The Bachelors of Williamson County A LITTLE SOMETHING EXTRA
Gentlemen of Distinction: Williamson County Veterans
PARTNERS Gentlemen's Edition
Backstage with Tommy Howell & Friends ARTS & CULTURE
The major symptoms of a heart attack are: Think you may be having a heart attack? Call 911! We’ll bring our emergency room to you. Every minute counts with your heart. Our paramedics can start tests at your home while the hospital prepares for your arrival. • Crushing chest pressure, squeezing or pain • Pain traveling down one or both arms • Chest pain with shortness of breath • Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck or back • Cold sweats, feeling nauseated or lightheaded Unless the back of your car looks like this, don’t drive to the ER! dial 911
J a c o b W a t k i n s i s t h e o w n e r a n d b r o k e r o f C o r c o r a n R e v e r i e , a l u x u r y r e a l e s t a t e b r o k e r a g e s p e c i a l i z i n g i n t h e l u x u r y h o m e m a r k e t i n t h e g r e a t e r N a s h v i l l e a r e a a n d a c r o s s N o r t h w e s t F l o r i d a f r o m D e s t i n t o P a n a m a C i t y a n d t h e c o a s t a l c o m m u n i t i e s a l o n g 3 0 A A s a h u s b a n d a n d f a t h e r o f t w o , a g e s 3 - 1 / 2 a n d 2 , J a c o b i s a n c h o r e d b y h i s f a m i l y a n d d r i v e n t o c r e a t e a l e g a c y f o r t h e m t h a t w i l l s t a n d t h e t e s t o f t i m e W h e n h e i s n ' t a t w o r k , J a c o b c a n b e f o u n d b o a t i n g , b i r d h u n t i n g a n d s p e n d i n g t i m e w i t h h i s f a m i l y , e n j o y i n g a l l t h a t F l o r i d a ' s S o u t h
W a l t o n l i f e s t y l e h a s t o o f f e r
w h o h e i s h o w h e l e a d s
W i t h a k e e n u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e n u a n c e s o f n e w c o n s t r u c t i o n d e v e l o p m e n t , a s w e l l a s a t r u e l o v e o f s p r e a d s h e e t s , J a c o b c a n o f t e n b e f o u n d o n j o b s i t e s o r a r o u n d t h e c o n f e r e n c e t a b l e l e a d i n g g r o u p s o f a g e n t s w h o a r e i n t e r e s t e d i n o r c u r r e n t l y d e v e l o p i n g t h e i r o w n r e a l e s t a t e H i s a b i l i t y t o b r e a k d o w n p r o f o r m a ' s i n t h e c o m p e t i t i v e , s e c o n d h o m e m a r k e t o f 3 0 A , a n d h e l p h i s a g e n t s d o t h e s a m e , a l l o w h i s e x p e r t i s e t o t r i c k l e d o w n t o t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n o f r e a l e s t a t e p r o f e s s i o n a l s L i k e a l l o f C o r c o r a n R e v e r i e ' s l e a d e r s h i p , J a c o b ' s c o m m i t m e n t t o p r o v i d i n g t h e h i g h e s t l e v e l o f l u x u r y t r a i n i n g t o t h e a g e n t s i s w h a t f u e l s h i s d r i v e f o r s u c c e s s h o w h e s e l l s . . . . .
S i n c e s t a r t i n g i n r e a l e s t a t e n e a r l y a d e c a d e a g o , J a c o b h a s i n t e n t i o n a l l y r e m a i n e d i n q u i s i t i v e a n d c o n t i n u e s t o b e t t e r h i m s e l f a n d i n t u r n , h i s c a r e e r , t h r o u g h c o n s i s t e n t l y c h a l l e n g i n g h i m s e l f a n d l e a r n i n g O b s e r v a n t b y n a t u r e , J a c o b r e a l i z e d t h a t i f h e c r e a t e d h i s s t r a t e g i e s f r o m b i t s a n d p i e c e s f r o m t h e b e s t i n b u s i n e s s a l o n g t h e w a y , h e c o u l d c r e a t e s o m e t h i n g g r e a t H a v i n g c o n s t r u c t e d a n d s o l d h i s o w n r e a l e s t a t e a t e v e r y s t a g e o f h i s c a r e e r , h e h a s b o u g h t a n d s o l d o v e r $ 1 B i n r e a l e s t a t e , a n d h e l p e d c o u n t l e s s c l i e n t s a c h i e v e t h e i r r e a l e s t a t e g o a l s a l o n g t h e w a y
h o w h e l i v e s
J a c o b ' s c h a r i s m a t i c p e r s o n a l i t y a l o n g w i t h h i s c a r e e r a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s h a v e e a r n e d t h e r e s p e c t o f h i s i n d u s t r y c o l l e a g u e s a c r o s s t h e g l o b e H i s p h i l a n t h r o p i c w o r k i n c l u d e s s e r v i n g s e v e r a l n o t - f o r - p r o f i t g r o u p s i n c l u d i n g D e s t i n C h a r i t y W i n e A u c t i o n , a l o c a l e v e n t t h a t r a i s e s m i l l i o n s o f d o l l a r s f o r l o c a l c h a r i t i e s a n d T h e S o n d e r P r o j e c t , w h o ' s f o c u s o n e d u c a t i o n a n d f r e s h w a t e r e m p o w e r s i m p o v e r i s h e d c o m m u n i t i e s t h r o u g h h i g hi m p a c t , s u s t a i n a b l e d e v e l o p m e n t i n W e s t A f r i c a n c o u n t r i e s
l i v e w h o y o u a r e m o m e n t
"Leave a legacy behind that you can be proud of The work we do today will be the foundation of a successful tomorrow," says Jacob, " so be sure that everything you do is done to the the very best of your ability Build something your children will remember and be proud of."
C o r c o r a n G r o u p L L C A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d C o r c o r a n & t h e C o r c o r a n l o g o a r e r e g i s t e r e d s e r v i c e m a r k s o w n e d b y C o r c o r a n
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L e a d e r i n l u x u r y MEET THE MAN BEHIND THE REVERIE
4 0 B U R T O N H I L L S B L V D , S T E 2 3 0 | N A S H V I L L E , T N | 6 1 5 2 5 0 7 8 8 0 5 4 1 0 E C O H W Y 3 0 A , S T E 1 0 3 | S A N T A R O S A B E A C H , F L | 8 5 0 2 3 1 5 0 3 0 © 2 0 2
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FEATURES 28 AFTER A FASHION Men’s Summer Fashion with Franklin Road Apparel 34 A SPIRITED CONVERSATION A Wine Lover’s Paradise with Arrington Vineyards 38 YOUR COMMUNITY PARTNER 2023 Gentlemen of Distinction: Williamson County Veterans 62 A LITTLE SOMETHING EXTRA The Bachelors of Williamson County 88 READ BETWEEN THE LINES Gentlemen Authors of Williamson County 94 ARTS & CULTURE Backstage with Tommy Howell & Friends ON THE COVER:
say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave, O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.” - Francis Scott Key YOUR WILLIAMSON | SUMMER 2023 VOLUME XIII – ISSUE 121 62 6 | SUMMER 2023
p h o t o g r a p h y : @ a l l i s o n e l e f a n t e p h o t o
SOCIAL 18 Iroquois Steeplechase 24 Swan Ball 26 Hammers & High Heels 32 Bridges Golf Scramble 60 Historic Franklin: Along the Harpeth Launch Event 68 Jockeys & Juleps 76 Franklin Rodeo 81 Eat the Street 84 Women in Business Mixer 86 Davis House Child Advocacy Center Annual Golf Tournament 92 Music Country Grand Prix CONTENTS IN THIS ISSUE MONTHLY 12 Letter from the Publisher 16 Social Secretary 98 Did YOU Know? LIFESTYLE 22 YOUR Health & Wellness Quick Action During a Heart Attack with Williamson Medical Center 30 Fashionable YOU Dress for Success with Tom James 56 Pours & Palates Cocktails & Mocktails to Cool You Down this Summer at The Harpeth Hotel 58 Interior Thinking Sculpting Spaces with Howard Wiggins 87 YOUR Kids Shaping Tomorrow’s Gentlemen with Suzette Tucker Wimpy 96 Arts & Culture Arts & Culture In and Around Williamson County COMMUNITY 70 A Southern Gentleman Is... Sheriff Dusty Rhoades 72 Days Gone By Franklin’s Willow Plunge Swimming Pool with Katie Shands 80 I Am Williamson County Tommy Jackson 82 Up the Road Family Fun Across Tennessee BUSINESS 85 We’re in the Money Good Golf & Good Times in Franklin with Lineage Bank 8 | SUMMER 2023
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YOUR Williamson is a publication of: Robertson Media Group, LLC 404 Bridge Street | Franklin, TN | 37064 Office: 615.465.6046 yourwilliamson.com
Please send all content & coverage requests to: info@robertsonmediagroup.com
Your Williamson & Distinctively Southern Wedding are publications of Robertson Media Group, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in part or whole, without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of Your Williamson, Distinctively Southern Wedding or Robertson Media Group, LLC, its employees, and/or its representatives. All information printed in this publication or online is compiled in such a way as to ensure accuracy. However, Your Williamson, Distinctively Southern Wedding, and Robertson Media Group, LLC and its agents assume no liability and/or responsibility for the accuracy of claims in advertisements, articles, photographs, etc. published directly or submitted.
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a servant’s heart
hello, Williamson County! Summer is here! It’s my favorite time of year. Filled with warm weather and longer days to help make the most of each one we are blessed with, it’s also the time for the annual Gentlemen's Edition of YOUR Williamson. Our tag line is A Distinctively Southern Place, and that description is not only a perfect description, but it's only a start to how amazing our community is. There are so many things that make it great, but I believe it all starts with the people. We live in a town that is revered by others nationwide and it is no wonder why we have so many visitors and people wanting to live here. But that would not be the case without all those who have had the “SERVANTS HEART” to make Williamson County what it is today.
I feel so honored that I can talk with you today, as it our goal to be YOUR Community Magazine always. We try to be the best we can be every day, to do our part of telling the stories of others, and spotlighting all the wonderful things this community has to offer. Fifteen years ago, I had no idea that I would be right here, doing what I do, and feeling so grateful. Every day, I get to meet, watch, listen and learn from other gentlemen, to help mold me into a better man.
Gentlemen, Let’s embrace this summer. Live life to its fullest and remember: “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” -Albert Einstein.
Let’s love our family, do the things we enjoy with a passion and, each day, find a way to be of help to someone else.
Johnny Birdsong
johnny@robertsonmediagroup.com YOUR Southern Gentleman | Publisher | Owner
“A gentleman is one who puts more into the world than he takes out.” -George Bernard Shaw. We recently lost one of those such local gentlemen: Alva Jefferson “Jeff” Bethurum, MD. Dr. Jeff was a gentleman who always treated me with respect and a welcome smile. This wonderful man was born here in Franklin, attended BGA, went to college at Vanderbilt then took some time to explore other places looking for the perfect place to call home and found it to be right back here in Franklin. He practiced medicine and surgery for fifty-two years. He was Chief of Staff at Williamson Medical Center and, if that was not enough in his lifetime of helping others, he also was Mayor here for ten years. Yes, he had a servant’s heart. He loved his family and made time to do things he enjoyed. He had the oldest active pilots license in the state of Tennessee and had ridden his Harley Davidson in nearly all fifty states! I will always remember each conversation shared with Dr. Jeff and hope I can take away ways to be a better person, learned from him.
MONTHLY | Letter from the Publisher
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
12 | SUMMER 2023
jefferson “jeff” bethurum, md 1943 - 2023
Katie, local author of novel Finding Franklin, has found her home here in our community. See her interesting and history-filled blog posts all about Franklin and Williamson County on social media daily. Follow her on social media @katieshandsauthor.
Kip is the Master Vintner at Arrington Vineyards and co-owns the vineyard with country music icon Kix Brooks. Living in the charming town of Arrington with his wife, Kip blends his passion and expertise to craft exceptional wines that captivate the senses. Experience the symphony of flavors created by Kip Summers and Kix Brooks at Arrington Vineyards.
Lineage Bank is a multi-branch community bank based in Williamson County. Father and son veteran bankers Richard and Kevin Herrington opened the first Lineage Bank branch in Franklin on May 12, 2020.
Suzette is the Director of the Nashville and Williamson County Chapters of the National League of Junior Cotillions. She brings her passion for instilling life skills and manners from her own experience with the program. Her personal connection and dedication shine through as she guides students to become confident, respectful, and well-mannered individuals.
David, Senior Vice President of Tom James, has enjoyed over three decades serving his clients as a personal Image Consultant and LifeStyle Influencer. He is an avid boater, a water sports fanatic, and Tennessee outdoor enthusiast.
Williamson Health has been a healthcare pillar in our community for over sixty years. With an impressive tradition and commitment to providing exceptional healthcare service to thousands of patients, they are YOUR community hospital. For more information, visit williamsonhealth.org.
203 2ND AVENUE SOUTH FRANKLIN, TN 37064 $1,750,000 | ZONED OFFICE/RESIDENTIAL HISTORIC DOWNTOWN FRANKLIN DIANNE CHRISTIAN Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist BROKER, ABR, CRS, GRI, PNM o: 615.790.6107 c: 615.260.3313 Dianne@Daniel-Christian.com MATT DANIEL Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist MANAGING BROKER, ABR o: 615.790.6107 c: 615.498.6129 Matt@Daniel-Christian.com Come Visit Our Office at 203 2nd Avenue South | Franklin, Tennessee
Where the Land Connects Us All
Outside of Nashville in historic Franklin, Tennessee, Southall is a 325-acre resort with an inn, one-of-a-kind cottages, dining and spa experiences inspired by the land, and a working farm at the heart of it all. A place to gather, connect, and explore, Southall offers a wealth of nature-inspired activities that foster a deep appreciation for the land. From tours of our working farm, orchard, and greenhouses to culinary experiences, such as cooking demonstrations and seasonal tastings, Southall will ignite your curiosity and invite you to pursue new passions.
Adventure awaits with an array of activities, ranging from hiking and biking to a challenging aerial ropes course. Beautiful Lake Mishkin provides a picturesque setting for fishing, kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding, and more. Grounded in wellness, Southall will guide you to find balance with mindful pursuits that nourish the soul. Here, you’ll enjoy a celebration of inventive cuisine, wellness experiences, and outdoor adventures that immerse you in nature.
Join us on the journey. Visit www.southalltn.com or call to learn more.
Downtown Franklin fjecwilco.org
The Franklin Justice and Equity Coalition is hosting their Juneteenth in downtown Franklin on June 17th. The event will include live music, food, a kids zone, pet zone and more!
McLemore House aahswc.org
A celebration of freedom will be held on June 19th at the McLemore House. The event is open to the public and commemorates the emancipation of the African-American enslaved. Music, food, games and cultural activities are part of the celebration.
Downtown Franklin franklinlionsclub.com
The 4th of July Celebration will focus on family fun including, great music, free games, pet resting area, quality craft and tasty food. The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile will be arriving at 10am and will be giving out free Weenie Whistles, there will be a Patriotic Pet Parade at 10am, and the Children’s parade begins at 5pm. There will also be food, crafts, ,usic and more.
The Park at Harlinsdale Farm friendsoffranklinparks.org
The Park at Harlinsdale Farm is the prime spot for viewing the fireworks show! Friends of Franklin Parks is hosting the community in the Tractor Supply Co. Arena featuring music, beer tents and a kids area. Gates open at 5pm and the band, Bizz and the Everyday People, begins at 6pm. The fireworks are expected to begin at approximately 9pm.
Embassy Suites Cool Springs
African-American Heritage Society (AAHS) will be hosting their ninth annual Prom Night. The event is a fundraiser for their annual educational scholarship fund. The AAHS Prom Night is a prom for all ages ,where many will rekindle awesome memories of past proms – all for a great cause!
JULY 21 - 22
Downtown Franklin
Bluegrass Along the Harpeth is a weekend of music in honor of Franklin’s own Grand Ole Opry stars Sam and Kirk McGee. You will find some of the best musicians anywhere competing in individual instruments and band contests. In addition to all the music, there will be food and craft vendors.
MONTHLY | Social Secretary Stay in the know with all the happenings in and around Williamson County! SCAN ME! 16 | SUMMER 2023
FRANKLIN | HERBANMARKET.CO ORGANIC MARKET & RESTAURANT BREAKFAST | LUNCH | DINNER - 7 DAYS A WEEK COFFEE BAR | IN-HOUSE BAKERY | WINE BAR ARRINGTONVINEYARDS.COM | 6211 PATTON ROAD, ARRINGTON, TN | @ ARRINGTONVINEYARDS Join us for award-winning wines, Food Truck Fridays, and live music every Saturday and Sunday! Like Comment Share The Franklin Rodeo was another year of excitement and family-fun with amazing competition! SUBSCRIBE TO OUR E-NEWSLETTER SCAN QR CODE yourwilliamson.com AND STAY IN THE KNOW
Iroquois Steeplechase
WHO: Iroquois Steeplechase | iroquoissteeplechase.org
WHAT: Iroquois Steeplechase WHERE: Percy Warner Park
WHY: The eighty-second running of the Iroquois Steeplechase took place on the second Saturday of May and was a huge success! This world-class event supports Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt and other local community nonprofits, promoting the sport of steeplechasing!
Jennifer Mackenzie & Laura Thomason
Stephen & Elizabeth Fortunato
Jackie Wojtkiewicz & Emily Williams
Tom & Belinda Barrett
Briana Succop, Sara Bovender & Jordan Vaughn
Austin Fabel & Leland Taylor
McKenzie Masters & Briana Carlesimo
Katelyn McGonigle & Terry LaMair
John & Diane Vidalakis, Amanda & Jon Gaston
Steve Harder & Sandy McCoy
Alice Randall & Pam Taylor
Jamie McKenna & Keith Gregg
Patty & Robbie Ammons
18 | SUMMER 2023
Kelsey & Mike Moore
Lara & Vince Grande
Amy Glennon & Connie Smith Moore Courtney Synder & Matthew Finnicum
Meghan O’Rourke, Kaitlyn Hammerly & Amber Williams
Michael & Penny Lockhart
Carson Love & Brentley Caldwell
Jeff Wellington & Carol Montee
Laura Thompson, Megan Pinson & Kady McMahon Julian & Laura Scruggy
Jon & Surabhi Morrissey
Kelly Rowland & Mike Vinickier
Glenda Hatfield, John Vons & Carolyne Hadden
Katie, Caitlin & John Adgent, Nancy Russell, Seth & Adrienne Bridge
Suzanne Smothery, Alissa Bodart & Cindy Shafer
Stacey & Taylor Rhodes, Jeremy Morgan & Michael Averett
Mark & Kelly Meltzer
Valerie & Ray Hamilton
Morel Enoch & Geary Leathers
Lindsay Moore, Blaire Jett & Elizabeth Sherrard
Kate Rosen, Chloe Ward & Audrey Campbell
Johnny & Shelly Birdsong
Julie McCarter, Holly Beck, Jennifer Peyser, Kristin Price, Mary Stamelor & Laura Hughes
Vicki McNamara & Leigh Williams
Jaylon Patton & Jordan Shumate
Don Cunningham, Hannah Feltner, Nancy & Keith Gregg, Ed Mckenna, Lindsay Jost & David Haase
Stephen & Jamaica Zralek, Ben & Lianne Montague
3rd Place 6th Annual Iroquois Steeplechase Tailgate Contest
2nd Place 6th Annual Iroquois Steeplechase Tailgate Contest
1st Place 6th Annual Iroquois Steeplechase Tailgate Contest
Erin Puryear, Mary-Lauren Allen, Carolyn Thombs & Sarah Hunziker
Rachel Hislop, Avery Wagar, Sarah Ramsay, Abbey Kene, Ann Vitti & Caroline Dowd Soli & Lauren Soloman
Drake Elcan, Maggie Cannata, Jackson Wright & Coby Sheer
Katie & Ben Oehner
20 | SUMMER 2023
Jonna Ashwood & Vicki Horne
livealegend.com Luxury Homes Starting in the Upper $1 Millions SHOULD BE A LUXURY EXPERIENCE BUILDING A LUXURY HOME
Act Fast
Whether you’re spending the weekend at the ballpark or working in the yard, there’s plenty to look forward to this summer. But increased activity levels and warmer temps can add stress to your heart, making it more important to recognize the symptoms of a heart attack - especially considering heart disease is the leading cause of death for men in the U.S.
and telling you that something is wrong,” he says. “If you seek help before you are having major signs and symptoms, you greatly increase your chances of a better outcome.”
In the event of a heart attack, it can be helpful to take aspirin. Dr. Keswani recommends either a full dose (325 mg) or four baby aspirin (81 mg each).
Wallace always recommends calling 911 during an emergency. “When you call 911, you will have highly skilled and equipped providers intervening faster than you can get yourself to the vehicle, much less the drive time it takes to get to the hospital,” he says.
Know the Signs
According to cardiac experts of Williamson Health, recognizing heart attack signs can mean the difference between life and death. For men, signs of a heart attack can include:
• Chest pain or discomfort in the center of the chest or left side lasting more than a few minutes. “Often, it’s described as feeling like someone sitting on your chest,” says Dr. Amit Keswani, an interventional cardiologist at Williamson Medical Center (WMC), the flagship acute-care hospital of Williamson Health. Shortness of breath.
• Pain radiating to your left arm or jaw.
• Sweating, even though you’re not exerting yourself.
Think you’re having a heart attack? Call 911! “The chances of surviving a heart attack are better the sooner emergency treatment begins,” says Richard Westgate, MSN, RN, and director of WMC’s ER department and cardiac catheterization lab. “Heart attacks can present in very different ways for different people, and, if a patient guesses wrong, the outcomes can be deadly.”
Michael Wallace, CCPM, Williamson Health EMS chief, agrees: “Vague or more obvious symptoms are your body’s way of getting your attention
Dr. Keswani agrees. “When you call EMS, they can triage your vital signs, perform an EKG and transmit data in real time to our ER staff. This activates an entire team of nurses, surgical techs and physicians, including interventional cardiologists, who can prepare for the next step of intervention once you arrive at the hospital.”
Heart Healthy Tips for Men
If you’re ready to improve your heart health, here are a few steps to consider.
• Know your risk factors. Risk factors include high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and smoking
• Make a change (or two). “It’s hard to outrun your genetics, but a healthy diet and regular exercise can go a long way in terms of prevention,” Dr. Keswani says.
• Stop smoking. According to the American Heart Association, smoking greatly increases the risk of developing heart disease.
• Stress also increases strain on your heart, so take steps to manage or reduce stress in your life.
In addition to treating patients in an emergency, Williamson Health also offers high-quality comprehensive cardiac care close to home. WMC’s wide variety of Cardiology Services provides advanced monitoring and evaluation to determine a patient’s risk of a cardiac event. The new cardiac catheterization lab allows interventional cardiologists like Dr. Keswani to perform catheter-based cardiac interventions, offering patients shorter hospital stays, recovery time and minimal scarring. “We offer a myriad of outpatient cardiac testing as well as acute inpatient services and are continually growing our service lines,” Dr. Keswani says.
To learn more about Williamson Health’s cardiac care, visit williamsonhealth.org.
LIFESTYLE | YOUR Health and Wellness
22 | SUMMER 2023
Vague or more obvious symptoms are your body’s way of getting your attention and telling you that something is wrong,
Iris Medical Group (IMG) is a physician owned medical company providing in-home healthcare services. Our team is composed of physicians, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, and physician assistants working together to deliver affordable, efficient, and compassionate care to patients in the comfort of their own home.
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Swan Ball
WHO: Cheekwood Estate & Gardens | cheekwood.org
WHAT: The 61st Annual Swan Ball WHERE: The Cheekwood Estate and Gardens WHY: The Swan Ball was established in 1963 by Nashville native, Jane Anderson Dudley and has a long legacy as one of the country’s most prestigious, white-tie charity events benefiting Nashville’s fabled botanical gardens and arts treasure, Cheekwood. The chairs of this year's event were Ashley Rosen and Elizabeth Dingess.
Michael & Sarah Mettee
LaRawn & Richard Rhea
Shari & Red Martin
Adam Sansiveri & Kendall Brown
Ruth Puryear, Sara Huntzinker & Sophie Scott
Jim & Laurie Seabury
Chris & Cari Isham
Ashley Rosen & Elizabeth Dingess Coffi Bell & Brandon Corbin
Natalie Clements, Leslie Rolfe & Delia Darst
Morel Enoch, Geary Leathers & Elizabeth Waller
Ryan & Barrett Wood
Carol & Darryl Yochem
John & Amy Liz Riddick
Daniella Kraiem & John Dale
24 | SUMMER 2023
Dana Curtis & Pamela Brungher
movingwithkelly.com ERealtorKellyDougherty QA@movingwithkelly Kelly Dougherty REALTOR® c: 615.804.6940 | o: 615. 790.3400 | Kellyd@Parksathome.com FOR SALE 904 Hamilton Branch Lane Franklin Located at Gentry’s Farm FOR SALE 501 Bonaire Lane Franklin Westhaven FOR SALE 1538 Championship Boulevard Franklin Westhaven FOR SALE 9019 Berry Farms Xing Franklin Berry Farms PENDING 1013 Hornsby Drive Franklin Ladd Park PENDING 112 Poteat Place Franklin Monticello - Pool SOLD 446 Wild Elm Street Franklin Westhaven FOR SALE 4127 Clovercroft Road Franklin Amelia Park FOR SALE 1925 Shamrock Drive Brentwood Wildwood FOR SALE 1101 State Boulevard Franklin Westhaven
Hammers & High Heels
WHO: Habitat for Humanity | hfhwm.org
WHAT: Hammers & High Heels WHERE: Factory at Franklin WHY: Hosted by international motivational speaker and best-selling author, Dale Smith Thomas, the event featured live music from Burning Las Vegas, a plated dinner, photo booth fun, and an exciting silent auction selection. All proceeds went to support Habitat for Humanity Williamson-Maury’s Women Build Program by raising funds to construct a home for a local, single mother.
BOUTIQUE 130 Wilson Pike Circle Brentwood, TN 37027 615.370.7990 Úvignetteboutiquetn.com BEAUTIFUL Women's Fashion & Accessories and
David & Martha Harvey
Kim Varga & Rick Bell
Dale Smith Thomas, Brian Mills & Kim Randell
LaQuita Scaife, Jennifer Martens & Lauren Drury
Anna Wiseman, Paige Wolf & Mia Wiseman
Jeff Stancill & Buffy Bundshuh
Shelly Watson & Hannah Franklin
Carrika Washington & Kim Randell
Janice Hardrath & Ron Kempf
John & Kristy Hope Moira & Nathan Sanborn, Marisa & Paul Novak
Leslie Dysinger & Frank Sullivan
SALT – SAUNA – SPA PARTY – VIP Charleston, SC | Mount Pleasant, SC | Savannah, GA | Franklin, TN 615.515.9565 | FRANKLIN.WOODHOUSESPAS.COM "Life is short. Live it"
from Classic to Contemporary
elcome to Franklin Road Apparel, where style and sophistication converge, and individuality takes center stage. As a local staple, renowned for its impeccable selection, Franklin Road Apparel offers an exceptional collection that caters to the refined tastes of today’s modern gentlemen. With a diverse range of premium fashion brands, Franklin Road Apparel provides unparalleled craftsmanship that exemplifies elegance and refinement.
From timeless classics that exude enduring charm to cutting-edge trends that push boundaries, this carefully curated collection invites you to explore a world of possibilities. Each piece at Franklin Road Apparel tells its own unique story, reflecting the artistry and meticulous craftsmanship of the exclusive brands featured in our store.
Discover a diverse range of wardrobe essentials that embody your distinct taste and set you apart from the crowd. Whether you’re in search of a standout statement item that captures attention or building a versatile wardrobe that adapts to any occasion, Franklin Road Apparel is your ultimate destination.
Unleash your creativity, embrace your individuality, and let your style shine as you explore our thoughtfully curated selection of fashion. It’s time to express yourself authentically and make a lasting impression with pieces that truly resonate with who you are. Experience the unparalleled craftsmanship and exceptional quality that defines Franklin Road Apparel.
LIFESTYLE | After A Fashion
Updated Blazer by Raleigh Workshop
Cool Colored Denim by Raleigh Workshop
28 | SUMMER 2023
Print Camp Shirt by Samsoe Samsoe
Emerson X Shirt by Samsoe Samsoe
Statement Trunks by Stampd®
Perfect Linen Shirts by Billy Reid
Seersucker Shorts by No Nationality
Dress forSuccess WITH TOM
s some people still choose to stay secluded in their virtual office at home, more and more of the movers and shakers, are deciding to revisit their real office to once again benefit from what it has offered in the past. The “office” was created to be a playground for building relationships, cultivating success principles, and for leaders to model what their people need for success. But now, that mentality of “iron sharpens iron, we’re in it together” that the office atmosphere offered before has unfortunately pivoted to more of a “your on your own, good luck kid”- type mentality.
It’s clear to see that most people are still challenged with the desire to stay in this new comfort zone we’ve become accustomed to, but leaders are now starting to recognize that they can no longer run the risk of losing the instant influence that an office’s culture of discipline and a person’s dress for success mentality creates. This awareness is met head on, however, with a new concern of how to implement requirements, for a more successful work environment, work schedule or dress code.
It has become apparent that the responsibility for one’s success has unintentionally been weighed solely onto the shoulders of the individual verses being shared with the team, group or corporation. This shift in accountability will have long-term consequences for the success of the individual, and thus the organization itself, if an intentional middle ground is not created. Also, because of this unintentional shift from “team” to “individual,” one’s success schedule and personal image has become more important than ever for the future upper-echelon who is rising through the ranks as society’s influencers.
Through these changes, however, clothing still remains the only product a person can buy, that helps create a strong personal image, to maximize influence in the arena in which one chooses to battle. So one simple question people must answer for themselves is: What should I wear to help keep myself credible within my circle of influence, so I can keep moving (or move faster), toward my goals...even though others around me may choose to wear what’s easiest to pull out of the drawer? Versus: What’s BEST to pull out of the closet?
The choice :
What’s easiest or what’s best? Which path is the one for YOU to reach your goals?
LIFESTYLE | Fashionable YOU
30 | SUMMER 2023
Since 1966, the Tom James Company has been making custom clothing for busy professionals. As the largest custom clothing manufacturer in the world, our clothiers work with you to build a wardrobe for the office, the weekend and any special occasion in your life. 263
TN 37067 tomjames.com
Ila Bridal believes in a simplified approach to wedding dress shopping without compromising on fashion or comfort. Our expertise and experience help women find the dress that makes them look and feel like their truly captivating self. We offer private appointments where the bride receives the entire boutique to herself and her loved ones while she shops with her personal bridal stylist. Our brides create their own traditions and don’t identify with factory made, mainstream, mass produced bridal. We serve brides looking for a more natural way to shop - without all the fussiness, complicated and overly expensive hoopla that the industry markets to women. Our Nashville bridal boutique carries only ethically made wedding wear that are hand picked for their high quality fabrics and construction, fashion forward style, exclusivity and originality. The cherry on top? Once you find the gown that’s made for you, it’s yours! Our streamlined process allows you to walk out of the shop that day with your brand new, ready to wear wedding gown and all the resources needed for your next steps.
*Mention this ad and receive a free gift with gown purchase.
EVENT Bridges Golf Scramble
WHO: Bridges Domestic Violence Center | bridgesdvc.org
WHAT: Bridges Golf Scramble WHERE: Temple Hills Country Club
WHY: Bridges is the only domestic violence center in Williamson County and is dedicated to helping victims and survivors find a pathway to safety and independence. On May 15th, they hosted their annual golf scramble at Temple Hills Country Club to raise money for the services provided throughout the year.
We do things a little differently around here . . .
ilabridalstudio com | 615 469 6280 438 Houston Street | STE 252 | Nashville
Chun Leuing, Shianee Ashworth, Michael Moraitis, Scott Dickinson & Matt Sligh
Kyle Checchin & Brandon Baisden
Craig Burrer, Tom Janisse, Johnny & Bo Birdsong
Kim Coakley & Leslie Bechtel
Corey & Justin Erwin
Dave Davis & Hal Murrell
Drew Holiday & PJ Rigby
Scott Dickinson & Chun Leuing
Beth Walk & Carolyn Sorenson
Nestled on ninety acres amidst the picturesque rolling hills of Williamson County, lies Arrington Vineyards, a haven for guests seeking an exquisite blend of fine wine craftsmanship, natural beauty and live music. Since Country music icon Kix Brooks and I opened the winery in 2007, it has flourished into a renowned destination that captivates visitors with its charming ambiance and exceptional wines.
Kix and I were inspired by the allure of the ideal “wine country experience” and the desire to craft extraordinary wines. So, we meticulously transformed a rural farm into Williamson County’s first winery. Although the first vines were planted in 2003, the winery officially opened for business in July 2007. The following spring, entrepreneur John Russell joined our winery partnership. Through our combined dedication, business experience and passion, we
cultivated an award-winning winery that quickly grew and has evolved into one of Tennessee’s most visited and widely known destinations.
The primary characteristic that sets Arrington Vineyards apart from other wineries is our unique “wine country” atmosphere that’s infused with the spirit of Nashville. From our winery’s rustic yet elegant Tasting Lodge, to our refurbished eighty year old Barn, guests can savor our wines in several different and unique settings. Our expansive outdoor seating areas and stunning vineyard views allow visitors to immerse themselves in a tranquil wine country setting. Additionally, every weekend in April through October, we have live jazz quartets playing on the eastern hillside above the grapevines while live bluegrass bands perform at our Grand Barn on the west side of the winery grounds.
But of course, there’s more to Arrington Vineyards than just the experience of being here. Winemaking excellence has always been our main mission. We’ve consistently won hundreds of gold and silver medals at various international wine competitions over the past sixteen years, and our expert wine production team, led by winemaker Chase Vienneau, works hard to perfect the art of winemaking. Their expertise and dedication are evident in every bottle of the twenty three different types of wine we sell. Visitors can enjoy our special “Food and Wine Pairing” experience and we also have one of the largest wine clubs in the USA, with members in thirty eight states. Whether you’re a seasoned wine connoisseur or new to the world of wine, our knowledgeable staff is always eager to welcome you to the winery and guide you through a tasting experience.
Sip, Swirl and Savor
FEATURE | A Spirited Conversation
34 | SUMMER 2023
Arrington Vineyards is more than just a winery; it’s a destination that encapsulates the spirit of Music City with the elegant ambiance of wine country. Our commitment to excellence and dedication to providing an extraordinary experience make us a standout in the wine world. Whether you’re exploring the vineyards, indulging in a tasting flight, or simply relishing the breathtaking views, Arrington Vineyards promises to leave a delightful lasting impression on your heart and palate.
6211 Patton Road, Arrington, TN 37014 @ArringtonVineyards on Instagram Facebook.com/ArringtonVineyards arringtonvineyards.com.
NEW CONSTRUCTION ON 24 ACRES 1150 LEWISBURG PIKE | FRANKLIN OFFERED AT $6,888,000 24 Fenced Acres • 5,154 Sq Ft Main Home • 5,477 Sq Ft Party Barn • Gunite Pool and Spa • Turf and Flagstone Decking • Gated Entry • Vaulted Ceilings • Built by Tennessee Valley Homes McClain Franks 615.405.2603 Paxton Williams 615.925.1819 615.591.1170 tennesseevalleyhomes.com VALLEY HOMES INC.
Gentlemen of Distinction
Each year, we choose a group of gentlemen from our community we feel exemplify the characteristics of a true Gentlemen of Distinction. This year, we have chosen to share the stories of and to honor heroes in our midst: The veterans of Williamson County. While this is only a sampling of these brave, heroic and honorable men around us, we hope you will enjoy learning more about their lives and history of service both while in active military and in their daily lives. We thank them for their service and their dedication to our country.
Michael Moody
Michael Moody, a dedicated seventy- seven year-old resident of Franklin, has lived a life marked by service and volunteerism. Graduating from East Tennessee State University in 1968, he joined the Army Corps of Engineers as a second lieutenant and served in Vietnam, overseeing road upgrades amidst challenging monsoon conditions.
Returning home, Michael witnessed a divided nation, but his military service imparted resilience and gratitude. In retirement, he volunteered with SCORE, mentoring small business owners, and joined the Red Cross, providing aid in disaster-stricken areas. Deployed multiple times, he witnessed the impact of helping people during their darkest moments.
Michael's commitment extends to his involvement with Vietnam Veterans Chapter 1140, where he serves as secretary, honoring fallen comrades and raising awareness about the effects of Agent Orange. Beyond his volunteer work, he treasures his life in Franklin, enjoying the small-town charm and proximity to metropolitan areas. Through his lifelong dedication to service, Michael exemplifies the spirit of giving and making a difference in the lives of others.
FEATURE | YOUR Community Partner
38 | SUMMER 2023
Discover the Sanctuary Series from the mid $700’s - upper $800’s 615.849.1149 www.sheltonsquareliving.com Visit our Info Center at 5711 Shelton Blvd. - Murfreesboro Info Center Open Sat - Wed 1-5PM Sanctuary Series Builder: Element Building Group - Resort-Style Amenities including adult and kiddie pools, clubhouse (coming 2023), playground, dog park, 1/2 court basketball, & pond - Excellent schools including Blackman Middle & Blackman High - Fabulous southwest Murfreesboro location near shopping, medical & dining – Plus only 3 minutes to I-840 HOA Lawn Maintenance in Sanctuary
John Purves
John Purves, a distinguished military veteran, is renowned for his remarkable career as an Air Force pilot and instructor. Born in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, in 1933, Purves attended Lawrence College for degrees in mathemetics and physics and was initially intending to avoid the draft and the Korean War. However, unexpectedly joining the ROTC and passing the flight physical, he embarked on a life-altering journey.
After undergoing rigorous training in Texas and Arizona, he was assigned to a base in France during the Cold War. He learned how to fly F-100 jets and prepared for nuclear weapon deployment before transitioning to instructing fighter pilots in California. He also ended up flying the F-4 Phantom in Vietnam for combat missions. When he was in Europe, he took part in numerous weapons competitions, and out of sixty-four pilots from around the world, he earned second place in the competition. He often used his knowledge of mathematics and physics to decipher the precise moment he needed to drop the weapons. He used this as background for being able to instruct in the Top Gun schools, where one had to do low level navigation and deliver a weapon.
Throughout his twenty-two-year military tenure, Purves flew combat missions across Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, earning recognition and receiving esteemed honors such as the Distinguished Flying Cross. His unwavering commitment to the Air Force and dedication to training future pilots exemplify his exceptional character.
While his military career brought him great fulfillment, Purves cherishes his role as a devoted husband to his wife, Alexandra, and a caring father to his two daughters.
Watt Crockett
Watt Crockett, born in Nashville, attended Montgomery Bell Academy and went on to attend Vanderbilt University, where he pursued business administration. Proactively enlisting in the Navy in 1957, Watt witnessed distinguished figures like Winston Churchill and served on the USS Randolph (CV-15). Rising to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade, Watt served as an officer of the deck, taking charge of the ship for four hours at a time. Demonstrating resourcefulness, he handled a man-overboard situation swiftly. Post-Navy, Watt embarked on an insurance industry career at John Hancock, meeting his future wife in the field. Humble and wise, he values listening to experienced individuals. Notably, he also cherishes the advice of his wife, recognizing the importance of considering the wisdom of loved ones. Upholding integrity and advocating kindness, Watt believes his passion in life is making a positive impact on others' lives.
40 | SUMMER 2023
Limestone Title is proud to announce the addition of our newest team member, Tish Baldwin. Tish brings a wealth of knowledge to our team with over 30 years of Real Estate/Legal experience. She served as Claims Counsel for First American in Florida and was Tennessee State Counsel and Underwriting Counsel for Stewart Title. In addition to underwriting, Tish spent years working on the title and closing side of the business. She is able to handle all aspects of closing from the search to the closing table. Tish makes the third full time attorney in our Franklin market and strengthens our ability to handle the most complex title issues. There is no comparison to having underwriting counsel sitting in your office daily.
The next few years should offer some interesting opportunities in the Real Estate market. With that in mind, Limestone continues to grow and position ourselves for a changing real estate landscape. We are always looking for top notch talent and clients that understand our mindset and the partnership opportunities we look to provide. We thrive with clients that view us as an invaluable member of their team and allow us to grow and change with them and their needs. We are more than just a title company; we are a partner that will work non-stop to help you accomplish your goals.
580 Franklin Road | Suite 203 | Franklin, TN 37069 | 615.730.7955
Gene Dunn, born and raised in West Tennessee, enlisted during the Korean War and later pursued a career in education administration. Undergoing basic training with the renowned 101 st Airborne Division, Gene embarked on a remarkable journey. Deployed to Japan instead of Korea, he oversaw Japanese stevedores and developed an appreciation for their resilience. Gene cherished the camaraderie and played softball during his military service. After completing his service, he utilized the GI Bill to earn bachelor's and master's degrees at Mississippi College. Settling in Pensacola with his wife Carol, he became an assistant principal and later an elementary school principal, leaving a lasting impact on students' lives. Relocating to Nashville to be closer to family, Gene reflects on the importance of teamwork and camaraderie in the military. His legacy extends beyond service, as his dedication to education and love for his family are inspiring.
Gene Dunn Herb Schlicht
Herb Schlicht was born in Port Huron, Michigan. Born to German immigrant parents, he pursued education at Port Huron Junior College and Western Michigan University, majoring in Business Administration. Drafted into the military at age twenty-three during the Vietnam War, Herb prepared himself for the challenges ahead. Basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky, tested his spirit while balancing his passion for baseball. Despite facing challenges, including an unjust promotion denial, Herb's strong principles led him to resign from the military. Transitioning to civilian life, he embarked on a career in the insurance industry, leveraging skills gained from his military service. Herb's journey shaped his personal growth, teaching him open-mindedness and empathy. Active in organizations like the JC's, he made a positive impact in his community. He ended up forming the Denver JC Boxing Program, and he helped to improve connections within the community. Herb relocated to Williamson County to be closer to his son and daughter.
LOCALLY OWNED FAMILY BUSINESS SINCE 2002 WITH GOOD GRUB & LOTS O'BEER! McCreary’s Irish Pub & Eatery 414 Main Street | Franklin, TN 37064 615.591.3197 | mccrearyspub.com
Carroll Owen
Carroll Owen is from Cape Girardeau, Missouri. He has lived a century filled with bravery, resilience, and unwavering dedication. Raised as the youngest son of a Baptist minister, his strong faith shaped his character.
During World War II, Carroll was drafted into the Army in March 1943 after beginning his ministerial college studies. He underwent rigorous training before being sent to the European Theatre of Operations. Witnessing the horrors of war firsthand, he endured intense enemy fire on the German border. Despite the challenges, Carroll displayed immense courage and resilience, even as he suffered from Trench Foot. He was given the Combat Infantry Badge, an Expert Marksman Medal and a European Theatre of Operations Ribbon with two battle stars.
After the war, Carroll pursued his calling and became an ordained minister. His calling took him to Tennessee, where he eventually settled with his wife. Carroll's dedication to his family was paramount. He cherished spending quality time with them, sharing his love for hunting.
Carroll's decision to join a combat unit instead of seeking a deferment showcased his unwavering honor and duty. His story serves as an inspiration, reflecting a life well-lived and a lasting impact.
©2023 Mountain Commerce Bank Member FDIC. NMLS# 417746 5-Star Rated by BauerFinancial With a business or personal money market account from MCB you keep access to your funds while you increase your earnings. Open a Money Market with new money and earn 5.00% APY* for $50,000 and above, or earn 2.50% APY* for $49,000 or less. Stop by MCB today. Your Key to Better Banking since 1910. Hometown Service Smart Technology Brentwood 5205 Maryland Way (615) 283-5400 * Rate is current as of May 15, 2023; rate may change at any time after December 31, 2023 at the discretion of Mountain Commerce Bank (MCB). Not available for institutional investors. Interest is compounded daily and posts to the account monthly. See an MCB representative for current interest rates. See disclosures provided at account opening for additional account information. Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of 5.00% is current as of May 15, 2023 for $50,000 and above; 2.50% for $49,999.99 or less. Fees may reduce earnings. Not available for institutional investors. Grow Your Money to New Heights with a 5.00% APY* Business or Personal Money Market Account
Rich Krejsa
Born on July 31, 1946, in Chicago, Rich Krejsa’s life has been defined by service and dedication. After enlisting in the Air Force to avoid being drafted into the Vietnam War, Rich served as a Morse intercept operator, monitoring radar installations in the Philippines and later volunteering for airborne missions in Vietnam. During his time there, he flew 100 missions on an EC-47 aircraft. On one mission in particular, he made a critical decision to abort a mission and provided valuable intelligence to ground forces. For his contributions, he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.
Following his military service, Rich pursued a career at United Airlines and transitioned into tech support management roles at Dana Corporation and Willis. In retirement, his commitment to his fellow veterans remained unwavering. Rich is dedicated to connecting veterans and empowering them to tell their stories. Before he became the President of the Vietnam Veterans Chapter #1140, he was instrumental in gaining enough signatures needed for the Franklin chapter to become official. He has embraced opportunities to serve his community and fellow veterans, advocating for their needs and spreading awareness about the affects of Agent Orange. Also, he organizes reunions for his 6994th Security Squadron. These reunions allowed families to learn about the experiences of their loved ones as veterans openly shared memories and insights.
Rich Krejsa’s dedication to honoring veterans and educating others about their experiences has made a lasting impact. His selfless service and remarkable contributions exemplify the spirit of patriotism and camaraderie. Through his actions, he continues to inspire others to appreciate and support those who have served their country.
HOP ON FRANKLIN TRANSIT for Local Shopping and Fun
Al Roberts
Al Roberts, a ninety-one-year-old Korean War Veteran, hails from Addison, Vermont. Growing up on a basic dairy farm without modern amenities, he developed a strong work ethic. At eighteen, Al enlisted in the Army Air Corps as an engineer. Impressed by his skills, the military assigned him the role of teaching new recruits about jet engines and repairs instead of sending him to Korea. After four years of service in Texas, Al transitioned to a field service engineer, traveling the world to over thirty-five countries and all fifty U.S. states. His military background provided him with opportunities to work on specialized welding equipment, including contributing to the space station. Self-discipline became a key lesson for Al, who learned to motivate himself while working alone. Moving to Williamson County in 1999, he cherishes time with family and indulges in golf, travel, and fly fishing. Al's definition of being a gentleman revolves around kindness and treating others as one would like to be treated.
Franklin Transit is the easy way to get around Franklin and Cool Springs. We have friendly service, $1 one-way tickets, and more stops available every 30 minutes to get you where you need to go. From restaurants to shopping to historical sites. DOWNTOWN
James Martin
James Martin, aged ninety-four, was born and raised in Brentwood. Attending high school in Nashville, he immersed himself in various sports, including football, basketball, and his true passion, baseball. James aspired to play professionally and showcased his skills in an All-American game in Chicago at the age of eighteen. While he had an opportunity to join the St. Louis Cardinals, fate intervened when he was drafted into the Army at eighteen. Serving for three years, he achieved the rank of corporal and was stationed in Missouri and South Korea, where he faced and overcame numerous challenges. His military experience transformed him, teaching him the importance of composure and active listening. In civilian life, James built a successful career in the pharmaceutical industry, starting from the stock room and gradually ascending to Vice President. He dedicated forty years to the company before retiring at sixty-five. James cherishes his residence in Williamson County, considering it the finest in the state.
Jack Phillips
Born and raised in north Alabama, he initially aspired to become a football star for the University of Alabama. Eventually, he attended Millsaps College in Mississippi on a football scholarship, where he formed lifelong friendships. After two years at Millsaps College, injuries prevented Dr. Phillips from continuing his football career. Encouraged by his brother, who was attending West Point, he decided to join the Marines. Serving for three years, he attained the rank of Buck Sergeant before being honorably discharged in 1960. Following his military service, Dr. Phillips embarked on a journey in higher education, earning multiple degrees and conducting further studies at institutions such as Harvard and the University of Alabama.
He holds a doctorate in philosophical law, ethics and psychological moral thought. Dr. Phillips' commitment to education and philanthropy has been unwavering throughout his life.
Jack went on to be the President of Union University for fourteen years. Despite facing obstacles and challenges, he has leveraged his expertise and network to make a significant impact on colleges and institutions.
12-Month GoldFlex Add-On CD 5.25% APY* ©2023 Mountain Commerce Bank Member FDIC. NMLS# 417746 5-Star Rated by BauerFinancial Add to your balance every month for the life of the CD while also locking in a great rate. At most banks, you trade one for the other. You might get a great rate, but you can’t add to your account. Or, you can add to your account, but you get a lower rate. At MCB, you can have both. Stop by MCB today. Your Key to Better Banking since 1910. Hometown Service Smart Technology Brentwood 5205 Maryland Way (615) 283-5400 *Rate is current as of May 15, 2023 and can expire at any time at the discretion of Mountain Commerce Bank (MCB). Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of 5.25%. Minimum opening deposit is $1000.00. No minimum balance is required. Penalty for early withdrawals. Interest accrues daily and is added back monthly. Certain restrictions and conditions may apply. Refer to the Deposit Account Terms and Conditions Agreement for additional account information. Fees may reduce earnings. Get a Great CD Rate + Flexibility With nearly 40 years of experience in swimming pool construction and operation, Clearwater Pools is a locally owned, and family operated company in the Greater Nashville area! 615.370.9811 | CLEARWATERPOOLSNASHVILLE.COM IT’S TIME TO JUMP INTO SUMMER WITH CLEARWATER POOLS!
James Martin
James Martin grew up on a farm in Putnam County. During his childhood, he went on to achieve state and national recognition in electric and achievement as a member of the esteemed 4H club. Scholarships allowed him to attend Vanderbilt University for his undergraduate degree, followed by successful pursuits of a Master's degree from Auburn University and a doctorate from the renowned University of Southern California.
James joined the Air Force, commencing a fulfilling 30-year military career. Progressing through the ranks, he eventually assumed the important role of Chief of Supply, overseeing a team of 400 personnel. His competency and dedication were acknowledged by esteemed high-ranking officers.
Beyond his military service, James devoted fifteen impactful years as an executive director for the Red Cross, supervising operations in fifteen counties.
He firmly believes that government tours provide valuable insights into the inner workings of the nation.
Dick” Turner
Richard Turner was born in 1935 in Blacksburg, South Carolina. He joined the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) during his college years at Clemson University and enlisted in the Army, specializing in armored warfare. Rising to the rank of First Lieutenant, he received commendations, including the Bronze Star and multiple Air Force Commendation Medals, for his valor and outstanding service. Richard faced challenges with resilience and found camaraderie among his fellow soldiers during his military service, and he worked in tanks along his cohorts. After retiring from the military, Richard had a successful career with AT&T as a Department Chief. Richard feels his experience in the military was outstanding and invaluable. Richard says a true gentleman lives by the golden rule, and treats everyone the way that he would want to be treated.
Summer flower arrangements to make you smile! 227 Franklin Road | Franklin, TN | 615.591.7990 | alwaysinbloominc.com
Williamson County’s Top Real Estate Team 1996 Old Hillsboro Rd, Franklin | 150+ Acres | $36,000,000 355 Jones Pkwy, Brentwood | $4,295,000 1607 Gordon Petty Dr, Brentwood | $3,349,900 5101 Aberleigh Ln (Lot A), Franklin | $4,249,900 1405 Montmorenci Pass, Brentwood | $7,249,900 8848 Edgecomb Dr, College Grove | $2,640,000 2639 Sporting Hill Bridge Rd, Thompson's Station | $1,495,000 226 11th Ave S, Franklin | $1,995,000 9003 Pointe Cross Ln, Brentwood | $3,000,000 VIEW THE CURRENT LIST OF AVAILABLE HOMES AT LCTTEAM.COM
Parks | 106 E Main St, Franklin, TN 37064 (615) 790-7400 | (615) 775-3830 | Lic. #00059191 All information deemed correct but is not guaranteed and is subject to change.
6325 Turkey Foot Ct, Franklin | $1,649,900 6007
Possum Trot Trl (Lot 1), College Grove | $4,299,900 411
6236 Wild Heron Way, College Grove | $2,470,000 649 Brook Hollow Rd, Nashville | $4,484,900
Alpaca Dr, Spring Hill | $799,900
Porters Union Way (Lot 229), Arrington | $1,924,900
Glen West Dr, Nashville | $2,250,000
Chantilly Ln, Franklin | $819,900
Trinity Rd, Franklin | $1,275,000
Tall Mountain Ln, Bradyville | $1,149,000 568 Becks Pl, Gallatin | $349,900
Deer Lick Trl, Monteagle | $289,900
702 Pearre Springs Way, Franklin | $1,499,900
Porters Union Way (Lot 202), Arrington | $2,099,900
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Kim Shacklock
Ann Skiera
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Darci Caesar Group
Reid Anderson
Mary Ann Palise
Marla Richardson
Loy Hardcastle
Lauren Sullivan Laurie Marks
Margaret Flowers Orton
Shawnna Simpson
Stuart Tutler
Susan Gregory
Lisa Davis
Suzie DeYoung
Lisa Culp Taylor
Linda Smith
Margaret Flowers Orton
Megan Jones Campbell
Marla Richardson Mary Ann Palise
Rachel Romano Reid Anderson
Stuart Tutler
Shawnna Simpson
Susan Gregory Suzie DeYoung
Laurie Marks
Lisa Culp Taylor
8324 MOORES LANE BRENTWOOD LOT $2.6/HOME $7.995 | MLS# 2451239 6 Bedrooms • 6/3 Baths • 9,893 SF Detached Pool/Guest House • 6.5 Car Garage • Outdoor Kitchen • Zoned Ravenwood • Wine Cellar 5.01
2626 CLAYTON ARNOLD ROAD THOMPSON’S STATION $3,079,900 | MLS# 2483775 5 Bedrooms • 5/2 Baths • 6,815 SF Arnold Homes • Detached Pool/Guest House • All Beds on Main • Large Bonus with Wet Bar • Study with 16’ Ceilings 3 ACRES
6246 LADD ROAD FRANKLIN $5,395,000 | MLS# 2501606 4 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • 2,800 SF 40+/- Acres • 8,400 SF Equestrian/Event Barn • 8 Approved Soil Sites • Outdoor Arena • 2 Ponds • Greenbelt Status 40+/-
2309 CORINNE COURT FRANKLIN $2,399,000 5 Bedrooms (3 on Main) • 4/2 Baths • 6,505 SF 1.31 Level Acres • Cul-de-sac Location • Media Room • Wet Bar • Extensive Covered Porch with Outdoor Kitchen & Fireplace COMING SOON IN DURHAM MANOR Thinking of Buying or Selling? Call Susan Today! 8119 Isabella Ln, Ste 105 Brentwood, TN 37027 615.370.8669 SUSAN GREGORY 615.207.5600 gregorys@realtracs.com HomesAroundNashvilleTn.com
6043 PORTERS UNION WAY 5 Bedrooms • 5/2 Baths • 4,988 SF Primary on Main • Outdoor Fireplace ARRINGTON $1,949,900 • MLS# 2505151 1584 EASTWOOD DR 5 Bedrooms • 5/1 Baths • 4,738 SF Ravenwood High • RK Jr. Home NEW CONSTRUCTION • BRENTWOOD $2,199,990 • MLS# 2518137 SOLD SOLD PENDING SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD BRENTWOOD, TN RESERVE YOUR LOT Sought After Location .42 to 1 Acre Homesites $2.4 to $5.0’s PrimmFarm.com PRIMM FARM BRENTWOOD, TN NEW SECTION 2023 Approx. .50 Acre Homesites Large Mature Trees $1.70 to $4.0’s RaintreeBrentwood.com RAINTREE FOREST NOLENSVILLE, TN NOW SELLING Approx. .50 Acre Homesites 3,671 - 5,500 SF $1.280 to $1.8’s SINATRA SinatraTurnberry.com Completed Section Available Homes in Completed Section Future Sections Summer 2023 Future Amenities Area 86 85 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 200 199 198 197 202 203 204 201 179 180 178 177 176 175 173 174 170 169 168 166 167 165 163 162 164 161 160 159 158 157 156 155 154 141 140 129 128 132 133 194 196 195 193 192 191 188 187 185 184 183 182 181 186 189 190 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 214 213 113 112 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 110 111 134 135 136 131 130 139 138 137 142 143 144 145 146 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 171 172 X X OPEN SPACE OPEN OPEN SPACE OPEN AMENITIES AREA KENDRAPOINT TARREN MILL LANE TARRENMILLLANE GERALDS DRIVE GERALDS DRIVE DEWAAL RIDGE GERALDSDRIVE OPEN SPACE OPEN SPACE OPEN SPACE OPEN SPACE KASCHLINAPOINT HONEYMANPOINT EASTWOODDRIVE TREEHOUSECT. GRAND HAVEN DRIVE GRAND HAVEN DRIVE CHAMPAGNE CT. WISDOM DRIVE Current Amenities SOLD PENDING PENDING 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SPEC SOLD SOLD SOLD SPEC SOLD SOLD SOLD SPEC SPEC SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD PENDING SunsetRoad Thunderbird Drive Sahara Street Sinatra Drive SinatraTurnberry.com MOVE IN THIS YEAR!
Market/Spec Homes Ready July 2023
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Bedrooms • 5/1 Baths • 5,107 SF
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LIFESTYLE | Pours & Palates cocktails
56 | SUMMER 2023
& Mocktails
The weather is finally warming up, and there’s no better way to spend a beautiful summer day than by sipping on a cocktail (or mocktail!) with the people you love most.
1799 Kitchen & Cocktails at The Harpeth Hotel, has released a new cocktail menu, including three zero-proof mocktails. Guests can enjoy these delicious drinks all summer long, along with live music in the restaurant lounge on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings.
A few of the brand-new cocktails and mocktails include:
The Songwriter:
Honeysuckle Vodka, St. Germain, Tonic Syrup, Lime, Lavender Honey, Club Soda
Spiritual Healer: Prairie Organic Cucumber Vodka, St. Germain, Lemon, Powdered Sugar
The Monastary:
Monk’s Road Barrel Finished Gin, Blood Of My Enemies Mead, Lemon, Honey, Peach, Plum
Mi Manchi:
Fresh Raspberries, Pineapple, Orgeat, Lemon *Contains Almonds, Non-Alcoholic
Amalfi Apertif:
Lyre’s Aperitif Rosso, Tonic Syrup, Elderflower Tonic, Sparkling Water, Orange *Non-Alcoholic
Come enjoy McGavock’s Coffee Bar & Provisions, the hotel’s Europeanstyle coffee bar, now offering new seasonal mimosa flavors: Watermelon mint, Sour Tangerine and Blueberry Maple. YUM!
Don’t miss out on cooling down this summer at The Harpeth Hotel’s 1799 Kitchen & Cocktails bar and McGavock’s Coffee Bar & Provisions. Learn more by visiting harpethhotel.com.
At Your Service.
Born and raised in Southern California, Jeannie Bankins found her place in Franklin, Tennessee in 2015. Her love for the community and desire to help others led her to a career in Real Estate, focusing on niche resort-style living and country club communities in Williamson and Davidson counties.
As a Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist, Jeannie combines her luxury residential real estate expertise with tailored marketing plans to command top-dollar for her sellers’ homes. Driven by kindness, connection, and above all, hard work and dedication to her clients, Jeannie’s concierge-level service and talent for creative problem-solving make her a valuable asset to anyone looking to sell or purchase their next home. N
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Photographer: Jon Volk
had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Howard Wiggins, of Howard Wiggins Interior Design in Nashville recently. Howard has been recognized as one of the world’s top thirty-five leading interior designers and is the author of What Were You Thinking? Recognizing Costly Mistakes That Everyone Makes. From his upbringing surrounded by artistic heritage, to his exceptional talent and unique approach to design, Howard has gained international recognition. It has been a fascinating experience to learn from him and delve into his perspectives on art and creating beautiful spaces.
Born and raised right here on Granny White Pike, Howard’s upbringing was surrounded by a rich artistic heritage. His father, Little Roy Wiggins, played the steel guitar for the legendary Eddy Arnold, who was also their neighbor. Howard shared: “We later moved into one of the first subdivisions in Brentwood, the Iroquois subdivision. I remember me and my little red wagon watching them build the interstate.”
After briefly considering a career in veterinary medicine, Howard’s passion for creativity led him to O’More College of Architecture & Design in Franklin. He fondly recalls, “I called my mom and she said they opened up a new design school in Franklin. She asked if I wanted to do that and I said yes, I’ll do that and that was my love. I went to O’More College of Architecture & Design when it first began with Ms. O’More at her house on West Main Street.”
In his twenties, Howard’s exceptional talent caught the attention of the design community, propelling him into the international spotlight. He was voted one of the world’s thirty-five leading designers and featured in Andrew Martin’s Interior Design Review Volume 3, alongside other renowned artists. Howard attributes his success to his unique approach, stating, “I got in there because I don’t do normal stuff. I’m not a follower, I’m a leader.”
We had the chance to visit Howard, at his magnificently designed home, where he discussed his thoughts on designing and gave us a tour of the house showing fascinating design, collections and stories that go with each as well as a few of his tips.
Do you have a favorite artist, and what makes you gravitate toward their pieces?
I love Bruce Matthews, and I have several of his pieces. I can recognize him even without looking at the signature. I can just walk in, and even no matter what he does, I can tell. And to me, that’s an artist. A great artist has the ability to evolve while maintaining a recognizable style.
LIFESTYLE | Interior Thinking
58 | SUMMER 2023
Top: Howard’s sterling silver table settings. Bottom: Eclectic art collected over the years.
Even though their works may bear similarities over time, there are subtle changes in color palettes and techniques that showcase their growth.
What are some of the biggest mistakes you feel people make?
The biggest mistake that women make when they shop is they shop for what they’re looking for. That is not shopping, that’s a hindrance, and I tell my customers all the time: If you were going to a ball and looking for a red ball dress, you only looked at the red ball dresses because you got it in your mind. That’s what you want, but there might have been a blue one or a purple one that just knocked your socks off, but you’re not looking at it because you’re not looking for anything other than red. So be open-minded, discover things, and take your time doing it.
The other thing I don’t like is people working on a budget. A budget should be how much you have to spend at that time. Not to do everything at once because you continue doing it over the years. So, take your time and do it right so you don’t have to make mistakes or compromises.
Another thing I like to say is that people think they can’t live with nice things. The only thing that makes a house comfortable is how your sofas and chairs sit. That is comfort. So my chairs and my sofa are very, very comfortable. The rest is just eye candy. I don’t care how formal it is, as long as it helps you enjoy the space more.
What do you recommend for the Southern Gentleman to decorate their home?
Get major pieces you like, and then when you’re married, you can add other pieces to complement
it. And the way I look at it, it’s the combination of masculine and feminine that look best together.
Definitely do one room at a time, and don’t buy apartment furniture. You will end up throwing it away because it’s of no real value. If furniture isn’t your priority, go for a big, nice piece of investment art that you can live with forever. Mine was a Velázquez assistant piece, and that started my art collection and I still love it to this day.
I understand you are currently doing a podcast. Tell us more: Yes, it’s called @moviereviewsnmore with Brian Sebastian, CEO/Host/Producer/Creator. Movie Reviews & More is your one-stop media source for in-depth interviews with the stars that make them. If you want unique information about celebrities and questions outside of the usual fluff, then Movie Reviews & More captures just that. With fifteen million views and counting.
Thank you, Howard!
Above: Collection of cameos set into a beautiful display, designed by Howard.
Bottom Left: Howard Wiggins Bottom Right: Bedroom with beautifully unique Asian pieces and collections.
Left: Seating area with numerous antiques and art pieces with stories to tell.
Below: Bedroom with lavish layers and personal touches, including photos and treasures..
Historic Franklin: Along the Harpeth
Launch Event
WHAT: Historic Franklin: Along the Harpeth Launch Event | alongtheharpeth.com
WHERE: The Harpeth Hotel WHY: A launch event was held recently for Historic Franklin: Along the Harpeth, the latest release from Franklin-based Grandin Hood Publishers, showcasing Franklin’s rich legacy in the words of author Jay Sheridan and the images of Pulitzer Prizewinning photographer, Robin Hood. Featuring archival photographs, illustrations and stunning contemporary images, the large format, art edition book, will become an iconic gift of history and meaning for anyone who loves Franklin. Guests received limited-edition, signed copies of the book, with proceeds benefiting the establishment of Friends of Franklin Parks ’ new Fund for the Preservation of Open Spaces. Purchase your copy at alongtheharpeth.com.
Laura, Larry & Candie Westbrook
Jay, Reagan & Riley Sheridan, JoAnne Haynes, Rod Heller & Torrey Barnhill
Jay Sheridan & Rod Pewitt
Hamilton & Emily Bowman, Ward & Melinda Brown, Jennifer & Jamey Parker
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Jay & Kayla Sheridan
SoundWaves, the nation’s first truly upscale indoor/outdoor resort water attraction, is the perfect hangout with four acres of thrill rides and chill vibes for adventurers of all ages.
more thrills Tennessee Residents get up to 35 SoundWaves Experience Package Promo Code: M16 *Proof of residency is required at check-in. Offers are valid on select dates in 2023. Restrictions apply. more excitement more connection
One of our most popular features has returned… The Bachelors of Williamson County! This handsome edition to our Summer issue is nothing short of charm, magnetism and attractive – and that isn’t just the men but the featured adoptable pets from Williamson County Animal Center (WCAR), too!
Did you know that it is “kitten season” and that cat intake, in 2023 through the end of May, was 1,009 and 539 of those were kittens? Dog intake was up thirty-nine percent through the end of May, with adoptions only up twenty-nine percent. What better way to shed some light on the fur-babies (both fur-bachelors and fur-bachelorettes) in need of homes,
a chance on one of our featured bachelors and/or featured pets! We cannot guarantee that these gentlemen will still be available to snatch up for long (or the doggies and kitties) – but we can guarantee you will fall in love with one or all after learning more about their lives and connections to our community.
Thank you to Penny Adams, the talented photographer that captures the personality from not only all of the adoptable pets at WCAC but our bachelors as well. If you are interested in one of the pets in this feature or to find the perfect pet for your family, fostering, donating or learning how you can help, contact adoptwcac.org today.
COMMUNITY | A Little Something Extra
62 | SUMMER 2023
Bo Patten & JACK
Meet Bo Patten, the charismatic CEO of the Williamson County Association of REALTORS® (WCAR). With two years at the helm of WCAR and a prior role as the Government Affairs Director, Bo has deep roots in the organization. His journey began in politics, working for a U.S. House Representative, but he yearned for advocacy in an industry he was passionate about – real estate. As CEO, Bo's contribution to the community is invaluable. With approximately 3,000 Realtor members, WCAR ensures their success and encourages community involvement. Bo takes pride in the association's commitment to giving back through various service projects and collaborations. Advocating for property rights and attainable housing, WCAR members are actively present in legislative spaces, fighting for a fair and inclusive housing market.
Bo's personal and professional achievements are equally remarkable. Overcoming the challenges of losing his parents at a young age, he appreciates the support from his grandparents and aunts. Bo's inspiration comes from his late parents and grandparents, driving him to leave a positive impact. He believes in the power of chivalry and treating people with respect, a lesson learned from the influential women in his life.
As a bachelor, he recognizes the value of teamwork and partnership in relationships. His journey embodies resilience, passion and a commitment to making a difference. In his free time, you'll find him cooking, exploring new recipes, gardening, hiking and immersing himself in the local music scene and community events.
Dating me is like… Constantly being cooked yummy meals, as I love to cook, and be surrounded by a pastel explosion of preppy-ness.
The most spontaneous thing that I have done… Of course, there’s the spontaneous road trip in my twenties to somewhere, but I think I would share the biggest risk I’ve ever taken is moving to New York having never visited and didn’t know anyone up there. It really taught me a lot about myself and how I could tackle anything.
A fact about me that may surprise people… I’m into history, sci-fi, and I totally believe in aliens! I’m also a huge neat freak! And I’m really into wines, especially a good rosé in the summer!
This year, I really want to… Focus more on personal growth and hopefully meet someone to share the journey with!
A typical Sunday for me… Depending on the weather, but hopefully spending it outside on a hike or run, some pool time to help combat the Sunday Scaries, Sunday Fun-day or Sunday Supper with friends. The possibilities are endless!
I’m a regular at… Any Farmer’s Market. My passion for cooking and food has led me to really take stock of where my food comes from. Not only do I enjoy shopping at all the Farmer’s Markets around the area, but I also love making the connections with the local farmers and going directly to their farms and learning about how they grow their food and raise their animals.
This handsome guy is very affectionate and laid back. He loves to cuddle on the couch and watch movies! If you are looking for a calm cuddle bug to add to the family, this is your fella. See him at WCAC!
Kyle Smithson & ATHENA
Meet the very captivating bachelor, Kyle Smithson, the mastermind behind Red Diamond Pictures. New to Williamson County, in the past two years, Kyle has already made a lasting impression with his talent and charm. With an impressive portfolio of eighteen music videos and four feature films in just three years, Kyle's professional accomplishments are noteworthy. He also cherishes family, hoping to create his own.
Starting his entertainment journey at eighteen, Kyle strutted the runways of New York City as a sought-after model before venturing to Las Angeles to pursue acting. Now, back in Tennessee, he produces and acts in fascinating projects, leaving his mark on the community. Kyle's love for Williamson County goes beyond his
work life. Enchanted by its charm, he aims to give back by showcasing the area in his projects. When scouting locations, Williamson County is always at the top of his list, as he's eager to share its beauty with the world.
Kyle exemplifies the qualities of a true southern gentleman: Respect, courtesy and strong morals. He believes in putting others first, especially his elders, children and ladies.
Kyle thrives on embracing local heritage, savoring the festivals, meeting locals and forging genuine connections. With his talent, charm and dedication to Williamson County, he leaves a lasting impression wherever he goes. Keep an eye on this bachelor as he continues to make waves in both the entertainment industry and the hearts of those around him!
Dating me is like… Living everyday like it is your last day.
The most spontaneous thing that I have done… Bleaching my dark brown hair to film social media videos as my alter-ego redneck character, Dale Karl.
A fact about me that may surprise people… I don’t drink caffeine often and I only recently tried coffee for the first time in my life.
This year, I really want to… Get invited to an awards show!
A typical Sunday for me… Mostly relaxing and preparing for a busy week of meetings and being on set.
I’m a regular at… Rutledge, Tony’s and YMCA.
This pretty little girl was adopted the day of the photo shoot and we are so happy she found her forever home!
Michael Steakley & PEACHES
Meet Michael Steakley, the Artistic and Events Manager at Always in Bloom and a lifelong resident of Franklin. With twenty-five years of dedication to the family business, Michael discovered a passion for his work. He brings smiles to people's faces daily and actively contributes to the community through donations, nonprofit events and education. Michael's accomplishments in the floral industry include serving as President of the Central Tennessee Professional Florists' Association, earning the Designer of the Year title twice, and being recognized as the Florist of the Year by the Tennessee State Florists' Association. He has showcased his talent at various floral functions across Tennessee, including the prestigious Nashville Lawn and Garden show.
Having deep roots in Williamson County, Michael's family has a rich history in the area. From his grandfather's birth at Cool Springs House to his mother's birth at Dan German Hospital, he is connected to the community. Working alongside his mother as they co-own Always in Bloom, Michael takes pride in his family's legacy. Outside of work, Michael enjoys bowling at Franklin Family Entertainment Center and exploring the local restaurants. He appreciates the vibrant festivals that Franklin hosts, considering them among the best in the country.
Michael values respect, good manners, honesty and finds beauty in flowers. He believes in the power of setting goals and achieving the seemingly impossible. With his long-standing commitment to Always in Bloom, community involvement and strong connections to the community, Michael is an integral part of the area's fabric.
Dating me is like… The unexpected!
The most spontaneous thing that I have done… Bungee jumping and riding an ATV in the desert, outside Area 51 along the Colorado River.
A fact about me that may surprise people…
I took tap dance from Mrs. Thompson when I was five and my father started me in Karate the next year.
This year, I really want to… I have always wanted to go on a cruise ship.
A typical Sunday for me… Relaxation, sports and grilling.
I’m a regular at… I am a regular at Sal's Pizza and Mapco. Haha!
This pretty kitty is super sweet and playful. She loves people, being held and playing with toys. If you want to meet the very purr-fect Peaches, visit WCAC!
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John R. Abbott & DWAYNE
Meet John R. Abbott, Director of Facilities at Battle Ground Academy (BGA) and an integral part of the Williamson County community for thirteen years. Previously, he worked at Capitol Tool and Design for twenty-six years. The closure of Capitol led him to join BGA, where he now oversees facility operations. Within his role, John believes his contribution extends beyond BGA. With his extensive connections and knowledge of the community, he actively engages with students and families to make a positive impact. His involvement in the Rotary Club further demonstrates his commitment to community service.
Living in Williamson County, John appreciates the quality of life it offers. He enjoys kayaking the Harpeth River and values the small-town charm, combined with the conveniences of a bigger city. John's greatest accomplishments lie in his personal and professional life. His three daughters, who have pursued successful careers in medicine, occupational therapy and the arts, are a source of immense pride. Additionally, serving as President of the Franklin Noon Rotary has allowed him to contribute to the community in meaningful ways.
To stay motivated, John lives by the mantra: "And, Then, Some!" Always striving to exceed expectations, he believes in embodying gentlemanly qualities and emphasizes the importance of going the extra mile in all aspects of life. Looking back, John advises his younger self to prioritize community involvement and following dreams. He realizes the significance of meaningful connections over material possessions. His dedication to BGA, community service and being a gentleman continues to make a lasting impact in Williamson County.
Dating me is like… I’m not sure, maybe like going back in time. You’re going to go first, I’m going to open the door for you and make sure nothing happens to you.
The most spontaneous thing that I have done… Jumped off the edge of the 109-rock quarry, fifty feet to the water. Seemed like the right thing to do at the time.
A fact about me that may surprise people… Bashful and backward, somewhat of an introvert. Rotary brought me out of that…I’m thankful for it!
This year, I really want to… Get lost and just breathe.
A typical Sunday for me… Working on the farm, maybe kayaking somewhere.
I’m a regular at… Tony’s, Tony is a fellow Rotarian and we try to support our on; Mark Tumblin and I call it the office. During our presidential years we worked through a lot of Rotary affairs at a picnic table there.
This little mix-breed pup is only a couple of months old. He has a very calm and sweet disposition and seems to be perfectly happy being held in your arms. If you want to meet this little cutie, contact WCAC!
66 | SUMMER 2023
Samuel Johnson & MEAT LOAF
Meet Samuel Allen Johnson, owner of The Parker House on Main, a flourishing hair salon he established just over two years ago. With nearly two decades of experience in the field, Samuel's passion for hair has always been his creative calling. The ever-evolving nature of the industry and the profound impact he can have on people's lives keep him hooked. Samuel has created a space he fondly calls "Down to Earth Luxury." Embracing the essence of a small downtown community, he supports and collaborates with local businesses, hosting community events, making donations and fostering growth. The salon's success is beautifully reflected in the heartfelt reviews of their satisfied clients.
In Samuel's personal life, his daughter Parker takes center stage, while the salon's accomplishments fill him with immense pride. Beyond his family, Samuel immerses himself in various creative endeavors, from editorial photo shoots to crafting unique jewelry, exploring perfumery, painting, drawing and tackling home projects. He enjoys hiking, photography of all kinds, and indulging his inner foodie. Time spent with loved ones and cherished play dates with his daughter bring him immeasurable joy.
Driven by an unwavering desire to better himself, Samuel finds inspiration in providing for his daughter and guiding young talent in the industry. He values honesty, integrity and sincerity in all aspects of life, embodying the essence of a true gentleman. If he could offer advice to his younger self, Samuel would emphasize the importance of perseverance, the lessons learned from struggles, and the power within. Quantum physics serves as a constant source of insight for him, revealing the limitless possibilities of personal growth.
Dating me is like… Sharing time, energy, support, laughter, food and nature.
The most spontaneous thing that I have done… My life is made up of many small spontaneities but moving across the country and opening a business in Franklin after one simple text was pretty spontaneous, I guess.
A fact about me that may surprise people… I’m a huge Miami Dolphin fan! Fins up!
This year, I really want to… Take more time for myself.
A typical Sunday for me… They are never typical. Wouldn’t that be nice. Haha!
I’m a regular at… Everything downtown Franklin.
This handsome boy, with piercing eyes, is as goofy as they come and has a lot of energy. If you are looking for a friendly, affectionate, entertaining boy to add to your pack, look no further! Head over to WCAC and meet him today!
Jockeys & Juleps
WHO: Downtown Franklin Rotary | downtownfranklinrotary.com
WHAT: Jockeys & Juleps Kentucky Derby Party WHERE: The Park at Harlinsdale Farm WHY: Jockeys & Juleps is the premiere Kentucky Derby event in Williamson County. Funds raised from Jockeys & Juleps go to the Downtown Franklin Rotary Charitable Foundation, which provides grants and financial support to local and international charities. Some of those include Davis House, Hard Bargain Association, My Friend’s House, GraceWorks, Bridges and more.
Jena Potter & Nicki Bruster Monica & Ed Underwood Cathi & Coleman Aycock
Sonja Lowell & Heather Doleshel
Karla & David Landrum
Lawrence & Candy Sullivan
Greg Flittner & Nancy Smith
Jaclyn & Jeff Ledbetter
Monica Faulkner & Andre Duke
Jeff & Renee Davis
Reta Adams & Pam Russell Dale Smith Thomas, Rob Hibray & Kathy Reynolds Glenn & Colleen Atamamiuk
Steve & Norma Wiles, Vick & Don Donnakay
68 | SUMMER 2023
Annette & Rian Morrison
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IntegritY & Grace
s we feature our A Southern Gentleman Is for this Gentlemen’s issue, we truly have a gentleman’s gentleman. A man that, every time I see him, has a look of poise, distinction and confidence, and he always offers a smile and firm handshake. I am proud to have Sheriff Dusty Rhoades talk with us about being Sheriff, what Williamson County means to him, advice for our younger generation and being a gentleman.
Sheriff Dusty Rhoades, who has lived in Williamson County for forty-five years, wanted to be in law enforcement as long as he can remember. He went to Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) and earned his BS in Criminal Justice Administration. Since starting with the Sheriff’s office in June of 1979, Sheriff Dusty Rhoades has led an accomplished career for over forty-four years, helping to prevent crimes, investigate criminal conduct arrest criminals. He considers it an honor to be the Sheriff of Williamson County.
DR: Things ran relatively smooth until COVID hit. COVID sent the court system into havoc, and we had to devise alternatives for in person criminal hearings. In the beginning of COVID, we had to adjust the way our deputies made contact with the general public and with inmates. Transporting inmates or arrestees became tricky due to COVID in regard to keeping from infecting employees and others with the virus. COVID also made staffing difficult. In 2020, we started to struggle with staffing issues and are still struggling.
DR: With work, being elected Sheriff; implementing the five-week Detention Training Academy (one of only five Sheriff’s office in Tennessee to have a Detention Academy); attaining Tennessee Chiefs of Police Accreditation for the field service division of the Sheriff’s office (one of only four Sheriff’s office in Tennessee); implementation of body worn cameras throughout the Sheriff’s office; the issuance of less lethal alternatives to deputies; and the formations of a Crisis Intervention team. Personally, raising a family; being happily married to my wife of forty-five years, graduating from college; and graduating from the FBI Academy (Session 178).
DR: Serving others. I have loved this profession from the first time I put on the uniform.
COMMUNITY | A Southern Gentleman is...
70 | SUMMER 2023
DR: Respecting everyone.
DR: “It is amazing what you can accomplish if you don’t care who gets the credit.” - Harry S. Truman
DR: For the younger generation, I would advise them not to give up on their dreams. If you want something bad enough, you will have to work for it. Regarding my younger self, I don’t think I would change anything.
DR: No one wants to build a new jail/sheriff’s office, but it is something that needs to happen. The current facility is over thirty years old and is worn out. With the projected population growth of Williamson County and the middle Tennessee region, if a bigger facility is not built in the future, we will have an overcrowding issue.
My brother-in-law, Daniel Robertson, has been with Williamson County Sheriff’s Office for twenty years. So, I asked Daniel how he would describe Sheriff Rhoades. Daniel’s response: “I started with the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office in May of 2004. Chief Rhoades was my initial interview, way back then, and that was for the corrections division. I quickly transferred out of this division to courts, and now the warrants division. Sheriff Rhoades has always been a constant and instrumental figure in my time at Williamson County Sherriff’s Office, either as Chief or Sheriff. He is always encouraging and supportive of his deputies and Sheriff’s office as a whole. Sheriff Rhoades is a truly wonderful asset and Williamson County is very lucky to have someone in command of that top law enforcement position. Not only in the true vast amount of experience, but wonderful leadership and impeccable character and service Sheriff Rhoades displays. I personally am fortunate, as all employees of WCSO should be, to be able to work with and under such a remarkable man – along with the leadership and values he instills in this county. Sheriff Rhoades is an excellent choice for A Southern Gentleman Is.”
Thank you for all you do, Sheriff Rhoades. My family and this community are thankful you are here. We sleep better at night. You are a true southern gentleman, indeed.
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COMMUNITY | Days Gone By
1948 72 | SUMMER 2023
Willow Plunge,
The tang of Coppertone suntan oil hangs thick in the air, mixing with the scent of chlorine, hand-patted burgers and freshly mown grass. Teenagers sprawl on beach towels spread across a manicured, green hill that gently slopes toward two swimming pools. Kids splash in the glittering water while mothers chat over the music of the Ink Spots playing from the nearby jukebox. A breeze tousles the branches of the weeping willows on the far side of the water. June bugs flit, birds sing and the sun shines. The stage is set for another idyllic day at Franklin’s beloved Willow Plunge.
This summer paradise began as a humble fishing pond, created in 1923 by Claiborne Kinnard III on his farm for his sons and friends to enjoy. With only a mule and scoop, he’d dug a 300-by-125-foot hole connected by a ditch to a dammed stream that flowed from the nearby Winder Spring. It wasn’t long before Kinnard’s pond became the talk of the town, and boys began to show up for a dip in the muddy waters. Kinnard built them a makeshift diving board as well as a plank walkway for any spectators.
After much encouragement from the local mothers, Kinnard decided to turn the pond into a concrete, spring-fed swimming pool. Before he knew it, several thousand dollars were tied up in the project, which resulted in the largest concrete pool in the South. Willow Plunge opened in 1924, and the next few summers involved much trial and error. In 1927, Kinnard divided the pool in half to maintain the water supply, and government engineers provided valuable guidance in combating algae. A purification system later was installed that kept the water clean enough to drink.
Willow Plunge soon became one of the most popular recreation spots in Tennessee. It wasn’t unusual for more than 1,500 people to be there on a hot weekend. In 1932, it was named one of the best pools in the United States. Over the years, the Kinnard family made numerous improvements, including a nine-hole golf course, tennis court, miniature golf course, football field, aviation field, lake, horseshoe pits and picnic areas. A drink stand was constructed, as well as a screened-in coffee shop that offered burgers, hot dogs and various sandwiches. It’s said the cooks kept a skillet of onions simmering with a fan behind it, blowing the mouth-watering aroma toward the pool area. For dessert, visitors had their choice of homemade chess pie or fudge squares with walnuts.
Though the place was often boisterous, Kinnard strictly enforced several rules: No horseplay, no alcohol, no holding hands, no cuddling, and no kissing. Any violators would be immediately escorted out. Even so, teenagers flocked to Willow Plunge, paying fifteen-cents to enter the gates and another thirty-five-cents to swim. The girls tanned on the grassy hill overlooking the pool, while the boys tried to get their
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attention with tricks off the high dive. In the 1960s, combo bands often performed under Willow Plunge’s pavilion, including well-known groups of that time such as The Exotics, The Fairlanes and The Allman Joys (a precursor to the Allman Brothers).
As they say, all good things must come to an end, and this was true for Willow Plunge. It closed in 1967, and the Kinnards’ land was sold to a developer. The pool was filled in, bulldozers leveled everything else, and Heath Place subdivision was constructed. Today, nothing is left of Willow Plunge except a few crumbling foundations and a historic marker at the entrance to the neighborhood. However, those who experienced the magic of Willow Plunge will never forget those sun-kissed days of simple pleasures when a burger never tasted so good, the music never sounded so vibrant, and life never felt so easy.
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Map of Willow Plunge by Jimmy Gentry
Willow Plunge, 1930s
Aerial view of Willow Plunge, 1930s
Willow Plunge miniature golf
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Franklin Rodeo
WHO: Franklin Noon Rotary Club | franklinrodeo.com
WHAT: Franklin Rodeo WHERE: Williamson County AG Expo Park WHY: Founded in 1949, the Franklin Rodeo brings over 18,000 screaming fans year after year. It is one of the longest running family events in middle Tennessee and one of the largest rodeos east of the Mississippi!
Megan Kirschner, Grayson Borders & Brenna Fathers
Claudette & Jairo Estrada
David Ott, Katherine Schoeff, Glenn Johnson & Jeff Phillips Sofia & Rylann
Madeline Guinee & Summer Edeen
Vanessa & Jim Ballard
Julia Weaver & Ryan Suiter
Karli & Nate Newman
Brittany Purdy & Mackenzie Brassfield
Rachel & Tess Cowie
Mark Tumblim, Meghan Guffee, John Abbott, Melanie Meyerhoff & Valerie Clarke
Danielle Douglas & Christopher Kilfman Mercy Raine & Penny Raine
Bella Body & Billy Malecki
76 | SUMMER 2023
Diane & Victoria Dolanch Destiny & Davis Flemming
Only 2 hours south of Nashville in North Alabama, The Shoals is a weekend getaway waiting to be discovered. Coined as the Hit Recording Capital of the World, you can visit the places that created the soundtrack of your life. From Muscle Shoals Sound to FAME Recording Studios, step back to a soulful moment when music pioneers recorded some of the greatest hits of all time. Shop downtown Court Street in Florence, visit the only Frank Lloyd Wright home in Alabama, and dine at the 360 Grille, rated as the number one restaurant for Marriott in North America!
Us Online At @VisitTheShoalsAL
Tommy Jackson
The “I Am Williamson County” column features individuals in Williamson County who are known and unknown as staples of our community, doing good, being seen and exuding Williamson County! This month we feature Tommy Jackson, well-known local entertainer and community member. Tommy Jackson is the co-owner of WAKM AM-950 radio and has been with the station for ten years. He may be most recognizable from his frequent performances, impromptu and planned, on the Courthouse steps and other events and locations throughout Williamson County during the year, as part of the Rocky Top Revue – a local, award-winning square-dancing team. He and the dance team play a significant role in putting on the annual summer favorite: Bluegrass Along the HarpethFiddlers Jamboree, to be held July 21st and 22nd this year in downtown Franklin.
YW: How long have you lived in Williamson County? What is it about WC that makes it feel like home to you?
Tommy: I have lived in Williamson County all my life. It IS my home.
YW: What is your profession, and what led you to choose it?
Tommy: I retired after fifty years of employment with The Tennessean newspaper and then got into radio broadcasting with local radio station WAKM after retirement.
YW: What are three words that best describe you?
Tommy: The best words to describe me are outgoing, upbeat and dedicated. In my spare time, I teach old-time clogging, buck dance and square dance for free. I have taught dance for over forty years and have had one of the top square dance teams in the state. The dance team, Rocky Top Revue, was formed fortyplus years ago and has performed all around Tennessee. The team was created to help preserve old-time dance. The dance team helps present the annual Bluegrass Along the Harpeth Fiddlers Jamboree every July.
YW: Where is your favorite place to go in WC, and why?
Tommy: I enjoy all of Williamson County and try to support all activities countywide. If I had to single out an area I love more, it would be the Peytonsville Bethesda community. My dad was born and raised in this area, and I have numerous family and friends living there.
YW: What organizations are you involved with and why?
Tommy: I am involved with several organizations, including - Bluegrass Along the Harpeth, the Williamson County Fair, the Nashville Fair and the Williamson County Cultural Arts Commission. Bluegrass Along the Harpeth was my mom’s idea to bring old-time music and dance to Franklin so others could enjoy what we do on weekends. This idea has now become one of Tennessee’s Top Two bluegrass
festivals. This will be the thirty-second year for this annual event. When The Williamson County Fair was created, I was asked to chair the entertainment for the Fair. What better way to support our county than to volunteer our services? I am honored to still get book acts for our Fair. The Nashville Fair and I have a long relationship as well. Our dance team performed there for several years, and last year, they allowed me to book the entertainment for their Bluegrass Stage. WCCCA is a wonderful organization that I joined several years ago. Their mission is to bring cultural arts to our community by supporting and celebrating artists of all genres, which was a perfect fit for me. I love interacting with people.
YW: What is the one thing you do not go a day without?
Tommy: There is one thing I do daily: going by or calling my ninety-four-year-old father. You get one opportunity in life: Never fail, then you have no regrets.
YW: Finish this statement. I AM Williamson County because… Tommy: I am Williamson County because my family roots are all in Williamson County. There is not another place in the world I would rather live.
Q+A COMMUNITY | I am Williamson County
80 | SUMMER 2023
WHO: 21st District Recovery Court | 21stdc.org WHAT: Eat the Street WHERE: Franklin’s Bicentennial Park WHY: Franklin’s Food Truck Fest benefiting the twenty-first District Recovery Court. The event featured the finest food trucks, live music and family fun!
Adventure Awaits ADVENTURE TOWER – MINI GOLF Birthday Packages – TWILIGHT PASSES – SUMMER CAMPS 3794 Carothers Parkway | Franklin, TN 615.721.5103 | soaradventure.com info@soaradventure.com SCAN FOR MORE EVENT
Bill Huccin & Madeline Kimbo
Maya & Amber Bartley
Leslie Bonder, Elizabeth & Tigue Miller
Sarah & Anna Marie Kramer
Becky & Lincoln Williams
Tony Vonville & Kelly Stovall
Carol Barbota & Cheryl Stewart
Madison, Kourtney & Mackenna Tate
Nikki & Nano Dempsey
Karen Eschporn & Alisa Cianciolo
lodgatparis landng
Nestled in the heart of the American South, Tennessee seamlessly blends scenic beauty, rich history, and a myriad of exciting activities, creating the perfect backdrop for unforgettable family adventures. From the breathtaking peaks of the Great Smoky Mountains to the lively streets of Nashville, the Volunteer State offers an abundance of opportunities to embrace the summer season and create cherished memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.
Experience the legendary world of Elvis Presley at Graceland in Memphis. Tour his iconic mansion, explore his collection of memorabilia, and immerse yourself in the timeless legacy of the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll. graceland.com
Discovery Park of America
Discover a world of wonder at Discovery Park of America in Union City. This immersive attraction blends interactive exhibits, outdoor exploration, and awe-inspiring artifacts, igniting curiosity and creating unforgettable experiences for visitors of all ages. discoveryparkofamerica.com
Tennessee Safari Park
Experience the thrill of up-close wildlife encounters at Tennessee Safari Park in Alamo. Drive through the park and observe a diverse range of exotic animals, creating unforgettable family memories. tennesseesafaripark.com
The Lodge at Paris Landing
Unwind and reconnect with nature at The Lodge at Paris Landing on the shores of Kentucky Lake. This tranquil retreat offers comfortable accommodations and a variety of outdoor activities, providing the perfect setting for a rejuvenating family getaway. tnstateparks.com/lodges/paris-landing
Dunbar Cave State Park
Explore the ancient wonders of Dunbar Cave in Clarksville. Witness stunning rock formations and uncover the secrets of its prehistoric past, creating lasting family memories in this captivating natural treasure. tnstateparks.com/parks/dunbar-cave
G r aceland
Tenn S arCave
A enture Tower
COMMUNITY | Up the Road
82 | SUMMER 2023
Soar Adventure Tower
Experience high-flying excitement at SOAR Adventure Tower in Franklin. Conquer high ropes courses, climbing walls, and zip lines for an adrenaline-pumping adventure that will create lasting family memories. soaradventure.com
Adventure Science Center
Unleash your curiosity at Nashville’s Adventure Science Center. This interactive museum offers hands-on exploration of STEM subjects, captivating exhibits, and engaging planetarium shows for family fun and educational discovery. adventuresci.org
Fall Creek Falls
Discover the natural wonder of Fall Creek Falls in Spencer. With its majestic waterfalls, scenic trails, and vibrant autumn colors, it offers families a serene and unforgettable fall escape. tnstateparks.com/parks
Tennessee Aquarium
Immerse your family in an aquatic wonderland at the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga. From vibrant marine life to interactive exhibits, this premier attraction creates a memorable and educational experience that will leave both children and adults in awe. tnaqua.org
The Lost Sea
Delve into adventure at The Lost Sea in Sweetwater. America’s largest underground lake invites families to explore captivating caverns and embark on an unforgettable boat tour, revealing the wonders of an ancient underground world. thelostsea.com
IJams Nature Center
Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature at Ijams Nature Center in Knoxville. This expansive outdoor sanctuary offers families a chance to explore diverse ecosystems, hike scenic trails, and encounter wildlife, providing an enriching and memorable experience for all. ijams.org
Enter the enchanting world of Dollywood in the scenic beauty of Tennessee’s Great Smoky Mountains. This beloved theme park, inspired by the legendary Dolly Parton, offers families a thrilling combination of rides, shows, and Southern charm, making it a must-visit destination for summer fun. dollywood.com
Bristol Motor Speedway
Feel the adrenaline at Bristol Motor Speedway in Bristol. This iconic racing venue delivers heart-pounding action and unforgettable family moments as you witness high-speed competitions. bristolmotorspeedway.com
nture Scienc Bri yaw Ijams Nature
Women in Business Mixer
WHO: Williamson Inc. | williamsonchamber.com
WHAT: Women in Business Mixer WHERE: Southall Meadows WHY: Williamson Inc. hosted a Women in Business Mixer at Southall Meadows in June. The Women in Business program aims to create an inclusive and supportive environment where women can connect, exchange ideas, and foster collaboration. Event sponsors included Rosebud, the Sapphire Suite, Williamson Health and Southern Domestic Diva.
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Mary Kathryn Gray, Jessica Havard & Morgan Walker Lynn Conlin & Leigh Bawcom
Perrie Gibbons & Cari Riffe
Crystal Barragam & Paula Chilton
Jan Onstott, Jena Potter & Jamie Rose Plum
Shavonya Washington & Mackenzie Reagan Kaitlyn Noe & Christy Jones
Tiffany Jones, Lisa Anderson & Jennifer Sheppard
Heather Creel & Regina Wilson
Trish Stiles & Angela Mills
&Good Golf Good Times
in Franklin
One of the many reasons that Franklin is known as one of the “South’s Best Small Towns” and “The South’s Prettiest Towns,” by Southern Living, is because of its fantastic natural beauty, which is never more apparent than in Williamson County’s many great golf courses. We asked a few of our staff members for their course recommendations as well as a few helpful tips to help you shave a few strokes off your handicap:
The Grove
6200 Wildings Blvd, College Grove
The Grove is an absolutely breathtaking eighteen-hole, par-seventytwo course. Its reputation as one of the best private golf courses in middle Tennessee is due in part to the fact that the course is maintained in tournament condition on a daily basis.
Franklin Bridge Golf Club
750 Riverview Drive, Franklin Franklin Bridge Golf Club is considered one of the best public courses in Franklin. This links-style course is a respite amongst the booming growth of Williamson County. Mature trees, fitting mounds, and the Harpeth River make this course not only a fun place to golf, but a beautiful place to observe the natural beauty of Middle Tennessee.
Golf Tips from the Lineage Team
“Eliminate the big numbers. Meaning eliminate the big mistakes and make a bogey at worst, not a double or a triple (bogey), because it’s a lot easier to make up one shot compared to two or three.” -Drake
Duncan (Commercial Lender & Former College Golfer)
“Take an extra club and swing smooth. Not only will this help you hit your iron shots the right distance, but when swinging slower you’ll likely be more accurate too. Trackman found that over 65% of amateur’s golf shots finish short of the target from 160 yards. By adding ten more yards to all their golf shots, amateurs will increase the percentage of greens they hit.” -Carl
Haynes (EVP, Chief Banking Officer)
We highly recommend checking out these wonderful establishments offering some of the best golf experiences in the region. If you’re up for eighteen with Drake and Carl, let us know!
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LineageBank.com | (629) 248-9085 Swing
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BUSINESS | We’re in the Money
Annual Golf Tournament
WHO: Davis House Child Advocacy Center | davishousecac.org
WHAT: Annual Golf Tournament
WHERE: Nashville Golf & Athletic Club WHY: On May 8th, Davis House hosted its Annual Golf Tournament at the beautiful Nashville Golf & Athletic Center. Davis House provides traumainformed care and education to children, families and the community as they navigate through the world of abuse.
Summer HAS ARRIVED! Fr a n k l i n BOOK ONLINE OR CONTACT US TO START PLANNING YOUR NEXT EVENT! FRANKLININFLATABLES.COM | 615.504.7401 BOUNCE HOUSES COMBOS WATER SLIDES INTERACTIVES OBSTACLE COURSES DUNK TANK If you are looking for top notch custom golf carts, then Nashville Powersports is the place for you. Nashville Powersports also operates Street Legal Golf Cart rentals in middle Tennessee as well as in the Destin / 30A area of the Gulf Coast. CUSTOM GOLF CARTS & RENTALS LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Showroom / Design Center 126 Seaboard Lane, Suite 101 | Franklin, TN Main Warehouse 120 Old Bear Creek Pike | Columbia, TN 931.981.9003 | NASHVILLEPOWERSPORTS.COM Contact us today to create your custom golf cart or rent one for your beach vacation! SCAN FOR MORE EVENT PHOTOS
Jonathan Burns & Geoff Wilson
Cory Goff & Jonathan Frizzell
Darrin Joines & Jeremy Qualls
Jared Kersh & Andy Schiver
Tim Tyler & Mike Finlin
Lindsey Honea & Carrie Norvell
Sean Moorhead & Sam Cosby
Sean Moorhead & Sam Cosby
Jay Facemire & Stan Bearden
midst rapidly evolving social norms and technological advancements, the art of being a gentleman may appear as a relic from bygone times. However, the essence of true gentility and the timeless attributes it encompasses always stay in style. The National League of Junior Cotillions in Nashville and Williamson County Chapters strives to shape the gentlemen of tomorrow with good manners and etiquette. Here are just some of the ideals and lessons we focus on in many of our courses and activities for children in our community who participate in our Cotillion and manners classes.
Politeness is the cornerstone of any gentleman’s character. It is a language that transcends cultural and generational barriers, fostering respect and harmony in social interactions. Teaching young men, the value of politeness is about instilling empathy, compassion, and a genuine concern for others’ well-being. A well-mannered gentleman knows that small gestures like holding doors, offering assistance, or addressing others with courtesy can make a world of difference in creating a positive environment.
The art of conversation and social interaction is essential to being a gentleman. The ability to engage in meaningful dialogue, actively listen, and express oneself with clarity and confidence sets the stage for personal and professional success. Young men need guidance in developing their social skills, introducing themselves, making eye contact, and navigating various social settings gracefully. Teaching these skills empowers young men to become well-rounded individuals who can easily navigate any social situation.
Manners and etiquette have a rich history
deeply rooted in tradition and protocol. This is why the Citadel adopted the program for their cadets. Understanding and appreciating these traditions instill a sense of heritage and respect in young men. Whether it’s understanding the importance of a firm handshake, adhering to dress codes, or displaying proper table manners, embracing these skills allows young gentlemen to demonstrate their respect for others and showcase their commitment to excellence.
Becoming a gentleman is also a path toward personal growth and self-confidence. Learning and practicing good manners and etiquette provide young men with a solid foundation to build their self-assurance. A confident gentleman can inspire and lead others with poise and integrity.
In today’s digital age, young men face unique challenges regarding manners and etiquette. Teaching them how to strike a balance between online and offline interactions is crucial. Lessons on digital etiquette, responsible social media usage, and cyberbullying awareness are essential to a modern gentleman’s education. By equipping young men with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital realm respectfully, we ensure they become well-rounded individuals who can thrive in a rapidly evolving society.
The NLJC in Nashville and Williamson County plays a vital role in shaping the next generation of gentlemen. By emphasizing manners and etiquette, we empower young men to succeed in social settings. From conversation skills to respect and leadership, these gentlemen in training positively impact their communities, leaving a legacy of class and character. By investing in youth, we ensure the enduring legacy of courtesy and respect. Witnessing their transformative journey is truly inspiring. For more information, visit: nljc.com/chapter/williamsonco.
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Savannah College of Art and Design
Sewanee: The University of the South
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Washington and Lee University
Williamson County is no stranger to a wealth of amazing writers and book authors who hone their craft and stories from the sights and sounds of their immediate environment – their backyard of Williamson County and Tennessee. Our history and local lore make for tremendous fodder for storytelling, both fact and fiction, and a little in between. While you
can find a number of titles to enjoy on a myriad of subjects from our local male authors, we offer you a glimpse into three of our local storytellers, in written word and photography. A gift to you from these incredibly gifted and creative individuals who share with their readers so many amazing facets and aspects of our incredible community. Enjoy!
Journey through Time
When the first explorers pushed west from Nashville through the Holly Tree Gap in the late 18th century, they found a fertile valley rich with natural resources — fraught with peril but brimming with opportunity. America had just won her independence from Britain, and this was the young nation’s western frontier. In the bend of the Harpeth River, Franklin was established in 1799; over the course of 225 years, a fascinating story of innovation, progress and preservation has shaped this unique town into a community cherished locally and by visitors worldwide.
Historic Franklin: Along the Harpeth, the latest release from Franklin-based Grandin Hood Publishers, showcases Franklin’s rich legacy in the words of author Jay Sheridan and images of Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Robin Hood, both longtime downtown Franklin residents. Featuring more than 200 archival photographs, illustrations and stunning contemporary photos, the large format, art edition book will become an iconic gift of history and meaning for anyone who loves Franklin.
COMMUNITY | Read Between the Lines
88 | SUMMER 2023
A launch event was held on June 8 th in the Harpeth Hotel, with a portion of ticket proceeds benefiting the establishment of Friends of Franklin Parks’ new Fund for the Preservation of Open Spaces. Jay Sheridan, who also serves as board president for Friends of Franklin Parks, says the mission is critical, as it has been in Franklin for two and a quarter centuries.
“Throughout our history, the struggle of balancing growth and development against the preservation of our incredible natural resources has been a perennial theme, and it’s important to note that we’ve always found a way to make it work for the good of the community,” Jay said. “In today’s Franklin, we face the same pressures but are armed with a talented City Parks team and leadership that understands why preservation matters. The nonprofit community, with the support of the private sector, can bring resources that make things possible here in ways other communities can’t conceive.”
With a Foreword by Franklin Mayor Ken Moore, M.D., the book reaches back centuries to explore America’s westward expansion, the Cumberland Settlements, the establishment of Franklin
and Williamson County, and the decades that followed: from the antebellum years through the Civil War and Reconstruction, and the challenges, achievements and new traditions that followed. Rarely seen artifacts and stories add color and context to an incredible tale of innovation and progress that led to nurturing a tiny agrarian town into a city that balances its past, present and future, best represented by what has become known as America’s Favorite Main Street. And through it all, the people have made Franklin special. A gallery of Hood’s contemporary photos of life through the seasons in Franklin, Tennessee, captures the spirit of the place in stunning images.
Jay and Grandin have collaborated on numerous works over the past twenty years, from the story of legendary music producer Mike Curb and Curb Records to colleges and universities from Rhode Island to Georgia and historic properties such as the venerable Don CeSar Hotel in St. Pete Beach, Florida and the Greenbrier Resort in West Virginia. The pair also worked together with a number of collaborators on their
in 2010, which quickly sold several thousand copies and has been out of print for years.
Historic Franklin: Along the Harpeth was made possible by the generosity of longtime advocates for preservation, Rod and Kay Heller, and Harpeth Associates, who led the development of Harpeth Square.
“What began as a small project to commemorate the opening of the Harpeth Hotel quickly developed into a larger effort to produce a book that captured the milestones of Franklin’s full history,” said Rod Heller. “We are proud not only to contribute the book to the community but to use the proceeds toward the larger purpose of the preservation of open spaces. Our level of success in that realm will define Franklin’s future for generations to come.”
Historic Franklin: Along the Harpeth is available at the Franklin Visitor Center on Fourth Avenue North, Tin Cottage and Landmark Booksellers on Main Street, the Harpeth Hotel, and online at alongtheharpeth.com.
rails & resilience
Walter Green is a busy, retired Professional Civil Engineer. He has worked overseas, for a consulting firm and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers in Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Planning. Initially living in Nashville, he retired to Franklin. But it was familiar territory. His family history in Franklin goes back to the Revolutionary War. Green has written study reports for use by the City of Franklin and documents for publication in the Journal of the Williamson County Historical Society.
His love of local and regional history and engineering lead to his writing a book titled: The Nashville and Decatur in the Civil War – History of an Embattled Railroad. This railroad is located in almost exactly the same place it was 160 years ago. It, like the battlefields, is a highly visible reminder of the war. According to Green, its story needed to be told and woven into the larger story of the Civil War that is being presented locally and regionally. Green also sensed that a replica needed to be built of Franklin’s last railroad passenger depot, the 1901 Louisville and Nashville (L&N) station. He hoped the book would encourage discussion about rebuilding the depot, which could be a beneficial feature for community and a monument to the rich history of the railroad.
open along its entire length in November 1860. However, it operated a brief seventeen months before the federals took control of Nashville and, soon thereafter, the 122-mile-long railroad between Nashville and Decatur, Alabama.
The N&D was important to the federals because they used it to supply men, animals and supplies to allow their armies to gain a stronger foothold in the South, including supplying General Sherman for his invasion of Georgia. It became a weapon that the federals used against the Confederacy and was highly contested because the Confederate Army and its sympathizers tried incessantly to disrupt the railroad’s operation while the federals worked hard to keep it open. It was truly an embattled railroad.
The book describes the work of four key federal men who were primarily responsible for design and construction of the bridges, trestles and railroad fortifications during the key period when Sherman was sending supplies from Nashville to Chattanooga. It discusses the most significant military activity near the railroad and has a chapter about freed Blacks, U.S. Colored Troops and contraband camps. It also presents recent research about perhaps the most fascinating section of track on the N&D during the war – just north and south of the railroad’s one tunnel in southern Giles County.
The Civil War provided the nation’s first opportunity for railroads to be both a tool and a target in a large conflict. The N&D would be
The Nashville and Decatur in the Civil War – History of an Embattled Railroad is available on amazon.com.
Birds in Focus
Nathan Collie’s Moments with Birds is a collection of over 100 photographs capturing the beauty of both the migratory and resident birds of Tennessee, including information about the species, as well as Nathan’s own personal stories from behind the scenes. This book will take you on a journey through all four seasons, drawing you into the wonderful world of birds.
Since childhood, Nathan Collie has been profoundly influenced by the beauty of nature and the behavior of the natural world. As it became a personal sanctuary for him, he began to turn his attention to the camera to document those observations with a deeper appreciation. With both parents in the creative world of music and art, he has now become the fourth-generation photographer in his family. His subject matter reflects the landscape and wildlife, with birds in particular, of middle Tennessee, the American West, and the Gulf of Mexico.
Through his films and photography, Nathan shares the universal relationship that threads our human spirit to that of all creatures great and small. His nature films include all four seasons put with music, as well as films produced for Radnor Lake State Park, and Edwin Warner Parks. He contributes his talents and efforts to many nonprofits with the mission for land and wildlife conservation.
Collie’s interest in birds spawned at an early age during visits to his grandmother’s in Memphis. She had bird feeders all around her yard and stacks of bird books in the house. “My grandmother knew so much about birds,” Collie said. “She triggered my curiosity.” Collie developed his deep love for the outdoors and the lessons nature teaches while spending time with his mom, Anne Goetze. While she photographed and painted landscapes he hunted, fished or wandered.
With his camera he was able to look closer at his chosen subjects and learn so much about them, their activities and habits. His book includes tips for amateur bird watchers and suggestions for preserving bird populations or creating a birdfriendly environment.
FT Live and Great Performances Sponsored by 615.538 2076 | FranklinTheatre com 419 Main St., Franklin, TN 37064
Nathan Collie’s Moments with Birds: A Bird Photographer’s Journey Through the Seasons is available on amazon.com and in local booksellers.
SADDLE UP! Music Country Grand Prix
WHO: Saddle Up! | saddleupnashville.org
WHAT: Music Country Grand Prix WHERE: Brownland Farm WHY: The Music Country Grand Prix is a premier equestrian show jumping competition featuring top riders and horses from across the nation. Since the Music Country Grand Prix’s inception in 1990, Saddle Up! has been the beneficiary of charitable dollars raised from the event. Each year of the event, they celebrate the Grand Prix’s founders, riders, hosts, sponsors, and patrons who have all played a part in creating Saddle Up!’s most successful fundraiser. Over the years, the Music Country Grand Prix has raised more than $1,700,000 to support Saddle Up!
join us FOR ANOTHER SPECTACULAR SEASON! Discover a treasure 112 2nd Avenue, South Historic Downtown Franklin SEASON SPONSOR Guys and Dolls • A Tuna Christmas One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Home, I’m Darling • She Loves Me ken ludwig’s A Fox on the Fairway Purchase season tickets online through July 15. Go to www.pull-tight.com or call 615-791-5007 Tuesday-Friday, 10 am-4 pm. SOCIAL
Gigi Boothe & Kristen Weir
Anne Buckley, Chris Scheid, Louise Renaudin & Allie Feiner
Melissa & Stacy Hapgood
Abigail Arnold, Scotti Arnold, Avery Hanna & Hannah Roark
Madison Phillips & Kaity Hellmann
Jeff Pape, Tammy Pape, Kelly Cathey & Brian Hubbard
Tom & Kelly Tramontin
Twinkie, Cypress Sar, Evelyn & Kimberly Rubright
Anthony & Maggie Roti
David Gordon, Christopher Goggin & Greer Bickley
ENJOY BRUNCH & DINNER AWARD-WINNING WINE LIVE MUSIC ON TWO STAGES TOP PHOTO: VICTORIA SAINT MARTIN PHOTOGRAPHY 609 LAFAYETTE ST, NASHVILLE, TN 37203 @CITYWINERYNSH / CITYWINERY.COM / 615.324.1033 Indulge Your Senses ® Book your special event with us! Available for corporate meetings, weddings, special occasions. Contact us to visit our spaces! JUNE 29 RAYDIO FEATURING ARNEL CARMICHAEL JULY 13 PAM TILLIS
ommy Howell has recently launched a residency at Nashville’s City Winery with a show of music and special guests. Tommy’s forty-year career has included producing, directing and acting with starring roles in Soul Man, The Hitcher, his notable role as Pony Boy in The Outsiders, an upcoming Netflix series Obliterated and many more. He recently recorded his debut project, American Storyteller, with award-winning producer Dean Miller.
Backstage with Tommy Howell & Friends brings a set of music, stories and surprise guests including Charlie Sheen, Kevin Dillon, Adam Carolla, as well as cast members from Cobra Kai and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. The show is extending into the year with even more special guests, to be announced at citywinery.com. We had the opportunity to learn more about Tommy, his music and show at City Winery, and his life in Williamson County. Check out our interview with him below and learn more about his music at tommyhowellmusic.com.
How did you get into music after films? Was it always a passion?
None of this was planned. I came from a music-less background. When COVID hit, I just decided that I didn’t want to get on the other side of that so I picked up the guitar with the idea that I would do a film about an old cowboy that recorded a record that would become a big hit. But would walk away from the business and get back to roots and train horses. When I picked up the guitar, I realized I had a knack for writing songs that I didn’t anticipate. I was shocked by the seamless transfer from spending a lifetime telling two-hour stories into telling two-minute stories. I was raised around incredible storytellers and I felt like I went back home when I discovered that process. I moved to Nashville and surrounded myself with great musicians and writers right away. They showed me some ins and outs and there are no rules to writing ins and outs. A lot of it is instinct and life lessons that you are able to just scratch down on paper.
Describe your style of music.
I don’t even know where to begin with that. I don’t have the experience to define or describe my style. I’m more of a storyteller than a songwriter I suppose. I think that’s why I’m here in Nashville. I am personally more focused on what the song is trying to say than I am the musical aspects of it. I’ve learned to embrace both sides of it and merge the two. But when I started, I was just a wordsmith. I just would write what I thought worked for me. I didn’t have any intentions but making an album or putting a band together. The evolution of the process got me to where I am now. I am so blessed and would never ever change it for the world. I’ve lived a pretty full life. One of the things I didn’t expect was sharing my stories and seeing the impact I had on others with the songs. So, there is a lot of talking in my shows and I share my experiences in Hollywood and what it was like working with people like Elizabeth Taylor or AnnMargret. I got to touch that old golden age of Hollywood when making movies was still really special. Today, everyone can make a movie, even on their iPhone so it’s a different beast
LIFESTYLE | Arts & Culture
94 | SUMMER 2023
today. But where I came from and what I was able to do at a young age tends to have some weight with some of my audience members because they grew up with me and I’m able to share that experience with them.
What inspires you?
Truth, courage, thinking outside the box, taking risks, being different, people who don’t care about what other people think, following their own heart. Greatness comes in all packages as does mediocrity. People who are willing to do the hard work because anything worth doing is worth doing right and I’m inspired by that.
What do you feel has been your biggest accomplishment personally, professionally, etc.?
I don’t really even know how to answer. This question may be for somebody else to answer. I’m not done living my life yet. I’ve spent a lot of time in Hollywood and made it out so that’s pretty big. I’m a father of three beautiful children that I love more than anything so that’s a pretty big accomplishment. I’m a hard worker. The harder I work in life the luckier I get. My father sort of established that when I was a child.
How did you create your show and decide on the guests you are having?
When you spend forty years in Hollywood, you do a lot of favors for people. I’m there to help them but it’s the way I was raised. I just try to find people that I love, people that I’ve worked with that I love that I feel have a connection with. Nobody’s more surprised than I am when we offer somebody to come out and be a part of our show and they say yes. We’ve never been turned down yet. They’re just going to get better and
better! The show was just sort of a fleeting thought. One moment in the fuse was lit, and then it was a full-blown raging fire the next. My original idea was to create an old variety show, the kinds that I grew up on in the 70s, whether it was Johnny Cash, John Denver, Barbara Mandrell or Sonny and Cher. One of my favorite shows was the Johnny Cash Show. He would play great music and have great musical guests. He’d tell fantastic stories and bring out actors and they just had a really good time. As we continue and expand, we may move this television soon which is exciting. But the plan is to just make a good old fashion wholesome product that the family could all sit down and watch and listen to.
What do you want people to know about your show?
We all work really hard to put on the best show that we can. We try to bring guests on board that people have watched overtime or been exposed to artistically or musically. I’m a big fan of all the people that come on my show and whether you’re another artist performing, or you’re an actor telling your story about a film that we love, I just enjoy connecting with people. That’s really what it’s about, connecting with people.
What are you looking to do for future shows?
I have no expectations and that’s the beauty of all this. There’s no pressure and there’s no plan. I’m a hard worker and I just allow this process to leave me. Working really hard creates the best part of it all. When we’re done with the show, we’ll walk away and say “Wow, that happened! That was super cool;” as opposed to trying to manipulate and force people into what I may or may not think it’s a good show. I let the show become itself. It’s its own biological living creature. It’s a living thing. I just trust the process!
For Tickets, or to learn more, Visit StudioTenn.org
Arts & Culture
There never seems to be a shortage of arts and culture events to attend in middle Tennessee. Here are just a handful of upcoming music events, plays and more!
June 16-17
Tennessee Performing Arts Center tpac.org
Join Emmy and Tony Award-winning actor and singer Kristin Chenoweth for a series of four intimate evenings at TPAC’s Jackson Hall stage. Accompanied by musical director Mary-Mitchell Campbell, this event showcases the most accomplished and award-winning performers from Broadway, film, television, and more. Presented by Studio Tenn and Tennessee Performing Arts Center.
June 23
Franklin Theatre franklintheatre.com
Experience the emotional journey of love and loss through The Secret Sisters’ new album, Saturn Return. Laura and Lydia Rogers, the talented duo behind The Secret Sisters, beautifully capture the bittersweet essence of life’s ups and downs.
June 30
Schermerhorn Symphony Center nashvillesymphony.org
Celebrate the legendary Judy Garland’s centennial with the Nashville Symphony. Broadway stars Morgan James and Nicholas Rodriguez will join the orchestra to bring Garland’s timeless songbook back to life. Prepare to be captivated by her iconic hits and enjoy rare interviews, family photos, and vintage footage from The Judy Garland Show.
July 6-7
Schermerhorn Symphony Center nashvillesymphony.org
Experience the thrill of Jurassic Park like never before. Watch the action-packed adventure unfold on the big screen while the Nashville Symphony performs John Williams’ iconic score live. Immerse yourself in this visually stunning film with groundbreaking special effects and let the music transport you to a world of prehistoric wonder.
July 16
Franklin Theatre franklintheatre.com
Get ready to rock ‘n’ roll with the ultimate Elvis tribute artist, Bill Cherry. Experience two dynamic shows featuring different sets that pay homage to the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll. Bill Cherry, the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist World Champion, brings his electrifying performances to the Franklin Theatre for an unforgettable Elvis concert.
LIFESTYLE | Arts & Culture
Party like it’s 1776! Test YOUR Fourth of July knowledge with is crossword puzzle.
1. Patriotic symbol with stars and stripes.
3. George Washington celebrated the July 4th holiday by giving his soldiers a double ration of this alcohol.
4. Introductory part of the United States Constitution.
9. First to sign the Declaration of Independence on August 2, 1776.
10. Wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner."
11. Country that also celebrates their independence on July 4th
13. Revolutionary War-era seamstress credited with sewing the first American flag.
14. Revolutionary War spy famously quoted as saying, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."
15.Traditional outdoor cooking method on Independence Day.
16. John Adams and Thomas _______ both died on July 4, 1826.
17. Iconic symbol of American patriotism.
18. Festive procession on Independence Day.
1. Explosive displays on Independence Day.
2. Historic Philadelphia building where the Declaration of Independence was signed.
3. ____, White & Blue
5. Love and devotion to one's country.
6. Site of the decisive battle that led to American victory in the Revolution.
7. Americans spend more than ____ billion dollars on fireworks annually.
8. First state to declare the 4th of July and official state holiday in 1781.
12. The Liberty Bell in Philadelphia is tapped _______ times every July 4th
Did YOU Know?
2 10 8 9 11 14 5 13 1 16 4 12 17 6 18 15 7 3
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