5 GOALS AND 4 MOVEMENTS We’ve learned about the channels and how they knot into chakras which ultimately lead us further away from living in our sushumna. Lady Niguma’s yoga has 5 fundamental goals which are achieved by applying 4 basic movements to each chakra. Before we discuss those, let’s talk generally about the problems of our channels and knots. Then we will understand how the 4 movements solve those problems to achieve the 5 goals.
Damaging and healing side channels For those of use who are not living 100% in our sushumna, we have prana running through our side channels. These channels are damaged and have perforations, or small tears all over them. The more we see things the wrong way, as coming from their own side, the more we damage the channels. The more damaged they are, the more unhealthy our body becomes and more mistaken our views of the world become. While you are doing your asana practice you are withdrawing the prana from your side channels. If these channels are damaged, however, then the prana will seep back in and the benefits of your asana will not last. This is especially true when we are stretching out our channels. Physical expressions of damaged channels include having a bent spine, wrinkles and generally aging, or some form of twisting in the body. On the other hand, someone who has healed their channels by understanding seeds and emptiness, and by taking care of other people, will be more vibrant, joyful, compassionate, and strong. The more we practice compassionate wisdom, the more we are able to loosen our knots and clean and strengthen our channels.