What others say about us Roel and Corila Goris ...
We have come to admire the dedication and effectiveness of the work done by YWAM amongst refugees and other disadvantaged communities in South East Asia. Only Christ-inspired dedication and love for our fellow human beings in distress could result in such wonderful work being done, often under the most difficult circumstances. YWAM truly represents Christianity in action and is making a difference in this world where the need is greatest. Former South African Ambassador to Thailand, Pretoria, South Africa
Dr. David Yonggi Cho ...
I consider them [YWAM] to be the most effective mission organization. Senior Pastor, Yoido Full Gospel Church, Seoul, Korea David Aikman ...
I know of no other organization in the Christian missionary field that has produced and continues to produce such outstanding, mature and Spirit-led young men and women.
Author and former TIME Magazine editor, Washington D.C.
Find out more about Youth With A Mission Perth P 61-8-9328-5321 | F 61-8-9328-1324 E info@ywamperth.org.au www.ywamperth.org.au PO Box 8501 Perth Business Centre Western Australia, 6849 Australia
YWAM Perth . Australia
Changing lives transforming Nations Making God Known in Word and Action Youth With A Mission – YWAM has many expressions locally and internationally, serving government, business, health care, education, media, sports and the arts, transforming communities by bringing the Gospel in training and action to the whole of society.
Specialised Skills to Serve Following a DTS, we offer specialised training modules in a variety of areas. Each course addresses specific needs and provides skills for service in all areas of society. The majority of our training is accredited in Australia under YWAM’s Institute for the Nations (IforN) which is recognised internationally under the University of the Nations (UofN).
As international volunteers, with a diversity of backgrounds, we work in multi-disciplined teams, partnering with local organisations to help bring about lasting and substantial change. We offer training in a broad range of fields. Our programs integrate classroom studies and practical service, often in an overseas context. We aim to go beyond the theoretical both inside and outside the classroom, in order to prepare people practically for their area of service.
Living and Serving Together We are an international community committed to knowing God and making Him known in every sphere of society with a strong focus on cities, youth and where the Gospel is needed. Since 1985 we have increased from a small team of 8 into a vibrant and growing missions centre. We have hundreds of full-time staff volunteers and train over 600 international students each year.
Laying the Foundations The Discipleship Training School (DTS) is the foundational course of YWAM, focusing on the character and skills for following Christ’s example in life and community.
YWAM Perth is all ages, from many nations and from a range of church backgrounds. Brought together by our love for Jesus, we have the privilege to serve the needs of society both in Australia and overseas.
During a DTS, each student develops their personal relationship with God and learns how to share His love with others.
Youth With A Mission