, Jim Rayburn, spoke about Jesus in a way Carr had never heard before. Rayburn spoke passionately to the group of 300 teenagers and then invited those ready to begin a relationship with Jesus to come forward. With tears

in his eyes, this tough high school athlete got out of his chair in the back row of the crowded auditorium and embraced Jesus.

Carpinteria to Kaiserslautern to Kampala This decision became the foundation of his life and led Carr to eventually create international ministries to work with some of the world’s most broken and hurting kids. In his words, “This moment was a turning point; I was never the same. After camp and for several years, many Young Life leaders like Lynn Berntson, Jay Beaumont and Harry McDonald would disciple, encourage and challenge my wife and me. The investment of those dear friends would help shape the way we led others.” Following high school, Carr and his wife, Sue, served as leaders in Santa Barbara and then started a new Young Life club at Carpinteria High School, comprised of students from mostly rural areas. They performed skits, led games and shared about Jesus with a group of young people rarely touched by the gospel. After nine years of coaching, training and working with Young Life, the Lord provided a new teaching job that led Carr, Sue, their three children and 17 suitcases to Germany in 1964. After saying goodbye to all their friends and family, the Carrs struggled to adjust to life overseas; but Carr encouraged his family by saying, “Testing always seems to follow when you take a step of faith. We must continue to pray and trust that God will provide for us.” The family’s commitment to prayer was critical as God prepared them for difficult work in developing countries. Only weeks into their new life in Germany, God burdened the Carrs’ hearts for the students in their city and they started Young Life in Kaiserslautern. This club grew to become the largest in Europe.

Robert and Phiona at a chess tournament in 2016.

Upon returning home to the States, Carr became a professor and soccer coach at Westmont College, where the athletic field is now named in his honor. In 1987 Carr’s Young Life roots, love for kids and passion for sports led him to create the Sports Outreach Institute (SOI) in Uganda. This organization would introduce hundreds of kids to Christ through athletics. SOI began work in several slums in Uganda’s capital, Kampala, one of which was Katwe. At this time, Uganda was recovering from 20 years of civil war and dealing with the new horror of African warlord Joseph Kony who abducted children for his rebel army. It was a critical time for Carr and the SOI to move into the slums to spread hope and transform lives.

A New Game Carr and his team began to hire and train slum leaders and coaches like Robert Katende to work with the children of Katwe. Katende understood the daily challenges these children faced as he also grew up an orphan in Kampala’s slums. He survived a childhood riddled with heartbreak and neardeath experiences, but his background inspired his passion to radically love these kids and offer them something new. In the midst of building his athletic programs, he noticed several children were uninterested in playing soccer. After much prayer, Katende suggested introducing these kids to chess — a radical thought as most could not read or write and had never heard of the game. Carr responded by saying, “If God is leading you to do it, you must try!” Soon Carr and others were providing chess sets for Katende and his newly formed chess team. As the Katwe kids began to learn the game, Katende, against strong opposition, entered

Carr with friends in Uganda.

his students in local tournaments. To the bewilderment of the local chess clubs, the slum children began taking home trophies to their huts in Katwe. Some even performed and medaled in tournaments in other African countries! The Disney movie famously quotes one student who says, “Can you do big things from such small places?” Katende and his team of believers empowered these children to dream big and recognize their value as children of God.

Crown Her the Queen! One of these children is Phiona who, alongside her mother, worked hard selling corn in the streets to support their family. SOI provided meals to the hungry children of Katwe and at the urging of her brother, Phiona finally came to receive food. She watched as other children played chess under Katende’s coaching and was mesmerized by the game. Katende persuaded her to learn and she not only quickly picked up all of the rules, but also began to brilliantly master the strategy. Eventually, Phiona would become the women’s chess champion of Uganda, the Queen of Katwe. Phiona’s life changed when she encountered a Young Life alums’ team of coaches passionate about kids meeting Jesus. Her story would soon be captured in an ESPN Magazine article and a book. In 2016, Disney produced Queen of Katwe, and the world watched as one girl from the slums of Africa gave hope to her community. Sixty-five years earlier, as Jay Beaumont sat on a bench connecting with Carr, who could have imagined what God was planning? Young Life leaders pour into teenagers every day without any idea of the ripples their lives may make in the Kingdom of God. Carr encourages all those on the front lines of ministry to “be courageous! Dance around any doubt and break through the façade of the ‘impossible.’ Remember, nothing is impossible for God.”

Russ Carr is one of thousands of alumni still intimately involved with Young Life. To learn more about Alumni and Friends, go to alum. yl. org.



By Jeff Chesemore

Harry M. MacDonald March 28, 1926 — June 25, 2017 Young Life has lost a minister of the gospel, beloved throughout the world for his pioneering work. Harry MacDonald, along with Harry MacDonald (right) in Korea. his wife, Hope, served with the mission for nearly four decades, from its very early days through the end of the 1970s. MacDonald was a man of “firsts.” When he was a 19-year-old student at Western Baptist Seminary, MacDonald attended the first staff conference in Manitou Springs, Colorado, in 1945, and was invited by Jim Rayburn to become one of the first student staff. He soon transferred to Westmont College and started the first Young Life club in Southern California. After marrying Hope in 1948, he began working with Young Life full time. For the next 14 years, he served as an area director in Southern California, Seattle and Pittsburgh. By 1962, the mission was continuing to expand internationally, and an advisory committee searched for the right person to begin the work in Brazil. “We all agreed on Harry,” said Bill Starr, the mission’s president from 1964-1977. “He had pulled off more stuff than

anyone in his 17 years on staff with his creativity, his adaptability and hustle. Harry was our man.” After much prayer, the MacDonalds and their three children boarded the ship for Sao Paulo and started Alvo Da Mocidade (“Target for Youth”) — the Portuguese name for Young Life. The five years spent there led to a rich legacy throughout the country. His wife of 69 years, Hope, said “His dream was to assure the ministry would be run by the nationals and outlast his presence in Brazil. Thankfully, and with the follow-up help of Hal and Judy Merwald, Alvo is still going strong in Brazil, 55 years later.” In 1968, Starr asked MacDonald to serve as Young Life’s international director, and for the next 12 years he greatly expanded the mission’s global outreach. Young Life is now in more than 100 countries, aided in no small part by MacDonald’s continued spotlight on the international work. After 36 years, MacDonald traded Young Life staff for the pastorate in 1980. “Harry was a dedicated man who deeply loved the Lord Jesus,” Hope said. “He was a man of prayer all these years. I often heard him in his study at home praying out loud for the Young Life kids he had worked with by name.”

Scott Dimock September 22, 1941 — July 18, 2017 On July 18, the mission said goodbye to former staff Scott Dimock, who with his wife, Marilyn, Scott Dimock (left) by his side, developed hanging out with kids. a large part of the Northern Virginia ministry in the late ’60s and ’70s. “Their work expanded as Campaigners kids went off and started Young Life at UVA, Virginia Tech, William and Mary, and more. Frankly, without the Dimocks we wouldn’t have the impact we have today in Washington, D.C., and Virginia,” said Lee Corder, senior vice president of International Initiatives. In 1970, Dimock also started La Vida, Young Life’s wilderness camping program based outside of Saranac Village. Alongside others in the mission, the first-year staff man began the program which, nearly 50 years later, has changed the lives of thousands of kids. The Dimocks moved to D.C. in the early ’80s to restart the city’s urban work. One of the many men he mentored there was a young John Wagner, now the senior vice president of the Global Cities Initiative.


“Scott taught me 90 percent of life and ministry is about showing up and showing up consistently,” Wagner said. “He taught me it’s more about who you are than what you say. He taught me it’s so much more about being faithful than being spectacular. And he taught me ministry is a lifestyle — not just something I do when I get to the school or when I show up to club or Campaigners — it’s how I treat the waiter at the restaurant or my daughter who needs help with her homework. That’s what Scott taught me.” Dimock would serve with Young Life through the mid’90s when he left staff to help start a mentoring program aimed at helping urban kids excel. “A favorite memory comes from Scott’s time leading at Annandale High School,” Corder remembered. “The club there was so successful, a number of kids resistant to the message of Jesus started an ‘anti-Young Life’ club. Scott seized the opportunity, met with those young men and women, and following their get-together, they agreed to meet on a regular basis to talk about life, relationships and Jesus in their ‘anti’ club. And the work at the high school grew exponentially.”




EST. 2013


Poland Young Life is centered in Poznań with flourishing Young Life and WyldLife clubs; many of the volunteers are college students, but there are also adult professionals, including a Catholic priest. Poland is looking to start their very first Capernaum club and reach the cities of Kraków, Warsaw and Gdańsk. In the summer of 2017, Poland hosted its firstever all-Polish WyldLife camp. For the leaders there, this was more than just running a camp. This was proving to themselves they could do this. No more need for outsiders. Young Life had come to Poland, but now it was finally Polish.




Volunteer leaders

235 Kids on contact list


Middle schoolers at the all-Polish WyldLife camp 22




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