October 2015 YTC

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Your True Colours October 2015

Shaping Children Through Art in the Home

Minks Collection by Kristen La Rocca Gift Guides: Unusual Choices

Nick Bryant: Alternative Folk

The Giving Bucket: Freely Clothing

Family Traditions iSHARE Agency Spotlight: Carolyn Bendall

For a rapid and convenient way to accurately measure ketones to determine if you are in a state of nutritional ketosis, choose the METRON Breath Ketone Test. METRON does not require blood draws or inconvenient urine samples, just your breath! And since breath acetone is highly correlated with the ketones in your blood, the test provides an accurate determination of whether you are in ketosis. METRON Breath Ketone Test is the first and only disposable breath test for ketosis: - Easy-to-use breath test that takes less than 3 minutes. - Facilitates frequent testing to monitor if you are currently in a fat-burning ketogenic state. - Uses patented MPC速 Biosensor technology. - Small, hand-held disposable design - test anywhere, anytime. - Highly accurate - correlates well to the benchmark blood-based ketone testing. http://www.amazon.com/Disposable-Breath-Ketone-Test-Easy-/dp/B00XUVO73C

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Your True Colours

Some of our guest writers for this issue: Karen Ehman of Proverbs 31 Ministries is a national speaker, blogger, and the author of six books including the best-selling book and DVD Bible study LET. IT. GO. How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith. She has been a guest on national media outlets such as Focus on the Family, Moody Mid-day Connection, FamilyLife, and The 700 Club. Married to her college sweetheart Todd for over 25 years, together they are raising their three sometimes quarrelsome but mostly charming children ranging in age from teen to young adult. They make their home in the boondocks of central Michigan where she is crazy about antique hunting, herb gardening, and the Detroit Tiger baseball team. Her desire is to help women live their priorities and love their lives. Connect with her for real-life ideas and encouragement at http://www.karenehman.com. –

Gary and Joy Lundberg. Gary is a licensed marriage and family therapist, Joy is a writer and lyricist. Together they present seminars and author books on relationships. For help in all relationships read "I Don't Have to Make Everything All Better". Joy is a prize-winning lyricist and has written nearly 200 published songs with composer Janice Kapp Perry, including their most popular album I Walk By Faith. She has written narratives and lyrics to four sacred choir cantatas. She has also written with Dan Truman, of the Country Music Award-winning group Diamond Rio. Website: http://garyjoylundberg.com

Virginia Rowland, Corporate Office Expert. With 15 years experience in working with business owners on site and virtually, Rowland prides herself in delivering excellence. Her goals are to continue to operate our executive suite with cutting edge services and professional space. Specialties: Executive Suites with shared services, virtual and on-site. Upscale office space and services. http://ishareagency.com/experts/virginia-rowland/ http://www.ridgewaybusinesscenter.com/ October 2015 |3

Your True Colours

Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

LaShondra W. White is a Makeup Artist and President of CRAVE Beauty, www.cravebeauty.us. Greatest accomplishments in life include BSBM from University of Phoenix, having the strength to be a boss-babe so she can live on her own terms, and accepting the challenges, and rewards, each day of being a single parent. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CraveBeauty Instagram: http://instagram.com/cravebeautyusa Twitter https://twitter.com/CRAVEBeautyUSA


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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Your True Colours In this Issue:

All contents of this magazine are the opinions of the individual authors. October 2015 Fashion Academy© No part of this magazine may be reprinted without written permission from the editor. cbendall@fashionacademy.biz table of contents

Freely Clothing and the Giving Chain, taking charitable giving to each person in a way they can make a difference.

Monthly Columns: Spotlight Artist: elizabeth cassidy Art 7 YTC Life Image – Goal Setting 9 Wellness by Kally Efros - Making Memories and Family Traditions 23 Entertainment: College Job Becomes a Career, Meet Nick Bryant by Carolyn Bendall 105 Articles CourageMakers: People of Faith in a Climate of Doubt 11 Benefits of an Upscale Conference Center vs Local Coffee Shop by Virginia Rowland 29

CourageMakers, a new program to help you achieve your goals and dreams. See highlights of our first CourageMakers Conference held in Memphis TN.

Unusual Gifts 31 Lego Headquarters from The Knowledge Tree 39 What’s Hanging on the Walls of Your Home? By Gary & Joy Lundberg 41 Tees with a Purpose by Carolyn Bendall 47 Bedding University by Greg Shugar 57 7 Ways to Slow Down & Love on Your Family by Karen Ehman 65

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Your True Colours

Table of Contents (Continued) Christmas DĂŠcor by Silver Jewels by Cindy 69 Gifts for Men by The Tie Bar 73 Evolution of an Online Boutique: Mink by Carolyn Bendall 75 Fall Into a New Routine by LaShandra White 83 Mobile Marketplace Launch, iBuySell by Kaus Mukherjee 85 Fall Trends with the Autumn Flower from Pretty in Pynk 87 iSHARE Agency Spotlight: Carolyn Bendall by Sherri Henley 91 Alternative is an Altered Native by Nick Bryant 103 Credits for Cover Photos: Mink Boutique - Photographer: Teresa Schmidt Photography Model: Kristen La Rocca

elizabeth cassidy Art

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Your True Colours

From the Editor’s Desk Hi Everyone!

Another fun issue to put together, focusing on our first conference, CourageMakers. We featured some of the people we have had in the magazine, Brian Avery sent us several books, Raising Genius, and it was a sought after prize; Genevieve Zubiate provided us with a Couarge Makers necklace, one of the teens that was there won that; and we featured Tara Burke in the Life Image presentation and her company Freely Clothing. We hand pick those who go in the magazine, and they will be featured in our CourageMakers events when the time calls for it. We love each of the people and companies that we have featured or that have advertised. We want you to get to know them, too. We also have a fun gift guide in this issue, along with families and traditions. It is the holiday season, and time for fun, memories, and gift giving. Some of our gifts are gifts with a purpose, and others support small business. Have fun going through them all! Til Next Month! Carolyn Bendall

Spotlight Artist: elizabeth cassidy

elizabeth cassidy Art

Where my vision and creativity collide and yet no one gets hurt. Fine Artist Illustrator Humorist Touch Drawing Facilitator Creativity Coach for Artists and Writers elizabeth cassidy’s art is in homes around the US and Europe. She works in oils, pastel and pen and ink and favors the abstract world. www.elizabethcassidyArt.com

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Your True Colours

Coaching: Spiritual Laughter Workshop: It’s My Life, What Do I Do With It? Programs: Conflict Resolution

901.528.8300 http://thelaughterlawyer.blogspot.com/ dnorwood1@yahoo.com Look Good Feel Good Radio Show www.blogtalkradio.com/bendall

Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Life Image – Goal Setting


DOWN JUST BY EVERYDAY LIFE. Many think that the people who

‘have it together’ are charmed in their lives. Rarely. These people have problems in their lives, too. They just handle it differently. We create bad habits that weigh us down. These bad habits can be a physical habit, or a habit of procrastination, or a habit of omission. We help you in all of these cases. (Now, an addiction is another story, especially one of narcotics or alcohol, we are not providing counseling services. However, we do have an addiction recovery program, again, not counseling.) Set into place the trait you want to develop or habit you want to break by writing it down in the manual. The manual has several different choices under different subject headings, but it also has blank spaces for your own needs. Remember that it takes 21 days to create a new habit. And, do NOT overload yourself. This is a one step at a time journey.

YOUR TRUE COLOURS You Omnipotent Understand Relatives Thankful Refer Utility Ethics Creative Optimism Leadership Opportunity Useful Record Service October 2015 |9

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6


People of Faith in a Climate of Doubt Subscribe to Your True Colours/CourageMakers. Monthly coaching or Weekly coaching Addictive Behavior Recovery Life Image Manual Courage Over Lunch (in Memphis) CourageMakers’ Conference (in Memphis) People of Faith in a Climate of Doubt


http://www.couragemak ers.com

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6



even listen to or read the news because it is so depressing. Many people dwell on the stories of horrific instances in the world and become overly despondent over the enormity of the situation. It goes on and on…people without jobs, people in sad family situations, people in mourning, people with illness, people who just become overwhelmed with the world Debra Norwood begins the conference. Photo by Sherri Henley around them…no matter the circumstances that affects their personal life. We wanted to reach out to those who are trying to overcome the world, or know people who need to overcome the world. Creating a fully balanced Life Image that will give them the Courage to lift themselves, and then to lift others. Our panel of everyday people who have faced what life challenges and moved forward edified each person that was in attendance.

Kayla Padgett opened the conference singing praises to our Father in Heaven. Photo by Kelli Riding.

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Vol. 2 Issue 6

Your True Colours

CourageMakers: People of Faith in a Climate of Doubt. Tina Tatum, wearing her Mississippi Day of Prayer hat, offered an invocation for all to be edified. The prayer asked that this new CourageMakers mission be blessed. We were truly grateful to Tatum for including us in such a way. After a song of praise and a wonderful opening prayer, the conference was ready to uplift all that were in attendance.

YOUR TRUE COLOURS You Omnipotent Understand Relatives Thankful

Refer Ethics


Creative Optimism Leadership Opportunity Useful Record Service

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Life Image starts with the desire to give back. We spotlighted Tara Burke with Freely Clothing. Photo by Kelli Riding

Carolyn Bendall then went on to explain that finding one's personal style and releasing the fashion magazine norms is the biggest step one can take toward taking back or developing your Life Image. Photo by Kelli Riding

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Jennifer Williams Fields, yogi and author, related her journey through Hurricane Katrina, an abusive marriage, a divorce, and creating a new life for herself and her six children. Garnering her Courage through the experiences she had to live through and the fundamentals of yoga. She inspired all those in attendance. “Sometimes you have to stay in bed all day. Then you have to get up and face the world.� Photo by Kelli Riding

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Debra Norwood, 'Laughter Lawyer USA', gets everyone on their feet right away! Alo-o-o-o-ha!! And put an imaginary lei on the person next to you!! Photos on both pages by Kelli Riding

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Your True Colours

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Audience Participation!

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Community Panel consisted of Wyvonia Woods Harris, Cancer Research Activist; Tina Tatum, R3 The Movement; Kelley Alsobrook, Ashes to Beauty Radio; Richard Floyd, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Mission Presidency of the Arkansas Little Rock Mission. The panel discussed what the community can do to aid cancer research, human trafficking, and the faith based community; in turn the panelists discussed what they do for the community. The panel was facilitated by Debra Norwood.

After the panel discussion we presented the first CourageMakers Awards. They were presented to people who have exhibited courage in what life has dealt them, within the community at large, or instilled courage in others. Pictured with Bendall is Charlotte Bergmann, who pulled herself up from being homeless and living in her car with her children to receiving a degree from Christian Brothers University and on to secure employment, and even pursuing political office against a strong incumbent. Others were those on the panel, Jennifer Williams Fields, and Kayla Padgett. Photos by Kelli Riding

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

The Your True Colours - Life Image program was introduced and everyone received it as part of the Survival Kit. The program is a goal setting program for the individual to look inside their soul and evaluate their life, where it is now, to see where they need makes changes or improvement.

And, then it was time to go. With promises of having the next conference in March 2016. And, the introduction of Courage Over Lunch for those wanting the extra uplift between September and March. To see more about CourageMakers, go to http://www.couragemakers.com .

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Vol. 2 Issue 6

Official CourageMakers jewelry, no two are alike, just like each of us! https://www.facebook.com/group s/1654014271488491/

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Your True Colours

Argan Oil If you had three wishes from a genie in a magic lamp, what would they be? New shoes? A fancy car? Maybe you’d wish for perfectly soft, luscious hair! Well wish no more. You don’t need a genie for healthy, beautiful locks when you have HASK Argan Oil products! Also known as “liquid gold,” Argan Oil is a precious, time-honored beauty secret in its native Morocco. Loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, Argan Oil from Morocco repairs, strengthens and moisturizes hair, all while taming frizz and adding shine. So saunter on down to the bazaar and barter for some of that liquid gold! Or you can, you know, pick up some HASK Argan Oil products… yeah, that’d probably be easier. Oh, and genie? About that new car….


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Your True Colours

Get Real with Mark and Kally On Your True Colors Image Radio Wednesdays at 1:00 pm Central Time Zone http://www.blogtalkradio.com/bendall

October 7 - Pickles, The Ultimate Super Food, Fermented Foods, Nto regular commercial pickles, we are talking about the ferment cucumbers that turn into delicious real pickles. Even ketchup used to be a health food, fermented tomatoes. Fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, kombucha, pickles, sauerkraut, and other veggies are higher in nutrients and many contain Vitamin K2 which is important for your body. They optimize your immune system and help with detox. They replace the good bacteria in your gut. And fermented foods are much cheaper than buying supplements. Tune in to find out how and why fermented foods can help you. October 14 - Vitamin D, Sunshine in a Pill. We can now test for Vitamin D deficiency, and many people are taking huge amounts of vitamin D supplements - but still coming up short. The best source of your vitamin D is the sunshine. But doesn't the sun cause cancer? Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption. When you are low in Vitamin D, you are at risk for diseases like cancer, heart disease, depression, and even weight gain. Vitamin D can even help with autism, autoimmune disorders, and chronic pain.

October 21 - The Secret to Having a Great Day. Imagine starting your day feeling joyful, happy, grateful, and energetic. With a little planning and intention you can get on the road to creating for yourself amazing days. Great days don't just happen - you imagine and create them. Tune for your tips.

October 28 - Stress Reducing and Organizing Tips for the Holiday Season. Do you find yourself not looking forward to some holidays? Do you wish you had more time? Do the holidays overwhelm you? We have tips to help you get more organized, reduce your stress, and connect to a more joyous season. Photos in order courtesy of Maggie Smith , Salvatore Vuono, nenetus, imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Wellness: Making Memories and Family Traditions, in other words, “The FAKE Time Traveling Holiday” By Kally Efros Photos by Efros Family

THAT IS RIGHT I SAID “THE FAKE TIME TRAVELING HOLIDAY”. T HAT IS WHAT RACHEL, MY THEN 9-YEAR-OLD, CALLED IT. How do you keep family traditions and make family memories when your children live all over the world? I have a daughter that lives in China, two on church missions overseas, two living in different states, and soon the others will be leaving as well. We have found ourselves on the other side of raising our children. We were blessed with seven wonderful kids. We take advantage of the times we can get together to keep alive our family traditions and make new memories. Family traditions are an important part of keeping a family healthy. It gives children a sense of security and helps them feel connected. Making and preserving family memories are a part of family traditions and help remind everyone of the good times. It really binds a family together. One unique gift idea that we have been sharing is an idea I found in looking for gift ideas for my husband's birthday. It was a jar of memories. What do you give someone that has most of what he wants or someone that lives in China and doesn't want 'stuff’? This idea was brilliant. We decorated a jar for Mark and an envelope for Angela who lives in China. We put memories and quotes on paper and filled them with these. The idea being that each day, they draw out a piece of paper to read the memory or inspirational quote. I've even seen a Memory Jar to record the family memories as they happen. Angela and Mark both loved their gifts and now she has something that she can easily pack in

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her suitcase and take to China and have some nice memories and motivation each day. So now back to the “FAKE� Holiday. A couple of years ago, I had all seven of my children together. It had been a while, and I miss them. I miss the pitter- patter of little feet and I miss the hand prints on the walls and head counting making sure all seven were in the car. I only left one home once. Was he upset? No, my 3-year-old Chandler said, "You are not supposed to leave me alone." I treasure the time we are all together and I treasure each day with my children. I wanted to do something special. In China, Angela doesn't get to celebrate our holidays or our traditions. So the Time Traveling Holiday or the FAKE Holiday was born. We decided to celebrate all the holidays and special occasions in one long, outrageously fun day; including family pictures. It was a blast. We started the morning with Christmas. I had Christmas music playing, a Christmas stocking full of goodies and Christmas presents for Angela. I put Santa hats on everyone and we served our traditional breakfast what we call 'Efros Eggs'. We've been serving this on Christmas morning since Mark and I got married 28 years ago. You scramble eggs, chop summer sausage, add some cream cheese chunks, top with salt and pepper and you're good. One of our family traditions on New Year's Eve is to open up a couple bottles of Martinelli's sparkling cider and toast the New Year. So right after Christmas breakfast - we got out our special Italian glass goblets and stared pouring. Unfortunately I broke one. I kept the broken piece to remind me of the day and the love of my family. It didn't seem right to just throw it away. Later in the morning, I had a Valentine for everyone with a chocolate Kiss attached. I played some fun love songs. Some of them started catching on. We always celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I have ancestors that come from Ireland and I love it. We made Reuben Sandwiches with corned beef and sauerkraut. Mark and I wore silly Irish hats and I was playing Irish music. I threw in a green sticker and put one on each person. That cut down on the pinching. O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 | 24

Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Your True Colours

Wellness: Making Memories (Continued) We squeezed in time for family pictures to have those memories and capture them. Simple pictures, no professional photo shoot. Now it was time for Easter. So we hid plastic Easter eggs filled with candy all over the yard. I made them all go on an Easter Egg Hunt. It was fun. Moving on through the year - time to celebrate Angela's birthday. So I made her favorite ice cream cake, added candles and she got more presents, birthday songs and celebrating. Okay, so now everyone had caught on - or so they thought. While dinner cooked, Mark and I snuck outside to decorate the porch for Halloween. I set up a fog machine and we put on costumes. We rang the doorbell and when they opened the door, the fog filled the living room and they busted a gut laughing - they had not expected this. Trick or Treat! Finally dinner was ready - a Thanksgiving feast. Each year we share what we are thankful for. It was beautiful and touching and a great opportunity for family memories and sharing. Sometimes I think we can get so busy, we forget to express appreciation for those in the family. We have a lot to be thankful for. Dinner was mostly traditional for us: starting with bacon-wrapped water chestnuts, olives and sweet pickles followed up with a turkey, some amazing mashed potatoes with herbs from the garden, gravy, sliced roasted sweet potatoes, fresh green beans from the garden, stuffing with fresh herbs and onions from the garden, and homemade cranberry relish. Dessert was a home cooked pumpkin pie. I was grateful for the harvest of the garden. Since you can't go to bed on a full stomach, we broke out the Monopoly game. The kids seem to have the idea that I always win. Apparently Trevor had been practicing Monopoly so he could beat me and he did. So many memories new and old and they keep us together and connected. We took lots of pictures and I turned it into a special scrap book for each of them.

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

So many memories new and old and they keep us together and connected. We took lots of pictures and I turned it into a special scrap book for each of them. This is just one example of how to make memories as a family. The sky is the limit! Just don’t put it off. Happy Memories - - make traditions whether your family is one person or if your family is a house full. Connect with us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/indigomountain http://www.wellnessandtoys.com

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Your True Colours

Get Real Fashion Sense By Carolyn Bendall Paperback, 74 Pages Price: $14.98 Ships in 7 - 10 business days Learn how to create a workable wardrobe by using simple steps in color, personality, and body line. http://yourtruecolours.biz/store.html

Have you been told your style is ‘Dowdy’? Have you been told you should wear more makeup? Have you been told you just don’t dress up enough? This book is for you, and for the person that said that to you! Learn about Personality, Body Line, and Colour and how it applies to how you purchase and wear clothes.

Your True Colours Image Radio http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Bendall Mondays at 10:00am CDT

October 5: Craig Daley, Smart and Light, an e-learning program for losing weight. The program was developed by Sophie Reverdi. She provides coaching through videos featuring her chef for preparing nutritious dishes and her personal trainer for exercises that the beginner can actually do. An amazing program! A must listen! October 12: We will take the day off, however, you can listen to any of our archived radio shows. Oct 19: Tara Burke, Freely Clothing A clothing company with positive messages for their tee shirts, and with a built in monthly ‘contest’ for their customers to give freely, through their Giving Chain. October 26: Ran Andrews Our recent Spotlight Artist, from Canada, eclectic works of art that goes from the wall to décor to clothing.

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Your True Colours

Benefits of an Upscale Conference Room vs. Local Coffee Shop By Virginia Rowland


While this works well for overall productivity, when trying to boost the company image, make deals, or interact with different departments, comfort may actually be a hindrance. Making deals at a coffee shop, lunch spot, or other place outside of the office can be a negative influence upon the outcome of the deal. When one works within a conference room there is an expectation of professionalism. Everyone within the room knows what is and isn’t appropriate behavior and will usually spend their time within the conference room acting in a professional manner. Meetings held in a more relaxed environment tend to blur these lines and make it difficult for all parties involved to behave appropriately. This can mean work done in these situations is compromised, of lower quality, or even leads to inappropriate conclusions. A conference room also holds a more firm view of the time involved within a project. A coffee shop or restaurant holds an expectation of leaving within an hour or two. For many business transactions, this is simply not enough time to get everything straightened out. This can lead to rushing through important details or even omitting them.

YOUR OFFICE HUB. Ridgeway Business Center Board Room, Memphis TN. Whether you’re holding a deposition or closing, meeting your biggest client or making a presentation, our Board Room will meet all of your business needs.

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When people enter a conference room they understand what they are getting into. People stay within conference rooms until the goal is met, the details are ironed out, and everyone is

Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Your True Colours

happy. This serves to provide better results than a more private location may yield. This also ensures that no one is rushing a deal just to get back to the office or avoid the strange stare of a waitress. Arrange Your Business Meetings in a Professional Workplace, March 2015 publication by Pat Fernandes, Blogger for Innovative Professional Offices based out of Canada states, “Even if your business has a meeting space, it may be booked for an important client meeting or interview. Renting a boardroom or meeting room allows for flexibility during busy times.� Working from home can be tempting, but having meetings at one’s home is usually a bad idea. The home is full of distractions, uncontrolled noises, and different levels of comfort. While your living room may feel comfortable to you, it may make a client or co-worker feel uncomfortable. This level of comfort when contrasted with your comfort may lead to the home becoming a hostile work environment in which the best work is not produced. On the other hand, working within a conference room generally puts everyone within the room at the same levels of comfort and the same levels for negotiation. This allows all involved parties to truly do their best without feeling burdened by negative emotions or feelings of discomfort. This is also extremely apparent when working around small children or in the company of relatives or spouses. Overall, the separation between personal and work is important to preserve to get the best quality of work out of all involved parties. This separation allows for all parties to interact in a comfortable, non-distracting, non-limited manner. Removing all of these issues allows the focus to be upon the work at hand and ensures that better solutions are reached. In short, ditch the casual ideas when it comes to important meetings and save them for personal work habits instead. Show your guests you mean business in our comfortably furnished Small Conference Room. This room is perfect for meeting up to 4 guests and provides a more intimate environment.


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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Unusual Gifts

Why Funsies Onesies? Because you deserve to ‘fun yourself’ with whatever YOU want to do...whether it’s weird, crazy, boring or lazy. Be the unique person you want to be, because “normal” is nothing more than a setting on the washing machine. Whether you're singing Backstreet Boys karaoke and dancing awkwardly til 5am OR watching 6 seasons of Gossip Girl with a bottle of wine...we feel ya. Both are just as awesome. http://funsiesonesies.com/

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Your True Colours

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Your True Colours

Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Clip the clamp on to the top of the slider horizontally and then with one hand holding the garment or by sitting on the garment, take your other hand and gently pull the ZippedMe up. www.zippedme.com

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Vol. 2 Issue 6

Your True Colours

The Iron Rooster Farm home of La Mia Designs Handcrafted Product. Creative Expression www.lamiadesigns.com Find us on facebook. pinterest

A Leaf Snack Pouch, Set of 2, and Three Utensil Snack Pouch, Set of 2

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6 www.lamiadesigns.com

Chinese Lantern Cosmetic Zipper Pouch

Through the village Cosmetic Zipper Pouch

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Your True Colours aGuateMall

I fell in love with the people and handicrafts of Guatemala in 1987. After adopting my daughter in 2007, I wanted to find a way to give back to Guatemala and share the beauty of Guatemalan handicrafts. The items I sell are all fair trade. Proceeds from my sales go back to supporting several different nonprofits working to make life better for the people of Guatemala. My motto is giving back to Guatemala one quetzal at a time.


Before and after of playground project funded by A Guatemall. Photos by A Guatemall.

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6


Star Wars and Disney! Who can stop the Empire's intimidating AT-AT™ – All Terrain Armored Transport – walker? Seat the AT-AT™ Driver and a Snowtrooper™ in the cockpit of this mighty war machine and move the head to aim the spring-loaded shooters. Pose the legs, trigger the trap door in the body and open up the side hatches for enhanced playability. Collect the 75049 Snowspeeder (sold separately) to play out the classic Battle of Hoth scene from Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back! -

Protect the vital Holocrons from the dark side with Jek14™ and his streamlined Jedi™ Scout Fighter. Lift the rear hatch to stash the containers of Holocrons and lightsabers. Place clone trooper Jek-14™ and his co-pilot in the dual cockpit that opens two ways, with the Astromech Droid™ positioned behind. Unleash its awesome armory, including 2 spring-loaded shooters and an elevating and rotating cannon at the rear. Recreate thrilling scenes from LEGO® Star Wars™: The Yoda Chronicles animated specials. And if the action gets too hot to handle, detach the cockpit to turn it into an escape pod, but guard those Holocrons with your life! -

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Your True Colours

Prince Charming has invited Cinderella to a romantic royal ball! Play with Lucifer the naughty cat and with Bruno the frisky dog. Explore all the different rooms at the Castle and find the key that unlocks the treasure chest with all the jewels. Romance is in the air as Cinderella and Prince Charming enjoy their first turn around the dance floor and a cozy moment in front of the fireplace. Just make sure Cinderella leaves the Castle before the big clock strikes 12 and the magical spell wears off. And remember to leave behind her famous glass slipper on the stairs outside so the Prince can find her again! Includes 2 mini-doll figures: Cinderella and Prince Charming mini-doll figures, plus Lucifer the cat and Bruno the dog. -

Come with Ariel as she seeks to break a magic spell! The enchanted mermaid has traded her voice for a chance to be with the lovely Prince Eric. Only a kiss from his royal lips will break the spell! Take a romantic boat ride with her true love where they meet a frog and stop at the tree in the secluded lagoon. Have a beautiful picnic by the sea or a romantic meal in the dining room of the palace. And when Ariel wants to see what is happening in the world she left behind, go to the telescope on the balcony and take a look. Includes 2 mini-doll figures: Ariel and Prince Eric.


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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

What's Hanging on the Walls of Your Home? By Gary and Joy Lundberg

What hangs on the walls of your home may well hang in the minds of your children for years to come. Use this tool to guide them in the direction you want them to go. WE HEARD A RELIGIOUS LEADER ASK THIS QUESTION: W HAT DO YOU HAVE HANGING ON THE WALLS OF YOUR HOME THAT WILL MOTIVATE AND INSPIRE YOUR CHILDREN? He told about a family home that was filled with pictures of boats, ships, and sailing vessels. Then he asked, "Was it any wonder that their son chose to join the navy?" That's not a bad choice, but the problem was that was not what they wanted for their son. They had hoped he would choose college and a business career. We're not sure how much affect these pictures may or may not have had on his decision, but it is true that what we are surrounded with will influence our decisions. It can fix an idea into our children's minds, whether we want it to or not. If we want them to love nature, beautiful pictures of mountains, lakes, flowers and trees cannot help but plant a desire to want to enjoy the beauties of nature throughout their lives. Since nature is healing and peaceful, that's a good thing. Everyone needs a little of that in their lives.

Develop patriotism One family wanted to help instill patriotism in the hearts of their child. They choose one room in their home to decorate with patriotic themes. There was a large, dramatic painting of the Statue of Liberty, a picture of George Washington kneeling in prayer, a bronze bust of Abraham Lincoln, and other pictures and artifacts that opened

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Prayer at Valley Forge, Arnold Friberg. https://deseretbook.com/p/prayer-valley-forge-exclusive-starframe-edition-15x20-framed-print-arnold-friberg93066?taxon_id=584&variant_id=2414-framed

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the door for teaching. They took the opportunity to tell their children what these symbols and patriots meant to them, and how vital they were in founding their country, the United States of America. They wanted to instill a love of country into the hearts of their children, and this was one way to help make it happen.

Develop faith

Sacred Heart of Jesus, http://fineartamerica.com/art/painti ngs/catholic/all

If you want to teach a love of God in your home, show it by what you put on your walls. Christian families often hang paintings of Christ as portrayed in stories from the Bible. It gives them an opportunity to tell that story and others of the things Christ has taught and done for them. In addition to pictures, Catholic families hang crucifixes on their walls to remind them of Christ's sacrifice for them. Mormon families, along with paintings of Christ, often hang pictures of their sacred temples to remind their children to live worthy to go there. Many Jewish families have a menorah (a seven-branched candelabra), in their home to remind them of light, wisdom, and divine inspiration. Many also have a mezuzah on their doorpost reminding them of Hebrew

verses from the Torah. These religious symbols can help children remember the faith of their parents and create a desire to hold to these traditions in their own future homes. Building faith in God through these means can assist in bringing comfort and peace into your children's lives.

Develop talents If you want your children to develop musical talent, besides having the instruments available, consider having pictures that will inspire the development of musical talent. For example, if you have a picture of yourself or a close relative playing at a concert or recital, frame it and hang it up so the kids can ask you questions about it. Take a picture of your child playing their favorite instrument, frame it and put it up as an additional O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 | 43

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What’s Hanging on the Walls in Your Home? (Continued) incentive. If you or they have a favorite composer or performer consider hanging a picture of him or her for all to see and be inspired. Maybe your child is more inclined toward other forms of art. Hang copies of paintings of wellknown and respected artists so they can see what others have accomplished. Some libraries have these pictures that you can borrow and put on display for a time. Let them see what excellent art looks like. Of course, you can take them to art museums to see such works, but having some hanging on the walls of your home is even better. When you visit an art exhibit, consider buying a copy for the express purpose of keeping the memory alive in your home. If painting or drawing is a passion of your child's, hang some of her best work for all to see. It's a great way to let your children know how much you admire and respect their talent.

Use sayings Sometimes the perfect saying feels just right for your family. Many of these can be found in hobby shops and craft stores. Or you can print out your own and frame it. A favorite family saying can stay in the mind of your children for the rest of their lives. A friend of ours saw just such a saying beautifully embroidered, framed and hanging in another friends' home. It simply said, "Love is spoken here." Someone else https://deseretbook.com/p/6x5-when-life-gives-you-morehad this hanging on her kitchen wall: "Life than-you-can-stand-plaque?taxon_id=511&variant_id=117429 is fragile, handle with prayer." Whatever you want your children to remember can be framed and displayed on the walls of your home.

Make it happen in your home Look around your house today and see what you have hanging on the walls of your home that will inspire your children to make good choices, to develop their talents, and to increase their faith. It's a simple thing, but can be a powerful reminder and inspiration for your family members. Start today to consider what you want to hang on the walls of your home that will have a lasting influence for good on your children.

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GET INVOLVED Right now breast cancer is at a tipping point. More women are surviving. But more are being diagnosed than ever before. And every 45 minutes, another woman dies from the disease. We’re going to change that. By doing whatever it takes, however we can, working tirelessly every day. We’re bringing together the brightest minds, the boldest fundraisers and the most determined campaigners. And we need you to join us. Because if we all act now, by 2050, we believe everyone who develops breast cancer will live. Share below now to help us make it happen: http://www.glamulet.com/breast-cancer-october-2015

SHOW YOUR SUPPORT WITH THE PINK CHARMS These beautiful Pink Charms were specially crafted to support the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign. Buy Pink Charms, 50% of the sales will be donated to charities for breast cancer.

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1,000,000 + Happy Clients Thanks to our more than 1,000,000 happy clients for enjoying our jewelry! We offer excellent, comprehensive customer service every step of the way. Before you order, make real time inquiries through use of our live chat. Once you’ve made a purchase, our customer service representatives are always on-hand to answer questions through our website’s easy to use ticket system.

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Tees with a Purpose By Carolyn Bendall

Photos by Freely Clothing


“There's a generalization in the media that the millennial generation is entitled and selfcentered. I want to turn the conversation to our generation's generosity and desire to enact change.” Burke goes back to her days in college when she could barely afford to live, much less give funds to a cause. She noticed that she was not the only one, “I wish I could help” was the lament among many of her friends. (Which in and of itself starts to remove the society label!) As she began to live in the real world she really wanted to do something to give back to society. She also wanted to help others give back. To do so, Burke created a line of t-shirts to sustainably fund her initiative of inspiring others to give freely. Tee shirts can send messages, they are all over. They give political messages, music messages, retro messages, and in some cases, vulgar messages. Burke says that as she would see the tee shirts with their messages she would think, “why not use your style to spread positive messages instead of negative ones." She set her sights on messages that would uplift. A message that points to importance of giving that all people can wear. Her next plan was to find the tee shirt that was comfortable and fit a woman’s body. She found a polyviscose blend to give a soft touch, and a slouchy tee for a comfortable fit. The tees are printed in

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Tees with a Purpose (Continued) Brooklyn NY, USA. She has also ventured into jewelry, which is still in production. The design is inspired by the scripture in the Old Testament, "The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease." Lamentations 3:22. This necklace is not only a reminder of this, but can be customized by both length and style. The Infinite Love necklace is currently in production while they test materials and experiment with designs. The image is a sample of what it will look like, however, you can pre-purchase the piece for only $10.00 USD. Burke still wanted the give back aspect fulfilled. To keep from causing societal emotional scenes, she wanted to steer completely away from main stream charities or causes. She decided that the route to take would be to the individual. Each person has a story, each person has a need. Burke set the charitable amount at 10% of the purchase price. Then she set up the methodology. It would be simple.

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She created the Giving Chain. Bringing neighbors together, bringing family together. People answer the question: 'What would I do if I could give freely?’ Who would you help? The college student that needs to pay for books? The family whose home was destroyed by fire? The woman across the street from you that just found out she has cancer? The brand new school teacher who needs to outfit her classroom for the first time? We all know that one person that needs a little bit of extra cash to get them through. Burke has pulled together a panel of judges that will decide who wins each month. Then, volunteer film makers will film the actual Giving Chain. And, it all starts over again. Each month Burke plans on giving up to $1000 to the recipient of the Giving Chain. She hopes that as the Giving Chain grows it can gain support from local businesses, media and community members to further increase each winner's impact. Her tee’s will change periodically, so when you see one with a message that you love, you’d best get it at that time! To enter the contest (remember, you can’t enter yourself, you enter for someone else you want to give to), read over the complete guidelines, http://www.freelyclothing.com/pages/contest-guidelines then, go to this link: http://www.freelyclothing.com/pages/giving-chain-contest

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Morning Moments With Maia Conversations of love and laughter‌ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/bendall http://www.withloveandlaughter.ca/

Sunday November 1st, 2015 9am EST

Sporty King- President, R. King & Associates on The Power of WORDS (What Others Remember & Digest Strengthens Spirits)

Sunday November 8thth, 2015

9am EST

Carla Ulbrich- Musical Comedian/ Keynote Speaker at The Singing Patient on Humor, Catastrophic Illness and Healthcare

Sunday November 15th, 2015

9am EST

Allison Brown Pompey and Andrea Brown on Motherhood; The Real Story Sunday November 22nd, 20159am EST

Melissa Mork- Chair, Department of Psychology, University of Northwestern -St. Paul on Humor and Parenting

Sunday November 29th, 2015 9am EST Penny Willmering, Director and Professor of Rehabilitation Science at Arkansas Tech University, and Jennipher Wiebold, Associate Professor and Coordinator of Rehabilitation Counseling at Western Michigan University on Humor and Disability

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cuddle+kind is a social endeavour created by Jennifer and Derek Woodgate from Milton, Ontario. As parents of three young children, they believe every child should have enough food to eat and an opportunity to thrive. When they saw a documentary on the devastating impact of childhood hunger on millions of children around the world, it inspired them to help.

that day, cuddle+kind was born. By contributing to this crowd funding campaign, you will be helping to feed hungry children in North America and around the world. O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 | 53

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let’s fill hearts and bellies around the world. For every cuddle+kind doll you purchase, we will provide 10 meals to children in need through our giving partners, World Food Program USA and Children’s Hunger Fund.

Providing nutrition in the key early years of life has been proven to help children’s brains develop fully, help them fight disease, perform better in school and reach their full potential.

our goal: to provide 1 million meals a year.

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From now until October 16th, we will give one meal for every new follower on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. Give to children in need now with one click. Follow us on all three and together we give 3 meals! https://www.facebook.com/cuddleandkind https://www.pinterest.com/Cuddleandkind/ https://instagram.com/cuddleandkind/ O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 | 56

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Vol. 2 Issue 6


YOU'RE A GUY. YOUR MOM EXPLAINED BEDDING TO YOU ONCE WHEN SHE DROPPED YOU OFF TO COLLEGE. YOU WEREN'T LISTENING. Now you're on our website and thinking about bedding for the first time. So we're going to explain a few things.

THREAD COUNTS Let’s start with thread count. The bedding industry's favorite marketing tool. As you might imagine, we read up a lot on thread count when starting Thread Experiment. We learned some interesting sh*t and we’re going to fill you in on a big secret: Higher thread count does NOT necessarily mean better quality or more comfort. We’re going to repeat that in case you have A.D.D.:Higher thread count does NOT necessarily mean better quality or more comfort.

Why? Let’s start with understanding thread count. Thread count refers to the number of threads woven into 1 square inch of fabric. That’s all it is. And you probably already knew that. But what you don’t know about is the ply. ‘Ply’ refers to the number of threads entwined into a single thread. Single-ply fabrics (like ours) use just one thread. Two-ply fabrics entwine two threads. And this is precisely where all the marketing bullsh*t magic starts to unfold. With two-ply fabrics, the FTC unfortunately allows bedding manufacturers to count the threads twice. But this is misleading. Counting the threads twice allows manufacturers to count threads that are simply twisted (not woven) together. Twisting the threads (rather than weaving them) has no effect on how fine the thread count is or how soft the feel is. Twisting the thread only makes the sheet artificially bulkier.

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Bedding University (Continued) If it were true that, for example, 600 threads were woven into a single inch of fabric, then yes, that would be impressive and it would make the sheets much finer (and better). But this is not the case. 600 thread count sheets are simply two-ply 300 thread count sheets that are twisted together. That’s all it is.

When combining the thread counts from each ply, the sheets only start to feel heavier. And is that really a good thing? We suppose if you live in Northern Greenland, then yes. But if you live anywhere south of there, then you may not have enough airflow to your body when you sleep at night. This means you may not get that cool night sleep your mind and body need. And when you see that 1200 THREAD COUNT SHEETS!!! stuff at the stores? You guessed it – it is four-ply 300 count sheets all twisted together. Prepare yourself to sweat. Having said all that, there still needs to be the right amount of thread count per square inch. So what is the right amount? Well we blind-tested ourselves. And blind-tested some more. We washed our bedding. Then washed them again. And in the end, we concluded that the sweet spot of thread counts is at 300. So all of our bedding is 300 thread counts. And we’re damn happy with that. We think spending any more money on thread counts is unnecessary.

FABRICS Ok if it’s not all about thread counts, then what does make a sheet more comfortable and better quality? The answer is in the fabric. But not all thread is created equal.

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Let’s start with the cheap stuff – man made fabric. Like microfiber. And polyester. And polyester blends. We do none of it. Blech. Then there's silk. Unless you're Hugh Hefner, then forget it. And then there's cotton. We believe cotton is the best fabric to sleep with. So we went with that. In Fall 2015, we will be expanding our fabrics beyond cotton. We'll be introducing comfortable cotton-linen blends. We promise you'll enjoy them as much as our cotton. The quality of the sheet rests largely on the quality of the fabric's fibers. With cotton, there are definitely ranges of quality. We use higher quality, thicker threads of cotton to create a soft, smooth and delicate sheet fabric that has a longer life span. Why? Because we hate angry emails. And this was our evil plan to avoid them – create great products.

WEAVE For the weave, there are a few options out there and they’re all fine: sateen, percale, flannel and jersey are the most common. They all have a different feel to them. We tried them all ourselves and settled with percale as the most comfortable, year-round fabric for your bed. Percale is known for its longevity and its crisp feel. Plus we just like the word ‘percale.'

HOW MANY BEDDING SETS YOU SHOULD OWN There's an old saying in the industry...1 for the bedroom, 1 for the laundry, 1 for the closet. Unfortunately, only people in the industry say it to each other. No one on the sales floor ever mentions it. So we will. We know what you're saying, "THREE bedding sets for ONE bed? You greedy #&*@%, I only own 1 set now!" True. But you need to be changing your sheets and comforter/duvet more often than you are now.

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Vol. 2 Issue 6

Bedding University (Continued) Because whether or not you can tell, you have BO. And that BO accumulates over time on your bedding. And it's gross. So rather than forcing yourself to clear, wash and remake your bed all in 1 day, buy yourself a 3-set rotation of bedding. It will cause less stress in your life. And make your bedroom look fresh.

COMFORTER VS. DUVET It's ok. We didn't know either. A comforter has all the work done for you. It's pre-filled with some neat stuff (a poly-feather blend) and you have no work to do. Just take it out of the package and throw it on your bed. The duvet is just the cover. You need to already own the duvet insert (or go buy one.) It's like the bones of your body. We sell the skin. Hope that all makes sense.

WHAT THE HELL IS BEDDING FOR MEN? First of all, watch your tone. Secondly, we launched Thread Experiment because we grew tired of finding bedding that appealed mostly to women. You know what we mean - the flowers. The bright colors. So we decided to merge our passion (menswear) and develop a new brand of men's bedding. Something that aesthetically appeals to men. Sometimes it's plaids. Sometimes stripes. Sometimes paisleys. The coloring is masculine. You care about the way you look. The way you dress. The way you groom. So it's time to also care about your bedding. Because after all, the most important things happen in your bed. O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 | 61

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JOIN THE PINK RIBBON GLOBAL COMMUNITY We are stronger together. Let the world know that you are part of the Pink Ribbon community and show your support to all the women fighting this disease by sharing your pink ribbons pictures on social media. http://www.glamulet.com/breast-cancer-october-2015

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7 Ways to Slow Down & Love on Your Family By Karen Ehman


We don’t eat dinner together as families like we once did. Or, if we are gathered around the table, a few unwelcome electronic gadgets are beeping and buzzing for our attention. Or maybe we are over-committed with activities or even church responsibilities. {Yes, there is such a thing as being at church too much! Don’t mistake a relationship with God with doing things for God.} Been there. Nearly had a break-down! This week I double-dog-dare you {and me!} to block out the noise and the activity and just focus on our families, even if it is in a small way. Or a simple way that just says, “I was thinking of you. I love you.’ Try these ideas on for size:

* Make ‘em a meal. I know, I know, sounds cliche’. But I mean make them a meal. Not buzz out for pizza or maybe pop in some frozen lasagna from the grocery store. (Although there are certainly times when both of those cooking methods come in super handy!) I mean make a main dish from scratch. Maybe even a side dish or dessert. Something they love.

* Be random. Do something out of the ordinary. Interrupt your Saturday to kidnap the kiddos or grand kiddos and blindfold them. Take them on a mystery trip. Maybe you’ll land at a O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 | 65

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park. Or a museum. Or a cider mill to pick apples. Once you arrive, make them guess {while still blindfolded} where they are. Then….go make a random memory!

* Make it game night. Pretend it is 1981. No cell phones or home computers. No X box. Actually…..wait for it….play a game together as a family. Our favorites are Balderdash, Mind Trap, Apples to Apples, and Monopoly. (Well, everyone else likes Monopoly. I hate it. I prefer Trivial Pursuit because I rock at it. It may or may not have something to do with having once memorized several of the answers in college for a tournament against our brother floor.)

*Meander down memory lane. Gather the gang and pop some popcorn while you also pop in some home movies. Maybe it is your wedding video. Or some old tapes of when the kids were tots. Reminisce and snuggle. Whisper a prayer thanking God for your family.

* Bless another family. Know a struggling family? Someone who has lost a loved one, is facing a divorce or has a member gone in the military? Brainstorm what your family can do to focus on their family. Bring them a treat. Take them out for a movie night. Invite them over and make homemade pizza or caramel apples.

* Tuck a surprise into their day. Maybe it is a note in their duffle bag, wrapped around a granola bar, as they tote it off to spend the night at a friend’s house. Maybe it is a quick text telling them the top five things you appreciate about them. Or write a love message on their bathroom mirror with lipstick.

* Pray together. When was the last time you asked every member of your family how you can be praying for them? I mean beyond the usual, “I have a science test next Monday” kind of prayers. Let them share their hearts. Then, pray with them. Don’t stop. Take time this week not only to focus on your marriage, but on your family as a whole. Slowing down and bringing intentional certainly isn’t easy in today’s busy culture, but it is worth it.

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Love on Your Family (Continued) BONUS: For fun, here is one of our family’s favorite “just hanging out at home” menus along with the simple recipes: Stuffed Crust Pizza: Making your own stuffed-crust pizza is a snap. Simply make your favorite homemade crust, doubling the recipe to be sure you have enough. Roll the dough out about three inches larger in diameter than your pizza pan or stone. Lay pieces of mozzarella string cheese around the edges of the pan. Fold the excess dough up and over the cheese and pinch down to seal. Pre-bake crust for 5–7 minutes at 425 degrees. Remove. Add sauce and topping and finish baking, about 5–10 minutes longer. Yum!

Orange-Cream Smoothies. Just like the expensive ones at the mall! Combine 12 ounces frozen orange juice concentrate, 2 teaspoons vanilla, 20 ice cubes, 2 cups milk, and 1 cup sugar in a large blender. Blend until smooth and creamy. Serves 6. Need more encouragement on this topic? Check out Karen’s latest book LET IT GO: How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith. It will help you to know how to draw the line between manipulating your man and influencing your husband; to discover your roll as a praying parent, not a meddling mother. LET IT GO will equip you to control what you can, trust God with what you can’t and—most importantly—to decide which one is which. - See more at: http://timewarpwife.com/7-ways-focusfamily/#sthash.Uy87jd7o.dpuf This book will teach you: • The difference between gossip and properly processing with a trusted friend • A helpful grid for using our digital tongues as we talk online or on social media • How to pause before you pounce, attacking the problem but not the person • How to avoid saying something permanently painful just because you are temporarily ticked off • What the Bible teaches about making our speech laced with grace, as sweet as honey, and yet seasoned with salt http://www.karenehman.com/books/

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Eyevage is a multi-action age-defying cream developed by leading dermatologists to address the varied and complex issues that most commonly affect mature skin in the eye area. Concentrated anti-aging serum penetrates quickly to improve micro-circulation in the under-eye zone and lighten unsightly dark circles. Advanced firming complex is infused with healing antioxidants and anti-inflammatories to minimize puffiness and render skin better protected from environmental damage and oxidative stress. Ultra-conditioning moisturizers provide intensive skin-softening hydration and work to banish fine lines and wrinkles. Revitalizes and invigorates the entire eye contour to make it appear visibly brighter, captivatingly radiant, and radically younger-looking. 20's30's40's50's Mature Dry Oily/ Combination Normal Acne Issues RednessProne https://www.solvaderm.com

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Silver Jewels by Cindy https://www.etsy.com/shop/SilverJewelsByCindy

Christmas Wine Box $35.00 Handmade item Materials: paper, polyurathane, wood Made to order Ships worldwide from Texas, United States

Christmas Wall Decor $18.00 Handmade item Made to order Ships worldwide from Texas, United States O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 | 69

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Vintage Christmas Victorian Ornaments $8.00 each Handmade item Materials: paper, porcelain, polyurathane, glue Made to order Ships worldwide from Texas, United States

Holiday Stone Coaster $24.50 Handmade item Materials: paper, tile, travertine, polyurathane Made to order Only ships to United States from Texas

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Vintage Christmas Ornaments $5.00 each Handmade item Materials: porcelain, paper, glue Made to order Ships worldwide from Texas, United States

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Christmas Holly Stone Coaster $24.50 Handmade item Materials: paper, tile, travertine, polyurathane Made to order Only ships to United States from Texas, United States.

Silver Jewels by Cindy https://www.etsy.com/shop/SilverJewelsByCindy

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Gifts for Men

STYLIST NOTES Checks & Balance - Charcoal (Skinny Tie) Utopia Paisley - Lilac (Skinny Tie) Daydream Plaid - Purple/Charcoal (PSq) Fountain Solid - Silver (PSq) Solid Texture - Gray (Socks) Woodland Stripe - Eggplant (Socks) Charcoal (Lapel Flower) Gray (Lapel Flower) Brushed Straight Silver - 1.5 in. (Tie Bar)

STYLIST NOTES Rimmed Trad - Navy/Pink (Reversible Self-Tie Bow Tie) Pulsating Dots - Navy (Self-Tie Bow Tie) Prepster Plaid - Navy/Blues (Self-Tie Bow Tie) Novel Gingham - Navy (PSq) Noble Grid - Baby Pink (PSq) White Wash Houndstooth - Soft Blue/Navy (PSq) Tossed Flowers - Charcoal (Socks) Sportsmen Stripe - Navy/Blue (Socks)

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• •


Step into style and receive a set of 3 socks for 4 months. •

12 Pairs of Socks $89


Want to look as if you walked off the pages of GQ? This Tie of the Month Club will score you 12 brag-worthy ties previously featured in GQ Magazine. •

12 Month Subscription $ 199


You're a cool guy, but let's face it you wouldn't be caught dead in tie dye. At The Tie Bar, we master mixing styles for just the right balance of classic and cool. This Tie of the Month Club will embody the hottest patterns and colors for the season, without going overboard. •

12 Neck Ties $199 12 Skinny Ties $199 12 Extra Length Ties $259 12 Bow Ties $199 O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 | 74

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Evolution of an Online Boutique: Mink

KRISTEN LA ROCCA HAS LOVED FASHION ALL OF HER LIFE. AN EARLY BIRTHDAY, ONE SO EARLY SHE ONLY KNOWS OF THE EVENTS VIA OTHERS WHO WITNESSED IT, ALL SHE WANTED FOR HER BIRTHDAY WAS CLOTHES! And, when she did receive the requested clothes she proceeded to change into those new clothes at that very moment. Yes, La Rocca loves clothes!

Right out of college she was able to garner a job working for the designer for P. Diddy’s clothing line. This placed her in the creative atmosphere, and introduced her to the business end of creativity. Her New York life came to an end when her husband received a job offer in Chicago, so the couple moved back ‘home’ to Indiana. After that move, La Rocca, at the urging of her mother, started a small business in accessories. She would do home shows, yet not creating a party plan that would make the guests feel obligated to make a purchase. It was a simple fashion showing, a trunk show held in a home. She began to develop a clientele. Her fun jewelry at affordable prices were a hit among her friends, and grew to their friends, and their friends, and so on. She extended the trunk shows to include some unstructured clothing pieces so that no one felt they had to try on the garments. Her own style was infused in the choices, however, she tried to go outside of that realm so that she would reach those who had different styles. She handpicked the pieces to assure that the line would actually create a wardrobe. She began to have pop-up boutiques, and then started an online store. Her pieces are unique and with the broad reach created by the internet, she still wanted her pieces to be unique. She presents limited quantities so that even though her reach is international, she still wanted her clientele to know they had a unique feel. Her future sees original designs added to the line she developed. She is just learning the plus size world, and so there are just a few options for those sizes. She is not ruling that segment of the population out, she is just still in a learning curve. Her future will also see more plus sized options. Some have asked her about children’s clothing and possibly men’s clothing. “Now we are talking a department store!” She muses. She isn’t sure that is the

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route that Mink will go, but she rules out nothing. She does hope to see brick and mortar stores, possibly one in Los Angeles, and expansion beyond there. Until that time the public will just have to jump on her website as quickly as possible when she has new pieces so as not to miss out on the pieces that hits one’s tastes.

208 S. Main St. Crown Point, Indiana 46307 (219) 741-8841 mink is a unique boutique that offers beautiful pieces of merchandise and jewelry at affordable prices.

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Fall into A New Routine By LaShondra White


don’t think you can take your summertime beauty routine into summer. The best thing to do is to switch it up. Here are some tips to keep you flawless even in the crisp fall air. 1. Change up your moisturizer. Using a slightly heavier moisturizer then what you put on in the summer months. Me personally I use coconut oil all year long. Does the trick. 2. Exfoliate your skin often. It’s a great way to help combat being ashy, and flakey. Let your skin breath buy using a gentle scrub for your whole body. You’ll be like squeaky clean. 3. Shell out some money and treat yourself to quality products, whether it’s an independent small beauty brand, or a big box retailer. Use products that are in line with your age, and skin care needs. What worked when you were younger will not have the

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Your True Colours 4. 5. 6. 7.

same results as you age gracefully. Right now I am on this age-defying product kick and my skin appreciates me for it. Keep drinking water! It’s one of the best thing for your skin. Don’t ditch the sunscreen. Keep the one with the SPF15 and use it as protection from the bone chilling wind. Still want to rock that winged eye and full Kylie Jenner lip. The color of the season according to Pantone will be Marsala. Keep the bronzer too! You can stay sun kissed all year long with a matte bronzer. Highlight those cheeks, and the bridge of your nose.

Now that you have these tips to get you going, “Go out there and rock your runway!”


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Mobile Marketplace Launch, iBuySell By Kaus Mukherjee Co-Founder


retailers, fashion boutiques, small business and individual entrepreneurs to provide a platform that helps drive sales and promote their business while making it an exciting and rewarding shopping experience for consumers. We want it to become easier for you to reach a global audience and will do our part to showcase your business to the world.

Here are some interesting facts about small business • • • • • •

Represent more than 99.7% of all employers Employ half of all private-sector workers and 39% of workers in high-tech jobs Provide 60% to 80% of the net new jobs annually Pay 44.3% of total U.S. private payroll Produce more than 50% of nonfarm private gross domestic product, or a GDP of roughly $6 trillion Are 3% franchises

It’s about time their story gets told! We are starting a new series of interviews with entrepreneurs and sharing their story in our blog, newsletter and in our media updates. Here is an interview with PrettyInPynk. We thank you for the time to share your story.

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Dallas Gordon founder of prettyinpynk.com. Q: Tell us a bit about your business. Hi! My name is Dallas Gordon and I launched prettyinpynk.com a women's fashion jewelry and accessories company in July of 2012. I am a wife, mother of 3, entrepreneur and total girly girl. The Pynk Store caters to women of all ages, unifying them and offering not only a great product selection for the girl at heart, but a supportive positive community for women across the globe!

Q: Have you used any mobile marketplace to showcase your products? Not yet

Q: What are your dreams and aspirations More expansion and growth for The Pynk Store

Q: What do you like best about the idea of selling on iBuySell? Any app that gives retailers more exposure is great

Q: Please share your Facebook and Instagram page. Facebook.com/pynkispretty Instagram.com/thepynkstore

Please visit Dallas's store www.prettyinpynk.com and visit her at iBuySell when the app is live. To read this and other upcoming stories please visit http://ibuysellapp.blogspot.com Please visit our website at www.ibuysellapp.com , login, and share with your friends and network to help us spread the word. "We are launching our crowdfunding campaign on October 1st. Help Us Make It Happen" www.facebook.com/ibuysellapp

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Fall is around the corner, and I'm ecstatic about the 2015 fall fashion and beauty trends! I found my inspiration for this look from my fave Pynk Store piece! The Fall piece I decided to use for matching my makeup just happens to be this pretty multicolored, vintage inspired floral bracelet, 'Autumn'! (http://prettyinpynk.com/collections/bracelets/products/autumn-flowerjeweled-bracelet )

Inspiration came to me right away, as I eyed this jeweled beauty and admired its array of colors.

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This is the perfect piece for fall as it reminds me of the leaves, and also because of our matching names (the autumn flower:) This look was super easy to create! I decided to go bold & use every single color from my favorite bracelet this season!

Tips: 1. Match or Clash? This doesn't really matter as long as you pull it off! You can match by color coordinating. For example, by choosing a color or two

from the jewelry and then using it on your eyes or lips... You don't have to stop there... The color can also be used to spruce up your nails, clothes, shoes or even hair accessories. Find a color that can be combined with all the others and make it work!

2. Choose an eye-catching piece that will inspire you to create a look that pops!

3. Be a Rule Breaker! It's 100% okay if you don't follow "makeup rules." Makeup is an expression of art

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& some prefer to switch up their makeup to create a new look.

4. Have a blast! Deciding on the perfect jewelry piece to match with your makeup look is super fun.

5. Go dramatic or simple, it's all up to you! Make all those colors pop, either in harmony or spice it up by adding bold blushed cheeks, glittered brows and/or lips! You can go full vogue catwalk if you want! Choose the area on your face that you'd like to emphasize. Dramatic smokey eyes, color-filled lids & nude lips with some gloss or bold lips! Why not! * Remember... Your face is your canvas! Create a masterpiece giving both your jewelry & makeup the most shine* https://youtu.be/UvJPXFBIqM8 CHECK OUT THE AUTUMN FLOWER’S YOU TUBE CHANNEL!


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iSHARE Agency Spotlight: Carolyn Bendall By Sherri Henley

AT ISHARE AGENCY WE TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN SPOTLIGHTING OUR EXPERTS, AS WE EACH MAINTAIN AUTONOMY WHILE CREATING A WHOLE. BY BRINGING EXPERTS TOGETHER WE ARE ABLE TO DELIVER TO OUR CLIENTS FAR AND ABOVE WHAT WE COULD POSSIBLY MANAGE ALONE BECAUSE, “TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER.” Join me as I interview* iSHARE featured expert, Carolyn Bendall; Editor and Chief of Your True Colours Radio and Magazine; President of The Fashion Academy, Radio Personality and Author of “Get Real Fashion” Q: Sherri:Carolyn, as Editor and Chief of Your True Colours (YTC) Radio and Magazine, your plate is full. Describe a typical day in the life of Carolyn Bendall... A: Carolyn: I scour LinkedIn and Facebook for little known companies that have a great product, whether it be clothing, jewelry, household items, or even food! I may have an interview set up, usually via Skype, with an up and coming entertainer, an author, or a CEO. Then, there is constant editing of the magazine file, and changing the website to reflect the new issue. Q: Sherri: What is the mission of YTC...and why? A: Carolyn: Our mission is to give a voice to those who cannot afford a voice on the cover of a main stream magazine. While at the same time providing quality product information or uplifting stories for our readers. Our ads will not be suggestive, nor will our content. I did turn down an ad that portrayed a man with his hand raised so as to appear to be about to 'spank' the woman that was laying across his lap. At the same time, we featured an outfit that was gorgeous, but it was cut all the way down to the tummy on a woman. It was done tastefully, and we placed an ad beside it featuring tops that were created specifically to 'cover up' fashions such as that one. I would have worn that top, with the modesty panel top underneath it. O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 | 91

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Q: Sherri: What is the long-term vision of YTC...and why? A: Carolyn: For companies to seek us out! I want us to get to the point that we don't have to go looking for the stories or fashion spreads. Q: Sherri: When does YTC radio air each week...how can we listen...and what should we expect? A: Carolyn: Our show is on Mondays at 10am Central Time, however, we also have other shows, Get Real with Mark and Kally; Look Good Feel Good with Debra Norwood; and Morning Moments with Maia. All of the shows are on demand, so if you miss them when they are live, that is not a problem! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/bendall Q: Sherri: Who are some of your favorite interviewees on radio? A: Carolyn: Each one is fun! Those that stand out, simply because of their subject matter would be Karen Bowersox, owner of Down's Designs. Her granddaughter has Downs Syndrome and her daughter lamented how difficult it was to find clothing to fit her properly. So, she got to work and began to work with many different people who had Downs Syndrome, measuring the bodies at all points. She developed the drop front waist jean, she is just amazing. And, her models all have Downs Syndrome. And, then there was Paige Engle, who takes people to Paris, France...I have an item on my bucket list now! Brian Avery, who wrote the book Raising Genius was interesting. Yoga and body image positivity with Thea Pueschel, she was amazing.

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iShare Spotlight (Continued) Q: Sherri: What are some of your greatest articles in YTC? A: Carolyn: My favorite issue I think was the one that was on National Humor Month and we had several Laughter Leaders write articles. That was just fun! This last month was one that I loved pulling together, we focused on Emergency Preparedness. As for single articles, I would say it has to be the articles written by Melinda Lewis on vintage jewelry; that has been fun reading all about the jewelry and how it has been a part of the weaving of our history. In this issue we have an article written by singer Nick Bryant, and it is about Alternative Folk, in his words! I loved it!! I also really liked pulling together the fashion spread on CosPlay costumes by LoriAnne Costume Design, that was so cool! Q: Sherri: If you could interview one person...who would it be...and why? A: Carolyn: Kid President. I've put an email in to him, but I think he has already gotten too big to work with us! He is so inspirational, and I love his videos (as does everyone else!). Q: Sherri: Describe the ultimate radio show... A: Carolyn: The ultimate radio show would be one where our guest is just as excited to be on the show as I am to interview them! The guest where the audience is left wanting to go to their website and check them out further. Q: Sherri: Describe the ultimate magazine issue... A: Carolyn: The ultimate magazine would be one that the audience is so excited about it that they share it and share it and share it! Q: Sherri: What gave you the idea to launch YTC Radio and Magazine?

A: Carolyn: Well, as for the radio, that came from this lady named Sherri Henley! I did a radio show for a couple of years for Business Over Coffee International, and when you revamped it into the iSHARE Agency we decided that it was something that we needed to continue. The magazine was the natural evolution from the radio show. It was the precursor to CourageMakers, our new venture. I wanted to go beyond the image consulting and fashion critic. I knew there were people who needed to see decent and real clothes in fashion spreads, and those same people would want to have some interesting and uplifting articles. Then the next step was CourageMakers, our conference for giving the everyday person that is just worn out emotionally the strength to have courage through the rough times. O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 | 93

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Q: Sherri: When did you officially launch?

A: Carolyn: For the magazine it was May 2014, for the radio show it was a couple of years before that. Q: Sherri: In addition to YTC...you began your career through Fashion Academy. Tell us more... A: Carolyn: I met Gerrie Pinckney, who was the founder of Fashion Academy, and she trained me one on one, I loved it! Then, the company became available, and for some reason we bought it! It has been a fun adventure, and I wouldn't trade a minute of the experiences of traveling to conferences to teach haircolorists and permanent cosmetic technicians, and the various salons all over that we went to train.

Bendall with Debra Norwood prior to a Fashion Academy presentation at the Southern Women's Show on Look Good Feel Good. Photo by Lenora Bendall

Q: Sherri: Is Fashion Academy still a large part of what you do? A: Carolyn: Fashion Academy is not our main focus right now, we are focusing more on the philosophy of Fashion Academy that we are all individuals and we don't have to bow to the insanity within the fashion industry. Q: Sherri: You recently launched Your True Colours Jewelry line...how

can we purchase these items? A: Carolyn: It really isn't our line. We partnered with Designs by Zubiate, who designed a pendant that was unique in each instance. No cookie cutter designs, because none of us are cookie cutter. She provided options for the necklace chain to compliment to colors of the Life Image logo that we developed. We will be putting it on our website but right now if you want one, you can contact Designs by Zubiate through Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/groups/1654014271488491/ . Again, a small business that is trying to make it in a big world!

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iShare Spotlight (Continued) Q: Sherri: Describe the first time we met and how we evolved into collaborators... A: Carolyn: Marti Watson with Travel Leaders sent me an invitation to a BOCI meeting. I contacted here and she said it was a new group, and she thought I’d enjoy the interaction. You had such new ideas on using the internet, broadcasting live meetings, and on and on, I just had to hang around to see just where you were going on this whirlwind!

Bendall interviewing recording artist and YouTube vlogger, Lily Rubo. Photo by Sherri Henley

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Q: Sherri: Tell us the story of how Business Over Coffee International (BOCI) "SHARE" TV, which is now the featured word in iSHARE (S.H.A.R.E: Sherri Henley Agency of Renowned Experts) Agency, LLC, came to be... A: Carolyn: Shelley Baur called me and told me that you would be calling me and that you had a wonderful opportunity that she thought I needed to accept. Sure enough, you called, and it was while I was in Utah taking care of my brand new granddaughter for a month! You laid it out, and I said, ‘Sure’ (If Shelley thought I needed to do it, then I’d better do it!) So, using only the contacts I had in my phone I contacted Rich Floyd and Leah Long to come and do this presentation on ‘Sales and Marketing’ during SHARE. That was before it was an actual TV show, but you still had it broadcasted. And, you kept evolving! Q: Sherri: Name your favorite interview on BOCI SHARE TV... A: Carolyn: The Memphis legends show! We had David Gould with Gould's Salon and Jodi Vance with the Downtowner. Well, the Memphis and film was fun, too. Lynn Sitler had some great stories of celebrities and movies that were filmed in Memphis. Q: Sherri: You serve as BOCI Executive Council. Give us your best council for business owners... A: Carolyn: Go into business relationships with the idea of what can I do for you? Not, what can you do for me. Q: Sherri: When iSHARE Agency launched, you became an iSHARE Expert when approached...why? A: Carolyn: Because you have a proven Bendall, Sherri Henley, and Jo Garner during an iShare presentation for Talk Shoppe. record! I knew it was Photo by Talk Shoppe. going to be a great group of business people. And, I looked forward to being a part of the package that you were offering people to help them get the exposure they needed. One of your clients was Elaine Enis, and you included us on her package. It was so fun to spotlight her jewelry and art in the magazine and on the radio show.

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iShare Spotlight (Continued) Q: Sherri: What can you deliver to iSHARE clients through your expertise? A: Carolyn: We can help with exposure through the magazine and the radio show, either through ads or articles in the magazine. We also can offer image consulting if someone is just starting out and needs to develop the right professional image. Bendall working as makeup artist for a professional business video for a Sherri Henley Intelligence client. Photo courtesy of Jo Garner.

Q: Sherri: You were recently featured as a Digital Citizen University (DCU) instructor. Tell us about your topic.. A: Carolyn: It was on press releases and how to get the most out of them. Maybe not necessarily the press release itself, but how to use the internet to move you forward. Q: Sherri: How could someone become a student of your DCU class? Is this archived? A: Carolyn: By going to the website, http://businessovercoffee.com/digital-citizen-university/ Q: Sherri: Do you recommend potential students to consider DCU as their elearning platform? If so...why? A: Carolyn: Yes, the subjects are varied and the instructors are just as varied. Q: Sherri: CourageMakers is a conference you recently hosted with your partner, Debra Norwood, A/K/A Laughter Lawyer USA...explain the reason behind this venture... A: Carolyn: I had begun to realize that some of the people that came to me for an image consultation look great when we set up what they need, hair, makeup and clothes. But, they

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don't keep up with the process. I began to realize that there are so many people that are so burdened with the negativity of the world that they cannot even pull themselves up. So, we developed the inner image program, or Life Image. Once your Life Image is in place, then you can focus on the outer image. Q: Sherri: What are people saying about the CourageMakers Conference? A: Carolyn: I had some wonderful responses. It is faith based, and most of the people there felt the Spirit strongly throughout the day. One that stands out to me was the lady that came up to me and said she was agnostic, and her husband was Christian. But after this conference, she was no longer agnostic, she would become Christian and stand with him. That was amazing, that is a major thought process; and it moved me so much I can't even describe. And, even you, your comment to me afterwards that your daughter had told you that it gave her a ‘wake-up call’, that is powerful to reach the teen-agers. And, I appreciate that so much. Q: Sherri: When is your next CourageMakers Conference? A: Carolyn: March 2016, possible the 19th. Q: Sherri: Are CourageMakers sessions available outside a conference setting? A: Carolyn: We had a good response to our question for that. So, yes, we will be doing Courage over Lunch. Q: Sherri: Tell us about the book you just released...and how it will create courage... A: Carolyn: Get Real Fashion Sense was written to dispel all of the crazy, stupid fashion insanities. We just need to feel good about ourselves, and realize that we have different body shapes that do not need to be surgical changed and that we all have different personalities, and that alone will affect how we dress. We just need to wake up and stop falling for the insanity. Q: Sherri: You also have a CourageMakers workbook...which you describe as a tool...tell us more... A: Carolyn: The Life Image manual is a goal setting book with various goals to set and a guide for achieving those goals. We will have a coaching program if a person needs some extra help in making sure that they stay with the program. It only works if you apply it. Q: Sherri: As a columnist...you got your start in local magazines...would you say that experience led you to publish YTC Magazine? Yes, the column in Memphis Woman magazine and later the makeover column in the Commercial Appeal gave me the confidence to move forward.

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iShare Spotlight (Continued) Q: Sherri: You have worked with numerous individuals, men and women, who were in need of a makeover through The Commercial Appeal. Tell about your experience and your favorite makeover! A: Carolyn: The mother of the bride whose hair was falling out in her hand! Ultimately our expert, Ted Cortese, had to use a treatment that literally put a plastic type substance in her hair to fill in all the holes that her stylist had created by bleaching on top of bleaching every month. It was amazing to see her hair after the treatment, and he told her to come back in a few weeks and they would do it again to finish the process. The other one would be the housewife who would stay in her pj's until just before her husband came home. She cried at the store when she looked at herself in the mirror. We had a lot of crying, and one even laughed so much because she was so happy that they almost couldn't get the after photo! Q: Sherri: You have featured some of our Professional Boost Program (PBP) Interns in The Commercial Appeal by providing a full makeover and promotion of their business. You have also provided Fashion Academy Certification for other PBP interns. Tell us why you like to give to others... A: Carolyn: I just do that. I've been told it's a flaw in my personality. I prefer to think it is me giving of my talents to others; and even if they can't 'pay' me back, they can still 'pay it forward' somewhere else. It just makes the world go 'round! Q: Sherri: The two of us have worked together on varying levels over the past several years. First meeting through PBP and moving into BOCI Radio, BOCI SHARE TV, BOCI Publishing of Collaborative Book; The Power of Collaboration in Business, iSHARE Agency, DCU and many areas between...we have connected, collaborated, O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 | 99

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Jennifer Williams Fields, Marybeth Conley, Sherri Henley, and Bendall (in front) on the iShare segment of The Marybeth Conley Show on KWAM 990, promoting CourageMakers. Photo by Sherri Henley.

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offered mutual exposure and gained business. What has been your greatest takeaway? A: Carolyn: For me, it has pushed me to a space I didn't think I would be at...meaning the radio show, doing the TV show, and being published in a book. It gave me the courage to move forward on my own later! Q: Sherri: Give us 3 tips for personal and professional growth. A: Carolyn: • Be comfortable with yourself. • Be prepared, emotionally, spiritually, and with knowledge of your skill set and

professional goals. Have integrity in all that you do.

iShare Agency is bringing experts together for project management, brand development and speakers bureau (equipped with a full support team and booking department). Founder, Sherri Henley and iSHARE Expert Cheryl Malik established this global agency in 2014 growing to over 30 experts. iSHARE Agency holds the pinnacle of expertise for managing your project, boosting your brand, developing your speaking career or providing your event with a robust speaker selection. We are a global agency, promoting experts, developing thought-leaders, garnering influence. Contact iSHARE Agency at 5865 Ridgeway Center Pkwy, Ste 300, Memphis, Tennessee, 38120 – 901.820.4469 – info@ishareagency.com to schedule your 15 minute complimentary discovery call. http://www.ishareagency.com

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Promise Keepers 2015 Rochester, MN

OCT 13 TUE Boyne Mountain Resort Boyne Falls, MI OCT 16 FRI National Conference on Christian Apologetics Charlotte, NC OCT 20 TUE Hi-Line Pregnancy Resource Center Havre, MT OCT 22 THU Pregnancy Outreach Clinic Banquet Miles City, MT OCT 25 SUN Full Life Assembly Church Franklin, TN NOV 1 SUN Schwan Theater of Performing Arts Marshall, MN NOV 13 FRI 2015 FMI's StrongMan & Family Night Tequesta, FL NOV 14 SAT The Classic Center Athens, GA "In the competitive world of stand-up comedians, Mr. Stine has found a niche as a conservative Christian, riffing on topics like gay marriage, judicial activism and judges who cite precedents from foreign courts..." - New York Times O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 | 101


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Support the authors we have spotlighted in the magazine! Great books for gifts, or just to curl up with yourself! All books available on Amazon.com . Creating a Joyful Life by Jennifer Williams Fields The Old Ones by Manuela Melton Raising Genius by Brian Avery

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Alternative is an Altered Native By Nick Bryant


IN POLITICS, WE HAVE TWO MAIN POLITICAL PARTIES. EVERYONE KNOWS THIS . ALTERNATIVE MUSIC IS LIKE THE GREEN PARTY. Its the less popular party. In other words, when you are sick of listening to Taylor Swift or Justin Beiber (despite their popularity and the media’s constant reminder of their success) you find an alternative. Most simply put, alternative music is another way of saying not mainstream. I like to classify my music (actually I don’t but when I do) Alternative Folk. When we look at the creation of music in the last century, we see the majority of Western music was rooted in folk/Celtic and blues/soul although in many different forms. That is my theory. O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 | 104

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Nick Bryant (Continued)

What is the point of me saying this? My point is this: although the form of music is constantly changing, the legends, the John Lennons, The Jimi Hendrixs, the Bob Marleys, the Kurt Cobains etc. all had common characteristics. All of these common characteristics seem to have bled into their music leaving legacies that stood the test of time. What did these great figures in music really have in common? 1. THEY DID THEIR OWN THING. They followed their arrow. They were original, true and authentic. They were brave, bold and daring to the point of rebellion. Although some technicalities were stolen, copied or borrowed from somewhere else, they stayed true to themselves. 2. THEY WERE NOT RICH (AT FIRST). They all seem to have either humble, poor or unsteady backgrounds as kids. They may have moved around a lot. They were working class or even worse. 3. THEY DID NOT REBEL JUST FOR REBELLION’S SAKE. They stood up for their beliefs and for the greater good. They were humanitarians to the bone. They had nothing but love for mankind. Their music was different than others’ and yet grounded in deeper roots. 4. THEY WERE ALL VISIONARIES OF A BETTER WORLD. They all voiced their visions of positive progression in both macro and micro societies. They used their influence to shine light on a frigid status-quo that dehumanizes people to thoughtless robots. Most importantly, they've helped millions and billions of people OPEN THEIR EYES, THINK FOR THEMSELVES AND QUESTION EVERYTHING. Isn’t that what artists are supposed to do? Or are they there to make something that is “cool” for the sake of them profiting from it? Who has power and who deserves power? Should the meek inherit the earth? Logic and faith: why are we having to pick a side? Music is the one thing that brings everyone together regardless of their specific views on anything even if for only a few minutes or hours.

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Nick Bryant sang to help pay his way through college. After graduating with a degree in business, the only office he worked in was his own. Creating music and playing in Georgia and surrounding areas has become his main source of income. He has a band. He has CDs. He isn’t planning on moving to Nashville in hopes of being ‘discovered’. He’s already been discovered in his region. Will his reach grow? That’s inevitable. With the advent of the internet an artist can promote on their own, create on their own, and book on their own. Bryant has done all of this. He has his songs on Reverbnation and YouTube. He has free downloads to introduce himself to the public. He has CDs that he sells online and at his personal appearances. He is the face of the new way music is presented to the public. www.nickbryantmusic.net

Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 6

Your True Colours

Get your FREE download of “Through the Blue” https://nickbryant.bandcamp.com/album/through-the-blue

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Your True Colours

THE METHOD GENESIS OF A METHOD THAT WORKS Sophie Reverdi was an obese child and adolescent. After an operation that left its scars, physically and emotionally, she lost weight but regained it during pregnancy and could not undergo another operation. In 2001 she met Dr.Albert Chocron, and lost 88 pounds. She decided to create a global accompaniment method to change, in order to help overweight and obese people, of which she has been part and suffered as one. She wants to help them to change. Based in part on a food and nutritional aspect devised by Dr. Albert Chocron, the method is also built on a benevolent, educative spirit of coaching. It was conceived in 2004 under the name “Smart and Light”. Impressed with Sophie Reverdi’s results, the Tunisian Health Ministry and the Institute of Nutrition, as well as international medical experts, have collaborated with Smart and Light since.

THE PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF THE METHOD Our objective is to make our method accessible to anyone who wants to change, whatever their lifestyle and wherever they are. The Smart and Light method is today available in many forms : personal coaching, live coaching on skype, e-Learning online program, and the method Logbook. But the fundamentals of our method remain the same whatever the tool being used, and the key aspects of the program are the same. The smart and Light method is based on : Learning essential notions, to learn to lose weight naturally, responsibly, in control, but mostly, with pleasure and simplicity Daily accompaniment of our clients, step by step, until they either have reached their healthy weight or have all the knowledge and tools to reach it. A firm, concrete support, so that the client does not feel alone or lost at any time in the program. Availability even after the clients reach their objectives

ESSENTIAL NOTIONS:To lose weight, and remain slim, you need to learn the change. For Sophie, real change requires learning essential notions, as well as a daily accompaniment of the clients(SMS, Facebook, phone, Skype)

The mind The discovery of self, of one's innermost goals The discovery of one's potential, of one's strength, of one's aptitude to change These two aspects increase the chances of a successful beginning to the transformation.

The food The discovery of a new way of cooking, extremely well thought out, delicious-looking and tasty, easy to reproduce at home. A way of cooking offers tremendous freedom, and few limitations.

The body The rediscovery of one's body and its assets; renewing the relationship with one's body, its dimensions, its possibilities, our desire to move. to show oneself again, live fully, without hiding.

Daily life The discovery of better organization of one's daily life, the more responsible lifestyle, through the adoption of small practical rituals that are clever and easy.


How to come into your OWN is a discovery process with many moving parts. Allowing these parts to move in sync and strategically carry out the evolutionary process of embracing oneself, for better or for worse…is a journey. Operative… Words Thoughts Deeds Actions... …move you toward or away from owning many aspects of your… Life Property Feelings Relationships Spirituality Business... ...you will ultimately decide the direction your actions will lead. Come Into Your OWN will walk you through a 31 day experience based on a holistic philosophy of taking ownership of ones past and present to gain focus for the future. http://www.sherrihenley.com

Founder & CEO of Business Over Coffee International (BOCI), Sherri Henley has mastered the art of being a digital citizen. In addition to effectively managing one of the world’s fastest growing online business networks, she hosts regular radio & television programs on BOCI RadioBOCI TV and The Sherri Henley Intelligence channel. Recently named as one of author, Germaine Moody’s 50 Favorite People. Sherri serves as the program director for the BOCI Professional Boost Program, a mentoring initiative to invest in up & coming professionals and entrepreneurs.

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