----------------------------------------------------------------------------We care for your heart
oif\ESvHk;om;tm;uGsEkyfwdk htpOfapmifha&Smufvsuf&Sdaeygonf/
----------------------------------------------------------------------------A Vibhavidi Heart center: A Near friend of Your Heart
oifhESvHk;om;\ teD;uyfqHk;rdwfaqGppf 0dz0wDESvHk;qdkif&mtxl;ukoa&; Xme ----------------------------------------------------------------------------As We Each Have Only One Heart, So Emphasis Should be Placed on the Care of Our Hearts
vlom;rsm;wGifESvHk;om;wpfckpDomydkifqdkifMuonfNzpf&muGsEfkyfwdk htm;vHk;rdrdwdk h\ESvHk;usef;rma&; udktxl;*&kpdkuf&ef tvGef ta&;MuD;ygonf/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Heart diseases can be caused by both genetic factors and external factors such as lifestyle and food consumption. We can prevent heart disease by self-care measures, modification of behavior that deteriorates our health such as selection of food items, weight control and constant exercise. However, if you happen to get heart disease, then treatment is required.
ESvHk;a&m*grsm;onfrsdK;&kd;ADZqkdif&mtaMumif;&if;rsm;aMumifhomru aexdkifrIpepfyHkpH ESifhpm;aomufonfh tpm;taomufyHkpHwdk haMumifhNzpfyGm;Edkifygonf/uGsEfkyfwdk honf ESvHk;a&m*grNzpfyGm;ap&efusef;rmapaom tpm;taomufrsm;udkpepfwuspm;aomufNcif;? cE¨mudk,ftav;csdef xdef;odrf;Ncif;? avhusifhcef; yHkrSef NyKvkyfNcif; ponfwdk hNzifh usef;rma&;udk ,dk,Gif;ap Edkifaom tNyKtrlrsm;udka&Smif&Sm;um rdrdudk,fudk umuG,f apmifha&Smufoifhayonf/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------At present, heart disease is a serious threat that is the second most common cause of death from cancer. But patients with "heart disease" can still have good quality of life and in this regard "health care" will play an important role.
rsufarSmufumv wGiEf SvHk;a&m*gonf uifqma&m*gNyD;vQif 'kwd,taotaysmuftrsm;qHk;a&m*gtNzpf vlom;wdk h\touftEÅ&m,f udkNcdrf;aNcmufvsuf&Sdygonf/ odk h&mwGiEf SvHk;a&m*ga0'em&Sifrsm;onf
omref vlaerIb0udk qufvuf&&SfdEfkifMuoNzifh xdkodk h&&SdEdkif&ef rSefuefaumif;rGefaom ukorIrsm; onf ta&;MuD;aom tcef;u@wGif yg0ifvsuf&Sdayonf/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------The Vibhavadi Heart Center is ready to provide treatment services with advanced technology complete with state-of-the-art medical devices as well as a team of expert physicians in all fields of specialization such as: • Angioplasty Cardiologists. • Cardiac Electrophysiologists. • Cardiac Rehabilitation Physicians. • Cardiothoracic Surgeons. • Physicians specialized in heart diseases who have high experience and work as a team, thus, the Vibhavadi Heart Center is ready to provide 24-hour service. • Pediatric Cardiologists.
0dz0wDaq;&kHMuD; \ESvHk;qdkif&mtxl;ukoa&; XmeMuD;onf tpOfqef;opfwkd;wufvsuf&Sdaom uko enf;pepfrsm;ESifh aemufqHk;ay:acwfrD usef;rma&;qdkif&m pufMuD;rsm;udk toHk;NyKum • ESvHk;aoG;aMumcsJ hNcif;ESifh tpm;xdk;cJGpdwfukorI qdkif&m txl;ukq&m0efMuD; rsm; • acwfrDenf;pepfrsm;Nzifh ESvHk;ESifh aoG;aMumqdkid&ma&m*g&SmazGukoa&; txl;ukq&m0efMuD; rsm; • ESvHk;a&m*g a0'em onfrsm;NyefvnfxlaxmifEdkifa&; qdkif&m txl;ukq&m0efMuD; rsm; • ESvHk; ESifh &ifacgif; cJGpdwfukorI qdkif&m txl;ukq&m0efMuD; rsm; • uav; ESvHk; txl;ukq&m0efMuD;rsm; ponfh ESvHk;qdkif&m a&m*gtm;vHk; wGif usGrf;usifrI qdkif&m txl;ukq&m0efMuD;rsm;Nzifh zJG hpnf;xm;aom ESvHk;txl;uk tzJG hMuD;rS ESvHk;qdkif&ma&m*grsm; udk (24) em&D txl;ukoay;vsuf&Sdygonf/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------As we know
"heart disease"
can occur at any time, therefore, constant checkups are required. When you have
symptoms, please come to the Hospital immediately.
ESvHk;a&m*g a0'em onftcsdefra&G;NzpfyGm;EdkifoNzifh ESvHk;usef;rma&;ppfaq;Ncif;udk yHkrSefNyKvkyf&efvdktyfygonf/ oifhwGif ESvHk;a&m*g ESifhywfowfaom vu©Pm rsm;ay:aygufvmygu tNrefqHk;ukorIcH,l&ef vdktyfygonf/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Vibhavadi Heart Center is ready to provide « services with state-of-the-art technology and medical equipment
0dz0wDaq;&kHMuD; \ESvHk;qdkif&mtxl;ukoa&; XmerS aemufqHk;ay: acwfrDenf;ynmrsm;? pufud&d,mrsm;NzifhESvHk;a0'em&Sifrsm;tm;ukoay;&ef tqifoifh&Sdaeygonf/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------64-Slice Multidetector Computed Tomography Angiography (MDCTA) Cardiovascular Examinations with an Ultra High-Speed CT Scanner 64-Slice Multidetector Computed Tomography Angiography (MDCTA) (txl;tNrefEIef; CT zwfpufMuD;Nzifh
ESvHk; ESifh aoG;aMumqdkif&m ppfaq;Ncif;)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------SOMATOM Sensation Cardiac 64 is the world-wide recognized CT scanner that can examine patients with potential heart problems such as coronary artery diseases (CAD) or coronary heart diseases (CHD). It assists in the examination of patients with no symptoms of cardiovascular and muscle diseases and thus help prevent the onset of diseases and enable patients to undertake treatment in time. This high performance CT scanner provides 64 slices per rotation (360 degrees) with a rotation time of 0.33 seconds. Such speed provides examination of the heart with best results as the heart moves on all the time. SOMATOM Sensation Cardiac 64 CT scanonfurÇmw0Srf;vHk;rStodtrSwfNyKxm;aom
ESvHk;ywfaoG;aMum qdkif&ma&m*grsm; ESifh ESvHk;ESifhywfowfaom Nyóemrsm; NzpfyGm;EdkifNcif;&Sdr&Sdudk ppfaq;&mwGif vHk;0wdusrSefuef onfh txl; CT scanner acwfrSDpufMuD;Nzpfygonf/ 4if;pufMuD;onf Nyifya&m*g vu©Pmrsm;ray:aygufao; aom ESvHk;aoG;aMumESifhESvHk;MuGufom;qdkif&ma0'em&Sifrsm;wGifyifa&m*grsm;udkapmpD;pGm&SmazGazmfxkwfEdkif
Ncif;aMumifhtcsdefrD ukorIudk pepfwuscH,lEdkifonfhtwGufvlemrsm;tm;rsm;pGmtaxmuftulNyKygonf/ 4if;pufMuD;onf 0.33 puúef htwGif; 360 'D*&D ywfvnf yHk&dyfaygif; 64yHk&kduful;EdkifNcif;onfhtwGuf ESvHk;ckefcsdef puúef hwdkif;twGuf a&m*grsm;udktvGefrSefuefwduspGmNzifhtaumif;qHk;azmfxkwfEdkifpGrf;aom acwfrDpufMuD;Nzpfygonf/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Cardiac catheterization A cardiac catherization is a test and a treatment performed by inserting a small tube called a catheter (about 2 mm.) from an artery or a vein in the groin or the arm to the heart, followed by injection of an opaque medium to: • examine coronary arteries (Coronary Angiography). • assess the pathology of the left or right chamber of the heart. • search for the abnormal pathology of electrocardiographic patterns. • treat cardiac valve stenosis by the balloon technique such as balloon dilation of the mitral valve. • close the septal defect or the hole in the artery with special equipment without the need to perform heart surgery.
ESvHk;wGif;ESifhESvHk;ywfaoG;aMum twGif; NyGefi,fxnfhukoNcif; 4if;ukoNcif;enf;pepfonf pufud&d,m wyfqifxm;aom 2rDvDrDwmcef h&Sd NyGefi,fav;udk aygifNcH (odk h) vufarmif;&Sd aoG;NyefaMum (odk h) aoG;vTwfaMumtwGif;rSwqifhESvHk;qDodkh odk hxnfhoGif;um tvif;ydwf Mum;cH"mwfwrsdK;yg0ifaomaq;xdk;oGif;NyD;prf;oyfppfaq;Ncif; (odk h) ukoNcif; NyKvkyfum atmufyga&m*g rsm;udktxl;ukoay;vsuf&Sdygonf/ ESvHk;ywfaoG;aMum qdkif&maoG;vTwfaMumrsm;udk ppfaq;Ncif; (Coronary Angiography). ESvHk;\ nmbuf (odk h) b,fbutcef; rsm;\ a&m*gaA'qdkif&m taNctaersm;udk tuJNzwfNcif; yHkrSefr[kwfaom ESvHk;"mwfrSefyHkpH rsm;\ a&m*gaA'qdkif&m taNctaersm;udk &SmazGNcif;/ ESvHk;twGif;cef;tqdk h&SifusOf;aNrmif;Ncif; udk aoG;aMumcsJ habmvHk;i,ftoHk;NyK acwfrDenf;pepfudk toHk;NyKukoNcif;/ ESvHk;twGif;MuGufom;eH&Hrsm;rydwfbJusef&Sd Ncif; (odk h) aoG;vTwfaMumtwGif; taygufNzpfNcif;rsm;udk txl;acwfrD pufud&d,mrsm;oHk;ícJGpdwfp&mrvdktyfbJ ydwfqdk hay;Ncif;/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Coronary Angiography A coronary angiography is a procedure in which an opaque medium is injected to check coronary arteries. A small catheter (about 2 mm) is inserted by a doctor from an artery in the groin or the arm to the coronary artery, followed by an injection of an opaque medium into the catheter to check where the coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked and their images are clearly displayed on a monitor. When the blockage of the coronary arteries is found, immediate treatment can be administered.
ESvHk;ywfaoG;aMum twGif; NyGefi,foHk;"mwfrSef 4if;enf;pepfonf tvif;ydwfMum;cH"mwfwrsdK;yg0ifaomaq;xdk;oGif;NyD;ESvHk;ywfaoG;aMumrsm;udkppfaq;onfh enf;wrsdK;Nzpfygonf/ txl;ukq&m0efMuD;rsm;rSpufud&d,m wyfqifxm;aom 2rDvDrDwmcef h&Sd NyGefi,fav;udk aygifNcH (odk h) vufarmif;&Sd aoG;vTwfaMumrSwqifh ESvHk;aoG;vTwfaMumqDodkh odk hxnfhoGif;um tvif;ydwf Mum;cH"mwfwrsdK;yg0ifaomaq;xdk;oGi;f íESvHk;aoG;vTwfaMumrsm;usOf;aNrmif;Ncif; odk hydwfqhdkNcif;rsm;udk yHk&dyfrsm;&kduf,lum armfeDwm wGifMunfvif Nywfom;pGm NrifawG h prf;oyfppfaq;Ncif;Nzpfygonf/ tu,fíESvHk;aoG;vTwfaMumrsm;ydwfqhdkNcif;udkawG h&Sdygu ukorIudk csufcsif;cH,lEdkifrnfNzpfygonf/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty and Stenting A percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and stenting is the treatment of coronary artery stenosis performed by threading a slender balloon-tipped tube-a catheter-to a narrowed artery in the heart. The balloon is then inflated, compressing the plaque and dilating the narrowed coronary artery. This is often accompanied by inserting a small stent to prevent the renarrowing of the artery.
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty and Stenting
ESifh4if;udk toHk;NyKí Stent xnfhNcif;qdkonfrSm ESvHk; aoG;vTwf aMumrsm;usOf;aNrmif;Ncif;udk ta&Nym;rSwqifh xdyfwGif abmvHk;i,fwyfNyGefi,fav; udkESvHk; wGif;&Sd usOf;aNrmif;aeaom aoG;vTwfaMumqDodk hxdk;oGif;um ukoay;Ncif;Nzpfonf/ xdk haemuftqdkyg abmvHk;i,f udkaoG;aMumtwGif; csJ hum;vdkufum ydwfqdk haeaom tcJav;tm; ydNym;apum usOf;aNrmif; aeaom aoG;aMumudk Nyefus,fap ygonf/ aoG;aMumNyefvnf usOf;aNrmif;Ncif;udkumuG,f&ef twGufao;i,f
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
aom tacsmif;i,fav; (Stent) udkyg wNydKifeufxnfhoGif;Ncif;yg ukorItrsm;pkwGifNyKvkyfavh&Sdygonf/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Echocardiography An echocardiography is used in diagnosis and prognosis including detection of severity and monitoring of the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in an effective way due to its capability to measure the size and the functions of the heart as well as its structures.
yJ hwifoHoHk; ESvHk;"mwfrSef (Echocardiography) yJ hwifoHoHk; ESvHk;"mwfrSefonf a&m*gNyif;xefrI taNctaeESifh ESvHk;aoG;aMuma&m*grsm;\ukor ItaNc tae rsm;tygt0ifa&m*g&SmazGNcif;ESifh a&m*gtvm;tvm cef hrSef;Ncif;rsm;udk ESvHk;\ t&G,ftpm;? vkyfief; aqmifwmrsm;ESifh zJG hpnf;wnfaqmufyHkwdk hudk wdusrSefuefpGm prf;oyfppfaq;Edkifonhf enf;pepfwck tNzpf xda&mufpGm vkyfaqmifay;vsuf&Sdygonf/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exercise Stress Test An exercise stress test is a common test wherein a patient is required to take exercise by walking on a treadmill pursuant to the determined program with a view to detecting coronary artery disease or arrhythmia associated with the exercise. This test is also preferably used in the differential diagnosis of patients with chest pain.
Exercise Stress Test Exercise Stress Test Nzifh a&m*g&SmazGNcif;qdkonfrSm prf;oyfcsdeftwGif;vlem onf avQmuftm;Nzifh
vnfaom pufcg;ywfEIef;ESifhtnD vrf;avQmufavhusifhcef;NyKvkyfum 4if; avhusifhcef;\tusdK;quftNzpf Nrefqefvmaom ESvHk;ckefEIef;udk Munfh&SK wGufcsufum ESvHk;ywfaoG;aMumqkdif&ma&m*grsm;ESifh rlrrSefaom ESvHk;ckefNrefNcif;rsm;udk ppfaq;Munfh&SKNcif;Nzpfygonf/ 4if; prf;oyfenf;onf&ifbwfatmifha0'em cHpm;&ol rsm;twGufrSefuefaom a&m*gtaNzrSefudk awG h&SdEdkifonfhtm;xm;&aomprf;oyfNcif;wrsdK;Nzpfygonf/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------24 Hours Ambulatory Recording A 24-hour ambulatory ECG recording is a technique used in monitoring your heartbeats for 24 hours by wearing a small electrocardiogram (ECG) recording device on your body so that you can go home or go to work normally without the need to stay overnight at the hospital. After 24 hours elapse, you just go back to the hospital to detect the device and wait for the result analyzed by the physician. This method is appropriate for patients who have occasional arrhythmia, frequent fainting spells, dizziness or constant irregular heartbeats.
(24)em&D pOfqufrNywf EC G rSwfwrf; 4if;rSwfwrf;wifonfhenf;pepfonf ao;i,fonfh ECG pufuav;tm;vl hcE¨mudk,fwGifwyfqifxm;NyD; oif\ESvHk;ckefoHudk (24)em&D rSwfwrf;wif apmifhMunfhNcif;Nzpfonf/ wyfqifxm;aompufrSm tvGefao;i,fí oifhtm;taESmifht,SufrNzpfapbJ aq;&kHwGif 24em&D ntdyfapmifh&ef rvdktyfbJrdrdaetdrfodk hNyefEdkifonfh tNyif tvkyfcGifVfyif0ifa&mufvkyfudkifEdkifygonf/ (24)em&DukefqHklygu oifonfaq;&kHodk hNyefvnf oGm;a&muf um (24)em&D ESvHk;ckefoHrSwfwrff;taNzudk orm;awmf wpfOD;rS taNz&Smxm;onfudk &,l&rnfNzpfygonf/ xdk enf;ynmonf wcgw&HESvHk;ckefNrefNcif; cHpm;&olrsm;? rMumcP owdvpfarhaNrmwwfolrsm;? taMumif;rJh rMumcPrl;armfaewwfolrsm; ESifh ESvHk;ckefrrSefNcif;udkyHkrSefcHpm;ae&olrsm;twGuftvGef oifhavsmfaom enf;ynmNzpfygonf/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Tilt Table Test A tilt table test is a special test to diagnose patients who have unexplained fainting spells in order to find proper remedy or treatment further. As fainting can be caused by many different underlying conditions that may be due to problems from the brain, the heart, hypotension or disorders of the autonomic nervous system, the tilt able test can detect the cause of fainting due to the disorders of the autonomic nervous system which is the most frequently found cause of fainting spells. Tilt Table Test
4if;enf;pepfonf taMumif;&if;cH r&SdbJ rMumcPrl;arhvJwwfaom vlemrsm;twGuf rSefuefaom taNzudk &&Sdap&ef txl;NyKvkyfxm;aom prf;oyfenf;wrsdK;Nzpfygonf/ rMumcPrl;arhvJwwfNcif;onf OD;aESmuf? ESvHk;ESifhywfowfaoma&m*grsm;? aoG;aygifusNcif;? tm&kHaMum ESifhywfowfaoma&m*grsm;paom taNccHtaMumif;t&mrsm;aMumifhNzpfyGm;avh&Sdonfhteuf4if; Tilt Table Test enf;pepfonf rl;arhvJNcif;\tNzpfrsm;qHk;taMumif;t&if;Nzpfaom tm&kHaMum ESifhywfowfaoma&m*grsm; udk&SmazG&mwGif trSefuefqHk;azmfxkwfay;Edkifaomenf;pepfNzpfygonf/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------EKG An EKG (electrocardiogram) helps diagnose various problems with the heart such as coronary arteriosclerosis, cardiomegaly (enlarged heart) or disorder levels of electrolytes in the blood.
enf;pepfonf ESvHk;aoG;aMumusOf;a&m*grsm;? ESvHk;MuD;Ncif; ESifh aoG;twGif; electrolytes vQyfpD;"mwfrsm;yHkrSefr[kwfNcif;ponfhESvHk;ESifhywfowfaom NyóemtrsdK;rsdK;wdk hudkrSefuefwduspGm &SmazGazmfxkwfEdkifygonf/
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Cardiac Rehabilitation A cardiac rehabilitation program is an integration of several processes such as exercise and knowledge provision to create motivation in modifying risk factors for patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) to enable them to have good heath and mind continuously in the long run.
ESvHk;a&m*ga0'em&Sifrsm;NyefvnfxlaxmifNcif; 4if;ESvHk;a&m*ga0'em&Sifrsm;Nyefvnfxlaxmifa&;ukorIonf ESvHk;ywfaoG;aMumqdkif&ma&m*gcHpm;ae&aom vlemrsm;taeNzifh a&&SnfcE¨mudk,fESifhpdwf"mwfusef;rma&;aumif;rGefap&ef twGuf tm;upm;vdkufpm; wwf ap&ef ESifh 4if;wdk h\a&m*gtwGuftEÅ&m,fNzpfapEdkifaomtrltusifhrsm;udk NyKNyifaNymif;vJEdkif &efA[kokwrsm; Nzef ha0ay;Ncif; rsm;udk trsdK;rsdK;aomenf;vrf;rsm; Nzifh0dkif;0ef; aqmif&Gufay;aeaom usef;rma&;apmifha&SmufrI yHkpHNzpfygonf/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------The Vibhavadi Heart Center is ready to provide treatment services by a team of experienced doctors and nurses in large operating rooms equipped with modern instruments for heart surgery. Critical wards for coronary artery diseases are also available for providing high quality services to patients.
0dz0wD ESvHk;qdkif&mtxl;ukoa&; XmeMuD;onf uGsrf;usifrINynfh0aom txl;ukorm;awmfrsm; ?olemNyKrsm;ESifhzJG hpnf;xm;aom ESvHk;txl;uktzJG hMuD;rS aemufqHk;ay:acwfrD ESvHk;cJGpdwfrIqdkif&m pufMuD;rsm;udk toHk;NyKxm;aomus,f0ef;vSonfh cJGpdwfcef;rMuD;wGif vlemrsm;tm; toufu,fuko&ef tqifoifh&Sdaeygonf/ tvGef ta&;MuD;vSaom ESvHk;ywfaoG;aMumqdkif&m a&m*g&Sifrsm;udkvnf; tpOfqef;opfwkd;wufvsuf&Sdaom taumif;qHk;ukoenf;ynmrsm;toHk;NyKum ukoay;vsuf&Sdygonf/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Heart Disease: a condition that require care and treatment, • Hypertensive Heart Disease. • Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). • Arrhythmia (disorders of the heart's regular rhythmic beating). • Congenital Heart Diseases. • Rheumatic Heart Disease. • Abnormal Electrical Current of the heart. • Enlarged Heart Walls Due to Myocardial Diseases. Ruptures in Arterial Walls, etc.
rdrdudk,fudk*&kpdkufrIESifh pepfwus ukorIudk cH,loifhaom ESvHk;a&m*grsm;rSm aoG;wkd;a&m*gESifhqufpyfNzpfyGm;aom ESvHk;a&m*g ESvHk;ywfaoG;vTwfaMumqdkif&m a&m*gtrsdK;rsdK; (CAD) arG;&mygESvHk;a&m*gtrsdK;rsdK; av;zufema&m*gESifhqufpyfNzpfyGm;aom ESvHk;a&m*g ESvHk;prf;oyfrIqdkif&m vQyfppfpD;aMumif;yHkrrSefNcif; ESvHk;MuGufom;qdkif&ma&m*grsm;aMumifh ESvHk;MuD;Ncif;? ESvHk;aoG;aMumeH&Hrsm;aygufxGufNcif;ponf.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------You have already got these risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, overweight, high cholesterol, fainting spells, frequent blackouts, or family member (s) suffering heart ;eases or if you yourself are aware that you have "risky" behavior to be afflicted with heart disease, don't be hesitate allow the conditions to aggravate and become a "heart disease’’
oifhwGif qD;csdKa&m*g? aoG;wkd;a&m*g? t0vGefa&m*g? aoG;wGif;tqD"mwfNrifhwufNcif;?tcdkuftwef hrl;arh vJNcif;? rMumcPowdvpfNcif; odk hr[kwrf dom;pk0ifrsm;twGif; ESvHk;a&m*gcHpm;&olrsm; &SdNcif;ESifhoifudk,fwdkifoifhwGifESvHk;a&m*gESifhywfoufaomtEÅ&m,fudkod&SdcHpm;ae&ygu4if;taNc aeudk ESvHk;a&m*gNzpfyGm;onfhtaNctaeodk h a&mufonftxd ydkrdkqdk;&Gm;atmif apmifhNyD;rS ruko rdygapESifh/