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learNiNg through theatre SchoolS aNd collegeS Programme for 11 – 18 year oldS

york theatre royal SchoolS feStival York Theatre Royal would like to offer your school the opportunity to take part in a festival of narrative in Autumn 2013, based around York Theatre Royal and Nottingham Playhouse’s production of Shakespeare’s Richard III. The festival will take place over one day on our Main House stage with each of the four participating schools having the opportunity to perform a 30 minute piece. Using Shakespeare’s Richard III as the starting point we want you to make interpretative choices of how you use the play in creating your piece. This could mean; using the play’s themes as a starting point to devise from, telling the story from Richard’s point of view or it could be working from an abridged version of the play itself. The festival is open to whichever age group you feel would be most appropriate and with any sized group (as long as they will fit on our stage!)

What we are offering you… • A twilight development workshop; exploring the story of Richard III, and approaches and ideas for using the story as a springboard for devising. • Workshop led by York Theatre Royal with your group to introduce the story and to kick start the project in school. • At least one rehearsal visit by York Theatre Royal to check progress and offer advice and feedback. • Technical support at the theatre on the day of performance. • An abridged version of Richard III to use if you wish. • Opportunity to perform on our Main House stage. • Reduced ticket prices for your students to see York Theatre Royal’s production of Richard III.

Project timeline… • Expressions of interest to us by Friday 19th April. • Schools find out if successful by May 3rd. • Initial meeting in school by the end of the academic year and twilight session. • Schools development workshops in first two weeks of Autumn term. • Festival on November 25th. Cost: £450

York Theatre Royal offers you a wealth of workshops and opportunities to work and learn with us, either in school or here at the theatre, all led by skilled and specialist professionals. Workshops are available all year round but sessions at the theatre are subject to space availability. Most sessions are available at the theatre or in your school, travel costs may apply for schools outside York. “The quality of workshops in school and at the theatre has been highly regarded, thanks mainly to the expertise of the presenters and their ability to interact with a wide range of students.” Andrew Janes, Joseph Rowntree School education@yorktheatreroyal.co.uk Reception 01904 658162

Introduction to practitioners Full or half day workshops available on Artaud, Berkoff, Brecht, Brook, Edward Gordon Craig, Grotowski and Stanislavski. Sessions will provide a practical overview to the key aspects of the director’s practice, exploring skills then applying them to either text or devised work. Suitable for: Year 11 – 13, BTEC Students Cost: £150 (half day), £225 (full day)

Approaches to devising Full or half day workshop providing students with a toolkit of approaches and devices that will inspire and stimulate their creativity. The workshop will draw on the work of companies such as Third Angel, Frantic Assembly and Complicite. Providing students with an array of post-modern storytelling devices from which to base their devising. Suitable for: Year 10 – 13, BTEC students Cost: £150 (half day), £225 (full day)


Marketing workshop

Rehearsal visit

An energetic, participatory session, designed to help students really get to grips with Shakespeare’s plots, characters, themes and verse. Tailor made for each year group, this workshop gives a detailed introduction to a play of your choice (most popular texts available).

This workshop will provide theoretical and practical insight into how a marketing campaign is planned and executed. Led by a member of York Theatre Royal’s Communications team the session can be tailored to any year group and can tie in with specific activity and learning objectives focusing specifically on branding, poster design, postcode and booking analysis or on a generic exploration of arts marketing.

This unique opportunity allows access for students to the professional rehearsal room, to see directors and actors at work, with an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session. This opportunity is subject to availability.

Suitable for: Year 7 – 13, BTEC students Cost: £150

Theatre tours Flexible tours are available all through the year which can take a specific focus on the theatres history, technical aspects, departments, productions and/or provide a generic understanding on how our organisation and building works as a producing theatre. Suitable for: All ages Cost: £2/student

Investigating an arts organisation Spend time meeting an array of our staff members in our Studio or Main House; discovering what their role consists of, how they got there, who and what they are responsible for. There will be an opportunity to discover the nuts and bolts of how our organisation works with resources provided on our funding, audience make-up and organisational structure, as well as insight into the different career options available in the theatre industry. Where possible we would also aim to provide an insight into the current production showing in the Studio or Main House and how staff’s work relates to that specific production. Suitable for: Year 12 - 13, BTEC students Cost: £150

Suitable for: Year 7 – 13, BTEC students Cost: £150

The role of the director Led by an experienced director, this session looks at how you go about directing a play, including background research, analysis of text and themes, interpretation, developing your vision or concept, and rehearsal games and exercises. This practical session is available on the following texts: Antigone, Our Country’s Good, Hamlet and Equus. Other texts may be available on negotiation. Suitable for: Year 12 – 13, BTEC students Cost: £150

Suitable for: Year 10 – 13, BTEC students Cost: £2/student (or free when booked with tickets to the production)

Production related workshops Workshops are available on request for most of our own productions and can be tailored to your pupils individual needs. Please contact us with any specific requests you may have. Our upcoming workshops, together with their costs, are on the back page.

Offer to include:

Onstage event Working with actors and members of the creative team. An interactive session taking place in the auditorium and onstage, to look at the process of staging the text. Cost: £2 per head when booked with tickets to the matinee performance on the same day

educatioN offer arouNd ProductioNS York Theatre Royal offer workshops and other associated education activities around our own productions, information of specific offers are on the show page of our website. Over the next few months we have two Shakespeare productions of particular educational interest, which we will be offering extensive education opportunities around.

Pre and Post show workshops Hosted at York Theatre Royal or in your school, exploring the story, themes and historical context of the play. Workshops can also be tailored for your specific area of interest. Cost: £150 + travel to schools outside York Workshops can be run during the day or as a twilight session before a show

Henry VI presented by Shakespeare’s Globe Wed 26 June – Sat 13 July All three plays renamed, edited and presented in Yorkshire, the location of the War of the Roses trilogy. All three plays can be watched individually and last approximately 2 hours each. Suitable for all ages.

Richard III presented by Nottingham Playhouse and York Theatre Royal

To book any of these workshops, please contact the Education Administrator on 01904 658162 or email education@yorktheatreroyal.co.uk Please supply the following information: • Preferred dates and time of visit • School contact details, including email contact for the lead teacher

19 Nov – 30 Nov

• Number and ages of students

Shakespeare classic histories play exploring man’s thirst for power, jealousy and the treachery. Richard will stop at nothing to become King of England. Suitable for all ages.

• Workshop session you would like to book and where you would like it to take place

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