WE ARE PASSIONATE about the care we o er and the culture of compassion, excellence and teamwork that make us Williamson Health. Our mission is to treat people professionally, with dignity and respect. And we’re looking for talented, caring people to help us do just that.
To see our open positions, visit WilliamsonHealth.org/Careers or scan the code below.
H i l a r y F a r n u m - F a s t h i s t h e o w n e r a n d b r o k e r o f C o r c o r a n R e v e r i e , a l u x u r y r e a l e s t a t e b r o k e r a g e s p e c i a l i z i n g i n t h e l u x u r y h o m e m a r k e t i n t h e g r e a t e r N a s h v i l l e a r e a a n d a c r o s s
N o r t h w e s t F l o r i d a f r o m D e s t i n t o P a n a m a C i t y a n d t h e c o a s t a l c o m m u n i t i e s a l o n g 3 0 A
A s a m o t h e r o f t h r e e , r a n g i n g i n a g e s f r o m 2 1 t o 3 - 1 / 2 y e a r s o l d , H i l a r y h a s a s t r o n g l o v e o f f a m i l y , w h i l e h e r l o v e o f t h e o u t d o o r s , r u n n i n g a n d t e n n i s e m b o d i e s t h e t r u e S o u t h
W a l t o n b e a c h l i f e s t y l e , H i l a r y i s p r o o f t h a t y o u r e a l l y c a n t u r n y o u r r e v e r i e s i n t o r e a l i t y
w h o s h e i s . . . . . h o w s h e l e a d s
W i t h a n a u t h e n t i c d e s i r e t o m e n t o r a n d b u i l d o t h e r s ’ b u s i n e s s e s , H i l a r y i s w i l l i n g t o s h a r e a n d g i v e o f h e r s e l f i n a w a y t h a t b e n e f i t s t h e a g e n t m o r e t h a n h e r s e l f , a l l o w i n g h e r t o s e e g r o w t h i n h e r c o m p a n y a n d l a y i n g t h e f o u n d a t i o n o f h e r c o m p a n y ' s c u l t u r e a n d h o w s h e w a n t e d t o c h a n g e i n t h e r e a l e s t a t e i n d u s t r y N e w a g e n t s a n d s e a s o n e d v e t e r a n s a r e g o i n g t o f i n d h i g h - t o u c h , f i r s t - c l a s s t r a i n i n g a n d s e r v i c e f o r t h e i r b u s i n e s s e s t o b e s u c c e s s f u l w i t h a l e a d e r s h i p t e a m t h a t i s a v a i l a b l e a n d w i l l i n g t o h e l p t h e m a t a m o m e n t ’ s n o t i c e W e a r e t h o r o u g h l y i n v e s t e d i n o u r a g e n t s a n d t h e i r s u c c e s s e s h
o w s h e s e l l s
G i f t e d i n t h e a r t o f c o n n e c t i n g t h e p r o p e r t y a n d t h e p e r s o n H i l a r y h e l p s t o b u i l d c l i e n t s ’ w e a l t h t h r u r e a l e s t a t e i n v e s t i n g , S h e i s l o c a l l y r e n o w n e d a n d n a t i o n a l l y r e s p e c t e d f o r h e r e l e v a t e d s e r v i c e , m a r k e t i n g , a n d u n r i v a l e d e x p e r t i s e i n r e p r e s e n t i n g e x c e p t i o n a l p r o p e r t i e s A s a r e s u l t o f h e r d e c a d e s o f e x p e r i e n c e , H i l a r y h a s a c h i e v e d o v e r $ 1 B + i n l i f e t i m e s a l e s a n d h a s s o l d s o m e o f t h e a r e a ’ s m o s t s i g n i f i c a n t h o m e s , w h i l e p l a y i n g a n i n t e g r a l r o l e i n s h a p i n g t h e b u i l t e n v i r o n m e n t o f t h e S o u t h W a l t o n w e k n o w t o d a y
h o w s h e l i v e s
H i l a r y ' s w a r m p e r s o n a l i t y a n d h e r c a r e e r a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s h a v e w o n h e r r e c o g n i t i o n i n s i d e a n d o u t s i d e t h e i n d u s t r y i n c l u d i n g b e i n g n a m e d 2 0 2 2 W o m a n o f t h e Y e a r b y a l o c a l m e d i a p u b l i c a t i o n H e r p h i l a n t h r o p i c w o r k i n c l u d e s s e r v i n g s e v e r a l n o t - f o r - p r o f i t g r o u p s i n c l u d i n g T h e S o n d e r P r o j e c t ,
T h e S e a s i d e S c h o o l , G u a r d i a n s a d L i t e m o f N o r t h w e s t
F l o r i d a , F o o d f o r T h o u g h t , T h e U n i t e d W a y o f N o r t h w e s t F l o r i d a a n d m o r e , t h r o u g h m o n e t a r y c o n t r i b u t i o n s a n d p e r s o n a l s e r v i c e o n c u r r e n t a n d p a s t b o a r d s
l i v e w h o y o u a r e m o m e n t
"It is what everyone want for their own family for the next generation to be even better than they are, " says Hilary, "That is what I want for Corcoran Reverie for our agents’ success to far outmatch ours What a legacy that will be "
© 2 0 2 3 C o r c o r a n G r o u p L L C A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d C o r c o r a n & t h e C o r c o r a n l o g o a r e r e g i s t e r e d s e r v i c e m a r k s o w n e d b y C o r c o r a n G r o u p L L C C o r c o r a n G r o u p L L C s u p p o r t s t h e p r i n c i p l e s o f t h e F a i r H o u s i n g A c t & t h e E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y A c t E a c h f r a n c h i s e i s i n d e p e n d e n t l y o w n e d & o p e r a t e d F L B r o k e r L i c e n s e # B K 6
3 0 3 | T
B r o k e r L i c e n s e #
Dear Readers,
People seem to have a hard time defining what a woman is these days. It’s puzzling, because within this, our annual Ladies’ Edition, I see the epitome of a woman on every page. Our content this month is amazing if you ask me. Amazing and awe-inspiring, the women in this community; women in business, women who shine their light for great causes, women who give back profoundly in ways that sometimes are never even acknowledged but make such an impact. I see women who never doubt their own abilities, or if they do, they know, as a woman, their sisterhood will power them through it, raise them up and carry them forward even when they lose their will. Women are fierce, they are strong, they are beautiful in ways not visually seen. They are brave, they are loyal, and they are AMAZING. Every single day, a woman creates magic in the world around her. Whether it be in a great dress she wore, an inspiring and thought-provoking presentation, in her promotion to a CEO or President, being the first woman to…whatever that glass ceiling might be, or just making the BEST peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the school lunch: A woman – IS, simply put, pure magic herself.
For all the ladies – you are seen, heard and beloved. Never forget your worth. Never forget your power! Enjoy this issue. Get to know these women and be inspired –motivated – changed. I know I am.
This One’s for the Girls
Twelve years ago, I decided to take a leap of faith (or lack of sense) and start my own business. I was thirtyseven years old and had been Managing Publisher of a community magazine here in Williamson County for nearly six years but I NEVER…let me stress NEVER, in a million years, imagined myself a business owner. But with strength of purpose and a conviction that I had the ability, along with my existing team, who (longer story short) collectively jumped ship with me, would be able to start our better version of a great community publication. I thankfully had plenty of encouragement along the way from this community to do so. I had been working, living in, volunteering in and yes, socializing in, this community for over twenty years. People knew me. People knew my work, and trusted my ability to put together a great product. And so… YOUR Williamson was born.
edit every single word of the magazine monthly! Everyone on my team cares profoundly, not just that we put out an exceptional product, but that it means something. That what we do here, means something.
Shelly Robertson Birdsong Owner | Publisher![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/230508183621-8b4363da7763f7adec7d7b91ec213723/v1/8439d8052524467d2e003819f82b9fef.jpeg)
The dynamic duo of sisters Shelly Robertson and Anna Robertson Ham, continued to do our thing over the next few years, adding Mr. Johnny Birdsong into the mix pretty quickly to take over sales and development. Johnny can sell ice cubes to snow men, or however the saying goes… so it was a good move for the magazine. You would have to ask him how he feels, twelve years later, still working in an office full of only women and navigating terms like, pre-production, page count and AP style when all he cares about is ad traffic, ROI and multi-platform bundling. We are all tasked with learning a lot here. Everyone wears numerous hats, no matter how many singular task-oriented people we hire, we all end up in the mix of it all every day. I still
In twelve years, we have donated over $2 million in advertising, promotion and marketing services to the local nonprofits, and events we sponsor. That is something worth celebrating! And it’s the purpose that motivated me from the beginning. Being a media mogul (insert laugh here), has its advantages. I do get to go to my fair share of parties, meet exceptionally interesting people and know about things before they happen on pretty much a weekly basis. But after 120 issues, my true passion still lies in our ability to capture the stories that truly matter and recognize the people who are making them happen; way more important things than what we do. But being able to share those things with the community which I TRULY eat, live and breathe every day –and call it a job – feels more like a calling, a purpose, however small, to give back in whatever way possible.
That’s what it’s all about here at RMG and YOUR Williamson. It’s Real. It’s Local. It’s who WE are. This one is for the girls – and by girls, I mean the talented and steadfast ladies I have the honor to surround myself with daily: My team - Anna, Christian, Emma, Katie and Madison and the many before you that I still call family – Congratulations! Saying I am proud of your work is an understatement. Thank you for the twelve years and here’s to many more!
"What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make."
I would classify working with the Legend Homes team, from our initial concept meeting to completion, as my most seamless build. This is my seventh luxury home build experience and my favorite home to date. When dealing with hurdles brought on by the pandemic, the Legend group of professionals were always prepared to shift to ensure my dream home would be to my specifications — quite the feat when dealing with a noted perfectionist like myself who has high standards and discerning taste. Since my first visit to a Legend Parade home years ago, I knew we would work together in the future. I don’t believe there is much that could top this well-thoughtout concept of a one-level living home and my great experience with Legend Homes.
Gaven Smith Realtor, Hinge Real Estate and Development Owner, Studio Gaven hair colour![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/230508183621-8b4363da7763f7adec7d7b91ec213723/v1/ed4f80d63d936a63b6ad3f6ff984aa00.jpeg)
Prices beginning at $1+ Million
For more information visit: livealegend.com
Voted Best BuilderSATURDAY
Brooke and her husband, Steve Giannetti, are the duo behind Patina Home & Garden, a new store in Leiper’s Fork. For thirty years, they’ve designed homes together for their clients and now they enjoy helping you live your dreams where it matters most — at home. Follow her blog, Velvet & Linen.
Brooke Webb, of KBStyled, is a Lifestyle Influencer who lives in Franklin with her husband, two children and their fur babies. KBStyled represents the modern everyday woman…the woman who wants to style herself, her family, her home and everything in between beautifully and in a way that makes her feel her very best!
Emily lives in Franklin with her husband and their three children. She teaches at The Little School and, in addition to reading, she loves walking, working out, monogramming, baking and spending time with her family. Follow Emily at @letsreadtherainbow on Instagram as she reads and recommends books.
Heidi Hood is the Managing Director of the Downtown Franklin Association (DFA), which is dedicated to the historic preservation, revitalization and community vibrancy of historic downtown Franklin. Learn more at downtownfranklintn.com.
Katie Shands, local author of novel Finding Franklin, has found her home here in our community. See her interesting and history filled blog posts all about Franklin and Williamson County on social media daily. Follow her on social media @katieshandsauthor.
Lineage Bank is a multi-branch community bank based in Williamson County. Father and son veteran bankers Richard and Kevin Herrington opened the first Lineage Bank branch in Franklin on May 12, 2020.
The Williamson County Association of REALTORS® is a trade association that represents the interests of real estate professionals and those who own or desire to own real property. To learn more, visit wcartn.org.
Williamson Health has been a healthcare pillar in our community for over sixty years. With an impressive tradition and commitment to providing exceptional healthcare service to thousands of patients, they are YOUR community hospital. For more information, visit williamsonhealth.org.
“Do All The Good You Can”
Chuck McDowell, CEO of Wesley Mortgage, his wife Jo Ellen and their two dogs Bud and Ollie
Chuck McDowell, a true Middle Tennessee native, was born and raised in Mt. Juliet, met his wife while attending college in Murfreesboro, and currently resides in Franklin. As an MTSU alumni and successful business man, Chuck wanted to make a mortgage company that is Middle Tennessee’s Hometown Lender. He started Wesley Mortgage to be in the business of supporting our community and the people that live in it. Whether we’re highlighting local heroes at Titans games, or helping local churches and non profits, Wesley Mortgage reinvests in the people and places that make Middle Tennessee great. When you work with Wesley Mortgage, you can expect three things:
1. Great customer service from Middle Tennessee experts
2. Fast closing times
3. Invests back into the people and organizations that make Middle Tennessee great Choose Middle Tennessee’s local lender today!
MAY 15
Temple Hills Country Club bridgesdvc.org
Be sure to sign up for Bridges Domestic Violence Center’s annual Golf Scramble, taking place on May 15th at Temple Hills Country Club. Registration includes eighteen holes of golf, carts, gift bags, lunch and dinner, drinks, contests, prizes and an awards ceremony.
MAY 17-20
Williamson County Ag Expo Park franklinrodeo.com
MAY 13
Percy Warner Park iroquoissteeplechase.org
The Iroquois Steeplechase has been a treasured event in the Nashville community for over eighty years. Spectators flock to Percy Warner Park to see some of the best horses and riders race over hurdles in this exhilarating event. Along with the race, Iroquois Steeplechase has become a premier event that showcases southern fashion, tradition and, of course, tailgating!
Enter YOUR Williamson’s 6th Annual Tailgate Contest! Post your 2023 race day Tailgate photos and tag @YOURWilliamson and #TailgateContest for a chance to win a Topside Tailgate Spot for the 2024 Iroquois Steeplechase!
MAY 13
Downtown Franklin franklinrodeo.com
The Franklin Rodeo Parade had been a Williamson County tradition since 1949. The fun starts at noon in downtown Franklin with floats, horses, clowns, bands and more! Arrive early to get a good spot.
The Franklin Rodeo events kick off with a down-in-the-dirt FREE Kick-Off Party Family Night on May 17th! Attendees will get “Behind the Chute” tours, cowboy autographs, food trucks and more fun than a barrel of rodeo clowns — or queens! Then the Franklin Rodeo takes PRCA competition events each night, kids events, specialty acts and a lot of family fun.
MAY 19
Factory at Franklin hfhwm.org
Hosted by international motivational speaker and best-selling author, Dale Smith Thomas, the event features live music from Burning Las Vegas, plated dinner, photo booth fun and an exciting silent auction selection. All proceeds support Habitat for Humanity WilliamsonMaury’s Women Build Program by raising the funds to construct a home for a local, single mother.
Bicentennial Park facebook.com/EatTheStreetFest
Join the food truck frenzy at Franklin’s First Food Truck Festival, Eat The Street! This event will feature live music, local craft vendors, and family fun. Admission is free, and the festival runs from 5pm to 9pm.
Brownland Farm musiccountrygrandprix.com
The Music Country Grand Prix is a premier equestrian show jumping competition featuring top riders and horses from across the nation. Since 1990, Saddle Up! has been the beneficiary of charitable dollars raised from the event. Over the years, the Music Country Grand Prix has raised more than $1,900,000 to support Saddle Up!.
Friends & Fashion
WHO: Friends of Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt | childrenshospitalvanderbilt.org
WHAT: Friends & Fashion WHERE: Music City Center WHY: Friends & Fashion is a fashionable celebration of hope that raises funds for Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. Families and patients walked the runway while guests enjoyed a luncheon, complete with shopping and mingling.
Making an Impact
y name is Lindsay Bridges, and I am the Executive Director at the Tennessee Breast Cancer Coalition. I am so proud to be the leader of this local nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of Tennesseans undergoing breast cancer treatment. As an oncology social worker, I have spent many years of my career providing counseling, leading support and bereavement groups, and providing resource linkage to cancer patients. During my social work internship, I was placed in an oncology clinic as a student social worker, and I felt an instant connection with the patients. My passion for caring for cancer patients began early in life. I lost my father to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma when I was two, and then lost my grandmother to metastatic breast cancer when I was in my twenties. These were two substantial losses in my life to cancer, and I knew I wanted to be a part of the healing process for those living with this disease.
I worked for two years in outpatient oncology at Ascension St. Thomas Midtown as a social worker. From this job, I learned firsthand the importance of the Tennessee Breast Cancer Coalition. Each woman diagnosed with breast cancer was just living her life working, raising a family or looking forward to retirement. Most of these women would then have to go on unpaid leave or short-term disability, thus losing their income or a large portion of it. As treatment expenses mounted, many of my patients had to choose between their copay or paying for groceries. TBCC
stepped in each time and provided support to these women by paying a month’s worth of household expenses, decreasing anxiety and stress in many women’s lives.
As a social worker, this organization is so dear to my heart. I pray that we can continue to provide hope, support and stability to each individual undergoing this life-altering event. Our emergency access fund provides a one-time financial grant of $1,500 to applicants who meet our criteria. Our criteria include residents of Tennessee, in active breast cancer treatment, and income at or below 250% of the poverty level. In 2022, TBCC assisted ninety-four individuals with a total payout of $88,000. Because of generous donors, sponsors, and grants last year, TBCC has been able to increase our emergency access fund budget for 2023 and increase our grant amount.
TBCC hosts two annual fundraisers for our emergency access fund. Our largest event is our Celebration of Life Golf Classic, to be held at Bluegrass Yacht & Country Club on August 7th This will be our twenty-seventh year hosting this beloved charity golf event! Our other major event is our Whiskey, Wine, & Cider night which kicks off breast cancer awareness month. This year it will be held on October 5th at The Bedford in Nashville. If you are interested in sponsoring or attending one of our events, becoming a donor, becoming a volunteer, or need assistance, please contact Lindsay Bridges at lindsay@tbcc.org
finding the right fit
Almost eighty percent of women are wearing ill-fitting bras. That ladies, is a problem that can and should be solved…today.
This wrong bra phenomenon typically begins after having children. So many women assume that after doing away with pregnancy and nursing bras that their pre-baby bra will fit. Oh, if only. Be prepared to endure painful underwire and cups that dig into your sides. Do not be shocked if whatever memory of a bra size you do have – is well, no longer accurate. Yes, even something crazy like going from a size 38C to a size 36DDD!
If you’re not ready for a professional bra fitting but still want to make sure you’re wearing the right bra size, grab a tape measure (the fabric kind, trust me!). Then use these handy instructions to walk you through a bra fitting at home.
And remember, wearing the wrong bra size can produce breast pain and bra irritation. For example, in a study on female horse riders and the impact of their bras, forty percent reported breast pain and fifty nine percent reported at least one bra issue. But don’t worry: It’s a myth that ill-fitting bras cause breast cancer.
Step 1: Determine your bra band size. While braless or wearing a non-padded bra, use a measuring tape to measure around your torso directly under your bust, where a bra band would sit. The tape should be level and very snug. Round to the nearest whole number. If the number is even, add four inches. If it’s odd, add five. Your band size is the sum of this calculation. (So, if you measured 32 inches, your band size is 36. If you measured 33 inches, your band size is 38).
Step 2: Take your
measurement. Wrap the measuring tape somewhat loosely around the fullest part of your chest (at nipple level). Round to the nearest whole number.
Step 3: Calculate your cup size.
Subtract your calculated band size (Step 1) from your bust measurement (Step 2) and refer to the bra cup size chart here. Your bra size is your band size with your cup size. Example: 37 inches (bust) – 34 inches (band) = 3 inches. That’s a 34C.
Speak Up!
Women’s health issues and concerns were once considered “taboo” topics, says Michelle Montville, M.D., but it’s time to stop suffering in silence. “For any woman who has been dismissed by a healthcare provider, or has been told treatment options do not exist for her respective medical condition, we at HerMD are here for you,” Dr. Montville said.
Dr. Montville, who practices at HerMD, focuses on gynecology care as well as sexual health and menopause. One of the many board-certified gynecologists providing care in Williamson County, including surgeries at Williamson Health, Dr. Montville recently offered a few tips to help women get the most from their gynecologist appointments.
Women may be hesitant to discuss symptoms, but gynecologists can often suggest options or treatments that can help improve patients’
daily lives. One example, Dr. Montville says, is menopause. “Women going through perimenopause and menopause have been misled about the effective treatment options available to them to help alleviate bothersome symptoms,” Dr. Montville said.
Dr. Montville also finds that some patients are embarrassed to talk about pelvic floor problems, but encourages women to speak up.
Routine exams and screenings are important tools to help women stay healthy, Dr. Montville says. These include annual Pap smears, which help to detect cervical cancer, as well as human papillomavirus (HPV). Other screenings Dr. Montville recommends include:
• Mammograms or routine screenings for breast cancer beginning at age forty for women at average risk of developing breast cancer
• Hereditary and genetic tests to assess risk
and early detection of cancer
• Routine checkups where cardiovascular risk factors are assessed and discussed. Dr. Montville stressed, “Routine checkups are very important for disease prevention, especially during menopause, because research has shown the risk of cardiovascular disease in women increases during that time.”
“Hormones are chemical messengers in our body,” Dr. Montville said. “They play a vital role in various bodily processes and functions. When levels of certain hormones in your body are too high or too low, this can have an impact on how your body feels and functions,” Dr. Montville said.
For women, one of the most important hormones is estrogen, and low levels during early menopause can cause a range of symptoms. “Hormone therapy is considered the gold standard treatment option in menopause care, and is usually combined with non-hormonal treatments and lifestyle modifications to help manage symptoms and optimize health during menopause,” she said. If you have concerns or questions about menopause or hormone therapy, Dr. Montville suggests seeking out a menopause specialist.
To learn more about Dr. Montville and her work at HerMD, visit HerMD.com. From routine screenings and pregnancy care to perimenopause and beyond, the talented physicians and providers of Williamson Health can help you live your healthiest life. Learn more at williamsonhealth.org.
Iris Medical Group (IMG) is a physician owned medical company providing in-home healthcare services. Our team is composed of physicians, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, and physician assistants working together to deliver affordable, efficient, and compassionate care to patients in the comfort of their own home.
Our in-home care offers the same full-service medical support you find in a normal doctor’s office, but without the commute, looking for a parking spot, the uncomfortable waiting room, or the cold exam room.
Telemedicine Consultation
Physical Exam & Annual Wellness
Referrals to Specialists
Care Plan Oversight
Prescription Refill
Evaluation for Home Health & Hospice
Medical Supply & Equipment Orders
Wound Care
Post Hospital Discharge & Follow Ups
Diagnostic Referrals
X-Ray, Ultrasound, Echocardiogram & ANS
Laboratory Works
Community Placement Consultation
See the Difference
fter a year of extremely arduous work, in November of 2022, I finally opened my own optometric practice: Franklin Vision Care. With my background in medical practice, this was a crash course in business management. My practice is a traditional “cold start” built from a “shell.” Rather than purchasing an established practice with an existing patient base, I had to build out my own office and start my optometric practice from scratch while also working full-time for another practice. This required careful planning and management, from overseeing construction to obtaining medical insurance credentials, implementing electronic health records, purchasing equipment, selecting optical products and recruiting an exceptional team. It was an all-consuming process, consuming my days and nights for months.
Franklin Vision Care was awarded Downtown Franklin Association’s Healthcare Office of the Year 2022, after only months in business. Without my family, friends, church, community,
mentors and consultants, this would not have been accomplished.
Franklin is where my family calls home. I genuinely care about the health and visual needs of my patients and community. When opening my practice, I chose a location less than two miles from my house because my patients are like my family. If they need me, I am there for them. I also travel to local nursing homes and provide eyecare to those that are home-bound. I have been working as a contracted travel optometrist with SightRite since August 2022 to provide eyecare to the senior community.
My recent inclusion in Nashville’s Top 30 Under 30 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is an honor that I cherish. My main goal is to increase my knowledge and raise awareness about cystic fibrosis and the foundation. Additionally, I want to develop connections with other young professionals who are making a difference in our community. As Nashville's top young professionals, we have a crucial role to play
in our city. Working together, we can create a positive impact and lift up the entire community. I believe this experience will help us grow as leaders and benefit Nashville as a whole. I am excited to collaborate with like-minded professionals and emerge from this opportunity as a better version of myself.
Despite all the recent exciting events, I want to emphasize that my greatest accomplishment is my daughter, Evelyn. She is the light of my life, especially after the life-threatening birth experience due to HELLP Syndrome and a seventeen-day NICU stay that we went through. We are incredibly grateful to be healthy and alive. This experience gave me a new perspective and helped me discover my purpose. I realized that serving my community is my true calling, and being an optometrist in my community is a true gift.
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Ladies of Distinction
What does it mean to be a lady? As explained: “A lady is a woman who is refined, polite, and well-spoken. She may be poor and have little education, but she exemplifies traits and character beyond her social stature or formal training and intelligence.” To be distinctive or to have distinction meaning to have “excellence that sets someone or something apart from others.”
It is no surprise then, that the eight women nominated this year for our annual recognition as Ladies of Distinction, fit those descriptions and then some. Every year, I look forward to our Ladies’ Edition of YOUR Williamson, to learn more about eight women in our community. Sometimes I know them already and learn something new I didn’t know. But most often, I have the privilege to learn about someone who I do not know and whose recognition in this issue, is both enlightening and inspiring, and I certainly hope, will be for you.
To be a lady, is something that was instilled in me as a young child, sitting at my grandmother Robertson’s formal dining table, being taught where to place the fork and knife properly; being reminded to keep my elbows off the table and to never interrupt the adults in conversation. Of course, I still believe all of those things are important, and I continually work to instill those values in my daughter, despite a world that seemingly, every day, works hard to dispel and squash those elements of tradition, honor and good behavior, from both a lady and a gentleman.
carey ann cyr
Carey Ann Cyr is a twenty-two-year veteran in the mortgage industry and serves as Branch Manager and Senior Loan Office at CMG Financial. As a top leader in her industry, Carey Ann feels her calling in life is to go out into the world every day with a passion to lead, support and celebrate employees, clients and others within our local community. Although excelling in business is a big part of who she is, her biggest accomplishment is being a very active and present mother, a loving daughter, a reliable older sister and a friend that will never leave a friend’s side.
Carey Ann’s passion for music brought her from New Hampshire to Williamson County. While trying to navigate her career path, Carey Ann worked at Cozymels Mexican Restaurant, where she was subsequently introduced to the mortgage business. Within a short amount of time, she began climbing the corporate ladder, beginning with assistant work, then operations, on to sales, eventually to leadership and now managing and operating one of the top leading mortgage teams in the state of Tennessee called: CareyAnn & MyMortgageTeam.
Carey Ann admits, “I am so very grateful to my parents who raised me with an understanding of class, how to be respectful and how much I
BY SHELLY ROBERTSON BIRDSONGAs an adult, and an adult in business, I continue to try to exemplify being a lady. And I value new and additional characteristics of what that means, in myself and others around me in life. Of course, I do try to mind my manners still when attending an event! But I also continue to address my seniors or those who came before me whether in life or in work, with respect. I believe that everyone should be addressed formally – Mr. Jones, Miss Smith – until asked or told to address them by their first name. Even then, I find it difficult with those I admire most. Sometimes our lady like tendencies give way to less so, when life is difficult and chaotic and no one else seems to care about such things. But I find solace, when I am able to remind myself that no matter your circumstances, no matter your place in the world, a lady is something that you can be even in your own personal worse moments; especially when you realize that another lady or person, is deserving of your best and your respect regardless of how you may feel that day. Carrying that mantra into the business world can make almost any exchange a little better!
These eight exceptional women are fascinating to me, and I am so proud to feature them here. I am even prouder to call several of them personal friends and I look forward to knowing more about those I am just meeting here. Here’s to the ladies Williamson County – they are as beautiful inside and out as they are smart, strong, resilient and above all – community minded.
can do in life – if I only put my mind to it. So, being a female in a very male-dominated industry was just ‘what it was,’ and I was not going to be intimidated or discouraged to go all the way and reach my goals.”
Most recently, Carey Ann launched a free monthly event called ExecuteHers, built for fierce and fabulous women in business who think big and want to execute bigger. Carey Ann wanted a safe place full of energy for ladies to meet other like-minded gals, learn business strategies, hear from keynote speakers, and, most importantly, know it’s okay to be driven.
lisa witherow underwood
Lisa Witherow Underwood has owned her real estate consulting business, Underwood Marketing and Events, since 2000. Through her career, she has made a name for herself in the consulting industry, particularly in Williamson County. Her journey began after college when she landed her first job as a Marketing Director for a home building company. Lisa shares, “I immediately fell in love with the home building and land development industry and have been blessed to work in it for the entirety of my career.” Her passion for her work is evident in the contributions she makes not only to her role but also to the overall fabric of the community.
What sets Williamson County apart for Lisa is not only its physical beauty but also the kind and generous people who live there. Lisa shares, “I am proud to be a part of a community with a beautiful heart that attracts people from all over the United States.” Professionally, Lisa considers her greatest accomplishment to be the privilege of working with some of the absolute best people in the real estate industry. Personally, her greatest accomplishment is her family.
"I have been married for thirty-five years to an engineer who keeps me straight!" Lisa admits. "There is a definite difference between the mind of an engineer, and the mind of a marketing person." Lisa has two children, a son who passed away in 2022, and a daughter who is also
in the real estate industry. Lisa has been a Bible Study Fellowship discussion group leader for the past sixteen years and serves on the Board of Directors for the Home Builders Association of Middle Tennessee, as well as an advisory board member of the Construction Management program at MTSU.
Lisa's advice to her younger self today would be to remember that the most important thing in life is being there for the ones you love. Lisa believes that being kind, gentle and having compassion for others is what it means to be a lady. Her faith and her family inspire her to work harder, be better and do more. In her free time, Lisa loves to travel, exercise, read and explore the back roads of Williamson County, while looking at real estate.
halie gallik
Ever since moving to Nolensville a decade ago, Halie Gallik and her family have found that Williamson County is a community that cares about each other. In 2009, she moved to town and began working for Public Entity Partners. She’s served in multiple roles in her time there and is currently the Director of Underwriting.
In 2020, the citizens of Nolensville voted to change their charter from an Aldermanic charter to a Commission form of government. That same year, Halie decided to run for Commissioner. She ran because she “felt that her knowledge and professional experience could benefit the Nolensville community during the transition.” Her victory led her to her current mayoral position, where she is focused on improving public safety resources and expanding parks and recreation opportunities for Nolensville.
As a Commissioner and Mayor, Halie is committed to listening to the needs of her community and working tirelessly to advocate for their interests. She believes that as an elected official, it is her responsibility to ensure that requests of her community are provided, particularly in areas like parks and recreation and library services.
Halie and her husband, Michael, have been married for twelve years and have three children. She hopes to instill in them the values of hard work and the importance of advocation for one’s beliefs; knowing these principles, anything is possible.
janet norman
Janet Norman joined the Williamson County community in 2001. Since then, her dedication to the community has been far-reaching. She is a 2013 graduate of the Leadership of Brentwood program and a member of the Lions Club and Kars4 Kids. Janet has been a part of A Vintage Affair for fourteen years and has served on their Board of Directors for three years. She feels honored that the Drury family entrusted her to be a part of the organization and is inspired by their hard work and dedication to the community.
Along with being an active community member, she has been a part of the banking industry for twenty-nine years. In April of 2022, Janet joined Mountain Commerce Bank, as she connected with their values and appreciation of giving back to the community. Janet has always tried to lead by example, and she feels that to be successful in this community, you must have strong personal values such as integrity, accountability and teamwork. She wants to go the extra mile to ensure that Mountain Commerce Bank is represented positively in the Williamson County community.
She believes that growing up in a small community inspired her to want to help others. Raised on a farm in Coffee County, she developed a strong work ethic, rising early and working late. This upbringing instilled in her the importance of structure in life, which she credits with shaping her character.
She married her soul mate, and they’ve endured life’s ups and downs as one. They love to travel and experience new things, making Williamson County a great fit. She loves the rich history, special events throughout the year, the shopping and, of course, the parks. Janet and her husband love being outdoors and taking in the community’s beauty.
monique mccullough
Born and raised in Williamson County, Monique McCullough always knew she was meant to serve her community. And for twenty-three years, she’s been doing just that at the City of Franklin. Monique is the city’s Special Events and Public Outreach Specialist, a role that allows her to work closely with the community she loves.
At the City of Franklin, she leads the Special Events Advisory Team. Referred to as “SEAT.” The team comprises a staff member from most of the city’s departments, including Police, Fire, Emergency Management, Traffic and Public Works. Together,they review all special event applications and work with the organizers to ensure their ultimate goal: Safety.
Having worked on hundreds of events over the years, Monique finds that festivals are important to the quality of life in our community. One of her favorite events is the Veteran’s Day Parade. Just after the tragic events of September 11th, local radio station WAKM approached the city with the idea to host a Veterans Day Parade. The City accepted it with zero
hesitation, and it’s now an honored tradition in downtown Franklin. Monique describes the chills she gets when she looks down Main Street and sees thousands lined up to honor our Veterans.
Monique’s strong work ethic has always been apparent, but knowing she serves others inspires her to go above and beyond.
ayla robertson
Ayla Robertson has been a Police Officer for the Brentwood Police Department for two and a half years. While working in Williamson County, she has found that the people here contribute to the tight-knit and supportive community. Despite the potential for encountering individuals who may not appreciate her role, Ayla finds immense value in the trust and support of the citizens she serves.
Ayla’s interest in law enforcement was sparked from a Criminal Justice course she took in high school. Her teacher had experience in law enforcement, and she was drawn to how the course was designed. From there, the teacher became a mentor she still reaches out to. Her core motivation is to help people, with a goal to steer individuals towards a more positive outcome.
She doesn’t take her responsibilities lightly and knows she may be talking to someone on their worst day. So, she ensures that all her interactions prioritize empathy and understanding. To Ayla, being an officer is more than upholding the law and assisting during emergencies.
Reflecting on her own journey, Ayla would advise her younger self that even though setting goals and pushing oneself to achieve them can be challenging, it can also lead to growth and personal development. She draws inspiration from her grandfather’s encouraging words, “You can do anything you set your mind to,” as a reminder of the importance of perseverance.
She also must understand the ever-changing needs of individuals in the community.
Ila Bridal believes in a simplified approach to wedding dress shopping without compromising on fashion or comfort. Our expertise and experience help women find the dress that makes them look and feel like their truly captivating self. We offer private appointments where the bride receives the entire boutique to herself and her loved ones while she shops with her personal bridal stylist. Our brides create their own traditions and don’t identify with factory made, mainstream, mass produced bridal. We serve brides looking for a more natural way to shop - without all the fussiness, complicated and overly expensive hoopla that the industry markets to women. Our Nashville bridal boutique carries only ethically made wedding wear that are hand picked for their high quality fabrics and construction, fashion forward style, exclusivity and originality. The cherry on top? Once you find the gown that’s made for you, it’s yours! Our streamlined process allows you to walk out of the shop that day with your brand new, ready to wear wedding gown and all the resources needed for your next steps.
*Mention this ad and receive a free gift with gown purchase.
cheryl brown
Cheryl D. Brown serves as the Chief Executive Officer and founder of the Good Neighbor Foundation. The Good Neighbor Foundation is a United States Department of House and Urban Development Certified non-profit whose mission is to ensure that individuals and families with low to moderate income, as those of any income level, can maintain ownership of their homes. She saw a need and a gap to serve, and she filled that gap by teaching first-time homeowners the process of understanding homeownership.
She also recently served as the first black woman in the role of Chairman of the Williamson County Republican Party. Over her three years in that position, she increased membership by over 120% and raised over half a million dollars.
Brown is proud to have called Williamson County home for the past twenty-three years, and she loves serving this community by being a leader. Cheryl and her husband, Michael, have been married for thirtyfive years, and the pair moved their family to Williamson County in 1999. After losing her son to suicide in 2010, Cheryl and her husband, Michael, have made it their mission to share their story with others who have experienced the same tragedy, bringing comfort and hope to those in need.
If Cheryl could offer advice to her younger self, she would encourage her to find peace, stay there, and forgive quickly, as life is too short to hold grudges. Her inspiring story is a testament to her strength, resilience, and dedication to serving others.
rebecca baskin
Dr. Rebecca Baskin works as a surgeon and breast health expert, currently serving at the Williamson Breast Health Center within the Williamson Health Center. After battling breast cancer in 2008, she returned to her career with a reignited passion and has been helping her patients on the same journey she endured. Since joining Williamson Medical in 2016, Rebecca and other doctors have worked tirelessly to stay dedicated to the cutting-edge care of women’s and men’s breast health and education and technology.
She enjoys caring for the health of women in the community and how the positivity ripples throughout the community. She often witnesses her patients underestimating their own strength throughout their journey and finds great joy in being able to support and guide them through every step of the process.
Rebecca's greatest accomplishment is building an integrated team for her patients, which includes radiology, surgery, and oncology partners. From imaging and radiology to the care post-biopsy, her patients can rest assured that the team is dedicated to supporting them every step of the way.
Rebecca and her peers are determined to stay current and learn new techniques that can improve the lives and outcomes of patients.
She believes that being a lady entails upholding the golden rule – treating others the way you would want to be treated.
Our mission
is to be the foremost advocate and provider for Tennesseans facing breast cancer through individual assistance, education, and legislative action.
quality, unique hats, that echo the sentiments of the West, we dove into the world of traditional millinery hat-making. We began like any great company, in the garage of my home. So, in tapping into our collaborative creativity, some trial and error and good ol’ fashion elbow grease, Nic and Maude was born.
Where did the name Nic and Maude come from? Well, my Great-Great Aunt Maude was a hat maker in downtown Detroit in the 1940s and ’50s. She was a beautiful, free-spirited, self-made woman, who, despite many setbacks in her personal life, founded a successful hat company. So, in choosing the name for our company, it only felt right to tip our hat to Great Aunt Maude.
names, these hats can carry each client’s individual narrative. Since the beginning, the goal of Nic & Maude was to bring the customer’s story to life in each piece, making it a conversation starter, and personal memento.
Apart from our hat-making endeavors, we are also active members of the Williamson County community. We believe in giving back, and have been involved in various local initiatives, and fundraising events for local charities.
met my best friend Nicole over eighteen years ago in Nashville, and we quickly realized we were kindred spirits. Nicole is a Franklin native. She was born and raised right here in the heart of the South. Whereas, I moved to Franklin twenty years ago and have called it home ever since. Through the years, we have lived a lot of life together as mothers, artists, musicians, travelers and now hat makers! Nicole and I have always been avid hat wearers but had trouble finding what we ultimately wanted in a hat. In our many travels out West, we fell in love with the long landscapes and the grit of the people among its wild nature. Out West is where our love for hats became more than just an accessory to our wardrobe. In a desire to create high-end,
What makes our custom hats stand out among the rest, is a few key details. Every hat is hand-pressed, hand-sewn and hand-shaped, giving each a one-of-a-kind feel. Another element to the process is that Nicole and I take time to hear about your story, and you collectively create how you want to finish and adorn your hat. From the basics of leather and silks wrapped around the crown to the unique ability to use personal items and family heirlooms, and even hand-burning quotes or
If you’re intrigued by our story and want to experience the magic of Nic & Maude for yourself, visit our website nicandmaude.com or follow us on all social media platforms at @nicandmaude. Our hats are also available for purchase at Moo Country in downtown Leiper’s Fork, Cult Persona in downtown Columbia, and Awaken Tennessee in downtown Franklin. And as always, we offer custom commissions for those who want a unique experience and one-of-a-kind hat.
Expressions of Spring
Inaugural Running Iroquois Memorial Steeplechase 1941![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/230508183621-8b4363da7763f7adec7d7b91ec213723/v1/534b28dcb59c5ab6e3e58289010601f7.jpeg)
BY ANNA ROBERTSON HAMhe bell rings, the ground shakes, and the roar of the crowd surges through the air as middle Tennessee’s rite of spring is celebrated once again. The Iroquois Steeplechase takes place annually at Percy Warner Park on the second Saturday of May, placing it on May 13th this year. This will be the eighty-second running of the race, and those involved work nonstop to make sure that every year of the event is better than the year before.
Since 1941, the Iroquois Steeplechase has brought top horses from across the country, and even around the globe, to Nashville. The day of races has grown to attract more than 25,000 spectators, dressed in the most stylish of southern spring fashion to cheer on their favorite horses and jockeys, all while raising money for Monroe Carrel Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt - one of the nation’s leading children’s hospitals, treating and helping to prevent a full range of pediatric health issues from colds and broken bones to complex heart diseases and cancer. The event has donated nearly $11 million to the Children’s Hospital since 1981.
The Iroquois also benefits The Foundation for the Horse, which was founded in 1994 and is governed and stewarded by equine veterinarians. Their mission to improve the health and welfare of horses is supported by the expertise of many world-renowned caregivers and researchers, unequaled in their ability to identify the needs of the equine and the most critical health concerns facing the equine population. Today, they are a dynamic organization focused on delivering relevant research, education, and outreach to the equine industry.
Friends of Warner Parks is another beneficiary of the event and is dedicated to the preservation, stewardship and protection of Percy and Edwin Warner Parks. They contribute to the preservation of the Percy Warner Park grounds, and all improvements to the Iroquois Steeplechase grounds are paid for by the Foundation from race proceeds. That maintenance provides year-round benefits and enhancements for the Equestrian Center at Percy Warner Park.
Virginia “Gigi” Lazenby spoke to me about how her father, Paul Banks Jr., worked for Calvin Houghland, the former Chair of the Race Committee. Paul was involved with helping run the event and course maintenance, including modernizing the course by adding an irrigation system and drainage for better safety of the horses and riders. The track at Percy Warner Park is now known as one of the top Steeplechase racing locations across the country. Gigi has been involved with the event over the years, not only with attending since she was young but
also as an outrider for the races. She would ride side-saddle during the races and be more of a “show outrider” as she describes. She even has a story about how current Chairman of the Race Committee, Dwight Hall, was riding and his horse missed the fence and knocked her off - there is even a picture capturing the moment they collided! Luckily, no one was injured, but it is quite the story.
In 2008, Dwight Hall became Chairman of the Race Committee. His history with the event has many chapters, as he was a jockey and won the Iroquois Steeplechase in 1977 riding Alvaro II. Dwight has had a passion for horses since he began riding around ten years old, from foxhunting to showing. He got his jockey’s license at sixteen and rode for many years. He retired his racing silks with his last ride at the Iroquois Steeplechase in 1986, riding Flatterer. Dwight worked with Calvin Houghland and has served on the Race Committee for many years, as well as Clerk of the Course before taking the position as Chairman, following Henry Hooker. He says every year the number one thing he looks forward to is to have a safe day of racing, good competition, great weather and that the event runs smoothly.
The races have grown over the many decades and transformed from people lining the fence and hillside. Attendees now have several options to spectate the day of races. There is the option to tailgate, which is a very popular choice and consists of the Infield, Stirrup Club, RV and Family Area. Tailgating is a great choice especially when you want the opportunity to make your own celebratory space and experience the races with the best seats in the house. With tailgating, guests can decorate, set up a feast, make their own bars and truly bring their own touch to race day. Tailgaters can also enter the 6th annual YOUR Williamson Tailgate Contest by posting your 2023 race day Tailgate photos to Facebook and Instagram with hashtag #TailgateContest and tag @yourwilliamson for a chance to win a Topside Tailgating Spot for 2024!
There are the party tents, including the Hunt Club and Royal 615. The Hunt Club has table seating and access to food and beverage catering all day. Royal 615 is the hottest party at Iroquois Steeplechase - featuring DJs, craft cocktails and food trucks, guests will celebrate in style. Guests can also do a private tent to entertain their invited guests with food and beverage options provided through catering. Choose between Railside Tent with ability to bring your own food and beverage or purchase through recommendations, or Hillside and purchase the catering and bartending packages required on the Hillside.
Attendees can also purchase individual tickets, which provide access to Steeplechase Central, all tailgating areas, Iroquois Shoppes, Vendor Village and Family Area. And, of course, there are the long-standing hillside Boxes, which are sold out but have a wait-list that you can add your name to.
The Iroquois Steeplechase is, by far, one of my favorite equine events in the area. Put on your Lilly Pulitzer and bright hat, and gather for a day at the track - in sophisticated, southern style. To learn more about this exciting event and to purchase your tailgating spot or tickets, visit iroquoissteeplechase.org. I hope to see you at the races!
Dwight Hall & Alvaro II 1976![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/230508183621-8b4363da7763f7adec7d7b91ec213723/v1/e2be3cba1110840ceeaf1ffdb91574e8.jpeg)
Iroquois Steeplechase History
In the 1930’s, a group of fox hunting enthusiasts decided to build a permanent Steeplechase course. Marcellus Frost encouraged a small group to go look at a valley in the Percy Warner Park, land which was donated to the city of Nashville a decade or so before, where he envisioned a perfect location for a course. The land included hills and terrain changes where jumps could be installed. Most importantly, there was a hillside for spectators to be able to view the entire course from above. Frost took John Sloan, Sr., Mason Houghland, and Con Thompson Ball for a ride to see the location.
By 1937, “Pops” Frost had convinced the Works Progress Administration to provide backing for the funding and manpower to build the racecourse. With permission from the City Park Commission, Mason Houghland called upon William du Pont Jr. to design the course. Work began in 1938 and was finished in time to run the inaugural event in May of 1941. The volunteers needed to put on the race came from the pasture race circuit members and local fox hunters. They created the Volunteer State Horsemen’s Association (now Foundation), which today remains the governing body of the race meet. The early leadership of the Association was Mason Houghland (President), John Sloan Sr., (Vice President) and Henry Hines (Secretary/Treasurer).
John Sloan Sr. chose the name Iroquois for the event, after the 19th century horse Iroquois, owned by Pierre Lorillard, who was the first American bred horse to win the Epsom Derby (1881), the preeminent race in England. Iroquois retired to the Harding farm, Belle Meade Plantation, where he stood at stud until he died in 1899. The Lorillard colors- cherry red and black- are the colors of the Iroquois Steeplechase.
The winner of the first Iroquois was Rockmayne, ridden by Dinwiddie Lampton, and owned (leased) by Miss Barbara Bullitt. The minor races, leading up to the featured Iroquois, were pony races, a
grooms’ race (on Mules), the Marcellus Frost Hunter Race (named for that visionary who located the course), and the Truxton Purse, a race on the flat named for one of Andrew Jackson’s favorite horses.
Mason Hougland served many years as the Chair of the Race Committee. He handed the responsibility to his son, Calvin Houghland, who modernized the course, adding irrigation and improved drainage to make the course safer for the competitors. He also led the organization through its evolution to a Foundation. Henry Hooker took over as Chairman of the Race Committee in 1991, with Calvin heading the Board of Trustees. By 2008, Dwight Hall (formerly a winning Iroquois Jockey) became Chairman of the Race Committee.
Today, the Iroquois Steeplechase–run by the nonprofit, 501c3 organization the Volunteer State Horsemen's Foundation–routinely attracts more than 25,000 spectators to the Equestrian Center at Percy Warner Park in Nashville to watch the best horses and riders in the world.
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we do hats
Race Day Schedule
8AM - RV Tailgating opens
8:30AM - Inside the track tailgating opens, which includes Topside, Centerfield, Midfield and Railside Tents.
9AM - Stirrup Club tailgating and Family Area tailgating opens.
9:30AM – 11:30AM - Visit the Bubbly Bar in the Royal 615 Lounge for pre-party drinks.
10:30AM - RV and ‘inside the track’ tailgating vehicles must be in place.
11AM - Stirrup Club and Family Tailgating vehicles must be in place. Turf Club, Hunt Club and Paddock Club tents open.
12PM - Opening Ceremonies
1PM – Race 1 Begins
1:40PM - Race 2 Begins
1:55PM - Stick Horse Race. A time-honored tradition at the Iroquois Steeplechase is watching the kids compete in the Michael Stanley Stick Horse Race. Signup is located at the 99.7 WTN Tent in the Family Area.
2:20PM - Race 3 Begins
3PM - Race 4 Begins
3:40PM - Race 5 Begins
3:55PM - Parade of Hounds
4:20PM - Race 6 Begins
APPROX. 5:30PM - Iroquois Society, Paddock Club, Royal 615 and Hunt Club tents close 15 minutes after the final race ends.
1027 8th ave S
Solo Guilford Dudley Jr. Dwight Hall![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/230508183621-8b4363da7763f7adec7d7b91ec213723/v1/000f691b0d0c658d6deec8497a8300af.jpeg)
2023 Child Ambassador
This year’s Iroquois Steeplechase Child Ambassador from Monroe Carell is ten-year-old Rivers DeLisle. Rivers was born with a rare heart condition called tetralogy of Fallot that includes a combination of four congenital heart defects. He underwent his first open heart surgery at just one-month-old. Due to complications, he suffered cardiac arrest and was placed on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), a form of life support for those with life-threatening illness or injury that affects the function of their heart or lungs.
His care team at Monroe Carell provided constant vigilance and support, as Rivers would require multiple blood transfusions and intense medical management. His treatment plan included a follow-up surgery to repair a collapsed artery, and Rivers was then able to come off ECMO. At seven months old, Rivers had his last open-heart surgery. Today, he is thriving, energetic and enjoys horseback riding with his pony Jelly Bean, swimming, listening to music and dancing with his friends. He jumps at the chance to go to work with his dad at the equine hospital or run to the farm to feed the cows. Rivers’ family says that he brings so much joy to everyone in his life, and he is here because of the expert care he received at Monroe Carell.
Rivers continues to receive cardiology care with yearly ultrasounds to determine when he will need his final heart repair. He also receives care from various other teams at Monroe Carell including his ear, nose and throat team who recently implanted a specialized hearing device that allows Rivers to have full auditory access to the world around him.
Southern Domestic Diva's own, Allie Williamson, has just released her Southern Diva Cookbook! Within the pages of this Southern Diva Cookbook you will learn how to use your cast iron skillet and how to keep it clean! Scan the QR Code to get your very own copy today!
Iroquois Steeplechase Kick-Off Party
Nashville Office
2514 Eugenia Ave | Nashville
WHO: Friends of Iroquois Steeplechase | iroquoissteeplechase.org
WHAT: Iroquois Steeplechase Kick-Off Party WHERE: Volunteer State Horseman’s Foundation WHY: The Iroquois Steeplechase team held their annual kick-off event and announced the honorary chair John (Jay) C. Wellons III, MD, MSPH, Chief of the Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery and Cal Turner Chair in Pediatric Neurosurgery at Monroe Carell. This year’s Child Ambassador from Monroe Carell is ten-year-old Rivers DeLisle. Rivers was born with a rare heart condition called tetralogy of Fallot which includes a combination of four congenital heart defects. This year’s official Iroquois Steeplechase artwork was unveiled at the official kick-off event. Michael J. McBride was selected as this year’s artist, and the painting he entitled Steeplechase Ghost Rider was unveiled at the party.
Think outside the box
eXPeRIeNCe THe Best Seats in the House
The Iroquois Steeplechase has been a hallmark in Nashville since 1941. Each year at Percy Warner Park, 25,000 people attend for a day of racing, parties and a glimpse into some of the season’s
fashion trends. Bring your friends and family and enjoy a day at the races while supporting a great cause. Tailgating provides the perfect setting for a day of celebration at the races.
ranklin Antique Mall began about forty-four years ago with my parents, Joan and Archie Glenn. While out for a Sunday drive, they saw that the Ice House (the Franklin Antique Mall building), was for lease, so they inquired about it and ended up signing a lease for it that day. They envisioned the 13,000 square foot building to be the perfect place for an antique mall because of its turn-of-the-century architecture, with all the windows down the side and a beautiful front porch. The interior also lent itself to antiques, with its eighteenth-century French door, towering ceilings, brick walls, tile floors and raw wooden beams.
Franklin Antique Mall was established on July 5, 1979, with crowds of people coming in to see the exciting new business that had opened in Franklin. The mall started the first year with thirty-two booths and quickly grew to 100 booths, as well as adding a Tea Room called The Lunch Pail. With a business across the street of local artisans, called The Emporium Franklin Antique Mall, it was quite the destination…as it still is today. Franklin Antique Mall is a favorite among locals as well as people from all over the country - and even all over the world - as we have a registration book located in our front hall for visitors to come in and sign. We have numerous booths that we lease
A Favorite Among Locals
out to talented vendors who sell all the wonderful treasures that they find in their excursions. With all the eclectic inventory from antique furniture to vintage jewelry, boutique clothing and home decor, we have something for everyone!
I inherited Franklin Antique Mall in 1996 from my parents and life hasn’t been boring since. I feel that being a female business owner has been a good fit because of all the multitasking that has to be done, especially between the customers and the vendors who come in to restock their booths weekly. I am proud to be a female business owner as I’ve been an example to my daughter, Morgan, that you can achieve anything you want to achieve with a little hard work and a good business ethic. My staff, Carolyn Golden, Kristi Markovich, Karrie Poole, Gina Golden and Patty Hinton, who are all amazing women, help with all the day-to-day running of the business. I have been so blessed to have them all put their talents and people skills into this business. It’s what brings the treasure hunters, who love coming to Franklin Antique Mall.
We have accomplished serving the community for forty-four years and we have had so many people from all walks of life from decorators to celebrities, businesspeople and families, as customers. They want to escape the day-to-day life and wander back in time to a place that was less complicated and reminiscent of days gone by. We have won fourteen Sizzle Awards for Best Antiques, a Downtown Franklin Association Award for Antiques of the Year, as well as the Best of Tennessee Reader’s Choice Award for Best Antiques Store. Franklin Antique Mall has been like a family to me, and I have loved seeing all the people who have come through those doors for over four decades. My parents would be so thrilled to know that their vision has been such a huge success and I’m so blessed to have been a part of it! Learn more at franklinantiquemall.com.
Offering A Hand-Up, Not A Handout HABITAT FOR HUMANITY
BY ANNA ROBERTSON HAMHabitat for Humanity Williamson-Maury (HFHWM) is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization and ecumenical Christian ministry that partners with local families in need and donors to build stable, safe homes and sell them with an affordable mortgage. HFHWM was fully incorporated as an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International in December of 1992. They have since built over 290 homes in Williamson and Maury Counties and continue to build ten to sixteen new homes per year.
HFHWM offers a hand-up, not a handout. They build and sell energy-efficient, craftsman-style homes to qualifying families. Habitat serves as both the general contractor and the mortgage lender on all the houses. Habitat brings together sponsors and volunteers to fund and build each home in partnership with families. More than seventy percent of the work done on each house is done through volunteer labor, and HFHWM receives donations of money and materials from individuals, companies and groups who are
committed to supporting Habitat. A volunteer Family Selection Committee qualifies applicants for the Homeownership Program.
Families must meet three basic criteria to qualify for a Habitat home. They must demonstrate need by living in substandard or overcrowded living conditions, by paying more than thirty percent of their income on housing, or by living in subsidized housing. They must have the ability to pay. Applicants must have steady, reliable income, a credit score above 550, and a debt-to-income ratio below forty percent. They also must cooperate with the committees on all paperwork, home visits, and sweat equity, including completion of a budgeting class.
Part of the fundraising for Habitat for Humanity Williamson-Maury’s Women Build Program comes from their annual Hammers & High Heels event, which is returning to the Factory at Franklin on May 19th. The evening will feature live music, a plated dinner, photo booth
fun and silent auction. This year’s theme is “Garden Party” and guests are encouraged to dress accordingly in business cocktail attire. All proceeds support Habitat for Humanity Williamson-Maury’s Women Build Program, by raising the funds to construct a home for local, single mother, Paige Wolf, and her two daughters. We had the opportunity to interview Paige to learn more about her experience with Habitat for Humanity. To say the least, it has changed her life.
See our interview with Paige below and make sure to mark your calendars for Hammers & High Heels! Learn more and get your tickets at womenbuildtn.com.
Can you tell us a bit about your background and upbringing?
My background is quite a bit different than most. I grew up in a variety of different places. Being the oldest sibling of six, I grew up taking care of my younger siblings. I was taught a lot of hard lessons at a young age and dealt with the idea of “you didn’t have to have much to survive.” I grew up in a single-wide trailer with no heat or air. In the winter, we would block off the hallway and kitchen inside and everyone would sleep on the living room floor with two small space heaters to stay warm, and when that didn’t do the trick, we would turn on all the eyes on the stove, and the oven to warm the entire trailer. Often, we would wake up with frost on the kitchen counters. When winter would get bad, we would often lose our water supply because the water lines were only six inches underground. During the summer months, we would all sleep outside on the trampoline. Most of the time temperatures would stay over 100 inside the trailer so sleeping outside was a way for us to stay cool.
How did you manage to attend college and pursue your career while also being a mother at a young age?
One word - dedication. I don’t use this word lightly. I know that most of the young mother’s
life myself will struggle a little bit more than a traditional family with a husband, wife, and stable career. I know that the life I want for my daughters will not be handed to me. I know I must work hard, keep my head up, and stay focused to give all three of us the life we deserve. I have overcome so much in such a short time; I don’t plan on giving up now. I have too much to lose.
How did you find out about with Habitat for Humanity?
I had heard about it a couple of years ago and applied and was denied. It was mentioned again during a conversation with my elderly neighbor’s daughter. I applied for the second time and was denied again. I continued to work on the two reasons I was denied and took all my faith and prayers and reapplied for the third time. My prayers were answered, and I was approved on my third application. Since getting my approval, I have worked for many hours through phone calls, emails, in-office visits, zoom visits, and volunteer hours to become intertwined with everyone in the organization. Cheryl, Hannah and everyone else that we have interacted with have opened their arms and hearts and treated my children and me like family. I couldn’t ask for anything better.
What went through your mind when you learned that you would be the Women Build Partner Family?
I was very nervous. I’m the type of person who stays to myself and I do not like being the center of attention. However, knowing what the partnership looked like being the women build, I was honored to be
chosen. I think my story will help other parents in similar situations to mine, or at least I hope it will.
In three words, share what this experience has been like. Accountable. Life-Changing. Inspirational.
What are you most looking forward to with homeownership?
I’m looking forward to living in an affordable safe place to watch my children grow up. Buying a home helps secure a future not only for me but for my girls.
What motivates you to work towards building a secure financial future and being a positive role model for your daughters?
My children. They are my motivation. Growing up I saw many examples of influences that I did not want to give my children. I’m breaking generational curses and building a future. I want to leave something behind for my children to carry on. This step is only the beginning. I’m just getting started.
What advice would you give to others who may be facing similar challenges as you have in the past?
Never give up, surround yourself with people who want to grow and push you to be better. Your life is a result of the choices you make, if you don’t like your life, then you need to start making some changes.
The best choice when you want best-in-class
Parks delivers extraordinary real estate services with unparalleled local knowledge. Whether you want to be in the heart of it all or escape from it all, trust the market leader to lead you home.
The Community’s Biggest Cheerleaders
Wondering what’s going on with the fast-paced Middle Tennessee home market? The LCT Team has their finger on the pulse and say the spring market hit early this year encouraging homeowners to fast-track selling plans helping meet the demand for new homes. And it’s also keeping the LCT Team on their toes!
With decades of experience, our team was created with the vision of a smart and supportive group of female Realtors who elevate client service while serving their community and upholding the highest principles of the profession. Continually earning Parks Realty’s #1 team and honored by numerous organizations in the community as a favorite or top Realtors, our team is comprised of more than just top agents but is made up of people who care deeply about making the Middle Tennessee area an even better place to live and work.
Described as natives from Williamson and Maury Counties to Nashvillians and several others who made their way here as fast as they could, the LCT Team is considered one of the biggest cheerleaders for the community, something in which our team leader, Lisa Culp Taylor, takes great pride. “When I say there is no better place to live than the Williamson County and Nashville areas, I truly mean it. From the beautiful change of seasons, our
diverse economy and business opportunities to incredible schools and quality of life, there is a reason so many people are choosing to live and work here.”
In April of 2023, the Wall Street Journal put Nashville on the national map once again by naming the Music City as the hottest job market in America. Being a city of opportunity is definitely a driving force behind the current residential market. While the market continues to naturally fluctuate, when the LCT Team works with their clients on listing a home, the formula for pricing it correctly is critical now more than ever says Lisa. “We take a careful look at the condition of the home, comparable home sales and use our decades of experience to find that sweet spot.”
In addition to pricing a home competitively, our team is backed by a support team of professionals who make the home buying and selling process as stress-free and enjoyable as possible. We also implement the LCT Team custom marketing plan created for each home we represent.
Currently, the LCT Team is working with over a dozen of the top home builders in Middle Tennessee. This gives us a unique perspective on the latest in luxury home design and building
as well as early access to move-in ready, new homes hitting the market.
The team is unique with a diverse group of talent and experience which benefits clients on so many levels. At the heart of it all is a client commitment, professionalism and driving desire to offer the best service possible. We describe ourselves as “Leveraging real estate resources with a Creative and Tenacious spirit with the LCT Team delivering a synergy of success for each client,” says Lisa. “It really does take a proven formula to help our clients through this ever-changing market and we do this with meticulous attention to all details. It can really make a difference in a stress-free home buying or selling experience. And, at the end of day, we are grateful to be surrounded by a group of smart Realtors, part of Middle Tennessee’s #1 brokerage, Parks Realty, and support staff who are kind, supportive and all loving what we do!”
Connect with the LCT Team today at 615.775.3830 or visit LCTTeam.com for our latest listings.
Patricia Hart Society Spring Fundraiser
WHO: United Way of Greater Nashville | unitedwaygreaternashville.org
WHAT: Patricia Hart Society Spring Fundraiser WHERE: The History & Culture Center of Williamson County WHY: The Patricia Hart Society Spring Fundraiser benefits United Way of Greater Nashville’s work to improve literacy in the community. The program featured speaker Jennifer Osland Hillen, author and illustrator of Goodnight, Nashville
4 BEDS • 4/1 BATHS • 4,367 SQ FT • $2,800,000
Fabulous location in Downtown Franklin. Classic home perfect for entertaining family or friends Two Story entry Large Kitchen and Dining, Fireplaces in Great Room and Sitting Porch Master Suite and Office on Main, four bedrooms, four and a half baths. Screened porch and 10x10 Sitting Porch with Fireplace.
5 BEDS • 4 BATHS • 5,200 SQ FT • $1,325,000
Striking all brick home in gated community. Two story entry and living room that features a dramatic two-story stone fireplace and accent beams. Awesome bonus or media room on lower level with lots of light. Entertain on main deck or lower patio-both overlooking the peaceful community water feature. New roof 2023.
As owner and principal designer of ONYX + ALABASTER, my life is full and exciting! Being a wife, mother, entrepreneur, leader and designer - I often get asked about my story. How did you get started and how do you handle it all? To be honest, it has been a journey of huge leaps of faith, lots of prayer and a ton of hard work.
When my family and I felt called to Nashville, in late 2011, we did not exactly know why we were feeling drawn to the area, but we knew we needed to be there. I took a job working for Dave Ramsey, leaving behind my previous design career. Little did I realize that, within four years, I would step into a full-time design business of my own.
At first, I had three to five design projects from home working solo before I quickly learned I needed help. Within six months, I had the opportunity to have my first brick and mortar and was leading a team of five. Our projects scaled quickly allowing me to design not only in Tennessee, but also in Georgia and 30A in Florida. Before long, we had outgrown our space. By a divine sequence of events, I was able to move our business into a new location on 2nd Avenue in downtown Franklin. It was then that we decided to add the Home Market to our design experience.
Not knowing what the Home Market would be called, I took several days to ponder and pray about this new segment of business. “Alabaster” came from the reference of Mary and her alabaster box found in the pages of scripture. I was convinced that her adoration and outpouring of gratitude had to be integrated into the name of my business. I struggled to find something that was edgy and mysterious while still being sophisticated and modern. I wanted the name to also be designforward. On one of our visits to the new space, the word “onyx” came
to mind. Quickly, I learned that it too had significant meaning in the pages of scripture. The combination of these black and white stones, both of which are often used as materials in design, embodied all that I was looking for in a brand name: ONYX + ALABASTER.
In a few short years, we outgrew our space once again and were presented with the opportunity to expand once again. In May of 2021, we officially opened the doors to new Coffee Lounge and expanded Home Market at 234 Public Square.
It has been a wild and exciting ride. We have experienced tremendous growth, favor and opportunity that we never could have imagined. Our team has witnessed many miracles along the way, from purchasing our building to being featured in People. I could not be more grateful for my family who continuously supports me, my amazing team that serves alongside me and the many fans, regulars and clients that we have the honor to serve. Visit onyxandalabaster.com to learn more and shop.
Neighbor Serving Neighbor Benefit Dinner
WHO: GraceWorks Ministries | graceworkstn.org
WHAT: Neighbor Serving Neighbor Benefit Dinner & Auction WHERE: The Factory at Franklin WHY: GraceWorks Ministries held their annual benefit dinner and auction to raise money for their food, shelter and support services. Darrell Waltrip received the inaugural Neighbor Serving Neighbor award for his county-wide food drive, “The Drive Away Hunger Challenge.”
Sweet Spicy &
Margaritas have always been one of my favorite cocktails to enjoy, especially on hot summer days! From classic, to strawberry, to spicy…what’s not to enjoy when it comes to a fresh margarita?!
Most recently, I’ve been enjoying spicy jalapeño margaritas and decided to create a jalapeño mango margarita! It’s the perfect balance of spicy and sweet!
11/2 - 2 oz of tequila
3 - 4 oz of fresh mango juice
1/2 - 1 oz of simple syrup *1/2 ounces if you prefer it less sweet
1/4 - 1/2 cup of fresh mango *muddled or pureed
4 - 5 fresh jalapeños *more depending on how many you are serving
Fresh limes for juicing and for garnish
Granulated sugar
Chili powder
1. The night before making these margaritas, cut a couple of jalapeños into slices and soak them in tequila over night.
2. Pour some simple syrup onto a plate and some granulated sugar and chili powder (mixed) onto another plate. Dip your glasses in the simple syrup and then dip the glasses into the sugar/chili powder mixture. Set the glasses in a refrigerator.
3. Muddle the jalapeños that have been soaked in tequila along with some fresh lime juice and the fresh mango.
4. If you have a cocktail shaker, fill it with ice and then add the tequila, mango juice, simple syrup, muddled mixture and more lime juice…then give it a shake, shake, shake…and another shake!
5. Remove your glasses from the refrigerator, fill them with ice, and pour the shaken margarita mixture over the ice.
6. Garnish with fresh jalapeño slices and a lime wedge.
Cheers… ENJOY!
*Swap out mangos for peaches, pineapples, or strawberries…the combinations for this spicy jalapeño margarita are endless.
I hope you enjoy these delicious, spicy and sweet, refreshing jalapeño mango margaritas! Cheers to you!
A one-on-one approach to meeting your financial goals might seem unheard of but, at Fourth Capital, it’s exactly how we’re amplifying the banking experience. Our unmatched attention to detail allows us to mold our expertise to fit your unique needs, resulting in the kind of tailor-made solutions you’d expect from a boutique service. And once you work with us, we have a feeling every other bank will start sounding like a broken record.
That’s a banking difference that rocks.
WITH CAROLYN KALILt all started when my daughter and I, Katie Polenzani, spent a month in Provence together when Katie was just two years old. My daughter Katie says, “It was such a bonding experience for us. Even though I was too young to remember our first trip to France together, that time spent in the south of France, just the two of us, is a big reason we are so close and enjoy working together every day.”
At Belle Maison, we offer Nashvillians a piece of France by providing everything for the home and more. From local cocktail mixes and food imported from France to elegant faux flowers and beautiful antiques, we have it all. Our store covers 4,000 square feet of gorgeous art, furniture, and design elements – all very affordable. We wanted to create a space where people could relax, explore, find beautiful high-quality items, and most importantly, be treated with kindness and respect.
After traveling back and forth to France together for over twenty-two years, Katie and I knew we needed to bring the beauty of France to the greater Nashville area. We have always loved the French lifestyle and eye for design, and over time began to appreciate the similarities between the south of France and our own southern states. Both friendly, beautiful and the food is incredible. And when you compare the French Country style to the American Farmhouse style, you see the same appreciation for rustic beauty in the furniture and design.
We believe that everyone should own at least one antique. Whether it is a big piece of furniture or a small piece of art, you will own a part of history, and the beauty and richness that comes with the story each piece carries. The best part is, no one else will have one like it. Everyone has different tastes and opinions about what makes a home warm and inviting, but we believe that the mixture of old and new, traditional and contemporary, creates stunning spaces that look and feel elevated but still accessible and lived in.
For myself and Katie, opening this store has been a labor of love.
We began this journey as a pop-up shop in the CoolSprings Galleria in November of 2021 and have since grown our dream business into a big, beautiful store on Cool Springs Boulevard with so much to see and choose from. We have truly put our entire hearts and souls into this venture and are so excited to offer our wonderful hand-curated collection of French-inspired goods. Whether you’re looking to stock your pantry with delicious French foods and treats, find the perfect hostess or birthday gift, or select a new piece of furniture for your home, we are thrilled to be able to serve you.
Ca l m urating in your life
PHOTOGRAPHY BY VICTORIA PEARSONo me, the ultimate goal of design is to create a sanctuary where you can find refuge from the outside world and connect with your deepest sense of self. With the world moving at a fast pace, it’s crucial to have a space where you can slow down, breathe deeply and relax. Along with curating a serene space, you can create more balance in your life by introducing a self-care ritual to your routine. By putting energy into your home and yourself, you create space and time to recharge and live a more peaceful life.
When it comes to creating your tranquil space, decluttering is the first step. I believe in paring down and simplifying. A cluttered space can lead to a cluttered mind, making it hard to relax and unwind. Removing unnecessary objects creates a sense of calm and focus that allows you to fully inhabit a space. Get rid of anything you no longer need or use, and focus on the things that matter to you. This frees up space for the important things in your life.
Incorporating timeless natural elements like wood, stone, and plants root you in the present and connects you to the earth, allowing you to find a sense of stability and tranquility. Even adding a few houseplants to your space can have a significant impact on your mood.
Lighting is also essential in creating a calming atmosphere. Soft, warm lighting creates a cozy ambiance, while bright, cool lighting is energizing. Dimmer switches allow you to adjust the lighting to your needs, and opening curtains and blinds to let in natural light creates a sense of spaciousness.
Soft, muted hues like pale blues, greens and grays have a calming effect, soothing the eye and creating a sense of peace. They are the perfect backdrop for meaningful objects and mementos that tell your story and ground you.
Sensory elements like soft textiles and soothing scents can also contribute to a calming environment. Blankets and rugs are comforting to the touch, and scents like lavender or vanilla can help calm the mind. Sound can also create a peaceful atmosphere; consider adding a small fountain or wind chimes to your outdoor space for background noise.
Creating a calming and tranquil space isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s essential for self-care. Neglecting your needs in favor of others’ needs is easy in our busy lives. Taking time for yourself is crucial to overall well-being. Creating a space that allows you to slow down, rest and recharge is an investment in yourself.
Once you’ve created a serene space, it’s time to think about how to incorporate self-care practices into your daily routine. Crafting a self-care routine can be a deeply personal experience, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, there are some basic principles that can guide you as you begin to explore what works for you. The key is to be intentional about the practices you choose and to make them a regular part of your routine.
Tips for creating a self-care routine in your newly curated serene space start small
It can be overwhelming to try to overhaul your entire routine at once. Instead, start with one or two small practices that you can incorporate into your daily routine. This could be as simple as taking five minutes each morning to meditate or stretching before bed.
be consistent
Consistency is key when it comes to building a new habit. Try to make your self-care practices a regular part of your routine, whether that means setting aside time each day or scheduling them into your calendar.
listen to your body
Pay attention to how your body feels and what it needs. If you’re feeling stressed, maybe a yoga class or a long walk would be helpful. If you’re feeling depleted, perhaps a hot bath or a good book would be more restorative.
choose practices that work for you
Self-care is deeply personal, and what works for one person may not work for another. Experiment with different practices and find what feels nourishing and restorative for you.
be gentle with yourself
Self-care is about treating yourself with kindness and compassion. Be gentle with yourself as you explore what works for you, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a day or fall off track.
Incorporating self-care practices into your routine can take time and effort, but the benefits are well worth it. By prioritizing your well-being, you’ll feel more grounded, centered and present in your daily life. Creating a serene space and a self-care routine are powerful investments in yourself, and they can help you navigate the busyness and stress of everyday life with greater ease and grace. Hopefully, this inspires you to take some well-deserved time for yourself.
To cultivate a serene space, shop at Patina Home & Garden in Leiper’s Fork.
The ultimate goal of design is to create a sanctuary where you can find refuge from the outside world and connect with your deepest sense of self.
The Road to Farming
it up and headed to Nashville. They purchased the orchard at auction in 2002 and the road to farming began.
n 2002, when my parents Curt and Christina Wideman purchased a ten-acre orchard in Nolensville, me and my twin sister, both of us twenty-three at the time, asked them “What in the heck do you two know about farming?” Our father, Curt, was born and raised in Louisiana, (lower Alabama, as he would proudly say), while our mother, Christina, came from Orange County, California. The two met in California in 1974 and had three children together. They traveled the world as a part of Curt’s construction management job. Their first move was in 1980,when my sister and I were just a few months old.
Over the years, our family called at least twelve states and two other countries “home.” Due to all this moving, our family was tight-knit
and we became comfortable always being the new kids in town. From the time I was a young girl, I had wanted to be in music so when it came time to decide on a college, the sweet sound of the Recording Industry Management Program at Middle Tennessee State University called my name. Not ready to split up just yet, my twin Andrea joined me, and together, we drove 2,000 miles to yet another new start and another new home. Both of us found success in our careers, forging our own paths and finding our own gifts.
Meanwhile, our Dad, who had spent over twenty-five years with the same company, was starting to desire more. My sister and I were so happy in Tennessee and both our parents longed to get out of California, so they packed
In September 2016, I had been working as the Vice-President of Operations and Software Development at a medical software company in Brentwood when the company was sold. Knowing I didn’t fit the culture of the new company; I submitted my notice and turned my focus to putting together the final details of my November wedding. On November 11, 2016, the day before I was married, my father Curt was diagnosed with Stage Four Bile Duct Carcinoma, and our entire family’s lives drastically changed. Four months later, he was called home. Not wanting the farm to close, I asked my mom if she wanted to keep the place open and thankfully, she did. We spent the next five years building the business together until 2021 when my mom retired. In 2022, I finally convinced my twin, Andrea, to leave her social work job of seventeen years and she joined the orchard full time in 2023. Andrea is now the Events Director at the Orchard, curating intimate experiences like Mimosas with Mom, Sisters & Cider, Painting in the Orchard, Yoga Retreats, Picnics in the Orchard and more. Together my sister and I are bringing new life to the wish that our father had, to have a family-owned and operated business. You must experience the wonder and magic that permeates this special Orchard. You can learn more about the family legacy and book your event by visiting our website morninggloryorchard.com
Who Runs the World...
Over here at Williamson County Association of REALTORS® (WCAR), we value our ladies in leadership, and it just so happens that all four leaders on our executive committee team are strong, successful women in real estate. This month, we sat down with these incredible leaders to talk all things life, real estate, being a business owner and being a woman in leadership.
Kathie Moore, WCAR’s current 2023 President, got started in real estate twenty-five years ago. Brandi Thigpen, our President-Elect, got started in the real estate industry in 2014 as a Transaction Coordinator and eventually became a Real Estate agent and then Broker in 2020. One of our other leading ladies, Secretary Treasurer Jennifer Bickerstaff, found herself in real estate twenty-six years ago. Our immediate Past President, Misty Woodford, has been in the industry her entire life. She is a third-generation Realtor®.
So, what does it take to be a lady in leadership in 2023? Well, we were pleasantly surprised to hear that the real estate industry is female-dominant. You might be reading this as a woman in another industry where being a leader or starting your own business is met with a slew of obstacles. The ladies at WCAR are no strangers to these challenges, and they have advice for women looking to start their own businesses.
So, below are recommendations from each woman on how you can successfully start your own business, in any profession.
“You are the leader of your own business – seek guidance from people who are smarter than you, surround yourself with mentors who are where you want to be someday and be a sponge, get up early and work harder than you have ever worked for any boss, and at the end of the day, rest well and hit it hard again the next day. My parents always said, ‘The early bird gets the worm.’ I developed a habit of being up by 5am to start my day.”
“Define your business idea and create a plan. Explore what sets you apart from the rest, and don’t be afraid to brag – humbly, of course! – about yourself. Build your network. Networking is essential. Meet with anyone and everyone you know and let them know about your new venture. Make sure you are financially prepared. Stay committed and adaptable. Don’t be afraid to fail, and if you do, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again!”
“In any business, have a Business Plan first – even becoming a Realtor.® It is much more competitive than it was twentysix years ago when I got into the business. As a successful Realtor®, you ARE the CEO of your business... In Real Estate, I would recommend having a significant amount of savings prior to starting your career (at least six to nine months). You should research how much it is going to cost just to get started, i.e., Real Estate School, Errors and
Omissions Insurance, licensure fees, monthly MLS fees, Board membership, and continuing education, just to name a few. You need to budget for your signs, lockboxes, marketing and branding yourself and your listings, just to mention a few. You also need to understand you are self-employed, you will have to pay quarterly income taxes and you will need to make sure you have health insurance if you don’t have other options. Most importantly, you need to understand the time commitment. Realtors® work weekends, holidays and evenings to accommodate your clients’ schedules.”
1. Research – know all aspects of what it is you are getting into
2. Build a nest egg/emergency fund/savings account of at least nine months of living expenses. Starting a new business is hard in any industry. You need to have money set aside to live on so you can appropriately pour yourself into building your business without worrying about how you are going to make money to live on.
3. Engage mentors
4. Build a client base on the foundation of relationships and trust
5. Be involved in your community and your profession
Misty Woodford
Each of these women have successfully built a business from the ground up and set themselves apart as respected leaders in their industry. Not only this, but each of these ladies wear more than just a “Realtor®” hat. Many of them are juggling various roles from family, relationships, parenting, secondary businesses and more. When speaking with each of these women, they all said the same thing when juggling their various roles – prioritization. Whether it is a to do list, a planner, an app or an assistant, prioritizing all tasks is a must for these women. These ladies recognize that in order to show up as the best version of themselves in every area of their lives, they must be proactive about prioritization and setting reasonable boundaries.
These extraordinary women bring so much wisdom, growth and insight to the Association. Our Realtors® are beyond blessed to have them leading us and affirming the value of a Realtor® in our society. At WCAR we know the value of a Realtor® and we certainly know the great value of the ladies on our leadership team. To learn more about WCAR, visit wcartn.org or follow us on social media, @wcartn, to help the next generation of Realtors® and homebuyers pursue excellence and success..
elcome Y’all! My name is Stef Gorman and I’m the proprietor of Fork of the South, located in the Factory at Franklin. I’m a former elementary school teacher turned Southern Hospitality Specialist. I left the classroom in the summer of 2019 to open our store in the Factory. I loved my time in the classroom, but our two Airbnb cottages, in Leiper’s Fork, were already pulling me away from my kiddos. It was like having two full-time jobs! I knew that something had to happen, so I prayed and prayed about the path I was supposed to take. With full faith in the Lord and the strong support of my husband Steve, I left the classroom to open Fork of the South General Store.
We started out with just over fifty-five makers, woman-owned businesses, veteran-owned businesses, and other small businesses that we were honored to call our partners. During the pandemic, I was scared as we had to close for forty-five days… But with my faith and community support, we were able to thrive. We grew to eighty-five partners and moved to a larger space. We learned from our partners that we were able to help six of our makers save their homes.
It’s been a wild ride since I put my number-two pencil down... I was worried about my mission to impact and mentor young people. I was afraid, since I was leaving the classroom, that I wouldn’t be able to do that anymore. Thankfully, I was wrong. My first employee, Kailey, was one of my all-time favorite students. She was part of my first class when we
moved to Franklin in 2013 and, now, she’s thriving studying abroad, and she’s coming back to join us for the summer! You know you do something right when a former student wants to come work with you. I have had over ten of my former students and siblings join me at the store. I’ve even had former room moms and parents be part of our team and continue to be part of my life. I’m truly blessed with my amazing team, and I will continue to be a role model, mentor and shoulder to cry on when they need someone.
Flash forward to 2023, and we’re moving one final time to our new flagship location in Building 8 of the Factory. It’s a scary move, but we’re expanding to a fifty-seat restaurant space and barista – heck, we’re even going to “homemake” all our ice cream! The Milkshake Bar is going to be out of this world. Also coming to this new space will be a Candy Martini Bar, and my take on English High Tea – Southern Tea. Building 8 is the big building on the left as you leave Mojo’s Tacos and walk towards the Farmers Market. We’re going to have some amazing neighbors in the new space! Blockhouse is going to be across the path from us, our good friends from Third Coast Clay are going to share the building with us, and Mr. Ken’s carousel is going to be installed in our courtyard! Learn more about Fork of the South and shop at forkofthesouth.com.
How to Backyard Big, Even in Small Spaces
parts of their home, according to the poll. Additionally, nearly a quarter of Americans who have a yard (twenty-four percent) say they spend more time in their yards now than before 2020.
The TurfMutt Foundation offers this advice for getting outside and enjoying green space when you have a small yard…or no yard at all. Plant with purpose. Plan carefully and creatively to utilize every square inch of living landscape real estate in support of your lifestyle. Need a place for your pet to do her business? Plant a small patch of grass. Long to take work outside? Set up a table in an under-utilized side yard (complete with a living landscape backdrop, of course) that can double as an outdoor dining area. Love nature? Plant a butterfly bush.
Backyarding is the practice of taking everyday activities – think entertaining, eating, working, and working out to name a few – into the green space around us. Even those living in an urban setting with a smaller yard – or no yard at all – can enjoy the benefits of backyarding, according to the TurfMutt Foundation, which advocates for the care and use of yards, parks, and community green spaces.
“Thanks to smaller yards, community parks, and neighborhood green space, backyarding big even in small spaces is possible,” says Kris Kiser, president & CEO of the TurfMutt Foundation. “It takes a little planning and adopting what we like to call a ‘master backyarder’ mindset.”
This is terrific news since a recent survey conducted for the TurfMutt Foundation indicates that backyarding is increasingly important to Americans. More than three-quarters of Americans who have a yard (seventy-six percent) say the family yard space is one of the most important
Use plants to create privacy. Rather than putting up a fence in a small yard, consider a “living wall” of trees or shrubs. It will make your outdoor space feel bigger and offer support to backyard wildlife and insects. Win, win! Go vertical. Don’t forget to incorporate vertical space into your planting plans. You can hang flower baskets on your fence or railing. A trellis laced with living vines is a gorgeous focal point. Green walls are all the rage and utilize blank wall space to create a living landscape feature. Utilize balconies & patios. Even if you don’t have grass or any soil to plant in, you can utilize containers to plant flowers, herbs, and even fruit and vegetables. There are also many planters available that attach to balcony railings.
Enjoy community green space. Take your kids to the park for a study session. Walk the dog through the community green space at the end of your road. Plan a doggie playdate at the local dog park. These are all wonderful places to get a dose of Vitamin N(ature).
We design and install raised bed gardens, then we support as you discover your own green thumb.
A Little Bit of
we are truly humbled by the support and kindness.
Imagine a relaxing spa night at home from items in our bath and body area or hosting a night with friends around the perfect dining table adorned with the most distinctive centerpiece and glasses in our home furnishings area. Grab the perfect gift for anyone on your list or get ready for a night on the town in our jewelry and fashion area. We are also thankful that our shop carries over a dozen locally made items, and we love sharing them. In supporting our shop, customers also support many families in our amazing community. We meet new friends each week that are visiting the area, and of course, we love seeing our regulars who come in weekly to see what’s new.
Melanie Johnsony name is Nicki and I’d love to tell you about my mom, Melanie. Just a few miles west of Franklin, you’ll find Sanctuary South, a small, locally owned home furnishings and gift boutique on Front Street in the planned community of Westhaven. My mother, Melanie Johnson, owner and designer, has envisioned the space to now encompass a little bit of everything. She is always traveling and shopping to find items that provide those special touches that set this shop apart. Her dream is when she gets to help clients create their perfect sanctuary at home. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her friends and family. Owning a small business has its challenges, but the minute a customer says “this is the best shop I have ever been in,” Melanie knows her dedication makes it worthwhile.
Our shop is filled with amazing women who each help to bring the dream to life. You may see myself, Nicole or Daphne. I am the co-owner and “handywoman.” When I’m not at the store, you can find me at Warner Park or watching my girls play sports. Or, Nicole, who is not only a devoted wife and mom, but also the shop manager and keeps the social media fun. Her eye for interior design and fashion is unmatched. If you come later in the day, you’ll be greeted by Daphne, a lady with a beautiful smile and heart who beams when she talks about her grandchildren. Our team works tirelessly to ensure you have an experience you won’t soon forget, and
Follow us @sanctuarysouthtn on Instagram or Facebook for events and new arrivals or visit our website at sanctuarysouthtn.com to get a glimpse into our shop. You’ll see our offerings include furniture, lighting and textiles, artwork, baby, candles, jewelry, entertaining, men’s items, and seasonal decor. We have hosted private shopping events, fun holiday events, and even a dinner with an exclusive wine tasting. We’d love to have you join us.
Our favorite time each month is Give Back Day. The first Friday of each month is dedicated to supporting local non-profits with proceeds from sales in hopes of spreading awareness and encouraging a community of kindness. In the last two and a half years, over $13,000 has been donated. To be blessed and bless others, gives meaning to what we do.
Melanie, myself, and the ladies, hope to meet you soon at Sanctuary South, the shop you won’t soon forget. Cheers.
BY KATIE SHANDSne day in the 1860s, Annie Briggs carefully put on her mother’s long cape and mourning veil before leaving her family’s home in Franklin. The twenty-something woman had an errand to run, but this wasn’t a trip to buy groceries or sundries. She was on a secret mission, one that could cost Annie her life if things went wrong.
The country was in the midst of the Civil War, and Annie was a
Confederate spy, heading straight into Federal territory to collect needed information. After crossing enemy lines, she obtained the valuable document, pinned it in her hair and headed home. It seemed the mission was a success until she realized scouts were following her.
Annie managed to slip into her house, which was located on the corner of Main Street and Fourth Avenue, where 55 South now operates. Once inside, she yanked off the black cape and veil and hid them behind a bed.
Always the quick thinker, Annie threw on a different hat and dashed out the back door. With a deep breath, she collected herself before strolling through a side gate and out into the street in front of the men. The disguise worked because Annie overheard the soldiers behind her, trying to figure out where their target had gone off to.
This was just one of many tales concerning Annie’s years as a spy. Though some details may have been embellished over time, they still make for a good yarn. Take, for instance, the time Annie secreted a sketch of Fort Granger across Federal lines to Confederate troops. The paper was inserted inside a hollowed-out corn cob and placed in a bottle of fine liquor. As the story goes, Annie even allowed some of the Union soldiers to take a few swigs. On another occasion, she and her friend Betty Vaughn traveled from Nashville to Franklin with sketches of Federal fortifications sewn into the top of their buggy.
Another example of Annie’s bravery is detailed in a Confederate soldier’s written account of his experiences after the bloody Battle of Franklin on November 30, 1864. Mississippi soldier John C. Rogers had been assigned to be a nurse for his sick brother. The pair stayed at a house-turned-hospital in Franklin until they were transferred to a nearby church. Here, Annie regularly brought food to the men. When John mentioned he would likely be sent to the North as a prisoner after his brother’s inevitable death, she offered to help him escape.
Annie’s plan was simple: John was to visit her
grandfather’s house in town, and each time, she would sneak him a piece of a citizen’s suit. Once he had the entire outfit, John would make a run for it, first hiding out at the home of Annie’s sister, Elizabeth. After John’s brother died a couple weeks later, the plan went into motion. John arranged to meet Annie on February 8, 1865, and followed her to Elizabeth’s house in the country. The sisters’ cousin Font Degraffenreid supplied John with a horse and helped him travel home to his mother in Mississippi.
After the Civil War, Annie led a decidedly tamer life. In 1869, she married James W. Harrison, a prominent Franklin businessman who later founded the Williamson County Savings & Loan. At the time, it was the area’s largest financial institution. He also served as mayor from 1894 to 1899. Interestingly, Annie had used his grandfather’s home, known as the Harrison House on Columbia Pike, for secret meetings during her time as a spy.
James and Annie built a lavish home on the corner of West Main Street and Fifth Avenue, where they entertained the high society of Franklin. In 1931, the house was torn down to make way for a commercial building. The couple never had any biological children, but they did adopt their niece, Annie James.
In her later years, Annie Briggs Harrison often spoke of her Civil War experiences. She died on June 20, 1922, at the age of eighty-six and was buried alongside her husband in Mount Hope Cemetery. Her obituary stated that Annie “belonged heart and soul to her town and its people.”
Nature’s Luxury Oasis
his is the place where you will find luxury wrapped in nature’s embrace. Imagine enjoying a spa treatment in a rainforest treehouse, walking the soft white sands barefoot on a culinary journey, then retreating to your own private cottage in the mountains. There is no doubt this luxury St. Lucia resort is here to renew you.
Enjoy the serenity and beauty of 100 acres of pristine rainforest on the Caribbean Sea. It is all on the site of an eighteenth-century sugar plantation and surrounded by the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Pitons. Seek seclusion in new beachfront bungalows, mountain cottages and suites bordered by vibrant gardens. Take the opportunity to reconnect and reflect as you explore every breathtaking angle of this island paradise - be it hiking in the Pitons, indulging in a treatment at the Rainforest Spa, or sipping a rum cocktail at the new poolside bar and cabanas. Their fine dining and beachside restaurants just got a refresh to make you truly feel in touch with the landscape. Not a day passes here without incredible memories made and peaceful moments found.
Formerly a working sugar plantation, the property has a long history of owners, including Lord Glenconner, famously known for his friendship with Princess Margaret and as the proprietor of the Bang Restaurant. The resort is currently owned by the Green family. The Greens have considerable experience in the leisure industry, being former shareholders of
the Maybourne Group, and owners of The Connaught, The Berkeley and Claridges in London. They are beneficial owners of The Hamilton Princess and Beach Club. Viceroy has managed the property since 2008.
The guestrooms, villas, beachfront bungalows and residences at Sugar Beach are set in privacy amid vibrant gardens and soaring trees. In each accommodation, guests will be perfectly enveloped in it all, enjoying the harmony between nature and modern living. Each guestroom is complete with either a plunge pool, private patio/terrace or walled gardens, depending on room type.
From the finest international cuisine to delightfully casual tropical tastes, guests will find exceptional culinary choices at Sugar Beach on St. Lucia’s scenic southwest coast. Set within more than 100 acres of tropical rainforest with awe-inspiring views of the Caribbean and St. Lucia’s dramatic twin Pitons, the resort’s celebrated collection of dining experiences is more than equal to the view.
THE RAINFOREST SPA: The atmosphere of the Rainforest Spa blends traditional St. Lucian culture, a strong Caribbean aesthetic and experience with modern techniques and sensibilities. The Rainforest Spa provides high-touch experiences that are indicative and respectful of the local environment and the ritual
and palette of the island and is home to Tata Harper, the spa’s newest brand partner offering exclusive and only-found-here treatments.
FITNESS CENTER: For those who enjoy an active lifestyle, there’s no end to the activities available once you arrive at Sugar Beach. Personal training sessions can be tailored to the individual needs of each guest, from weightlifting programs in the well-equipped beachside gym to interval training or even targeted weightloss regimens.
INDOOR/OUTDOOR: All the resort and water activities and excursions imaginable are available right at your fingertips.
Whether you make your travel plans for this incredible resort for a romantic getaway, a family vacation or for business, they can accommodate all needs and agendas. Couples can even plan the ultimate wedding with the help of the resort’s trained professional staff. There is no setting more suited to romance and the world’s most romantic weddings than Sugar Beach on the beautiful eastern Caribbean island of St. Lucia. Come see for yourself. Make your travel plans today.
Val des Pitons | PO Box 251 Soufriere Saint Lucia | West Indies Reservations: 800.235.4300
viceroyhotelsandresorts.com/Sugar Beach
Left: Walkway into the spaDifferent event spaces that are offered include: Magli Green Patio, Lakeside Patio and Outdoor Patio. The indoor patio spaces are both temperature controlled.
This spacious, modern-American restaurant sits on the edge of the lake in the Westhaven community just outside downtown Franklin and makes the perfect setting for a large party or private event.
With four different spaces to choose from or combine, you and your guests will enjoy a topnotch experience no matter how you plan it. Here is a look inside each of the unique spaces at this venue:
The Magli Green Patio is a temperaturecontrolled retreat that can seat up to fifty guests. Overlooking the gorgeous Magli Green lawn, your guests can enjoy snacking on charcuterie over a spiced lemonade with plenty of space to circulate so your guest of honor can make the rounds.
On the opposite side of the venue, Coal Town Public House features another more intimate temperature-controlled patio that can seat a large party of twenty guests or forty guests reception-style. This is the perfect space for a sips and snacks arrangement if a sit-down meal isn’t in the cards.
The outdoor patio is also well-suited for a pleasant lakeside gathering. This area is completely open-air and sits right on Westhaven Lake. It can serve up to seventy-five guests reception-style. This space also features a walkup bar, which makes for a laid-back approach to a work mixer or early evening reception.
Coal Town Public House also features interior space that can be used for a partial buyout or in conjunction with one of the attached patios. The space has beautiful architectural touches
- high ceilings with exposed beams, modern lighting embellishments and textures make it a beautiful space for guests to congregate and enjoy catching up.
Once you have decided on a space, food and drink come easily. The event menu is both playful and elegant. Executive Chef Chris Cunningham loves including his team in menu direction, and his event menus are no different.
With items like Brunch-by-the-Foot (think charcuterie-style boards featuring Waffle Skewers and Syrup) as the sweet centerpiece and bagels with dill cream cheese and lox for a savory option, the perfect bridal brunch or gathering can be achieved by offering something for everyone.
Luncheons and Mixers can be shareable and unique with customized welcome cocktails, tea sandwiches and artisan cheese boards.
Plated dinners with curated wine pairings are always a memorable way to mark an occasion, whether whether you are planning an intimate night amongst friends or a wedding rehearsal dinner.
Regardless of the occasion, Coal Town Public House makes the perfect setting for a wonderful day to remember. Take a virtual tour or find out more information, visit coaltownpublichouse.com
187 Front Street Franklin, TN 37064 615-807-1194
BY RUTH NICOLAUSJayden Gossett shows up to school at Fairview High each day in boots, jeans and a cowgirl belt buckle.
She might get strange looks, but she doesn’t care. She’s a cowgirl.
The seventeen-year-old, a resident of Fairview, is the 2023 Miss STAR Rodeo Queen, having won the pageant held last September at the STAR Rodeo Finals in Lewisburg.
The Southern Tennessee All-Star Rodeo Association (or STAR) has been in existence for the past ten-plus years. It provides a setting for kids, ages one to eighteen, to compete in a variety of rodeo events, based on their age and gender.
“We consider ourselves a learning organization,” said Megan Rinehart, who, with her husband Mitch, serve as organizers of the association.
STAR Rodeo “is a stepping stone to educate and enable children to move on to amateur and professional rodeo.” Nearly 200 kids from Tennessee and surrounding states participate in STAR Rodeo events.
Jayden competes in pole bending, barrel racing and goat tying.
As junior at Fairview High School, she holds the sentinel office for her school’s FFA chapter and is a contestant in the Tennessee High School Rodeo Association. She is a Williamson County 4-H member and shows cattle and sheep at the county fair.
There’s more to the cowgirl than rodeo and school. She works at a local farm each night, and when she’s done with her job, she heads home to take care of chores. “I come straight home from school, go to work, and then come home and take care of our animals.” The Gossett’s have horses, cattle, sheep, and chickens. Her evening chores take about an hour. “Our rule around here is, the animals get fed before we do.”
As Miss STAR Rodeo Queen, she is a role model for her peers and younger competitors.
“Having good sportsmanship, a great attitude, and helping others,” is part of being a representative, as is carrying the American flag
on horseback before each rodeo begins.
She says rodeo has lots of life lessons for participants, ones she’s learned herself. “It’s taught me how to accept failure and work to make yourself better.” She’s done her share of winning, but she thinks there are as many lessons from losing as there are from winning.
“When a person wins, they don’t learn as much. You get used to winning. When I fail, I try to look at the parts that failed, and what I can take from it and make it better.”
Jayden’s two younger siblings: Sadie, age seven, and Trevor, age four, also participate in STAR Rodeos. She is the daughter of Chris and LeAnne Gossett and Stacie Fewell.
The STAR Rodeo program is one of the beneficiaries of the Franklin Rodeo, which takes place May 18th - 20th at the Williamson County Ag Expo Park. Get your tickets at franklinrodeo.com.
WITH KIRA LYNNanna Spoon, the first cereal bar in Nashville, serves a variety of classic cereal bowls that evoke nostalgia. You can customize your bowl, ice cream swirl, or milkshake by mixing cereals of your choice. Along with its charming photo-op mural walls like “Spooned in Nashville,” where you can sit in a giant spoon, Wanna Spoon has a life-size cow named “Coco” for you to “milk,” firepits on the front lawn to roast s’mores and more.
My music career brought me to Nashville from Canada, and I recently released my latest singles, “Colorado” and “Deeper.” One of the many things Wanna Spoon has taught me is that you can have more than one dream. Growing up, I started every morning with a classic bowl of cereal with my dad, and then sometimes another bowl for a late-night snack. Needless to say, I LOVE cereal and the memories around it. Not knowing at the time that there were some cereal bars out there, I started envisioning what my very own cereal bar would look like. It was something I spoke about so often that my parents advised me to come up with a business plan and a name… which then became Wanna Spoon!
The stars truly aligned when I got introduced to Steve Kovach and his wife Alane Kovach. At the time, they were getting ready to open Emery, one of their newer restaurants on 12th South. The power duo had a house attached to that property and were trying to figure out how to use that space. I shared with them my vision, never thinking in a million years that this cereal bar would come to fruition, but it did! I will always be thankful to them for taking a chance on me and believing not only in this whimsical vision but believing in me as an entrepreneur. I have learned priceless experience from being in business with them and there’s still so much to learn with this being my first business. It was the perfect partnership because Alane had a vision of her own coffee shop one day. We call Alane coffee queen for a reason as she truly put so much research and time into finding the best barista equipment as well as the best roasting beans for Wanna Spoon.
We are so proud and humbled when we see all the kids and families smiling, enjoying an atmosphere we did our best to create. From coffee, cereal, ice cream, milkshakes, local baked goods, mural walls, s’mores, corn hole, and an extensive line of merchandise, we have something for everyone to enjoy!
BY AMELIA ROSE SMITHFaithfully Restored is a faith-based, nonprofit organization founded by four ladies who felt a deep desire to provide hope to women walking through hardships. These founders have each experienced personal trials that have challenged their faith, but they were fortunate enough to have a supportive community to lean on during those difficult times. Faithfully Restored is their gift of support to women who may not have that pillar of strength.
The journey of Faithfully Restored began with monthly meetings at Jennie’s home. The four founders, Jamie Hamilton, Jamie Heard, Heather Milburn and Jennie Springer, would write notes to women in our community who needed extra prayer and support. Whether walking through a devastating loss of a child or spouse, processing the unknowns of a medical diagnosis or feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders, these women felt called by Christ to be a support system and friend to women in need.
As more women reached out for help, they realized they could use their own experiences to provide meaningful support to other women. This led to the official launch of Faithfully Restored in 2019, which has since served over 1,200 women to date through individual prayer requests and over 3,500 women through community packages.
Faithfully Restored offers various opportunities for people to get involved in their mission. One way is through monthly prayer gatherings, held on the first Wednesday of every month, where they pray specifically by name for each prayer request they receive from the previous month.
People can also submit prayer requests for themselves or someone they know who could use extra support and encouragement.
At Faithfully Restored, there are endless opportunities for individuals to make a difference through volunteering. With each act of kindness, volunteers help create care packages, assemble community packages, deliver local packages and write uplifting notes. In addition, the organization holds a monthly Breakfast Club the first Thursday of each month, where guests can enjoy a hot meal and listen to inspiring speakers share their personal stories. The highlight of the year is Faithfully Restored’s annual Girls Night Out event. The event is a fun-filled evening of shopping, mingling with friends and listening to motivational speakers while raising funds to support Faithfully Restored’s mission of providing hope and support to women in need.
Faithfully Restored is a testament to the power of community and the positive impact that can be made when people come together to support one another. The organization’s founders had no prior non-profit experience but were able to trust in each other and rely on their faith to create something truly meaningful. With their continued efforts, Faithfully Restored will undoubtedly touch the lives of many more women facing difficult times in the future.
To submit a prayer request, volunteer or learn more, visit faithfullyrestoredwomen.com.
Employee to Employer
cCreary’s Irish Pub opened in June 2002. I was in college when the McCreary family asked me to help run their newest business venture, an Irish Pub. The McCreary’s had given me my first job when I was fifteen years old, so they have always been like family to me, and I worked for them at the pub for eight years. When I was about to graduate with my journalism degree, the McCreary’s decided to sell the business to pursue other things professionally. Although I loved to creatively write, I realized I was much better at running a business than I was at keeping up with grammar and politics. I finished my degree but made the transition from employee to employer in March 2009.
I’ve worked for the last thirteen years, expanding on the original McCreary’s recipes and ideas, to make them my own. If it’s not broken no need to fix it but, as a business owner, you know
there is always room to grow - and that is my contribution to the McCreary’s name. In the past thirteen years, I have since gotten married and have two fun, wild, little boys. I was able to keep the business momentum going with the help of my sister and brother-in-law, who joined my management team. We have since expanded the business to include a full breakfast menu on the weekends and an array of Irishinspired cocktails. We recently even opened our second, and much larger location, in downtown Columbia this past February.
In the past twenty years of being a womanowned business, I have seen a shift in what used to be a typical male-dominated business. While the concept of a woman-owned business is not new - the idea of a woman owning a pub was a surprise to many. It used to be common that a patron would refer to the owner as a “he” and get a startled surprise when a woman would
come out to shake their hand. However, the times are changing, and women are now doing everything from owning pubs, sports bars to becoming distillers of whiskey and craft brews themselves.
Somedays, I think I’m barely surviving motherhood and still had to come out swinging just to make the business survive post Covid… But here we are and still learning and growing! Thriving under pressure is literally what women were made to do, so it only makes sense we do business so well. It was an honor to be one of the few in 2009, and it is now a privilege to be one of many here in 2023. Learn more and order at mccrearyspub.com.
Local author Kathleen Davis and illustrator Martyna Nejman, of Warsaw, Poland, have been honored with Christopher Awards for their book, Feathers From Above, (pre-school and up, Kathleen Davis Books). It is one of twelve books for adults and young people as the Christopher Awards program marks its 74th year. Davis’s three children inspired “Feathers from Above,” a rhyming children’s book. When they found feathers, they told her that their Guardian Angel must have paid them a visit. In the book she describes how feathers fall from their Guardian Angel’s wings and encourages children to be brave, know that they are loved, and remember that God is with them through good and bad circumstances. The Awards celebrate authors, and illustrators as well as writers, producers, and directors whose work “affirms the highest values of the human spirit” and reflects the Christopher motto, “It’s better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.” Christopher Awards were also given to the creators of 10 TV/Cable shows and feature films. More information about The Christophers is available at christophers.org.
The Heritage Foundation of Williamson County, recently announced longtime community leaders Calvin and Marilyn LeHew and Sondra Morris will serve as Chairs for the 50th Heritage Ball to be held at Eastern Flank Battlefield Park on Saturday, October 7, 2023. Dedicated preservationists Danny and Teresa Anderson and Marty Ligon will serve as Honorary Chairs. The Heritage Ball is the longest running black-tie affair in Williamson County. Each year, approximately 700 guests gather to support and celebrate the work of the Heritage Foundation and to raise funds for future preservation projects. In addition to a seated dinner and dancing, the ball features a cocktail hour and other fundraising opportunities. Tickets and tables will go on sale in August. For information on sponsorship opportunities, contact our Chief Advancement Officer, Grant Martin at gmartin@williamsonheritage.org. For more information about the Heritage Foundation and additional preservation projects, visit WilliamsonHeritage.org.
Do you know your investment fee and is it reasonable?
born of
Williamson Inc. to Host Annual State of the County Event with County Mayor Rogers Anderson
The Williamson County Chamber of Commerce and Office of Economic Development is proud to announce the return of their annual State of the County luncheon, featuring an Annual Address from County Mayor Rogers Anderson. The event is set to take place on July 26th, at Franklin Marriott Cool Springs, and will provide attendees with a comprehensive overview of the budget and happenings in Williamson County. This event is a must-attend for business professionals and members of the community who want to stay up to date on the latest developments in Williamson County.
In addition to Mayor Anderson’s address, the event will also feature display tables for companies or organizations to showcase their products or services to over 300 attendees. The $250 display tables come with one ticket, display table, and the opportunity to exhibit your business. Companies can also purchase ten seat tables for $1,000, which includes verbal and written thanks and recognition.
This event is a great way to network with other professionals in the area, learn more about the state of the county, and support the local economy by engaging with Williamson County businesses.
“We are thrilled to once again host the State of the County event with Mayor Rogers Anderson,” said Matt Largen, President and CEO of Williamson, Inc. “This event is an important opportunity for our community to come together, learn about the latest developments in Williamson County, and support local businesses.”
The State of the County event is a cornerstone of Williamson, Inc.’s mission to promote economic growth and community development in Williamson County. By bringing together business professionals and community leaders, the event helps to foster strong relationships and a shared vision for the future of the county. To purchase tickets or reserve a display table, visit williamsonchamber.com/events.
It’s the Queen Who Moves the Board
This quote jumped out to me as we sat down to put this month’s article together for We’re in the Money. “…it’s the queen who moves the board,” no truer words have ever been spoken.
We have some wonderful ladies on staff that are vital to our success as an organization, but when they’re not “moving the board” for us here at Lineage, they like to enjoy some good ole fashioned R&R at several local establishments around town. If you’re looking for Mother’s Day plans for your mom, wife, or even yourself (I know we men aren’t the best planners), a few ladies on staff here at Lineage Bank have you covered.
“Mere Bulles Mother’s Day Brunch is one of our family favorites. It has everything you could imagine in its “Action Stations” from Prime Rib to Omelets to Waffles. Be sure to visit the chocolate fountain for wonderful desserts.”
-Angie Lewis (SVP, Mortgage QualityControl/HMDA
Coordinator)“I like going to the Franklin Farmers Market and supporting our local farmers and vendors. There is a great selection of fresh produce as well as baked and canned goods.”
-Hope Headden (CSR)
Whether you go out with the family to Mere Bulles or head to the Farmers Market the day before Mother’s Day to make dinner at home, on behalf of everyone here at Lineage Bank, we hope all the ladies of Williamson County enjoy their special day!
- D.M. TimneyThe king may rule the kingdom, but it’s the queen who moves the board.
Main Street Festival
WHO: Heritage Foundation of Williamson County | williamsonheritage.org
WHAT: 39th Annual Main Street Festival WHERE: Downtown Franklin
WHY: The Main Street Festival attracts 120,000+ visitors annually to enjoy eclectic arts and crafts vendors, superb entertainment, great food & drink, and fun for the entire family right in the heart of historic downtown Franklin. This year's Main Street Festival included many different art and cultural elements like collaborative public art exhibits and cultural performances, including dance, spoken work, music and performance. The 6th annual YOUR Williamson Dunk Tank raised money for Ellie G’s Dream World.
Flowers on Main
What makes for an incredible historic downtown district? Among many things, research shows that plants and flowers enhance a downtown district in such a way that guests tend to visit longer and invest a little more in the local shops and restaurants. That’s why, in tandem with our mission, the Downtown Franklin Association is championing a “Flowers on Main” campaign this spring season...
As a division of the Heritage Foundation of Williamson County, the Downtown Franklin Association is a nationally accredited Main Street America program, invested in supporting the promotion, economic vitality, organization (connection of stakeholders), and design of our special district. We support the continued revitalization and purposeful evolution of downtown Franklin, in the context of historic preservation, by maintaining a diverse economic base, promoting a unique local shopping experience, fostering accessible and attractive public spaces, and forging partnerships across all sectors.
Now, “Flowers on Main” is well underway, with merchants and DFA teaming up with local small business, Container Creations, to install potted flower displays beside the benches on Main Street and in front of as many storefronts and restaurants as possible. With installations complete by June 15 th , a contest will be run for the public to vote on their favorite storefront displays in June. These potted plants will be refreshed and maintained seasonally throughout the year
for guests to enjoy the view as they stroll downtown.
DFA was also proud to host our 2nd Annual Downtown Franklin Awards, presented by Renasant Bank, with a ballot of DFA members voted on by the public in January and winners for each category announced at a DFA member meeting on February 16 th Top-voted members and the winners can be viewed now at downtownfranklintn. com/Awards22.
Following the Downtown Franklin Awards, Franklin Locals launched its spring season in March, mobilizing cheerful greeters to serve as concierge on the streets downtown ThursdaysSaturdays, and encourage guests to find the Visitor Center on 4th Avenue North, while answering questions to help them experience Franklin “like a local.”
With 2023 well underway, we are excited to continue supporting our business membership through our meetings, mixers, masterminds, and university sessions throughout the year!
Splash a Dunkee for Ellie G!
YOUR WILLIAMSON DUNK TANK RETURNED TO MAIN STREET FESTIVALThe YOUR Williamson Dunk Tank returned to Main Street Festival in April and this year, we raised money for Ellie G’s Dream World! We had an incredible lineup of Dunkees for both Saturday and Sunday that kept the crowds coming by to test their throwing arm.
We want to give a huge THANKS to our brave Dunkees that were willing to get into very chilly waters and make a splash to help us raise awareness and funds for this amazing community cause!
Ellie G’s Dream World will be Franklin’s first inclusive park. Named in memory of Elliot Grace Castro, known as Ellie G, who passed away at the age of four in September 2019. Ellie G was the granddaughter of Franklin Alderman Brandy Blanton. She was born with a very rare terminal form of dwarfism called Rhizometic Chondrodysplasia Punctata (RCDP). During her short life, she proved to be an example of courage, strength, and joy to all who had the privilege to know her or know of her.
The future Inclusive Playground will be housed within the new Southeast Municipal Complex located on Carothers Parkway. The park is on three acres and will include five football fields, miles of walking trails, concessions, ADA accessible restrooms, a pavilion and the first public inclusive playground within the Franklin Parks System.
The playground, which will be 4-5x larger than the Tinkerbell Playground at Pinkerton Park, is designed for two specific phases: The first phase will be the play structures and park amenities along with the pavilion and plenty of shade structures throughout. The second phase will include an outdoor fitness area and an amphitheater and will be constructed during the second round of funding for the park. This portion of the project will also include lacrosse fields and other court sports, like pickle ball.
You can help #ChangeTheWayWePlay by sponsoring Ellie G’s Dream World by visiting friendsoffranklinparks.org/inclusive-playground and making a donation.
From Bow to Toe
p until March 22, 2017, butterflies had very little meaning to me, and purple wasn’t my favorite color. On that day, my dad passed away in hospice care. A purple butterfly was placed on his door to indicate to the staff and visitors a patient had gone on to a new life. That butterfly would later have a significant place in my world.
As a mother of three sons, when our first grandbaby was a girl, I went overboard buying lots of pink and bows. My inner child was born again, too, and I fell in love with all things children - toys, gifts, clothes…and monogramming on the latter as much as I could. Upon my husband Neil’s retirement in 2018, we decided to move to Franklin to be near our grandchildren. Neil had worked in online news all of his life and was the founder of the Wall Street Journal Online. My career was in sales, and I worked with financial institutions selling marketing products to banks and credit unions. Neither of us had a retail background… So, then started the journey and the birth of the Purple Butterfly in downtown Franklin.
Purple Butterfly is more than a retail shop… It’s an experience. We opened our doors in March 2018, just before Easter. I thought it would be so fun to have live bunnies for the children to come see and hold, so I purchased a dozen to house on our front porch. It was wildly successful, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching the children play with the bunnies. From that initial event, I knew I wanted my shop to be a place children grew up with and had fond memories of the Purple Butterfly that took them into adulthood.
We host lots of special events throughout the year and they are generally an idea that pops into my mind, then I figure out how to pull it off. We’ve had everything from a children’s Christmas pajama party with cookies and milk, to Unicorn rides in the shop’s front yard. One mom told me her daughter said, “See mom, I told you they were real!” (referring to the white horse with a horn attached to its mane and flowers around its neck).
I take a personal interest in my customers and have shared their joys and cried tears with their sadness. We have built a strong sense of community over the past five years at the Purple Butterfly. It’s not uncommon for customers to tell me my shop is one of their happy places and from the minute they walk through the front door, they know it’s a special, caring place.
I am past retirement age, and my friends always ask me when I will retire. My response is that I am retired from the corporate world, and when Purple Butterfly starts to feel like work, I’ll retire. Until then, I’m having fun touching the lives of so many children and adults. Learn more and shop at purplebutterflykids.com.
National League of Junior Cotillions
Right now is the time to register and be a part of upcoming classes with the local chapter here in Williamson County. The purpose of the National League of Junior Cotillions program is to give young people instruction and practice in the courtesies that make life more pleasant for them and those around them; to give them thorough training in standard ballroom dance, and to provide opportunities to practice and enjoy these skills. The program is designed for students to be able to learn over several years to continue to build their poise, confidence, and character. Locally, there are several different class and focus options:
The Pre-Cotillion Program encourages children to be comfortable together while making new friends and enjoying themselves. They will learn through role play and peer groups, and young ladies and gentlemen are expected to leave the program with the beginnings of confidence and poise of knowing what to do in social situations. Some of the subjects covered are manners in the home, being introduced and shaking hands, paying and receiving compliments, birthday party etiquette, and basic table manners.
Building on the Pre-Cotillion I program, this program reinforces the social skills learned in Pre-1. Some of what the students will
learn is: Greeting and shaking hands, rules of introductions, sports etiquette, fast food etiquette, more advanced table manners and basic line dance.
The season consists of seven events–five oncea-month classes, a holiday dance where they will practice their skills, and a Grand Ball which is the final event of the year.
It is a year of learning more advanced formal skills. The curriculum includes: Table manners and food etiquette questions and answers, the art of polite conversation, formal table settings, telephone and electronic courtesies, manners in the home and public places, proper introductions, dress codes, job interview skills, first impressions, conversation and behavior in the workplace, as well as more advanced ballroom dance steps and combinations in the fox trot, cha cha, and beach shag. The Year II students also enjoy a formal, seated five-course tutorial dinner before the Grand Ball.
Registrations began in April for this fall season and continue until enrollment is full.
For more information contact local director: Suzette Tucker Wimpy at Suzette.Wimpy@NLJC.com.
In the summers, BGA is home to a robust camp program for children ages four and up. With half- and full-day options available, our on-campus programming includes more than 40 camps, ranging from art and cheerleading to coding, soccer, and Cannon Ball, our all-around camp experience.
Camps are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Hope Grows
PHOTOGRAPHY BY MADISON LOVELYWHO: The Refuge Center for Counseling | refugecenter.org
WHAT: Hope Grows 2023 WHERE: Rolling Hills Community Church
WHY: Hope Grows is the Refuge Center for Counseling’s most important fundraiser of the year. Hope Grows provides the support needed to advance its mission of offering excellent, accessible, and affordable mental and emotional healthcare services in support of a transformational impact on the community. Guests enjoyed a delicious dinner, a live musical performance by The Katinas, and the presentation of their 2023 Hope Award winner, Carlos Whittaker.
WHO: Tennessee Performing Arts Center | tpac.org
WHAT: TPAC Gala Fundraiser WHERE: Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Nashville WHY: Tennessee Performing Arts Center’s signature fundraiser, the TPAC Gala, was held on April 1st. Hosted at the breathtaking, brand-new Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Nashville, the black-tie gala was an evening of sophisticated elegance and artistic surprises to benefit the organization’s nationally recognized educational, cultural and community engagement initiatives. The evening included a sunset cocktail hour, a fabulous multi-course dinner and words from President and CEO, Jennifer Turner.
Marissa & Mitchell Potts
Photography: Janelle Elise Photo
Dress: Olia Zavozina, Nashville
Tuxedo: Men’s Warehouse
Hair & Makeup: Cheyenne Isbell, Revive Salon, Spring Hill
Venue: Graystone Quarry
Arts & Culture
There never seems to be a shortage of arts and culture events to attend in middle Tennessee. Here are just a handful of upcoming music events, plays and more!
May 11 - 14
Schermerhorn Symphony Center nashvillesymphony.org
Harry’s last year at Hogwarts is here, in part one of the epic finale Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in Concert! Experience the loss and the love of this series’ finish as Harry and his friends rush to face the Dark Lord Voldemort for the last time. With the full film set to a live performance of the score by your Nashville Symphony, the final battle for Hogwarts™ School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has never been so emotional.
May 17 - 28
The Franklin Theatre studiotenn.org
A rollicking and touching new musical about a has-been-whonever-was comedian, and his
unusual relationship with his longtime idol – Dolly Parton. The show is a celebration of Dolly’s music, and the profound and funny things she has to say to us all, about life, love and how to pull yourself up by your bootstraps during the toughest of times – even if your bootstraps don’t have rhinestones!
May 19 - 20
Tennessee Performing Arts Center tpac.org
When the curtain comes down, you’ll release the breath you didn’t know you’d been holding. Scotland’s acclaimed national dance company brings this riveting retelling of the Salem witch trials to TPAC for its United States premiere. Inspired by Arthur Miller’s classic play, Helen Pickett’s masterful choreography and Peter Salem’s spine-chilling score unleash the emotional force of this visceral
tour de force. You’ll be on the edge of your seat as the tight-knit Puritan society of seventeenthcentury Massachusetts unravels into gripping paranoia in this full-evening program of undiluted intensity with powerful contemporary resonance.
June 9 - 24
Pull-Tight Players Theatre pull-tight.com
Welcome to the Kit Kat Club, where the MC assures you will forget all your troubles. But can you really? Cabaret explores the dark, heady, tumultuous atmosphere of 1931 Berlin as Germany slowly yields to the Third Reich and its citizens try desperately to hold onto life as they know it. Cabaret won eight Tonys in its original 1966 run, and another four for its 1998 revival. The classic score includes “Willkommen,” “Cabaret” and “Maybe This Time.” For mature audiences only.
Summer Lovin’
Spring is here! Days are longer! School is winding down. Soon we can spend more time relaxing on the porch, by the lake, at the pool or on the sidelines of our children's’ summer activities. Hopefully, as we slow down, there will be a little extra time to catch up on new books.
I love to read all genres throughout the year, but my summer reading tends to fall in the best-selling romance category. As I already follow #Booktok and #Spicytok, there are many romance book recommendations trending on TikTok that I have added to my mustread list. Here are a few of my favorite authors who are trending.
Tess Bailey
With many stand-alone books as well as many series, these are all hard to put down once you begin reading. The Bellinger Sisters series and The Hot and Hammered series are two of my most favorite. She writes heartfelt, sexy romances with humor and endings that put a smile on your face.
Elle Kennedy
Another award-winning author, Elle’s contemporary romance books are flying off the shelves, and being downloaded on Kindles everywhere. I first read her OffCampus series and was hooked instantly, literally, read the five books in five days! Then I read the quartet of the Briar U series in another four days! Her characters typically are strong heroines and sexy alpha heroes, with just enough heated romance and some rebellion to make it impossible to put the book down.
Lucy Score
Hailing from my home state of Pennsylvania, Lucy has published over thirty books. She tends to write smalltown contemporary rom-coms that have emotional storylines, but are funny and have the Hallmark Channel endings. Her stories are easy to get into quickly, the characters grow and develop well, and there is always a perfect blend of plot and spice. Most recently, she has captured readers’ hearts with her Knockemout series, which includes Things We Never Got Over and Things We Hide from the Light
I am looking forward to summer and some extra time to catch up on my long list of books I want to read. The following romance books are just some of the many on my summer reading list.
Follow me on Instagram @letsreadtherainbow as I dive into these hot books this summer!
From Corporate to Ceramics
smell of freshly baked croissants filled the air. Lingering with my grandmother in this little alley café was my favorite thing to do. I dreamed of owning a café myself one day. I could picture myself wearing an apron, greeting patrons and serving them tasty treats on china plates. I don’t recall the name of the cafe, but I never forgot how it felt to be there with my grandmother.
Coast Clay” as a nod to Nashville (being the virtual “third” coast in the music industry, and because it evoked an imaginary place to escape to and create). We quickly outgrew the space, and I heard about the Factory at Franklin from a customer who celebrated her daughter’s birthday at the Coast.
’ll never forget my excitement as a child, going with my grandmother to a little French café in my hometown of Birmingham, Alabama. The adventure began when we started down the alley and entered through a small door, partially hidden with blooming wisteria vines. We went for special occasions, like when school let out for the summer, my birthday or just getting a good report card. Inside the café, artwork hung on plaster walls, music played softly, and the
As an adult, I’ve always been drawn to the feel of a place, the combination of sights, sounds and smells that come together in an unforgettable way. Traveling for my corporate job in the nineties, I encountered my first paint-your-own-pottery shop in San Francisco, California. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the little storefront, on a busy street, next to a coffeehouse. Inside were unfinished mugs and plates stacked on shelves, toasty smells of pottery firing, and happy customers painting away at little tables. It was the same good energy of the French café from my childhood combined with the creative activity of painting pottery. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven! This was what I had been looking for and I knew it was what I would do. So, I quit the corporate job and began my journey into the colorful world of ceramics.
After some research and training, I opened my first studio in a former painter’s studio in the 12 South District of Nashville. I picked the name “Third
Calvin Lehew had just purchased the Factory at Franklin and was leasing space to entrepreneurs. As soon as I met him and saw the beauty and potential of the old buildings, something told me that this was the place. I opened the store in 1999, and it’s been my privilege to have called the Factory home ever since. As Oprah says, “Your life is always speaking to you; it speaks in whispers guiding you to your next step.” So, when the most recent owners of the Factory shared their vision for the future and offered me a bigger space in another building, I followed my intuition and signed a lease. Look for us in Building 8 this summer, where we will have a brand-new space for connecting and creating! Learn more about Deborah's studio at thirdcoastclay.com.
One Night Only
WHO: Studio Tenn | studiotenn.org WHAT: One Night Only 2023 WHERE: The Factory at Franklin WHY: Studio Tenn held their annual fundraising event, “One Night Only” in Liberty Hall at the Factory at Franklin. The event honored the legacy of the prolific Broadway and Hollywood choreographer, Bob Fosse. The venue was transformed into a moody nightclub, and guests were treated to various musical performances.
Broadway credits include A View from the Bridge, The Green Bird, and Fiddler on the Roof. She also has an extensive list of movie, television and creative credits.
“Tricia actually learned to sing through Dolly’s music growing up,” says Patrick Cassidy, Studio Tenn’s Artistic Director. “Her portrayal is truly second to none and was blessed by Dolly herself, and the story is something everyone can empathize with and laugh alongside. Our patrons will leave the show smiling and singing along.”
Zach Sutton will portray the heartbroken Kevin, whose imaginary version of the country music legend will take the audience on a musical journey of healing. Sutton’s performance credits include Sister Act, Flashdance, Beauty and the Beast and A Chorus Line, among others.
The music of Tennessee icon Dolly Parton will fill The Franklin Theatre as Studio Tenn’s production of Here You Come Again hits the stage May 17-28, 2023. Here You Come Again is a rollicking and touching new musical that tells the story of Kevin – a struggling comedian and diehard Parton fan – who is forced to move in with his parents after a breakup during the pandemic. Parton appears to Kevin and uses her trademark charm to guide him as he rediscovers hope in a trying time.
Tricia Paoluccio – a co-writer of the musical – will step into Parton’s legendary shoes. Paoluccio previously played Parton in the musical Stand By Your Man at the Ryman Auditorium and also played Doraleein in the musical adaptation of the 1980 movie 9 to 5 starring Parton. Paoluccio’s
Written by Paoluccio, Gabriel Barre, and Bruce Vilanch, Here You Come Again features beloved songs written or performed by Parton, including "Jolene," "9 to 5" and "Islands in the Stream." It’s a can’t-miss for Dolly fans and theatergoers alike.
Tickets for Here You Come Again are on sale now and start as low as $55. Visit studiotenn.org or call 615.541.8200 for more details.
For Tickets, or to learn more, Visit StudioTenn.org
Fashion Show
WHO: Nashville Symphony | nashvillesymphony.org
WHAT: Nashville Symphony Fashion Show WHERE: Schermerhorn Symphony Center WHY: The Nashville Symphony Fashion Show raises funds for community engagement programming and important education the Nashville Symphony provides. Presented by Gus Mayer, the show featured the Fall 2023 collection from Brandon Maxwell. Mary Morgan Ketchel and Lisa Manning served as the co-chairs, while Sandra Lipman served as the executive chair. Kristin Chenoweth emceed the event and serenaded the guests with several songs.
With nearly 40 years of experience in swimming pool construction and operation, Clearwater Pools is a locally owned, and family operated company in the Greater Nashville area!
Crossword Puzzle
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1. Belle Starr gained notoriety as this on the western edge of the United States in the mid-1800s.
2. Anne ______ was an Irish pirate who trolled the Caribbean Sea with pirate John (“CalicoJack”) Rackham in the eighteenth century.
3. Martha Stewart was accused of _____trading.
7. Lizzie Borden was found not guilty for the murder of her _______ and stepmother.
1. Belle Starr gained notoriety as this on the 4. Mary Ann ______ , whose weapon western edge of the United States in the was poison, was considered mid-1800s. female mass murderer.
10. _______ Doss was nicknamed the “gigglin’ grandma.”
11. What percentage of White Collar crimes are committed by women?
12. Patty Hearst was convicted of robbing what?
2. Anne ______ was an Irish pirate who trolled 5. Jen _______, the star of The Real the Caribbean Sea with pirate John (“Calico Housewives of Salt Lake City, Jack”) Rackham in the eighteenth century. guilty in July of 2022 to criminal
4. Mary Ann ______ , whose weapon of choice was poison, was considered Britain’s worst female mass murderer.
3. Martha Stewart was accused of _____ charges stemming from an alleged trading. telemarketing scheme.
5. Jen _______, the star of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, pleaded guilty in July of 2022 to criminal fraud charges stemming from an alleged telemarketing scheme.
7. Lizzie Borden was found not guilty for the Delvey, she said that her fake murder of her _______ and stepmother. advisor, Peter W. Hennecke, 10. _______ Doss was nicknamed the “giggling
6. As things started to deteriorate
6. As things started to deteriorate for Anna Delvey, she said that her fake financial advisor, Peter W. Hennecke, had _____.
7. Charlotte Corday, an assassin grandma.” ______ Revolution, stabbed Jean-Paul
7. Charlotte Corday, an assassin during the______ Revolution, stabbed Jean-Paul Maratto death in his bath tub in 1793.
11. What percentage of White Collar crimes are to death in his bathtub in 1793. committed by women?
8. Judias Ann Lou Buenoano was 12. Patty Hearst was convicted of robbing what? state's “Black Widow.”