Making Money Online Made easy

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Making Money Online Made Easy.

Written by Derek Kemp Founder of

Thank you for leaving your details and downloading this Special Report, I have no doubt your actions will lead you to the point where you are able to generate a second income, which over time could easily become your primary income by being a member of this Club. Š All rights reserved


Making Money Online Made Easy.

Index. 3. Introduction. 6. Building an online Business. 7. The Steps to Building an online Business. 9. How the Money is Made. 10. Where most people fail. 11. How to avoid failure? 13. How can you get started? 13. Identifying the Perfect market place. 14. Why Market research is so Important. 16. Your first Step. 16. What is Your Next step? 17. Summary. 18. Conclusion. Disclaimer: The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. We do not guarantee or otherwise promise that you will earn any particular amount of money. That said, it IS possible to make money online. Thousands of people are doing it every day, and we hope that this report can help you join those ranks! The author of this Resource Report has done his best to ensure that the information contained herein is valid, truthful information. However, he makes no claim or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of said information. By reading this Resource Report, you acknowledge that you will not hold the author liable for any loss or other damages that may occur as a result of any of the information in this Resource Report. This document is protected under international copyright laws, and any attempt to illegally reprint or distribute it is prohibited and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Whilst you have not purchased or own this document, which remains the copyright of , you are hereby expressly provided with permission to distribute this as a free Resource Report subject to the fact that it must not be edited, modified or changed in any way.

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Making Money Online Made Easy.

Introduction. You may remember when you saw my initial video, I talked about the market research I have been carrying out over the past three years or so. Let me tell you when I first started taking an interest in the Internet and how my business has developed since then.

Back in 1997 I was working in London with a guy who over the years had helped a large number of people raise capital and build strong businesses in the off line market place. He had become quite famous by writing a book called “Talk and Grow Rich”. I am sure you can see this as a clever take off from the book Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill.

The author of Talk and Grow Rich is Ron G. Holland, Ron and I were working together in 1997 building a web site to promote this book and a number of other books Ron had written.

Well to cut a long story very short, for various other business reasons we did not take the business forward and parted company.

In 2001 I started up my very own website having continued my studies into the Internet Market place, this site still runs today and has always had a steady flow of visitors and made money even though I did very little marketing of the site.

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So why am I telling you all of this, quite simply this, the Internet has been around for some considerable time now, more and more people are accessing it for a wide variety of reasons and a good proportion of these people are prepared to spend money online.

I really started focusing my time on the Internet about three and a half years ago and as I started my research, I came across more and more people who wanted to set up a website and make money online.

I started attending various Boot camps, Seminars, Workshops etc and continually heard people talk about the money they were going to

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make and how simple running an online business was. All they had to do was set up a website and the money would come flooding in.

As my research continued I heard another story, the story of the investment which never materialized into an income. More and more people told me a similar story, they told me I would be rich and when I opened the box I found lots of DVDs, CDs and manuals which never really made sense.

Either the people selling these businesses in a box had not explained what had to done, or for many the whole process was too complicated.

You could call me lucky I suppose, because I had seen the potential of the Internet back in the 1990’s and had created a website in 2001 which is still making money, plus I have a son who is a computer genius. I was able to create my own web business without the need for an eBusiness in a box.

Now life became even better when a couple of years ago I was approached by someone who had invested heavily in this business and was looking for a business partner to work with.

Partnering with him has given me access to a wide range of products plus contact with a number of knowledgeable people in the industry.

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All of this has given me the knowledge, skill and resources required to make money online.

What has become clear is this, lots of people want a second income which could turn in to their primary income. Most of these people do not have the time or expertise to learn how to create an Internet business which makes them money.

So I have decided with the aid of some very professional people in Cambridge, England to create a membership club where the members can describe a market place they would like to trade in and we will build them a web business, in that market place, which makes them money.

Over the following pages I will explain the difference between a website and a fully functional web business and then go on to prepare you ready to choose the perfect market place for you.

Over the coming days I will send you further details about Your Business Success Club and why you should seriously consider becoming a member.

Building an online Business. Building an online business sounds relatively easy to do, so often you hear the people on stage say, all you need is a website, a product and a payment system and then drive lots of visitors to your site. Š All rights reserved


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Well to some extent what they are saying is right, its just the detail is a little thin and when you come to start doing it you realise what they have said is a bit like driving a car.

All you need to do is sit in the driving seat, start the engine, put your foot on the gas pedal and steer the car. Many of you will know this is the easy bit, which side of the road should you drive on, how fast should you go, hey, no one said there would be other people on the road and what does that red light mean. All this is just for starters, it seems to get more complicated every day.

So many people have told me how they have struggled to get a domain name, find a good host and so much more.

The Steps to Building an online Business. There are a series of steps to building an online business, in this section I want to highlight just a few of them.

Step 1. Choose the right market place and know how to target that market place. Make sure you know what they are looking for and how they are searching. Š All rights reserved


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Step 2. Build a big list of people who are very interested in the products or services you are offering.

Step 3. Build a strong relationship with this list so when you tell them what they need to buy, some of them will buy.

Step 4. Make sure your sales copy and sales process converts into sales, it really does not matter how good your website is or come to that, your product. If your sales copy does not convert then you have wasted your time and effort.

Step 5. Customer care is crucial to running a long term successful business, if you treat your customers very well they will not only buy from you, they will buy more than once and they will tell other people about you and these people will buy too.

There are various other activities and steps to building a successful business, remember if you miss out any of the above 5 steps your business will struggle to succeed.

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How the Money is Made. I have no doubt you are reading this Special Report because like most of us you either want money or need it.

How the money is made is the most important piece of knowledge anyone in business needs to know.

It is simple really, you offer people who want a specific product or service, the product or service they want at a price they are prepared to pay.

If you offer this product or service to enough people who want it, some of them will buy. It is really as simple as that.

The key is, you must target the people who want it, not the people who need it. I know the two words are the same length, but meaning is quite different. You may need a new car, but unless you want a new car, you are unlikely to go out and buy one.

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Where most people fail. The word fail is one I do not normally use, the alternative word is give up.

Failure suggests they are not good enough to succeed where as giving up is a state of mind based on frustration and a lack of understanding.

Most people fail in setting up an online business, because they start the business in the wrong place.

Often the reason why they start the business in the wrong place is because they buy a business in a box. Or put another way a box of products plus a sales page and the instructions on how to set up a website.

Rarely are they given the market research and search phrases they need to be able to find the right target audience.

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In most cases they are not given the tools they need to drive thousands of the right visitors to their web business ensuring that some of them will buy.

In so many cases it’s a bit like taking a cooking recipe book and trying to create a very special dish. The author expects you to know how to prepare puff pastry, separate the eggs from the yoke etc, etc.

In reality unless you are an experienced cook the chance of you knowing these techniques is very unlikely.

End result, not what you expected, in most cases, you give up and buy one from the local shop.

How to avoid failure? In the cooking example the solution is quite easy, either pop to the local supermarket and buy one or phone the local restaurant and book a table for two.

In running an online business it is hard to find a shop where you can buy the complete solution, this has meant lots of people keep investing in more and more businesses in a box in the hope they will find the ultimate solution. Š All rights reserved


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There are a few programs on the market where you can buy the complete package, but as yet these are few and far between.

It has taken me many of months of extensive research to find an organisation which has the resources to help me build a membership site which can offer you the complete solution, equivalent to booking a table in the restaurant and ordering the complete meal or a complete online business in every respect. is being created to provide you with everything you need to make money online.

We will build you a list, market to that list, create a website promoting products in your chosen market, create the products or source them for you, set up the payment system so you can collect the money and even provide the support for questions and queries.

It gets better, because once we have your business up and running we will show you how to take it over and run it yourself if you want.

We will even be offering a second level of membership where we will build you a membership site so you can have not just an income, but an income every month.

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Making Money Online Made Easy.

How can you get started? I know if I had been offered this opportunity three years ago, I would have been chomping at the bit right now wanting to know how I can join and start making money from the efforts of

There is some work to do before you can join, sorry about that. I am sure you will understand how important it is for us to ensure we can deliver what we promise.

We need you to think very carefully about the subject you want us to build a business around.

Identifying the Perfect market place. This is so important, you may remember my steps earlier when I said how important it is to choose a market place where people want the products or services you will be offering.

I often remind people how important it is Š All rights reserved


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to know who your target market is, what they want and just as important what words they are using to find what they want online.

This area is so critical to the success of your business I am in the process of preparing a brand new guide to ensure you have established the ideal market and what that market wants from you.

I have already mentioned I will be sending you a series of emails, make sure you open them as one of them will have the details of how to obtain a copy of “The Key To Making Money Online”.

This document will have been created from the expertise of some of the best Internet Marketers around. If you follow it step by step you will be able to easily identify your market place, who wants your products and services and exactly what they are typing in to the search engines to find your website so they can buy your product.

Why Market research is so Important.

If I have already managed to get this message across I am sorry, it is so crucial I just want to stress it once more.

People who are successful in business do not just open a shop and start selling their © All rights reserved


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products or services.

They spend a considerable amount of time and often serious money making sure there are enough potential customers in the area likely to buy what they are selling.

They check out the competition, find out what they are selling, how much they are selling it for, how many customers go through their doors, what type of people buy what they are selling and what promotional methods they use to sell their products.

Market Research for many is a full time job, it’s called keeping ahead of the competition.

Now things are a little different in some areas on the Internet, if you can get someone to your website and you are offering what they want at a price they can afford then you stand a good chance of them buying.

You still need to know who they are, what they want and what price they are likely to pay.

You also need to know what words they will key in to the search engines to find your site.

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Making Money Online Made Easy.

Your first Step. Yes you know what you have to do, decide what you would like to promote online.

We will help you decide what this will be, we will even verify your market research to ensure we are targeting the right market place for the products or services you are offering.

What is your next step? Start reading my emails as they arrive and begin to really understand what Your Business Success Club will be offering you.

Keep an eye out for the manual called “The Key To Making Money Online”. When I say manual it will come in a number of different formats designed to make it easy for you to follow and understand.

I have no doubt if you are interested in us creating you a business which makes money, you will grab a copy of this manual straight away.

Warning: You will need to do some work to make this work, on the other hand we will take you by the hand and help you every step of the way.

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Once you have completed your market research the rest is up to us, we will set absolutely everything up for you, ensure it works, build a list and then convert the list into sales, ambitious yes, possible, yes!

Summary. Thousands of people are making serious money online. Many of them have a team of people doing the tricky bits while they focus their time on marketing and market research.

We want you to do the same, we have the team in place to build you a money making Internet Business, we want you to focus on the Marketing and Market research and then leave the rest to us.

We have no doubt some, if not all of you will want to get involved in running your business once you see it making money. We have no problem with this and will be providing a whole series of information on the club site designed to help you do this easily.

We hope once you see one website making money, you will want us to build you another one increasing your income still further, the rules will be the same, you do the initial market research and we will do the rest.

We have no doubt where the money is online, it is in recurring income. Once we have proved to you that it is possible to make

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money online, we hope you will want us to build you a subscription site in your chosen market place or another market place.

The power of subscription sites is recurring income, just imagine if you had 100 members paying $30 per month for good quality information or a service provided by your subscription site. Yes that is $3,000 income every month. I will let you do the math’s, if you double the number or even increase it to 5 times. I think most of you will agree there is serious income every month using this model.

Conclusion. If you have been considering a secondary income or perhaps a future main income from the Internet, but neither have the time to create one or the knowledge and skills to do it, then Your Business Success Club is for you.

Now you may have already made an investment in one or more programs and may even have a number of products in your lounge or bedroom. Perhaps you have tried to build your own web business with limited or no success, you have the potential to recover your investment and even generate a profit in the near future by working with us and converting some of those products into cash using our knowledge and skills.

The next step is really simple, read every one of my emails when they arrive, learn what is on offer hear.

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Then grab a copy of “The Key To Making Money Online”, study it carefully and then follow the instructions exactly to the letter.

When you have completed the Market Research, submit it to our approvals department. If we feel you have clearly identified your market place in all areas we will send you a personal invitation to join

Working together for Your Success. Best Regards

Derek Kemp Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur and Business Coach 44 1622 815666 Skype: guides4you Success is a process of actions to achieve an end result, it is a complete process requiring you to take action in every part of your life. Check out for an ever growing list of Success tools. The Churchill Apprenticeship is a hand picked group of people determined to build an Internet Business generating a 6 to 7 figure income in the fastest time possible using the very latest Business building techniques, email me at for more information. Who am I and why would you want to learn from me, I will always recommend you check out the people you work with and take advice © All rights reserved


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from before you work with them, check me out at Celebrating a special event or special day, perhaps you want to promote a business event or just say thank you. When people receive a quality card they treasure it for a long time, visit great cards for any occasion. I have so much knowledge I want to share with as many people in business as possible, so I have decided to create a website where you can tap into my brain and use the incredible amount of information I have gathered over the years. Go here and register your interest today Membership Club. Are you based in the UK and are trying to build your own online business or perhaps have an off line business and want to take it online. Doing it alone is hard, so Tom Hua and I have set up regular group meetings around the UK where you can work with others to build your business faster. Go to the answer to Your Success Online a partnership with Tom Hua. Follow me on Twitter Check out my Blog at

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