WestCoast News - July 2016

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July 2016

Celebrating 30 Years ywamperth.org.au


to 04 Committing the Word of the Lord Staying on course in times of testing


Celebrating 30 years as YWAM Perth Honouring God in His incredible faithfulness to us

10 the Spheres of Society

7 Questions for Those Impacting Exploring how God uses all areas of society to reveal Himself to the world


Seeing Change in Western Australia Our ongoing work with Indigenous and marginalised Australians


The next Megacity: Manila, Philippines Continuing our ministry of seeing transformation in urban locations


Building Towards Our Future Update on finances and project development

Platforms 19 Developing for Social Enterprise How hospitality can activate change in communities


Dear Friends,


he most profound and continuing emphasis in YWAM's story is that God speaks. This started with a young 13 year old called Loren Cunningham who had a call to preach. It’s through this genealogy that YWAM Perth has pursued the vision of waves of young people crashing onto the nations as ambassadors of God’s love and forgiveness. In this edition of the WestCoast we share about our 30th year celebration; different YWAM Perth graduates influencing spheres of society; change in Western Australia; and we announce our next megacity. The milestone 30th year was about remembering relationships, intimacy with God, seeking God, purity of heart, and a desire to hear God. A right heart is essential to hearing God clearly. We stopped to remember what had brought YWAM Perth this far. There is a Maori proverb that says: “we get to the future through our past.” That’s where we stand. Enjoy the read and join with us in deep gratefulness for God’s inclusion in His great redemptive plan. Sincerely,

Shirley Brownhill Base Leader of Youth With A Mission Perth


Committing to t h e word of the Lord Peter Brownhill Founder of YWAM Perth

Loren Cunningham, Founder of YWAM International

a ministry or an objective has been with the conviction that if God said it, He will do it… but in His time and His way - and same as with Joseph, always with testing.

I was 31 years old in 1982 and on vacation with my family in Queensland. One morning as I was showering, I was in deep prayerful thought with a picture of Australia so clearly in my head "Perth, Western Australia" was flashing as it came to my mind. I sensed God say “Go to Perth and start a YWAM work there." Excited, I jumped out of the shower to tell my wife what I had seen and heard. Psalm 105:19 ESV – "Until what Shirl and I prayed and we both felt a “yes” He said came to pass, the word from God that this was right. We proceeded of the Lord tested Him." to process this with elders of our mission and we were commissioned in December ack in 1976, as a young 25 year old, 1985 to go west. I heard Loren Cunningham speak of God speaking to Him about assign- The language that Loren and others used ments and guidance. I had no notion for God speaking in a given direction was of this type of communication from God. My the Old Testament term of the “Word of the understanding of God speaking was only Lord.” This is what I now know I had in those through the Bible. This idea of God speaking years from 1982 – 1985. I had the word of in real time independently of the Bible was the Lord to start a YWAM work in Perth, challenging to say the least. Western Australia.


I remember one story Loren shared. He was driving down a freeway in Los Angeles as he heard God say to him that he was to take the noon Continental flight to Hawaii on the following day. To make a phone call in those days, he had to pull to the side of the road to a telephone booth and ring Continental Airlines to enquire if there was a Continental flight to Hawaii on the next day and if there were seats available. It turned out there was a flight but no seats – in fact, a long waiting list. The next day, Loren showed up at Continental, put himself on the end of the waiting list, but seated himself right in front of the boarding gate – since God had spoken to him so specifically. He stood firm on what God had said and waited. A man came down the entrance of the boarding tunnel and called “Mr Cunningham, would you follow me." Loren had also asked for a window seat, which he got. He then began to wonder what assignment God had for him in Hawaii. It turned out to be the beginning of YWAM in Hawaii on a permanent basis and the seeds for the campus in Kona, Hawaii.


In Psalm 105 it says that the word of the Lord tested Joseph. This is easy to see in reading Joseph's story as he was abandoned by his brothers, falsely accused by his boss’s wife, and forgotten in prison – but still he held onto what God had said about his dreams. My experience of God speaking both individually to me and to a council of elders of



The Word of the Lord is characterised by three attributes: the first was stepping out in action toward what God said. This was where I noticed Loren would “speak out” the vision. I’ve since realised this is an important step of faith, that when God tells us something that we speak that out. Timing is important in this process. We should be careful to not be presumptuous in speaking out the Word of the Lord at the wrong time.

"Survive the tests that go along with the Word of the Lord."

The second attribute comes after the initial excitement of speaking out the vision. We have to survive the tests that go along with the Word of the Lord. The reason for the test(s) is that God wants us to be worthy of the massive release of His blessing that will come with the fulfilment of that vision. Joseph had to survive "the pain of the steal fetters." Any impurities of self, ambition, pride, etc., need to be refined out of us by the fire of testing. Thirdly is the perseverance to see the vision through to its fulfilment. To me personally this does not have to do with ‘talents’ or being professional or even having enough money. It has to do with “showing up," day in and day out. God can build a vision around the daily faithfulness of His children. If God has spoken to you and there is shared confirmation by others, then my prayer is that you find the right place and time to speak it out; and that by His grace you survive the tests of abandonment, being forgotten, or whatever it might be. And finally that you ‘stay the course’ faithfully till God does what He promised.

TOP / Peter Brownhill's honouring during the 30th anniversary of YWAM Perth. Staff and students speaking out vision received from God at the 30th celebration.



Celebrating 30 years as ywam Perth


pon entering our base facility during the week of March 7 - 11, one would've been greeted by the sound of 700 chattering, excited people all gathered together for one purpose: to give thanks to God for 30 years of His faithfulness towards YWAM Perth. We set aside that special time to celebrate and commemorate YWAM Perth's 30 years with inspiring teachings, fun activities, delicious food, and meaningful fellowship. Through thick and thin, God's grace and presence has been so evident, as told by various testimonies by our founders throughout the week.

A session was taught on the importance of commitment and how we cannot run on passion alone, but be people willing to show up every day in spite of challenging circumstances. Serving God wholeheartedly will drive us to commitment. We must not be divided or fickle in our walk with God and the purpose that He calls us to. As it says in 2 Chronicles 16:9 NIV "For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him..."

Ruth Economy USA, Pioneer of YWAM Perth Opshop "Milk n Honey"

What does being fully committed to God look like? Holiness is the commitment to walk in right relationship with Christ; it is the desire to follow the Father for better or worse, in good times and bad. Holy, committed, willing hearts are what God searches for in seeing who He can entrust vision to.

Thirty years ago Peter and Shirley Brownhill, along with a few others, set out from the eastern side of Australia, with not much more than a vision and strong word of the Lord, to pioneer a YWAM base in Perth, Western Australia. And we are so glad that they did! The history of our mission base Passion is the spark that ignites was recalled in detail by its pioneers to all dreams; but commitment carries them of the Celebration's attendees. It was such to completion. a privilege to learn about where we came from to seeing where we are now. And then hearing about vision and expectation for the Tying together the week's string of topics was future as strong (if not stronger) than when Loren Cunningham, speaking to us via live we first started out all those years ago. video from Kona. He concluded his session with what was perhaps the most impressionEach morning of the week, we received able word, warning us "not to walk away from teaching from members of YWAM Perth's the call of God." God has plans for our lives leadership team. Strong messages were that include wonderful, exciting adventures. brought on the topics of vision, commit- He places a calling upon each and every one ment, wholeheartedness, holiness, and call- of us to serve the greater purpose of His ing. During the first teaching session, staff kingdom; allowing us the privilege to work members and students alike were given the with Him as He takes our hand in beautiful opportunity to voice dreams that God has partnership. placed on their hearts in front of the entire gathering. A lineup of people of all ages and Have you ever witnessed 700 people waiting backgrounds came forward to speak out and in line for their cones at a single ice cream share; a truly significant moment in solidify- truck? It happened right here at YWAM Perth! ing the vision that God has imparted. In addition to celebrating with teaching, of course we had to indulge a little with delicious food and sweet treats. As enjoyable as Often God gives us vision for something the ice cream and other sugary snacks were, we are passionate about, but it takes nothing was sweeter than the fellowship and conversation had over meals together. a steady dedication to see it come to Laughter spilled as stories were swapped; fruition. people retold memorable outreach experiences, each one more entertaining than the


last. Different group activities were planned as well, providing heaps of fun for a mass amount of people. Among the activities was a community-wide scavenger hunt, water fights, relay challenges, and a good old game of YWAM Perth family feud.

for whatever they needed that day. Much to Colleen's surprise, there was an amount of $1,000 inside! Praise God, their needs were met through the kindness of a complete stranger.

Intermixed with teaching sessions, food, and games was the history of YWAM Perth as told by Peter and Shirley, along with other core founding members of the base.

Though the base's location has changed to different areas around Perth, its fundamental values have not. Hearing from God and acting upon His word have been crucial to the sustainability of our mission.

One memorable story was when our administrative office had no paper and no money to buy paper (back before the age of the internet). This created difficulty in processing applications for Discipleship Training Schools and other various tasks that call for paper. Colleen Noblet, founding member and administrator at the time, remembers praying and asking God for His provision for this need.

It is both humbling and inspiring to be a part of a mission with such rich history that points to God's graciousness, passion, love, and endless commitment to His people. Standing on the shoulders of those that have gone before us, it is with great encouragement that we look towards the future and all of the wonderful things in store. Thank you Lord for 30 years; here's to dreaming with Him for the next 30!

At noon that same day, an elderly lady walked into the YWAM office and handed Colleen an envelope, explaining that the contents were




God has plans for our lives that include wonderful, exciting adventures. Throughout the 30 years of YWAM Perth, we have trained over 20,000 staff and students to hear the Word of the Lord and step into His calling on their lives. (According to the University of the Nations method of recording numbers)


7 questions for those impactin g th e s ph eres of society


cELEBRATION ( entertainment )

Vini sukanavanua Education

Our society is broken down into seven different categories, or "spheres" as we call them. It is our belief that God's heart is to see each of these spheres transformed by those that love Him and desire wholeness. We interviewed four people working in these different areas of society: Beth Senn, YWAM Perth alumni in the sphere of celebration (entertainment), and our current staff members Amada Stapp, in the sphere of family (healthcare), Vini Sukanavanua, working in the sphere of education and Josh Lohmeyer, in the sphere of media and communication. 1. Beth, how are you using your training in the sphere of entertainment? I've worked at a VFX [visual effects] studio in Melbourne for about two years now. I have a Bachelor degree in communications and have a few years of training in Media at YWAM Perth, helping people out and generally trying to be useful. That's what I do now at my current job. I listen to people and find out how I can help their days run smoother and then get them that help.

Amada sTAPP

family ( hEALTHCARE )

Josh Lohmeyer Media ( filmmaking )

2. Beth, any advice for those called to impact the spheres of society? Everyone's called to impact the spheres of society. If you hold that God is the creator and sustainer of all things then the farmer who milks the cows; the driver who delivers the milk, and the cashier who sells you the milk are all God's agents to feed and care for the world. Those of us who are deemed to have "secular" jobs should be encouraged to know that God uses economics, science, and law as much as preaching to reveal Himself to the world. 3. Amada, what have been the challenges in the field of healthcare? The obvious challenge in healthcare is the need that you see – it’s confronting, at times shocking, and sometimes things don’t go the way you hoped they would. Working in developing nations means that sometimes things like resources, transport, access to medication or higher levels of care are lacking. That requires a bit of creativity and a whole bunch of Holy Spirit inspiration. But I can honestly say that the challenges have led to deeper intimacy and dependence on God, greater clarity in hearing His voice in chaotic moments, and His joy that is strength. And these things have left me in awe of who He is – He sees all the injustice, and yet He doesn’t look away or lose hope. That’s amazing.

4. Amada, what are your expectations for the future in your work?

8. Vini, how would you like to see education transformed to fully glorify God?

The world is in desperate need for health care and the Gospel. 20,000 children under 5 die every day of preventable diseases. 800 women die every day due to pregnancy and birth related complications. These are just a few statistics, and they’re very real. But they can change as God’s people are willing to be trained and go!

I would like to train up Godly teachers to have biblical beliefs and values; those that champion children/students in their giftings and train them with Godly values to glorify Him alone. 9. How have you seen positive impact in your different spheres?

I think God’s heart for health care is that first of all, every person would have access to it. But also that through it Beth Senn - entertainment they would understand that He is the ultimate healer God's led me to try to humanise my work environand the one who is after their hearts, resulting in salva- ment and bring more relational ways of operating. tion and freedom in the nations of the earth. Through that I've helped start a training program and team building practices which have been picked up by 5. Josh, how did God call you into film making? upper management and strongly received by people in my company. I've always had a love for storytelling and movies, but Amada Stapp - healthcare I never thought that I could do something that I loved as a job. After studying education and teaching for a As we come in as health care workers and midwives who year, I realised that it just wasn't what I saw myself doing fear God, we have opportunities to share the Gospel! for the rest of my life. Instead I decided to pursue my I’ve seen whole families give their lives to Jesus in mobile dream of film making and attend film school. Following clinics, the dead raised, a paralysed man walking after that, I did a Discipleship Training School and afterward a a teaching on handwashing, cataracts disappearing, secondary YWAM course, the School of Frontier Media. and arthritis leaving. During this school, God gave me a heart for my home Josh Lohmeyer - filmmaking nation of Australia. He gave me a vision to use film to help bring transformation to communities and awaken Film has the ability to create a personal connection people to what His kingdom looks like and what people between the viewer and onscreen character - which is how we see impact. I’m already starting to see impact, are created for. through film, in communities in Australia particularly 6. Josh, how have you used film with ‘Wongi Warrior’. I’m grateful for God’s leading in making to serve God's purpose? all of this and look forward to the future and how God wants to use film to touch the hearts and minds of I feel like God's been coaching me in the kingdom way to everyday Australians. make films. In our film ministry, we created a film called Vini Sukanavanua - education "Wongi Warrior," a story about a young indigenous boy wrestling with the challenges of growing up in today's I have seen lots of impact, especially when we went to culture. It showcases a lot of the social issues within Nepal for an outreach. It was there that we were given indigenous communities that are still prevalent. We the opportunity to share God's heart for education wanted to use this film as a positive role model, but with about 100 teachers, and were able to bless each also a spring board to talk about the issues that are one with a bible. They asked us to come back and share still affecting Australia today. more with them, so other schools were reached too. 7. Vini, how did God call you into the area of education? I was in South Africa on my outreach with YWAM Perth's Children at Risk school and heard God speak to me to go to Kona, Hawaii and earn an Associate degree in Early Childhood Education. With the completion of my education at Kona, I now train others and run our preschool here in Perth; championing our precious leaders of the future.

We have seen growth in preschool kids' lives; how they learn to hear God's voice and pray for others, as well as grow in their character and love for Jesus. With the Sunday school seminars that we run, we have had positive feedback that young students are hearing from God and stepping out to do new things in church. Students that have gone through our training programs have continued on to serve in the nations, write books, and work in public schools. Want to know how you can make a difference in your sphere of influence? Contact us at: info@ywamperth.org.au


Heidi Fuelling Australia, Ministry Leader of Revive

Seeing change in Western Australia


hen a young person takes their own life, devastation can be a word to describe the aftermath for friends, family, and whole communities. In March of this year, the nation reeled at the news of the death of a 10 year old girl in the community of Looma, located 70 km south of Derby in the Kimberley. The ABC quoted Gerry Georgatos, part of a Federal Government taskforce providing crisis support to families affected by suicide: “It is tragic that a young child would be so trapped in a sense of hopelessness... it’s a tragedy that needs to be heard across the nation...” This incident is not an isolated event, with the Kimberley region, Western Australia, recording the highest suicide rate in the world.

Suicides per 100,000 People



Kimberly Region WA


44 Guyana

South America

According to Creative Spirits, there were 70 suicides per 100,000 people in 2014 in the Kimberley; the overall national rate in Australia is 11 suicides per 100,000; 44 suicides per 100,000 in Guyana, South America. Tori Banks, 19 years old and from Halls Creek, comments that suicides and car accidents are one of the main challenges for young people and families in the Kimberley. "These tragedies cause many people pain, and leaves dozens heartbroken. It's very sad to see, hear and know people are left fighting battles emotionally, and mentally, and are not talking about things that they're up against."

recently, losing four young people from the community to suicide since Christmas, all of them Aboriginal. This is not an uncommon scenario according to Loretta Donaldson. Having grown-up in the Goldfields, and as a single parent, Loretta describes some of the challenges for her people to be: "A lack of identity – young people recognising who they are and the need of positive role models to replace bad influences. Without strong parents, teenagers get their own way. When young kids haven’t experienced love at home they go elsewhere as teenagers to experience it."

What is YWAM Perth doing to meet this great need of hope in Western Australia? Looma is one of a number of communities YWAM Perth has been reaching out to over the past 5 years. Following the tragic suicide in Looma, permanent staff members located in the Kimberley were invited by the church to talk with community and church leaders. Our Revive team, whose ministry focuses on restoring significance to the lives of marginalised youth, will go again in July this year. Other staff and students on their Discipleship Training School will also facilitate after-school programs at the youth centre that has not had an employed youth worker for a number of years.

In Kununurra, East Kimberley, our Families Alive Team and Counselling staff have been compiling a needs analysis of the region. Their heart is to strengthen what already exists by partnering with local churches as The ABC has reported that the town of they walk alongside indigenous families. Leonora, in Western Australia's north- At Kununurra District High School, where ern Goldfields has also been devastated indigenous youth make up around 50% of



The Kimberley




The Goldfields


Some of the regional Western Australian towns where YWAM Perth ministers


the students, Revive collaborated with the Chaplain to develop an Anti-Bullying program with 25 student council representatives at the school. "No-one has come to our school to develop a program that has been tailored to each year level" commented one teacher. These class leaders are now facilitating weekly sessions for their peers for the next six weeks until the Revive Team returns to follow-up in July. 'Other involvement include: Rob and Andrea Taylor, YWAM Perth staff who re-located permanently to Kununurra in 2013. They have been connecting and partnering with Churches across the region, interceding in prayer for unity and serving practically to support the church as a whole. As well as this, the Media Art and Photography Discipleship Training School will travel to the Kimberley to use their training to advocate for the needs of the region. YWAM Perth staff will help facilitate two High School Youth Camps in partnership with local church leaders. Cygnet Films and our Children at Risk School will help run a youth program at a church convention in Halls Creek for over 15 different communities across the Kimberley in August. They will also serve in Mowamjum – an area devastated by a spate of suicides in the years

TOP / Revive ministry working in the Kimberley region / Youth ministry in Looma during the 4WD DTS outreach RIGHT / Loretta, staff member at YWAM Perth, and her daughter Alissa-Rae in our preschool ministry FAR RIGHT / Tori, completed training with YWAM Perth


2012-2013. Beyond those teams, the 4WD Discipleship Training School has five vehicles travelling to remote communities to engage children and youth in activities. This list is not exhaustive as other YWAM Perth teams, ministries and schools continue to engage with the crisis. Tori and Loretta, having both completed Discipleship Training with YWAM Perth, are part of this commitment to meet the need. Loretta also completed the Children at Risk School, and is enrolled in a Foundations in Education School in July. Tori has been accepted for a Foundations in Counselling School in October. Her vision is to develop a basketball and counselling program for remote communities in the Kimberley.

"Opportunity is one of the blessed things that only a few find. Probably only 2% of us really discover what and how we can make home a better place to provide opportunity for the next generation." (Tori)

And as YWAM Perth, we're behind these young leaders all the way. We are positioned uniquely with multilayered and multi-disciplined teams, to be in faith for things to come: the healing that is greatly needed, and the provision of opportunities. God has clearly directed us to establish our roots in Perth city, in the state of Western Australia. A city disciples a state – and work in Perth Indeed, education, and young people finding city has impact regionally, as far east as the jobs, is key. Tori explains: "The struggles that Goldfields, and as far north as the Kimberley. we face are very serious, not many adults back at home have jobs. Not many children After stepping out in obedience, we have see what the future would be like educa- seen favour relationally, and the beginnings tion wise. I know for sure that it is going to of a shift from devastation to hope in regional be hard, but when we push forward to the communities. things that are yet to come, we will feel the benefit of why Education is important. It helps you to go further in life, earn for your living and support your dreams."

Want to know more about our involvement in Western Australia? Contact us at: info@ywamperth.org.au



The NExt megacity:

Manila, phillipines

Shirley Brownhill Base Leader of YWAM Perth


t has been estimated that 60% of the world's population will live in cities. This shift has already begun to impact on the way we do missions. Within the missions community there has been a lot of prayer and energy in developing 'village culture' strategies with great results. However cities by nature, size and capacity are far more complex and need something different.

This is not God’s original intention for cities. God designed cities as gathering places for His people where they could glorify Him and disciple surrounding nations to do the same. When we look at the ministry of Jesus we can see that He went to cities. In Matthew 21 we see Jesus approaching Jerusalem riding on a little donkey. The whole city was in an uproar asking one another, "Who is this Man?"

Cities need a multi-disciplined approach. Our approach to reaching cities must draw on the Megacities is called to continue diverse gift of the body of Christ worldwide the ministry of Jesus into the larger to meet the diverse needs of a city. If we cities of the world. are going to see any measurable change in cities, it will call for unprecedented unity in the Body of Christ, missions and local church God spoke in a prayer meeting over 15 years working together. ago as we were praying for influential cities to the north, east and west of Australia. God Mostly, cities consider the idea of God at the spoke at that moment so clearly to me, “Start centre of community as an 'old-fashioned' doing it.” “Do what Lord?” I quietly voiced. narrow-minded concept and no longer rel- “Start reaching these cities, go and take my evant to modern society. In essence God Good News to the heart and soul of the city.” has been sidelined! Megacities (MC) was birthed out of this Modern cities have lost their way with little prayer meeting and has now gone to many or no acknowledgement of God. They have major cities as far flung as London, Mexico turned their back on Him, trusting in their City, Cairo and as close as Jakarta. own strength and boasting about their own achievements. City 'voices' squeeze the life The next city God is leading us to is Metro out of our best and brightest . Cities educate Manila, Philippines. A city of 12.5 million resitheir citizens to "look out for number one," dents which swells to around 20 million by and that "your life is what you make it." day. In meeting with city leaders they have warmly welcomed a partnership; seeing MC Abortion, teenage suicide, and euthanasia as God’s timing in all they are trusting God for. are all preached as a basic human right; greed, drugs, pornography, adultery and I believe cities are like giants in our nations; lust are normal and lying is encouraged if it They have moved from their God given desbenefits your career. tiny and rely on their own strength.


"Cities change as the people respond to God. When this takes place, the discipleship process begins and starts to salt society."

MC purpose is very simple – that Cities would see God, respond to His loving kindness and be restored back to Gods original purpose – to honour God in all they do. The pathway is a partnership with both local church and civic leaders to see effective unified strategies developed for city change. Once unity comes, then God’s blessing follows and city transformation begins. Cities change as the people respond to God. When this takes place, the discipleship process begins and starts to salt society. Believers begin to apply his ways to government, education, health, business, family, entertainment, and economics. This starts the process toward generational waves of men and women who know God and make Him known. Cities are transformed and influence outwardly into the discipleship of nations. MC welcomes individuals, teams, focus ministries, both short-term or longer – one week, one month or four months; whatever time you can give. The combined effort of thousands of God fearing people partnering with the local effort brings measurable change that continues. What I have noticed is that the dynamic expression of God's love also brings change in the one who has been sent, and gives them a lasting inheritance in that city. Please pray. Please come. Please send teams to Manila. Let’s be the Davids of our generation.

See you in Manila 2017 megacities.org.au info@megacities.org.au www.vimeo.com/11801013


"our first purpose-built accommodation facility at Y WAM Perth."

Our new café

Building Towards our Future

Cliff Wiener USA, Project Manager for 159 Claisebrook


fter years of praying and planning, we are finally at the point of breaking ground for our first purposebuilt accommodation facility at YWAM Perth. As a community, we have stretched out in faith in our giving and raising of finances to see the project through to this point. We are grateful to you for standing by our side with your prayers and gifts. The need for this accommodation facility has never been more real, as God has been growing our missionary numbers. This new accommodation facility will house close to 100 missionaries - staff and students of YWAM Perth that will reach out into our city and the nations of the earth. Over the life of this building, think of the thousands of missionaries who will live there and be trained to disciple nations. As we make space for more to come, God will raise up His people from many nations with a sense of calling to reach those who have yet to be impacted by the Gospel. Young "Hudson Taylor's" and "Amy Carmichael's" will hear God's call to the unreached while staying at this new facility and will become world changers, like those that have gone before.

At the ground level, there will be a café open to the public. Through the café, we hope to connect with many in our immediate community, sharing the love of Jesus, as we serve them coffee and some delicious pastries. This new facility will be in the heart of our precinct and will radiate much life and light into the businesses and the many people living in our immediate community. Although as YWAMers we have been living in the area for quite some time in different rental properties, this new construction represents a permanent dwelling place for missionaries, God’s people, that will change the spiritual and physical environment in this area. As we invest in this property, we will be a part of building God’s house. Where God lives, His presence fills up the whole area, causing darkness to flee and righteousness to come. This project has finally gotten off the ground through the prayer and sacrifice of many people. This sacrifice has paved the way for God’s presence to dwell in our precinct. This facility will remain as a permanent reminder for the city of Perth and the nations around us that God is alive… that He cares for the lost and lonely. Our hearts are filled with gratitude to God and our friends who have made it possible to get this project off the ground. We have relied on God's miracles to bring us to this point and believe that He will finish the work that He started (Phil. 1:6). Thank you for standing with us in prayer to see this accommodation facility completed. We will keep you updated as the building goes up! If you would like to take part in his exciting new project, contact us at: partners@ywamperth.org.au


Developing Platforms for Social Enterprise


he new café at 159 Claisebrook Road, is the younger sister of our existing café at our front door on 9 Roberson Street. And just like it's older sister, it focuses on multiplying workers passionate about using the tools of hospitality; to see communities developed around the world.

desire to grow their skills and harness their passions; with the simple purpose of seeing God's Kingdom, furthered here on earth.

Daniel Lim Malaysia, Ministry Leader of Hospitality

There are multiple ways that you can partner with us. One, being the most direct – is by joining us on the Bread and More DTS; which runs this October. Two, is to join the Hospitality Group; as an innovator and developer of new ways of using food, art and design, to activate change around the world. Three, is to give towards the set-up costs of the Café at 159, and all its future undertakings. Four is to drop in and have a cuppa with us sometime when the new café is established.

Together with the Bread and More Discipleship Training School (DTS), it is a hotbed for Social Enterprises to happen. We believe that it is never enough for a café to be just a café. It's reach and impact always needs to be further than just the confines of its own four walls. This stems from our belief, that cafés and restaurants, all have the inherent ability to transform communi- All of which, I assure you; will bring change ties on a socio-economical level. to people's lives and communities around the world, that need it the most. And we are not limiting it to just that. The Bread and More DTS; focuses on using Food, Want to join our "Bread and More" Discipleship Training School or join our hospitality ministry: Art, Design and more – to champion projects info@ywamperth.org.au that benefit communities; through elements of skill training, partnerships and microenterprises, all achieved through harnessing the power of our student's giftings and skills. We are practising the simple act of championing this generation of millennials; who will in turn – of which I am confident – change the world. This really is a DTS for those who



If you want to support the work of YWAM Perth financially, please visit secure.ywamperth.org.au/payments/ or email partners@ywamperth.org.au

Contact our Megacities office for many different way to get involved: megacities@ywamperth.org.au

We are going to Manila! Come join us for our next Megacity (p. 16)

Contact us for opportunities on how to get involved: info@ywamperth.org.au

Celebrate with us how God is bringing hope to fight suicide in Western Australia? (p. 12)

Be encouraged and inspired by others making a difference in your Sphere of influence? (p. 10)

Learn what it looks like to hold onto God's calling, no matter what! (p. 4)

P 61-8-9328-5321 E info@ywamperth.org.au


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.