How to Choose the Right Product Line

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The Key to Making Money Online - How to Choose the Right Product Line

Part One of The Key To Making Money Online

Written and published by Your Business Success Club

Copyright 2011 Your Business Success Club Ltd


The Key to Making Money Online - How to Choose the Right Product Line

Introduction. This manual has been written to help anyone interested in applying for Premium Membership of Your Business Success Club. The manual has been written to explain the process you need to go through to select the product line you want us to build a business around.

Selecting the right product line is crucial to our joint success, taking your time and selecting the right one is essential for two reasons:

1. Your success with us is much more secure if you pick a product line and market place where there is a large number of interested people. 2. The better choice you make at this early stage of the process the greater the chance of us approving your application.

You may ask, why make it so hard to be accepted. Basically we do not want you to fail, usually failure comes from poor preparation.

We are not in the business of failing so we have set some strict rules which will minimise the risk for you and us. Your Success and our credibility are both at stake here and I think you will agree that these are both essential.

We are working together for Your Success. Derek Kemp Founder of Your Business Success Club

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The Key to Making Money Online - How to Choose the Right Product Line

An online business is like any other business, you need to find a product line which lots of people are prepared to buy. This might sound like an obvious statement but I can assure you lots of people struggle to do this well.

Even though we are offering to build you an online business we want your help in choosing a product line which suits you.

Our end goal is to hand over to you a business which is making good money, so choosing the right product line is essential.

Product Line. Notice I say product line rather than product.

Just having one product is unlikely to make you good money.

Yes, if you had the perfect product everyone wants and no one else has then one product would work.

Generally you need more than one product to create a strong business, the first product is usually a taster followed by a higher value product which is usually the one which makes the profit.

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The Key to Making Money Online - How to Choose the Right Product Line

Choosing your Product Line. We want you to choose a product line which suits you.

A product line you know something about.

Ideally a product which excites you so every time you think of it you get a rush of blood and a great feeling inside.

If you remember the list I gave in the intro video, it asked you various questions to try and identify your product line.

Let me just remind you of the list:

What do you like doing?

This could be sports, hobbies, skills etc.

If you play sports or have hobbies what are they?

If you are good at sport, you could share your knowledge with others who want to improve. Alternatively you may have a hobby which would make a great product line.

What do you know?

You may have studied a specific subject and have an extensive knowledge which you could share with others. Copyright 2011 Your Business Success Club Ltd


The Key to Making Money Online - How to Choose the Right Product Line

What was your best subject at school?

This may trigger a great product line, you could share your knowledge with other people with a similar interest.

If you have a job or business what do you do?

Imagine this, you get paid to do a job, because there is a need for that job. Just think if you could share the knowledge you need to do your job with other people who are prepared to pay to learn.

If you have a partner what do they do for a living?

If you are struggling to choose a product line, maybe your partner has the ideal product, or if you already know what subject to choose, remember you can use your partners product as the next product line to promote.

Hopefully you are getting the idea now, write down the answers to these questions and send them in as part of your first step to being invited to be a member of Your Business Success Club.

Here are a few more areas to explore.

What do you enjoy watching on TV, DVD, Computer Games, the Cinema?

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The Key to Making Money Online - How to Choose the Right Product Line

If you read books what books do you read?

If you like traveling where do you like traveling too?

If you could only do one more thing in your life what would it be?

Let me recap.

We are trying to find a product line which would suit you that we can build a web business around.

What happens if I cannot identify a product line based on the above?

This is an excellent question and I have met people who really struggle to find a product line that suits them.

Let us look at other ways to define your product line.

The first thing to consider before starting to find the product line using the following methods is to identify market places where there are lots of buyers.

First consider this fact “Information sells�.

People are looking for information on a wide range of products every day. There are various places you can prove this.

Here are a few places to look: Copyright 2011 Your Business Success Club Ltd


The Key to Making Money Online - How to Choose the Right Product Line – these are books which provide basic information on a wide range of subjects, if there is a dummies guide then people are looking for information related to this subject.

You can even find dummies guides in which enables you to view the content of the guides using Amazon’s page view feature. This will give you a good understanding of the quality of information being supplied.

Amazon is another good place to see what books on what subjects are selling, they even list the best sellers, so if you are considering a particular product line you can see if books on this subject sell.

Another good place to look to see what subjects sell is, for those that have never heard of Clickbank, this site markets a huge range of digital books (eBooks) on behalf of people who want to provide an Affiliate marketing program.

Just go to and select market place, you will see a list of all the different product lines. You can select a product line and view some of the products available. Choose view by popularity to see some of the most popular products on click bank.

Yes we could market a clickbank product for you, personally I would not recommend this as it has some limitations.

Use clickbank to find the right product line. Copyright 2011 Your Business Success Club Ltd


The Key to Making Money Online - How to Choose the Right Product Line

We can then look at developing a book based on the market place and product you have chosen from Clickbank. This means the product belongs to you making it possible for you to make more money from it.

Bookshops are a good place to look, see what books and magazines are most popular, if you have chosen a product line and there are no books and magazines related to it, I suggest you may have chosen the wrong product.

Always choose a product line where there is a mass market, this gives us a much better chance of selling your products, because there is a bigger market place to target.

So hopefully by now you are beginning to get a good feel about where to find your product line, let me share one very good place you can go to get a better understand about the level of interest in your product line. It is the Internet.

We are going to be talking a lot more about using the Internet in product two, but I just want to touch on a couple of areas online you can start to study right now to give you more confidence in the product line you have chosen.

Go to Google, Yahoo or Bing and type in Articles on “Your Product line�, these will be listed on the screen giving you a good understanding of the level of interest in your chosen market. Copyright 2011 Your Business Success Club Ltd


The Key to Making Money Online - How to Choose the Right Product Line

You can do a similar thing with Forums, if there are a lot of Forums on your chosen subject then we are definitely moving along the right path.

You will learn more about this when we work together to prove the market.

Submitting your product line for approval. Once you have decided on your product line you will need to let us know what this is, the earlier you do this the better, it will give my team more time to prepare one or more products that will sell in your chosen market place.

If it is a product line you have a lot of knowledge in, then we will be in contact with you to help you put the information together so we can start preparing the initial products for market.

Here are some of the items we would like you to share with us.

1. What market place does your product fall in, please review the product list in the market place of Clickbank, we know these subjects sell because Clickbank market products in each of these market places.

2. Describe your product line is as much detail as possible.

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The Key to Making Money Online - How to Choose the Right Product Line

3. Tell us why you have chosen this product line, is it because you know a lot about it, or you have an interest in this subject, or you know someone with that knowledge. It maybe because you already have a number of products in the market place you have chosen.

4. How much involvement would you like to have with the development of your product line, remember one of the benefits of working with us is the opportunity for you to work with us to help your business grow.

5. Last but definitely not least we need you to share as much of the information you have gained about the product line you have chosen. For example:

How many books are in the book shops on this subject? How many magazines have you found? Do these products feature on Amazon? Do these products feature on Dummies guides? Have you found much information on the Internet about your chosen subject?


The better you complete this task the sooner we can get your Internet business up and running. If you are still not sure why you should be doing this and not us, let me remind you, it is far better for us to

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The Key to Making Money Online - How to Choose the Right Product Line

create you a business with a product line you are interested in for one simple reason.

Once this business starts making you more money than you are paying for your monthly membership you will become very interested in the whole process, the more interested you are in the product line you have chosen the easier it will be for you to commit some of your time and energy to your money making machine.

Once you have your research in place and your product line chosen email your research to us at

The Next step to Premium Membership.

You may have guessed the next step to becoming a Premium Club Member, if not let me explain.

You will need to prove there is a market place for your chosen product line.

We will be sharing how to do this in the product called “Proving the Market”, you may have already received an email promoting the second product you need to buy to be accepted as a Premium member of Your Business Success Club.

You can purchase “Proving the Market” today by logging in to Your Club and selecting “My Products” where you will see the Proving the Market product. Watch the video presentation to learn more about Copyright 2011 Your Business Success Club Ltd


The Key to Making Money Online - How to Choose the Right Product Line

this product and why it is so essential for everyone who wants an online business.

The Proving the Market product is a video presentation showing you exactly how to prove there is a market and the information you need to gather to help us build you an online business.

Usually you need to buy three products to move from Level One to Level Two membership, if having already purchased this product you now buy “Proving the Market� you will be upgraded to Level Two.

Why not go straight to now and secure your Proving the Market product today.

You are getting closer to Premium membership and a regular income which will steadily grow putting you in profit month after month.

As a Level Two member we will be in contact to explain the next step.

Thank you for taking this journey with us and we are really looking forward to welcoming you as a Premium Member of Your Business Success Club. Working Together For Your Success. Until next time.

Derek Kemp Founder of Your Business Success Club Copyright 2011 Your Business Success Club Ltd


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