Terra Mahitala Hikmah Daluas 12117072 In November 2020, I and my six friends were gi
and settlement, serving as constraint on our explora
ven the opportunity to perform “Field Experience” in
tion in the rainy season. Consequently, while sampling,
the form of bentonite exploration activity in Tamanas
we often must work in heavy rain and act carefully so
ri Village, Pringkuku Subdistrict, Pacitan Regency, East
as not to slip. Performing the exploration activity in the
Java Province. Pacitan Regency was 210 km away from
IUP area, mobilization could be performed using motor
Surabaya city and it took about four hours of driving
vehicle, but this was inapplicable to all sampling points
from Surabaya city to get there. Tamanasri Village was
since some points did not have motor vehicle access,
one out of 8 villages in Pringkuku Subdistrict, located
making us to get there on foot.
8 km east of subdistrict town. Tamanasri Village was
Based on the result of research conducted by H.
about 1083 Ha in size, while the mining area where we
Samodra, S, Gafoer, Tjokrosaputro, et al. (1992), it is
performed the exploration was about 148.78 Ha or 15
known that the history of sedimentation of Pacitan Re
percent of the Tamanasri Village size. The mining area
gency area varies, from the sea to the land, from Oli
was a mining land under individual Mining Business
gocene to Pleistocene epochs, geologically composed
Permit (IUP). The terrain was full of ravine, farm, forest
by Arjosari Formation, Mandalika Formation, Wuni For