Creating A Winning Mindset

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Creating A Winning Mindset


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Do Your Thoughts Affect The Way You Play Tennis?


Have You Ever Had Negative Thoughts About Your


Ability To Win?

Have You Ever Found Yourself Thinking About Other


Things When Playing Tennis?

Have You Ever Wondered Why Some Players Win More


Than Others, Even Though You Know They Play About The Same As You?

Why Mind Training is so important in sport.


Simple tips to control our thoughts.


Why having clear goals/plans make a significant



Understanding the mind.


Why Mind Training is so important in sport.


We only use a small amount of our overall Brain.


The Mind has two major parts.


Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset


Welcome to month one of Creating a Winning Mindset, before we start on our journey let me just remind you why this program will help you improve your Match play results and probably various other activities in your life.

First let me make myself quite clear, like playing tennis this will only improve your results if you are prepared to complete the tasks set and use the various techniques to reprogram or program your mind.

None of the exercises I will be sharing with you are harmful or will cause you any injury, while at the same time they will change the way you think about your mind and the thoughts you will have in your mind.

What I am about to teach you is how to take control over your thoughts and actions to achieve a better outcome in the things you do.

There will be times when you think it is not possible to reprogram your thoughts and other times where having mastered the skills you will find that you have reprogrammed your mind without being aware of it.

Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

Do Your Thoughts Affect The Way You Play Tennis? Everyone’s thoughts affect the way they play, they are a fundamental part of you.

Have You Ever Had Negative Thoughts About Your Ability To Win?

Please be honest here, even the very best players in the world find they have negative thoughts about the result, it is a natural thought process. The question is what do you do next if a negative thought pops into your mind?

Have You Ever Found Yourself Thinking About Other Things When Playing Tennis?

This happens because the brain is so powerful and complex, thoughts just occur without your direct involvement, the question is how do you deal with them?

Have You Ever Wondered Why Some Players Win More Than Others, Even Though You Know They Play About The Same As You?

I am sure you will agree some people seem to play better under pressure compared to others , just imagine if you could achieve more

Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

winning results compared to those you compete against, you can, it just need working at once you understand how.

Having the skill to play a game of tennis is one thing, putting your skill into action when competing against other people is something different.

Have you ever found it easy to play on the practice court, yet when the match starts you find it hard to create the same great shots even though deep down inside you know you can play just as well as your opponents?

If you have ever watched the top players, have you ever wondered why some of them win more matches than the others, or why on one particular day even the very best players fail?

Having the ability to play all the best shots is important and you will see all the top sports people playing absolutely incredible sport when they are practicing or doing exhibition games.

It all changes when they are competing for one very simple but very important reason, they are no longer showing off their skills or improving them, they are putting them to the test against a competitor.

Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

Suddenly it is not just the shot they are playing, now they have an opponent or even two, now their mind comes into the game and the minds of the opposition.

If the opponents are of similar standard and you think you can beat them this may help.

The challenge is when you start playing and the first few points are lost, now the pressure increases, you might find the challenge coming when the game is very balanced but you need to play better to get the right result.

So why having spent hours learning and practicing your game do you find yourself in second place, the answer is obvious really, the challenge is accepting the reason.

Winning is not just about playing all the right shots, it is also about having the right mindset and keeping your mind focused on the task at hand and not being affected by what happens around you.

What we find absolutely amazing is the amount of time spent on teaching you how to play the shots and how little time is spent teaching you how to use your mind to ensure you keep your focus.

Let me congratulate you for subscribing to this program which is designed to teach you how to take control of your mind and then remove the negative programs and replace them with positive ones. Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

We will then show you how to go one step further and turn on the positive programs just when you need them.

Welcome to Creating a Winning Mindset, this is the first step on your journey to winning more matches on the Tennis court and better still achieving more in every aspect of your life.

Are you ready to begin? Let’s get started.

Over the coming months we will be covering the following items and much more.

We will be asking you to give us feedback along the way so we can help you achieve the right results in the shortest period of time.

Why Mind Training is so important in sport.

- Why our minds hold us back. - Simple tips to control our thoughts. - Why having clear goals/plans make a significant difference.

We only use a small amount of our overall Brain.

- Conscious Mind - Unconscious/Subconscious Mind Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

- Importance of accessing and using the Subconscious mind.

How the Brain works.

- Just imagine if you had a manual for your brain. - You had access to the software and could write your own programs. - You had complete control over your thoughts and could deliver the right results every time.

What a Winning Mindset is.

- A clearly defined destination. - An understanding of our strengths and weaknesses.

Focus or Zone.

- What is Focus - What is being in the Zone.

We will explore your Mindset Now, such as.

- What thoughts do you have about your Tennis? - What thoughts do you have about your Partner in Tennis? - What thoughts do you have about your opponents? - What thoughts do you have about your equipment? - What thoughts do you have about where you are going to play? Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

Defining Your Own Winning Mindset.

- What do you class as winning? - How often do you want to Win. - What do you feel like when you Win. - What goals have you set and by when.

Replacing Your Current Mindset with a winning Mind set.

- Replacing negative thoughts with positive outcomes. - Removing the negative thoughts from your mind - Enhancing the positive thoughts for future Success.

Maintaining a Winning mindset.

Setting Goals and achieving them.

Attracting the results you want.

Combining minds with your partner.

Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

Why Mind Training is so important in sport.

Why our minds hold us back.

Before I can start to show you how to create the right mindset for your success I want you to understand why mind training is so important.

Now you might instantly say, I know why it is so important in which case what I am about to say will be understood much easier, on the other hand you might say it has nothing to do with my mind. My problem is that when I am playing a match I just don’t play as well as when I practice.

So here is the dilemma, some people really understand how the mind can affect your play and others often have a mental block on the thoughts which control their actions.

So let me start by explaining the importance of your mind and the thoughts you have either consciously or subconsciously when doing anything.

The Mind or Brain call it which ever you like, controls everything you do, it is a series of programs that you have developed over your life time, some good ones and some not so good.

Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

The good ones will move you forward and the others will hold you back. The secret is to only use the good programs, the ones which mean you can achieve what ever you set out to achieve.

The second secret is to know how to stop the not so good programs from limiting your ability to achieve what ever it is you want to achieve.

Over the coming weeks and months I will be sharing various tips and techniques you can use to focus on the good programs and block and then eventually delete the others.

I will also be explaining how to create new even better programs which will enable you to turn your mind in to a Winning machine.

So where do we start?

Simple tips to control our thoughts.

Here are a couple of simple tips you can start using straight away.

Tip 1. Listen very carefully to the thoughts and feelings you have when you play a good shot or win a point or make a great serve. Store those thoughts and feelings and repeat the action every time you do it well. Ask your Coach to say something you really like every time you play the shot well, listen for these words or store them every time you hear them. Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

Tip 2. In the same way as 1 above, listen very carefully to your thoughts and feelings every time you do a bad shot and then instantly dismiss them from your mind and replace them with an image of you playing the good shot. Ask your Coach to encourage the good shot and not to penalise you for the bad shot.

The goal is to reward your mind for good play and avoid the negative thoughts when you play a shot less than good.

The more good shots you play the more good shots you will play.

Why having clear goals/plans make a significant difference.

Considering very few people set clearly defined goals or plans and the majority just hope things will work out, it is understandable why so many people never quite achieve what they dream for.

Goal setting or creating an action plan around your Tennis matches can make a significant difference to the end result.

The reason for this is simple if you understand how the Brain works and hard if you don’t.

The brain is very complex and as I have already said runs on a series of programs to achieve what ever you want to achieve.

Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

Setting goals and creating plans to achieve them is all about creating programs for your mind to follow, the more detailed your plans and more clear your goals the easier it is for your mind to follow.

I will talk about this simple process often as I help you create the Winning Mindset you desire.

Think of a simple task and then analyse the process you go through to achieve it.

Let us take going to the Club to play tennis. The first time you went having never been there before may have needed some planning, where is it, what route do I need to take, how long will it take, when do I need to be there by, when should I leave, what equipment do I need, shall I change there or go in my tennis kit, make sure I take my racket, some drink, money and so on.

The more times you go the less you actually think through the process and still usually arrive with everything you need.

Quite simply you have created a program within your brain which ensures the thing you enjoy doing will take place almost without a conscious thought. In other words you have written a program in to your mind and once it is firmly established you can run that program every time you have booked to go and play.

Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

It started with a simple goal setting and planning exercise, which has now turned into a program in your subconscious mind that you can call on when ever you need to.

Just imagine if you had a series programs just like this one for every scenario you come across when playing matches and all you had to do is just plug in to that program and achieve the result you want. Would that make a difference to your game?

Understanding the mind.

Understanding how the mind works is crucial to creating a winning mindset.

The best way to understand this statement is to compare it to Tennis, think about it, unless you understand the game it is almost impossible to play it and impossible to play it well.

The same goes for your mind, it is impossible to create a mindset of a winner unless you know how the mind works and then how to work it.

We often talk about mindset, so what does this mean?

A mindset is a set of assumptions, methods, or notations held by one or more people or groups of people that is so established that it creates a powerful incentive within these people or groups to continue to adopt or accept prior behaviors, choices, or tools. Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

Think of your mind as a number of computers, looking at mindset in this way says the mindset is a series of programs our minds have gathered together to create a series of assumptions and methods of doing something.

So how does this relate to Tennis, quite simply over time through playing Tennis you will have gathered a series of programs in your mind which make up your mindset.  This series of programs will include what shots you play.  The way you interpret the rules.  Where you position yourself on court.  The thoughts you have when playing a match.  The thoughts you have when playing with your partner.  It even goes as far as the thoughts you have about the score and your chances of Winning or Losing at every point of the game.

Hopefully you can already see the importance of mindset and your ability to create the mindset of a winner.

Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

Shortly I am going to start the process of explaining how the Mind or Brain works which should help you as we work together to create you the winning mindset you need to become a Match Play Specialist.

First we really need to look at why you need to know how to train the mind to achieve the result you are looking for.

Why Mind Training is so important in sport.

If you think about it, every thing you do is controlled by your brain, so if you want to do something different or better than before then you first need to know how the mind is trained.

Once you know how the brain is trained then you will quickly realise that it is possible to retrain or train the mind to do something different.

Ask yourself why the Coach encourages you to practice a shot time and time again until you become very good at it. You might think he is training the muscles in your body to play the shot better and more consistently and to some extent this is true.

Taking it a little deeper, the muscles are controlled by your brain and what is happening is the more times you play the shot the more your brain will remember how to. In time what will happen is your mind will have a program which when the circumstances are right will tell your muscles to play the shot you have been practicing.

Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

So it is possible to train your brain or mind to do things in a very specific way.

You probably realise why mind training is so important, without the training it will be very difficult for your muscles to react in the right way to enable the racket and you to be in the right place to play the shot correctly.

Can you see the importance of mind training?

Over the coming weeks and months we will be looking at various techniques which you can use to train the mind to ensure when it tells your body to play the shot you require, it automatically selects the best shot of that type it has ever played.

Read what I have just said again and you will realise how important mind training is.

We only use a small amount of our overall Brain.

By now I hope you realise your mind and your brain are the same thing, good old English language always likes to complicate things.

The mind is one of the most powerful computer systems on the planet, it is able to carry out many different functions at the same time.

Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

In some ways it is fortunate that we only use a small amount of our brain, if we were given the responsibility to manage it all then we would probably become so involved in our mind we would never achieve a fraction of what we attempt to achieve.

The Mind has two major parts.

There are two main parts of our mind, the conscious part and the unconscious or subconscious part.

You use the conscious part when thinking about what you are doing or going to do. This is less than 10% of your total brain power.

The remainder of your brain, some 90% of your brain power is there to run programs you do not need to know about, it is also there to store data as you go about your daily business.

The subconscious is where you store the instructions on each shot you play in Tennis, it remembers absolutely everything you do, think, see, smell, touch, feel and hear. I mean everything.

Yes everything from the point where your brain was formed right through to today.

Just imagine if you had access to all this information every day, your conscious mind would be so busy living in the past it would not have time to do the things you want to do right now. Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

Your unconscious or sub conscious mind is gathering data all the time which makes it a very important part of your mind and a useful place to know about when creating the mindset of a winner.

Over the coming weeks and months I will not just explain why, I will teach you how to do two major things.  I will teach you how to access information in your subconscious mind which will help you win.  I will also teach you how to program your subconscious mind so when it helps you choose a shot or select where you plan to play the shot it will pick the best solution from the information it has stored in it.

There is one thing more important than either of the above, it is about the thoughts in your conscious mind. To become the best player you can be is one thing, to become a winner and keep on winning requires another skill.

This skill is how you consciously think about the result you want to achieve, this is a completely different process and needs to be worked on separately.

Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

Have you ever thought I can win this game and then suddenly find from no where a thought pops into your mind which makes winning almost impossible to achieve.

A winning mindset can only be achieved if you are in the right mindset or in the zone. We will be delving deep inside your mind to find out how you think, what thoughts you have when under pressure and how you can change those thoughts to ensure you achieve the results you need to achieve the result you are seeking.

Thank you for joining the Creating your Winning mindset program, please feel free to tell your friends about this program, but value this content as your own investment and tell your friends how to secure their own subscription with

Enjoy the video and I look forward to working with you again next month.

Now read this manual again, your mind will challenge some of the information shared so far and it will take time to take in.

Last but definitely not least, please open and complete the questionnaire, it will help you understand the thoughts and programs you run today and be the first step towards creating a Winning mindset.

Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset

Please remember this is a monthly subscription and at this time you have only viewed month one.

As each month progresses you can always return to the months before.

Like learning anything new the first steps are possibly the hardest to take on board.

Over the coming months I will share some amazing tips, techniques and secrets with you on how to understand and train your mind enabling you to achieve whatever you want to achieve on and off court.

This really is a manual of your mind, which will enable you to Win more matches and become a match play specialist and more.

My name is Derek Kemp and with the help of some very knowledgeable people I have become a Mind Coach.

Until next month, keep focused on winning.

Derek Kemp

Copyright 2012 Sean’s Tennis Academy


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