Generations Bridging the Gap
Investing in our Country’s Future
Calling all Families
Megacities London
Biogas Opportunities
Westcoast News Youth With A Mission Perth October 2013 | Issue 2
Perth Skyline
N THIS EDITION OF THE WESTCOAST NEWS the feature article focuses on young missionaries. All started out facing impossible situations which forced them to discover God in a whole new way. William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army once said, “God loves with great love the man whose heart is bursting for the impossible!” I think this is a great description of young people. They jump right into whatever God is doing, ready to give their lives for something truly meaningful. God has always used young people in His purposes. Samuel started age 5 and went on to become a mighty prophet. David was only 16 when he killed Goliath; Esther was a teenager when she became Queen; Josiah at 8 years old became King and was used to bring reform to Israel and Mary as a teenager to become the mother of Jesus! In the ‘60s Loren Cunningham as a 20 year old started Youth With A Mission. The idea was for young people to find their place as missionaries in the nations. At the time young people weren’t the “first choice“ mission force! Now, however, as YWAM is into our 53rd year, over 4 million young people participated in short term missions. There are more than 18,000 full-time staff in over 1,000 locations in more than 180 nations. It is clear that God doesn’t see young people as our future mission force but our present! In this edition of the Westcoast News we have created space for their stories. God has entrusted us with an unfinished task; this is a great and marvellous privilege and will call on the diverse wisdom and accumulated strength of the generations. Please pray with us for the doors to open wide for the next generation of missionaries to come.
6 Generations s her Kathy teache Generations were always meant le p im s a o d o t to work together, the older staff how . championing the younger and the h utreac eye test on o younger learning from the older
4 Developing the Character of a Nation
Read how our youth ministry is investing in thousands of young people every year
13 Families Involved in Missions One of our mums shares honestly about her experience of working in missions as a family
16 Megacities London
2012 was an amazing year
17 Worship
Worship leaders share their favourites
Thanks for your tireless efforts. I thank the Lord for your partnership in His grand plan.
18 Happenings
Glimpses into daily life at YWAM Perth
18 BioGas
Developments in Malaysia
19 Begging for Prayer
YWAM Perth Base Director
Developing the Character of a Nation
Wintercamp was an amazing time of seeing young people experience God and hear his voice. Connie, Youth Ministry Training intern
Wintercamp was one of the most challenging weeks of my life! Having to be full-on for the campers despite tiredness was challenging, but so growing. In the end I learned so much from them and it was so awesome to see the benefits of discipleship.
By Jess Eriksen
Grace, staff
Wintercamp really empowered my thoughts on how amazing God is! Girl camper
Wintercamp was a great experience for being surrounded by other Christians and enjoying time with God. Jack, boy camper
Wintercamp 2013 was the highlight of my year:) You learn some pretty sweet things:) Girl camper
I had the opportunity to pray with many kids and encourage them in their walk with God. Amber, staff
I had my fist vision from God at Wintercamp. Boy camper
I got to pray and talk with a 16 year old about reaching out to people year round in his high school. Sven, ministry leader Feedback from Wintercamp 2013
INCE YWAM PERTH’S FIRST SUMMER OF Service in 1984, engaging and mobilising youth here in the Perth region has been a significant component of our ministry. Over the years, our expression of youth ministry has taken various forms, from high school seminars and rubber Sumo suits, to skate and dance teams, and a youth cafe in the city. Many young lives have been impacted, with a number of our own YWAM Perth staff getting their start in missions as high schoolers on our youth camps. Nexwave was pioneered in 1999 by Caleb Brownhill, son of Peter and Shirley, and has been led by Joe Moreno from 2007 until 2013. When Joe took over the ministry it was a time of transition, trying to consolidate, and seeking God for the next steps. This was a time to establish a fresh and strengthened way forward. Joe says the key for them was going back to the initial “word of the Lord” for youth ministry, the foundational sense of God’s direction at the start. In looking through prayer notes from when youth ministry was first pioneered, a major theme that emerged was “Go to where the young people are,” with a strong emphasis on engagement in high schools. As Joe and his team sought to move forward based on God’s initial direction, they went through a season of seeking Him for
In a very natural way, in her own words, she asked for God’s forgiveness and committed her life to him.” further details, researching and building relationships in the community. Joe notes that “a focus on strategic prayer has been key to seeing significant shifts and the establishment of long-term relationships with schools.” The growth of the nexwave team has helped increase the reach of the ministry as well. Something Joe felt God impress to him was, “Open doors for ministry and I’ll send the people.” As we’ve stepped out in faith and put the vision out to others, we’ve seen God bring increase. Even as the team has grown, Joe says, “There’s still more work than we can personally handle.
Nexwave Youth Ministries
We’re always stretched just a bit in terms of personnel.” Joe and his team committed to formulating ministry strategies based on what God had initially spoken. “We were not trying to look sharp or to be relevant but just get back to ’What did God say to us to do?’” This simple principle has been a key to significant growth and fruitfulness for the ministry, from Port Hedland to Esperence. In 2012 alone, nexwave engaged in ministry to over 18,700 young people in the region, in addition to seeing several hundred of those mobilised to reach out and serve their communities as well as communities overseas. Much of nexwave’s engagement of youth happens through seminars in public and Christian high schools. Now in 2013 under the new leadership of Sven Leisegang, nexwave is regularly involved in 6 local high schools, as well as 10 to 15 other schools throughout the year. Another primary aspect of nexwave’s engagement of young people is discipleship and missions camps, including the Summer of Service and Wintercamp. The nexwave seminars address issues such as identity, bullying, relationships and substance abuse. But in Christian schools, Joe and his team have further platform to focus on discipleship; the application of Christian faith in lifestyle. This includes
Getting Involved YWAM Perth provides training to equip you to engage with this generation to see them healed and released into their God given calling. After your Discipleship Training program you can join our Youth Ministry Training and intern with nexwave, our youth ministry, to get equipped to work with youth anywhere in the world. For more information about Nexwave or Youth Ministry Training, or for dates of upcoming camps, please contact nexwave@ywamperth.org.au.
helping young people to develop a “service orientation” in regards to their communities and the nations. Nexwave has facilitated high school youth serving with the Salvation Army, Australian Mercy and more, as well as leading service trips internationally to places like Thailand and Indonesia. Joe shares about a girl the nexwave team met recently while facilitating a Christian school’s camp. Although exposed to Biblical truth, she had never thought implicationally about the gospel before. As some of the nexwave team chatted with her about surrendering her life to Christ, she concluded, “Why wouldn’t I make this choice?” In a very natural way, in her own words, she asked for God’s forgiveness and committed her life to Him. When she lifted her head, it was clear something had shifted. “Awe, joy, delight and self-assurance were written across her face,” Joe recalls. After praying together with the team she said, “I can’t believe I waited this long to make this choice.” The next day, they found her sharing with her friends and eager to go home to tell her family. Even as Sven and his team look to the future, they continue to refer back to God’s foundational directions. And their continued aim is to see young people further engaged, empowered and mobilised. //
Generations Bridging the Gap. We need all generations working together and learning from each other if we want to truly build God’s kingdom. By Richard Blake
N SYDNEY IN THE EARLY 1970’S PETER BROWNHILL WAS A YOUNG man with a passion for telling people about the saving love of Jesus Christ. To the observer, the outworking may have seemed a little chaotic; setting up a Christian coffee shop here, street evangelism there and outreaches to other parts of Australia in between. But if you were to look closer, God was stirring something. Bubbling within a group of young people from all over the world were the beginnings of a movement that was driven by the needs of a lost world. If the tool fit the need then that was what they did. But the effects would not last long, like plants in shallow soil that could not take root. Something was missing. When Peter heard Loren Cunningham speak about a new missions movement called to send out waves of young people into the nations, he knew what it was: the blessings of those who had gone before and the belief in those that would go after. Generations never exist on their own; they are tied at both ends, to those who came before them and those who come after them. Left to their own devices these generations will settle into a hierarchy of powers with each wrestling the others for control. It doesn’t have to be this way. God designed the family as the means of multiplying and nurturing. It would be redundant to recount the ways in which the family, as the basic building block of society, is experiencing breakdown in the Western world, but it is not just a Western problem. Though the relational gap between the generations is a global epidemic, it is not universal or irreversible. God has always been bringing the generations together so that He can use them in extraordinary ways.
The Importance of Family
The family is central to God’s redemptive plan. We see at the very beginning that God said it is not good for man to be alone. We see how God faithfully brought Noah and his family through
Generations working together: Kathy, who founded most of YWAM Perth’s healthcare schools and ministries, supports Melissa as she sets up a practice children’s clinic with her Introduction to Primary Health Care school.
Bridging the Generation Gap
Making room for the next generation: Left: Sven, the newest member of YWAM Perth’s leadership team, leading this January’s commissioning night; Top: Ben (sitting) training up Josh (2nd from left) as a speaker for the School of Frontier Media; Bottom: Jen (m.) is leading and discipling a whole team of people working with trafficked women in a ministry called ‘Priceless’ (see her family’s profile on page 15).
the flood. In scripture the picture of the generations is clearly laid out in a description of God as a living God; the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The generations here represent the giving of the word of the Lord, the nurturing of that word and its fulfilment. When the 18th century Christian leader Count Zinzendorf was faced with the challenge of organising the religious refugees from dozens of ethnic and denominational backgrounds that had come to call his estate home, the divine wisdom he received was to build one family with one heavenly Father. As history shows us, this became known as the Moravian movement and gave birth to a one hundred year prayer movement that released thousands of missionaries into the nations. It even influenced the founders of the great awakenings and the social reformers that followed. Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is another example of the way God calls the generations together. The preparation for what we see now in YWAM Perth has two foundational events: Peter heard from God to start an operating location in Perth, Western Australia and the word for that location to be a resource campus for the University of the Nations. At first Peter felt that God wanted to use the city to be a place where missionaries would be gathered in and sent out; a modern Antioch. As Peter and his team pioneered, they did everything together, sharing life as only a family can. They worshipped and
The advancement of the gospel is helped or hindered by the ability of one generation to create space for the next.” prayed together, they ate together; they entertained each other and at times cried together. God sowed home and family, belief and belonging into the foundations of that community. The University of the Nations (UofN) was given to YWAM to be a multiplier for missions. Any one of the over 1500 YWAM locations could offer training with the UofN, but to be a resource campus meant to represent all seven colleges, offer all three core courses and have over one hundred students annually. In the late 1980’s every member of YWAM Perth, young and old, gathered to pray over the vision of Perth becoming a resource campus with 500 staff and 500 students annually. The effect was to create a com-
Bridging the Generation Gap
“Compassion is not just meek and mild – it is powerful and transforms nations!” Kathy, 56, Australia
“I feel privileged to learn every day from people who have pioneered, paving the way for me to be where I’m at, doing what I’m doing today.” Sarah, 28, USA
“I enjoy health care more than I thought I would! More than the practical part I get to touch people with God’s love!” Corry, 62, Carribean/ Holland
“I have realised that many people have laid a foundation for me to build my calling on.” Andrea, 28, Canada
“It is so humbling to have these amazing missions leaders focused on getting me ready for my ministry.” Amy, 30, Australia
“It is not just what you learn in the classroom; the whole YWAM Perth community prepares you to be a nation changer.” Guan Li, 30, China
“If you want to start something that makes a real difference you need to do the LAPS!” Daniel, 27, Malaysia
“I love the community aspect of our health care training, the large age range and learning from one another’s experiences! Sharing together inspires us and gives us God’s heart for health care in the nations.”
“It has been an incredible time! Getting to talk face-to-face with those who have pioneered YWAM and learn from them firsthand what they feel is important in pioneering.”
Our Healthcare ministry has an impressive track record of pioneering new ministries, maintaining those that already exist and raising up staff to carry on the vision.
The Leadership and Pioneering School (LAPS) has a specific focus on equipping young leaders with the character, principles and tools to see their vision happen and last.
Sumeethra, 19, India
munity with a vision to reach and disciple the nations by creating a platform from which the next generation could operate. A definitive sign of belonging to the family of God is that you have been given a task. One of the ways of God in raising children is to give them tasks within the family. For example, getting a child to set the table for dinner does more than spread the load, it gives ownership of the family through responsibility and contribution. How much more does a generation need a commission from the one before? The advancement of the gospel is helped or hindered by the ability of one generation to create space for the next to itself create. YWAM Perth is bound by the word of the Lord to provide a place for all generations to find their place in fulfilling of the Great Commission. As Peter and Shirley cultivated the vision of the resource campus, the aim was to provide a place for people to get a personal vision from God, inviting people from all over the world and giving them exposure to the best missionary practitioners around. Young people came and found the wondrous truth that God wanted to use them and as they shared their budding vision they found that it could have expression within the overall vision of YWAM Perth. God’s will for the healing of generations is clearly communicated through the prophecy of Malachi that He would “turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the
Heidi, 35, Australia
children to their fathers.” Joy Dawson, one of the founding voices of YWAM, once remarked on the situation of Absalom’s return to Jerusalem after his exile for murdering his sister’s attacker that he lived in the city for two years without seeing his father’s face. A kingdom can be undone and a generation lost through pride and neglect. When asked what his role was as a parent, the atheist writer Christopher Hitches commented that his greatest duty to his children was to get out of their way. A slightly diluted form of this principle is heard in the mantra “they will find their own way.” But we cannot leave the next generation fatherless; they need a compass and that is the word of the Lord given to those entrusted with it before them. Reflecting on how God has shaped YWAM Perth, Peter urged that “if we really want to see young people championed, then we must really care for them, not just how they think they need to be cared for, but how God would have us care for them. We need to have an empowering vision that will give them direction and in which they can find their place. We need to lead the way and mentor them so that they, in turn, will do the same.” // Share with us your experience of championing someone or being championed as a younger person! Please write to westcoast@ywamperth.org.au.
A Discipleship Training School is your opportunity to personally experience God and live the adventure of taking His hope to the nations.
Know God. Make Him Known.
www.ywamperth.org.au | info@ywamperth.org.au |
: ywamperth
A Discipleship Training School (DTS) is all about greater intimacy with God, practically applying His truth to your life, and being equipped to fulfill your purpose in Him. Your DTS includes 12 weeks of lectures in Perth, Australia and 12 weeks of outreach, taking the gospel to the nations. The focus is not just gathering information but
drawing close to God and applying the truth we learn to our personal lives. Then you and your outreach team will launch out to serve the lost wherever they are, sharing the love of God in whatever ways you can. Doing a DTS is an open door into a huge range of further training and ministry opportunities within YWAM and beyond.
DTSes running in Perth January: 4WD Adventure, Compassion, Performing Arts, Young People’s April: Classic, Crossroads, Media, Art and Photography July: 4WD Adventure, Classic, Music, Sports October: All Nations, Frontline, Sports
We do it all together: Prayer times, worship, staff meetings, outreach. Being family in missions means that our children are called to missions as well.
Families Involved in Missions A priceless life education. Rachel shares about her experience of working in missions as a family. By Rachel, mother of six, working with her husband as a ministry leader in an Asian nation.
L L PARENTS LONG FOR THEIR CHILDREN to grow up, live life to the fullest and bless the world around them. I believe our role is to love, nurture and train our children. This process takes years and does not come with any guarantees of what the result will be. God calls us to disciple our children to love Him and to love other people. Deuteronomy 6:5-7 tells us that instructing our children in the ways of God is not reserved for Sunday school, but is meant to be integrated into real life whether we are in public, at home or at work. We are to train our children in life. I think this is one of the greatest benefits of being in Youth With A Mission where one of our foundational values is “Value Families.” As a missionary family, if we train our children to work alongside us, they experience following Him firsthand. One outreach we went on as a family when the children were still young, was to Mongolia. We went to a small church meeting in a yurt where, after doing a play for the children about the story of Daniel, my son got up and shared a story about how he knew God was real. It was so thrilling for me to see him talking with other children and sharing about how God speaks. My children are not just hearing my stories about God, but experiencing Him themselves. Years later when my son asked me, “Mummy, how do I know if God is really real?”, I was able to remind him of all the
different times God had intervened in his life. His faith was strengthened and he has continued to follow the Lord.
Benefits of Growing up in a Missionary Context It always helps when our children have the opportunity to hear from Him about what we should do as well. This means whether we are at home or abroad, we know we have heard God together and we have a united sense about what He is asking us to do. Change is always challenging, especially for children, however when things get difficult we have faith to pray for each other and for the situation. A while ago we were praying about moving to another country. My youngest son was very nervous about it, but we prayed together with all the children and they were all convinced God wanted us to move. This helped to give my son confidence, even when it meant a change of school and friends. Seeing the world with their own eyes helps our children to love it like God does. They learn to appreciate cultural difference, diversity and the great need for people to know Jesus. Taking my children with me to help in orphanages opened their eyes. One of them asked me, “Why are [the babies] here? Why did their mummies leave them?”
Families Involved in Missions
They often wanted to show love and kindness to these children, so as a family we all agreed to foster many of the young babies. Because YWAM operates in teams, there are always people around who champion the children, and moving from culture to culture gives them a wide range of training they would not otherwise gain. As missionaries, we often work with broken situations so we cannot shelter our children from suffering. They see it in beggars on the street, in the lives of the people we minister to and also through their own loss and loneliness at times. However, along with experiencing suffering, they also experience the wonderful comfort of God. One afternoon I was doing school work with the children when the table began to shake. “Stop shaking the table!” I said to my son, “I’m not!” he replied. I looked up and saw the light swaying from the ceiling. “It’s an earthquake!” I shouted, “Quick, get undercover!” We took shelter under a table and started crying out to Jesus to save us. It was very scary for all of us and for quite some time my children hated the feeling of swaying in the car and were fearful of after-shocks. There have been many situations where we have learnt to pray and trust God to help us because there has been no other way out. Each and every time God has been faithful to love us, provide for us and save us. This has done far more than just teach our
We prayed together with all the children and they were all convinced God wanted us to move.” children to pray. They have experienced the love and care of their heavenly Father for themselves and I trust that no matter what they experience during their adult lives, pain will drive them into the arms of the Father rather than away from Him.
Missions is great, more families should do it
context with my two small children, I was deeply concerned about these things as well. I tried to find books addressing them, but found most missions books just talked about the work of missions rather than how to help families thrive cross-culturally. My brother-in-law had previously died in a tragic accident at a young age, so I knew all about bad things happening to good people even when they were in the will of God and following him. I knew being in missions did not make my children invulnerable to accidents or illness, so I was scared... How would it be for my children as missionaries? It was often loudly hinted by others that to take children and families into missions was irresponsible, which echoed many of the doubts in my own heart. As we were setting out, the Lord spoke to me through Isaiah 40:11: “He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.” It gave me confidence to trust that as much as I loved my children, the Lord loved them even more. We have experienced our share of sickness and trauma, but in each of these situations we
The three most common concerns with children in missions are their health, their education, and a fear they will “miss out.” Years ago, as a young mother about to launch out into a cross-cultural missions
of other We have lots at YWAM families here me of them! o s t e e M . h t r Pe
A Familiar Environment
Shone Family – Australia
Beaney Family – England
Taylor Family – Australia
Blake Family – UK/ Australia
Jo joined staff three years ago, when her son Alex was one year old. She is part of the Megacities ministry.
Mark and Tanya came to YWAM Perth with their three children and Tanya’s parents to do a Discipleship Training School.
Rob and Andrea provide counselling and practical assistance to those in need. They have a particular heart for Australia’s indigenous people.
Richard is part of the base leadership team and Emma is the leader of the design team.
“I see our lives as a constant testimony to God’s provision and grace. God uses the YWAM Perth family to teach and support us, giving me the platform to be a parent and contribute as we live out our call to missions.”
“At this base our children have been able to experience God in such a tangible way. We never could have planned this for them.”
“We were pastoring for 14 years, I was 62 and Rob was 64, and we felt there was still something more God had for us. We have been so blessed to serve through YWAM Perth. There is no retirement in the Kingdom, only refirement.”
“Our YWAM community has provided the structure and support for raising a special needs child in missions.”
Families Involved in Missions
have really seen how God has led us, carried us, fed us and been gentle with us. In one local school my children made friends and learnt the local language and culture. In a home-school situation they could develop and explore their interests; some learnt through self study, others loved to work together. They have loved team sports and art, and I have had the opportunity to re-learn all I learnt at school and more. Home-schooling has its challenges of time and the need to discipline them, sending them to local school means you miss out on learning with your children and boarding school means they are far from home and grow up very fast. However, each situation has had challenges and yet also brought life to each child. It is amazing to see how the Lord provides for each child at their point of need.
A Priceless Life Education
They may not grow up with a back yard, or a swimming pool, or people of their own nationality around them, but what do they get? I have seen that the Lord is generous, creative and kind. He knows our children intimately, what they need and how He has woven them together. If we are sensitive to Him, He can lead us to nurture our children to be content and filled with thanksgiving no matter their circumstances. I find it amazing how the Lord doesn’t just care about “important, spiritual things” like seeing people healed and saved,
Jise Family – Nigeria/ Canada
but also about the little things which bless our children. From a young age my daughter loved horses, though she had rarely been on one. We went horse riding in Mongolia when she was little and she was hooked. “Please mum, can I ride?” would be her frequent request. Then, while we were overseas, we got to know a man who just randomly had a friend with horses he would hire out. Shortly after, a woman joined our team who was an accomplished rider and loved to take my daughter out horse riding. I know it’s not a big thing, but it showed me, and my daughter, that the Lord does care and see. He is the God who made sunsets, taste buds and good things for us to enjoy. He is the one who cares for and provides for our children. We will not be depriving them by walking in His ways. I have now been in missions for 20 years, my eldest son is 16 and my youngest daughter is 5. My family has been living proof that growing up in a missions context is an incredible experience that marks our families and our children. It can train them while they are still young to see the world through God’s eyes as they experience it with us. It has been an incredible journey, and one we continue to walk in. // Are you a family considering missions or would you like to know more about the topic? Please write to info@ywamperth.org.au.
E riksen Family – Denmark/ USA
Sabo leads the Band Ministry and Anders and Jessica both lead Brenda, among other things, helps Discipleship Training Schools. out in the general store of YWAM They have two daughters. Perth. They have a daughter and another child on the way. “I love how being a family in missions can open doors for relationship “We believe our daughter is just and sharing the gospel. On an as much a part of missions as outreach in Mexico City, the first we are. It’s wonderful seeing response we saw to Christ was the her grow and explore within result of a significant conversation her YWAM family, to have her with two girls that initially just constantly being around prayer began with ‘What a cute baby.’” and worship, with a community showing God’s love to her.”
Ellis Family – Australia/ USA Owen looks after the accounts office and finances for the base and Jenny leads the Communication and Advocacy Core Course, a second-level school championing justice and advocacy.
Privilege is the only word that comes to mind when I think of describing the dynamic of my four children growing up in missions. Over the past 20 years they have seen and had access to people and experiences that I could never have arranged or paid for. It has produced an understanding of God’s character and ways that will lead them into their own future – whether that be a missions career or in another sphere of society.“
Little Family – Canada
Kim Family – Korea/ Germany
Aaron works with our finance ministry and Robin is part of the home school co-op.
Acksios and Elli, leaders in the media and communications ministry, have one little daughter, Julina.
“We were nervous to leave everything behind and bring our three “Sharing the same vision, working children into missions. But we have together towards its fulfilment, never regretted a single day, our working with similar schedules family has been blessed through and being on the same team following God’s calling and our has created an amazing dynamic children are absolutely loving it!” and unity within our family.“
Let’s celebrate what God has done in London! Thank you to everyone who was a part of Megacities 2012, through YWAM International, the many teams from churches worldwide and through YWAM Perth!
9,425 heard the Gospel
hours of prayer that were invested into the city
received salvation
instant healings while people were being prayed for
10,579 people were
taught on topics like evangelism, how to read the Bible, how to hear God’s voice and relationships.
A Wonderful Year Serving the City By Rachel
W AS AN EXTRAORDINARY year for London, England. Most know about the Olympics, ParaOlympics and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, but there was also tremendous outreach in the city, as Megacities and others focused on London throughout 2012. YWAM Perth focused on the city through Megacities, with the aim to be a catalyst for transformation in the city, increasing unity and evangelism, training and mercy throughout the Body of Christ in the city. Those that partnered with Megacities experienced a faith-building and energizing year, with a momentum that grew and will be felt for a long time. “We have experienced mission acceleration. All the statistics… are only the tip
of the iceberg because the teams that have come to Redbridge through the year have activated people in the local churches who have carried on doing [missions work]...” noted Paul Harcourt, Vicar of All Saints Woodford Wells and Regional Leader of New Wine – London & Southwest. During the Olympics period, hundreds of people worked with Megacities, providing the backbone of much of the evangelistic effort around the Olympic park. Teams distributed Bibles, helped run events and prayed for hundreds of people. Through the joint effort of Megacities teams and churches, over 300 people gave their lives to Jesus just around the Olympic park. Throughout the entire year more than 600
people gave their lives to Jesus, and there were thousands of evangelistic conversations held all over the city. Surprisingly, teams saw favour in areas many thought would be a challenge. The Muslim community in particular were very warm, as they greatly respect the way teams lived their lives, and read the Bible out loud in communities. In some boroughs, this favour became key relationships. “We met a Muslim youth worker who loved that there were young people who wanted to help and he invited us to a youth gathering” explained Sven, a South African leading the first team in the borough of Tower Hamlets. “When we got there we found out it was a Muslim youth group, guys in the front, girls in the back, reading in Arabic from the Quran and a message on positivity. I got to share and I told them we were Christians and wanted to help people out because Jesus loves them. “ His team were excited at the opportunity to talk one-on-one with the youth who attended. “They enjoyed having us, so we went back weekly and had open discussions... We were invited to go hang out there whenever and they knew we were Christians. We went to the mosques a few times and people loved to talk to us and were friendly.” In April, another team came and continued to build relationships and spend time with the Muslim youth group. Later in the same area, a third team led three Muslim boys to Jesus with the blessing of their Imam! Skate parks was also a great place to see youth saved and healed. In Bromley, seven kids came to the Lord after one of their friends was injured in a fall and then healed through prayer. He accepted Jesus and told his friends what had happened. In other boroughs like Havering, this was repeated as teams reached out in friendship, shared the gospel and prayed for healing. As miracles and salvations spread, many Christians were challenged to raise their faith and believe their city can see transformation. Many churches began new outreaches into local communities, with excitement and expectation born from working alongside Megacities teams. // For more stories and statistics from this last year visit www.megacities.org.au. Would you like to be a part of or hear more about our next focus city – Kolkata, India? Please write to megacities@ywamperth.org.au.
Music Review
Inspiration for Worship We asked three of our worship leaders about their current favourite music.
TOBY MAC: EYE ON IT As usual tobyMac has hit the mark with his album release of “Eye On It.” He has a good blend of musical styles throughout the album – from funk to pop to rap. The title track, “Eye On It,” has a driving, dance feel. It combines synth elements with a hard rock beat. The lyrics speak of pressing toward what is ahead, keeping one’s eyes on the prize. It draws your mind to Philippians 3:14 – “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” A classic pop song on the album is “Me Without You.” Although it is very simple in its lyrics and beat, it’s a crowd pleaser and definitely a catchy tune. My favourite track on the album is entitled, “Steal My Show.” It is a strong ballad, which leads the listener into worship. The lyrics call out to God to take over career, family, money – a call for God to “steal” everything we hold dear. It is a song drawing the listener into the Lordship of Jesus. The melody and lyrics are quite compelling. Again, on this album, tobyMac involves his son, Truett, on a track – quite a clever song, entitled “Mac Daddy.” This song speaks of the son’s desire to get a Mac computer, and the father’s reasoning voice of earning the money for it. Quite a charming father / son duo. On the whole, the album keeps you on your toes, changing up the pace and musical styles quite often. I found the lyrics and rhythms to be both deep and soulful. A definite must-listen! Cliff Wiener, USA
SABO JISE: IN HIS PRESENCE Just like the title of the album “In His Presence”, my heart behind this album is to share God’s love and to usher in God’s presence into people’s lives as they listen to not just the sound of the music on this album but also the words and the message each song carries. Each song from this album was written out of a place of personal time with the Lord and expresses my heart for the majesty of who God is. My passion is that God will be made known in the nations of the earth, as we pursue the presence of God and bring him glory. My hope is that this album encourages and inspires you to a place of worship and devotion to God, where he remains your main focus and object of worship. Sabo Jise, Nigeria
All three albums can be purchased or streamed live at the following online stores: iTunes, Amazon MP3, eMusic, Napster, Rhapsody, Spotify.
ILL REAGAN AND UNITED PURSUIT: LIVE W AT THE BANKS HOUSE We listen to worship music in all sorts of different settings, it might be playing in the background whilst talking with our friends or you might hit the play button before washing your dishes. There is some worship music that is just a bit different, it is more of an invitation to come and worship, stop what you’re doing, get to God and simply worship Him – “Live At the Banks House” is one of these albums. Recorded live, it captures the heart of worship, intimacy and friendship that we are able to have as we worship Jesus. Right from the beginning, the first song “We Have Come” really states why we worship – “We have come to give Him glory, We have come to give Him praise.” We are invited into His presence as we lift up His name and give Him glory. The album continues with powerful songs like “Bless the Lord” and “Set a Fire.” I love the way these songs are not your usual verse, chorus, verse and so on rather a line or chorus might be repeated over and over; not rushed, but waiting on God, giving God the time and space to move by His Spirit. Giving this album a listen will encourage you to go deeper with God and pursue greater levels of intimacy. Taking time to seek His face when nobody else is looking, just you and God – and from that being changed. I really love the heart behind United Pursuit, and I look forward to hearing more! John Lewis, England
Biogas Developments in Malaysia By Brenda Jise
Within 6 days of lecture and 10 days of outreach, I’ve seen God transform peoples lives. Tirza, staff of a discipleship seminar held in Jakarta, attended by over 100 young people.
This is God’s heart, to bring practical care to show that He actually, physically, cares for them.” Dustin Little, BioGas team member
LAST YEAR WE REPORTED ON OUR BioGas team’s plans to go to Madagascar to begin training locals in BioGas and to see a BioGas system built. Unfortunately, this was not able to take place but we were very excited to send a Primary Health Care team to Madagascar and a BioGas team to Malaysia in September last year. This BioGas team was made up of various YWAM Perth staff members who headed to Bentong, Malaysia to bring this life-changing technology to the people there. Through YWAM contacts in Kuala Lumpur our team was able to connect with a group of Christian Chinese businessmen who are working in Malaysia to help those in need. Their heart is to help individuals who are having a hard time finding a job by giving them training in a skill that will benefit the community and helps them get a job. The program includes people who are overcoming drug or alcohol addictions, or individuals who have been in prison before and are now finding it tough to find employment. Some of the skills they are taught include sweet potato farming, breeding goats, aquaponics and now BioGas! They are equipped with practical skills that can completely change their lives and their communities. All of the training is done on models that
have been built on land owned by this group of businessmen. The models are also shown to their network of other Christian businessmen as viable ways that pressing needs in local communities can be met. These businessmen then can fund projects in communities and provide employment opportunities. BioGas is now one aspect of the community development that can be multiplied to see people’s lives changed! Our team worked for approximately three weeks to build the BioGas system in Bentong. The ground was very hard but thankfully God provided a backhoe for them which enabled them to finish in time. Our prayers during this time were for the right people to multiply this BioGas system into the indigenous Orang Asli communities of Malaysia. The heart of our BioGas team is to show God’s love and His care to those in need by providing training and expertise. By providing clean fuel for cooking, lighting and heating, as well as helping to prevent common health complications, BioGas is being used by God to improve quality of life and demonstrate His love. // To read more about BioGas, what it is and its benefits, please refer to the article in our ‘Inheritance’ issue from 2012: issuu.com/ywamperth
Thank you
What do you think?
Thank you to everyone involved for making this edition of the Westcoast News possible. We wanted to mention specifically: Pete Brownhill, Kali Daniel, Cristine Wiener, Jen Ellis (Content, writing and editing); Dennis Fahringer, Acksios Kim, Landon Troyer, Kevin William (Photography).
Your opinion matters to us! What did you like about this edition of the Westcoast News; what would you do differently next time? Is there anything that we missed to mention or that you would be interested in? Please write us:
We were privileged to perform in front of over 800 people within our first three weeks as a band. Luke, Della Fern, about YWAM Perth’s newly commissioned band.
People were eager to get involved in any way they could. Krystal, Priceless ministry, talking about their recent public Human Trafficking Seminar.
The input and assignments revealed so much hidden writing talent amongst us! Jen, co-ordinator for the week-long intensive writing seminar attended by over 50 staff.
Right across Australia young people were getting excited for missions. James, Mobilise, about their seven-week trip around the country, mobilising people for missions.
Half of the 634 salvations came from local Londoners new to sharing their faith. Claire, Megacities ministry, about the year-long focus on reaching and mobilising London in 2012.
They walked three hours just to be taught God’s word. Josh, Bible School for the Nations, from their outreach to Nepal.
Our movie brings hope and encouragement to the Aboriginal community. Josh, Cygnet Films, about their movie project released in September.
BEGGING FOR PRAYER Would you pray for YWAM Perth? Pray with us and be a part of the things God is doing in Australia and the nations! We collected 12 weeks of prayer requests from around YWAM Perth to make partnering with us easier for you.
Worship Ministry
... that God would call more people to come and be trained and experience God in new and exciting encounters in our DTSes.
Families in Missions
... for more families to be released into a calling in missions; ... that families who love Jesus would disciple families who are just getting to know Him.
Registrar’s Office
... for breakthrough in creating a visa that categorically describes who we are as a mission and releases adequate and necessary visa’s for staff to remain in Australia.
Outreach Teams
... for all of our outreach teams spread across Australia and Southeast Asia, that God would anoint their ministry and they would lead many people to Jesus.
Simple Health Care
... for more students to be trained up and sent out into the healthcare needs of the poor; ... for more staff to join this ministry.
Accommodation Team
... that we would see more houses become available in our area to accommodate our growing staff numbers.
Cygnet Films
... for God to use the newly released Wongi Warrior movie to bring restoration, dignity and healing to Indigenous people throughout Western Australia.
Nexwave Youth Ministry
... for favour with more schools with whom we can run camps and do training to equip more teenagers in WA.
Megacities Ministry
... for many teams to come to the next Megacities focus city – Kolkata, India ... for more staff, specifically those with background in media.
Revive Ministry
... for our ongoing partnership with Indigenous people of Western Australia … for the new partnerships internationally in SE Asia.
Island Breeze
... for our outreach to Sydney … that many people coming to the evangelistic events will be saved and many recruited for the new performing arts DTS in January.
Priceless Ministry
... for breakthrough in developing relationships with prostitutes.
India? (p. 16)
www.ywamperth.org.au/007/payonline.asp or email cristinew@ywamperth.org.au
In order to support the work of YWAM Perth financially, please visit
Contact our Megacities office for many different ways to get involved: megacities@ywamperth.org.au
to Kolkata,
Would you like to be involved with our next Megacities outreach
Contact our Registrar’s office for specific training opportunities for families: info@ywamperth.org.au
Are you a family considering missions? (p. 12)
Contact our Registrar’s office for opportunities and how to get involved: info@ywamperth.org.au
working in missions together? (p. 6, 12)
to see families and different generations
Would you like to experience first hand what it’s like
Contact nexwave for more information: nexwave@ywamperth.org.au
schools or be trained in Youth Ministries? (p. 4)
working in high
Do you want to get involved with our team
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