How to choose your product line Part 2

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How to Choose Your Product Line – Part Two

Copyright Your Business Success Club Ltd 2011


How to Choose Your Product Line – Part Two Introduction.

Welcome to How to Choose Your Product Line – Part Two.

By now having studied Part One I am sure you have identified one or more Product Lines you have an interest in or someone you know very well has a strong interest which you would like to promote.

To complete Part two, you need to have chosen at least one Product Line.

There are three areas we will be covering in part two as follows:

1. Identifying the problems your product line can solve. 2. Establishing the words and phrases people are typing in to the search engines in an attempt to find the solutions to problems they are trying to solve related to your product line. 3. Establishing the size of the market and the amount of competition in that market place.

I recommend if at all possible you watch the three videos which come with this product, they will show you exactly how to use the Internet to achieve much of this task. The following content will enable you to review what you see on the videos and hopefully achieve the tasks set.

We want to approve your research and invite you to take the next step towards Premium Membership. It might seem to be time consuming doing all this research, in reality you rarely get something good for nothing.

The better you achieve Choosing Your Product Line Parts 1 & 2 the better your chance of being accepted and the more income you will generate every month.

Copyright Your Business Success Club Ltd 2011


How to Choose Your Product Line – Part Two

Disclaimer: The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. We do not guarantee or otherwise promise that you will earn any particular amount of money. That said, it IS possible to make money online. Thousands of people are doing it every day, and we hope that this report can help you join those ranks! The author of this Manual has done his best to ensure that the information contained herein is valid, truthful information. However, he makes no claim or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of said information. By reading this Manual, you acknowledge that you will not hold the author liable for any loss or other damages that may occur as a result of any of the information in this Manual. This document is protected under international copyright laws, and any attempt to illegally reprint or distribute it is prohibited and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Copyright Your Business Success Club Ltd 2011


How to Choose Your Product Line – Part Two

What problems will your Product Line solve? Today we are going to look at how to establish the problems people can solve by purchasing the products in your product line.

Let me start by just highlighting the statements I made in the intro video.

Remember when people are searching for information on the Internet, they are usually trying to solve a problem or put another way they are trying to find a solution to something they are trying to do or learn.

If you can identify the main problems people are searching for, related to your chosen product line, then you can help us create various products to solve those problems for them.

This task can seem quite complicated when you first start thinking about it, but as with everything else we do if we approach it the right way we can usually simplify the process and come up with a list of results.

Step One. Find a quiet place.

Take pen and paper.

Write down the title of your product line, this could be plumbing, bricklaying, story writing, playing a sport e.g. golf just to name a few.

Step Two. Take some deep breathes and quieten the mind, then think only of your chosen subject.

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How to Choose Your Product Line – Part Two Think about the problems you have had in the past related to your chosen subject.

Write them down as you think of them.

Use your knowledge of the subject and write down as many problems as you can think of.

Step Three Keep your note book handy when ever you are doing what ever your chosen product line is, I have no doubt more and more problems come to mind as you do your work, play your sport, practice your hobby.

Step Four Find some other people who are involved with your product line and ask them what problems they have or have had to solve.

Write down their responses and compare them with yours, I am sure you will quickly see how the list grows.

Step Five Go onto the Internet and visit Forums related to your product line, you will soon start reading various comments from people who have problems related to your chosen subject.

Step Six Take note of the problems which come up more frequently, these could quickly be the subject of your first product, just imagine if lots of people have the same problems and you can find the answers to these problems, some of them will pay you good money for the solution.

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How to Choose Your Product Line – Part Two Remember if you find a few people with a similar list of problems related to your market place, there will be many more people out there with the same problem, giving you a potential market place for your products.

Note: When you are creating your list of problems, if you come across answers to them just write them down as they will come in very handy as we start to build your business.

We want you to come up with as many problems as possible that your products can solve in your chosen market place.

Just think about it, the more problems you can solve, the more products we can create together and the more sales you can achieve.

What Words and Phrase will be type in to the Search Engine when looking for Solutions to their Problems? What are the words and phrases people are using to search for the answers to the problems your product line is addressing?

If you thought finding the problems your product line can solve was important, I can assure you this section will be covering the most important and essential content for any online business.

Let me just remind you how the Internet works for many people.

They are looking for the answer or solution to a problem, so more and more people are turning to the Internet for a solution to their problem.

Copyright Your Business Success Club Ltd 2011


How to Choose Your Product Line – Part Two For many the first thing they do is type in a question or query, it is called a search term and consists of one or more keywords.

The task in this section is to identify the words or phrases people are typing in to find the solution to their particular problem.

The better you are at identifying these key phrases the more likely you are to have your website displayed when someone is searching.

Step One. Having chosen your product line and established the problems your products can solve, start to list down what you would type in to the search engine to find an answer to your problems.

Let us say you have chosen a sport like golf, your problem may be that when you tee off the ball does not go straight down the fair way or it does not go far enough. Think about the words you may type in to the search engine to find an answer to either of these problems.

It could be “How do I keep the golf ball straight off the tee” or How can I stop slicing the golf ball off the tee”. For the distance problem your query maybe “How can I increase the length of my golf drive” or “Why does the golf ball go so high off the tee”

Hopefully you can start to see what we are looking for, let us take weight loss as another example. The search might be “How can I lose weight fast?” or How can I lose 10lbs quickly”.

These are just a few examples.

Have a go at choosing some search terms for your chosen subject.

Copyright Your Business Success Club Ltd 2011


How to Choose Your Product Line – Part Two

Step Two. Having established a number of key phrases that suit your chosen product line the next step is to see how many people are searching using the terms you have chosen.

You can do this using a free tool provided by Google, it is called the Google Keywords Tool and yes you guessed it, if you type Keywords tool into Google search it will be listed as the first site.

Click here to go to Google

Click on the keyword tool and this page will open.

Type in your first word or phrase.

Type in the security code and click search.

Google will search for terms related to your query, this will help you identify the words or phrases people are using to search for information related to your subject.

Note the number of local searches per month and then the number of global searches.

Write down all the search terms related to each phrase with 1,000 or more local searches.

Write down both the local and global search numbers.

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How to Choose Your Product Line – Part Two This information will help us create a website for you that will attract people searching for these search terms.

Note the competition column when doing this research, if the box is all blue then this is a very competitive market, note the percentage of blue against each keyword or phrase, this will help us when promoting your site.

Recording the competition in this section is the first step to the third section, so you are already ahead of the game.

Make sure you list the keywords under the term you typed in at the top of the page.

The more keywords/phrases you have the better it is for us when promoting your product line.

Let me stress how important this process is and how it is worth you spending as much time as possible preparing as good a list as possible.

If you choose the very best/most used keywords for your product line, we stand the best chance of building you an online business which makes series money every month.

How big is the market for your product line? In the last section you will have established how many people are searching for all the different search terms you have established related to your product line, this data is so important to the viability of your product.

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How to Choose Your Product Line – Part Two The first piece of information I want to share in this section is this, Google is only one search engine and there Keyword tool only shows the number of searches on Google.

Yes I know some people say that Google is the search engine and is much larger than anyone else, this is not true and there are many search engines on the Internet and Google searches only represent 20% of the total.

So when you are looking at the number of local and global searches every month you would be advised to multiply this number by 5 to gain a full understanding of the number.

Today we are looking at how big the market is for your product line.

Let me say, you do not need a huge market to make money online, yes you need a big enough market, but it does not have to be huge.

Let us go back to the Google keyword tool and take a look at the size of the market in more detail. Remember, do a Google search for Keyword Tool and click on the Keyword tool when it appears. Type in a keyword and enter the security code.

Last time we noted the amount of competition listed on the keyword tool page, today I want you to note how many websites there are for your key phrase.

Let us type in “how to hit a golf ball”

This shows 1,000 local searches for this phrase.

Now click on the keyword itself and see where it takes us.

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How to Choose Your Product Line – Part Two It takes us to Google search and shows us the number of websites related to this phrase.

Note the number of sites shown at the top of the page and then return to the Keywords tool and select another keyword with 1,000 plus local searches related to your first search term.

Note the number again and continue.

Now you are building up a picture of the size of the market related for your product line.

If you are considering building your own web business then I would suggest you take a look at some of the sites listed on the first page of Google for each search term to gain some idea of the standard of your competition and what they are offering at what price.

Please do not dismiss your product line because there are many others listed, significant sums of money have been made by many people in very competitive markets.

The power of the Internet often enables us to drive people to one site without the visitor ever seeing competitors sites.

By building a strong list of people interested in your product line, you create a captured audience which you can communicate with and sell to directly without your competitors having access to them at all.

Here is a quote from one of the best Internet Marketers in the world.

Copyright Your Business Success Club Ltd 2011


How to Choose Your Product Line – Part Two

Matt Bacak - who has written 1822 posts on Internet Marketing with Matt Bacak There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Note 1: If you have chosen a market with very few or no competitors, you are unlikely to succeed as it will be very difficult to find enough people who are prepared to buy your products.

Note 2: There is a rule which goes like this, if you can find a search term with 1,000 local searches and less than 10,000 competitive websites then this is a good market to be in. The reason for this is the ability to get onto page one of the search engines much easier than if you are competing against millions of other sites.

You may wonder what the benefit of being on page one is, let me explain, when someone searches using one of your key phrases they land on the page where your website is listed, if you are one of the first few sites displayed, most of the people will view your site.

Did you know, 60% of the people will click on the first website listed, this means for every 1,000 visitors to this page 600 of them will visit the first site to be listed. Remember this fact and I am sure you will work hard to help us get you listed on page one.

Conclusion. Complete your market research and record the number of sites related to the keywords you have listed.

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How to Choose Your Product Line – Part Two

Once you have completed this task and all the other tasks specified in parts 1 and 2 of “How to Choose Your Product Line”, prepare them as a document and submit in PDF format to me at the following email address.

The first thing I will do is confirm receipt of your document.

I will then review it with my team to ensure there is sufficient evidence that there is a market for your chosen product line.

If we have any questions then I will contact you accordingly.

Once we have reviewed and accepted your application we will invite you to take the next step.

The Next Step. Having been accepted we will ask you to subscribe to Step 3 to Premium Membership. Step 3 means we will build you a content rich website related to your chosen product line, we will then drive masses of visitors to this site and capture their names and email addresses to build a list of prospective buyers.

At this point you are only a step away from Level Four Premium Membership

I don’t know about you, but I find this an extremely exciting prospect, all you need to do is establish a product line you want us to create and market for you, yes we need you to do some research to ensure there is a market for your product line.

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How to Choose Your Product Line – Part Two From that point having accepted your research you need to sign up for The List Building subscription enabling us to build your first website designed to build a huge list of people interested in your product line.

As we build this list we will keep you informed of the interest level giving you the confidence to sign up as a Premium Member enabling us to start promoting products in your chosen product line.

So there you have it, a step by step process to Premium Member and beyond.

Of yes there is another level beyond Premium Member. Level 5 membership is in my opinion your ultimate goal, as a level 5 member you gain access to everything we have created in Your Business Success Club. You also have ability to let us build you your very own membership site.

I am sure you already know how beneficial a good membership site can be. Just imagine if you had a steady and growing income stream coming in every month, month on month.

Would that make a significant difference to your life style, I am sure it would.

Let us get you to Premium Membership and onto Level 5 as soon as possible.

You are really only a short step away from your own Growing Income Stream.

Do the research, complete your submission and send it to me as soon as you can.

If you have any questions or need any help, just send in a support ticket and we will do everything possible to help you.

Copyright Your Business Success Club Ltd 2011


How to Choose Your Product Line – Part Two Keep watching for my emails, as soon as I receive your Market Research and Product Line, I will have my team check it over prior to inviting you to take the next step to Premium Membership.

Remember we are here to help you created your own Steady Growing Income Stream.

We are Working Together for Your Success.

I look forward to hearing from you very soon.

Derek Kemp Creator and founder of

Copyright Your Business Success Club Ltd 2011


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