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Written by Derek Kemp Published by Copyright 2012 Your Business Success Club Ltd

Set The Web On Fire

Disclaimer The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. We do not guarantee or otherwise promise that you will earn any particular amount of money. That said, it IS possible to make money online. Thousands of people are doing it every day, and we hope that this report can help you join those ranks! The author of this Special Report has done his best to ensure that the information contained herein is valid, truthful information. However, he makes no claim or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of said information. By reading this Special Report, you acknowledge that you will not hold the author liable for any loss or other damages that may occur as a result of any of the information in this Special Report. This document is protected under international copyright laws, and any attempt to illegally reprint or distribute it is prohibited and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Whilst you have not purchased or own this document, which remains the copyright of Your Business Success Club Ltd , you are hereby expressly provided with permission to distribute this as a free or paid for Special Report subject to the fact that it must not be edited, modified or changed in any way.


Set The Web On Fire


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Keyword Buyer


Site Ranking


Site Analysis


Omnileads & Macroleads


Video Production


Article Publishing


Press Releases


Why Become an Affiliate


Training Video’s






Call for Action.

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Set The Web On Fire


Are you looking for ways to make money online, perhaps you are trying to get your Website on the first page of the search engines fast?

Do you know where your site is ranked now and then how to get it ranked much better in the future?

Of course I am sure you are aware, to make money online does not need your site ranked on page one of the search engines, yes you are right it can help.

What is more important is getting lots of quality targeted traffic to your site and then converting them into buyers.

Of course it is possible that you don’t have a Website of your own and you are trying to make money by promoting someone else’s product through an Affiliate program. You still need to generate traffic and if you are really smart you will be capturing their details before you send them to the Affiliate sales page.

So what is this Special report about, yes it is about knowing where your site is ranked now, getting it ranked higher, getting more traffic to your site or the Affiliate site and dominating the Internet for your chosen search terms.


Set The Web On Fire

Did I mention search terms before, I don’t think so, how would you like to know what search terms your buyers are most likely to use to search for what you have, wouldn’t that be great, you bet.

Well in this Special report I am going to share with you details of some of the features of a piece of software which came on the market recently which not only promises to solve all the issues stated above. It really does put you in the driving seat enabling you to:

Establish where you site is today. Has tools which can improve your ranking fast. Enables you to gain rapid exposure in the market place. Will enable you to dominate the search terms your potential Customers are using.

By sharing this software with just a few people means it will cost you nothing very quickly and will probably make you a profit through an excellent affiliate program.

Plus much more.

Let me start by telling you why I am qualified to share this information with you.


Set The Web On Fire

I have been marketing online for about 5 years now, I put my first website online in 2001 and it still makes money today.

I run monthly MasterMind groups here in the UK and every month I meet people who want more visitors to their website, want to find the right keywords to attract the right traffic and often struggle to know where to promote their websites or their affiliate products.

So while on a business trip to Australia, sitting in a conference room with 400 other people I was suddenly listening very carefully to the guy on stage.

For years now I have been searching for a piece of software which achieves all the above and much more, someone would eventually put all the needs of an Internet Marketer into one package and make it available at an affordable price.

I knew the two guys on stage were very experienced so when they told me what they had created, I knew this was the perfect solution.

Since then this software has put mine and my clients websites on the first page of the search engines for various search terms, increased the amount of traffic to our websites and so much more.

It has also enabled me to rapidly analyse websites and give clients simple yet accurate advice as to what they should do different to get their sites more exposure. 6

Set The Web On Fire

Over the next few pages I intend describing some of the features of this software so you can see why you should ensure it is a tool in your tool bag.

Before I start let me just say, this software works and here is the really good news, you do not have to load this software on your computer or continually update it every time something changes on the Internet.

This software runs online and is maintained by the people who created it, all you need to do when you want to use it is log in to the membership site, select the tool you want to use and get started.

Of yes and the cost of membership, well you will be amazed to find out how little you will need to pay each month and how easy it is to get it for free. Yes I mean for free.

Now I am not joking when I say you can get this software for free and I will tell you how later in this report.

Let’s get started.


Set The Web On Fire

Keyword Buyer

The biggest challenge my clients have when setting up their online business is to know what search terms people who want their products will use to search for their products.

Now you may say, why do I need this tool, I know what I am selling so it is easy to pick the keywords.

This is so wrong, you may choose keywords which match your product, I can tell you now, people looking for your product will use different keywords than the ones you will think they use, just imagine if you had a tool which could find the keywords potential buyers of your product are likely to use.

Well this software has a tool called Keyword Buyer which will show you which keywords your potential buyers will use to try and find you.

Just imagine if you could target the right people easier and faster.


Set The Web On Fire

Site Ranking

Ever wondered where you site is ranked on the search engines, have you ever tried to find your site searching through page after page hoping your site will pop up giving you confidence what you are doing is working.

Maybe you have someone creating back links and implementing other SEO functions to get your site listed on the search engines. Ever wanted to check to make sure they are doing their job and your money is being spent well.

Then with this software you can keep track on the progress of your site on Google, Yahoo and Bing without having to trust or rely on anyone else.

Let me introduce another benefit of this software, do you know anyone with a website who would like to know where their site is ranked on Google, Yahoo and Bing. Why not offer them your software as a service for a small fee or alternatively tell them about this software and get paid for the privilege.


Set The Web On Fire

Site Analysis

Did you build your own website or did you pay for someone to build one for you. It really does not matter which method you chose.

Imagine if you could quickly run an analysis of your website to ensure it is correctly set up to ensure it gets found by as many people as possible when they are searching for what you sell online.

How about you being able to check to make sure you have set up your site correctly or if you paid good money for some to do it for you, how do you know they have done it right?

Well from now on you will know because this tool has a Site Analysis tool which will rapidly evaluate your site for any keyword you choose and tell you first what chance you have of being ranked for it and what you need to do to correctly optimise your site to ensure the best results possible.

Having spent a huge amount of money on my Membership site I was shocked when I first ran it through this software to find a number of areas which needed fixing. The good news is once I fixed them my site jumped on to page one of Google for a highly competitive keyword Make Money from Home.


Set The Web On Fire

Since then our business opportunity websites have rapidly achieved page one status on Google, Yahoo and Bing for some very competitive keywords.

Clients of mine have been amazed how quick their sites have been ranked using this incredible tool.

It gets better, just imagine if you could offer businesses with a website this facility to improve their sites performance for a fee, do you think some of them would be willing to pay you good money to improve their sites performance and get them more Customers, of course they would.

Once again you could easily recover the cost of this software by offering a site analysis service to any business with a Website.


Set The Web On Fire

Omnileads & Macroleads

There are a number of ways to get traffic to your website, the first of these is to get your site ranked on page one of the search engines for every possible search term there is.

Getting on page one is possible and as long as you have ranked for the right keywords you will get traffic.

This is only one way to get visitors, a more powerful way and probably much easier to do is to find other places where you potential Customers go and then drive them from these sites to your own.

Let me give you an example, just imagine if there is a Forum on the Internet where people discuss the market place you are in, if you could encourage people on that Forum to check out your site then you would stand a very good chance of getting some of them to visit you site and on the basic rule of some will buy you will get some sales.

You can do the same type of activity from Blogs, find Blogs relevant to your market place and post valuable information which people will be interested in. Having made your comment where possible leave your contact details and possibly a link.


Set The Web On Fire

Even if you cannot leave a direct link to your site you may be able to leave an email address or business name so people will track you down.

Does this sound easy to do, can you do a search online and find all the Blogs and Forums related to your market place?

Well with this software you don’t have to, the job has been done for you.

How about finding conversations online related to your market place, would this be helpful, imagine if you could find conversations you could reply to and drive these people to your site and convert some of them in to Customers.

All you need to do is type in the relevant search terms related to your products select what you are looking for and then click search.

The software will start to create a list of what you are looking for enabling you to find the ideal locations to make comments or give replies to people talking about your product or market place.


Set The Web On Fire

Video Production

Did you know YouTube is one of the most used features of the Internet? It is also really liked by Google because they own it.

Huge numbers of videos are posted online every day and masses of people search for video on YouTube and spend time watching it.

Video is definitely the way forward and unless you are an expert at creating video you could easily be left behind. Well that was until now, how would you like a software tool which will create video for you.

A tool which will take the content of an Article and turn it into PowerPoint Slides and then have a voice talk through the slides for you making a complete online video.

A tool which having created the video will upload it to your YouTube Channel for you and then tell you when it has done it. It will also upload it to two other video sites too.

This is done through a simple step by step process adding a description and link back to your website or Affiliate product or Squeeze page.


Set The Web On Fire

Having found the best keywords and optimised your video content, do you think this might enable you to get lots more visitors to your Website and potentially turn them in to buyers, of course it will.

Yes this video tool is a standard part of the software and comes at no extra charge.


Set The Web On Fire

Article Publishing

Do you write Articles and publish them on Article directories to attract more visitors to your site, perhaps you pay someone else to do this for you.

Well you need to consider whether what you are doing now is the right way because this software also comes with an Article publisher and Spinner which really works.

You may want to consider whether you need to carry on outsourcing this work or perhaps you should get your outsourcer to subscribe to this software so they can cut time and produce more Articles for you.

Of course if you are not publishing Articles to attract more visitors yet then this is another great tool.

Just load your Article, use the spinner to create a range of Articles around your chosen keywords and then use the publisher to publish them on a range of Article directories.

Articles create great back links and create traffic.


Set The Web On Fire

Press Releases

Are you planning to launch a new product or just want to tell the world about a product you already have?

The Press are there to tell the world about new things people can buy or acquire. They have used a system for many years to gather information about what is happening in the world.

A Press release is a precise document which explains what it is you want them to promote, it is laid out in a specific way and then shared to hundreds of different locations where the Press can pick it up.

Remember the Press are no longer just Newspapers and Magazines they are as active if not more active online and are always looking for information they can use to fill the space I their papers, magazines, Newsletters, Blogs and so much more.

Just imagine if you had a tool which showed you how to prepare a Press release and then automatically published it to all the right places.

Yes you guessed it this software has a Press release tool too.


Set The Web On Fire

Why Become an Affiliate

Hopefully the information I have already shared with you has made you really hungry to find out how to grab access to this brilliant software.

Of course you could be concerned about how much it is going to cost or like me have already clicked the link to find out all this for your self.

Whether you have been patient or already clicked the link let me explain why I am so excited about this product, not just because I make money from every person who becomes a member and gets access to what could be considered the most important tool in your tool box.

What excites me the most is this, when you subscribe to this software, you automatically become an Affiliate. This means once you realise how good this software is you will start telling people you know who also have a Website. They will want to get access to it too, and if like me you send them to the sales video via your Affiliate link you will quickly cover your investment and probably end up in profit just by sharing something which is excellent with others.

At the time of writing if you click on the link below you will be able to secure access to this software for just $49 per month. If two people


Set The Web On Fire

you recommend it to subscribe you will recover your monthly subscription.

This is where it gets really good, for every month your contacts subscribe you will get paid again.

It gets even better, pay for six months and if those you the people you recommend pay monthly you will start to make a profit as you will in effect pay just $33.17 per month. Pay for the year and your monthly subscription becomes $28.92.

Note, these prices are only if you use the link below, if you go directly to the product sales page you will end up paying more, so not only do Affiliates get paid, the people they recommend get a great price, it is called Win Win.

Everyone with a website should have this software to ensure their site is configured correctly, it can also be used to get lots of traffic and lots of quality traffic means lots of orders.

So why delay click my Affiliate link and secure your subscription today, if you buy through my link I will be happy to share tips and tricks with you.

Please find the link at the end of this report, yes I will be paid 50% of your subscription as my reward to introduce you, I recommend you do the same. 19

Set The Web On Fire

Training Video’s

You might be concerned that you do not have the skills to use the software and usually I can understand your concern.

The very good news is these guys have created a range of training video’s to show you exactly how to use each tool, they even tell you where to start and which tools to use first.

I can assure you that you will be amazed how easy it is to use this software so why not click the link, sign up and get started today.


It gets even better.

The guys who created this software really want to help as many people benefit, so they run regular training Webinar’s to show you various ways you can benefit from the software.

Not just a training session, but a complete question and answer session designed to ensure your questions are answered and you understand how powerful this software really is.

How many times have you paid good money for a piece of software which promises the earth, costs and the earth and is almost


Set The Web On Fire

impossible to work. Worse still when you come back to it you find it is out of date and needs an update which you will have to pay for again.

This is no longer the case, updates are free and because the software runs online it is always up to date.


This is always a crucial subject when you are purchasing any product, the good news is support for this software is excellent and they always ensure you get a reply within one business day.

I have found there response to be excellent.

What I also like is there interest in considering new features to the software and a good example has been the Site ranking tool which was not available when I purchased the software back in February, having requested this tool along with various other members, just a couple of months later it has now been introduced.

Can you imagine, there are already 22 tools included and they are still adding new ones.


Set The Web On Fire

Call for Action.

Let me say at this point, I rarely promote software or in many cases other people’s products unless I know they achieve what they promise and their support systems are better than excellent.

I and my team are using this software and getting excellent results with it.

I have met the guys who have developed it and know they are genuine honest people.

With respect to Affiliate Commissions they pay on time direct to your PayPal account.

I have tested their support and it is excellent.

So what I suggest you do now is this, just click the link below and watch the video, if you have a website then you will definitely benefit by using this software. If you are not sure if you have the skills to use it, let me assure you that you will be able to learn really quickly.

You can only be an Affiliate once you become a member, use the software first, get some results and then promote the software to others. Using your own story is the best approach, people buy what you say not what the owner of the product says.


Set The Web On Fire

Here is the link:

Please note if you bypass my link and go direct to the Webfire website you will be asked to pay double the price.

So if you want Fast Free Traffic, Much Better Rankings, More Leads and Greater Exposure then take action straight away.

My name is Derek Kemp and having worked very hard to make good money online I can assure you this product has been one of the best investments I have made to date in my online businesses.

Your Business Success is Essential. Derek Kemp Managing Director Your Business Success Club Ltd Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur and Business Coach 44 1622 815666 Skype: guides4you Join me on Facebook Join me on Twitter!/YBSClub Just imagine if you could turn your Hobby, Sport, Interest or Knowledge into a Steady Growing Income Stream, check out my new membership site at


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