Your True Colours
Vol. 3 Issue 1
Your True Colours – Life Image By Carolyn Bendall
Carolyn Bendall is President of Fashion Academy and has trained image consultants and beauty related professionals in image consulting and color analysis. She has worked with celebrities, local television personalities, executives, and everyday people who are lost in the world of what fashion has to offer. She has had a column in Memphis Woman magazine and did the “A New You “column for the Commercial Appeal.
OVER THE LAST 15 YEARS OF IMAGE CONSULTING I HAVE HAD MANY CLIENTS, TAUGHT MANY CLASSES, AND GIVEN MANY LECTURES AND SEMINARS. ONE THING THAT PEOPLE ALWAYS ASK ME, WHETHER AS A CLIENT, A CLASS MEMBER, OR A LECTURE OR SEMINAR ATTENDEE…OR, AS A FRIEND…IS, “DOES THIS LOOK OKAY?” OR, THE OTHER STATEMENT I GET CONTINUALLY, “OH, I KNOW THIS IS THE WRONG COLOR, BUT IT IS ALL I HAD THIS MORNING!” In those quests, I have had many that take heed what has been presented; and yet, still, many that were very excited for a new look, for instruction on how to shop and not make mistakes anymore, for having a way to look that hint of a better style, or any number of other reasons J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6 | 61
Your True Colours