Mineria 9th Edition : English Version

Page 1

About About HMT-ITB HMT-ITB HMT-ITB is a profession organization established

HMT-ITB has some routine activities such as gath-

on 15 May 1955. In its operation, HMT-ITB has the ob-

ering. In addition, HMT-ITB has a cultural heritance in

jectives to create, maintain close family bond among

the form of Semi-Dangdut Band (Orkes Semi Dangdut -

students of Mining Engineering Department, Bandung

OSD). OSD has long been established by HMT-ITB mem-

Institute of Technology and keep an everlasting bond

bers and has had its players regenerated. The activities

after graduation; build, develop and spread love with

are expected to improve their intimacy and keep HMT-

mining science particularly to the members and gener-

ITB members’ spirit up.

ally the society; attempt material and spiritual prosperity and defend its members’ interest.

As a medium to develop and spread mining science, HMT-ITB performs some profession programs. HMTITB organizes profession seminars with various topics and soft skill and hard skill trainings. For students to perform their role as contained in the Three Pillars of Higher Education, HMT-ITB performs community service with various social activities, such as fundraising for disaster and various foods. These activities are expected to increase HMT-ITB members’ sensitivity and concern.




he COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant impacts on human’s life, including the industrial sector. Mining is one of the sectors influenced by the pandemic. Mineria 9.0 will discuss mining and the impacts

of COVID-19 pandemic on mining sector.

Mineria is a profession magazine made by HMT-ITB. Mineria magazine contains information of mining and activities performed by HMT-ITB. Through Mineria, we want to share information of mining not only with mining students, but also the public.

Muthia Nabila Tsamara Firtania Editor In Chief


REDACTION Chief of Yudha Bumi

Contents >

The Role of Downstream Mining in Indonesia’s Economy during Pandemic



A Closer Look at Mining Working Condition during the Pandemic



Unauthorized Mining Practice (PETI) During the Pandemic


Prospect of Coal Gasification in Indonesia



Indonesia, Electric Car, and Mining



Bentonite Exploration in Pacitan



Beni Wahju, a Figure Behind The Start of Nickel Mining in Sorowako



Mining Freshgraduate’s Journey with Bang Yudha



The Return of Minefest HMT-ITB



OSD (Orkes Semi Dangdut)



Fun Fact in Mining World


What They Say?




The Role of Downstream Mining in Indonesia’s Economy During Pandemic Heri Prasetya



COVID-19 pandemic takes place throughout the

In an activity, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources

world, including Indonesia. There are many impacts it

(ESDM), Arifin Tasrif, said that

has caused, both indirectly, such as health, mortality rate, the need for facilities and infrastructure, and indirectly, such as economy, termination of employment, etc. It is undeniable that Indonesia’s economy has also reached negative or recession because of cumulative impacts of COVID-19 pandemic of various sectors. Many measures have been taken to solve the pro­blems, including in mining sector. This time it will discuss the role of downstream mining in improving Indonesia’s economy which declines during the pandemic.


“Despite in the current pandemic, t

(minerba) sector still played an im

national economic gro

The minerba sector may also serve as the driver

Coal commodity contributes to South Sumat-

of community development and empowerment, espe-

era’s increasing export, with recorded share from 7.3%

cially around mining activity areas. With regard to mi­

in 2012 to 20.3% in 2019. This was informed at the

ning sector, as one measure of recovering the econo-

­Dissemination of South Sumatera’s Economic Report

my during the pandemic, it is to increase investment in

­e­vent virtually on Thursday, 10 December 2020.

minerba mining sub-sector. Improved investment will

In Kalimantan, a cooperation agreement for Coal

be made through downstream mineral and coal com-

to ­Mehanol (CTM) project has been signed at Batuta

modities. In the future, there will be more companies

Industrial Chemical Park in Bengalon, East Kutai. In ad-

with downstream minerba commodities, and there will

dition, the government currently focuses on preparing

be more mining products to be enjoyed by the public.

renewable energy development program in support of

The government keeps encouraging downstream

green industry development. With developing down-

mining to improve mining product’s added value. Down-

stream mining product in Indonesia, it is expected that

stream mining sector contributes relatively greatly to

the Indonesians will gain benefit and prosper.

Indonesia’s economy during the pandemic. One form of downstream mining as an economic strengthening capital is downstream coal mining, such as one in South Sumatera. Downstream coal mining through gasification technology is believed to enhance South Sumatra’s economic growth which all this time relies on the coal mining sector. It is commonly known that PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk is currently working on the coal to DME (dimethyl ether) project in Tanjung Enim, South Sumatra. The coal gasification plant will produce which will be a substitute or replacement for LPG.

> Mining Activities > Source : Pusat Studi Hukum Energi dan Pertambangan

Coal Mining Activities Source : Kaltim Post

the mineral and coal

mportant role in the


Minerba Virtual Expo 2020 Source : liputan6.com


The COVID-19 pandemic this year also strikes the mining sector, especially the coal industry. Discussion on downstream mining cannot be separated from the existence of Job Creation Law which reaffirms the Mineral and Coal Law. The law is deemed to give a bigger certainty to the mining sector, one of which is that it allows royalty 0% for business player who enhances (downstream) coal added value. Chairman of the Indonesia Mining & Energy Forum (IMEF), Singgih Widagdo, stated that the existence of Job Creation Law was quite positive for the economic recovery, particularly in mining sector. Through the Job Creation Law, the state may solve many mining problems, particularly related to stagnant downstream mining. In his opinion, this is deemed to accelerate coal serving as the economic booster instead of merely a revenue driver. Singgih believes that this may also accelerate manpower absorption. Besides, the form of downstream mining expected to bring positive impact on the Indonesia’s economy is downstream nickel mining, of which one of its uses is to be raw material for lithium battery for electric car. Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Investment Affairs, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, revealed that on the period 2014 - 2019, non-vehicle iron and steel export increased from USD 1.1 billion to USD 7.4 billion. In addition, nickel ore to


stainless steel slab processing will give added value from USD 612 million to USD 6.24 billion. This is expected to increase the leverage of Indonesia’s economy to be better amidst the prolonged pandemic.


Natalia, M. (2020, Desember 11). Hilirisasi Jadi Masa Depan Sektor Pertambangan. di akses pada https://ekbis.sindonews.com/read/264328/34/ hilirisasi-jadi-masa-depan-sektor-pert=ambangan-1607649127 Kementrian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia (2020, November 26). Investasi Industri Baja Tetap Tumbuh di Tengah Pandemi. diakses pada https://www. kemenperin.go.id/artikel/22151/Investasi-Industri-Ba jaTetap-Tumbuh-di-Tengah-Pandemi Sari, M. (2020, September 16). Hilirisasi Tambang Dorong Ekonomi di Masa Pandemi. diakses pada https://duniatambang.co.id/Berita/ read/1262/Hilirisasi-Tambang-DorongEkonomi-di-Masa-Pandemi

Rosana, D. (2020, Desember 10). Kementerian ESDM sebut hilirisasi batubarahemat Rp9,2 triliun/tahun. diakses pada https://www.antaranews.com/berita/1888444/kementerian-esdm-sebut-hilirisasi-batubara-hemat-rp92-triliun-tahun Cahyadi, A. (2020, November 26). Pengamat: UU Cipta Kerja Atasi Banyak Masalah di Sektor Pertambangan. diakses pada https://investor. id/business/pengamat-uu-cipta-kerja-atasi-banyak-masalah-di-sektor-pertambangan Asosiasi Perusahaan Industri Pengolahan & Pemurnian Indonesia (2020, Desember 17). Smelter Nikel di Sulawesi Dibakar, Ini Kata Kementerian ESDM. diakses pada https://www.ap3i.or.id/News/News-Update/Smelter-Nikel-di-Sulawesi-Dibakar-Ini-Kata-Kementerian-ESDM. html



A Closer Look at Mining Working Condition during the Pandemic with Muhammad Firhan Qinthara Shift Supervisor at PT. Arutmin Indonesia Reporter M. Rifqi Rahmadillah | 12118007 Sarah Hasanah | 12118034

2020 is a year difficult to undergo for the worldwide society, particularly the Indonesians. The COVID-19 virus emerging in Indonesia since March 2020 has made any plans arranged in such a way to go in vain because of the rapid spread of the virus. This makes the society restless, thus the government forms the COVID‑19 Response Acceleration Task Force as the Indonesia’s frontline in fighting COVID-19 virus. The COVID-19 pandemic affects all of the existing sectors, including mining sector. In mining sector, most of mining works are performed on site and with direct contact one with another. This requires all companies to comply with government’s regulation related to the health protocol that must be implemented in mining activity areas. This starts with the adaptation of new normal by wearing mask, washing hands, and maintaining distance by mining companies in Indonesia, one of which is PT. Arutmin Indonesia. In Mineria 9.0 with the “Mining during Pandemic” theme, the Mineria team interviewed an employee of PT. Arutmin Indonesia from kintan mine, Muhammad Firhan Qinthara, an alumnus of Mining Engineering Department of ITB of 2015 whose position was Operation Engineering Supervisor Team. In the interview, we discussed and inquired him about mining during the pandemic.

What changes in and how the pandemic affect the mining working environment? From the start of the pandemic, PT. Arutmin Indonesia has not applied WFH (Work From Home) because of PLN’s increasing need for coal supply for electricity plant since many works are performed at home during the pandemic. For works on site, workers remain working by applying the health protocol. For example, a meeting which before the pandemic is performed directly (face to face) on site is performed at the office online during the pandemic. Mining ope­rators working on site still normally perform their duties since their works cannot be performed through WFH (work from home). Therefore, PT. Arutmin Indonesia does not apply WFH, but implements the health protocol well.


How is mining activities adjusted to the health

Is there any significant change to working hours,


working shift, workload, and working structure during

During the pandemic, it is absolutely important to apply

the pandemic?

the health protocol in prevention of new cluster arising

The significant change occurs to the going home

in the work, especially mining, area. The health protocol

sche­dule that it is limited, not like it is usually that

applied on site includes wearing mask, washing hands,

Saturday and Sunday may be off. In the start of COV-

and after using radio or other tools, they are cleaned

ID-19 pandemic, workers who were in Jakarta were not

first before others are going to use them. For workers

allowed to return to PT. Arutmin Indonesia, but they

who take leave, they must submit a rapid test certifica-

work remotely or through WFH. This is also the cause

tion, and they will perform independent quarantine for

that if the workers are on site, they should stay longer

three days. After the quarantine, they will be subject-

there. Working hours, working shift and workload at

ed to rapid test to ensure they are safe from COVID-19

PT. Arutmin Indonesia are still normal, but since the


pandemic, all workers are obliged to abide by the prevailing health protocol.

What about job vacancy at the mining company

Is there any reduction of employees during the

during the pandemic?


There still is job vacancy, but it depends on the need of

During pandemic, there is no employment termination

corporation and each site

at PT. Arutmin Indonesia.


Does the pandemic influence commodity sales? Coal sale is divided into two, namely coal export and coal sale to domestic buyer or PLN. High quality coal (bituminous) will be exported, while coal sold to PLN is of sub-bituminous coal. There was significant impact on high quality coal since there was no export to Italia in the early COVID-19 pandemic. However, there was still contract with the government related to coal sale to PLN.

What is the mining company’s strategy for its survival in this uncertain period? There is no special strategy for the future. PT Arutmin Indonesia still operates as it used to and focuses coal supply. The most important thing is the existence of buyer (consumer) and PT. Arutmin Indonesia is ready to supply the coal as per demand annually.

Contributor Dyoh Try Saputra 12117053

Contributor Xavier Dirgantara Hadi 12117067


Contributor Ivana 12117016


Unauthorized Mining Practices (PETI) During The Pandemic Muhammad Alif Ikhsan 12118018 Image source : www.effective-states.org

COVID-19 is a disease caused by the latest coro-

Unauthorized mining practice is a mining activity

navirus named SARS-CoV-2. WHO first found this vi-

performed without legal path such as application for

rus on 31 December 2019, following the reports on an

land right status, mining license, and other licenses.

emerging cluster of pneumonia cases on Wuhan peo-

The lack of expertise and mastery in mining engineering

ple, People’s Republic of China. According to WHO’s

causes negative impact arising from this illegal mining,

data, about 80% patients may recover without medical

such as water and soil contamination because of the

treatment, while 15% are severely exposed and require

sue of hazardous and toxic materials (B3), ecological

oxygen aids, and 5% are exposed quite severely and

damage because of deforestation, economic loss to

require intensive treatment. Because of the very rapid

the state because of loss of source of tax and royalty,

spread, many countries throughout the world perform

and dissatisfaction/no post-mining treatment and rec-

various methods to stop this virus from spreading, one

lamation of ex-mining land. Many illegal mining prac-

of which is through regional quarantine (lockdown).

tices occur in the following countries

Regional quarantine is a method taken by a region to control its people to stay at home. This aims at sup-


pressing their movement and activities including work-

Chimanimani Mountains in the east of Zimbabwe

ing, going to school, etc. This causes economic reces-

is a place visited by many tourists. It boasts fertile land

sion to occur almost in all countries in the world, loss

with green grassy plain and beautiful waterfall behind a

of employment which causes unemployment, scarcity

dense forest. However, Covid-19 emerging from the end

of food, and even increased crimes. One of the crimes

of 2019 changes it entirely. The travel ban enforced by

arising and emerging during COVID-19 pandemic is un-

many countries, including Zimbabwe, in order to stop

authorized mining practice (PETI).

this virus from spreading has caused tourists cease


vi­siting this location.However, because of declining

tourists visiting the Chimanimani National Park is ta­

­number of tourists visiting, hundreds of illegal gold

ken advantage of by the people to exploit its gold de-

miners take this place over. The increasing number of


illegal miners leaves the nature of Chimanimani Moun-

4. There is an indication of intervention of rangers

tains damaged.

assigned by the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Manage-

The gold deposit in the Chimanimani National ­Park

ment Authority in coordinating the illegal mining prac-

area exists on the range of hills dominated by sand-

tices at the Chimanimani National Park location. Miners

stone and quartzite. River flow causes rocks to wea­

are required to collect 40 gram of gold per day which

ther and leaves alluvial gold deposit along its flow.

will be taken by the rangers for US Dollar.

The damages it causes are in the form of water po­

The government of Zimbabwe has taken some

llution because of the use of mercury for gold washing,

measures to prevent the illegal mining practices, in-

decreasing biodiversity because of damaged ha­bitats

cluding registering some illegal gold miners for them

of plants, birds, and endemic animals, and established

to have mining license. The government has also ins­

camp in the mining area causes accumulation of do-

pected the mining location and caught tens of illegal

mestic waste in the national park area.

miners. However, this leads to new problem in the form

There are some factors causing illegal mining practi­

of human rights abuse in the form of firing and kidnap-

ces to emerge in the area, namely:

ping cases by the “law enforcers’ in duty.

1. It has suffered economic crisis for the last decade, worsened by hyperinflation (up to 175% in the mid-2019). 2. Severe dryness takes place in many places of the country. According to UN World Food Programme (WFP), Zimbabwe will suffer food scarcity by the end of February 2020, leading to threatened starvation of its 7.7 population. 3. COVID-19 pandemic occurring in Zimbabwe worsens the existing crisis. Besides, declining number of

Unauthorized Mining Activities in Zimbabwe

Chimanimani National Park, Zimbabwe http://www.timetoclimb.com/bouldering/climbing-zimbabwe-chimanimani-national-park/


Coronavirus also hits our country, Indonesia. With the first case registered in March 2020, the government has gradually applied the Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) in order to hold the increasing number of COVID-19 positive patients down. This affects the Indonesians’ economy because of the restriction on many activities, including temporary closure of workplace and restriction on activities at public space. The economic impact is also felt by the global society. The worldwide society’s fear for possible global

In one day, they may collect about 1 gram gold, that will ­­be valued at Rp800,000, which is certainly tempting for the surrounding people.

economic downfall causes investors and speculators throughout the world to buy gold (commodity deemed to protect economic instability). The increasing demand for gold makes gold price to soar up to Rp1,056,000 per gram (Antam). This is taken advantage of by the society in Indonesian rural areas to mine gold illegally in areas deemed to have high gold content. The river flow around the Grasberg site under the coverage of PT Freeport Indonesia becomes one of the destinations of the illegal miners. The gold in the river


flow is still mixed in the mud, separated using simple filter mad of fabric. In one day, they may collect about 1 gram gold, that will be valued at Rp800,000, which is certainly tempting for the surrounding people. The dangers threatening the illegal miners are not only from possible exposure to the virus amidst the pandemic, but also from exposure to other diseases, particularly skin disease since they work on river flow containing mining waste of PT Freeport Indonesia. In addition, there is also a threat from the rebel (OPM) in their guerrilla operation in the forest and possible arrest by local security authority. Besides in the depth of Papuan forest, illegal mining is also performed by West Kalimantan people. Because of economic difficulty, the people turn to be gold miner on the rivers of their area. The environmental damage caused by the illegal mining is in the form of water contamination because of the use of mercury for


Unauthorized Gold Mining Practice in Papua

gold refinement that has actually been banned in Indonesia from 2017. The rivers also serve as the source of water for people living along the place where the rivers flow, causing potential disease in case of people’s exposure to it. In the last September, the police successfully caught about 400 illegal gold miners operating in Kalimantan, who were subject to maximum 15 years of imprisonment. Peru Not far different from the condition in Indonesia, people of Peru who are still under the shadow of the economic crisis because of the Covid-19 pandemic choose to turn to be illegal gold miner. Peru’s economy


The damage caused by unauthorized mining practice in West Kalimantan


contracts for about 40% in the last April compared to that in 2019, and gold’s soaring price triggers this shift of profession.

Image Source : https://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/07/24/world/americas/25-PERU-WEB-slide-BJGO/25-PERU-WEB-slide-BJGO-superJumbo.jpg

Unauthorized Gold Mining Practice in The Middle of Amazon The illegal gold mining is centralized in Madre de

In February 2019, the government of Peru dis-

Dios, which is in the depth of tropical rain forest Ama-

patched 1,800 police and military officers to Madre de

zon. According to the report of El Comercio, the illegal

Dios and successfully drove out thousands of illegal

gold mining operation has covered the Tambopata Na-

miners and destroyed one illegal mining business in La

tional Reserve, that is, a tropical rain forest area protect-

Pampa, that evidently also operated other crimes such

ed in the southeast of Madre de Dios. This illegal gold

as human trafficking and prostitution. However, in the

mining is performed in the conservation forest area of

start of quarantine period enforced by the government

which originality of ecosystem is to be protected. Con-

of Peru, the miners returned to the area. One of the rea-

sequently, deforestation is unavoidable, since the min-

sons was government and police’s loosening control in

ing process is performed openly and surely with a land

anticipation of illegal miners’ return to the area.

clearing stage. References: Socio-economic Impact of COVID-19. UNDP. Retrieved from https://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/coronavirus/socio-economic-impact-of-covid-19.html World Health Organization. (2020). Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). Retrieved from https://www.who.int/ emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/question-and-answers-hub/q-a-detail/coronavirus-disease-covid-19 Accessed 23 December 2020 Greentumble. (2017). The Dangerous Effects of Illegal Mining. Retrieved from https://greentumble.com/ the-dangerous-effects-of-illegal-mining/ Accessed 23 December 2020 Marima, T. (2019). In Zimbabwe, An Economic Crisis With 175% Inflation Drives Discontent. Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/2019/08/19/752329758/in-zimbabwe-an-economic-crisis-with-175-inflation-drives-discontent Chingono, N. (2019). Empty stomachs and unpaid salaries, Zimbabweans face a bleak 2020 as economic crisis deepens. Retrieved from https://edition.cnn.com/2019/12/31/africa/zimbabwe-economic-crisis-intl/index.html Reuters. (2020, 12 Oktober). Coronavirus pandemic spurs illegal gold rush in Zimbabwe mountains. Independent. Retrieved from https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/coronavirus-zimbabwe-pandemic-illegal-gold-rush-mining-b983584.html Rangers Accused Of Illegal Gold Mining In Chimanimani National Park. New Zimbabwe. Retrieved from https://www.newzimbabwe.com/rangers-accused-of-illegal-gold-mining-in-chimanimani-national-park/ Kobagau, H., Halim, H. (2020). Pandemic panners: Indonesians hunt for gold in desperate times. Retrieved from https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2020/09/23/pandemic-panners-indonesians-hunt-for-gold-in-desperate-times.html

Unauthorized Mining Practice in Peru

Image Source : https://perureports.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/illegal-mining-tambopata-reserve-madre-de-dios-amazon-jungle-peru.jpg

Saffon, S. (2020, 30 Juni). Soaring Gold Prices During Pandemic Fuel Peru’s Illegal Mining. Retrieved from https://www.insightcrime.org/news/brief/peru-coronavirus-illegal-mining/


Photo by : Xavier DH 12117067




M u h a m m a d T h a r i q A z i s Fa i s a l 12118025


Image source : Dexter Fernander via Pexels

The Indonesian government has made policy of coal gasification project in Indonesia. This policy is expressed in Presidential Regulation Number 109 of 2020 concerning the “Third Amendment to Presidential Regulation Number 3 of 2016 concerning the Acceleration of National Strategic Project Implementation”. Coal gasification project be­ comes one of about 201 national strategic projects launched by the Indonesian government. The project’s location is in Tanjung Enim, South Sumatera. Coal gasification is a coal reaction process using air or oxygen and vapor to produce gas product that may be directly used as fuel, or as feed for synthetic fuel (syngas) or any other gas or liquid chemicals. Below is the diagram explaining the route of coal changing into syngas products through coal gasification process.

Image of Coal Route to Chemical Substance through Gasification Process Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9e/Coal_to_chemicals_routes_diagram.jpg

From the diagram above, we can find that one of

trogen will be changed into NH3 and there is almost no

the coal gasification products is Methanol, which may

NO formed. Therefore, the coal gasification technology

be changed into DME (Dimethyl Ether). DME is a ma­

is categorized into a clean coal technology.

terial to make LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). This is

According to various researches, low rank coal

in line with the coal gasification program in Indonesia

(low calorie) has gasification reactivity a hundred times

which aims at improving coal’s added value and reduc­

­bigger­ than the reactivity of high rank coal (high calo­

ing the dependence on LPG import.

rie), since low rank coal shows more active coal location

Coal gasification is actually an incomplete form

because of the crystal’s small size. Low rank coal also

of coal combustion, while the physical and chemical

has bigger porosity, which will certainly support acces­

processes are like coal combustion process in gene­

sibility to reacting gas. The calcium content in its ash

ral. However, the pollutant formation process is differ­

also gives catalytic effect that may improve gasifica­

ent from that in coal combustion. The difference is that

tion reactivity. With the low rank coal’s characteristics,

in reduction condition, the sulfur contained in coal will

a reactor chamber with higher speed may also be used.

mostly be changed into H2S instead of SO2 and the ni­

It will lead to lower cost of capital in the gasification.


Table of Value of Coal Resources and Reserves in Indonesia (in million tonnes) Source: HEESI 2019, Kementerian ESDM

Indonesian Coal Resource and Reserves Quality Data Table in 2018 Source: Neraca Sumber Daya Tahun 2018, Pusat Sumber Daya Geologi Kementerian ESDM

From the perspective of Indonesia’s coal resource and reserve, we may state that Indonesia has very big poten­ tial for gasification project, since Indonesia’s coal resource and reserve value is quite high. Data show that the total resource and reserve in 2019 are respectively 149,009.59 million tons and 25,070.50 million tons. Indonesia’s coal resource and reserve are mostly dominated by low to medium rank coal. With the coal gasification project, the Indonesian Government expects an increase in coal’s added value, thus In­ donesia will no longer sell raw low rank coal abroad that certainly of lower economic value than DME. In addition, with gasification, Indonesia is expected to produce its own LPG and reduce its dependence on LPG import and maintain the national energy resilience.


Table of Indonesian LPG Production and Demand (in tonnes) Source : HEESI 2019, Kementerian ESDM

“According to vari-

ous research, low rank coal (Low calorie) has gasification reactivity a hundred times bigger than the reactivity of high rank coal (high In this gasification project, the Indonesian Govern­ ment focuses on coal mining companies that hold PK­ P2B of the first generation. The companies are PT Be­ rau Coal, PT Arutmin Indonesia, PT Adaro Indonesia,


PT Indominco Mandiri, PT Kaltim Prima Coal, PT Ken­ dilo Coal, PT Kideco Jaya Agung and PT Multi Harapan Utama. Pertamina and PT Bukit Asam (PTBA) Tanjung Enim & Air Products are currently cooperating on one of the coal gasification projects. The project is deemed relatively economic since PTBA will supply low calorie coal at affordable price. However, the physical work­ ing stage will just start from 2023 to 2024, since it first needs financial, technical and non-technical review, uti­ lization guidelines and regulation of coal gasification operation. In support of a downstream coal climate in Indone­ sia, besides making policy with Presidential Regulation Number 109 of 2020, the Indonesian government also gives incentive in the form of 0% coal royalty to busi­


ness players that increase their coal’s added value. For

Badan Geologi Kementerian ESDM. (2019). Neraca Sumber Daya Dan Cadangan Batubara Indonesia 2019.

example, as contained in article 128A paragraph 2 Law

Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi. (2020, Februari 1). Kurangi Impor LPG, Gasifikasi Batubara Jadi Ke-

Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. With this,


it is expected that coal gasification projects in Indone­


sia will run as expected and contribute to Indonesian

Perubahan Ketiga atas Peraturan Presiden Nomor 3 Tahun 2016 tentang Percepatan Pelaksanaan Proyek

advancement. Go, mining for development!

Umah, Anisatul. (2020, Desember 2015). Gasifikasi Batu Bara Jalan, Pemerintah Bakal Kasih Subsidi. CNBC

Bandung: Pusat Sumber Daya Mineral, Batubara Dan Panas Bumi bijakan Strategis. Diakses dari https://migas.esdm.go.id/post/read/kurangi-impor-lpg-gasifikasi-batubara-jaKementerian ESDM. (2019). Handbook of Energy & Economic Statistics of Indonesia. Jakarta: Penerbit. ISSN Presiden Republik Indonesia. (2020). Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 109 Tahun 2020 tentang Strategis Nasional. LN.2020/No.259, jdih.setkab.go.id Indonesia. Diakses dari https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/news/20201215171047-4-209313/gasifikasi-batu-bara-jalan-pemerintah-bakal-kasih-subsidi Vamvuka, D. (1999). Gasification of Coal. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 17(6), 515–581. https://doi. org/10.1177/014459879901700603 Image source : Pixabay


Indonesia, Electric Car, and Mining Cornelius Calvin 12118006

The electric car industry in the world develops ra­ pidly because of consumer’s interest and the focus of the market which requires low-carbon transportation model. Electric Vehicles evidently contribute pollu­ tion far lower than vehicles with fossil fuel based on research conducted by the University of Nijmegen. In Indonesia, the government is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions for 29 percent in 2030. One method taken by the government is focusing on the Indonesia has competitive advantage from the perspective of natural resources in electric car deve­ lopment. Downstream mining activity program plays a big role in the chain of raw material of electric care making, particularly battery. Battery, as the source of energy, serves as an important component in electric car. https://www.goepel.com/en/automotive-test-solutions/emobility/powertrain.html

Electric Car development of low-carbon transportation model, par­ ticularly Electric Vehicle, with support of Presidential Regulation Number 55 on 2019 concerning Accelera­ tion of Battery Based Electric Vehicle Program. One of the sectors playing an important role in developing Ba­ ttery Based Electric Vehicle is Mining Sector.




cobalt from the ore of laterite type deposit with High Pressure Acid Leaching technology. Therefore, Indone­ sia with its biggest nickel reserve in the world is pro­ jected to be an important player in the chain of battery supply in the world by 2030.


PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) The development of electric car in Indonesia may also encourage other manufacturing or processing in­ dustries to emerge, which require Indonesia’s work­ ers and independence for raw material. For example,


Based on Mineral Intelligence’s data, the main raw material of Li-ion battery making is nickel. Nickel helps battery have higher energy density and bigger energy storage at a lower price. In 2019, Indonesia becomes the biggest producer of nickel ore in the world of 800,000 tons. In addition, Indonesia’s nickel reserve produced from laterite type deposit allows Indonesia to extract Li-Ion Battery Composition Manganese (2.0%) Cobalt (11.7%)

Sumber : https://www.airmagz.com/29423/kl-morowali-bakal-punya-bandara-sendiri.html

PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) absorbs





40,000 Indonesian workers. Although electric car’s cur­ rent price is still quite high for some people, innovation keeps made to improve electric car’ cost efficiency.

Lithium (22.4%)



Indonesia is still at early stage of electric car in­ dustrial development and it is projected to be the key player in electric car industry in the world. In order to achieve this goal, a comprehensive analysis must be performed to show the comparative advantage in the globalization era which is full of uncertainty.

References: https://nickelinstitute.org/about-nickel/nickel-in-batteries/#:~:text=Nickel%20is%20making%20a%20vi­ tal,of%20the%20electric%20vehicle%20revolution.&text=The%20major%20advantage%20of%20using,capac­ ity%20at%20a%20lower%20cost https://www.indonesia-investments.com/business/business-columns/overview-of-the-automotive-indus­ try-of-indonesia-the-electric-vehicle-arrives-on-the-scene/item9309 https://www.pv-magazine.com/2019/12/04/indonesia-plans-domestic-electric-vehicle-industry/


Mobil Listrik

Contributor: Reformes Tarigan 12117011



Terra Mahitala Hikmah Daluas 12117072 In November 2020, I and my six friends were gi­

and settlement, serving as constraint on our explora­

ven the opportunity to perform “Field Experience” in

tion in the rainy season. Consequently, while sampling,

the form of bentonite exploration activity in Tamanas­

we often must work in heavy rain and act carefully so

ri Village, Pringkuku Subdistrict, Pacitan Regency, East

as not to slip. Performing the exploration activity in the

Java Province. Pacitan Regency was 210 km away from

IUP area, mobilization could be performed using motor

Surabaya city and it took about four hours of driving

vehicle, but this was inapplicable to all sampling points

from Surabaya city to get there. Tamanasri Village was

since some points did not have motor vehicle access,

one out of 8 villages in Pringkuku Subdistrict, located

making us to get there on foot.

8 km east of subdistrict town. Tamanasri Village was

Based on the result of research conducted by H.

about 1083 Ha in size, while the mining area where we

Samodra, S, Gafoer, Tjokrosaputro, et al. (1992), it is

performed the exploration was about 148.78 Ha or 15

known that the history of sedimentation of Pacitan Re­

percent of the Tamanasri Village size. The mining area

gency area varies, from the sea to the land, from Oli­

was a mining land under individual Mining Business

gocene to Pleistocene epochs, geologically composed

Permit (IUP). The terrain was full of ravine, farm, forest

by Arjosari Formation, Mandalika Formation, Wuni For­


mation, Jaten Formation, Nampol Formation, Wonosa­

stone. Meanwhile, the Arjosari Formation consists of

ri Formation, and igneous intrusion.

conglomerate of various materials, such as sandstone, siltstone/ limestone, claystone, sandy marl, sandstone with pumice stone, inserted with volcanic breccia, lava and tuff. With regard to the age of each formation, Ja­ ten Formation is of upper Early Miocene epoch, while the Arjosari Formation is of oligo-miocene epoch.

Pacitan Regency and its surrounding areas are re­ gionally the transitional zone between subduction path of the Epoch of Limestone with Tertiary Period (Pur­ wanto, 1997). The structures developed in Pacitan and surrounding areas are fold, fault and joint (Sampurna, 1997). The faults in Pacitan and surrounding areas are generally normal fault and slip fault. Slip faults are ge­ nerally northwest-southwestward and northeast-south­ westward. The northeast-southwestward fault is hori­ zontally leftward, while the northwest-southwestward fault is horizontally rightward (Sudrajat, 1993). Thus, based on the structural pattern developed in Pacitan area, they are generally north-southward and south­ east-northwestward. Pacitan Regency area is gene­ rally composed of clastic sedimentary rocks, volcanic rocks, and intrusive rocks (Samodra et al., 1992). The IUP area where we performed the exploration activity was in the Jaten Formation and Arjosari Formation and passed by Pucunglangan Fault. The Jaten Formation

The purpose of exploration activity in the “Field Experience” was for bentonite mapping. Bentonite is classified into smectite-montmorillonite group, where montmorillonite is originated from plastic clay type found in 1847 in Montmorillonite, France. Bentonite is clay with high plastic and colloidal properties with main mineral content of smectite (montmorillonite) with content of 85-95%. Smectite’s theoretical formula is (OH)4SigAI4O20nH2O, with composition SiO2 66,79%, AI2O3 28,3 % and H2O 5 %. Commercially, there are two types of bentonite, namely calcium bentonite and sodi­ um bentonite. Calcium bentonite is used as absorbent material, cooking oil bleach, molding sand adhesive in steel casting process, as catalyst in chemical industry, feeder, etc. Sodium bentonite can be used as drilling mud in oil, gas and geothermal drilling, cement mix­ ture, leaking dam sealing material, etc.

consists of lithology of quartz sandstone, claystone, carbonate claystone, coal, and thin layer of lime sand­


Beni Wahju, a Figure behind the Start of Nickel Mining in Sorowako Alfi Nur Khodijah 12118069


Beni Wahju Figure (right)


Beni Nurtjahja Wahju is a figure whose name is fa-

si. Beni along with Hitler Singawinata and Rumengan

mous in the national mining world. Born in Depok on 10

Musu were the pioneer of the existence of Sorowako

May 1934, he is known as the pioneer of establishment

nickel mining managed by PT INCO. His course of life

of PT INCO (now PT vale Indonesia Tbk). Before having

changed here. Beni Wahju did no longer desire to be an

career in the Directorate of Geology (previously Geolo-

employee of the Directorate of Geology and joined PT

gy Department), Beni Wahju grew in Cirebon and Indra-

INCO in 1968.

mayu. In 1955, he went to a senior high school in Bo-

In the Canadian company, besides continuously

gor and continued his study at Faculteit voor Wiskunde

performing exploration activity, Beni Wahju contributed his ideas to surrounding society and the country. One of his ideas was that PT INCO built a smelter around the mining area. PT INCO’s smelter was the first smelter built by a foreign mining company. Besides administering technical matters related to his works as a geologist, Beni was evidently able to contribute his ideas for

and Natuurwetenschappen, Universiteit Indonesie in Bandung in Geology and Mineralogy Department, at that time ‘richting i’ and right now the Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, Geological Engineering Study Program, Bandung Institute of Technology. In 1961, he graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology and started working at the Directorate of Geology in Ban­ dung. In 1962-1964 he continued his study at Colorado School of Mines, United States to deepen his know­

PT INCO to pay attention to surrounding society more

ledge of geological and mining world. In addition, upon

intensely, thus PT INCO was able to be the prime mo­

completing asbestos project in Halmahera, Beni Wah-

ver for surrounding area. Upon his retirement from PT

ju also studied at USGS (United States Geological Sur-

INCO, Beni was active at IMA from 1999-2012 before

vey) in Washington, DC and a number of short courses

the end of his life. In 1998, Beni took the position of

to hone his expertise. There, he met her beloved wife,

Chairman of IMA until 2005. Further, until 2012, Beni

Mrs. Soffie. On 10 January 1964, Beni Wahju official-

served as the Supervisory Board at IMA. Besides active

ly married her wife, Soffie Hendrawati

at IMA organization, he wrote much about

Soemawidjaja, in Washington, DC. Their

the development of geological and mining

marriage was blessed with three sons,

status in Indonesia.

Reza Maulana Wahju, Emir Andromeda

A number of writings he had made with

Wahju, and Kemal Wahju. Upon com-

his friends had been compiled into books

pleting his study in the United States,

issued by API-IMA and were published bi-

he returned to Bandung.

lingually (Indonesian-English), including:

After returning to Bandung, Beni

i. Indonesian Mining Industry, In the Pe

Wahju contributed his ideas to the Ge-

riod of Translation Between 1997 –

ology Department, ITB, as a contributor

2001 (by B.N. Wahju)

of ideas in the establishment of field

ii. Indonesia Mineral Prospecting Activi

camp in Karang Sambung, Central Java.

ties in 1969-1994 (by B.N. Wahju, et al.)

In 1966, he was assigned by the Direc-


torate of Geology to go to various places in Sulawe-

iii. 30 Tahun IMA – Dedikasi Industri Per

tambangan Bagi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi In-


donesia [30 Years of IMA – Mining Industry’s Dedication to Indonesia’s Economic Growth] (by B.N. Wahju, et al). iv. Mining Indonesia – Fifty Years Development 1945-1995 (by B.N. Wahju et al.) v. Indonesian Mineral Development (by B.N. Wahju et al., 1992)

http://ratihpoeradisastra. blogspot.com/2019/02/biografi-bnwahju.html

Beni Wahju Book Launching

When the mining industry was ‘threatened’ by the

Although he had passed away on 21 January 2012, but

judicial review issue filed by a number of NGOs to the

his services to the Indonesian mining world will never

Constitution Court regarding the existence of Law Num-

be forgotten. May his fire of ideals and spirit will ne­ver

ber 19 of 2004 concerning Stipulation of Governmen-

die out and continuously illuminate mining workers’

tal Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 41 of 1999, Beni

journey and struggle he had left behind, towards glory

was one of the figures on the frontline to struggle for

of the national mining sector, realizing exploitation of

mining industry’s ‘fate’. Thanks to Beni, Soetaryo Sigit,

mineral resources to the greatest benefit of the Indo-

and others’ persistence, the mining sector could con-

nesians, as mandated by the Constitution.

tinue its operation. Beni was known as a man of vision who promo­ ted good mining practices. He was greatly concerned about environmental impact management, for ex-mining land to be greened or sustainable. Consciously, Beni applied the natural and cultural ecosystem sustainable principles, and even the survival of rare animals around mining areas. In addition, Beni was quite close to and concerned about surrounding society’s education. His commitment to good mining practices remains an important part of PT Vale Indonesia Tbk until now. In the interaction, he was known as an authoritative, decisive and principle bearing man. However, after getting acquainted further, he was a polite and kind-hearted man who was generous in giving guidance and advice, moreover, to the youth. In his activities, Beni was able to show that he was not only a geologist, but also an environmentalist, thus it is not strange that his name was perpetuated to be the name of a fish species living in Sulawesi. His departure will always be remembered and memorized in the Indonesian mining world.


References: Wenas, Tony. (2014, 23 Maret). The Father of Indonesian Mining. Diakses dari https://beniwahju. com/2014/03/23/the-father-of-indonesian-mining/ Widartoyo, Joe. (2013, 19 April). Good Friends for 57 Years. Diakses dari https://beniwahju.com/2013/04/19/ good-friends-for-57-years/ Gandataruna, Kosim. (2013, 21 Januari). Pendekar Pertambangan Nasional. Diakses dari https://beniwahju. com/2013/01/21/pendekar-pertambangan-nasional/ Soetjipto, Rozik Boedioro. (2013, 8 Januari). Mengenang Kang Beni Wahju. Diakses dari https://beniwahju. com/2013/01/08/mengenang-kang-beni-wahju/ Nasution, Abdul Djalil. (2012, 4 Mei). Persahabatan Selama Lima Dasawarsa. Diakses dari https://beniwahju. com/2012/05/04/persahabatan-selama-lima-dasawarsa/ Kurniawan, Anto. (2019, 22 Januari). BN Wahju, dari Sorowako Jadi Tokoh Pertambangan Nasional. Diakses dari https://ekbis.sindonews.com/berita/1372438/34/bn-wahju-dari-sorowako-jadi-tokoh-pertambangannasional?showpage=all#:~:text=JAKARTA%20%2D%20Bagi%20masyarakat%20umum%20di,geologist%20 terbaik%20di%20Asia%20Tenggara. Koesoemadinata, R. Prajatna. (2012, 13 April). Selamat Jalan, Temanku Benny Nurtjahya Wahju. Diakses dari https://beniwahju.com/2012/04/13/faculteit-voor-wiskunde-en-natuurwetenschappen-universiteitindonesie/

Photo by : Candra Kartika 12117045


How is the Online Job Vacancy? In line with technology advancement, the forms of job vacancy vary, from searching from career pages provided by companies or from LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Glints, and LINE group. Sometime, job vacancy is also delivered through e-mail that is sometime replied

MINING FRESGRADUATE’S JOURNEY WITH BANG YUDHA Muhammad Fikri Lazuardi - 12118067 Muhammad Raihan Aziz - 12118012

through telephone call. Bang Yudha always remind us to diligently and carefully send the letter. For example, receiving reply for next test, it is necessary to carefully identify whether it is a technical or HR test, since the two have quite a difference. Some matters also need to be prepared well, such as answer, mental, and clothing. Since it is usually sudden, Bang Yudha suggests to get ready. Bang Yudha also needs some months up to four months after graduation to search for a job, until he finally works with PT Vale Indonesia.

Figure Introduction Hello, Mineria friends! Who is unfamiliar with Bang Yudha? An alumnus of HMT-ITB in 2016 whose complete name is Pamursito Pradhana Yudhanto is a graduate of Mining Engineering, ITB July 2020. At a glimpse from his name, Bang Yudha is a man with in-depth thinking and analysis, good attitude, and high authority. Acquiring bachelor title, Bang Yudha now has the opportunity to work with PT Vale Indonesia as Junior Mining Engineer. During his study, Bang Yudha also has abundant organizational experience that is not less interesting, such as assuming the position of Senator HMT-ITB in the period 2019/2020.


How is the condition of mining site?

Tips, Trick and Advice for Students

Actually, in the last few days, Bang Yudha worked WFH (Work From

What are the tips and tricks of mineplan and final assignment to

Home) and did not go to the site. However, Bang Yudha briefly

be completed quickly and to obtain a job during the pandemic?

tells that works on site were managed by workers who are divided

In Bang Yudha’s opinion, anything in online condition, particularly

into some sections. First, there is LTP (Long Term Planning)

in academic matter, is unpleasant. For example, consultancy

engineer section whose duties are to design and plan mine

with lecturer, appointment with academic advisor, access to final

opening on an annual basis. Second, MTP (Mid Term Planning)


engineer whose duties are to divide annual plan into some parts,

Moreover, access to library building will be greatly reduced, or

such as planning per quarter. Third, STP (Short Term Planning)

even unavailable. Therefore, there are some tips and tricks that

engineer section, that will be busy with weekly and daily planning.

Bang Yudha is going to share based on his experience in order to

The three sections have the same essence and function, that was

keep productive. First, we should be proactive. That we cannot

to plan for production target to be achieved, both by quantity and

access the library does not mean there is no other way to find

quality, in consideration of mining effectiveness, efficiency and

references for final assignment. Bang Yudha searched for

occupational safety and health (K3) aspects. To supervise the

references online, downloading many ebooks and read them one

whole progress, there is foreman on site, assigned to ensure that

by one. The second tip is that we must study consistently and be

the planned goals run appropriately in the field. Bang Yudha also

disciplined. For example, when we have a work, we must try to

tells about current condition, that PT Vale Indonesia pays seri-

complete it as per the target. When working on final assignment,

ous attention to the health protocol, from wearing mask, regularly

Bang Yudha allocated his time as maximally as possible to focus

implemented rapid test, and even training.

on his work. The point is that there is no time to be wasted away,






except for a rest, prayer, meal, and surely work. The two things can also be used to find a job. When searching for a job, Bang Yudha made use of social media or the existing websites for a fortune, from LinkedIn, LINE, Glints, to Instagram,

Pamursito Pradhana Yudhanto 12116067

all of them were tried. In addition, Bang Yudha also reminds us to proactively inquire senior alumni and mutually help friends, as simple as disseminating information we are aware of. Upon all efforts that we have conducted, the last tip of Bang Yudha is to be patient. Bang Yudha used to be optimistic to immediately acquire work after graduation. But after the process, Bang Yudha learned a lesson, “The definition of immediate cannot be determined by us, but that is what God decides for us, we just need to wait for fortune while keeping attempting”


Getting into a new environment? What skills are needed? We must be adaptable. Bang Yudha tells that in working world condition, the people will vary, from origin to character, background, etc. So, start to learn to adapt, from simple things, such as playing cards. According to Bang Yudha’s statement, people at PT Vale Indonesia are proficient card player.

In case of returning to campus life, what are to be grateful for and regretted, and any advice for us who are still at campus? Personally, Bang Yudha felt happy entering HMT. Many things were obtained by Bang Yudha at HMT, such as organization and competition experience. After entering working world, Bang Yudha feels that HMT is a depiction of mining work world. For example, the gathering culture at HMT which also exists in the working world. Continuing the story, Bang Yudha also felt lucky since at the Mining Engineering Study Program, ITB there was Mine Plan subject. Bang Yudha calls it capstone since all knowledge from TPB to department is applicable to mine plan. Thus, mine plan is a good preparation for the working world. As for something to be regretted, Bang Yudha regrets that he had never participated in a competition like paper or seminars. Bang Yudha also feels sorry since he did not save for participating in mining trainings, while if our profession resume is good, it will be our added value during user interview. Bang Yudha also suggests having as many interactions as possible with external world during campus life. For example, internship at Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources or companies for additional knowledge and experience. Do not only rely on KP (Field Experience). In addition Bang Yudha also adds, for those who desire to continue their study, Bang Yudha tells that in PT Vale Indonesia there are also many seniors working while having magister program. Career while study may be taken into consideration since the course for the workers there is only held on Saturday-Sunday, online, and the credits taken are also relatively few. What then? Bang Yudha’s story is interesting, isn’t it? Let us prepare ourselves as best as possible to take part in the mining advancement for the Country development!


Contributor : Muhammad Hizkal 12117055



The Return of

MINEFEST HMT - ITB Lili Indriani Amir - 12117087

Minefest (Mining Festival) was a set of activities held by HMTITB as a medium of movement of creating an image of mining profession. Hayati Agustini as the Chairman of the Minefest 2021 revealed her reason of organizing this activity. She perceived that the mining world in Indonesia was currently dynamic. There were various challenges in a number of mining sectors which became many parties’ center of attention. Pros and cons emerged, making society elements continuously expressed their attitude and assessment. Therefore, the Minefest 2021 brought “let’s talk about mining” as the main theme aiming at describing that this event would discuss various matters concerning mining world. With the theme, it was expected that the Minefest would educate ordinary people on mining and facilitate national mining engineering students to improve their profession capabilities and knowledge of latest mining issues.

Minefest 2021 came with different set of operation from the last Minefest in 2015. Minefest 2021 was organized online because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite being organized online, Minefest 2021 attracted many people.

The agenda of Minefest 2021 included Mine Campaign, Opening, Poster Competition, Case Studies Competition, Webinar, and Closing.

Mine Campaign Mine Campaign was distribution of mining information and issues in the form of infographics, podcast, documentary video documenter, and virtual mine tour distributed through social media. For further mining knowledge, go to Instagram @minefest_hmtitb.

The form of mine campaign was quite exciting and varied, from infographics to podcast, video to virtual mine touring, which might help me study without even realizing it, it was fun and flowing while reading or listening to the information that it was conveyed eye catching, brief, and easy to understand. It was just refreshing, but still contained abundant knowledge including mining unique facts, mining issues, mining history, mining’s role in the national economy, and mining’s impact on the people. —Lisa Larissa Nugraheni


Poster Competition Besides, there was a Poster competition that evidently attracted many people, with 70 participants registered. The participants were not only from those with mining educational background, but also from various concentrations of study, such as medicine, economics, etc.

It was a great event! As a participant, I had felt the hype of the event. The committee’s hard work was really incredible that they performed that highly organized virtual event. I am looking forward to the best for the future minefest ITB event. Keep up the spirit in good deeds! —Rahmat Ramadhan Atrima, Winner of Poster Competition Minefest 2021

Rahmat Ramadhan Atrima Universitas Sumatera Utara Webinar In addition, there was a webinar with experts. The webinar themed the “Prospect and Challenges of Nickel Downstream Policy in Indonesia” did not only attract students, but also mining experts.

The current Webinar Minefest 2021 was quite impressive and exciting. It had interesting topic, professional speakers, and easily understandable delivery, appropriate to be a room for mining engineering students’ discussion. I gained more knowledge in this pandemic. I am looking forward to the next event! —Muhammad Piqri Ardiansyah

Case Studies Competiton There was also a Case Studies Competition. In this competition, participants were to complete mining case studies.

The Case Studies competition was quite impressive for us that it broadened and deepened our knowledge, especially in mining sector. Overall, the range of minefest activities was quite useful to all of us that it distributed mining science to the society. The committee was also quite professional, both in the course of the case studies and in other activities.. —Tim The Zheng, Winner of Case Studies Competition


Hayati states that as the leader, there were many things that she gained and learned from the Minefest activity. Organizing an event in such pandemic was not easy at all. Hayati said that she did not have high expectation, and at least what she plans was done. Although not 100% of Hayati’s expectations in early candidacy for leadership were achieved, she was still happy for many parties support. One of which was from lecturers of Mining Engineering, ITB that was quite helpful with inputs for the Minefest. There were ups and downs in organizing the Minefest from the start. Hayati stated that she was quite happy that HMT-ITB family entrusted the leadership to Hayati. In addition, there were many things to study. She had the chance to see different types of people while working. Behind her hard work as a leader, she said that her mind became uneasy, whether for thinking about the course of Minefest, financial aspect, process, criticism and inputs, or other matters. However, because of surrounding people’s support, she did it well. In addition, listening to people’s positive feedback, she felt that what she had done paid off.

Throughout the Minefest process, Hayati was aware that becom-

also stated that she did not require “Minefest” to continue, but at

ing a woman did not really prevent her from leading the commit-

least there would be an event with the same objective, expecting

tee, particularly in mining sector that was dominated by men. She

that people would be more aware of how the Indonesian mining potential was and not receive any unverified information.

Lastly, Hayati expressed her gratitude to her parents, core management of Minefest 2021, the whole committee, lecturers, brothers and sisters and alumni of HMT-ITB, sponsor, and partner media for their full support, inputs and criticism throughout the Minefest 2021.

Dokumentasi Minefest 2021



Contributor : Muhammad Hizkal 12117055


Contributor : Lili Indriani 12117087



Ben Felix - 12117031 These are the vocalists’ magic words before singing songs to entertain the bOSDangdut

What bOSDangdut Say?? `

It is quite sad that I can no longer watch OSD directly. When facing difficulty in the course, practice or exam, I used to watch OSD rehearsing until late (regular rehearsal) or performing at ITB! In my opinion, OSD’s performance is quite entertaining and can really relieve tiredness. Wait, it is not only entertaining, its songs and music are also enjoyable. I hope even in this pandemic, OSD will keep working hard and entertaining us! —Agnes Tia Novita, Student of Petroleum Engineering, ITB


OSD is so awesome, that it has accompanied us during the campus life with its unique and comical semi-dangdut rhythm, and even during the pandemic it keeps performing to entertain the campus residents. I hope OSD more glory, more favored by students, and of course its future works are awaited with messages that are no less cool than its previous songs. In the name of dangdut and love! —Ernesto, Student of Aeronautics, ITB


Gold based medical and medicin

Silver is excellent antibacterial metal. A small concentration of this metal is able to kill bac­

nosis and treatment of condition

https://www.fabreminerals. com/LargePhoto.php?FILE=Silver-EH92AD7f.jpg&LANG=EN

noparticles are quite promising fo

teria by destroying their cell membrane che­ mically.

https://www.globalintergold. info/en/gold-in-medicine-and-benefits-zo61/

Out of all elements

ver is commonly u

Coal does not only serve as the main raw ma­


terial of source of electricity in Indonesia, but also as an important raw material for steel pro­ https://www.leoni-wire-products-solutions.com/en/materials/conductor-materials/silver/

https://www.worldcoal. org/coal/uses-coal/howsteel-produced


Fireworks contain vario

cluding zinc to produc

duce flash and loud no

Platinum is a mineral ten

kle effects.

times rarer than gold. Plati­ num is often used as jewelry


because of its attractive sil­ ver-like display, and in medi­

only thin


other di

cal, electronic and chemical application because of its var­ ied and unique chemical and physical properties. https://www.thoughtco.com/list-of-platinum-group-metals-608462

https://www.nationalgeographic. com/science/2018/07/newsearth--gems-rare-minerals-earthquakes/

Gold is the oldes

One of the innovative meth­

far oldest than in

ods to take low grade metal in

share, and even

ex-mining land is to use the Phy­ tomining method, which is to take remaining low grade metal in ex-mining land using hyper­ accumulating plant.


https://www.thoughtco.com/rare-earth-elements-list-606660 https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-45398434


Gold and copper are the first me­ tals found by human about 5000 B.C. Gold, Silver, and Copper

nal technology is often used in diag­


n and disease in all spectra. Gold na­

More than one mineral are often deemed as ‘Fake Gold’. Minerals

or treatment some types of cancer.

terpreted as gold are pyrite, chal­ copyrite, and biotite mica. Chal­ copyrite generally looks like gold,

s, silver is the best conductor, thus sil­

while weathered biotite mica

used in various raw materials of tech­

looks like flakes of gold.

https://geology.com/gold/ fools-gold/

ous elements as its component, in­

Zinc is the fourth metal mostly

ce smoke, aluminum powder to pro­

consumed after iron, aluminum

oise, and antimony to product spar­

and copper. Zinc is also impor­ ed for body enzyme and body im­

nd is the hardest natural element. The

ng that can scratch diamond is an­


mune system. Zinc https://www.miningglobal.com/automation-and-ai/zinc-set-global-gains-2020




deemed as rare metal and chemi­ cal which made many people cu­ rious. Researchers in the United States and France independently found continuous electrolytic re­

st type of investment in the world. It is

nvestment instrument such as bond, currencies circulating in the world.

num metal from aluminum ore, bauxite.

Bauxite https://www.sandatlas.org/bauxite/

Rare Earth Metal is one type of mine commodity which actually has quite high selling price and excellent benefit, but no serious attention is paid to it until now. 17 elements composing this metal include: scandium, yttrium, lan­ thanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, sa­ marium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, and lutetium.



Tungsten or Wolfram (W) is a metal with


duction process used for alumi­



Abiyyu Alghifary | 12118019

tant to human body. Zinc is need­




which are most generally misin­

the highest melting point out of the ex­ isting metals, at over 3000 degree Fah­ renheit.


Mining science covers almost all scientific fields, such as economics, technology and social sciences, all of which are integrated in mining science.


Gold was first legalized as money in 1091 B.C in China as a substitute for silk. Gold remains the only univer­ sally acceptable medium of exchange.

63% jewelry 21% coin 15% industrial, including electronic 1% dental treatment

After gold is mined


Indonesia has 5 Biggest Gold Mines

Grasberg, located in Papua, currently man­ aged by PT Freeport. This biggest mine in Indonesia at least has over 50 million ounce gold reserve.

Tujuh Bukit, located in Banyuwangi, man­ aged by PT Bumi Suk­ sesi Indo (BSI) from 2016. This mine is es­ timated to store about 28 million ounce gold.

Gosowong, located in Halmahera, North Su­ lawesi. This mine is directly managed by PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals. It is estimat­ ed that there is over 10 million ounce gold reserve in this mine.

Pujon, located in Cen­

Batu Hijau, located in

tral Kalimantan. Al­

Sumbawa, East Nusa

though not as big as

Tenggara, opened

that in Papua, but Pu­

from 2000 and sto­ring

jon mine is estimat­

about 2.77 million

ed to store millions of

ounce gold, attracting

gold reserve that may

neighboring countries

be exploited for tens

to join the investment.

of years ahead.

1.238.101 pounds of stone, sand, gravel, and cement 750 pounds of zinc REFERENCES 7 Fun Facts About the Mining Industry (generalkinematics.com) diakses 13 desember 2020

800 pounds of lead

1500 pounds of

26.550 pounds of clay


10 Interesting Mining Facts You Probably Didn’t Know (johnsonsearchgroup. com) diakses 13 desember 2020 10 amazing mining facts you probably didn’t know - MINING.COM diakses 13 desember 2020



pounds of iron

pounds of salt

7 Interesting things you didn’t know about the mining industry (bmmagazine. co.uk) diakses 13 desember 2020 Ini Fakta Unik Di Balik Komoditas Emas Sebagai Investasi Andalan (duniatambang.co.id) diakses 25 desember 2020


Newborn baby will need the following elements throughout its life

What They Say ? Muhammad Fahri Arif Islamic Economics, Islamic University of Indonesia

Ilham Arafi Information Technology Business Management, Telkom University

“In my opinion, Indonesian mining is still lacking since there are still many mining activities in Indonesia con­ ducted by foreign companies and a huge amount of waste is still disposed without sorting, causing sur­

“The mining sector in Indonesia is still crucial. With fu­

rounding environment to be contaminated. The go­

ture technology advancement, we can use machine to

vernment must be stricter towards miners who do not

minimize works on site by using automated engineer­

abide by the regulations.”

ing. For example, using haul truck with remote control for more efficiency and effectiveness.”

Fadiah F Drakel Mechanical Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology

Dilla Lutfiani Industrial Engineering, Trisakti University

“In my opinion, mining industrial digitalization is greatly needed in this day and age. Digital technology is subs­ tantially needed, especially in making exploration data to produce three-dimensional reserve model, mining

“As a country that implements the SDGs program, there are still few mining industries in Indonesia that main­ tain surrounding environment’s welfare and perform sustainable mining, while their amount of coal annu­ al production is quite huge. As the main source of the national energy as well as one of the main support­ ers of domestic economic economy, the mining indus­ try should be managed better so as to prioritize SDGs’ goals.”

plan, explosion plan, processing, until marketing pro­ cess. Therefore, mining based programming language mastery is a must. Digital technology will run over com­ panies that are reluctant to keep up with the current development. In order to survive in the digital era, a company must be able to face the course of change through specific strategies, namely business, growth target, and investment plan strategies, which surely in­ volve technology.”



9th Edition/2021

HMT-ITB’s Professional Magazine


Himpunan Mahasiswa Tambang Institut Teknologi Bandung Jalan Ganesha No. 10 Bandung

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