SWEET FAREWELLS To those colleagues moving on to new adventures, you will remain in our Spartan hearts forever. Thank you for being part of the community and for all that you have done to make STS an exceptional school.
Mr. Cole Carlson joined STS in 2006 and has assumed many roles during his tenure, from classroom teacher, Director of Academic Programming, Director of Athletics, coach, mentor, and most recently, Principal of the Middle School. Mr. Carlson’s passion for helping kids to do their best is inspirational. He begins the position of Deputy Head of School at Glenlyon-Norfolk School (GNS) in Victoria, BC on August 1, 2020.
Ms. Melinda Csak was a welcome addition to the Grade 3 and 4 Learning Community this year, as a Grade 3 homeroom teacher, who brought new ideas and perspectives to the benefit of her students and colleagues.
Ms. Tina Kennedy worked hard to turn the SSC into a space where hundreds of students have received support to improve their learning. She also led the MYP Personal Project for the past two years, was involved in many outdoor education trips and coached Grade 7 girls volleyball for many years.
Ms. Sharon Hann served in the science and mathematics departments for the past two years and was a member of the Grade 8 advisory team, making important contributions to supporting our cocurricular program.
Ms. Emily Ford was instrumental in developing a strong Elementary School Physical Education program and has been a key team member of the Outdoor Education Program, leading many successful trips.