A Good Website

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Written by Derek Kemp Internet Marketing Expert

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A Good Website Content Page No Introduction


Website Purpose.


Site Message.


Site Image.


Site Information.


Contact details.


Call for Action.


Search Terms (Keywords).


Traffic Methods.



Google Places Facebook Twitter YouTube Offline Promotion List building. Back Links.

10 10 10 11 11 11 11

Logistics or Statistics.




Copyright 2012 MasterMindUK Events Ltd


A Good Website Introduction. The title of this report is A Good Website, the intention is to define a good website in all its different roles. When ever I am asked to review a Website the first thing I do is clear my mind and then look at the site in the way I think the visitors will look at it. So the first thing we will be talking about today is the Purpose of your site. What is it you want to achieve from your site, the reason we talk about purpose is simple, different sites have different purposes, so start thinking about the purpose of your site. The next item is the message your site is giving, is your site message the same message you give your customers when you talk to them in your shop or when on a Consultation or on the phone. So many websites have been given to a Web designer who may be good at designing, but is often not a marketing person, this means your site fails to give out the right message which means few people will buy from you via your site. Next we will cover the site image, this is important as people often judge your company by the quality of your site. We talked about message earlier, now we will cover the site contact or the information it shares with your potential customers. The next item is crucial and for some reason a very high percentage of people seem to think this item is not important. It is your contact details, so we will be discussing contact details and why they are so important. Item 6 on our list is the call to action, it takes hard work getting people to your Website, often when they get there they just do not have a clue what to do, it is often not just them, it is even experts like me, we struggle to know what to do if we want to buy from you. The next item is called optimisation, this term means making it as easy as possible for the person looking for your site can find you without knowing anything about you. So many people get this item wrong and often spend huge amounts of money in the process. Running alongside the term optimisation is another word called keywords, we will discuss these I this report as they are crucial to your sites success.

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A Good Website Almost there, the next item is called getting visitors to your site, in the industry it is called traffic, we will be sharing some great tips on getting traffic and then telling you how we can help you do this. Last but definitely not least is the logistics or performance tracking of your site. To many people think all you need to do is put a website online and it will naturally attract people to your business and all you need to do is bank the cheques.

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A Good Website Website Purpose. What is the purpose of your website? Think about it, is your site an information only site, perhaps a catalogue of what you do. It might be your own online shop or a combination of all of these. When I am doing a website review there are two questions I ask, the first is what does your business do. The second is what is the purpose of your Website. There is a third question which I will ask you now, is your Website paying for itself and has it made a return on your investment. While I am asking questions how about this one, would you like more business to come from your Website and what are you prepared to do to make this happen. Over the next few pages I will be sharing some very important information you need to know about Websites which will help you understand what is required to ensure you get many times more return on your investment they you are getting today. So let me ask you again, what is the purpose of your Website and is it delivering what you expect from it today.

Site Message. So now having established the purpose of your site the next question is really important. What message does your site give to someone who lands on it and starts looking around. Did you know you have just a few seconds for someone to decide if they will stay on your site or leave, I mean just a few seconds. Usually people will come to your site because they are looking for something they need and more importantly Want. If your site message does not instantly tell them they are in the right place then they will quickly go somewhere else. So the message your site is giving off is absolutely crucial, people spend huge amounts of money driving visitors to their sites and often when people get there it

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A Good Website is not obvious they have arrived at the right place so they leave very quickly wasting you good money. So look at the message your site is giving out and make sure it is the right message for your business. I have recently seen sites for businesses in the Wedding Industry which when you arrive on them fail to mention anything at all about Weddings. Make sure the message you and your staff are sharing with your offline Customers is the same message as the one for your online visitors. You will turn more online visitors into Customers if your message matches what you do. This might seem obvious, but the question is what message does your site give and does this match what you share with your Customers?

Site Image. The reason site image comes after site message is simple, the message is the most important of these two items. Site image is very important because it tells people how professional your company is, your site will bring you business without having to be the very best on the Internet, but it should have an image which matches your Company image offline. What you need to avoid is creating something which has lots of bells and whistles trying to make it look out of this world as so many sites do. At the same time the site needs to look good and be easy to follow. In the old days people used to judge your company by the quality of your advert in the phone directories, now they judge you by the quality of your website. Remember the purpose of your site when telling your web designer what you want the image to be like, lots of flashing pictures may look great, but if they stop the message getting across and mean the purpose of your site is affected then you will end up spending lots of cash and get poor results.

Site Information. To describe site information we need to first go back to site purpose, let us first say your site is a Catalogue site, a place people can go to view the products you sell.

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A Good Website In the Wedding industry this could mean Wedding Dresses, flowers, balloons, chair covers and so much more. The key here is when people visit your site they can see a wide range of products based on your product line. The secret is in many cases when they contact you they already have a very good idea what it is they want. Creating a good Catalogue site is a real skill. For example it is best to let people choose what they want from the pictures on your site rather than selecting based on price. You can give them a price range if you want, but I would never give them the actual price as this will become the main factor in their choice and could easily turn them away. Information is what they are seeking, so tell them in clear easy to read language what it is you are offering and where ever possible show them a picture with may be colour choices. It is also good to add tips on what to and what not to choose based on certain criteria. Remember this is not a sales pitch it is catalogue for them to choose from.

Contact details. This is a subject I find absolutely incredible, out of the many Websites I review I would say 70% get this subject completely wrong. If you have a shop do you tell your Customers where your shop is, yes of course you do otherwise they will never find it. If you have advertised in a Phone Directory or in a Newspaper or Magazine do you include your contact details, yes of course you do. So why is it so many Websites are missing the majority of this information and either show an email address to contact or a contact us box with nothing else. Why would anyone want to buy from you if they don’t know where you run your business from? No one in my opinion would try and buy from someone who is too scared to leave their contact details on their Website. I definitely will not buy from someone who is not prepared to tell me where they are based.

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A Good Website

Check out your own site and see if people can find you. If you want people to buy from you then I can share some great tips you can use to get more of them either picking up the phone or emailing you to buy from you.

Call for Action. If you think missing Contact details is a big problem then this one is a huge problem. So many sites fail to tell people what to do if they want to buy from them. Some Websites are so poorly laid out that it is almost impossible to navigate your way round them and these people fail to tell their visitors how to find their way around the site. More importantly very few sites actually tell the visitor what to do next if they would like to buy or find out more about what they are offering. Site layout and Call for Action are essential to your websites success. It is true these two activities require a certain level of skill and will seriously make a difference between getting visitors and turning them into Customers. A website designer may have these skills, what you really need is an Internet Marketer to show you how to layout the site and then how to create the Call for Action correctly to turn visitors into Buyers.

Search Terms (Keywords). There are a number of ways to get visitors to your site, the simplest way is to tell people who want what you sell what your domain name is so they can type it in and go straight to your site. Of course not everyone will ever know what your site domain name is so you will limit your market to people you know. One of the major benefits of the Internet is the Search engines, these are robots who crawl around the Internet to find websites which meet the search terms of people looking for what you have. These search terms are called keywords, your site needs to be correctly set up so when the robots look for terms which match your site they will find you.

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A Good Website This area is a definite skill which some people have and some people don’t. I find so many sites in the Wedding Industry who hardly mention the word wedding and wonder why couples don’t come to their site. To be found by the search engines requires a range of words to be included within the written content of your site. There are a series of activities you need to make sure are completed to give you the best chance of being found by people searching for your products. It is called Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and is quite a specialist job which most people fail to do well. If your site is not getting as many visitors as you would like you will probably find the SEO is wrong, check out my special offer at the bottom of this report to find out how we can help you get this right and much more.

Traffic Methods. Traffic is the Internet term for visitors, lots of visitors to your site is great, lots of targeted visitors to your site is much better. A targeted visitor is someone who is definitely looking to solve a problem which you have the solution to. It maybe a particular Bridal Gown or pair of shoes, it could be the perfect venue or car. Getting targeted traffic is a skill.

- Google Places Google Places is linked to Google Maps and is a free service which any business can register for. You may already be registered, if so well done. What you may not know is the importance of setting up Google Places correctly to ensure your site features well for all the relevant search terms. Google Places done correctly can be very powerful, done badly can reduce the amount of visitors to your site.

- Facebook Social Media in the Wedding Industry can be very beneficial, a good business page or Fan Page can drive lots of visitors to your Website. Do you have a Business Facebook page, if not why not.

- Twitter Twitter is another Social Media method, a place where over time you can build up a strong following of people who want to buy from you. Once you have a list of Followers you can share information with them about your stock, what is in and what isn’t and so on. If you don’t have a business Copyright 2012 MasterMindUK Events Ltd


A Good Website Twitter account you could easily be missing additional visitors to your site and your business.

- YouTube Online video is huge, publishing video on YouTube is so easy these days and because YouTube is owned by Google you can often get a video listed higher than your own Website if you know how. Just imagine of you are launching a new product and want to get it on the Internet quickly then this is a great way to do it.

- Offline Promotion Everyone knows about offline promotion or do they? Do you promote your Website every where you go, if you don’t then you are missing a huge trick. The more people who know your website name the more people will visit it every day and the more who visit it every day the better chance you have of getting more business from your site.

- List building. Do you collect the email addresses of everyone who visits your business? Do you collect the email addresses of everyone who visits your Website? If you are like too many people the answer to this question is no. If this is the case then you are missing a very big trick. Business with lists are far more valuable than the ones without, list building and email marketing works well if you know how to do it.

- Back Links. Did you know that the Search Engines rate your business by the number of links from other Websites in the same market place, the more links you have the higher rating given to you by Google, Yahoo and Bing. Of course just like everything else this is a skill and it takes time you may not have, would you like us to help you improve your rating and get more Customers?

Logistics or Statistics. Monitoring the performance of your Website and knowing how many people visit, how long they stay on your site, what they look at and how they leave is so beneficial in the challenge to get more visitors and more Customers. Do you know how many people visit your site?

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A Good Website Do you know how long they stay for and what pages they view. Like any aspect of your business knowing is the first step to more sales and more profit. Of course like everything else if you have never been shown how to read and understand the data about your site you stand very little chance of improving its performance. Most sites have statistics running in the background, do you? Make sure you ask your site designer to tell you where they are and how to understand them.

Conclusion. So there you have it, a whole list of items which need to be taken into account when running your own Website. I usually see two challenges, first do you have the skills or know someone with the skills to make sure your Website is working correctly for each of these items? Secondly even if you can check them all do you have the time to ensure they are right or work out how to improve them. In my experience most businesses really struggle on both these accounts. It is not easy to just look at a site and make sure everything is right. Even if you could the next challenge will be to ensure they get fixed properly and you get more Customers. The first thing I recommend you do is get your site reviewed by an expert so they can point out what is good and what needs improving. We can do this for you and as you are in the wedding Business we will also give you are full years listing in our local Wedding Directory. Just click the link below to find out more. http://localbusinessforlocalpeople.com/wintsitereview Once we have completed the review we will tell you what steps you can take to get your site performing better. We will also share with you a number of other services we can offer to help you get more Visitors to your site and turn them into Customers. Hopefully you have found this report useful and can see why it is possible to get more visitors and more Customers from your Website.

Copyright 2012 MasterMindUK Events Ltd


A Good Website

Although this document is the copyright of MasterMindUK Events Ltd as long as the content is not changed in anyway we are very happy to let you share it with other businesses you know. We can do site reviews for any business in any Industry, if they are not in the Wedding industry then click http://localbusinessforlocalpeople.com/website%20review.htm and choose the review that best suits your needs. Our goal is to get you More Customers, More Sales and More Profit. Best Regards Derek Kemp Internet Marketing Expert and Business Coach Managing Director of MasterMindUK Events Ltd Founder of Local Business for Local People Creator of Weddingsin-Town.com 44 1622 815666 Skype: guides4you Derek@masterminduk.com http://masterminduk.com

Copyright 2012 MasterMindUK Events Ltd


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