APRIL 2019
We Are t he Wave
Know God Make Him Known Personal revelation of God inspires us to share the transformational truth of God.
So All Can Hear Oral Bible translation is an enabler to spread God’s truth. A Generation of Worshippers A generation hungers to encounter God in a place of worship.
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Gain deep-seated understanding of our knowable God to bear powerful witness to who He is.
There’s an urgency to share the most valuable knowledge of God, and He has given us exciting new vision starting in our School of Evangelism.
Where education is lacking, there’s a great need for God’s Word to be spoken, not just written.
An incredible expression of love and transformation happens in the world around us as we live a life of intentional worship.
With a need for innovation in technology around the world, our Appropriate Technology ministry seeks God for creative solutions.
DE AR F R I E N DS I’m so excited to introduce this edition of the West Coast News. Included are articles from wonderful YWAMers that I know are passionately committed to what they are sharing. Take time to read the articles on Knowing God and Evangelism. Fruit of that is being expressed in so many ways as we listen to God, respond and obey. I am excited about our first Bible translation and the technologies that are bringing transformation in the nations we go to.
One afternoon at our staff retreat along the coast of Western Australia, hundreds of YWAM Perth staff gathered in the ocean to declare our commitment to God. We were committing to go where God would lead us to make Him known, as individuals and as one big family. Our dedication was represented through us stepping out into the water. When we walk into unknown territory, we can be confident when we know who is leading us forward — our worthy, loving, wonderful God. The impact we make in the nations around us is not because of our own abilities, but because of His Spirit flowing through us to touch the world with love.
In February, we gathered as a staff down south of Perth to spend time with the Lord and one another. These staff times are always incredible, BUT this was Beyond. We experienced God move so deeply among us and calling us to the Higher Ground of commitment. We know that it wasn’t business as usual and that God had done something in us so that He could move more freely through us. I hope this will come through in the featured articles of this issue.
Peter & Shirley Brownhill Directors of Youth With A Mission Perth
Knowing GOD
To say we “know” someone in a deep and personal way uses the same word as to “know” a math equation or a fun fact. In the Greek language, though, there is a difference. Many of us have read one of Paul’s most famous expressions about knowing God: “I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” (Philippians 3:8, ESV.) When we look at the original language, we can see that Paul wasn’t simply talking about knowing the truth of God in our minds — he talked about something deeper. The Greek word used here for “knowing” is gnōseōs. Strong’s Greek defines this as a “functional knowledge gleaned from first-hand (personal) experience, connecting theory to application… gained in (by) a direct relationship.” Paul’s earthly possessions paled in comparison to the knowledge of God. He wasn’t talking about the kind of factual knowledge that stays in our minds, but an experiential knowledge that transforms our hearts and the world around us — a knowledge that grows through a “direct relationship”. Think about how you would describe a celebrity to someone. You may know a few facts, but your description would largely be based off of what you have heard about them. Now think about how you would describe your spouse, your children, or some of your good friends. There would likely be so much more life and joy behind that explanation, drawing from your firsthand experience and the deep, loving connection you have with them. This is one reason why it’s so important to know God personally. When we share with others about Jesus, we
don’t need to share facts about a distant person that lived long ago. We can share from our own personal experience. There is so much more power behind something we know to be true in our heart versus something that is only information in our mind. Try to recall something that God has done in your life, big or small. It could be a time that He provided when you were in need, or a time that you witnessed Him heal you or someone else. All of these moments that come to mind are testimonies - they bear witness to who God is. Revelations 12:11 says that Satan is overcome “by the power of [our] testimony”. In a courtroom, the power of a witness giving a testimony is that they have firsthand experience — they saw something with their own eyes. When we experience God personally, we are deeply convinced of the truth. Our inward conviction is powerful when we share our stories with others. Nobody can convince us otherwise when we have seen, heard and experienced God for ourselves.
SOMETHING WE CAN ALL LOVE ABOUT KNOWING JESUS IS THAT IT IS A LIFELONG PROCESS OF DISCOVERY. He never hides Himself, yet there is always more to know about Him. We can walk through life excited to learn even more, expectant for Him to shape us through both our personal times of Bible reading and through life experience. No matter how long we have walked with God, there is always more to discover about him!
DRAWING CLOSE Did you know that God lays out a pathway for us to know Him more? In the gospel of Mark we read of two situations where people came close to Jesus. What can you take away about knowing God from these stories? Mark 9:20-22; Mark 10:46-52
GETTING TO KNOW HIM EVERYDAY I don’t think I would be exaggerating to say that each day in serving God in this mission, I get to know Him more. Sometimes it is deep and personal through worship or application to a message. Sometimes it is in very practical ways in finding homes for our staff. Just in the last few weeks, we have been trusting God for six new apartments to house our new staff. There were not really any rentals showing up in the usual ways, and it seemed impossible.
In the first passage, it was the woman's humility that made the difference. She recognised her need and her hunger to meet Jesus, and she reached out her hand in the midst of a crowd… while Jesus was on his way to heal someone else. The woman's faith, shown by her humility and hunger, brought about the life-changing encounter with God. The crowd that was pressed up against Jesus didn't know God to that depth. It was the faith of the woman that resulted in a deeper knowledge of God. In the same way, the second story tells of a blind man that received his sight. He met and experienced God because of his faith — shown by his humility and hunger.
Will you reach out to Such a practical way to get to know Him — to know that He hears and answers prayer, that He is the God of the impossible, that He cares deeply for us. He not only “goes to prepare a place for us” in heaven (John 14:2), but also provides for our daily needs here and now. I love the adventure of getting to know Him each day in such diverse ways.
God in humility today? Will you call out in desperation, in hunger to experience His touch and power in your life? Your faith matters. You
Article by Leanne Riley YWAM Perth Staff Media Ministry
Testimony by Colleen Noblet YWAM Perth Staff Core Elder
can be on the pathway of experiencing God today.
by Cliff Wrener YWAM Perth Staff Core Elder
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When Paul Revere was riding through the thirteen colonies yelling out, “The British are coming! The British are coming!” it was heard and listened to because of a few factors. In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell points out that Paul Revere was exactly the right person to make this proclamation. He was widely networked, known in the various towns and communities since he had travelled this way before and had made it a priority to know the key strategic people in those towns. The other factor that made this proclamation believable was the urgency of his communication. It was a life or death moment for the colonies dependent on how they responded. I like this story as it does turn out to be a tipping point with the colonies. They were able to prepare for the British, get organised and put plans in place for the first battle of the War of Independence. When we think of making God known there are similar factors. We know that it is the most valuable communication we can ever make. Of course, depending on the response of people to this communication, it determines whether their eternal destination will be with Jesus or not. We carry this weight and knowledge of the gospel all the time. So when we are with people for any length of time or on a continuous basis, we think, "How can I share with them the most important message that they will ever know?” The other factor is constantly that sense of urgency. They could experience a greater freedom from the guilt of the shameful things that they have done or that have been done to them. They could understand healing and forgiveness and could be set free. We know this and deeply believe it, so we are looking for God-led, Spirit-led opportunities to communicate this sense of urgency of the most liberating message they will ever know. I have been convinced for a while that the Western world is fast turning to a “no religion” world. “No religion” is now the highest statistically growing religion here in Australia, and it’s similar in Europe. In response to this, and asking God what my part could be in engaging this virus of “no religion” belief, I will restart the School of Evangelism (SOE) here at YWAM Perth. There was also another factor that prompted me. I was approached by a Norwegian church planter asking if we could form a partnership. He starts churches though cafes and uses this platform of business. He is with a church planting group based in Norway, but they have target cities in mind to start cafes primarily in Europe. In this proposal, I was prompted strongly to say “yes” and felt that the mobilisation tool for Europe could be the School of Evangelism that I could lead. Through
the school, we will raise up, mobilise and point these workers towards Europe. One of those options could be this coffee shop approach. I find this so exciting where the potential of these lights of community, relationship and sharing the gospel could happen all over Europe. Not only this, but what if small YWAM teams took up residence in spirit-led cities in Europe? They meet different ones on the streets, in soccer clinics and cafes where engagement takes place even organically. People are drawn into a relationship or friend circles and, over a few meetings, the gospel is shared. They then believe and they are also discipled. Through them, discipling another group starts to their friends and disciples. The catch phrase is “disciples who make disciples who make disciples…"
I'm sensing a generation coming t hrough t hat is perfect for an organic approach to evangelism. People could be followed up in their unchurched state and even do a Bible study, read a passage in their own words and then be asked to put it into action. God's heart is an outreaching heart. He longs for people to come into the Trinity circle of relationship to enjoy the Father, with Jesus being their older brother who has gone before. Why not consider hanging out regularly at the same café, take a game and invite people into it? Real life conversations can take place. They may need help, or prayer for sickness. Whatever they need, you could meet their need for help. What about the one who is asking so many questions as to where God is in the midst of the many different worldwide issues? Then you come along and get flooded with their questions. They are so prepared for you to share on the wonderful character and love of God. They hear, and they understand because they are good soil. They then tell their family and friends. In the meantime, you continue to meet them once a week discipling them through the Bible. They can then repeat what they are learning to their friends and family. This is how a movement can start. So ask God and have a go.
by Peter Brownhill Base Director & Founder at YWAM Perth
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HEAR For over a year now, God has spoken about oral Bible translation to us as the everytongue ministry. At the beginning of 2018, God spoke “Bible translation for Nepal”. Staying faithful to that word, we set our first translation workshop for January 2019. The vision for Nepal was to orally translate a visual tract made of 59 Bible verses. The tract would be four parts and thematic in nature.
Many of you might be asking, “Why is oral Bible translation so important, especially if there is a written Bible already available?” There has been a staggering lack of Bible engagement throughout the world. Many languages have access to a Bible, but few are literate enough to read it. That’s where oral Bible translation bridges the gap. We have seen the effect of people hearing the Bible in their mother tongue: it speaks to their heart and not just their head. Many have heard scripture simply because it’s the first thing that has ever been recorded for them. Even after a year of preparation, dedication and perseverance, there was an element of the unknown before us as we stepped out in faith for our first translation. We did not know what to expect, but trusted that God would be with us. This workshop has been an incredible display of God’s faithfulness and the fruit of being obedient to what God calls us to.
DAY 1 We landed in Nepal and jumped right into oral Bible translation. Partnering with other translation organisations, we recorded all four parts of our tract into two different languages. Our team transformed a simple bathroom into a recording studio with just the materials available to us. We stuffed mattresses, pillows and blankets into every crevice until the room blocked out sound. The whole process took roughly an hour, but the benefits will last throughout the ages.
DAY 6 After arriving in our next location, we set out to train the English-Nepali translators in the procedures for oral Bible translation. Literacy, the process for internalisation and exegesis word study guides were all parts of this. We had fewer translators than we had originally planned on. There was a lot of prayer as we shifted our expectations and came up with new itineraries. We were still standing on faith, knowing that God had called us to this work. We relied on Him for inspiration and new strategies to make this work where we didn’t see that it would!
DAY 16 Today, we record the first draft of the first 22 verses from the Bible ever in one of our target languages! This recording will then be checked by the community, and, if all goes well, it could be finalised next week.
We’ve completed the keyterm draft for another language and will begin recording tomorrow. We are pressing in to finish 13 more verses for 2 completed parts of the visual tract before our time ends.
DAY 26 At 6:00 this morning, our team, along with translators, piled into our rented 4WDs and began the four-hour drive to villages. We arrived to 28 people ready to listen to the translation work we had done. Their ages ranged from 15 to 70, both Christians and non-Christians. They all waited in anticipation to hear the 33 completed verses, the first in their language to be recorded. At the beginning, there wasn’t much response. Then, as they listened, smiles began to appear. They understood! Then they began repeating what they had just heard, speaking out the gospel message of God’s love. One woman had never heard that God loved her before. Doors were opened to return and have more Bible studies because of their response to Jesus being a servant. Hearing the Bible in their own language caused a softness for more and a willingness for us to continue our work in the future.
by Keeley Samson YWAM Perth Staff everytongue Ministry
We have seen t he effect of people hearing t he Bible in t heir mot her tongue: it speaks to t heir heart and not just t heir head.
A Generation of Worshippers If we want to be the generation to bring the transforming power of God’s love to the nations, we need to begin by setting our eyes on Jesus in the place of worship. As we cultivate a hunger to encounter God’s presence and walk in humility as we follow Jesus, there is a release of God’s power and His transforming love in our lives. Many of the pivotal moments that have marked my journey of faith have been in the place of worship. Worship has not only been a place where I encounter the presence of God, but one that has been a catalyst for transformation in my life. In a day and age where everyone is looking for an “experience,” I believe there’s a hidden well of truth to be discovered in the place of worship, and it might not be entirely what we are expecting.
Before my Discipleship Training School, I was leading worship at multiple city-wide youth gatherings each month. I had a huge platform to influence a younger generation and lead them into the presence of God, and yet a huge piece of the puzzle was missing. It felt empty and lacked connection. I remember leading worship one evening and watching a room burning with passion and love for Jesus and wondering, “Why don’t I feel this way?” My heart longed for a real connection, and my curiosity led me to a friend who always expressed his love for Jesus in such a dynamic and beautiful way in the place of worship. The simplicity of our conversation profoundly marked my life in that moment.
“I look at Jesus.” That was it. Words spoken by a man of faith who intentionally chose to take his eyes off of the world and look at our Saviour. I left that night realising how broken I was and, in the place of repentance, I began to look at Jesus with new eyes.
The reality is that there is an entire generation of young people who are looking for more than what the world can offer, and they’re finding it. I remember leading worship at Global Youth Outreach in Manila in 2017, and weeping as I watched hundreds of young filipinos come to the front of the stadium and fall on their knees before Jesus. Or a time when I stood at the back of a prayer room with hundreds of fiery Koreans, crying out and interceding for the unification of the Korean peninsula for 40 days. The point being, there’s a revelation of Jesus and a hunger arising in every continent that is bringing about incredible transformation and it’s all beginning in the place of worship. Before going to Paris in 2018, I was told it was a city that was hardened to the Gospel. Stories of teams who had laboured for months and only seen one salvation painted a picture of a reality that I knew could only be broken by the power of Jesus. “There is no heart too hard,” was a simple chorus that was birthed when I first began interceding for Paris and it became an anthem leading up to our trip. Over the course of our two weeks in Paris, a total of 40 people gave their lives to the Lord as we went out daily sharing the Gospel. People were being healed and lives were being transformed and I can’t help but look back and wonder if it had something to do with the times we spent every morning looking to our King. When Jesus is at the centre of our worship, everything changes. I believe we’re living in a time where a younger generation of true worshippers are rising up. From stadiums to hidden prayer rooms, I’ve seen thousands of young people with a deep and unwavering passion for Jesus, willing to deny self and follow Him wherever He leads. This deep hunger for Jesus has the potential to release transformation that could influence nations and bring a greater measure of God’s Kingdom to earth. No heart is too hard and nothing can stand in the way of the transformational and redemptive love that is in Jesus.
by John Stockburger YWAM Perth Staff Humility & Hunger Band
When Jesus is at t he centre of our worship, everyt hing changes. 13
Where Creat ive
As many people as there are in the world, that’s how many specific types of callings God has. He intentionally designed and takes into account our abilities, giftings and personality as He leads us in ways to make Himself known through our lives. He uses our past experiences and our present situation. With every individual on earth, there is an opportunity to co-create with God in a way that nobody else can. Tyler Knapp, a 23-year-old from America, grew up knowing the sciences and loving art. It was only through God that the two very different passions started to collide. After his Discipleship Training School, Tyler came to YWAM Perth for our Art Evangelists School. He is now on staff with the Appropriate Technology ministry. The ministry finds practical solutions to challenges throughout the developing world — which, as you can imagine, requires a bit of creativity as well. God has a heart to meet the needs of people practically, as well as creatively display beauty that speaks of who He is.
“FOR ME, IN ARTWORK, THERE’S ALWAYS BEEN A LOT OF PRACTICAL PROBLEM SOLVING — AND THAT’S ACTUALLY WHEN THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS HAVE HAPPENED. I’ve noticed the same thing in Appropriate Tech. You have to achieve a certain goal and you’re given certain boundaries — like, it has to cost under this amount of money, and you have to use these materials that are accessible in Nepal or Indonesia, and then you have to make this machine that will melt this plastic down into different burnable fuels. You’re given these crazy restrictive boundaries that actually push you to create in really unique ways. It’s the same way in artwork — when you give yourself boundaries and a certain amount of practicality, it actually encourages a lot of creativity.” A huge part of finding these creative solutions despite restrictive boundaries is seeking God for answers. What does this communion of practicality and creativity look like? Currently, the ministry is working on finding ways to recycle waste plastic into usable oils and fuels that can be used in small generators or scooters. The idea for this project met specific needs that we recognized while working in Nepal, combatting challenges like unreliability of energy with frequent power outages, as well as mass amounts of waste plastic in Kathmandu. These needs for innovation became parameters that led to an opportunity to co-create with God.
by Drew Arvidson YWAM Perth Staff Media Ministry
On the worksite, the team stresses the importance of recognising God’s faithfulness; to intentionally start every day with prayer, remaining open to the voice, ideas and timing of God. “I think we’re all very practical people and just want to get stuff done. I find that there are many times where we try and get fast-tracked, but we miss out on the whole process. I think a huge thing in recognising that this is a work of God is actually the relationships on our team. We’re doing this so people can have clean water and accessible energy. We’re doing it for people, in partnership with each other and God.”
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/ WHERE CREATIVE MEETS PRACTICAL / Creativity is not just limited to art! Hear from a ministry that is co-creating with God for technological advancement.
/ A GENERATION OF WORSHIPPERS / In a place of worship, desire and hunger for the revelation of Jesus starts to arise.
/ SO ALL CAN HEAR / Where education is lacking, there’s a great need for God’s Word to be spoken, not just written.
/ MAKING HIM KNOWN / There is an urgency to share who God is, and He has given us vision that can be birthed through our School of Evangelism.
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Knowing God
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