WestCoast News - September 2018

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S EPTEM B ER 2018 Transform Nepal Read how God is moving in our partnership with Nepal.

Make Love Visible God is love and we are called to love.

Djeran Camp 2K18 Young people, our future.

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Transform Nepal Read how God is moving in our partnership with Nepal.

Djeran Camp 2K18 Young people, our future. Make Love Visible God is love and we are called to love.

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Ministry Profiles From worship to healthcare, Read how our ministries are serving the nations. Reviews Check out some suggestions for entertainment



DEAR FRIENDS Over the last 30 years God has been progressively revealing His heart for the First Nations people in Australia. When we arrived in Perth we found that it was the home to the Noongar people. Their territory runs from Geraldton in a diagonal line through to Esperance. They are a wonderful people proud of their indigenous calling but also aware of the wounding associated with European settlement on their traditional lands and people. In 1986 we ran an outreach "Perth Americas Cup International Outreach (PACIO)". The newly formed YWAM Perth recruited nationally and internationally. It was a Kairos moment with over 500 responding from around Australia and quite a few international teams including from New Zealand. They came to gather, praise, and proclaim the gospel all over the city. We had a period of training from January 1st to 11th in 1986 followed by an outreach for 20+ days. The strategy God had revealed to me was to divide the city into 10 regions with 10 local Pastoral coordinators. One of those regions was Midland where I had made contact with Cedric and Margaret Jacobs. In their back yard they had 60 young people living in tents and they packed them in somehow. It was a time where they had just had a harvest of apricots and plums on their land. It was an overdose of apricot and plum everything. Our relationship gelled at that time and a wonderful journey with the Jacobs family began. As we started to purchase property in the early 2000’s God had spoken that we were to honour the First Nations‘ stewardship/ traditional owners’ of the land.

Cedric had researched his lineage and had found that he had unbroken lineage all the way back to the first Aboriginal elder who greeted Captain Stirling as he sailed up the Swan River – a magnificant river that weaves through Perth; starting in the hills and ending in the Indian Ocean. The aboriginal elder who welcomed Captain Stirling was Yellagonga in Whadjuk land; land belonging to the Noongar people. So over the next 15 years, at various times when we wanted to dedicate land or to just ask for the priestly blessing of the leading Noongar elder Cedric or his daughter Petrina would come. The Nations were invited in and that gave us a profound sense of belonging as a mission in Perth to the nation. Recently Cedric passed away. As I gathered at Cedric’s funeral with 1000 others, his familiy led us as we reflected on Cedric's life. Cedric was part of the generation that is known as the stolen generation. God had given him an ambition to see his people healed and receive justice and equity regarding land that had been stolen. He succeeded in obtaining a document stating that he, Cedric Jacobs, is the bona fide elder owner of the land here in Perth. There were many things he tirelessly put effort into for His people. Thank you Cedric and thank you Lord for leading Cedric as you did – marrying a white Wadjella, Margaret Brewer and then having 5 daughters; and becoming a Christian statesman and Aboriginal minister in the Uniting Church. All our love to you until we meet again.

Peter & Shirley Brownhill Directors of Youth With A Mission Perth


Transform Nepal

God’s heart is crying out for the nation of Nepal. The recent years have seen ongoing hardship for the nation, including a major earthquake, violent protests, border closures, and large scale monsoonal flooding. Many people are still struggling with the ongoing effects of these events. We believe that this is a very strategic time for Nepal, to be equipped and empowered to be a nation that thrives and honours God in everything they do. Throughout 2018 YWAM Perth is focusing on the nation of Nepal. As a mission we have been sending teams for many years, and have developed long term partnerships with YWAM Nepal and local leaders. We are continuing to invest in these partnerships throughout this year to see communities transformed across the nation. We’re over halfway through the year, and God has been moving across the nation in amazing ways. Our teams have been involved in many different areas of ministry including discipling churches, mobilising and inspiring young people and practically serving communities through community development and healthcare training. Written by one of our long term team members in Nepal

The Bread and More DTS was in Nepal earlier this year and had the opportunity to share the love of God in a village on the Indian border where the Gospel had never been shared before. At the time no one responded but the following week a local pastor returned to the same community and led seven people to the Lord. This marked the beginning of the first church in this community.

A few weeks later Caleb Brownhill, one of our base leaders, had the opportunity to preach at this new church fellowship and he found that more had decided to follow Jesus – the church had multiplied to ten believers! This is why we go – so that churches can be planted where there were none before."

Transform Nepal

Many of our teams received training in Simple Healthcare before heading on outreach. Simple Healthcare is a multipliable training that our healthcare ministry has developed to promote health education and decrease death and disease in health deprived areas. One team that received this training, the 4WD DTS, was hiking through the Himalayas in the Mustang region through communities that are still considered unreached with the Gospel. In one village they were welcomed into a Buddhist monastery to teach the Simple Healthcare principles to 200 young boys training to be monks. The team had a wonderful time imparting the potentially lifesaving information to these future leaders. The teaching was so well received by the monks that the team was invited to return and teach on other life principles.


Recently we had some of our healthcare schools on outreach in Nepal. The Primary Healthcare School and the Medical Missions School combined for some of their time to set up healthcare clinics in a remote village area that had no existing church. Throughout their time in the village area, they were able to treat many people for various ailments and illnesses.


Through their clinics they also had the opportunity to pray for people and see them miraculously healed, and to share the Gospel, seeing people say yes to Jesus for the first time. One older man came to their clinic to have his eyes checked as he had heard that the team was distributing eye glasses. As they tested him they found that he had some problems with his sight and offered prayer for healing. They also began sharing their own stories of encountering Jesus and having their lives transformed. After listening to their testimonies, the man decided that he wanted to say yes to Jesus and receive salvation. At the end, as this man was preparing to leave, he turned around with a big smile on his face and exclaimed,


At other times God has opened up opportunities as our teams simply do life in Nepal. Recently some of the Compassion DTS team members were walking down the street and met a teenager who was curious about which country they were from. They continued to walk with him in the same direction talking about life when they ended up at a Hindu healing pool. Whilst there they found out that this boy was a Hindu follower but was very discontent with his faith. One of the team members felt to share the story about Jesus healing the sick at the pool of Bethesda. As he heard this story the young boy’s heart opened up and he asked for prayer to encounter Jesus!


Transform Nepal


Pray for Nepal, that transformation would continue and that the enemy wouldn’t get in the way of what God is doing.



Many Nepali church leaders and international missionaries believe that right now there is a window of opportunity for Nepal. For the last few years the church in Nepal has seen rapid growth, being listed amongst the fastest growing churches in the world.

As our teams work in communities throughout the nation, from East to West and North to South, we can also testify that God is on the move across Nepal. There are so many more stories we could share. As we’ve prayed, the deaf have heard and the blind have seen. People previously unreached have opened up their hearts and said yes to Jesus. Churches have been planted in communities that have been churchless for hundreds of years. Young people have been equipped to lead their generation into truth. Nepali believers are stepping out in boldness and sharing their faith, and so much more. God is on the move and Nepal is being transformed.

Give towards the work of our teams, including house rebuilding, community development, healthcare, Bible distribution or youth conferences.


Go! Come with us and be a part of transforming Nepal. Whether as an individual, or a team, we have room for you.

Djeran DjeranCamp Camp2K18 2K18


CAMP The vision for the Djeran camp was originally given to Petrina Neufeld and seven years ago Petrina invited YWAM to be part of the vision and help to lead it. We have been running the camp together since then. Her vision comes on the back of the work her parents, Cedric and Margaret Jacobs, pioneered. They reached out to Aboriginal youth in the city of Perth during Margaret's early days as a missionary in Australia. This year we had 65 young people attend together with 25 staff. Those attending were all from the larger Perth area, which is traditional Nyoongar land. The camp includes activities like sport, bush walks, small groups, food, input and care from the guest speaker. The theme of the camp this year was Forgiveness with Peter Brownhill. Pete has carried a deep and loving heart and vision to see Aboriginal youth released into their God given destiny. Many of the youth attending come from broken backgrounds, with many not raised by their parents but showing incredible promise and resilience.



Djeran Camp 2K18

/ THE POWER OF FORGIVENESS / During the evening session on Wednesday, after the testimony of an Aboriginal friend, we entered a night where God chose to do what He does best – minister His love and freedom to people. We watched the movie “End of the Spear”, a story of missionaries in the Amazon. In 1956 five missionaries travelled to the Amazon to reach out to a local tribe but were killed on arrival. In the following years family members of the killed missionaries went back to the tribe, including one of their children Steve Saint. As the story unfolds Steve becomes close friends with people from the tribe and later finds out that one of the men of the tribe murdered his father. He is faced with the want for revenge but the need for forgiveness and chooses the latter. It is a powerful message of choosing forgiveness instead of getting back at those who hurt us and ending up in a cycle of payback and revenge. After the movie Petrina called the kids forward to respond. After an initial hesitation they started coming forward and in groups started to apply the theme of the movie – forgiveness. They were prayed for by staff members, tears were freely flowing, and the youth started praying for one

another, standing together, carrying each other’s burdens. That night God healed many hearts and brought us all closer together. The following day we started again with worship but this day was different. Those that were tentative the previous days were no longer so. It was obvious God had done a deep work in all of us. After worship we had some more teaching and we gave time for different children to share a testimony of what God did the previous evening.

THE TESTIMONIES WERE POWERFUL AND IT WAS SO EVIDENT THAT GOD HAD GONE DEEP. We could see this in how everyone paid attention to each other and came around one another. Different ones shared how they felt free; how they felt loved and accepted and were able to forgive different people who had hurt them in the past.

by Arjan Sloots Core leader at YWAM Perth

Make Love Visible


od is Love. Through the story of the Bible we see over and over again the love of God being expressed towards us as human beings. Through the Old Testament we see God’s love brought to life through creation, provision, guidance, salvation and the list goes on. In the New Testament through Jesus Christ the love of God becomes visible in a unique way. John the beloved disciple records Jesus saying that “…He who has seen me has seen the Father”. The Apostle Paul instructs us that Jesus “is the image of the invisible God.” The writer of Hebrews declares that Jesus is the “…brightness of His glory and the express image of His person…”

J ESUS IS THE LOVE OF GOD MADE VISIBLE The scriptures also tell us that God gave humanity authority on earth and that we, through sin, lost that authority. God’s response was to launch a plan of redemption and humanity itself was to be the vehicle of redemption. From Genesis 4 through to the close of Malachi we see prophecies declaring this. Through incarnation God came as a human being to show us the love of the Father and redeem a people unto Himself. Through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus the authority lost to humanity was won back. Then the unthinkable happened and God sent us out into the world to bring the good news with His authority.


On the side of a mountain outside Jerusalem, surrounded by His disciples Jesus declared “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all men…” Jesus showed us what it means to be truly human; to be fully who God created us to be. We were created in the image of God. God is love. We are made to make the love of God visible to a world that just can’t see Him. / THE NEXT QUESTION BECOMES HOW DO WE DO THAT? / We do this by trying our best to be the best people that God created us to be! When God rescued His people from slavery He created a nation of people that were to be representatives of Him to the nations. This would be a multigenerational task that required the full diversity of gifting that the people of God could muster. They would have to be prepared to take their place in this task. God spoke through Moses in Deuteronomy 6:4-9 on how this preparation would take place for each individual child. These verses, called the Shema Yisrael, have a special place in Jewish culture. They outline the responsibility of families to prepare their children for a life of loving God and being loved by Him. The instruction to love the Lord with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your strength is really as simple as it sounds. In Hebrew culture there was no distinction between the heart and the mind. The instruction literally means with the totality of your being; with all that you are love the Lord your God. Each person is made with unique gifts, talents, and abilities. Some are gifted in creative arts, some in building houses, for some it is relating to young people. In Matthew 25 Jesus uses the parable of the stewards to explain this.

Transform Love Nepal Visible 10 Make

Just as we have different gifts, we have different strengths. Comparison is the surest way to kill joy in your life and in those around you. The alternative that Jesus gives to comparison is celebration. Let us not miss the opportunity to fellowship with the Lord in rejoicing another’s victory, especially when we have lost sight of our own. As Paul exhorts in his letter to the Roman churches “Let love be genuine… Outdo one another in showing honour”. A mark of Christian maturity is the ability to express joy and appreciation of others. It builds up and heals. It brings security and true fellowship. Ultimately it gives glory to God in recognising what He has done.

IN THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF YWAM PERTH STAFF TEAMS THAT MAKE THE LOVE OF GOD VISIBLE IN THE NATIONS BY USING WHAT THEY “HAVE IN THEIR HAND”. Each individual on these teams is on a journey of being transformed into the likeness of Jesus and in doing so becoming more of who they really are. Part of their journey is the surrender of their gifts and talents to God and His purposes. In this process God anoints their offering and brings a divine fullness to it. As Paul quotes Jesus in his farewell to the Ephesians in Acts 20, “it is more blessed to give than receive.” Give your life to Christ. Try to be the best you you were created to be and make God’s love visible.

by Richard Blake Core leader at YWAM Perth

HOMES OF HOPE We recently arrived back from a house build near Hetauda, Nepal. This is the second house that we've built in this village, which is great news. This means that the locals are familiar with us, and the impact that God is making through Homes of Hope is very evident and familiar. After the house build the team continued on to another village where they were able to teach water filtration techniques and community development. They also saw many people healed through prayer, which was so exciting! The team also got to play with the local kids in both villages, and even taught in schools! / NEPALI FAMILY / Sukuman (father), Sunmaya (mother), Rabindra, Paul, Govinda (three boys) were a family in need of a new home and we were happy to help them see this dream happen. Sukuman had prepared for us; we came onto the site with the foundation having been built already. He worked hard the whole time alongside our team. / OPPORTUNITIES / Did you know that having a cement floor instead of a dirt one in your home dramatically decreases the chances of sickness like diarrhea? A lot of these homes that we replace have gaps in the walls or roof that allows the weather in as well as rats and even snakes. The home that we provide brings health, security and hope!

by Aaron Little Homes of Hope

Ministry Testimonies 11


Homes of Hope in Nepal

Four years ago a Korean-American businessman did a Discipleship Training School (DTS). He quickly got God’s heart for the lost in the nations and knew God had much more in store for his family than the financial comfort that their prestigious careers offered them. During the outreach portion of his school, his small team had the incredible and somewhat rare privilege to go to North Korea. It was during this trip that the Lord clearly spoke to him, telling him to hold a 40-day prayer and worship gathering for unification of North and South Korea on the border of these two nations. Over the course of time God began to release the fine details of this plan. So detailed in fact that he even felt clearly what date to start – April 29, 2018. Fast-forward to today and it is nothing short of a miracle that just before this four-year in the making gathering started – a highly symbolic moment took place. North Korean leader Kim Jung-un stepped over the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that separates the two nations into South Korea for the first time since the end of the Korean War in 1953. The discussion between these two world leaders raised hope for a peaceful future. Nearly every media and news outlet thinkable covered this historical event.

H&H Band in Korea

What wasn’t broadcasted though was the hundreds of people who came together to worship and intercede for God's plan to prevail between these two nations building upon years of commited prayers. We believe this gathering was the response God was looking for after such a significant time in history – that His children would come together to pray and worship Him, further seeking His heart for these nations and praying that His plans would come to pass. With great privilege the Humility and Hunger band, which has a heart for worship, intercession and discipling the lost, had an opportunity to partake in this monumental time. On a strategic location near the DMZ we worshipped and prayed alongside fellow believing North and South Koreans. The power and love of God filled the room daily as He poured out His heart for North Korea. There is no denying that something huge is happening in North Korea. Being on the ground during this time we were able to see firsthand that this “huge” thing happening is even bigger and greater than we can fathom! Just like the God we serve.

by Chenaniah Magele Humility & Hunger Band


WORSHIP FOR THE NATIONS Worship for the Nations is a ministry born out of responding to God. Through knowing Him He has given us His heart for the nations of the earth specifically closed access nations. He greatly desires to come in and make himself known to even the most closed off and isolated peoples. Intercessory worship and prayer is a powerful tool He uses to make a way for those who have never heard.


This April we had the opportunity to go to a closed access nation in Southern Asia. It has a strong stance against The Gospel and they have harsh laws in place to attempt to hinder the message of Jesus from spreading or having any capacity to influence.

Our purpose was twofold. Firstly to worship and intercede for the nation in as many places that we could get to; personally prayer walking every street and alley of the country’s most populated and important cities.


Our second purpose was to use information gathered on our walk to make a map that would not only show physical landmarks but would have information on everything that could affect the spiritual atmosphere. This is what we call spiritual mapping. The map that we put together is a tool that will now be used by a team that has been planted out of YWAM Perth. It will inform them of how to more effectively pray and intercede for the nation that God has called them to minister in, and show areas of need for opportunities to do practical ministry. God was faithful to lead us as we prayed and worshipped. While we were there we found out that this nation, historically, had Christianity forced upon them through deception and false motives. We spent a whole day of prayer and as Christians asked for forgiveness on behalf of those who had come in the name of Jesus but had no intentions to bless and serve but to steal and control.

Worship for the Nations


by Josh Tournemille Worship for the Nations


Ministry Testimonies 13

NEXWAVE For the second year in a row Nexwave, our high school ministry has gone to the far Northeast region of Western Australia—the Kimberley. We visited Kununurra, Derby, Broome, and Port Hedland. We were able to serve local churches, had opportunities to reconnect with young people we had previously met, and build new relationships. Last year a few of us helped staff a local church camp in Kununurra. The youth leader told us that it hadn’t been possible to run the camp for some time because of a lack of staff. Upon hearing this we offered our help and decided that this camp was something that we wanted to serve in the future. This year we were able to teach, run games, and impart into the lives of 35 youth. It was a privilege to come alongside and serve this church, seeing their young people pursue God and continue building relationships from the previous year. As we travelled to another town called Derby, we had the opportunity to teach in a high school, working with year 7’s and 8’s, and serve in the local community centre. We showed the film “Wongi Warrior,” a short film that deals with various issues (drug/alcohol abuse, violence, racism, etc.) We used different clips from the movie in order to discuss the question, “Do you want to be a warrior or a fighter?” challenging the youth to think about how their actions impact their community; how a warrior brings their community together and thinks of others first.

Every afternoon we saw various young people at the community centre, allowing us to take things deeper and have a lot of fun. On reflection our trip to the Kimberley was extremely encouraging seeing a greater level of openness. We look forward to future trips where we can continue building relationships.

by Jenny Webb Nexwave

REVIVE As Revive ministry we focus on youth that are pushed to the side of society. Our aim is to help youth recognise their significance and the identity Christ has given them. One of our focuses is the Kimberley region of Western Australia. We have been investing into the towns and remote communities for the past four years and it is amazing to see all that God has been doing. This past May/June we spent six weeks split between two remote communities. In Looma community we worked alongside the churches, community government, police, and school. Some of our team have been building relationships with the families for many years and have seen some of the youth grow from little kids to teenagers. This has opened a lot of doors and allowed for trust to be built because the people know that there is a deep love and commitment from us to keep coming back.

The kids come around and hang out after school and on weekends. We were invited to spend time with them during recess and lunch at the school, in addition to sitting in on language lessons. We were also invited to train with the local footy teams (Aussie rules for men and woman) and were trusted to help umpire and run different activities during games.


About 100km away is the community of Noonkanbah. During our time we joined with another YWAM Perth team and together we supported the work the school is doing, as well as helped to support the local church. During this visit we saw local people empowered to pray against the powers of darkness and pray for God to heal people, as well as share their prayer requests openly like never before. Through this commitment to relationship (in both locations) it's no longer a question in people’s minds if we will come back, but instead "when is the next visit?"

by Heather Kuhl Revive

14 Ministry Testimonies

Birth Attendant School

City of Perth

Simple Health Care

HEALTH CARE / BIRTH ATTENDANT SCHOOL / The 2017 Birth Attendant School recently returned from our 8 month outreach phase to the Philippines, India, Nepal and Togo. In each location we had opportunities to practice different aspects of mother and child health care, from mobile antenatal care in the streets of Manila, labour and delivery in the government maternity hospitals in India, to pioneering in communities and local clinics in outer India, Nepal and Togo. God has equipped us with skills to come alongside marginalised women and their families with the kindness of God and the hope of the Gospel. We had opportunities to share the Gospel with more than 5,000 people, seeing 1,988 people choose to give their lives to Jesus. We welcomed 254 babies in Jesus' name, saw 347 people healed, and prayed for 12,659 people. It's such a privilege to see God using mother and child health care to bring hope to the nations. / SIMPLE HEALTH CARE, NEPAL / Recently I went with a small team to Kathmandu, Nepal. While we were there we ran a Simple Health Care seminar, training locals in basic health topics using an oral learning style. The 40 students consisted of Nepali YWAMers who were part of the Community Development School, some local church members and eight women from a nearby slum. It was great to see their enthusiasm!

by Kathy Kennedy, Sarah Lenz & Amada Stapp, Healthcare Ministy

A big part of the seminar was for participants to go out each day and teach in their local neighbourhood the things they were learning. Their confidence grew as the students ventured out and practiced teaching, and as they received feedback and encouragement. It was a lot of fun, too! We taught people on the streets,

in their homes, and even in the local school. We taught over 350 people throughout the whole week. These Simple Health Care teachings will enable Nepali people to draw close, make friendships, and see people reached with the Gospel. / CIT Y OF PERTH / I love the City of Perth – the tall buildings, the parks… and the people. The more we get out into the City, the more I come to love the people. We’ve been going out into the streets and parks every day, sometimes doing evangelism, sometimes offering help, and sometimes just sitting for a chat. Meeting with people – the homeless, the business workers, the indigenous, the elderly, and families out for a walk. Going out, I’ve been impressed by the power of kindness. One day I had a pack of health care supplies with me. As I walked through a park, there was a group of people arguing and shouting. Others around the park warned us not to go over to the group saying they could get violent. But I felt drawn by the Spirit to go say hi. So a friend and I walked over and said hi. I told them I was a health worker, and asked if we could take their blood pressure. They didn’t seem very keen to be interrupted or to have our help! But I noticed a wound on one lady’s leg. When I offered to clean and dress it, she softened. What resulted was 45 minutes of listening to her story and cleaning countless little scrapes all over her arms and legs. She wept as she shared areas of pain, and she accepted prayer when I offered it. When she finally had to leave, her face was transformed. In place of the hard, angry expression she wore before, there was a soft smile. As I left, I wondered how often anyone had shown her kindness. We were able to show her the love of God that day.

Reviews 15



By Henri J. M. Nouwen

Joy Dawson


Mary Ann Flegg Staff at YWAM Perth

hat does it look like to do ministry in contemporary society? This book challenges the reader to be willing to look for Jesus in the eyes of the lost and the broken. Henri J. M. Nouwen suggests that we need to start by first acknowledging our own daily suffering, which then can become a source of life for others. In reading this book I realised that I cannot save anyone – only God can. Even in identifying with an individual, I can only offer myself as an example of finding Jesus in the midst of personal need.

Melani Sawatzky Student on the Media, Arts and Photography DTS

David Wilkerson

Movie based on the book by Steve Saint


This book shows God's faithfulness when we step out in His name. Recognising and seeing that no matter what happens we can trust God that He can make any situation glorify His name and He will always be with us.

Brandon Beches Staff at YWAM Perth


Joshua Dubbeld Student on the Soccer DTS

ear of the Lord is not about obeying God because we are afraid of Him. It is about getting to know God personally, which leads to obeying Him because we trust Him. God wants us to have a personal relationship like a friend. The thing about having a best friend is being able to call on them any time and you know they will answer. God is the same. He is there all the time. He is amazing, powerful and good so I respect Him by obeying Him.


CROSS AND THE SWITCHBLADE his book explores the fear of the Lord. It's a story of a country pastor who finds himself in the hectic city of New York due to his obedience reaching out to young teenagers in gangs.



acrifice, this is the word that came to mind when I watched “End of the spear”, I remember watching it and being absolutely stunned by the humility of God and the incredible privilege it is to know Him and live in forgiveness. We were watching it during the Djeran camp with the young ones and God gave me a deep burden for the campers. I was looking at the kids all bundled up in their sleeping bags in the cold and for that moment I had a revelation of the Fathers love. If you are looking for a movie that will minister to you and show you the character of God, check it out. It’s a wonderful movie and it changed my life.

P 61-8-9328-5321 E info@ywamperth.org.au

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"When we love the Lord this way we make His love visible to the world." Read how our teams are serving Australia and the Nations (p.17)

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How easy is it to make love that seems to be invisible – visible? It could be more simple than you think. (p.14)


Read about our recent involvement in a youth camp ministering to the next generation. (p.8)


Read stories of how God is moving in our partnership with Nepal. (p.4)




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