游蕙禎 (黃埔東) 鄺葆賢 (黃埔西) 政綱 - 青年新政

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Political Platform for Whampoa East


YAU Wai Ching

黃埔東 選區政綱

小黃紙 特刊

黃埔東選區游蕙禎選舉廣告 保諾時網上印刷公司承印 // 官塘工業中心第四期地下 B 舖 // 日期 2015-9-30 // 共印 7000 份

曾經,我們也是很平凡的香港人。每日上班下課,生活營營役役, 社會發生的大小事如高速行走的火車外的風景一樣,匆匆而過, 看得到卻不仔細。 直至去年 9 月底,數以百萬計的香港人前仆後繼,無懼政權, 奔向自由公義的理想。 那一刻,我們睡醒了。 香港的將來,不能再假手於人。我們決意挑戰建制,重奪議會。

Youngspiration has been providing community services for nine months. The organisation has all along insisted on advocating Councils reformation in the hope of introducing a bottom-up approach of civic participation to the communities, thereby fostering social democratisation and empowering Hongkongers. This being the District Councils Election year, Youngspiration aims at bringing local-oriented ideals into the establishment by reclaiming the District Councils.

自小長於公務員家庭,使我一直對身邊的事 物抱著「閒事莫理」的態度。然而隨著年歲 漸長,當有些歪理已然變成常理,雙親對政 府敢怒不敢言,再看看家門以外的人,如何 在夾縫之間生存,我漸漸明白,原來有些 事情隨著時間愈見腐敗,而我亦有責任去 蕪存青。眼見兒時經常流連玩樂的地方被 一間間金舖藥房鐘錶城取代,交通卻沒有 因此改善,反而愈見混亂;數年以來, 每每經過港鐵工地,總要站在逢有車輛 駛過必震動不止的鐵板上等路燈轉綠。 這樣惡劣的生活環境,使我常在想︰

Are we going to tolerate?

職業 行政人員 Profession Administrator Tel/ Whatsapp 9690 1705 Email ching@youngspiration.hk

YAU Wai Ching

I was born to a civil servant family and have been indifferent to the surroundings. Yet, the society nowadays is so ridiculous that I can feel my parents' discontent though they never speak it out. People are struggling for the most basic necessities. I feel the responsibility to make a change. The favourite places in my childhood have been crowded out by chain stores. Transportation now is as chaotic as in the past. The construction sites have remained as it was after years.



研究及咨詢全面加置黃埔花園 天橋上蓋 黃埔花園作為外向型屋苑,社區 本身亦吸引了不少區外市民前往 休閒,加上到處地盤,且行人路 非常擁擠,故居民習慣利用天台 前往各期屋苑。雖然黃埔花園各 期屋苑間有天橋接駁,但有些天 橋並未設有上蓋,於天氣惡劣時 難以使用。 我們將咨詢各期屋苑居民意見後, 向黃埔花園管理署反映訴求,並 且聯同管理署及政府部門審慎研 究接通各期屋苑前往紅磡港鐵站 的天橋系統之可行性及保安問題。

Research and consult the possibility of installing coverings on pedestrian overpasses Instead of walking next to the traffic road, the residents in Whampoa Garden tend to use the podium floor to reach their destinations. Although there are pedestrian overpasses between different mansions, they are not all covered and will expose the users to bad weather. Therefore, we will collect the opinion of residents and reflect to the Whampoa Garden Management Ltd and the relevant government departments, in order to improve the pedestrian overpass system and study the possibility of constructing a new pedestrian overpass connecting to Hung Hom station.

關注觀塘延綫落成後的路綫重組 每當有新港鐵綫落成,運輸署均會進行當區 交通工具路線重組。參考年初西港島綫通車 後,有關當局於未有向當區居民作充分咨詢 下,便與巴士公司倉促落實中西區交通路線 重組,使居民深感不滿。故此我們非常關注 涉及觀塘延綫的路線重組,區議會必須充份 扮演監察角色,以防運輸署與巴士公司再次 閉門造車。 我們將爭取保留所有公共交通工具的路線與 服務班次,待居民適應新的運輸系統後,再 行召開地區公聽會,商討路線重組方向。

Concern the Bus Route Rationalization in Whampoa Whenever a new rail line is put into service, Transport Department would conduct a bus route rationalization in the related district. With reference to the precedent in Central and Western District, the approach of Transport Department disregarded public opinion and caused dissatisfaction among the residents concerned. Kw u n To n g L i n e E x t e n s i o n w i l l b e completely constructed and put into service in 2017. We have concerned the ensuing bus routes rationalization and request the District Council to follow-up, in order to ensure the residents are involved in the consultation.




渡 輪

紅磡往灣仔及中環的渡輪服 務於 2011 年因乘客量不足渡輪公 司放棄營辦。然而翻查當時資料,搭 乘往返灣仔航線的乘客量是相對穩定的。 我們認為,觀塘延綫的通車或會為該航線 帶來新乘客群,而沙中綫亦要至少 2020 年 才通車,往返灣仔航線絕對有其生存空間, 亦能為附近居民帶來極大便捷。

我們將爭取運輸署放寬招標條款,並增 加來往紅磡碼頭及港鐵站的運輸配 套,吸引渡輪公司於新經營環 境下入標營辦航線。


y Wan C h rr and ai fe o m e gH

e s t o r a tio n a rc t s ervi e betwee of e n H th u s q un e The ferry service between

Hung Hom and Wan Chai has been ceased since 2011. Indeed, according to the official document, the passenger volume of the ferry service is relatively stable. We deem that the Kwun Tong Line extension will bring the ferry service a new passenger group to support its operation.

Therefore, we request Transport Department to relax the requirement of tendering. Through optimizing the surrounding transport facilities, to attract potential bidders and operators providing a ferry service between Hung Hom and Wan Chai, in order to give residents in Whampoa another choice to travel to Hong Kong Island.

守護維多利亞海濱走廊 新世界集團和康樂及文化事務署聯合 提出「優化尖沙咀海濱」計劃,建議 分階段關閉維多利亞海濱走廊兩至三 年。我們認為政府再一次出賣香港人 利益予地產商,實在不能接受,將會 於議會內外守護到底。 維多利亞海濱走廊本屬公共空間,然 而所謂「優化」卻是以破壞海濱自然 景觀的方式進行,並由地產商控制的 非牟利組織管理,令人質疑改建後的 公共空間會以公共使用原則還是以商 業牟利為先。 這個項目有違公共空間使用原則之 餘,更有政府及地產商之間利益輸送 之嫌,就算政府決心將維港海濱『私 有化』,整個項目亦應該公開招標而 非與個別地產商合作,並自行提出申 請,整個過程與機場第三條跑道一樣, 違反程序公義。香港的公共空間管理 政策一直為人詬病,從前以大政府的 姿態施以重重限制,窒礙它的成長空 間,到現在卻將公共空間配套出售, 索性置諸不理。

Defend the waterfront promenade from business intervention Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade is undoubtedly a public area. However, Leisure and Cultural Services Department and New World Development Company Limited, which is a profit-making estate developer, have jointly proposed a Tsim Sha Tsui Waterfront Revitalization Plan. Although the mode of operation is proposed to be on a non-profit-making basis, it is still questionable that, whether the new promenade is emphatically complied with the public use of principle, or aimed to generate profit. Moreover, LCSD cooperated with private developer in private instead of open tendering, has given rise to the speculation about transfer of benefits.

爭 取 放 寬 小 巴 座 位 上 限 黃埔區居民主要依賴專線小巴出入市區或接駁其他交 通工具,每逄繁忙時間,小巴站均會出現長長人龍, 處於中途站的海濱南岸居民更是『一位難求』。縱然 觀塘延線即將落成,唯小巴擁有高靈活性,能彌補及 配合其他交通工具,執行點對點的運輸能力,角色難 以被取代。 香港路面負荷沉重,加上運輸署對小巴數目亦有限 制,難以增加班次。因此增加小巴座位是目前最可 行、最直接有效增加運載量的方法。事實上,現時不 少路面上行走的小巴之原廠設計是提供 20 個座位的。 有鑑於此,我們聯同其他傘後 / 地區組織,進行全港 性問卷調查,發現愈 7 成市民支持放寬小巴座位上 限。我們要求政府盡快順應市民的意見,修改不合 時宜的法例,讓小巴營運商自行根據各條路線情況, 更改小巴車款或還原小巴出廠時的座位數目,更有彈 性及效率地為市民服務。我們同時呼籲小巴營運商承 諾,改善非繁忙時間的服務,嚴格設定執行等客時間 上限以及在營運情況得到改善後,改善小巴司機待 遇。

Request for relaxation of the number of minibus passenger seats Because of its high flexibility, minibus is a preferred transportation for the Whampoa Garden residents travelling to their destinations. However, the stability of minibus service is always being criticized, especially when minibuses failed to eliminate the long queue during peak hour. According to the current transportation policy, the number of vehicles for minibus service is limited. Therefore, instead of asking for an increase of the frequency of the public light bus services, a relaxation of the number of minibus passenger seats is relatively feasible. In fact, Youngspiration has cooperated with other local organization to conduct a survey. The result has showed that, about 70% respondents agree the passenger seats limit should be relaxed in public light bus. Therefore, we request the government to comply with public opinion and amend the outdated law. Depends on the needs of route, allow operators to decide the bus model and the number of seats, in order to serve the public with higher efficiency and elasticity. Moreover, we will recommend operators to improve the minibus service in off-peak hours and the remuneration of minibus drivers, in order to enhance the overall quality of public light bus service in Whampoa.

解 決 紅 磡 海 濱 臭 味 問 題 紅磡海濱花園本是區內居民休憩和欣賞 維港美景的好去處,但該處海面不時散 發惡臭,尤其在退潮時特別嚴重,令不 少居民卻步海濱。 雖然政府部門在 2012 年 7 月已察覺海 濱臭味源自附近多座樓宇污水渠錯誤接 駁至雨水渠,使未經處理的家居和食肆 污水直接排出海濱所致。但糾正錯駁工 作曠日持久,至本年 7 月仍有 12 宗錯駁 個案尚待跟進,區內居民始終未能擺脫 海濱臭味困擾。 與其一直坐等政府完成糾正污水渠錯駁 工作,我們已分別去信環保署、渠務署 和海事處,建議該等部門多管齊下,先 行透過加建公共沙井和旱季截流器以減 少現時錯駁污水渠排出海濱的污染物數 量,以及適時消挖水渠出海口附近受污 染之淤泥 (海事處對上一次於紅磡海濱 進行消挖淤泥是 2012 年 6 月的事), 儘快還市民一個清新舒適的海濱休憩空 間。

Solve the stench problem in Hung Hom Promenade Hung Hom Promenade is a good recommendation for residents to relax and enjoy the scenery of Victoria Harbour, but not always. In fact, stench problem has already plagued the neighbourhood for several years, especially at low tide. Although the relevant department has found out the origin of stench in 2012, the efficiency of dealing with the misconnection of sewers and storm drains is still unsatisfactory (12 cases are pending). Therefore, we have requested for Environmental Protection Department, Drainage Services Department and Marine Department to cope with the stench problem. On one hand, through installing public manholes and dry interceptors, to reduce the quantity of contaminants, on the other hand, through eliminating the silt deposits of drain outlet, to remove the source of stench.

於紅樂道觀塘延綫地盤興建社區會堂及船塢歷史展示廳 Request a Complex in Whampoa 位於海濱南岸旁的紅樂道港鐵地 盤,將於觀塘延綫完工後歸還政 府康樂及文化事務署。我們曾就 發展去向詢問不少居民意見,發 現普遍認為附近缺乏自修室及圖 書館此類社區設施。我們將爭取 於該地段興建數層高的社區會堂, 除設有以上提及的設施外,亦提 倡增設船塢歷史展示廳,向居民 及市民展示該段黃埔歷史痕跡。 黃埔花園及海濱南岸一帶的前身 是黃埔船塢,是當時亞洲其中最 大規模的船塢,亦曾見證了香港 一段世界大戰歷史。城市發展和 文化保育不該只是零和遊戲,我 們希望船塢歷史展示廳更能有效 及更有尊嚴地保存這段香港的生 命軌跡。

Si n c e s e v e r a l Kw u n To n g L i n e Extension construction sites will restitute to Leisure and Cultural Services Department after its completion, we have collected some residents’ opinion about the future development. We propose to build a municipal complex on the relevant location, to provide library services, self-study rooms and other recreational facilities. Besides, we propose that an exhibition room should be added to show visitors the history of Whampoa, which was once the largest dock in Asia.

因為矮小,總會仰望。 從來我不算是滿有抱負的人,毅然走進社區服 務群眾, 這大半年一直學習進步著,在社區游 走,跟每位相遇,尋找這個社區的大小事,反 思生活,建構生活。 隨著地區發展,附近基建徐徐落成,變化就在 身邊。周邊很多事都需要我們一起關注,如何 提出我們的想法,開放社區規劃讓市民共同參 與,逐步把這個家立體起來。 每次抬頭仰望黃埔天空,總感覺安穩 , 令思想 更開闊。

Dr. KWONG Po Yin

鄺葆賢 醫 生


I always look up. I was not an ambitious person. Stepping into a different role of serving the community, I have been learning to communicate with the neighbourhood. With the completion of different infrastructure, changes are easy to spot. We need your opinion to plan our community and make it a better one. Now I look up to the sky in Whampoa, I feel peace in mind. Let's move forward together!

Tel/ Whatsapp 5172 1579 Email apo@youngspiration.hk

This will inevitably be an uphill battle, but Youngspiration has promised at our establishment press conference that as long as Hongkongers have not yet given up, Youngspiration will be here till the end; the people of Hong Kong shall never walk alone.

過去九個月,忙得日夜顛倒。 從當初的無知,然後學習,為了在這個時候,這個家被蹂躪的時候, 能換取一個觸手可及的希望。 這注定是一場「大衛與哥利亞」的戰爭。可是,我們並非為了打倒 某某政治明星,亦並非為了拖垮某某政黨。這場戰事,是希望要團 結人心,團結香港人的心,這個地方才有機會走得更遠。 未來,屬於能相信夢想之美的人。

黃埔西選區鄺葆賢選舉廣告 保諾時網上印刷公司承印 // 官塘工業中心第四期地下 B 舖 // 日期 2015-9-30 // 共印 7000 份

黃埔西 選區政綱


小黃紙 特刊

Kwong Po Yin Political Platform for Whampoa West

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