Annual report 1109

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青年影響力 年度成果報告

Youth Impact Annual Report


AIESEC in Taiwan 2012-2013

目 錄 Content 引言


理事長的話 Massage from Chairperson of the Board of Director

// 01

會長的話 Massage from President of AIESEC in Taiwan

// 02

各界對青年的期許 Message for Youth


// 03

About us


// 04


// 06

AIESEC in Taiwan

我們的青年影響力 Our Youth Impact 一、培養青年領導力,創造更多影響力 1. For Youth by Youth

// 11

二、開啟青年與企業交流的樞紐,共創未來 2. For Business by Youth

// 21

三、由青年帶來改變力量,讓世界看見台灣 3.For Taiwan Society by Youth

// 27


Our Development in the Future

永續發展的里程碑 The Milestones of Sustainable Developent

// 32

校友的成長故事 The Stories of Alumni

年度合作夥伴 Annual Partners List

// 35 // 37


Massage from Chairperson of the Board 楊文琪 女士 Ms. Cathy Yang

台北101 副總經理 Vice President of Taipei 101

AIESEC 台灣區 理事長

Chairperson of the Board of Director, AIESEC Taiwan 2012/2013年度對AIESEC Taiwan來說是個收穫豐富的年度,在全國總會潘珮瑄會長的領導之下,我們今年總共有1200名 學生透過AIESEC走出台灣,也與900個企業或非營利組織合作,讓600名國外青年來台灣,是有史以來最多的數字。我們 要恭喜全國總會及各個分會的努力,讓這麼多的青年學生能有到外國實習或擔任志工的機會,也讓這麼多國外青年能到 台灣來親身體驗寶島的美好,並讓台灣在他們人生成長學習過程中留下烙印。 最重要的一個成果是在2012年11月,我們爭取到2014年世界大會的主辦權,這代表全世界AIESEC認可台灣在過去多年的 貢獻,也代表他們對AIESEC Taiwan的信心。我認為這是AIESEC Taiwan成立49年以來的最重要的活動,我們將需要所有 在校會員及所有老骨頭們傾力協助,務必讓此活動順利圓滿成功。 1964年AIESEC Taiwan誕生,是世界上第36個成立的全國總會,吳榮義老師是創會第一屆會長,現在仍是我們的榮譽理事 長,並且非常關心並參與AIESEC Taiwan的活動。49年來,吳老師及我們這些後來的老骨頭都是AIESEC的信徒,都是熱情 付出的社會中堅份子,也是具國際觀的世界公民。 50將屆,我邀請大家一同與我們迎接AIESEC Taiwan第50年,慶祝一個學生社團走過半個世紀的社會變遷及時代風雨,仍 能蓬勃發展枝繁葉茂!也預祝在未來的50年AIESEC Taiwan仍能引領風潮,為國家社會培育良材,為世界作出貢獻。 2012/2013 has been definitely a fruitful year for AIESEC in Taiwan. The president this year, Peggy has led the whole membership to achieve the historical milestone for this organization, successfully sent 1200 local students overseas, and cooperated with 900 corporations/organizations to receive more than 600 foreign youngsters. Huge applause to such awesome works made by national office and all the local chapters, creating massive cross-cultural experiences associated with volunteers/internships. This impressive achievement remarked life-changing moments for all local and global young people. Moreover, the most important result this year is winning the bid of 2014 International Congress. It’s not simply the recognition from AIESEC network, but also the strong confidence given by rest of the world. I would say that it’s the most essential event for AIESEC in Taiwan throughout 49 years and its success requires whole-hearted assistance from whole membership and alumni network. AIESEC in Taiwan was founded in 1964 as 36th entity in AIESEC context. Dr. Wu was the first president, continuously support all the operations as our honorary chairman till now. Without any doubts, AIESEC in Taiwan has cultivated a bunch of outstanding alumni, being influential in society and true global citizens in past 49 years. As the 50th anniversary is approaching, I sincerely invite everyone to celebrate and memorize that a student-run organization is still booming after half century of social changes. At the same time, let’s expect another 50 years of excellent accomplishments for this organization; unbrokenly cultivate future talents for this world.



Massage from Persident of AIESEC in Taiwan 潘珮瑄 小姐 Ms. Peggy Pan

2012-2013 AIESEC 台灣總會 會長

Persident of AIESEC in Taiwan 2012-2103

「不放棄用年輕人的領導力創造正面影響力」,這是AIESEC in Taiwan的故事。 2012-2013無疑是AIESEC in Taiwan成立50周年以來,充滿野心、勇於突破創新、體現團結精神的一年。我們拓展足跡 到更多的大專院校,一共提供了超過1200個海外機會給台灣年輕人,也與超過900個企業與非營利組織合作,讓海外青 年走進台灣、愛上台灣。這樣的豐碩成果,來自1200名優秀的年輕人,一同為AIESEC in Taiwan創下有史以來最好的 成績。 感謝社會各界的大力支持,讓我們可以用更多元的方式拓展青年影響力,我們一年一共舉辦了三場青年影響力論壇, 邀請到超過50位的各界傑出領袖與我們一起培育3500位年輕人。而更讓人興奮的是,我們成功爭取到2014年AIESEC世 界大會的主辦權,這不僅是台灣的第一次,更相信屆時124個國及地區的青年的齊聚,會是台灣在國際能見度上的另一 個大躍進。 在AIESEC第五年,常有人問我這個青年組織最難得的是什麼?AIESEC最難得的是,65年來我們專心地做一件事,用年 輕人的手培養年輕人的領導力,我們相信無論世界再怎麼變化,高品質的領導力永遠是最根本的解決之道,我們更相 信,青年不應被動等待,我們可以創造自己的故事、世界的未來。 誠摯地邀請您們加入我們的行列,用夢想、熱情、勇氣、行動,為青年打造培育領導力的平台,為社會注入影響力。 “Never give up to create positive impact by youth leadership.” It’s the story of AIESEC in Taiwan. Year 2012-2013, undoubtedly, is an ambitious, innovative, united year with lots of breakthroughs among 50 years of AIESEC in Taiwan‘s history. We expended our membership to more universities in Taiwan, provided more than 1200 overseas opportunities to youth in Taiwan, cooperated with more than 900 enterprises and NGOs to let more foreigners come to Taiwan. We successfully reached another milestone by achieving the highest performance ever, with 1200 young people altogether. At the meanwhile, with all the precious supports from stakeholders, we were able to enlarge our impact through more innovative ways. The success of every Youth Impact Forum allowed us to engage 50 outstanding social and business leaders, and 3500 young people. Last but not least, winning the bid of 2014 International Congress is another epic moment for Taiwan, to gather youth from 117 countries and showcase the beauty of this island. Staying in AIESEC for 5 years, I’ve been asked often, what makes this youth-driven organization great? Our greatness comes from a 64 years long philosophy and concentration on “Cultivate leadership for youth by youth”. What we strongly believe is, leadership shall be the fundamental solution for this world. As young people, we should take a lead, create our own stories and the future of this world. Dream, Passion, Courage, Action. We’re creating a platform for youth leadership development then positive impact on society. Join Us!


各界對青年的期許 Massage for Youth

金惟純 先生 Mr. Jin

商業周刊創辦人 Founder of Businessweekly 「未來半世紀,你們將面對並承擔的世界,充滿著誘惑、挑戰、並且完全不可測,單靠知識、優秀和努力,已不 足以安身立命,還必須加上定力、智慧和雄心壯志。好消息是:你們已不必如父母一般,用一生努力趕上西方, 並且有機會活出新典範,引領世界未來的道路。這是台灣歷史帶來的機遇,也是你們的天命。舞台已準備好,等 著你們寫歷史。你們要以全然的信任、全然的覺知、全然的熱情,去經歷自己的人生、開創自己的時代。」 “In the coming half century, the world that you are going to face and take responsibility, is full of temptations, challenges and unpredictable. You can’t simply rely on knowledge, being excellent and trying hard. It needs extra magical elements such as composure, wisdom and aspirations. The good news is, you don’t have to be like your parents, chasing the West for their whole lives. You have the opportunities to be classic and lead the future. This is the favorable circumstances brought by the history of Taiwan and it’s your faith. The stage is ready for you to write own your history. You have to fully trust, fully aware of and fully devote your passion, to experience your own life and create your own era.”

黃河明 先生 Mr. Huang

悅智全球顧問董事長 Persident of Atelligent Global Consulting Corp. 「大學的教育不只在學習更多的知識,同時也是青年人培養多元能力的機會,我建議同學利用大學的寶貴時光, 建立自己人生的方向,學習做人處事的方法。從實習、競賽、社團工作和社會服務等實務性的工作去強化自己的 實力。對於艱難的任務抱持著樂觀的態度去接受,不要怕失敗和嘗試,這些磨練不但增加自己在社會上成功的機 會,更會讓自己產生自信,終生受惠。」 “The education in university is not simply aiming at gaining more knowledge, it also provides diversity opportunities for youth to develop themselves. I suggest students should utilize those precious moments in university, to determine their future directions, learn to cope with people and different things. Through participating in practical work such as internships, competitions, joining clubs and volunteering work, to strengthen your competitiveness. Stay positive for all the challenges, don’t be afraid of failures and trials. Those hardship not just enhance your chances to be success, they also enhance your confidence, which will benefit you for your whole life. ”

林之晨 先生 Mr. Lin

之初創投合夥人 Associate of appWorks 「你以為過去的 12 年你在『學習』,但其實你只是在『工作』,完成父母、社會交給你的任務。你以為未來的 40 年你要開始工作,但其實從踏入社會的那天,真正的學習才開始。從此以後,沒人會跟你說要考什麼,但相信 我,這種考試考出來的,才是真正的『第一名』。」 “You thought the past 12 years you were “learning”, yet, you were just “working”, to fulfill the tasks given by your parents and the society. You thought that the coming 40 years you will begin to work, but starting from the day you step your foot in the society, that’s when you begin to learn. From that moment, no one will tell you what will be the challenges, but trust me, those who survive those uncertain challenges, are the real “champion”.”



自1948年成立以來,AIESEC已累積了65年的經驗,致力於將全球具有潛力的青年人培養成具有國際視野且負責任的領導 者。 AIESEC has 65 years of experience in developing high-potential youth into globally-minded responsible leaders since 1948.

我們的願景 Our Vision

和平與發展人類潛能 Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential.

我們如何創造影響力 The Way We Do It

AIESEC是全世界最大、由大學生及青年獨立運作的非營利國際組織,遍佈超過124個國家與區域,以及擁有超過 86,000名會員。透過提供四大體驗式領導培育計畫,分別為海外實習計畫、海外成長計畫、團隊學習計畫以及團 隊領導計畫,交換各國青年促進不同文化、不同種族、不同經濟體系間的深度交流,培養青年人領導力、國際觀 以及跨文化的團隊工作能力,減少誤解帶來的衝突,並且培育這些有國際觀的青年成為未來領導者,進一步促進 全球的和平、經濟進步和社會發展。 Present in over 124 countries and territories and with over 86,000 members, AIESEC is the world's largest youth-run organization. Focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development, AIESEC offers young people four programs called Global Internship Program, Global Community Development Program, Team Member Progam and Team Leader Program. What makes AIESEC unique is the youth driven impactful experiences which offers to its members. AIESEC is run by young people for young people, enabling a strong experience to all its stakeholders.

AIESEC 提供四大計畫 Our 4 Core Program

我們的體驗式領導培育使年輕人透過不同的經驗探索、發 展自我的領導潛能,主要的目的是善用AIESEC台灣所提供 的各種經驗培養年輕人的五種特質:「多元思維」、「企 業家精神」、「社會責任」、「情緒管理」、「主動學習 」,我們相信透過發展這五種特質年輕人可以讓更多正面 影響力發生。 我們的影響力架構

Our Impact Map

Our Experiential Leadership Development enables the youth to explore and develop self leadership potential through different experiences; our main objective is to develop the youth with 5 characteristics through AIESEC Taiwan’s platform which are "Global Mindset, Entrepreneurial outlook, Social responsibility, Emotional intelligence and Proactive Learning". We believe we can empower young people to be positive change agents by developing these 5 characteristics.



我們的全球影響力 AIESEC in Number

124 8,000 500 2,400 780

國家及地區 Countries and territories.

合作夥伴 Partner Organizations

年度國際會議 Conferences aunnually

大學 Universities

地方分會 Local offices

86,000 會員 Members 15,000 海外成長機會 Internatinoal volunteer experiences 5,000 海外實習機會 International Internships 24,000 團隊領導機會 Team Leader experiences 1,000,000 資深會員 Alumni

我們的全球網絡 Our Global Network Afghanistan Albania Argentina & Uruguay Armenia Australia Austria Bahrain Belgium Benin Bosnia-Herzegovina Bulgaria Burkina Faso Cambodia Cameroon Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Egypt El Salvador Estonia Ethiopia


Finland Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Guatemala Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Italy Japan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Lebanon Mainland of China Malaysia Mauritius Mexico Moldova Mongolia Morocco Mozambique

Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Peru Romania Russia Serbia Singapore Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland Tanzania Thailand Netherlands Philippines Togo Tunisia Uganda Ukraine United Kingdom United States Venezuela

Vietnam Algeria Barbados Botswana Burundi Cape Verde Honduras Ireland Kuwait Laos Liberia Luxembourg Montenegro Myanmar Namibia Nepal Nicaragua Paraguay Qatar Republic of Macedonia Sierra Leone South Africa United Arab Emirates Zambia Azerbaijan

Bolivia Brazil Cote D'Ivoire Dominican Republic Ecuador France Gabon Iran Jordan Korea Latvia Lithuania Malta New Zealand Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Rwanda Senegal Slovenia Sri Lanka Taiwan Tajikistan

關於AIESEC台灣 About AIESEC in Taiwan

AIESEC台灣自1964年創立以來,已有近50年的發展。從原本全台灣5個分會,擴大至16個分會和3個校園據點,分布於超過30所 大專院校。每年帶領約1,200位會員。 AIESEC 台灣屬於內政部人民團體下的「社團法人國際經濟商管學生會台灣總會」,台灣總會辦公室位於台北市。過去一年來 ,已送出超過1000名台灣學生、青年到國際實習,體驗異國文化、做自我的成長;同時,也提供機會讓近600名海外學生、青 年到台灣各非營利組織、公司實習、服務。 Founded in 1964, with 50 years of history, AIESEC in Taiwan had started from only 5 local offices to 16 local offices and 3 extension offices, distributed in over 30 different universities and colleges. AIESEC in Taiwan leads 1,200 members every year. AIESEC in Taiwan’s National Office is located in Taipei City. AIESEC in Taiwan had sent over 1000 Taiwanese students abroad for internships, to explore themselves and experience different cultures. In addition, AIESEC Taiwan had also provided internships, community service experiences in Taiwan for almost 600 international students.

AIESEC 2012-2013 台灣總會團隊與心得分享 AIESEC in Taiwan National Office 潘珮瑄 台灣總會會長

Peggy Pan,

President of AESEC in Taiwan

國立交通大學 傳播與科技科學系 NCTU 一趟體現探索自我、領導實作、擁抱世 界、創造影響力的旅程,即使離開,那 樣的養分與回憶會跟著你一輩子。 It has been an increadible journey, self-exploring , activating practical leadership, living diversity, meeting awesome people and creating impacts for surroundings. Even though I left AIESEC, the influence of AIESEC will never leave my life.

高鈺婷 市場研究及產品開發副會長 Zoe Kao, Vice Persident of Reaserch &Development 國立臺北大學 休閒運動管理學系 NTPU AIESEC讓正面思考逐漸變成一種習慣然後驅動更多正向的力量循環,這正是我覺得現在最珍貴也最重要的人格特質。 I realize all the practices in AIESEC make me be the inspiration of good wills and motives that consistently contribute to positive moves, which I see now the most valuable quality in myself.

聶佑婷 分會營運規劃及拓展副會長 國立臺北大學 企業管理學系 NTPU

Annie Nieh, Vice President of Organization Development

這是一個會讓你更認識自己是什麼樣的人,得到你從未想過的收穫的經驗! It is an experience that will make you know more about what kind of person you really are, and you will also get what you never expected in this experience.

許鈺煊 人才管理副會長 Sharon Hsu, Vice persident of Talent Manafement 國立交通北大學 傳播與科技科學系 NCTU 你會被這個環境影響,變成很容易相信夢想的人,也相信夢想可以被實現,也相信自己好像有點力量可以讓世界變得更好, 而這都是我之前不相信的事情。 You will be influeced by this place to become the one who believes in DREAM more easily, and believes in the possibility of a dream to come true, and even believes in that the power in oneself can really change the world. And before I joined AIESEC, I never believed in those things.

蔡孟修 財務管理副會長 Van Tsai, Vice persident of Finance & Administration 國立交通大學 工業工程與管理學系 NCTU 是一場關於認識自我,充實自我並且挑戰自我的旅程。 It's a journey about knowing yourself, fulfilling yourself and challenge yourself.


台灣大學 NTU、政治大學 NCCU、臺北大學 NTPU、 東吳大學 SCU、銘傳大學 MCU、文化大學 PCCU、 輔仁大學 FJU、元智大學 YZU

全國各分會 分布點

交通大學 NCTU、清華大學 NTHU


東華大學 NDHU 東海大學THU、逢甲大學FCU 中正大學 CCU、成功大學 NCKU、 文藻外語學院 WTUC、中山大學 NSYSU

林藏誼 海外成長計畫副會長 Coey Lam, Vice President of Global Community Development Program 香港理工大學 中文及雙語學系 PolyU 從前以為世界很大,夢想很遠,潛能有限,能力有限,但在這裡,我用四年的時間擁抱世界,實現夢想,解放潛能,展現能力! The world seems to be big, dreams seem to be far away, my potential and ability seem to be limited, yet in AIESEC, it enables me to embrace the world, realize my dream step by step, unleash my potential and ability!

王詩婷 海外實習計畫副會長 Janet Wang, Vice President of Global Internship Program 國立政治大學 經濟學系 NCCU 在這裡築夢,並帶著一種勇敢的信念,往世界闖去。在AIESEC讓我瞭解到了,無疑不脫兩件事:確定目標和瞭解自己。是我在 這裡學到最受用無窮的一堂課了。 I was given the braverage to dream and to make the dream come true and now I can confidently say I am ready to encounter any challenges waiting ahead. After my years in AIESEC, I realized the only key to make thing perfectly done is to affirm goal and understand yourself which is also the most precious lesson I was taught in AIESEC.

雲美綺 全球青年在地發展計畫副會長 Maggie Yun, Vice President of Global Community Development Program 私立輔仁大學 金融與國際企業學系 FJU 在AIESEC 的幾年裡,我逐漸清楚自己的發展方向,在探索世界學習的過程中,也變得更謙卑、積極、勇敢。 I found my passion during the years spent in AIESEC. Also, learning from people all over the world; I become more humble、proatcive and brave.

周柏源 全球人才實習計畫副會長 國立成功大學 航空太空工程學系

Ian Chou, Vice President of Global Internship Program NCKU

遠跳出自我舒適圈,承擔下超過自我能力範圍之任務;加速讓自我成熟,看見自我不足,從此開始做好準備,迎接未來。 Jumping out of one's comfort zone, taking over the job which is over one's capacity. It causes people become mature, understand the insufficiency of own self, and it makes people to get ready for the future.

何崇安 資訊管理副會長 Kotaro Ho, Vice President of Information Managementt 國立臺北大學 資訊工程學系 NTPU 學術殿堂內獲得的一切在這裡得以實踐;領導管理的實作、開發維護千人使用的系統,對這年紀的我們來說是獨一無二的經驗。 Here, all the attainments from halls of academe can put into practices. Practical experience of leadership and management, development and maintenance 1000+ user-scale system in this age, is an unique experience for us.

李昀芸 行銷暨品牌推廣副會長 YunYun Lee, Vice President of Marketing 國立交通大學 工業工程與管理學系 NCTU 在這裡,我可以擁抱自己的理想和堅持,卻也更了解自己不足的地方和與現實的差距,讓自己在踏入社會之前提早做好準備。 In AIESEC, I can embrace my dream and insistence, but also know more about my weaknesses at the same time. This experience provides me a chance to be well-prepared before entering the workforce.

莊承恩 外部關係管理副會長

余允文 企業合作開發總監

Samuel Chuang, Vice President of External Relations

Nidya Yu, Director of Business Development

國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易學系

國立政治大學 公共行政暨政策學系/金融與合作經濟學系


一句組織的老話,AIESEC無法給你任何東西,但你可 以從AIESEC獲得任何想要的。 An old saying in organization. AIESEC can't give you anything, but you can get everything from AIESEC.



在學校學到的是知識,但在AIESEC學到的是態度、並且更認識自己。 You can learn knowledge in university, but in AIESEC you can learn the attitude and know more about yourself.

關於AIESEC台灣 About AIESEC in Taiwan


Annual Mission and Motto 「培養能帶領台灣向前走、讓台灣的好被世界看見的領導人」,是2012-2013年所有幹部與會員的夢想。我們賦予自 己這樣的使命,希望能在這一年的熏陶下,能孕育出更多將台灣的未來列為自身責任的青年。 我們也喊出”Act Certainly, Cohere Success”的精神,希望塑造「精準踏實做事、上下齊心合作」的組織行為, 藉此提升我們的專業度與凝聚力。 “Empower youth leadership for the future of Taiwan” is a shared belief of this generation. We promised ourselves a mission, to provide more valuable learning opportunities for young people in Taiwan, to equip them with practical leadership and the sense of social responsibility. We also have a motto as “Act Certainly, Cohere Success”to shape the organizational behaviors, such as having ambitious aims, accurate strategies and strong collaboration.


Annual Direction and Focus 力求突破創新,放大組織格局與規模 Create Innovation and Breakthroughs. Expand Organizational Scope

2012-2013是組織轉型、進化、爆炸性成長的一年,我們用完善的組織架構,積極產出創新策略,勇敢挑戰過去從未 做過的事,除了在產品行銷、市場拓展上有重大突破,也在組織內部系統規劃、人才培育、顧客關係管理上精益求精 ,鼓勵大膽嘗試、從錯誤中學習,帶動組織變革與永續發展,擴大學生組織的能量與專業。 It has been a year for organizational transformation, evolution and explosive growth. We utilized mature structure and resources to come out innovative strategies, boldly do something hasn't been done before. Eventually, we had huge milestones in product marketing, operation systems, and talent management. Those accomplishments showed the spirit of “dare to try” and drove organizational changes toward bigger impact and sustainability.


關於AIESEC台灣 About AIESEC in Taiwan 拓展多元方式,展現青年影響力 Showcase Youth Impact on Society

今年,我們與台灣社會關係更加緊密,在原本的 青年網絡中,以更完整的社群媒體、網路平台規 劃,以及校園講座、影片競賽的方式與更多青年 互動,除此之外,我們也代表青年族群,與台灣 企業界共同打造培育青年的學習平台,積極與政 府一同探討開放海外人才來台的政策,展現多元 青年聲音和影響力。

|2013.06 第五屆AIESEC青年影響論壇 5th AIESEC Youth Impact Forum This is also a year we were much closer to the society. With advanced social media development, online engagement and campus activities, we were able to engage more young people. Furthermore, we also created another youth to business platform with remarkable companies for the sake of youth development. Last but not least, the efforts taken toward improving policies of incoming foreign employees also indicated the potential of AIESEC as a youth voice.

與台灣社會並肩,提升國際能見度 Think Globally, Act Locally

因為對台灣的熱愛,開啟我們與AIESEC網絡內更多國家的合作,也不停向台灣社會強調「國際化思維、在地化行 動」的精神,體現在台灣學生出國及海外青年來台的人數,都走向豐富多元的成果。而成功爭取世界大會在台灣 的主辦權,也即將創下有史以來最多國家數的國際盛會,在提升台灣國際能見度與打造國際環境上,我們在今年 有了亮眼的成績。 With strong affection for Taiwan, we established more partnerships with more countries in AIESEC context and continuously bridged Taiwan and the world. The numbers of exchange program takers and the bid of 2014 International Congress have demonstrated our amazing progress in enhancing global visibility and creating true global learning environment.

|2012.08 AIESEC世界大會在印度 AIESEC International Congress in India


我們的青年影響力 Our Youth Impact

For Society 由青年帶來改變的力量, 讓世界看見台灣

For Business 開啟青年與企業交流的樞紐, 引進全球青年力

By Youth

By Youth

For Youth By Youth 培養青年領導力,創造更多影響力


For Youth By Youth 培養青年領導力,創造更多影響力 Team Member and Team Leader Experience

Gloabl Community Delevopment Program for Youth

Global Internship Program for Youth Youth Impact Forum


在團隊與領導經驗中,讓青年找到夢想 Team Memebr and Team Leader Experience 在台灣的教育體制之下,學子們從小接受填鴨式的教育,也逐漸缺乏獨立思考與學習的能力,在國際學生的眼裡,台灣學生 總少了些積極和衝勁,對於學習這件事也興致缺缺。 Students in Taiwan live in force-feeding education since they were young. They gradually lack the ability to think and learn independently. Compare to foreign students, Taiwanese students are less ambitious and proactive, and also are not interested in learning.

AIESEC是一個青年組成的組織,身為青年,我們選擇用另一種有別於傳統教育的方 式學習於培養自己,透過團隊合作與領導機會,從做中學。AIESEC給予每一個團隊 具體的目標,團隊的成員必須靠自己思考策略、實際行動以達成目標。 AIESEC is an organization run by young people. We found ways different from traditional ones to cultivate ourselves. Youth will learn through practical team and leadership experiences. There is a concrete objective and goal for each team. Young people will try their best in order to achieve the goal.



National Newbie Proposal Competition

Training and National Conferences

設計給新進成員的短期團隊經驗,以AIESEC產品企劃為主題,讓成員 們可以快速了解產品並培養全方位能力,例如:策略發想、市場分析 、預算制定、外部拜訪、簡報等能力。

從分會至總會,AIESEC提供各種與團隊工作相 關的訓練課程,一年約有10場以上的全國會議 ,講師多為AIESEC內部會員或資深學長姊。

A short-term experience for new members. They need to do strategy planning and come up with a complete proposal. The experience can equip new members with certain abilities in short time. For example,strategic thinking, market analysis, event designing, budget planning, external engagements, and presentation skills.

AIESEC provides different trainings and sessions for members. There are more than 10 conferences in a year delivered by alumni or professional trainers.

多元部門實作機會 Diverse Function Experiences 我們有12個不同部門,其中包含4個主要業務部門,和協助組織穩定的 部門。AIESEC的架構如同企業一般,不同部門所培養的能力不同,計 畫參加者可依自身需求選擇。 We have 12 different functions and 4 of them are responsible for main operation businesses. Young people can choose different function depending on what they want to learn. They will know more about how to use their strengths and improve their weaknesses.



Team Planning and Performance Tracking

Review and Feedback

AIESEC以組織經營的方式管理每一個團隊,參與團隊計畫的成員須 達成年度目標,也會針對團隊計畫以及實際績效作追蹤,團隊學習/ 領導計畫的成員必須挑戰自己達成目標。

參加團隊學習計畫與團隊領導計畫的成員會不 定期進行經驗的反思,團隊成員間也會進行互 相回饋的活動,幫助彼此成長進步。

Every team in AIESEC needs to achieve organization goal. We will track the team plans and performances.Members in AIESEC need to challenge themselves to achieve their own goals.

Members will review and reflect their own experience once in a while. They will also give feedback the others to help them grow.

培養青年領導力,創造更多影響力 For youth by youth



1941 個團隊學習經驗,共 758 個計畫參加者。

Created 1941 team member experiences, engaged 758 young people in total.






Created 788 team leader experiences, engaged 285 young people in total.

14 場會員能力訓練相關會議: 新生訓練會議 6 場、全國大會 2 場、全國講師訓練會議 1 場、全國領導培訓 會議 2 場、全國首長計畫會議 1 場、企畫書競賽訓練會議 2 場。 舉辦

Held 14 training conferences, 6 Newbie conferences , 2 National conferences, 1 Train the Trainer, 2 Leadership training conferences, 1 National planning meeting, 2 proposal competition training events.

第一次舉辦全國企畫書競賽,共計300名新進成員、60個團隊參與,深入發掘 社會議題以及發揮創意散播影響力,決賽邀請業界評審,開啟業界與年輕人意見 的交流。 The first time initiating national proposal competition. Engaged 300 new members in total and 60 teams. Provide a platform to enable interactions between experts from corporates and young students.

團隊領導經驗分享Team Leader Experience 林彥妤 / 台灣大學 / 財金系 / 台大分會會長


當一個領導者,我們不斷地在做一個模範與做自己中掙扎;當一個領導者,我們不 斷地在追求短期績效與長期成果中進退兩難…。這一年,每一個利益關係人都想要 知道我們心中的那把尺把他們定位在哪裡,而因為我們深知自己無法滿足每一個人 ,所以這些問題常常把我們逼到極限,於是我們常常在好不容易破了一關之後,發 現前方還有下一個在等著自己。 然而,一年過去了,我發現我竟然能夠花費更少的時間與心力做出決策了,因為, 我開始知道怎麼去定義、找尋自己心中的尺,並且堅定的執行著這個平衡。現在的 我很感謝這一年的實務經驗,因為我知道今天的自己都是由過去的每一個決定構成 的,所以越早學習平衡,就像是在為未來想要成為的自己做更加健全的準備。 This is a year of learning the word "balance”. As a leader, you know you have to strive for the balance between being yourself and a model leader. As a leader, you know you always face dilemma achieving between short-term results and long-term goals. Being a LCP is a year that every stakeholder wants to know where your "ruler" is. Knowing that you can’t satisfy all pushes you toward the limits, but when you struggling to break one, you find there is yet another. However, one year passed, you find yourself capable of making decisions based on organizational and strategic thinking, and that’s because you know how to not only define "balance" but also keep pace on it more than ever. And now I know, this is definitely worth learning through practical experience and better starting from earlier ages as we are the decisions we made, and behind every decision there is a ruler speaking of our balance.

團隊學習經驗分享Team Member Experience 陳璿 / 東吳大學 / 經濟學系 / 東吳分會新進會員 在AIESEC第一年就在這個大部門,對我來說很興奮。這一年透過舉辦說明會讓我有機會可以訓練自己 溝通說服能力、主持技巧,還能看到自己的影響力,而且透過和組長以及其他組員的合作讓我了解到 ,身為一個領導人,溝通能力是團隊的關鍵,而且當領導人不只是要擁有能力,更是要能夠包容、關 懷自己的組員。AIESEC真的是提升自我的好地方。 My first year in AIESEC was in this big function, for me it was really excited. Through holding info sessions in this year, I have opportunities to improve my communication skills and hosting skills. During the cooperation with my team leader and my teammates, I realized that as a leader,” communication” is the key point in a team. And being a leader, it is important not only having professional knowledge but also need to tolerate and care about the teammates. AIESEC is really a good organization to improve myself.


培養青年領導力,創造更多影響力 For youth by youth

青年跨文化體驗,擴展視野,將關懷帶到全球 Gloabl Community Delevopment Program for youth AIESEC海外成長計畫,是提供給18-30歲的年輕人6-8週的海外跨文化體驗的機會,也為年輕人提供了很多獨特的價值, 在 執行專案的過程中,與跨文化的團隊合作,可以獲得難能可貴的工作經驗以及跨文化生活,提早準備成為一個全球人才。 再加上過程中會有很多文化衝擊與挑戰,讓個人有自我反思的空間、探索以及成長。 AIESEC Global Community Development Program is to provide 6-8 weeks cross-culture experience opportunities to 18-30 year old youth in Taiwan. Meanwhile, it also provides unique values to youth. During the projects overseas, they would be able to work with global teams with team members from different countries, so as to have work experience and cross-culture experience which make them to be well-prepared as global talents. There are a lot of culture shock and challenges throughout the process, make them have self-development, exploration and reflection as well.

對於社會來說,海外成長計畫藉由鼓勵更多年輕人出國,在他們出國的同時,就是把台灣介紹給更多人認識的機會,代表 台灣到世界各個角落,提升台灣在外地的認知度。同時,當年輕人在國外執行專案的時候,他們會針對不同的社會議題去 提供解決辦法,給予當地社會直接且正面的影響力。 To the society, Global Community Development Program encourages youth to go abroad, introducing Taiwan to more foreigners which increase the publicity of Taiwan. Also, during their work in overseas, which focus on different social issues, it makes direct impact to the local society as well.

海外成長計畫流程如下: The Procedure of Global Community Development Program:

計劃說明會 Recruitment Talks

簽 約

線上報名 Online Application

Contracts Signing

面 試


專案 媒合配對

Projects matching

行前準備會 Pre-exchange Preparation Seminar

出國 執行專案 Exchange begins

歸國研習生集會 Post-exchange gathering

提供超過60個國家的跨文化生活體驗 Global Community Development Program provides cross-cultural experience to our participants in more than 60 entities


Our Programs include different social issue.






Environmental issues

Promoting Chinese culture

Language education

Community development

HIV/AIDS issue

參加者在全球化的團隊中,深入當地的文化之餘,從實作專案中促進當地社會發展。 Participants would be able to join the global teams, get to know the local cultures in depth, so as to facilitate the development of the local society.

培養青年領導力,創造更多影響力 For youth by youth


海外成長計畫學習機會 The Learning Opportunity of Global Community Development Program 跨文化體驗



Cross Cultural Experience




Job description

Social impact

Personal Development


Most recognized by program takers

2010.07-2013.07 海外成長計畫參與人數

Global Community Development Program Annual Result

海外成長計劃 研習生前往國家之分布圖


Pestination Distribution Chart

849 587


6% 柬埔寨 Cambodia

612 435


Main of China



33 other countries



4% 匈牙利




The Philippines

2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

4% 俄羅斯 Russia

32 %

3% 羅馬尼亞



Program Applicants



波蘭 Poland

Realizated Successfully


6% 印尼



3% 馬來西亞 Malaysia

夏一跳,印度 Summer Bounce in India 翁仕勳 / 國立台北大學 企業管理 / 印度 / 愛滋病教育 在exchange我獲得最多的應該是朋友,在印度我認識了來自不同地方的人,我們彼此幫 助、了解,在許多玩樂和談話中看到不同文化之間的差別,真摯的關心和話語我到現在 都還能記得,離別時總是很令人傷感。而我也在這趟海外成長計畫中變得更勇敢了,我 現在可以真實的面對自己的不好,去改變它們。無論我們踏在哪片土地上,現在走在路 上的就是我們,那些經歷會加載在我們身上,成為我們所帶著的經驗。就把他們放在心 上,繼續在現實中努力前進,每個人還是有自己必須面對的生活,但這段旅程會是我生 命中最美麗的風景。 During my exchange, what I’ve got is friendship. In India, I got to know people from different countries and helped each other. Through our conversations and interactions, I saw the cultural difference and I’m very glad to have this experience yet it was very sad when we have to say goodbye at the end of the exchange. In this Global Community Development Program, I learn to be brave, to embrace my weaknesses and change them. When I came back to Taiwan, I realized that no matter where we go and what kind of experience we have, it’s very important for us to learn from the experience and be able to march towards our future with that.


培養青年領導力,創造更多影響力 For youth by youth

在全球人才移動時代,提升青年的國際兢爭力 Global Internship Program for youth AIESEC海外實習計畫提供台灣青年人一個「能夠培養跨文化專業發展」的實習經驗。AIESEC希望年輕世代能夠在一個全球 化的時代,透過跨國的實習經驗,增進自身專業知識與青年領導能力。希望每一位參與計畫的年輕人透過在企業實習的經 驗中帶著冒險的精神去發掘自己的潛能,到了計畫的最後他們能夠變成那位可以開創正面影響力,培養國際移動力和競爭 力。 AIESEC Global Internship Program, one of the four core programs, aims to provide a "cross- cultural-professional-development" experience to Taiwan's young people. AIESEC envisions the young generation being able to develop their skills and talents in a whole new and global environment in order to meet the demand of the world's need. This program encourages young people to be adventurous as they try to discover their true potential through this corporate internships empowering their global mobility and comperences.

海外實習計劃與世界各地的企業/教育機構合作,全年釋出數千個 實習機會給參與海外實習計劃18-30歲的青年,工作時間多為六個 月到一年的長期實習,將由人數不等的多國實習及當地員工組成 個跨國工作團隊。實習期間,研習會接受實習單位的監督與評估 ,以達到自我專業發展與成長的目的。 Through the global network of 117 entities in AIESEC, AIESEC Global Internship Program cooperates with corporates and organizations worldwide. Every year AIESEC Global Internship Program releases more than 10,000 internship opportunities to 18-30 year old youngsters within duration up to 24-52 weeks. During the internship, interns will be evaluated and supervised to help them cultivate professional and personal development


德國 Germany

9% 中國大陸 Mainland of China


7% 日本 Japan

香港 Hongkong

海外實習計劃 合作國家分布圖

29% 印度 India

Country Partner Proportion Chart

5% 土耳其 Turkey 5% 馬來西亞 4% 波蘭 Poland



4% 芬蘭 Finland

其他 others

4% 巴西 Brazil

研習國家 多元性 Diverse Destinations

促進國際 商管交流 More Interns in Business type Internship

在2012-2013年我們成功的將台灣的研習生送往十七個國家,其中以金磚四國之二的印度與中國(包含 香港)為最大宗,台灣青年在亞太地區的實力展現,備受肯定。研習生前往的國家多元性也較往年大 大提升,同時也顯現出台灣青年視野的拓展。 In 2012-2013, we successfully matched Taiwanese interns to 17 different countries, and the capability of Taiwanese talents is praised among Asia Pacific by sending the most amount of people to two biggest countries in BRIC—including India and China(Hong Kong was counted). The diversity in internship taken countries has been highly raised compared to the previous; in the meanwhile, it also indicates the expansion of global views of Taiwan youth.

今年的海外實習生中,有九成是參加行銷類、企管類等商管實習,而剩下的一成實習生分別參加教育 類實習與科技類實習。數據可見,台灣青年人才在商業管理類別的優秀表現,深得國際企業間的肯定 。未來我們會擴大商管類別的參與人數以及進一步開發教育類與科技類的實習給台灣年輕人。 90% of interns took marketing, business administration and so on Management Internship program and the rest of 10 % has taken Information Technology Internship Program and Education Internship Program respectively. From the statistics, we could affirm that the capabilities of Taiwan youth have received recognition in Management Internship Program among international corporates. In the following future, we shall focus on engaging more and more people in Management Internship Program; furthermore, in the meanwhile, starting to develop Education and IT internship area for youth in Taiwan.

培養青年領導力,創造更多影響力 For youth by youth



2010.07-2013.07 海外實習計畫參與人數


Global Internship Program annual result






Program applicants


Matched successfully

2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

海外實習經驗分享Global Internship Experience 張博閔 / 芬蘭.赫爾辛基 / 實習單位:Tietoset / 2012.07-2013.06 在赫爾辛基的這一年,讓我有機會重新思考習以為常的價值觀。不是只為工 作而工作的工作態度和生活態度是如此的使人著迷,但許多時候也同樣讓人 困惑,量小、頂級品質、緩慢的決策一度讓我難以接受。一人獨力去異鄉生 活讓我緊張及興奮,現在我感謝這段旅程對我帶來的成長。 AIESEC實習計 畫的價值,在於讓年輕人跨越出他們的舒適圈,擴張視野並讓人在陌生的環 境重新思考、成長。 Spending a year in Helsinki gave a chance to think over those common values that I had taken it for granted. I was extremely fascinated by the living attitude that Finland has taught me—Never work merely for your job but for your life. However, I ever felt confused to live with high quality with low quantity yet low efficiency standard of life here, which bring me a hard time to adapt to it. Living alone abroad ever excited and tensed me, nevertheless, I appreciate what this journey brought to me — growth. And also, the value of AIESEC Global Internship Program aims to encourage youth to step out their comfort zone so that they can broaden their horizons and to grow and think in a brand new environment.

海外實習經驗分享Global Internship Experience 楊宛倫 / 印度.班加羅爾 / 實習單位:Markelytics Solutions India Pvt Ltd / 2012.08-2013.03 真的很感謝AIESEC平台提供的海外實習,在印度工作生活的七個月,收穫比我想像 中的要多很多,在工作上,班加羅爾是印度的矽谷,是科技公司林立的地方,在這 裡,能夠切身了解印度的公司文化,多元且全英語的工作環境,不但大大提升了自 己的英語能力,也增進了自己的專業技能,更因為有幸得到中國出差的機會,讓我 體驗到非常國際化的工作模式。在生活上,你能夠結交到來自世界各地的好朋友, 一起自助旅行,讓自己融入印度當地的文化,並體驗印度生活,是挑戰卻也是非常 難得的經驗。 這是一個很棒的機會,能夠了解異國生活,拓展國際視野,並且練習與自己對話, 在這過程中,你會更認識自己,也更了解這個世界。 Thanks to the Global Internship Program provided by AIESEC, the harvest I earned from working in India for 7 months was more than I imagined. In the aspect of working, Bangalore is known as the “Silicon Valley of India”, a place full of numerous heavy industries and technology companies. You can learn the life of Indian based company when you work here. Multicultural and English-speaking working environment not only improve my English ability but enhance my professional skill. Furthermore, I luckily got the opportunity to have a business travel in China which was a great international working experience to me. In the aspect of life, you can make friends from all over the world and have backpack travel together. Being involved in the local culture and the life of India is a great challenge but a valuable experience as well.


培養青年領導力,創造更多影響力 For youth by youth

各界領袖齊聚與台灣年輕人的對話,擴大青年影響力 Build up a platform for youth and business to expand youth impact AIESEC青年影響力論壇為AIESEC為台灣打造的學習交流平台,以論壇的形式讓上一代的寶貴經驗得以傳承,帶領青年 站在巨人的肩膀看世界。我們期許新一代青年,以全然的信任、覺知和熱情,去經歷自己的人生,開創新的時代。最 終,這代表各界一同響應齊聚、相信改變、創造改變。 AIESEC Youth Impact Forum is plateform AIESEC provides to Taiwanese youth and society. Relying on knowledge, excellence and hard work would be insufficient, and the concentration, wisdom and ambition are the things we need as well. We envision this event to be the bridge that let the valuable experience of previous generation to pass on, and to lead young people to see the world by standing on the shoulders of giants.

AIESEC 青年影響力論壇歷屆時間地點及參與人數 Date, time and number of participants of the past AIESEC Youth Impact Forums

高中職 High school 社會人士 Society

1934 1620

大專院校 Uni/college 總人數 Total





139 175




2012.08 第三屆 3th 國立政治大學 NCCU

2012.02 第一屆 1st 裕隆集團 圓頂劇場 TDH

2012.07 第二屆 2nd 國立臺北大學 NTPU

2012.12 第四屆 4th 國立政治大學 NCCU

2013.06 第五屆 5th 國立臺灣大學 NTU

歷屆論壇大專院校及高中職參與間數 The number of schools participating the past AIESEC Youth Impact Forums


高中職 High school 大專院校 Uni/College









32 4 第三屆 3rd

第四屆 4th

第五屆 5th

培養青年領導力,創造更多影響力 For youth by youth





前副總統 蕭萬長先生

開幕式 新北市市長 朱立倫先生

老爺大酒店集團 沈方正執行長

新北市市長 朱立倫先生

青輔會主委 陳以真女士

卡內基訓練 黑幼龍董事長

LUXGEN總經理 胡開昌先生

國立臺北大學 新北市校友總會秘書長 許元國先生

Google 台灣區 簡立峰董事總經理

商業周刊創辦人 金惟純先生

國立臺北大學 公共行政系副教授 郝培芝女士

之初創投 林之晨創辦人

學學文創董事長 徐莉玲女士

願景青年行動協會執行長 丁元亨先生

悅智全球顧問 黃河明董事長

國立故宮博物院院長 周功鑫女士

甘樂文創創意總監 林峻丞先生

萬泰商業銀行 盧正昕董事長

宏碁集團創辦人 施振榮先生

洋幫辦創辦人 張佑輔先生

野村總合研究所 陳志仁副總經理

LUXGEN總經理 胡開昌先生 研華科技董事長 劉克振先生 行政院青輔會主委 李允傑


TED x Taipei創辦人 Jason 運動家 林義傑 群聯電子董事長 潘建成 資深媒體人 劉翊琪

國立政治大學校長 吳思華先生

商業周刊創辦人 金惟純先生

國立政治大學商學院院長 唐揆先生

IBM台灣總經理 黃慧珠女士

智融集團董事長 施振榮先生

奧美整合行銷傳播集團執行長 黃復華先生

GE大中華區副總裁 許朱勝先生

國立政治大學領導學教授 李瑞華先生

台灣麥當勞總裁 陳麒亦女士

野村總合研究所副總經理 陳志仁先生

麥肯錫全球董事 林璟驊先生

商研院董事長 徐重仁先生

《30》雜誌執行長 成章瑜女士

誠品集團董事長 吳清友先生

群聯電子董事長 潘建成先生

研華科技創辦人暨董事長 劉克振先生

合勤科技董事長 朱順一先生

舊振南董事長 李雄慶先生

訊連科技總經理 張華禎女士

第五屆與會貴賓 前中華民國副總統 蕭萬長先生

學學文創志業董事長 徐莉玲女士

教育部青年發展署署長 羅清水先生

智榮基金會董事長 施振榮先生

國立台灣大學校長 楊泮池先生

國立清華大學科管院講座教授 史欽泰先生

台灣經濟研究院董事長 江丙坤先生

飛利浦台灣策略長 曾正忠先生

元智大學講座教授 許士軍教授

3M台灣策略長 吳漢明先生

美商韜睿惠悅總經理 王伯松先生

EZTABLE易訂網創辦人 陳翰林先生

勤業眾信總裁 陳清祥先生

P&G台灣客戶業務發展部銷售總經理 Mr. Yuwen Li

萬泰銀行董事長 盧正昕先生

國立政治大學商學院領導學教授 李瑞華先生

琉璃奧圖碼科技亞洲區總經理 郭特利先生

台灣羅伯特博世總經理Mr. Bernd Barkey

國立政治大學企業管理學系教授 于卓民先生

聯合利華台灣/香港/韓國董事總經理 Mr. James Wong

友嘉集團總裁 朱志洋先生

卡內基訓練大中華地區負責人 Mr. John Hei

特力集團執行長 童至祥女士

EMBA商管聯盟召集人 楊建民先生

諾華亞洲區總裁 張振武先生

阿里巴巴台灣分公司總經理 傅紀清先生

雅芳台灣總經理 葉靖慧女士

之初創投合夥人 林之晨先生

國立臺北藝術大學校長 朱宗慶先生

行政院政務委員 張善政先生

國際知名舞蹈家 許芳宜小姐

全球一動董事長 何薇玲女士

商業週刊創辦人 金惟純先生

YAHOO!奇摩台灣董事總經理 陳建銘先生

法藍瓷總裁 陳立恆先生


培養青年領導力,創造更多影響力 For youth by youth

Sharing from the participant of Youth Impact Forum#5 胡永信 / 陽明大學 很高興參加第五屆AISEC青年影響力論壇,能受到來自政商藝文領域的重量級講 者們的醍醐灌頂,真是收穫良多。論壇中有許多共鳴之處,像是陳清祥總裁所說 的「成功不是屬於跑得快的人,而是永遠在跑的人。」而論壇進行一半時跳電, 也讓我見識到主辦單位積極的危機處理。何葳玲董事長公布的大學網路數據的使 用內容,讓我深感網路未來將重塑人類的行為,也會與許多疾病的產生、預防和 治療等息息相關。此次活動整體的心得就是:「唯一的不變就是改變」,要培養 自己的應變能力,如何化危機為轉機與機會的多寡都是來自平時的準備。

第五屆青年影響力論壇新聞剪輯 Media clipping of Youhth Impact Forum #5

施振榮勉青年:別說Me too、別跟大家走 【聯合晚報╱記者游婉琪╱台北報導】 智榮基金會董事長施振榮上午在第五屆青年影響力論壇以「贏在變平的世界」為 題演講,期勉年輕人不斷學習並勇於挑戰。 宏碁集團創辦人、現任智榮基金會董事長施振榮今天出席第五屆青年影響力論壇 ,以「贏在變平的世界」為題,對2000多名來自全台各地的大學生發表演說。他 以自己的座右銘「挑戰困難、突破瓶頸、創造價值」勉勵台灣青年,不做乖寶寶 跟著大家跑,逆向思考才能發現問題,創造出新的價值。 由國際經濟商管學生會(AIESEC)舉辦的第五屆青年影響力論壇,邀請國內33位 來自政商藝文領域的重量級講者,包含前海基會董事長江丙坤、施振榮、法藍瓷 總裁陳立恆、國際知名舞蹈家許芳宜等人,與青年分享台灣未來的競爭力。 面對愈來愈扁平化的世界,施振榮說,機會只會留給準備好的人,反過來準備好 的人,絕對不怕沒有機會。想要成為贏家,就必須要有創新思維,不要只想當乖 寶寶跟著別人後面走,要記住「Me too is not my style(跟隨非我風格)」。 人文創新是成功關鍵 施振榮表示,隨著人類需求不斷翻新,企業創新價值絕對會比降低成本,帶來更 多進步空間。過去企業強調「科技創新」,實際上「人文創新」才是成功關鍵。 他舉例,蘋果的產品之所以大賣,科技創新比率僅占30%到40%,人文創新高達 60%到70%,無奈產業界往往心有餘而力不足,「人文創新我叫了很久也沒用」 。 施振榮話鋒一轉,勉勵在場大學生趁還沒有包袱的時候,能夠盡情揮灑,替台灣 在人文創新做出貢獻。他說,「挑戰困難,突破瓶頸,創造價值」是他終身奉行 的座右銘,工作如果不苦,那就不必做。 要青年打破三大文化瓶頸 施振榮指出,台灣社會現今有三大文化瓶頸,分別是媒體亂象造成的價值半盲、資源分配不均、公職人員開創性不足的 行政文化等。他期許在場青年仿效「周處除三害」,除了具備創新思維,也應主動積極面對挑戰、培養團隊合作與溝通 等多方能力,才能贏在變平的世界。

培養青年領導力,創造更多影響力 For youth by youth


For Business By Youth 開啟青年與企業交流的樞紐,共創未來 P . 2 2 促進台灣企業全球化,為產業注入新思維 Global Internship Program for business

4 Cross-nation internship in Local Companies P . 2 5 與企業多元的合作方式,為雙方打造無限可能 Be AIESEC partners


促進台灣企業全球化,為產業注入新思維 Global Internship Prgram for business 人才,為企業之成功關鍵,更是支撐國家經濟發展的重要因素。全球人才實習計劃站在台灣人才議題第一線,為 在台企業引進各國優秀青年人才進行全職企業實習。企業可藉由此計畫,配合企業之全球布局、業務發展、設計研發 等發展策略,尋找各國適合之人才。在此同時,也為台灣整體產業吸引各國一流人才。 AIESEC相信藉由此項計劃在全球的運行,不只能達到國與國之間的交流,同是培育出優秀領導能力與國際觀之青 年,進而向組織之願景向前邁進。 Talent, is the one of the key successful factors in corporations, also the foundation of one country’s economic development. AIESEC Global Internship Program is standing with and solving the talent issue in Taiwan by introducing global talents into Taiwan. Corporations may utilize AIESEC Global Internship Program to collaborate with its international marketing, research and design strategy for searching the right talents from globe. At the same time, AIESEC Global Internship Program is also assisting the industries in Taiwan for recruiting the related top talents from every country.

計畫合作程序 Process of Global Internship Program

1 與企業確認人 才之條件需求 Confirm the requirements for the talents needed with corporates.



企業從AIESEC之 人才推薦之名單 內挑選適合之人 才面試

企業確認人選後 ,AIESEC將協助 辦理人才來台之 簽證手續

人才抵台後, AIESEC 將負責 相關住宿及文化 適應

Interview the short-listed candidates.

Visa application

Cultural and living adaptation



於AIESEC人才平 台為企業過濾篩 選適合人選 Select the best candidates through AIESEC network.




Annual result

設計 Design



AIESEC今年在創造海外人才來台實習機會上 ,再度創下AIESEC台灣歷史新高 AIESEC in Taiwan has set a new high record in creating internship opportunities in this year.















在實習內容上,多為理工、商管,協助企業研 發及拓展海外業務。 2010-2011 2011-2012


In the job description of internship, the majority is engineering and business, which are doing R&D and oversea marketing.

開啟青年與企業交流的樞紐,創造未來 For Businiess by youth


2012 - 2013 成功媒合實習人才25人,其中以 德國頂尖理工學校人才居多。 2012 - 2013 have successfully matched 25 people. Most of the matched talents are from top engineering school in Germany.





16 %


Central/South America




52 %




政府人才政策 緊縮前一年 (2011.01-2011.12)

South America

政府人才政策 緊縮後半年 (2012.01-2012.06)

2012.07 - 2013.06

平均每月新增之實習機會 AIESEC在2012遭逢政府人才政策劇烈緊縮,導致新增實習機會大 量減少。經過這一年AIESEC台灣的努力,我們達到,甚至超越過 去的水準。 AIESEC was facing a severe talent immigration visa issue in 2012, which caused a significant drop in creating internship opportunities for global talent. After a series of reform strategies in one year, AIESEC Taiwan has finally reached and even surpassed the previous level of creating internship opportunities in corporations.

計畫合作夥伴心得分享 Sharing from program partner 詹仕豪 Jeremy / ViewSonic亞太區 人資暨行政服務資深專員 這是與AIESEC第三次合作全球人才實習計畫,前兩位都是北美人,這次是有華裔背景的研習生,辦公室可以很感受到不同 的文化。研習生都讓公司更有國際化的感覺,而在團隊合作方面也可以感受到同仁有更多的包容心,讓研習生更能融入於公司 !看到研習生如此勇於接受挑戰、接受不同的文化、願意讓自己有空檔跨出舒適圈,這點就跟台灣很不一樣,很值得公司同仁 學習。Viewsonic和研習生的角色是教學相長,公司讓研習生再出社會前能了解一個公司的營運模式,而研習生用身體力行的 方式,展現青年人熱情好學的精神。希望透過這個計畫,Viewsonic是提供一個可以讓研習生帶著走的寶貴經驗的地方。 This is the 3rd time we work with AIESEC Global Internship Program. We have taken three interns from North America with different backgrounds. AIESEC interns make ViewSonic feel much more international. We can see that employees can embrace diversity and work with different people now. AIESEC interns are willing to jump out of their comfort zones, learn different cultures, and take challenges, which are the spirits that our employees may learn from. The relationship of ViewSonic and AIESEC interns is learning partner, which means ViewSonic may let interns know our business operation, and intern may show their powerful youth energy as well. Through AIESEC Global Internship Program, ViewSonic hopes to create a wonderful experience for both company and interns.

計畫合作夥伴心得分享 Sharing from program partner 林瑜 Ingrid Lin / 華泰電子股份有限公司 人力資源資深專員 這已經是第四次與AIESEC合作全球人才實習計畫,很高興有機會分享合作的經驗。我認 為一個國際研習生,對於不同的文化並不是走馬看花,而是有深入的了解。AIESEC的研 習生不管是在工作上、公司的活動或是假日休閒安排,都能展現出對於台灣的熱情和融 入大環境的慾望及期待,也讓周圍的同仁感受到他的熱情,有同仁跟我說過,看到一位 外國的年輕學生都能如此積極融入大家,反觀我們很多人一輩子都待在辦公室,把工作 當作是習以為常的事情。與研習生一同工作燃起我們對工作的火花和熱情,研習生帶給 周遭同仁正面影響力,這真的很難能可貴。所以也讓我們對於AIESEC GIP更有信心,希 望能引進更多優秀的研習生,讓正面的互動關係可以繼續延續下去! This is the 4th time that we work with AIESEC for Global Internship Program, and I am glad to share my great experience. Global interns are not just taking a glance of different cultures, instead, they have a deep understanding. The interns from AIESEC always show their passion about Taiwan and eagerness of living in the new environment, no matter it is during working, company events or weekend time. The employees can also feel their passion. One of my colleagues even told me that every time they see AIESEC interns having so much energy, they will reflect themselves why they are feeling numb of the work. It is very valuable that AIESEC interns can bring positive impact and passion to the working environment, and we will keep working with AIESEC for getting more international interns.


開啟青年與企業交流的樞紐,創造未來 For Businiess by youth

青年在台跨國實習團隊,跨文化的軟硬實力交流 Through cross-nation internship for creating an international working environmen 在地球村的時代,企業的員工來自世界各國,在職場上,員工有很多時間需要用到英文能力進行跨文化團隊溝通 。AIESEC也發現企業對人才的英文能力與國際觀的要求逐漸上升。AIESEC發起跨國團隊實習計畫,將原有之全球人才 計畫與企業之實習計畫結合,讓台灣學生不用花大錢出國,就有機會與各國之學生一起實習;跨國專業交流、英語溝 通、文化了解,都將得以發生在台灣。企業更得以從跨國團隊實習計劃中觀察實習生之表現,發倔適合之國際人才。 In the century of global village, employees in one company may come from different countries. Working with colleges with different cultural background by using English is a must. AIESEC realized that there is an increasing demand of English skill and global mindset from companies. This year, AIESEC Taiwan has launched a cross-nation internship project, which combines AIESEC Global Internship Program with corporation’s internship program. Through cross-nation internship project, Taiwan students are able to do internship with talents from different countries without the ability to spend a great amount of money to go abroad. The professional knowledge exchange, business English communication, and cultural understanding are all able to be happened in Taiwan. From the companies’ perspectives, they have chance to observe the talent’s capacity of working in an international environment.

計畫合作夥伴 Program partner AIESEC



Corporate Intership Program

AIESEC Global Internship Program

暑期大專生跨國團隊 Summer Cross-National Project










CVs from foreign students

Taiwan cross campuses promotion

Get more CVs from local students









Impressive internship experiences

Change Agents, Future Talents

在跨國團隊實習計畫中,台灣實習生和外國實習生有機會在同一團隊或辦公環境實習,AIESEC不只負責海外人才 招募及來台,同時運用AIESEC全台校園資源曝光宣傳企業實習計畫。此計畫今年度合作企業為6間,實習內容包括:會 計、機械工程、設計、商管、資訊工程。 此計畫約創造50多個跨國團隊實習之機會給台灣學生,25個實習會給國外學生。國外學生部分則來自於德國、加 拿大、美國。 For cross-nation internship project, local interns have chance to cooperate with foreign interns or working in the same environment. AIESEC does not only responsible for recruiting global interns, but also do the internship project’s promotion in local campuses by utilizing AIESEC national network. This year, we have 6 partners for cross-nation internship project, the internships including accounting, mechanical engineering, design, business and programming. The project has created over 50 opportunities of cross-national internship experience for local students and 25 oversea students. Most of the oversea students come from Germany, Canada and America.

開啟青年與企業交流的樞紐,創造未來 For Businiess by youth


與企業多元的合作方式,為雙方打造無限可能 Be AIESEC partners AIESEC期望透過我們的方式為世界帶來和平,而推動和平不是件易事,唯有成為具有領導力、國際觀瞻、且精益 求精的人才能給世界帶來正面影響力,因此,AIESEC透過與企業、政府及其他非營利、非政府組織合作,向各方請益 、汲取成功經驗;邀集更多青年加入我們的行列,共同為更美好的社會及未來努力。 AIESEC expects to bring the world peace through our way. However, it is never an easy task to put world peace into practice, and only the people who have leadership, global view and strive for excellence can bring the positive impact to the world. Therefore, AIESEC works with enterprises, governments, other NGOs and NPOs to learn the successful experiences from them. We invite more youths to join us and to work for the better society in the future.

三大年度合作模式 Categories of annual partnership 青年市場 — 大專院校行銷網絡 Explore Youth Market

AIESEC台灣總會由13名來自全台灣各大專院校的學生組成、帶領1,200位會員、全台共15個分會和1個籌備會, 影響力遍及80所以上之大專院校。透過舉辦跨校競賽、定期發送校園報以及校際電子報等宣傳方式,為合作夥 伴有效拓展青年市場。 AIESEC Taiwan is consisting of 13 students from the universities and colleges all around Taiwan and lead over 800 members, 16 local committees all over Taiwan. The influence of AIESEC Taiwan is over more than 80 universities and colleges. We expand the market of youth for our partners efficiently through holding the competitions among universities, publishing periodical online newspapers, etc.

菁英互動 — 全台年度大型會議 Meet Global Leaders

AIESEC會員重視自身學習並且力求精進,每年主辦/承辦多場國 內外大型會議,皆會邀請到國內外企業、學術權威等與會員分 享經驗。 AIESEC members value learning and strive for excellence. AIESEC holds many national and international conferences each year, and each conference will invite authorities of national and international enterprises and scholars to share the experience with members.

雇主品牌 — 共同舉辦校園活動 Build Up Employer Branding

透過舉辦青年影響力論壇,企業主針對來自全台各地的大專院校學生分享成功經驗,提升企業、個人於校園的 知名度;亞太地區企業聯合徵才列席企業皆是我們多年的人才培育伙伴,這場一年一度的活動,合作夥伴能優 先招募AIESEC會員進入公司,接續為他們效力。 Through Youth Impact Forum, the employers share the experience of success to the college students from all over Taiwan and improve their bandwidth among campus. The enterprises which join Career Day are all our partners in cultivating elite for many years. Through the annual event, the partners can have the priority to hire AIESEC members as their employees to work for them.


開啟青年與企業交流的樞紐,創造未來 For Businiess by youth

合作成功案列 Case of partnership with AIESEC

奧美公關|理財X壯遊 校園聯合講座 Ogilvy Public Relations | Financial Literacy X Travel Campus Lecture

奧美公關 總監 蔡正宏先生 Pony Tsai Account Director

奧美公關代表Visa台灣,在中華民國銀行公會指導下,再度與AIESEC國際經濟商管學生會台灣總會合作,於2013年5月 在北、中、南大學共同舉辦「理財壯遊夢」校園聯合講座,希望藉由一系列校園講座,由不同領域專家分享專業知識 ,協助大學生建立正確理財觀念並趁早擴展國際視野,將理財能力與國際觀付諸實際行動! 在AIESEC的努力下,我們成功地在台北東吳大學、嘉義中正大學與高雄中山大學舉辦三場校園講座,總共吸引661位同 學的熱情參與;此外,我們也建置理財壯遊夢Facebook 活動頁面,和大學生分享優悠理財秘訣、理財知識、知名部落 客理財經驗分享,也特別設計「撲滿人生」理財互動小遊戲,將正確理財觀念與知識傳達給台灣民眾。藉由AIESEC的 會員網絡,成功創造了超過10萬的網頁瀏覽數。 我們也與AIESEC討論2014年的合作方案,希望再度結合Visa與AIESEC ,一同協助年輕族群,奠定良好的理財基礎、培養國際視野、厚植競 爭力,與世界接軌。 The Ogilvy Public Relations represents Visa Taiwan, cooperate with AIESEC Taiwan again, under the direction of the bankers association of republic of china. In March, 2013. The universities in Taiwan hold a course of lecture together. We hope that by learning the professional knowledge from the specialists in different domains in series of lectures, the college students can build up the right financial concepts and global perspective, and put these into practice as early as possible! With all our efforts, AIESEC conduct three lectures in NTPU, CCU, NSYSU successfully. There are 661 students in total participated in our activities. Furthermore, we create the page of this event in Facebook, sharing the tips of easy financial management, the knowledge of how to manage your money, and the experiences of managing your properties shard by well known blogger. To spread the right financial cognition to people in Taiwan, we also programmed the interactive financial game "live with piggy bank". Through the VIP Internet of AIESEC, we got over 100 thousands page views successfully. We also discuss the 2014 cooperate programme with AIESEC, wish to combine Visa and AIESEC again, helping young generations to build up good financial foundation, global perspective, and cultivate the competitiveness to integrate into global community.

開啟青年與企業交流的樞紐,創造未來 For Businiess by youth


For Society By Youth 青年帶來改變力量,讓世界看見台灣

P . 2 8 海外青年擁抱福爾摩沙,在台各地散播影響力 Global Community Development Program for society P . 3 1 2 0 1 4全球青年領袖世界大會在台灣 Won the bid to host 2014 AIESEC Internation Congress


海外青年擁抱福爾摩沙,在台各地散播影響力 Global Community Development Program for society 透過運行全球青年在地發展計畫,台灣青年透過觀察、訪問深入了解台灣不同領域,農業、文化、觀光、教育與不同 主題的非營利組織。並以青年人的角度發現問題,進行專案設計並提案。除了積極尋求與各單位的合作外,同時也要 嘗試與外國青年進行討論和規劃,而對於台灣當地的非營利組織來說,接待來自國內外的青年互動,並為其帶來國際 思維與工作模式,對於組織的發展會有正向的助益。 The topic of projects that AIESEC works on, covered Agriculture、Culture、Tourism、Education and other social issues. We believe that youth can lead the change in any fields. They were equipped with hard and soft skills while creating projects with those seniors and international youth. In the long run, having new bloods and ideas in the field, would accelerate the evolution process of any fields they work in and they could bring in positive impacts to the industry.

全球青年在地發展計畫主要分為兩個專案 Two projects for Global Community Development Program 「夢想無國界專案」強調在台灣教育中國際觀的培育。除了平日教育以外,在寒暑假帶入來自不同國家的志工學生 分別在城市與偏遠地區舉行國際文化教育營隊。 「擁抱福爾摩沙專案」討論教育以外不同面向的台灣社會。我們透過訪談了解了非營利組織的需求,並透過專案提 高議題的能見度。我們討論的主題涵蓋: 社區發展,農業發展,台灣飢餓人口- 食物銀行, 推廣傳統文化和流浪動 物等。 Dream Beyond Languages national project highlights the importance of global mindset in education. We initiate summer and winter camps in both city centers and remote areas with groups of volunteers from different countries. Embrace Taiwan National projects focus on different social issues in Taiwan. We identified the needs of our partner organizations and increase the visibility of issues they work on. Topics include community development, Agriculture, Hunger, promote traditional Taiwanese culture and stray animals etc.


參與今年「夢想無國界」專案 的247個教育機構之分布圖 南臺灣

4% 高中 國中

3% 其他

High school

Junior high scool



Program partners of “Dream Beyond Language” proportion chart

Other area of Taiwan

South of Taiwan






51 %


Middle of Taiwan



Primary school


North of Taiwan

參與今年「擁抱福爾摩沙」專案的79個非營 利機構之區域分布圖 Location of program partners of “Embrace Taiwan” proportion

青年帶來改變力量,讓世界看見台灣 For Society by youth


計畫合作夥伴心得分享 Sharing from program Taker 楊智芳 / 烏來原住民發展協會 理事長 自協會的文化成長班成立以來,即與 AIESEC 合作,邀請來自英國、德國、吉爾 吉斯、澳洲、日本、紐西蘭、捷克、俄羅斯的國際志工們來協會並居留兩個月, 一同參與成長班的課程。這些國際志工因各自的語言、文化的不同,在此將他們 的國家介紹給我們認識,且志工們除了教授英語課程外,同時也教授他們本國的 語言,然而這第二外語雖然只是基礎的課程,但也提升了我們的對第二外語,甚 至第三外語有更高的興趣及認識。 這些國際志工與我們在日常生活相處上非常的融洽,縱使因語言的不同,在溝通 上有些許的困難,卻不阻礙我們互相交流的熱情。我們亦將在地的風土民情,原 住民的文化與美食也介紹給志工們。這種超越國界的文化交流,讓我們的視野更 加的廣闊。 至今已有10多位志工與我們交流、生活過,而我們也記得所有志工們的名字和與他們共同相處的歡樂時光,並藉著 FB及 E-mail 與他們仍有互動,未來我們也期待有更多各地的國際志工到此與我們一同交流與學習。 We have been cooperated with AIESEC since we were established. We have hosted almost 10 volunteers form UK、Germany、Kyrgyzstan、Australia、Japan、New Zealand、Czech Republic、Russia and stayed for 2 months. They introduced their languages and cultures to us. They support our learning not only in English but also our cultural understanding from so many different countries. We had good time with these foreigners; even there were some difficulties in communication due to language barrier, we still enjoy this international environment. Furthermore, we were not only learned from our foreign friends but also introduce our Aboriginal culture and food to them. I believe both parties had broadened our horizons from these precious opportunities.

計畫合作夥伴心得分享 Sharing from program taker 湯勇雄 / 新北市育德國小 教務主任 四年來接待11個國家的國際志工,每個國家的文化影響志工的表現,其中德國的 志工表面上是嚴謹不苟言,但是離別時和小朋友相擁流下不捨的眼淚,讓我印象 深刻,雖然已經離開近兩年,但每逢耶誕節及復活節都能收到她寄來的卡片和糖 ,讓大家感到開心與感動!國際志工的到來,除了讓孩子們敢開口說英語,更能透 過世界各國的志工的介紹,提升其國際視野與國際觀;另外更讓學校文化投入新 的元素,老師們也能體驗每天校園中都有外國人,促進良好的互動與交流,整體 提升學校的國際文化。 感謝AIESEC提供這麼好的平台,讓學校有機會引進國際志工,提升孩子的英語興 趣,個人認為與AIESEC合作必須時時密切溝通,相互尊重與體諒,了解彼此的需 求與困難,才不致造成誤會,進而媒合成功。當然更希望AIESEC負責的夥伴能常常 關心國際志工在台灣的情形,協助學校解決他們的問題,讓其感受到台灣人的熱 情,和學校共同完成很棒的國民外交。 We have hosted 11 volunteers from different countries since 2010. Through these experiences we realized that the performance of volunteers was strongly influenced by their home cultures. Taking a German volunteer who came in 2011 as example, she looked serious during her working. But, she cried so hard when she got to go back to her country. to her countries. Till now, we still keep in touch. Every Christmas and Thanksgiving, we still receive her cards and candies from Germany. We feel so happy and touched. Our children were encouraged to speak English in this international learning environment. Volunteers shared their cultures and experiences also support teachers to add in different elements while teaching. Bring not only positive impacts to our students but also our teachers. We appreciate AIESEC for providing this platform for us to raise the interest of students in learning English. I think the intense communication, mutual trust and respect are the essential elements to push this partnership forward. We also expect AIESEC can have more close relationship with volunteers and solve their problems together with schools. This is without a doubt, the perfect opportunity for civil diplomacy.


青年帶來改變力量,讓世界看見台灣 For Society by youth

栽培青年無國界,全球青年在台灣自我成長 Global Youth in Taiwan 除了幫助台灣社會在各議題上的發展,另一方面也建立外國人對台灣深層文化的認識,不只是淺層的觀光景點,而 是用外國人的觀點,了解不同層面的台灣,做第一手的解讀。為了確保國外青年來台的學習與對台灣文化的正確認 知,在審核專案內容與外部的溝通上AIESEC確保每一週國際青年在單位的服務內容,並提供相關訓練及必要的專案 訓練與跨國文化適應的課程,協助國際青年可以快速融入台灣生活,並建立起互助網絡。 On the other hand, the aims of Global Community Development Program are to introduce different cultural aspects of Taiwan society to the foreign youth and build up their cross- cultural communication competencies. To ensure the learning of the youth during their stay in Taiwan, AIESEC scans every job description and make sure those tasks are related to our mission. Before the projects started, AIESEC provides training sessions that equipped our interns with basic skills and knowledges for their project. Apart from some individual training provided by each project; there are 2 National Trainee Conferences taken place in every Jun and Dec.

全球青年的學習機會 The Learning Opportunity of Global Community Development Program 自我成長


Personal Development


Social impact

6% 捷克 Czech Republic



Most recognized by program takers


印尼 Indonesia




馬來西亞 Malaysia

32% 其他


Cross Cultural


德國 Germany




Job description



俄羅斯 Russia

10% 新加坡 Singapore

3% 2012.07-2013.07 全球青年志工國家分布



2010.07-2013.07 全球青年志工來台人數

泰國 Thailand

Trainee’s countries proportion chart

2010-2011 2011-2012


Number of trainee participating Global Community Development Program

國際青年志工經驗分享 Trainee Experience My Taiwan adventure / Haimi Tefera / 南非

South Africa

/ 新竹

HsinChu / 2011.12

On the project with me were two others – Dong Pham and Frederica Oktaviani. Jerry Chang and Lea Ku were overseeing the project and would become our anchors for the rest of the trip. What was the project? Just the coolest project ever! Weekends, however, was reserved for exploration. From seeing Taipei, going to the zoo and other cities to going partying with the crazy night life! The masterminds of our schedule really did a good job with balancing work and play. Never were we bored but hardly ever were we tired and despondent! Weekend Adventures! Our tasks and projects also allowed for us to meet interns on other projects in Hsinchu who also ended up being part of our best-friends-clan. The South Americans – Felipe, Marcus and Karla – ensured that we got a taste of South America. We had the whole world in Taiwan and it was a dream come true. I’ve heard rumours of some internships gone bad and I thank the universe for bringing me to Taiwan and specifically to the amazing Hsinchu team that ran an impeccable project for us. From the facilities at home like the internet, fridge, and cosy environment; to the organised and problem-free work environment, all went really smoothly. Of course there were problems like getting fat because of all the good food and getting lost in town but those were fun too. Getting FAT in Taiwan!

青年帶來改變力量,讓世界看見台灣 For Society by youth


爭取 2 0 1 4 全球青年領袖世界大會在台灣 Won the bid to host 2014 AIESEC Internation Congress

爭取成功的那一刻,實現了我們50年來的夢想 AIESEC in Taiwan成立於1964年,為AIESEC全球網絡中第36個會員國,2008年開始,AIESEC in Taiwan開始致力於擴張與 成長,五年來,在交換計劃數量與組織規模上均有大幅度的躍進,讓台灣躍升成為全球124個國家與地區中排名前十的優 秀會員。隨著組織的穩健發展,我們也逐漸拓展格局、放眼國際, 希望進一步提升台灣在國際上的知名度,因此2011年,當任總會第一次爭取AIESEC International Congress (世界大會) 的主辦權,希望藉由籌辦AIESEC最大的年會,讓世界看見台灣,也讓AIESEC in Taiwan藉此機會精益求精。很可惜地,在 當時未能獲得其他會員國的支持,無法成功取得主辦權。 接著,2012-2013年的台灣總會決定秉持台灣人永不放棄的精神,積極尋求AIESEC in Taiwan學長姊的支持、政府各單位 與企業的指導和背書,仔細製作長達50頁的企劃書,呈現台灣舉辦國際會議在軟硬體設施和政經環境的優勢,以及AIESEC in Taiwan的籌辦能力及台灣人的友善,儘管準備完善,仍在第一次申請時,僅拿到20%投票國家的支持而失敗。隨後,總 會團隊再接再厲,採取外交策略向其他國家大力宣傳台灣以及展現舉辦的決心,終於在11月成功取得三分之二投票國家的 支持,確定2014 AIESEC世界大會在台灣。 雖然申請過程艱辛、耗時兩年,卻也體現了台灣人的堅持不懈與軟硬實力,謹代表AIESEC in Taiwan感謝經濟部、外交部 、華碩電腦在爭取過程中對於學生組織的認可與支持,感謝AIESEC理監事會和在各行各業表現傑出的AIESEC學長姐的協助 ,感謝AIESEC全球對於台灣的信任,這成功的一小步,不僅跨出了AIESEC in Taiwan在組織發展上的重要一大步,也帶著 台灣與世界越走越近。 讓我們一起為籌備團隊加油,引領期盼2014年全球近千名優秀青年領袖齊聚台灣! "Congratulations to AIESEC Taiwan for hosting 2014 International Congress". A dream throughout 50 years had been realized when the result had announced to 124 AIESEC entities. It had been a long and tough way, AIESEC Taiwan had to be united altogether, actively sought for cross-sectors support, presented the true beauty of Taiwanese and superior qualities of Taiwan environment. Moreover, we had to bravely striving to successfully get the bidding although we had three times of failure before. This process not only proves our capabilities of hosting large-scale international congress, but also shows the spirit of "Never give up" of Taiwan youth. We want to show our supreme gratitude towards government, ASUS, AIESEC Board of Directors, AIESEC alumni and AIESEC Worldwide. This movement means a huge progress for AIESEC Taiwan, as well as to bring Taiwan closer to the world. Let's be excited about 2014 International Congress taking place in Taiwan!

籌備委員會架構圖 Structure of Congress Committee 籌備主席 蔡孟修


財務管理 李柏毅 Director of Finance


活動策畫與場務 譚皓瑋


6 名中階幹部

13 名籌備組員

合作夥伴拓展與服務 廖唯善


5 名中階幹部

3 名籌備組員

品牌形象與公共關係 李昀芸


6 名中階幹部

23 名籌備組員

會議招生與接待 黃詩婷


3 名中階幹部

12 名籌備組員

President of Congress Committee

Director of Congress Experience

Director of External Relations

Director of PR & Marketing

Director of Delegate Service


上圖為 2014 AIESEC 全球青年領袖世 界大會 籌備主席 蔡孟修,前往埃及 參加2013世界大會進行交接典禮。

6 middle structure

5 middle structure

6 middle structure

3 middle structure

青年帶來改變力量,讓世界看見台灣 For Society by youth

13 members

3 members

23 members

12 members


The milestone of sustainable develpment 協助數間大學推廣及成立AIESEC,拓展青年影響力 Expand Operational Unit to More Campuses 今年在於分會成立流程上最大的里程碑,就是明確化分會成立流程的每個階段(校園據點→籌備會→分會)以及 需要達到的標準,AIESEC Taiwan的長期目標就是希望有越來越多的青年人能夠加入我們,進而對社會產生正面影響力 ,依照目前全台灣分會的分布,我們致力於開發中南部的學校,希望藉此讓全台各地的青年人都能夠很容易地接觸 AIESEC,明年我們會更致力於輔佐這些要成立分會的學校,讓他們都能夠順利進入到下一個階段,最終成為穩定發展 的分會。 The biggest milestone regarding to the establishment of local office(full membership) in this year is to clarify each stage of establishing local office and set up criterias for each stage(Extension Initiative->Extension->Full membership). The long-term goal of AIESEC Taiwan is to engage more and more youth to have positive impacts on the society. Based on the distribution of our local offices around Taiwan, we focus on developing universities in middle and south areas to establish local offices in their campus. We hope to enable every youth in Taiwan to reach AIESEC easily. Next year, we will put our efforts on making these universities, which are going to establish local offices, go to next stage successfully, and become stable local offices in the future.


National Central University and National Chung Hsing University

中央大學與中興大學是今年由台灣總會主動協助創立分會的學校,在這 之前,交大分會已有在中央做過核心計畫的推廣,而中興大學則是有東 海逢甲分會做過推廣,目前兩間學校的創會團隊都已組成,並於2013年 七月夏季大會成為AIESEC校園據點,已訂定好未來兩年的發展計劃,期 盼未來正式成為AIESEC分會。 National Central University(NCU) and National Chung Hsing University(NCHU) aare the schools that AIESEC Taiwan actively assists to establish local offices in their campuses. Before that, AIESEC in National Chiao Tung University(NCTU) and AIESEC Tunghai University(THU) have respectively promoted AIESEC core products in NCU and NCHU campus already. Now, these two universities have already formed teams for establishing local office and have two-years plan for future development. Both of them are very excited about having AIESEC in their campuses in the future. AIESEC Taiwan works very hard to assist them and they plan to become our extension initiatives in July Summer National Conference this year.


National Chung Cheng University

國立中正大學於2012七月在正式通過成為籌備會,在過去一年中一直致力於推動AIESEC的核心計畫、讓更多中正 大學的學生能夠加入AIESEC而變得更有國際視野與競爭力,同時也為中正大學注入更多學習資源,明年的計畫是 繼續穩定組織發展,除了推廣更多的核心計畫,也讓組織內部的人力和財務狀況越來越能夠永續經營,在2015年 一月的冬季全國大會申請成為正式分會,正式地讓AIESEC由15個分會邁向16個分會,為更多學校的學生提供與國 際和領導力接軌的機會。 Chung Cheng University Extension (CCU Extension) was established in July, 2012. They worked very hard on promoting AIESEC core products to youth and organizations, engaging students of CCU to become more international and competitive, and introducing more learning resources into CCU in the past year. Next year they will focus on making organizational development sustainable by promoting more and more AIESEC core products and stabilizing talent capacity and financial status. They plan to become full membership in January 2015 Winter National Conference so that AIESEC in CCU can operate independently to connect students with leadership and the world.

永續發展的里程碑 The milestone of sustainable develpment



The milestone of sustainable develpment 改善內部知識與資訊管理系統,提升組織運作效率和品質 Improve the system of information and knowledge management to enhance the quality and effiency of organazational operation 企業資源規劃系統引入

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System

今年開始引入企業資源規劃系統作為管理的中樞,基於 平台開發,整合了客戶關係管理、服務傳遞管理、應 收帳款管理等功能,得以更有效的利用資料並實現內部控制機制,而 基於這樣的基底往後也可以發展出更多的應用例如商業智慧的導入, 朝善用數據分析的組織之路邁進。 This year we develop and deploy the ERP System as the center of management. Based on the platform, it integrated the Customer Relationship Management, Delivery Management and Accounts Receivable Management. Let us utilize data more effectively and realize the Internal Control. Based on those foundations we can implement more applications in the following years like Business Intelligence, to become a truly Data-Driven Organization.

組織財務報告 Financial Report


Accrual basis of accounting model innovation, and promote organizational accounting and tax professional.

2012-2013年,由總會帶頭,推動整體AIESEC in Taiwan從原先現金基礎記帳模式,轉入與企業相同之應計基 礎記帳模式及專業報表製作,讓AIESEC台灣不管是分會或總會在會計及稅務管理上資訊更加正確及專業。 2012-2013 by always taking the lead, and promote overall AIESEC in Taiwan from the original cash-based accounting model, to the accrual basis of accounting models and professional reporting which also used by enterprise, allowing AIESEC Taiwan of either local offices can be more accurate and professional on information and tax administration.


Passing audit by an external audit company, promote the internal audit system. Provide external professional credible information.

經過應計基礎的推動,台灣總會更進一步修正長期以來的財務資訊以及以往的會計稅務資料,並於2013年首度 通過由嘉威會計事務所所執行之會計及稅務審計查核。讓AIESEC台灣總會的財務會計資訊得到專業認證的保障 ,對外界的溝通及觀感更加的可靠,也提昇學生組織的可信度。 After utilizing accrual basis, AIESEC Taiwan further amend the financial information, and previous accounting tax information. Meanwhile, it is the first time for AIESEC Taiwan to seek cooperation with Chai Wei accounting firm to conduct the accounting and tax audit. This enables AIESEC Taiwan’s financial and accounting information will always get professional certification guarantee, being more reliable to external parties and enhance the credibility as student organization.


Introduced the concept of sustainable financial planning, the concept of managed funds in six effective investment planning measures.

2012-2013年度財務部門另一項指標為引入了永續財務規劃的基金管理概念進入組織,將現有資產劃分為「品 牌」「治理與管理」「財務與合法性」「技術情報與基礎設備」「客戶與合作夥伴」「人才儲備」等六大管理 基金,為組織永續發展與長遠財務投資奠定衡量標準與基礎。 In this year, Financial Department has brought another important concept to the organization, which is the sustainable financial planning concept by having fund management. To classify the current assets into 6 management fund type,including :"Brand" ,"Governance and Management" ,"Financial and legitimacy", "IT and infrastructure equipment.", "Customers and partners'” and “Talent pool”. This measure lay a strong foundation for the sustainable development of the organization.


永續發展的里程碑 The milestone of sustainable develpment


The milestone of sustainable develpment 推動分會財務獨立管理化,精進分會財務負責人財務管理能力。

Promotes the local offices’ independence in financial management, training 16 local offices’ CFOs.

別於以往分會附屬於總會財務管理的基礎下,2012-2013年總會推動分會財務獨立管理化,將AIESEC財務管理 分權化,分會自行管理自有資產,讓分會有更高的獨立性及財務自主性,提高組織財務管理學習價值,並讓內 部財務流程更有效率。 Different from the usual practice which local offices’ financial management are attached to national office, AIESEC Taiwan promotes local offices’ independence in financial management. Decentralize AIESEC’s financial management, enables local offices to manage their own assets. Therefore, local offices have higher independence and finance autonomy, increase the learning value of financial management within the organization and enhance efficiency of internal financial flow.


Introduce the concept of accounts receivable into Customer Management system, result in minimum accuracy rate for account receivable is 98%.

別於以往的客戶管理方式,2012-2013年引入salesforce客戶管理系統,並加入應收帳款管理機制做客戶收費 系統,使應收帳款率大幅下降,收款準確率達98%以上。 Different from the previous customer management approach, this year AIESEC Taiwan introduced salesforce customer management system, and adding accounts receivable management mechanisms to handle customer billing, so that accounts receivable dropped significantly, receiving more than 98% accuracy rate.


Income analysis

2012-2013年度主要收入分為兩類,一為計畫行政收入服務,二為青年影響力論壇收入。計畫行政收入中,海外成長計 畫一直為AIESEC in Taiwan發展最為成熟之計畫,今年更首度送出破千位學生出國擔任志工或專案服務,因此帶來較多 專案行政收入,為組織基本花費奠下良好基礎。此外,今年擴大舉辦了兩次青年影響力論壇,廣大的活動贊助及活動收 入也是重要的金源。 Main source of income for this year can be divided into two categories, the programs administration revenue, and the revenue from Youth Impact Forum. Regarding the programs administration revenue, outgoing Global Community Development Program contributes the most. This year, it is the first time for sending more than 1000 students abroad for cultural exchanges, so it brings more ad hoc administration income, which lay a good foundation for the basic expenses of the organization. In addition, this year AIESEC Taiwan enlarge the scale in holding 2 youth forums, the sponsorships and event income have majority contribution to the revenue.

12% 雜項支出 Other

2% 專案活動收入青年影響力論壇

41 %

Event revenue Youth Impact Forum

1% 其他收入 Other


Expenditure analysis


45 %


Admin revenue of 4 main pograms

3% 會費收入 Member fee 6% 企業捐助 Enterprise sponsor 4% 政府補助

Government subsidy

Returnee gathering expense

專案活動支出 青年影響力論壇 Event expense Youth Impact Forum

31 23

薪資支出 Salary



4% 辦公費-租賦費

14% 業務推展費

Business Promoting

Office rental

13% 辦公會務費用

Office expense

2012-2013年主要支出有會務部分的人事及辦公室行政等相關費用,以及和管理分會運行的會議相關費用,暫了總支出 的48% ,在業務方面,推動更多人知道AIESEC的業務推展費,以及維持公共關係之青年影響力論壇是今年度主要的花費 ,其餘雜項支出則為前期款項付清等等帳目。 This year, the main expenditure consists of 2 parts: the first one is human resources and office administration related cost and the other one is conference operation cost, these 2 parts dominate 48% of total expenditure. In running the business, the main expenses are mainly promoting cost for introduction of AIESEC to more people and also the public relations management of Youth Impact Forum. The miscellaneous expenses are for overdue debt of previous terms.

校友的成長故事 The stories of AIESEC Alumni



The stories of AIESEC Alumni 林宛靜

/ 之初創業投資管理顧問股份有限公司


Yvette Lin / appWorks Ventures Investment Manager AIESEC life對我來說,是一場太美又太早結束的冒險。 三年間發生了許多事,其中最難忘的當然是2010亞太領導人才培訓會議的籌 備主席,這個歷盡艱辛的任務和我第一次的國際會議。第一次的國際會議是 我存了三個月的家教錢,毅然決然去馬來西亞體驗一下甚麼叫國際交流。 "AMAZING"是我唯一能夠形容這次初體驗的方式,對當年的我來說,扎扎實 實的開了眼界,其他膚色的人不再只出現在電視上,而是成為我真正的朋友 ,我關心的人和我交流的對象。自此之後,我才真的下定決心要更用力的探 索AIESEC。 接下籌備主席是我這輩子最正確的決定之一。當然也是目前扛過最辛苦的事 情。在一片荒蕪中,一個沒有參加過亞太領導人才培訓會議的人,要把這個 籌委會組起來,要想辦法補幾百萬的預算,同時只剩下9個月的時間,壓力 是非常非常大的。國際會議和其他任務不同的地方在於幾乎找不到人給你傳 承,當選的那一天開始就準備自力自強吃自己。 然而,就是這種吃自己的狀態和不能輸的骨氣,我辛苦的籌備團隊們最終一起成就了,被世界總會記入歷史作 為標竿的一次會議,直至今日,我們都還會從國際友人的耳語中聽到他們提起"傳奇般的國際會議",讓我們可 以小小的再一次驕傲我們曾經達成的事情。 AIESEC三年,只是個開始,認識了一群心中有夢,眼中有烈火的青年,和來自15所大學的朋友變成無話不談的 酒肉朋友。開始之後呢? 我知道,在未來的路上,我有人可以相伴把酒,有人可以暢談理想,有人可以低語傷 心,當我們都準備好再大幹一場的時候,一聲喝下,會有人勇敢的跳出來。是我在AIESEC得到最珍貴的寶藏 擁有同樣夢的夥伴。 My AIESEC journey is just like a fantastic but too short adventure. The most right decision I made is being president of conference committee of Asia Pacific Regional conference, and surely the toughest experience even till now. I had to generate millions of sponsorship in 9 months, organized 7 days conference for 300 delegates, arrange all initiatives and details when there’s no one told you how. This kind of huge pressure, had trained me and my team to be brave, persistent and solution-oriented. We made a historically excellent conference recognized by AIESEC worldwide. Having a group of passionate friends who has dreams and actions to realize dreams, make me able to move on my life no matter how happy or sorrowful, to talk about and hear great ideas. This life-long friendship is definitely the biggest treasure given by AIESEC.


永續發展的里程碑 The milestone of sustainable develpment

何宜庭 / 精英公關集團 經典公關 資深專案執行 Cindy Ho / Elite PR Group Apex Communications Consultants Senior AE 勇於實踐 活出自我 AIESEC,讓我在就讀政大新聞系與企管系的大學生活中,參與「讓世界看見 台灣,讓台灣走向世界」的旅程,過程中也透過團隊合作培養個人領導力與 團隊管理技能;更藉由實習計畫拓展國際觀,學習用嶄新的觀點看世界。 在擔任AIESEC台灣總會品牌推廣副會長的這一年,我融合行銷公關所學,與 總會夥伴們共同制定年度目標與計畫,帶領團隊推行各項專案,以公關心法 與組織的各種利益關係人建立並維持良好關係,由內而外傳散AIESEC的影響 力。 在泰國曼谷參與海外實習計畫的這一年,我延續在AIESEC體驗到的創業家精 神以及跨文化溝通,繼續築夢、逐夢的旅程。在一家新創公司中,與來自美 國、南非、日本、韓國、泰國等學習跨國團隊合作、專案管理;透過心靈成 長更加認識自己,也領悟另一種人生觀。 目前我在精英公關集團中的經典公關為科技業客戶提供公關顧問服務。揉合 在AIESEC建立起的創業家精神與影響力傳散思維,加上堅持與創新、為夢想 而戰的工作態度,一直以來,我對公關職涯的願景與期待是,身為一個能用 同理心換位思考、富創業家精神,且能帶來正面影響力的公關人。 一切的一切,源於AIESEC,感謝AIESEC。期待有更多種子在各處落地、開花、結果。 AIESEC, enabled a student double major in journalism and business administration lead Taiwan to the world, learn how to be a team player and a leader with management skills, further join Global Internship Program to have global working experience and expand horizons. From my experiences of being in charge of communications nationally and working in a start-up in Thailand, I’ve demonstrated marketing skills, cultural awareness and entrepreneurship, altogether led me to a successful start of my career. All in all, it’s all because of AIESEC. Thank you AIESEC.

郭書廷 / 亞馬遜公司 專案專員 Kuo ShuTing / Subject Matter Expert Kindle Content Operations 我在AIESEC最難忘的事情,會是2010年領導團隊舉辦全國大 會,以及2011年參加海外實習計畫到印度的那一年。 2010年,我們為全台灣屆時15個分會300多人舉辦冬季全國大 會,除了贊助學校指導之外,也透過這次機會自己運轉關於 行銷、組織、領導、分配等技能,與一群傑出的朋友們燃燒 自己的熱情,發揚當時的主旨「Fascinate Your Culture」 讓大家都來認識自我文化。 2011年我踏上嘟嘟車橫行的印度,與一群異國朋友住在一起 ,展開白天印度晚上聯合國的研習生活。 日出我在鮮豔的印度文化裡探險、嘗鮮、交朋友,夜裡我和巴西、阿根廷、捷克的好友們天南地北的聊、計畫旅行。我 的世界觀、文化包容力,在這段日子裡被徹底擴張,看到更寬闊的地球。透過海外實習計畫來到Amazon上班,被安置在 嶄新計畫的成員之一,與這些印度菁英共同使用美國的資源與中國的戰略版圖,一步一步地協助產品開店、上線,都讓 我更加體悟到要去站到巨人的肩膀上拓展自己的視線,一輩子一次看的那麼遼闊也好。 我剛進入大學時,理工背景的我對傳媒有些興趣,英文很差,從來不知道世界有多大,是AIESEC帶給我成長的機會,讓 我統整、自律、組織領導、而後邁進;是AIESEC推了我一把,在多元的異地文化中認識地球村的鄰居們,並飛上了一個 高度,遠眺,然後繼續進步。我視AIESEC是我這一生的驕傲,也是我衷心最感謝的一位好朋友。 2011, I departed to India alone, to start my internship there. Every day, I experienced typical India culture yet also interacted with people from various countries by living with them. My conception of world, openness had been extremely extended. I worked in a top global company – Amazon, to step into a new area, brainstorm and execute with local elites. Call back the moment of college I was without any imagination of future and fluency in English. AIESEC had provoked my potential in leadership and self-awareness. AIESEC had pushed me to leave home and explore this world. AIESEC had made me improve day by day. I’m simply proud to be an AIESECer forever.



Annual Partners in 2012.07-2013.07 菁英培育夥伴—年度會議合作 Cultivate Global Leaders 美商宏智國際顧問 有限公司台灣分公司 Development Dimensions International



Hult International Business School

IE Business School

品牌拓展夥伴—物資、媒體贊助 企業 Explore Youth Market



YenJing Beer


代理商 台英有限公司

Opera 軟體公司


Opera Software ASA

Radio Taiwan Internatinoal







Kang Wen Culture & Education Fondation

Gjun Inc.

1111 Job Bank

American International Education Foundation

雇主品牌夥伴—年度活動合作 Promote Employer Branding

中國信託 China Trust

傑太日煙國際股份 有限公司

精英公關 Elite PR Group

研華科技 Advantech

Japan Tobacco Inc






Ogilvy PR Worldwide

Standard Chartered

Procter & Gamble









Hotel Royal Chiao Hsi

校友的成長故事 The stories of AIESEC Alumni

雇主品全球人才夥伴—全球人才實習計畫合作 Global Internship Program

大來育樂股份有限公司 文佳科技股份有限公司 Victoria Incorporated

Axtronics Inc.

香港商瑞健股份有限公司 SHL Group

財團法人公益平台 文化基金會

台灣眾鑫企業股份 有限公司

美商優派股份有限 公司

Taiwan Jhonsin Co., ltd

ViewSonic International Corporation

復盛股份有限公司 Fusheng Co., Ltd.

The Alliance Cultural Foundation

新加坡商和樂网 有限公司


HRnet One Pte Ltd

India Palace


資誠聯合會計師 事務所

Orient Semiconductor Electronics, Ltd.

Pricewaterhouse Co. International Ltd.

蔚思品牌管理有限公司 鼎泰豐小吃店股份 有限公司

PHISON Electronics Corp.



Din Tai Fung Dumpling House

趨勢科技股份 有限公司 Trend Micro Inc.

刊物/ 2012-2013 AIESEC台灣 青年影響力成果報告書 發行人/ 潘珮瑄 主 編/ 李昀芸 地 址/108台北市萬華區康定路229號4樓 電 話/02-2306-9472 / 02-2306-9724 網 站/ 電子信箱/ 出版日期/ 2013年10月初版一刷 社團法人國際經濟商管學生會台灣總會

Publish/ 2012-2013 AIESEC in Taiwan Youth Impact Annual Report Publisher/ Peggy Pan Editor/ YunYun Lee Adress/4F., No.229, Kangding Rd., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City 108, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel/02-2306-9472 / 02-2306-9724 Web/ E-mail/ The issue date/ Oct. 2013 AIESEC in Taiwan

Youth Impact Annual Report 2012-2013


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