WestCoast News - October 2019

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A Light for the Nations



Leading the way into the nations, the Indian Ocean is a threshold for God’s purposes.


Through invitation and friendship, we work with others to see transformation in their communities.


We get God’s heart for the world when we intentionally meet with Him in prayer.

Table of Contents

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An Open Gate to the Nations God has given us access to the nations in response to breakthrough prayer.

God's Dreams for Health Care God’s love actively and relevantly reaches out into a world that needs Him.

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Praying for the Nations We all get to intentionally meet with God to see restoration in the world.

You're Invited! Everyone is called to contribute to the Great Commission!

About the Cover “I am the LORD; I have called you in righteousness; I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations..." - Isaiah 42:6

Across the IOG (& Beyond!) We see communities transform as God connects us with locals that desire to grow.

Letter from the Brownhills

Dear Friends, West Coast News is focusing on the Indian Ocean gateway nations (IOG) – which includes 78 nations. From the beginning we have been called to give our love and energy to this region of the world; sharing the good news with the ‘majority world’ that has the greatest need. The urban challenge in this vast region is huge. By 2030 the UN estimates the world will have 43 megacities. Cities over 10 million or more. Most of the megacities will be in the developin g regions in the Middle East, Asia and Africa; all within the IOG region vision. It is estimated that by the year 2030, 60% of the world’s population will be living in cities and increase to 68% by 2050. This is such a crucial element in considering missions strategy. Over three million people are moving to cities every week and this creates huge challenges and pressures on cities, as well as those seeking refuge in these cities. They could be running from corrupt governments, infighting and violence or migration in search of work to help support their families – no longer can rural land support growing families. Health care systems, infrastructure, clean water, housing, education, employment availability and food are all under massive stress, barely supporting these populations without considering the additional numbers coming. The need for more missionaries to join us, to be trained and go short term or long term is great. Could you join with us in prayer for more short term and long term workers? There is a fast track to service we offer – our Discipleship Training Schools. The DTS is a six-month program that is transformative no matter what background and training the students come from. The DTS offers teaching and short-term mission opportunities that build God’s heart for nations and peoples. Many have never heard the Gospel even once or seen God’s love and power demonstra ted. There is a great move of God in the Indian Ocean rim nations with the tens of thousands waiting and ready to respond to the good news. Now is the time of harvest. Your prayer could shift thousands in the valley of decision to meet their precious saviour for the first time. But how will they know without a messenger? Could you please pray for more students in our Discipleship Training School (DTS) and specialised schools? Short-term mission makes a significant impact on the lives of those involved and for many leads to a long-term call and commitment to the Great Commission. The Bible says that prayer of a righteous man is powerful. Let’s join together in prayer for a great increase of workers to be released in this generation. Pete and I are so grateful for the kindness that has been extended by so many receiving this West Coast over many years. We see you as partners in His great harvest. Our prayer is that you will be rewarded and your hope will not be disappointed (Prov 23:18). Huge blessings,

Pete and Shirl


An Open Gate to the Nations

Outr eac h in Africa, 1991


e see the gates; the ancient steel bolted shut. For years the cold metal, untouched. The enemy is feeling secure in his progress as the jaw dropping statistics of poverty, suicide and the three biggest religious blocks to the gospel have a tight grip on these nations. However, just as the gates can symbolise locked doors and bondage, they can also be an opening for life to come in.

"Only God knew at that time the door He would open through the Indian Ocean."

Peter and Shirley Brownhill, our base co-founders, planted their roots in Perth, Australia, when everyone said that Perth was just a small, secluded city. Many doubted by saying things like, “It’s too far from anything else, no one goes to Perth.” The positioning of this coastal city was initially

a barrier, a reason to stay away. Only God knew at that time the door He would open through the Indian Ocean. A few years into the vision of YWAM Perth, Peter and Shirley Brownhill, along with other core leaders on base, were praying and seeking God for direction for the base. God shared with Shirley that we should have a specific focus on the nations that border the Indian Ocean. Rather than seeing the Indian Ocean as a barrier, God wanted to turn it into a gate. He spoke through Psalm 24:9, which reads, “Lift up your heads, O gates! And lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.” From this vision, we began to refer to this area of nations as the Indian Ocean Gateway. We have grown in our faith and belief that the bondages that keep these specific nations closed can be opened and are trusting that God’s Spirit will flood in. At the time that God spoke this, as a base, we had already travelled to many of the nations included in the Indian Ocean Gateway (IOG). The goal then became to go to all the nations included in the IOG (78 in total). As


Outr eac h in Indonesia, 1991 (above) & 2018 (below)

we looked at the gates that kept these nations shut, we recognised that the key to unlock the gates was prayer. The barriers that stood in the way of the gospel moving forward in these nations were much larger than we, in our own strength, could push past. So, the heart of prayer continued on with a focus on this specific call of God. A piece of our mandate as a base is to bring the gospel into the seven spheres of society (family, economics, government, religion, education, media and celebration). Each human heart resonates with something different and we believe that as we can connect with individuals in their element, their hearts will already be open and therefore more receptive to God's love. As an answer to this call, we have engaged with communities in many different spheres. An example of this is through sport, which is part of the sphere of Celebration. Coming into a village in Africa or an island in the Pacific for the first time, there can often be barriers between our teams and the locals on the first few days. But nothing breaks through cultural differences like a casual game of soccer. Joy and passion erupt as young and

old gather to play and watch the match. The atmosphere is laid for a gospel presentation and for hearts to be moved. Each nation, team and ministry time are different, but together as YWAM Perth, we are constantly answering God's call to break the chains that bind the IOG. No matter the time of year, we have teams serving, preaching and showing God's love to these nations.

Abby Blundell YWAM Perth Staff everytongue Ministry


God's Dreams for Health Care H

ope — a beautiful word embodying faith and expectation. We need it to live, because hope looks towards the future. It breathes the idea that things can and will be better. Hope fuels our hearts with strength and perseverance, gifting us with confidence not to give up or give in to perceived reality. Hope rooted in God does not disappoint, because it results in miracles — and miracles, in turn, inspire more hope. As believers, we have been born again into a living hope and the Lord commissions us to spread it into the ends of the earth. The world loves to make us believe that life is futile and hope is a fairy tale. Listening to the news too long, one can be left reeling under the tides of woe. We are not strangers to sorrow or pain; it is all around us on this side

of heaven. For instance, Perth lies on the doorstep of a vast ocean, and beyond that ocean stretches vast need. This need takes shape as some of the poorest nations of the world, and some of the hardest to reach. From tangled jungles to forbidding mountains, just the terrain of these lands seem daunting. Add in poverty, lack of education and insufficient healthcare, and these nations seem, to the naked eye, only destined to be a background for tragedy. But God has a dream. To bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives, substitute in the oil of gladness instead of mourning and to give those who receive from Him a future and a hope. So much of this can be achieved through the sphere of healthcare. When healthcare workers come into this context bringing

physical healing, accompanied with God’s truth, it fuels hope and can ignite transformation of villages, educational practices and spiritual revival. This is God’s dream for the Indian Ocean Gateway just outside Perth’s doorstep. Tragedy is not part of God’s end story. He watches and He waits, looking for the dreamers and the hopeful, inviting them to change nations and rewrite reality. It is no coincidence that YWAM Perth resides on the brink of all these nations. God was very strategic in the establishment of Perth, and in the late 1980’s He invited YWAM Perth to partake in His passion to bring healing to the nations. YWAM Perth’s first foray into medical missions began as part of a DTS outreach to Indonesia in 1988. On this particular island, there was a


2003 Mobile clinic on outr eac h in India,

need for healthcare, so a ministry base was being set up. This specific DTS went there to assist the process. And though it began small, God fuelled His dream by drawing people to medical missions — and the Healthcare ministry grew. Firstly, in 1993 the Primary Health Care School was pioneered. The first school had 7 students and they went on outreach to various islands in Indonesia, providing mobile clinics. The next step was a short-term mission trip to India in 1994, focused on providing an avenue for medical health professionals to use their skills in the nations. This became the Medical Boomerang doing outreaches every year. And in 1997, the Birth Attendant School began training and sending birth attendants to the nations. The reach has been miraculous. Hidden villages in Nepal, slums in Manila, maternity wards in India and bush lands in Africa have been touched by these schools and ministries. God has spoken and raised up an army of healthcare workers from around the world who are focused and determined that those who are lost would be found in the love of God. They desire those who are sick to be healed now, in body, and eternally in spirit. He has asked YWAM Perth to partner with Him. Today, by the grace and leadership of God, and for His glory, the Primary Health Care School (PHC) has trained 284 students and the Lord has used the PHC to begin other schools throughout the IOG! YWAM Perth Health Care Ministry and Health Care schools have been able to impact 174 countries, provide healthcare to 184,529 patients, aid in the birth of 6,372 babies, partner with 210 hospitals and see 9,374 people enter new life as children of God! Because God is a dreamer, there are always new horizons to claim and new chapters to be written. There are different branches this vision takes. We want to see clinics

established in these Indian Ocean nations, run by their own countrymen who have been trained in primary healthcare. These clinics would be well stocked and provide needed primary care assistance and health education. YWAM Perth Health Care Ministry is also raising funds for mobile medical trucks that can access remote areas that are otherwise unreachable. The goal is to begin in the Kimberley and then spread into Africa and Asia, each region with their own trucks. A warehouse needs to be established and stocked with medical supplies to supply these clinics and medical trucks regularly. Though YWAM Perth Health Care as a whole has been able to see much changed for the better, there is much still to be done. “To the ends of the earth” is our cry, and the blueprints and battle plans have been drawn up. Death is the enemy and healing in Jesus’ name the weapon. We are not satisfied with okay. "Life abundant" is what Jesus said and we want to see healthcare and health education reaching new nations, filling them with hope and the strength to look to the fulfilment of all His promises. Rebecca Ladish Former YWAM Perth Staff Health Care + Media Ministries


78 Nations in the

Indian Ocean Gateway

5,104,042,000 total population

41 nations ON THE LIST ARE

50-100% Unreached

2,758,496,800 people still unreached

8 out of the top 10 most populous cities are located in the Indian Ocean Gateway

T O K Y O D E L H I SHANGHAI C A I R O D H A K A M U M BA I B E I J I NG O S A K A Sources: www.joshuaproject.net ; www.endbiblepovertynow.com


63 nations





Across the IOG (and Beyond) W

hat a joy and a privilege it has been to partner with God for His vision for the Indian Ocean Gateway! The stories on the following pages are meant to give you a glimpse into what God has been doing through YWAM Perth in Indian Ocean Gateway nations and more. From YWAM Perth teams on the ground in the nations to multiplication through those equipped and sent out from our base in Perth, we are so grateful that God is using us to bring His dreams to life.

The Kimberley In mid-2018, YWAM Perth was invited to host a Uniskript seminar in Noonkanbah, a remote Aboriginal community in Western Australia. The goal of the seminar was to pilot a new literacy teaching strategy. Uniskript is an intuitive written language system based on the phonetic production of each sound. By using Uniskript to teach literacy skills, the individual gains the skills needed much faster than learning in a more traditional way. We worked with two adult learners from the Noonkanbah community and, as we did, we saw an incredible hunger and desire from these learners to have access to the Bible for themselves. One of our students specifically was so excited to learn as she had never been able to read herself, always having the Bible read to her. After consistently working with her for about three

ley Tra nslation project in the Kimber weeks, she was beginning to read by herself. We were able to leave her with a copy of Luke in Uniskript. After hearing about the teaching we did, other communities have invited us to do similar training for them. It is an open door into Aboriginal communities to meet and disciple the adults as well as the children. We are also looking at Oral Bible Translation workshops in the form of training schools. With the goal of seeing the Bible available in every language, we are looking to equip others with the knowledge and skills needed to translate Scripture. Towards the beginning of next year, we will begin offering opportunities to receive translation training and practical experience by going into the Kimberley of Australia to translate a portion of the Bible themselves. Many of these seminars are in the process

of being developed. The current focus is to see every Aboriginal language with a portion of Scripture in their mother tongue. With 13 YWAM bases partnering with this vision, we are anticipating 20 languages will have a portion of scripture by the end of this year. Part of seeing this vision happen is going into the Kimberley to gain partnership from elders of each community. With their permission we will host Mother Tongue Translators (MTTs) in Perth to begin the Bible translation process. Each translation workshop seeks to have between 6-9 people for an accurate translation. God has spoken for us to not forget Australia as part of our Indian Ocean Gateway focus. Keeley Samson YWAM Perth Staff everytongue Ministry



YWAM Perth teams in Mozambique

On a DTS outreach to Mozambique in 2009, a local young YWAMer named Justino translated for the team. They had a great time together seeing people respond to the gospel — however, God wasn’t finished there! Justino felt God calling him to go to an unreached island in Mozambique. Our relationship opened the door for more short-term teams to come and aid in the long-term work happening on the island. Sports teams went to run sports camps, then share the gospel with the crowds that had gathered. Although they didn’t see much immediate response, God was moving. After our teams left, young men would go to Justino’s house, telling him they wanted to commit their lives to Jesus. Those young men have now been baptised and discipled, and are the pastors of churches that have formed on the island. Justino was able to come to YWAM Perth twice, to attend and to staff our Primary Health Care School. We have been able to send out a longterm staff member to further develop ways to meet healthcare needs. We are so thrilled about what God has done through a simple relationship, and we're looking forward to more multiplication in the future! Leanne Riley YWAM Perth Staff Media Ministry


Europe As the School of Evangelism, we had a focus on Europe for our outreach this year. We spent one month all together in Biarritz and Paris, France for a summer outreach program. We were a part of prayer, worship and evangelism in different contexts in both locations. The school then split into three teams going to Norway, England, France and Germany. The focus of the entire outreach was to do evangelism and share Jesus with Europe! This vision came through Pete, who was in meetings in Norway in 2015 and a word about Europe being like the prodigal son came through. This outreach was the response to that word. Here is one testimony from our time on outreach. “One day, we were sitting at the beach when a young girl and her boyfriend approached us. They told us they had never really cared about God. As I shared my testimony of how God transformed my life, they got interested and started asking

lots of questions. After our long chat I asked if I could pray for them. As I did, the Holy Spirit moved and they had big smiles on their faces. I asked if they wanted to give their lives to Jesus and the guy said that he wanted to go home and think about it because he had gotten so much new information. A few days went by when I got a message on my phone from the guy. The message said, ‘today I became a Christian!’ He said he was walking and stopped at a little church where he felt God spoke to Him about His love and forgiveness. From that point he realised God was real and decided to follow Him.”

School of Evange lism 2019

Nepal One day, there was a team coming from Perth to our base, and I took them to a small village to give out Bibles. Some people didn't know what the Bible was or about Jesus Christ, so we put my mobile number inside the Bible. Soon after, people started calling me and I was able to share with them. We talked about what they read and what they were studying in the Bible. Now, from that village, we have been able to send two ladies to do DTS and one even stayed on for ministry. It is awesome when teams come here to help us with ministry like Bible distribution. Now, about 15,000 Bibles have been given out. There is now one church planted there, and we are praying that God will open other doors for ministry like church planting. Bachas Missionary in Nepal


Praying for the Nations


ne of the greatest privileges we have in relationship with God is that we are able to hear His voice. We are able to commune with God about what is on His heart as much as we are able to talk about what is on ours. Experiencing hearing His voice in relation to how He feels about the nations and understanding His desires, standing in unity with God to fight for those things — it is exciting! It is active. It makes a difference.

"Intercession for the nations is part of how we get to partner with God in moving towards heaven on earth."

In the Old Testament, we see in Exodus how Moses was able to speak to God, face to face, “as one speaks to a friend” (Exodus 33:11 NIV). Through their conversations about the people of Israel, not only was Moses taught how to lead the people, but when God was ready to wipe out the population, Moses was able to pray in a way that convinced the Lord to relent! In Hebrew the word for ‘relented’ in this verse is "naham", which can be translated to “change his mind”. To have a level of intimacy with the Creator of the universe, the one who knows all and is Lord over all, but who is also willing to have a conversation with us about His plans... it is humbling as much as it is exhilarating. When it comes to interceding for the nations, there are endless opportunities to be able to fight for what He is doing. There are 195 countries in the world. God wants to do something in every single one of them. There are over 7.5 billion people in the world — and God wants to see every one of them know Him. Intercession for the nations is part of how we get to partner with God in moving towards heaven on earth.

14 So how do we do it? Where do we start? Joy Dawson gave us clear principles that allow us able to follow with any prayer group, even if it is just you and one other person. These steps are meant to facilitate a time where you submit yourself to how God wants to speak, allow the Holy Spirit to lead and stand in the gap for what God is doing and wants to do on Earth. Here are some simple steps for how you can begin to intercede. 1. Start off in a place of thanksgiving. We want to give Him glory for who He is and what we know He is already doing in our lives. Setting our hearts in a place of gratitude from the beginning allows for us to build this tower of prayer on a strong foundation. 2. Make sure your heart is right before the Lord, and allow the Holy Spirit to speak of anything we need to repent of before moving forward. In Psalm 24 it says, “Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart” (Psalm 24: 3-4 NKJV). Ensure everyone has a moment to hear from God and respond. 3. Lay down any distractions and focus on God. Joy says we want to be spirit-filled and not distraction-filled! We need God’s leadership in times of prayer and need to commit our focus and attention on what He is speaking. 4. Deal with the enemy in the name of Jesus. He has no authority, so let him know that. Intercession is a time for fighting for God’s purposes, and against any scheme of the enemy. Rebuke the enemy and move forward in assurance that we serve a mighty God. Rebuking the enemy also allows us to see more clearly what God is doing and wanting to say. 5. Wait on God for His direction. We invite the Holy Spirit in this last step to speak to us about what we should pray for, and then give a few moments for us to hear from Him. Then, share back with your group and see what God spoke to you! Intercession is a time of prayer that can bring incredible unity and faith to a group of believers, so see where God has spoken and how they connect with one another, and start praying with faith over the nations! There is a thrill in hearing from God so clearly and on some occasions you may get to hear testimonies that directly line up with your intercession times. So pray with expectancy. Pray with faith that God is moving in the nations and you are partnering in real-time as the Holy Spirit leads your intercession. Cailtin Fisher YWAM Perth Staff Registrar Ministry


You're Invited! Regardless of where you are reading this from, we are all trusted with contributing to the Great Commission. God has placed a calling on each of our lives to represent Him, go out into all the nations, make disciples and see the kingdom of God multiply. Thankfully, there is more than one way that God does this. For those that God has called to YWAM Perth, we are responding to how God wants to use us in His creativity and visionary nature to reach the nations from this home base. However, there are so many other ways to partner with us in how God is transforming the world from where you are. One way that you can join us is through prayer. As we mentioned in our article on intercession for the nations, God has given us all the ability to hear His heart for the world and stand in the gap for what He desires. Whether it is praying for specific people, ministries, schools, or the YWAM Perth base, your prayers are powerful and much appreciated!

You can also give into what God is doing and the works that He is building through ministries that are reaching the lost through healthcare, evangelism, music, Bible translation, media, or home building — just to name a few! There are plenty of opportunities to plant seeds through your financial generosity and partnership. Your giving opens a door for others to be able to go further practically in how God has called them. The invitation is always open for you to come to YWAM Perth. Going is another great way to contribute! Whether you have three weeks, six months, or several years that you are feeling led to commit to missions — God wants to be able to see the kingdom expand and people’s lives changed through encounters with Him, and you can be a part of that. Partner with us through going with us!

Another way to engage in partnership with us is through advocacy. We each have a network of people around us that we can inform of what God is doing and how different ministries and missions teams are working in the nations. Whether that is sharing with your church, your youth group, your workplace, or your fitness group — who is the community of people God has placed around you that you could share with?

Learn More Visit our website at www.ywamperth.org.au or email us at info@ywamperth.org.au to learn more about these partnership opportunities!

Evange lism in Pe rt h through the ye ars

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We are inspired into action by God’s purposes that can be achieved through His plans for healthcare.

Doors are opened for God to move through partnerships founded with locals in their communities.

As we connect with God to see breakthrough in the world, we gain His heart and His desires for them.

God's Dreams for Health Care Across the IOG (& Beyond)

Praying for the Nations

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God showed us how the Indian Ocean grants us greater access to its surrounding nations.



An Open Gate to the Nations

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