|| MARRY ME ||
“FATHER OF THE GROOM” – well, that is a new one for me. I have served as Chair, Co-Chair, Committee Member and Worker Bee for many events — some large and some small — but never a Father of the Groom. I just experienced this very role, as my son just got married! But, what exactly was I expected to do? Over the years, my wife and I have attended many wonderful and fun weddings. So far, all the “Fathers of the Grooms” did about the same thing. They showed up, looked dapper, mingled with the guests and did what they were asked to do. I am sure they did a lot more than that, but they all looked calm and collected on the surface. So, when I found myself in that role, I wanted to find out just what the duties of the Father of the Groom were, so I went to my wisest friend — Google. 30 WINTER 2022
I found out that my number one role was to support my son and be a calming influence. That one I knew I could do with pleasure. Secondly, be involved in wedding festivities as much (or as little) as the bride and groom wanted me to be. Those who know me well know that the “as little” part was challenging for me to pull off. However, all of the articles I read said that the Father of the Groom should try not to interfere and not get too involved unless the bride and groom ask for input. OK, I gave it a good try! According to the articles that my friend Google pulled up for me, today’s wedding arrangements can be much more flexible than the traditional wedding I experienced. The groom’s parents may take on a more active role in the wedding planning and the wedding itself. It all goes back to what the bride and groom want.