Lady Niguma Manual

Page 38


Muladhara Svadisthana Manipura Anahatha Vishuddha Sahasrara

Granthis, knotted hoses, and nadi formation If we are meant to live in bodies made of light, why do some of us relate to our bodies as made of flesh, blood, and bone and that grow old and stop working? This is because of the knots that choke our central channel. The three main channels do not go perfectly straight up and down along our spine. In fact, the two side channels twist themselves around our central channel forming knots. The Sanskrit word for these knots is granthi. These granthis create problems inside our bodies and are the mechanism that make us see ourselves grow old. This mechanism can be explained with the metaphor of a hose. Imagine a hose with water flowing through it. If that hose becomes knotted, what happens? Because the water can’t pass through, the hose will balloon. Imagine there was a huge amount of pressure in the hose. What will inevitably happen? The hose will burst and water will shoot out in many directions. Imagine your central channel as a perfectly straight hose. Now take your ida and pingala channels and twist them around the central channel once. If there is no prana running through the side channels (water in the hose) then the central channel can continue to flow. However, when prana does run through the side © 2021 YOGA STUDIES INSTITUTE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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