WestCoast News - January 2018

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Behold, Jesus Beholding Jesus Keeping our eyes on Jesus as we step into a new year

Championing Youth Colleen shares on investing in the young people around us

A Vision for Nepal Read more about the nation we will be focusing on for 2018

4 9 11 14 16 19 20

Expanding God's Kingdom in Manila Megacities reports after a year of partnership in Manila God's Power on Display Look at how God moved in Manila this year Beholding Jesus Keeping our eyes on Jesus as we step into a new year Engaging Society Read how God is at work within different spheres of society Championing Youth Colleen shares on investing in the young people around us God Moving Through Education Check out testimonies from our youth education programes A Vision for Nepal Read more about the nation we will be focusing on for 2018

Many of us are familiar with the beautiful hymn “O Holy Night”. This Christmas Carol was written by Adolph Charles Adam, a French composer. Ironically, it was frowned upon by church authorities who denounced it for poor taste and “total absence of the spirit of religion.” In the first stanza the writer invites us to close our eyes and imagine the world before the birth of Jesus. He says it is a world that lay “in sin and error pining.” The word pining refers to the wasting away of the human spirit as it grieves and endures pain. He paints a picture of a world of darkness without light, and a world of despair without hope. But then comes the next three words: “till he appeared.” When Jesus was born everything changed. He came to change the world. Christmas is a time of the year when we are reminded of just how much He has changed the world. It is also a time when we can renew our commitment to be used by God as world changers as we follow Him into His world. In this Westcoast there are stories of people who are doing just that. Every day is a miracle. Merry Christmas to all our friends from YWAM Perth! We love you and wish you the best Christmas season ever as you spend time with friends and family. Our prayer is that you will be filled with unspeakable joy as you take time to ponder the wonder of Jesus. Have a joyous Christmas and blessed New Year.

Peter & Shirley Brownhill Directors of Youth With A Mission Perth


Expanding God's Kingdom in Manila


Expanding God's Kingdom in Manila Over 1,200 missionaries have been in Metro Manila Plus over the course of 2017, partnering with the local body of Christ to bring the gospel to the streets and homes of Manila. Megacities focused on Metro Manila as well as the urban regions bordering, including North Manila, Montalban, San Mateo, Antipolo, Cainta and Taytay. Multiple teams coming from all over the world worked in every region, sleeping on church floors and living among the people they hoped to reach. Teams came from all over the world - many from Australia, Mexico, Indonesia, China, New Zealand, Nepal, South Korea, the Philippines, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Canada, and USA. Each team began with a focus on Bible reading, prayer and worship. They walked the streets, crying out to God for His heart for each community. 8,016 hours of prayer were recorded for the city, most of which were intercession taking place out on the streets.

“The people are becoming more responsive to the things of God. I believe this is the result of the prayers.� Pastor Albert Operio, Jesus the Great Shepherd Fellowship International, San Mateo

From the first wave of teams, hearts were tender and soft to the gospel. Through open air evangelism, sharing the gospel in schools, and one-on-one conversations, over 24,000 people made the choice to surrender their lives and follow Jesus. Tens of thousands of people heard the gospel and more than 75,000 were prayed for directly by teams.


Expanding God's Kingdom in Manila

“We had a lot of empty seats in our two Sunday services. But since the Megacities team has been going out on evangelism, both services are completely full!” – Pastor Jun Perater, Christ’s Gospel Fellowship, Makati “Thousands of people have heard the gospel through the teams sharing in high schools and running sports clinics. It’s the first time we’re holding church services in the communities. Our people are more excited about going out and sharing the gospel!” – Pastor Duane Garcera, Book of Life Bible Christian Church, Manila Many of those saved joined churches and got involved in ministry themselves. Discipleship was a key focus. Hundreds of people graduated from Discipleship Seminars, which are 15-18 hour plus courses based on DTS curriculum. Other specialised forms of training took place in areas like children’s ministry, appropriate technology, counselling and evangelism. Over 60,000 people received training from teams through these different formats. Additionally, teams regularly invited local Christians out to do ministry together, where training was furthered through modelling and partnership. “Our young people, they are so uplifted because of the Discipleship Training.” – Pastor Ernesto Endab, Jeremiah 33:3 Christian International Fellowship, Pasig Caring for the poor, sick and broken was a focus for all teams. Many teams worked in impoverished communities, reaching out to street children and families. Dramatic healings took place – over 1,600, with incredible stories of the lame walking, people healed of tuberculosis, the blind receiving sight, and so many others. Additionally, other specialised teams ran medical clinics, taught on Simple Health Care, trained local workers how to build affordable water filters and even built small scale homes for those without adequate housing. “We’ve been so amazed that our church people are seeing people healed as they go with the teams.” – Pastor Alfredo Elias, Christ Forever Fellowship Church, Navotas “We were doing an open air in a public market where the majority of the shopkeepers are Muslims who have been relocated from Mindanao. After one of the local

Christians shared the gospel, it opened a door for one of our teammates and one of the mums who joined us to pray for a Muslim woman. We saw Jesus instantly heal her of tuberculosis, and then she gave her life to the Lord.” – John Stockburger, team leader, music focus “Five churches and youth all worked together to show the Jesus Film after we had met with one pastor and talked about it as a ministry idea. Everyone was involved: the churches provided a tent, sound system, projector and soup. We presented some skits, and the pastor got up and shared the gospel. Suddenly everyone stood up. We realised he was leading them in a prayer of salvation! 203 people gave their lives to Jesus.” – Bryanna Lindberg, team leader, performing arts focus All throughout, teams sought to mobilise the Body of Christ by inviting them to do ministry on the streets together. Hundreds of local Filipinos went out with teams to share the gospel, help the poor and pray for the sick. Hundreds of healings inspired many, while others were deeply challenged to continue to minister to the lost in their own city, even after Megacities finishes.

“The best thing that Megacities has done is to inspire our youth to do street evangelism and to have a heart to win souls.” Pastor Jerome, Jesus is Lord Church, South Caloocan

“Our team ran an evangelism training seminar with a couple of churches. It was attended by youth, some young adult leaders, and a few of the senior pastors. We discovered that many of them were new to evangelism. When we reported back, we heard stories of the Filipino youth seeing instant healings, leading people to Jesus, and stepping out in boldness to reach their own city! The pastors who joined us came back with many salvation accounts and an excitement to



Expanding God's Kingdom in Manila

have the youth growing in a lifestyle of evangelism. It’s been really amazing to see the Body of Christ mobilised through simple evangelism training!” – Lucy Jones, team leader, media and house build focus

of Jesus. Hunger for God was evident in those who came and many were met by the Holy Spirit. Through worship times, testimonies, anointed speakers and more, God did a deep, transforming work.

“This is God’s way to raise up a new generation that are passionate for Jesus.” – Pastora Atilla B. Belamala, Antipolo Burning Bush Alliance Christian Church

“I considered Megacities as a great blessing to the Philippines church, a great partner in the work of reaching people for Christ, and a great encourager for people to really wake up and get involved in the work of reaching people for Christ. I believe that Megacities has not only conducted partnership with local churches, but conducted reaching people beyond the measure of the function of the church. The local church is doing well, but with this partnership it is doing greater. So I thank God for Megacities ministry.” – Bishop Leo Alconga, National Elder of Philippines for Jesus Movement

Finally, the Global Youth Outreach (GYO), a city-wide youth conference, was held in late October. Even deeper consecration to the Lord took place, with hundreds committing their lives to serve Jesus’s call to “Go.” The youth who gathered focussed on who God is, how worthy He is, our response to His holiness and the GO mandate. There was a deep hunger for God and many were met by the Holy Spirit. The conference centred on the presence and person

by Rod Lobaugh Leader of Megacities Ministry

For more information as to how you can be involved with Megacities, please contact: info@megacities.org.au / www.megacities.org.au

Megacities Statistics

God's power on display *Statistics as of 6th of December 2017

94,039 86,393

Received Prayer for a Need

73,430 21,097 4,437

Heard the Gospel

30,142 1,753

Received Teaching

Evangelistic Materials Distributed Health Care Administered

Lives Committed to Christ Instantly Healed through Prayer


Hours of Teaching


Bibles Given


Other Acts of Mercy


10 Beholding Jesus

BEHOLDING JESUS Abiding in Jesus is like learning to drive a car. Two years ago I sat in the driver’s seat for the first time. Within the first hour, I mounted a kerb along the highway and jammed the brake. I clenched the steering wheel tightly, focusing intensely on how much to tilt it left or right to stay in the centre of the winding road. My driving instructor then calmly said to me, “You need to look up.” “You are too focused on your hands and the ground in front of you. You need to look ahead to where you are going. You do not need to think about how much to turn the wheel. If you look up at where you are going, your hands will adjust accordingly. ”The moment my eyes focused on where I was going instead of my own hands, staying on course became almost effortless. All I needed was to adjust my vision.

by Vikki Lim Staff at YWAM Perth


As we come to the end of a year, it is a time to reflect on what God has done and an opportunity to thank Him. As the scriptures encourage us to give thanks at all times, we never want to forget to be thankful to our Jesus. Just like the disciples on the road to Emmaus we have grown in our understanding of Him as we have walked with Him. There are so many reasons to pursue friendship with Jesus; His worthiness, perspective on our lives and the process of becoming more like Him are only a few of many things God shows us as we abide in Him. / He is worthy / All of us who have given our hearts to Jesus can probably recollect the moment in time when we encountered Him. Whatever it was of Him that we experienced – His mercy, His

glory, His pure love – it was so staggeringly real and glorious that we had to respond with, “yes, yes, I want to be with you.” When we recognise how beautiful our God is, how wonderful, and how there is none like Him, what other response could we have? When we draw near to Him we behold Him. We discover how glorious He is as we contemplate the nature of His love. Jesus came to save us from the mess we have gotten ourselves into. He was obedient through pain, suffering, and humiliation, even to death, because He saw something greater; fulfilling the desires of the Father’s heart. And that desire is that we would be reconciled to Him. The Apostle Paul considered the Lord’s loving pursuit of us in his letter to the Roman churches. Paul tells us

that God made plainly known His “eternal power and divine nature ever since the beginning of creation, in the things that have been made” (Romans 1:20 ESV). He did this so that we would know Him. But He is not just the creator of the heavens and the earth, but a personal God who sustains us through His intimate presence. God’s great desire is that we would worship Him and enter into communion with Him. / Finding who we are / As we discover more of His living, infinite personality, we find our way. If someone asked “What is your name?” you would be able to tell them. But you did not always know your name. There was a time when you couldn’t even say it let alone write it. But just as someone taught you your true name, the Father longs to show you

12 Beholding Jesus

your true self. As Jesus is revealed to us by Holy Spirit, and we identify with Him, we gain an inner knowledge of what it means to be children of God and the confidence in Christ to proclaim “This is who I really am!”

As we grow in our awareness of the presence of Jesus in our lives, remaining in Him, abiding in Him, we gain His perspective. We see as He would have us see. Fear and anxiety are removed as He guides and directs us. / We become what we behold / This is evident as we watch a child develop and take on the mannerisms of their parents. As we behold Jesus His “…love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgement; because as He is, so also are we in this world.” (1 John 4:17 NASB, emphasis added). It is God’s own promise to us; it is the all-surpassing miracle of what Christ has done for us. Not only are our sins forgiven but through seeing Him we are transformed into His likeness. Because we know Him we will be like Him: “Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” (1 John 3:2 NIV, emphasis added) Our responsibility as we look forward in hopeful expectation is to contemplate, to behold, to pursue greater revelation of Jesus. “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his

image with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV). / The knowledge of God changes us / Just think, we are surrounded by millions of radio signals every day and we don’t even know it. But if we have the right equipment, and we tune in, we can access it all. What a wonder, to think that Jesus fills our lives in millions of ways we don’t even detect. We have the right equipment but we are normally too busy to tune in to Him. What a blessing to notice His presence in our lives. Jesus, the fullness of God expressed in mankind, glorious and holy, says to us: “Remain in me, and I will remain in you.” (John 15:4 NLT) When we died to ourselves by identifying with His death on the cross, we took hold of the life He has for us. St Paul writes, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” (Galatians 2:20 NKJV).

Our desire to be with Jesus is what will take us to where we should go. The great commission is not about fear of punishment or desire for reward. As we abide in Jesus His love abounds in us and the natural overflow is engagement with a world desperately in need. We go for one reason: because He goes and we want to go with him. Let us position our hearts in hopeful expectation of beholding Jesus this coming year.

by Richard Blake Base leader at YWAM Perth


Then as I looked, I saw a door standing open in heaven, and the same voice I had heard before spoke to me like a trumpet blast. The voice said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must happen after this.” 2 And instantly I was in the Spirit, and I saw a throne in heaven and someone sitting on it. 3 The one sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones — like jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circled his throne like a rainbow. 4 Twenty-four thrones surrounded him, and twenty-four elders sat on them. They were all clothed in white and had gold crowns on their heads. 5 From the throne came flashes of lightning and the rumble of thunder. And in front of the throne were seven torches with burning flames. This is the sevenfold Spirit of God. 6 In front of the throne was a shiny sea of glass, sparkling like crystal. In the center and around the throne were four living beings, each covered with eyes, front and back. 7 The first of these living beings was like a lion; the second was like an ox; the third had a human face; and the fourth was like an eagle in flight. 8 Each of these living beings had six wings, and their wings were covered all over with eyes, inside and out. Day after day and night after night they keep on saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty — the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come.” Whenever the living beings give glory and honor and thanks to the one sitting on the throne (the one who lives forever and ever), 10 the twenty-four elders fall down and worship the one sitting on the throne (the one who lives forever and ever). And they lay their crowns before the throne and say, 9

“You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased.


(Revelation 4, NLT)

14 Engaging Society

engaging Society

YWAM Perth Staff



At the end of 2014 our family’s permanent residency visa was denied, requiring us to leave Australia. We felt God direct us to try again. By praying regularly to return to Perth, our children were able to see that they are a part of God’s plan. Waiting for our visa was frustrating. However, it strengthened our faith as a family and brought us to a greater understanding of God’s timing and sovereignty. We are a part of His plan, not Him a part of ours. Two and a half years later our visa was granted. We are so happy to be back.

Frontiers ministry focuses on finding, befriending and making disciples of people from unreached nations. We have been meeting foreign students at university and running English corners. Recently we started running Bible discussion groups, which focus on observing what the Bible teaches and applying it to daily life. There are now two groups meeting on a weekly basis with people who have never heard the gospel before from places in Asia and the Middle East. These students are particularly engaged the Bible discussion groups. It is very exciting to see God drawing them to Himself through His word and by the Holy Spirit.

We created a drama about God restoring the lives of those affected by abortion and poor self-image for our time in Manila. The crowds visibly identified with the characters, recognising that they too could invite Jesus to restore their lives. Currently, we are developing a production for Nepal where the plot line uses the idea of family to display the fatherly love of God for both men and women. We hope the drama will show individuals that their lives are of infinite value, and will demonstrate to parents how to represent this to their children.


student on the art evangelists school One of our lecture topics is the “Design Process”. During this week, we were to create 50 thumbnail designs to plan for a larger project. At first, it felt impossible. I was talking to God about how crazy life is with this project on top of it. He said, “I am totally in control, so will you let go?” That allowed me to do those 50 pieces, simply creating with Him. Normally I am so task-oriented, but for the first time in my life I created something without the task. I am looking forward to creating more with God in all He has for me to do.

ministry As a ministry, we adapt technology that meets physical needs, is easily maintained and can be taught and reproduced by the local community. Recently, we built an in-ground tank that produces clean, safe and burnable gas from toilet and kitchen waste. While developing this biogas toilet for Manila, one of our team members had an idea to use inner tubes from car tyres to collect the gas from the tank. These are not commonly used in Australia, but we discovered they are used in vehicles in Manila. This means that future maintenance and reproduction of the biogas toilet will be easy and inexpensive. We built the biogas unit with locals who will upkeep and recreate this model in their communities.

Leader of the Priceless ministry and SOC This year, the School of Communication (SOC) and the Priceless ministry worked on producing and distributing a booklet to communicate truth to women at risk in Manila. The concept of the booklet was: “You are worth more than anyone could ever pay for you.” We created a visual story that these women can relate to and have distributed it in Manila. Facebook is used widely in the Philippines, so we included a link to a Facebook page so readers can learn more about the message. We printed off 1,000 copies in total to be given to women on the streets of Manila.

Family Economics Government Religion Education Communication Celebration

CHAMPIONING YOUTH I was a freckle-faced 18 year old who knew little of the things of God when I journeyed by car just eight hours from home to do my DTS. Three months later I took my first overseas plane trip with my outreach team of nine to the coastal city of Lae, Papua New Guinea. I didn’t know a whole lot except that God had done so much in my life and I was eager to tell others about His goodness. Day after day, as we shared the Gospel through open air dramas and puppet shows, I was astounded at the number of people who would come to give their lives to God. It was exciting to see the prayers that God answered again and again on behalf of these young people. I was starting to learn that God believes in and champions youth. Now, all these years later, I am still excited to see God work through the lives of young people. He delights in their simple obedience and belief that all things are possible through Him. You don’t have to look hard to see

through history that He always has. The Bible is full of stories ‘starring’ young heroes and heroines. A personal favourite of mine is the story of David and Goliath. (Maybe because Goliath described him as a “ruddy-faced boy” and it reminds me of some things said about my own freckled face!) The unlikely underdog who does not stand a chance against the seasoned warrior comes out slinging a stone and dongs the expert warrior on the head, killing him instantly and securing victory for the nation. David, despite being young, had proven character. We see in 1 Samuel 17 that he was a diligent servant of King Saul, a hard worker, an obedient son

Championing Youth 17

to his father, brave and fearless as a shepherd and soldier, fiercely loyal to God and His reputation. He trusted God completely. David is in good company with many other young people: Esther, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, Samuel, Namaan’s wife’s servant girl in 2 Kings 5, Mary. Jesus’ mother was young, too, as were most of Jesus' disciples. Think about the boy who gave his lunch to feed over 5,000 people, and Timothy, just to name a few.

The Bible proves time and again that God values youth. He promotes, Believes in and trusts youth. Not just with small things, but with big, major assignments for His kingdom. He values them highly and we should too. He gives them time, and invests in their lives. Think of

how He trained David as a shepherd using bears and lions in preparation for facing the fierce giant. If He believes in young people, shouldn’t we as His people spend time and energy investing in their lives too? How could you do this? Get to know the young people around you, seek them out. Make time for them, come alongside them, and champion their dreams and potential. Invite them over to your home for a meal or to hang out, and let them spend time with you and/or your family. Listen to their story, hear their heart, share your stories of struggle and discouragement, of change and victory – ways God has answered your prayers and miracles you have seen. Take them under your wing and disciple them. Encourage them to go on a missions trip or get involved in serving others practically, going outside their comfort zone, doing things where they have to trust God rather than their own capacity. Invest financially in seeing them trained and

18 Championing youth

equipped for serving God. Support their own personal growth and development as well as involvement in serving the wider community.

Young people need people to believe and trust in them. They need leaders to reach out to them and entrust them with something that is bigger to stretch for. I remember several years ago reaching out to a couple of young women and asking them what excited them and what they were passionate about. As they shared their heart, I invited them to join us as a mission in their areas of passion – one in administration and serving others, and the other in community development. I think both of them were surprised that someone wanted them on their team – that someone would dare to take a risk and believe and walk with them in the journey.

That is the power of leadership to champion and trust young people. Paul believed in Timothy and he became a trusted and valuable team member, someone who was reliable and grew into a great leader. Remember Paul's challenge to Timothy: "Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young..." (1 Timothy 4:12 NLT) Young people need people to believe and trust in them. Is there a ruddy-faced or frecklefaced young person you can take under your wing and invest in? You never know– they could be a Timothy, David, an Esther, or a career missionary in the making.

by Colleen Noblet Pioneer & Leader of Ministry Development School

God Moving Through Education 19

God moving THROUGH EDUCATION / DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING SCHOOL / I was championed as a youth, so, now that I am leading, my passion is to champion the youth of this generation to grow in intimacy with God. This forms the foundation for them as the future leaders of generations to come. I am responsible for one-on-one mentoring and coordinating guest speakers as we inspire and challenge the students to live according to God’s ways. It is an exciting privilege to be a part of God’s work by walking with these young people as they become world changers. My hope is that what they learn in these short months will not end with them but will be passed on for generations to come. / youth ministry in sCHools / Over the past year or so we have seen a significant decrease in our teaching opportunities. However, God has opened up new opportunities in the area of mentoring. The teens we usually see have had repeated behavioural issues. A story of one student was relayed to us by student services. We were told she was regularly sent out of class due to poor behaviour. Since mentoring her, this student has noticeably changed her behaviour and is no longer being sent out of class. Dedicating our time to mentor is a simple act yet it makes an impact in seeing these young people go on to reaching their full potential. / Homeschool co-op within y wam perth / Throughout the year in our cooperative home schooling class, God has revealed more of Himself through the subjects we teach. In mathematics we were learning about the Fibonacci sequence. In looking at nature, we were able to see that God used this beautiful and complicated pattern in designing shells, pinecones and many other things. We saw that mathematics is a language that helps explain God’s creation. Our desire is for all students to grow in knowing God regardless of what subject we are teaching.

20 A Vision for Nepal

a vision for NEpal Over the last 20 years YWAM Perth has sent many outreach teams to Nepal. We have developed long term partnerships throughout the nation and had the privilege of investing during this period of rapid growth in the Nepali church. The church in Nepal is one of the fastest growing in the world. Officially there are under 400,000 Christians in the country but many pastors estimate that the number is much higher. Many first generation Christians came to know God through miracles of healing, either personally or in their family. Teams have experienced many miracles of salvation and healing as well as being involved in the equipping of local churches through seminars and teaching. God spoke a vision to mobilise workers from Indonesia and China to establish works to reach 40 omega zones throughout Nepal. The first base planted through this work has now been running for six years, training local and international workers. This year a team from this location came to Manila as part of YWAM Perth’s Megacities initiative. Nepali DTS students going cross-cultural and leaving their immediate region is a significant step, recognising that the nation has a contribution to make in missions and is not just a

nation that receives missions teams. The practical challenges they faced included the raising of finances and the issuing of passports. 2018 sees an exciting development in our partnerships into Nepal. We are launching a 12 month long strategic focus, sending many teams with different giftings into many different areas. We have a strong sense from God that there is still a window of opportunity to train and equip local Christians to reach their nation. Uncertain political conditions and changes in legislation surrounding religious activity have created a sense of urgency amongst church leaders to disciple and mobilise local believers.


22 A Vision for Nepal

/ Providing bibles / “We must reach the last, the least, and the lost with Bibles in their own language.” – Loren Cunningham. The nations need to receive the word of God. Currently an estimated 96% of Nepal remains unreached, that is they haven’t heard God’s love for them. We have a dream to see Bibles placed into the hands of people who have never heard the name of Jesus before, whether they live in larger urban centres or remote villages. We are looking at translating the Bible into local languages as well as using new technology for mass distribution.

/ Meeting health care needs / Many teams will be equipped to teach and run seminars in areas of simple health. Topics will include nutrition, hand washing, fever reduction and others that relate to preventable diseases and sanitation. Education through a format that is multipliable is a key way to save lives and empower communities. During the year our health care outreach teams will be running clinics and providing outreach opportunities for medical professionals.

/ Serving people without a home / Parts of Nepal were devastated by the earthquakes of 2015 and floods of 2017. There is still so much to do in the area of reconstruction. Over the last 2 years our teams have been part of rebuilding over 30 homes in different villages near the epi centre of the 25 April earthquake. During 2018 many teams will be involved in rebuilding homes and schools, both in the hill and plain areas, in partnership with local churches and ministries.

/ Serving youth / We aim to run youth conferences in all 75 Nepali local districts. Additionally there will be larger state level conferences and a national youth leader gathering. These will be times of convening around God’s purposes for Nepali youth with themes of holiness, purpose and reaching local communities. This year we ran one of these conferences as a trial and we had over 150 youth come from all over the district for 3 days of teaching and 2 days of Bible distribution and evangelism.


We would love to have you bring a team or join one of our teams in Nepal in 2018. Get in touch with us at transformnepal@ywamperth.org.au and we can connect you with opportunities and more information. #transformnepal

The Transform Nepal vision is a partnership between YWAM Perth and the body of Christ in Nepal. Our teams will work alongside long term partners to provide for the continuation of ministry. We also invite investment from individuals, churches or businesses in projects related to reconstruction and Bible distribution. You can adopt particular builds or the translation and provision of Bibles in specific locations.

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A Vision for Nepal ― The church in Nepal is one of the fastest growing in the world. Read more about the nation we will be focusing on for 2018. (p.14)

Colleen shares firsthand on the impact of believing in young people. (p.16)


BE ENCOURAGED to fix your eyes on Jesus in the coming year. (p.11)

“Our desire to be with Jesus is what will take us to where we should go.”

with the body of Christ in Manila has made a lasting impact. Read what teams and local pastors saw God do in Manila this year. (p.4)

a year of partnership

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