The Return of
MINEFEST HMT - ITB Lili Indriani Amir - 12117087
Minefest (Mining Festival) was a set of activities held by HMTITB as a medium of movement of creating an image of mining profession. Hayati Agustini as the Chairman of the Minefest 2021 revealed her reason of organizing this activity. She perceived that the mining world in Indonesia was currently dynamic. There were various challenges in a number of mining sectors which became many parties’ center of attention. Pros and cons emerged, making society elements continuously expressed their attitude and assessment. Therefore, the Minefest 2021 brought “let’s talk about mining” as the main theme aiming at describing that this event would discuss various matters concerning mining world. With the theme, it was expected that the Minefest would educate ordinary people on mining and facilitate national mining engineering students to improve their profession capabilities and knowledge of latest mining issues.
Minefest 2021 came with different set of operation from the last Minefest in 2015. Minefest 2021 was organized online because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite being organized online, Minefest 2021 attracted many people.
The agenda of Minefest 2021 included Mine Campaign, Opening, Poster Competition, Case Studies Competition, Webinar, and Closing.
Mine Campaign Mine Campaign was distribution of mining information and issues in the form of infographics, podcast, documentary video documenter, and virtual mine tour distributed through social media. For further mining knowledge, go to Instagram @minefest_hmtitb.
The form of mine campaign was quite exciting and varied, from infographics to podcast, video to virtual mine touring, which might help me study without even realizing it, it was fun and flowing while reading or listening to the information that it was conveyed eye catching, brief, and easy to understand. It was just refreshing, but still contained abundant knowledge including mining unique facts, mining issues, mining history, mining’s role in the national economy, and mining’s impact on the people. —Lisa Larissa Nugraheni