Mineria 9th Edition : English Version

Page 14

Unauthorized Mining Practices (PETI) During The Pandemic Muhammad Alif Ikhsan 12118018 Image source : www.effective-states.org

COVID-19 is a disease caused by the latest coro-

Unauthorized mining practice is a mining activity

navirus named SARS-CoV-2. WHO first found this vi-

performed without legal path such as application for

rus on 31 December 2019, following the reports on an

land right status, mining license, and other licenses.

emerging cluster of pneumonia cases on Wuhan peo-

The lack of expertise and mastery in mining engineering

ple, People’s Republic of China. According to WHO’s

causes negative impact arising from this illegal mining,

data, about 80% patients may recover without medical

such as water and soil contamination because of the

treatment, while 15% are severely exposed and require

sue of hazardous and toxic materials (B3), ecological

oxygen aids, and 5% are exposed quite severely and

damage because of deforestation, economic loss to

require intensive treatment. Because of the very rapid

the state because of loss of source of tax and royalty,

spread, many countries throughout the world perform

and dissatisfaction/no post-mining treatment and rec-

various methods to stop this virus from spreading, one

lamation of ex-mining land. Many illegal mining prac-

of which is through regional quarantine (lockdown).

tices occur in the following countries

Regional quarantine is a method taken by a region to control its people to stay at home. This aims at sup-


pressing their movement and activities including work-

Chimanimani Mountains in the east of Zimbabwe

ing, going to school, etc. This causes economic reces-

is a place visited by many tourists. It boasts fertile land

sion to occur almost in all countries in the world, loss

with green grassy plain and beautiful waterfall behind a

of employment which causes unemployment, scarcity

dense forest. However, Covid-19 emerging from the end

of food, and even increased crimes. One of the crimes

of 2019 changes it entirely. The travel ban enforced by

arising and emerging during COVID-19 pandemic is un-

many countries, including Zimbabwe, in order to stop

authorized mining practice (PETI).

this virus from spreading has caused tourists cease


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