Proposta Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship

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Social Architecture, Sustainability, and Dense Settlements in Brazil: Techniques for the survival of communities. 60 - DAY TRAVEL PROJECT



Currently in Brazil, free technical assistance for social-interest housing is based on a Federal Law (number 11.888 / 2008) that seeks to facilitate the work of architects and urban planners in low-income settlements. This law, despite having existed since 2008, is still not effectively applied in the country and only in recent years has the debate started to intensify. Free technical assistance is responsible for creating popular housing projects, improving existing properties and land regularization. Families can live in either urban or rural areas, but must earn less than three minimum wages. These actions fit perfectly with the concepts of sustainability and the objectives of the ODS-11 (UN) since it directly influences the improvement of the quality of life and reduces the expenses with public health associated with the health conditions of the housing. However, there is a lack of research comparing the models applied in different Brazilian cities and helping to find new steps in free technical assistance actions. A new step needs to be proposed since the housing conditions of low-income settlements in Brazil have worsened in the face of the political, economic and health crisis.

Step 1: Salvador City (01/12/2021 - 12/12/2021) Salvador is one of the pioneering cities in the implementation of free technical assistance offices for social-interest housing, and has managed to combine the daily practice of construction with low-income communities with scientific research. It is in the same region as my city and would be a good place to start studies.



Objective As a result of this research, we hope to enrich the debate on the issue of self-construction and housing rights for the low-income population, to verify that the free technical assistance processes for social housing can contribute to the formation of an environmental awareness, related to the concepts of sustainable development. With this, we will be able to verify that it is possible for the architect and urban planner to assist in the process of removing people from the poverty line and the lack of minimum living conditions and to contribute to the growth of cities in a peaceful way with the environment.



Personal Interest My personal interest in this topic arose from the opportunity that I had to participate as a collaborator in free technical assistance actions for housing improvement projects for the low-income population in the city of Recife (Brazil). The experience for me was impressive, because on the one hand, I could see that more than 90% of the population in my city does not have access to architects and urban planners and, on the other hand, I was able to question myself: how is it possible to train so many architects and urban planners without listening to these people who make up more than half the territory of my city? Could this approximation between social architecture and sustainable practices be a response to the survival of these communities?

Step 2: Brasília (13/12/2021 - 24/12/2021) The country's capital is a modernist icon, entirely planned in the 1950s, but it has not been able to solve old problems of Brazilian contradictions. However, in recent years, many free technical assistance practices have tried to improve the lives of the low-income population. An important point of reflection on urban planning.



Step 3: Curitiba (02/01/2022 - 13/01/2022) Curitiba is one of the main Brazilian metropolises. It is a city considered by many as an example of urbanism, sustainable development and mobility. It is one of the main investors in free technical assistance offices for social-interest housing and has become a reference in its practices. A great time to take notes and observe.

Research Methods

Reports and sketches

Photographic records

Semi-structured interview

Meeting with locals

RECIFE’S REALITY 1.537.704 inhabitants demographic density of 7,039.64 inhabitants / km²

Step 4: Porto Alegre (14/01/2022 - 25/01/2022) The city of Porto Alegre is also one of the biggest supporters of the free technical assistance offices for social-interest housing, the council of architects in the city is responsible for preparing manuals that assist young architects in the technical assistance process and also develops activities that they care about in bringing environmental awareness to low-income settlements.

53% of Recife's population is female 53% of the population lives in precarious conditions, without sanitation Recife is considered the most unequal city in Brazil

Step 5: Santos City (26/01/2022 - 06/02/2022) The city of Santos, on the coast of São Paulo, is considered a reference in actions of free technical assistance for social-interest housing. Through various initiatives, architects, urban planners, geographers and environmentalists from all over Brazil have been invited to participate in debates on improving housing conditions for low-income populations. It is the perfect time to understand sustainability practices.

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