Manufacturing-Journal vol. 1/4-2009

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Manufacturing Journal Volume 1/4 - 2009



The World of Business


A specialist in mo- Tradition, safety, dular constructions funcionality

A company with a mission


page 50

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page 40

2009-01-13 11:49:45

Manufacturing Journal


Covers All sides of International business

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2009-01-13 11:49:51

PRELUDE 2009 tips to consider……


et’s face it . . . we who are spirituality-based know we aren’t mainstream in our approach to life. We probably (okay, we do) use Law of Attraction to the degree we understand it. What if our efforts still don’t create the results we want? What’s up with that? Even if you don’t know anything about Law of Attraction or want to, it will benefit you to consider the following: Ignore what the media and others say about the economy. Refuse to shop at that store. When your services or products offer real value that solves or provides something to people THEY feel they need, and you offer them a few options to pay for it (depending on the price or fee), you never have to sell or convince them to go for it. You just need to let them know how to find you. When you’re really clear about what you want to offer, how you want to offer it, and to whom, you create a vibrational match to people who are looking for what you provide and others who may want to help you get the word out. We tend to think we have to do business with everyone who approaches us or those we approach about our services or products. Why? Because we’re trying to build our business and pay for our living expenses or, hopefully, do even better than that. Think Vibrational Match. If your vibration is, “I need your money,” you’ll either energetically push people away or attract time-wasters. How do you shift this? Become very clear about what you offer and why. The moment you connect to your Why and your energy to create genuine value for others and feel fulfillment and, yes, even enjoyment from doing this, the financial aspect shifts in the direction you intend. If you believe you can really make a difference and if you take time to find

out if what you offer will truly assist someone, doing your business revs up your ability to attract the right people. Who are the right people? Your ideal clients and/or customers. Did you know you have the right, maybe even the obligation, to know who these people are so you can reach them or they can find you? Who doesn’t have a better experience serving or being served by a vibrational match? Have you ever written, for your own purposes, what the qualities of your ideal client are? Try this; you may surprise yourself. And, don’t try to be noble, be honest. Your promotional materials, including your Web site, should use words that you feel convey exactly what you wish to and in a way that addresses what your ideal clients are looking for. What works for the “big guys” may not work for you, because their words don’t come from YOUR head and heart alignment so don’t create a vibrational match. Whether you believe in Law of Attraction or not, it’s all about the vibrational match. Do you have a plan? Even if it changes often, put something down and commit to taking action. As the saying goes, “Nothing changes until something moves.” You have to move, that is, take action. Make sure your actions have the potential to create outcomes and aren’t just busywork. Never confuse activity with productivity. And, do take time to relax and recharge. You’re at the beginning of a new year. You have a fresh start. If you address the items above, especially if you never have , you’ll move yourself that much closer that much quicker to your desired experience and outcome. Editor:

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2009-01-13 11:49:53

Managing Director Patryk T. Zborowski Editor Patryk T. Zborowski Profile Writers Natalia Tokarska Agnieszka Rutkowska Claudio Corciulo Vladimir Grudin Aleksandra Strojek Anna Woszczyk Paulina Siayor

Contents: 1 2 4 12

Prelude Contents News Country profile

Construction and Steel Industry:

Art Director Wojciech Kosmowski Project Managers Agnieszka Bechta Katarzyna Marciniec Agata Nowak Administration Wioletta Adamczyk

Z-MEDIA Dietla Street 11/11 31-059 Cracow Poland e-mail: advertising: phone number 1: 0048 12 4337115 phone number 2: 0048 12 4337065 phone number 3: 0048 12 4337066 fax number: 0048 12 4337116

14 Cadolto 18 Fritex 21 Fincibec 26 Interpipe Ukraine 30 Adpol 33 Precizo 36 IBP Instalfittings

Š Manufacturing Journal 2008 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form for any purpose, other than short sections for the purpose of review, without prior consent of the publisher.

2 Manufacturing-Journal

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2009-01-13 11:49:55

CONTENTS Consumer Goods&Textile Industry: Szynaka Meble 40 Andropol 46 Dr. Irena ERIS 50

From the cover: A specialist in modular constructions page 14

Tradition, safet, funcionality page 40

Paper&Printing Industry:

A company with a mission page 50

Polpak Karton 55 W.Lewandowski 58

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2009-01-13 11:49:59

NEWS Luxury market to face recession The impact of the financial crisis will bring some sectors into a recession. Latest reports predicts up to a 7% drop in sales within the global luxury market at constant exchange rates. Experts say that the most resilient of companies will be those who have strong international and diversified brands. However, it is said that companies should avoid cutting strategic costs such as marketing and creativity related expenses, and instead try to develop the premium shopping experience. The luxury market is expected to recover in the long term. This recovery is likely to be led by high-spending individuals in the emerging markets of Brazil, Russia, China and India. This, together with increasing personal wealth in all markets and increasing tourist flows, leads the authors to regard the future of the market with optimism. The latest data say that the experience of the recession will be different across product categories. Powerful advertising and high competition will go some way to protect the fragrance sector from difficult times however the weak holiday period will negatively effect 2008 sales. Cosmetics, a sector less reliant on the Christmas period will remain more resilient and within the sector skin care is likely to gain ground over color cosmetics.

EBRD to support Turkey The European Bank for reconstruction and Development plans to provide Turkey with investments worth $600 million by the end of 2010, following a decision by the Bank’s Board of Governors to accept Turkey as a recipient of EBRD investments. he decision to add Turkey to this group comes at a time of global financial turmoil when institutional support is seen as key for the safety and stability of national economies. The Bank will place a high priority on investments outside the main metropolitan centres, in areas where economic reforms are less advanced. A dynamic market economy in Turkey will benefit not only the people of Turkey, but also help strengthen other economies in the EBRD region given the country’s economic importance. Responding to the specific requirements of the Turkish economy, and following close liaison with the Turkish authorities, EBRD investments will focus on such key areas as micro and small and medium sized enterprises, agribusiness, energy and energy efficiency. The Bank want to increase the availability of risk capital and long-term financing, especially outside the main cities, support the reform and the secure and efficient delivery of vital services via non-sovereign lending and other.

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2009-01-13 11:50:01

NEWS China’s railway investment China’s leaders have approved $292 billion (2 trillion yuan) in spending on railways construction, stepping up planned investments to help fend off an economic slowdown, the official Xinhua News Agency said Monday. Investment will support faltering economic growth in isolated areas and bind restive regions such as Tibet, Xinhua cited a Railway Ministry official, Wang Yong, as saying. It can also help create jobs. The railways development plan calls for 2 trillion yuan in construction spending by 2020, but the ministry official said total spending is likely to exceed that amount. China is in a railway-building boom, adding hundreds of miles a year in an expansion that rivals the construction of railroads in the 19th century American West. Plans call for the railway system to expand to 75,000 miles (120,000 kilometers) by 2020 from the current 48,750 miles (78,000 kilometers). The freight lines now are heavily overloaded, with volume expanding by nearly 9 percent a year, while freight transport capacity grows by only 3.4 percent a year, Xinhua said.

Russia presents new possibilities for food firms Income in Russia has soared from an average of US$1185 per capita in 2001 to US$4803 per capita in 2007 – and this impressive growth translates into an emerging middle class, higher disposable incomes, and a new set of consumer demands for food firms to cater to. Indeed after opening its first store in Moscow this year, French retailer Carrefour is understood to be planning more outlets in 20 cities across the country. Market analysts says that the food industry has been very focused on Moscow and the south west, around St Petersburg. However, now there are other interesting regions like Volga, Siberia, southern Russia and the Urals. This makes up quite a sizeable market in terms of consumer living, as people have prospered in the last few years and the middle class has grown. Russia is highly competitive because of the size and importance of the market. Certainly in Moscow and St Petersburg, consumers are tending to travel more and bring back tastes of foreign food, such as Mediterranean-style cuisine and foods marked as organic, alongside traditional Russian tastes. The fact is that in the country there is a demand for more sophisticated and convenient consumer products.

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2009-01-13 11:50:02

NEWS Danisco-Coressence agreement Danisco, a Danish food production company, has signed a working agreement with UK-based Coressence, which will see the Danish company bring a range of polyphenol-rich apple ingredients to the European and US markets. The ingredient range – to be named Evesse – will initially target the dietary supplement category, with the primary focus being heart health. Under the terms of agreement Danisco will get exclusive rights to a number of dry powder ingredient extracts derived from apples. These, said Danisco, already have documented benefits for cardiovascular health. The firm has also identified a number of other areas of potential, including, inflammation, exercise recovery and skin health. The health benefits of the products are linked to their polyphenol content – which are antioxidants derived from fruits or vegetables. Danisco said it chose to focus on the Evesse products because they have a high epicatechin (flavan-3-ol) content, which is different from other apple-based ingredients on the market. The total European polyphenol market estimated to be worth over €100 million. The company expects the first sales to occur in 2011, initially in the dietary supplement market. Danisco is one of the world’s largest producers of ingredients for food and other consumer products, and is also one of the biggest sugar producers in Europe. Recently however, Danisco has said it is investigating the possibility of selling their sugar devision. Among the potential buyers are both industrial investors and a group of Danish sugarbeet farmers, however an IPO also remains an option.

Russia-China bridge

Bayer to invest €2.1 billion in China Germany’s Bayer MaterialScience confirmed it would stick to its original plan to invest € 2.1 billion in Shanghai in the coming four years. Chairman Patrick Thomas said it is possible that certain activities in the United States and Europe will be put on hold due to the financial crisis. But for China he remains optimistic as sales grew to €1.3 billion in 2007. “The risk of not being in China is much greater than the risk of being in,” he added. Bayer MaterialScience is one of the world’s largest producers of polymers and high -performance plastics. It is an independent, globally operating company within the Bayer Group. Its innovative developments in coatings, adhesives, insulating materials and sealants, polycarbonates and polyurethanes significantly enhance lives quality. The company employs around 14,900 employees at more than 30 locations throughout the world. Sales of some 10,435 million euros were achieved in 2007.


Russia and China have signed a deal paving the way for construction of the first railway bridge between the countries, creating a potential supply route for iron ore produced by British and Russian miner Aricom. Aricom CEO Jay Hambro said the bridge across the Amur River would allow the company to save almost $40 million in annual freight costs associated with delivering iron ore to the Chinese border. It was said that Aricom was also considering taking part in the project to build the bridge. The agreement to build the bridge gives the green light to authorities in the Jewish autonomous district and the Chinese province of Heilongjiang to proceed with construction of the project, previously estimated at $200 million. “The next step will be a formal tender process,” Hambro said

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2009-01-13 11:50:03

NEWS Panasonic: from China to Czech Republic Panasonic Works Europe (PEW) has started to rearrange its production activities. In order to bring production closer to customers, some activities will be relocated to Czech Republic from China. The general trend towards China however will remain intact, the company hinted. Currently, the company expands its production facilities in Plana (Czech Republic), which are associated to the Panasonic Europe’s German production. Panasonic plans to manufacture electromechanic relays at this location. Currently, these products are manufactured in China.

Coca-Cola shrugs of the economic slowdown

The company says that flexibility and quick response to customer requirements have become such a paramount aspect that they outweigh the higher costs. In addition, the company plans to manufacture more advanced products which require close proximity to European customers. PEW’s product spectrum includes complex high-density printed circuit boards.

Coca-Cola, the biggest drinks maker in the US, has shrugged off the economic slowdown thanks to strong demand in emerging markets. The company reported earnings of $1.89bn for the third quarter, compared with $1.65bn for the same period last year - a rise of 14.5%. Revenue was up 9% at $8.39bn, just below analysts’ expectations. The company reported a 10% growth in sales of uncarbonated drinks, including juices and bottled water. Sales of fizzy drinks, which include Coca-Cola, Dr Pepper and Fanta, rose by 3%. Muhtar Ken, president and chief executive of Coca-Cola, said: “Our ability to adapt to changing economic and consumer environments was key to our success during the quarter.

Power link LithuaniaPoland making progress The planned power link will consist of a two-circuit 400 kV overhead line connecting Alytus (Lithuania) and Ełk (Poland) substations, back-to-back converter stations in Alytus and the reconstruction of the Alytus and Ełk substations. The projected transfer capacity of the transmission line is 1000 MW. This would allow for the transmission of up to

8 TWh per year. Based on preliminary calculations, the construction of the interconnection Alytus- Ełk will cost €237 million. The interconnection’s route should be clarified by mid-2009. The main objective of the project is to increase the supply security and system reliability in the Baltic region and the integration with the European power networks after the closure of the Ignalina nuclear power plant by the end of 2009. The decommissioning is carried out with grant support of the EBRD-administered fund.

The Ignalina International Decommissioning Support Fund is also supporting the project. It will contribute €2 million to studies examining the financial, technical and territorial planning of the project and its environmental impacts. The Ignalina International Decommissioning Support Fund started its work in autumn 2001. To -date more than €623 million have been committed by the European Community, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

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2009-01-13 11:50:04


Chinese firms interested in Euro 2012 The organising committee met representatives of Chinese companies including Anhui Foreign Economic Construction

Ltd. and Shanghai Construction General Co. “We would like the Chinese to carefully examine Poland’s expectations,” Katarzyna Mueller, spokesperson of the Polish organizers said. The Chinese are reportedly interested in investing in road infrastructure and the

construction of football stadiums, hotels and airports. The delegation from China also held talks with officials of several Polish Ministries. The organising committee also met investors from several European countries, including the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain.

DuPont to invest in Europe DuPont-owned Pioneer Hi-Bred invests in sunflower and corn seed research in Europe. The company has spent more than $5 million at two new centres – one in Hungary and one in Italy. Iowa - based Pioneer is world leader in the discovery, development and delivery of elite seed genetics. Moreover, it is a leading supplier of European seed corn genetics and is rapidly increasing its sunflower business. “DuPont is aggressively investing in research and development to increase farmer productivity and extend our leadership position in corn, sunflower and oilseed rape in Europe,” said the vice president of DuPont Crop Genetics Research and Development, William S Niebur. “Based upon our new technology advances, strong products, and business growth in the region, we have clearly made the right decision,” the company said. Dupont’s Hungarian facility will expand its sunflower “breeding, testing and disease characterisation”. The Italian centre will also research disease and trait recognition, according to the company. Pioneer Hi-Bred and DuPont have been developing a new high oleic soybean oil trait as part of the Bunge DuPont Biotech Alliance. It contains 80 per cent oleic acid, which increases the stability of the oil when used in frying and food processing. Like low linolenic soybean oil, high oleic soybean oil eliminates the need for hydrogenation, resulting in foods with negligible amounts of trans fats. It is on track for 2009 commercial introduction in the US, pending regulatory approvals. 8 Manufacturing-Journal

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2009-01-13 11:50:07

NEWS First nuclear power plant project in Russia Nuclear Energy State Corporation (Rosatom), launched construction of Baltiyskaya nuclear power plant in Kaliningrad. Head of Rosatom, Sergey Kiriyenko, launched the first nuclear power plant project in Russia, which will be partly financed by private investors. Baltiyskaya nuclear power plant with generation capacity of 2.4 gW will be constructed in Kaliningrad region. The first energy unit will be set into operation in 2015. 49% share in the NPP will be sold to a private investor.

The project will cost about €5 billion. Negotiations are under way with western companies already operating in the Russian energy market, announced Rosatom. According to Sergey Pikin, head of the Energy Development Fund, those companies are E.On, Enel and Fortum. When RAO UES Russia was reformed, those three companies gained control over Russian energy companies. Pikin figures that also Electricity de France could be one of the possible investor candidates in the NPP project.

Samsung-Bosch hybrid car battery venture approved On Monday EU regulators approved a joint venture between South Korea’s Samsung SDI - part of the giant Samsung Group that produces batteries largely for computers, mobile handsets and other electronic goods - and Germany’s Bosch Corp - leading German spare parts manufacturer - to produce batteries for hybrid vehicles. According to the European Commission “the transaction would not significantly impede effective competition in the European Economic Area or any substantial part of it.” The South Korean firm has said the hybrid vehicle market will grow rapidly amid soaring oil prices and tougher environmental rules on emissions. The deal, signed in June, calls for the 50-50 joint venture known as SB LiMotive to start production in 2010.

Novatek gas output grew Novatek is Russia’s largest independent natural gas producer. Now it has announced that its gas output grew 1.9% year-on-year in January-June to 15.19 billion cubic meters. In 2007, Novatek produced 28.52 billion cubic meters of natural gas, or 0.7% less than in the previous year. Established in 1994, Novatek handles the prospecting, production and refining of gas and liquid hydrocarbons. Its gas fields are located in the Yamal-Nenets autonomous area in West Siberia, which has the world’s largest natural gas reserves. The region accounts for over 90% of Russian gas output and around 20% of global gas production. Manufacturing-Journal 9

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2009-01-13 11:50:08

NEWS TDK to expand TDK, a Japanese company, which makes tiny components used by the hundreds in mobile phones, personal computers and flat-panel televisions, plans to buy the German electronic parts manufacturer Epcos for up to $1.9 billion, in a move to expand sales of industrial-use parts and cope with fierce price competition. Epcos is Europe’s biggest maker of passive electronic components that control the flow of electricity, supplying capacitors, inductors and surface acoustic wave parts for use in cars and consumer electronics. “We think it will be a positive move for TDK,” said George Chang, an analyst at Macquarie Securities. “Epcos is a strong player in Europe and in the auto industry,” he said, adding that the acquistion would also help TDK expand in China. According to the source, who declined to be identified as it was not authorized to speak to the media, TDK, a Japanese company, will launch a friendly tender offer for Epcos and make it a subsidiary as early as autumn. It was also said that the bid is likely to cost $1.4 billion-$1.9 billion.

Bosnia seeking international consortium to explore oil

The energy map of Europe could be changing with a Serbo-Russian pipeline running through the Balkans and Bosnia drilling for oil with international partners. Bosnia’s largest energy exploration group Energoinvest has in-

vited bids from international partners to explore natural gas and domestic oilfields in the Muslim-Croatian part of the country in the South. It is said that record crude prices have prompted the Bosnian government to revive oil and gas exploration. Potential bidders are expected to have a minimum capital of $100 million already invested in oil, gas and mineral exploration over the past five years. The state-owned Energoinvest invited firms and investors to send non-binding letters of intent within a month. It is said that unnamed British, Canadian and Malaysian companies have expressed interest in drilling oil fields that may contain more than 100 million barrels. Meanwhile, in neighboring Serbia, lawmakers are discussing a large scale energy project with Russia, which envisages a pan-European pipeline running through the Balkans. A multi -billion dollar contract was signed between Belgrade and Moscow in January, but the deal hasn’t been ratified by in the Serbian parliament yet. Serbia’s Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic has said that the huge contract will “turn Serbia into an important player on the energy map of Europe.”

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2009-01-13 11:50:10

NEWS France relies on nuclear power France is building its newest nuclear reactor, the first in 10 years, costing $5.1 billion. But already, President Nicolas Sarkozy has announced that France will build another like it. Moreover, Électricité de France, or EDF, is in talks to buy British Energy, for about $24 billion, to renovate Britain’s nuclear plants and build new ones. The French have already contracted to build a third-generation European Pressurized Reactor of the Flamanville type — the world’s safest and most powerful — in Abu Dhabi and China. According to the government nuclear power provides 77 percent of France’s electricity. Sarkozy said that each European Pressurized Reactor that “replaces a gas-powered electricity plant saves two billion cubic meters of gas each year, and each EPR replacing a coal plant means cutting 11 million tons of CO2.” Nowadays, France has 58 operating nuclear reactors, the highest number of any nation besides the United States. The fact is that with the wildly fluctuating cost of oil, anxiety over global warming from burning fossil fuels and new concerns about the impact of biofuels on the price of food for the poor, nuclear energy is getting a second look in countries like France, the United States and Britain. Even Germany, committed to phasing out nuclear power by 2021, is debating whether to change its mind.mln. In the first half-year 2008 the company has got the license for extraction of potassium-magnesian salts on Palashersky and Belahontsevsky sites of Verhnekamsky deposit of potassium-magnesian salts in the Perm edge in RUR 4 087 mln. cost. With purchase of this deposit EuroChem has confirmed the strategic line of potash direction development in business of mineral fertilizers manufacturing. Last week EuroChem launched a $1.5 billion loan into syndication, according to banking sources. The proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes. ABN Amro (RBS), Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, HVB, ING, Orgresbank (Nordea), Société Générale and SMBC are bookrunners and mandated lead arrangers on the facility.

Nabucco gas pipeline summit “The Hungarian Prime Minister initiated a summit meeting with the participation

of all the players in the Nabucco project: its shareholders, the transit countries and the supply countries,” government spokesman David Daroczi said. According to the proposal, which was was made on Thursday, Nabucco summit will take place at the end of the year in Budapest. In February, Hungary has already presented a draft for an intergovernmental contract providing the framework for the EU’s Nabucco con-

struction. The document might be even signed by the end of 2008. The 3,300kilometre (2,050-mile) pipeline, running from the Caspian Sea via Turkey and the Balkan states to Austria, is scheduled to begin in 2009, with completion expected in 2013. But Budapest has expressed concern that recent negotiations over gas prices between Russia on the one hand, and Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan on the other, could endanger the project. Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan have been named as possible suppliers of gas for Nabucco, but the project is still seeking other suppliers. The pipeline currently has six shareholders -- OMV of Austria, MOL of Hungary, Transgaz of Romania, Bulgargaz of Bulgaria, Botas of Turkey and RWE of Germany. It will transport 31 billion cubic metres of gas to the EU from the Middle East and Asia in a bid to reduce the bloc’s reliance on Russian supplies.

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2009-01-13 11:50:12


Full name: Kingdom of Belgium Population: 10.5 million (UN, 2007) Capital: Brussels Area: 30,528 sq km (11,787 sq miles) Major languages: Dutch (local variant called Flemish), French, German Major religion: Christianity Life expectancy: 76 years (men), 82 years (women) (UN) Monetary unit: 1 euro = 100 cents Main exports: Machinery and electrical equipment, chemicals, vehicles, metals, diamonds GNI per capita: US $40,410 (World Bank, 2007) Internet domain: .be International dialling code: +32


or such a small country, Belgium has been a major European battleground over the centuries. Occupied by Germany during World Wars I and II, it has experienced an economic boom in the last 50 years to become a model Western European liberal democracy. However, there has also been a growing divide between the mainly Dutch-speaking north and the mainly French-speaking south, with some even speculating that the country could break up.

Republic of Congo - once Zaire. It attracted international attention following the US-led war on Iraq in 2003 because of a controversial law allowing Belgian courts to try foreigners for war and human rights crimes, regardless of where the crimes were committed. The law led to suits against numerous high-profile international figures before undergoing radical revision. Belgium is noted for its strong culinary traditions and is particularly famous for its fine chocolate and array of beers.



Brussels is the headquarters of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato). Thus, it is the polyglot home of an army of international diplomats and civil servants. The country stretches from the dunes of the northern coastline through the Flemish lowlands and on to the forests of the rolling Ardennes hills in the south. Belgium reconciles regional and cultural identities in a single federal structure. The structure includes three communities - Flemish, French and German-speaking - and three regions: Flanders in the north where the official language is Dutch; Wallonia in the south where French is the official tongue and Brussels, the capital, where French and Dutch share official language status. Wallonia has a 70,000-strong Germanspeaking minority. Tensions between the two main language communities sometimes run high, and the right-wing Flemish nationalist party, Vlaams Belang, wants independence for the Flanders region. But opinion polls show that most Belgians want to maintain the federation. Belgium also has a small colonial legacy in Africa: in Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic


Belgian broadcasting mirrors the unique political and linguistic nature of the country. The cultural communities, rather than the federal authorities, are responsible for regulating radio and TV. So, unlike most other European countries, Belgium does not have a single public broadcasting organisation, but two separate bodies, with their own regulations, running their own radio, TV and external broadcasting. Some 95% of Belgians are hooked-up to cable TV; one of the highest take-up rates in the world. Cable services offer dozens of domestic and foreign channels, including Dutch and French stations. Belgium aims to complete the conversion to digital TV by 2011, when it aims to switch off the analogue signal.

King: Albert II Prime Minister: Herman Van Rompuy

The Belgian press is self-regulated by the Federation of Editors - to which all editors of major newspapers belong. A small number of media groups owns the main newspaper titles.

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2009-01-13 11:50:13


Construction and Steel Industry Cadolto






IBP Instalfittings




Interpipe Ukraine




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2009-01-13 11:50:18



adolto is a global leader and specialist in erecting complex, technically sophisticated buildings of modular construction. The core competence of the company lies in construction projects in the fields of medicine and laboratories. For over 70 years, the name of the company has been a synonym for expertise, reliability and quality. No matter what the functions of the building are to be, the modular construction technology of Cadolto brings innovation and individuality to the customer. Thanks to the peculiar construction type, even the most demanding technical and architectural applications are plausible to be realized. Due to longstanding developments and investments in the construction principle, Cadolto is nowadays one of the world’s leading providers of modern modular buildings. The company is present in a number of European countries, among them Poland. A very well organized and effective accomplishment of a commission including construction of 14 hospitals in Russia, enabled Cadolto to strengthen its position on the market and to receive acknowledgment of the competitors. It must be remembered that the success of the company in every country of its operations is the merit of its owner, i.e. Cadolto Fertiggebäude. The above mentioned contract with Russia was

a very important moment for the company as a whole and it was positively perceived also on the market of Poland. Actually, every new investment of Cadolto Poland is a small event of the construction trade. It derives from the fact that modular technology is not as popular in Poland as it is in western European countries. The specialization of the enterprise is also of a meaning for its development in this part of Europe. The fact that Cadolto focuses on constructions of medical profile causes that every new order is an impulse for other customers to initiate a contact. An example can be the realization of a superstructure in the Jurasz hospital in Bydgoszcz. A new intensive care and operation bloc of the institution brought about great interest in the Cadolto modular t e c h n o l o g y.

Reasons behind being that far

In order to gain the trust and respect of the customers, it is not enough to provide them with average and standardized services. There is a number of characteristics of the services of Cadolto which enabled the enterprise to compete with other market players. The reason number one is undoubtedly very quick service offered at the very start of the cooperation, i.e. at the stage of investment preparation. It is also at the time when a detailed cal-

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2009-01-13 11:50:55

ISTherm Sp. z o.o. Ul. Babimojska 7 54-426 Wrocław, Polska Tel: 0048 71 727 10 58 Fax: 0048 71 359 05 64

ISTherm company is CADOLTO business partner In range of design and workmanship • •

installation, ventilation and air conditioning in building objects realize on Polish Market. besides, we realize sanitary installations, heating, solar, heat engineering junctions and boiler Rooms, heating pump system.

Bedachung + lsolierung Jonny Welsch GmbH Kapell-Leite 9 90579 Langenzenn

moderne Flachdachtechnik internationale Projektabwicklung

Aluminum architectonic systems Opal Wrocław Sp. z o.o. ul. Kamieńskiego 201-219 51-124 WROCŁAW tel. +48 / 071 352 81 03, 320-73-05 fax +48/ 071 320 73 16

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2009-01-13 11:51:01

culation of the construction is elaborated and presented to the customers. Each element of the building is negotiated with the clients – there is no room for any unclear or disguised points. Another thing which wins over customers is record-breaking time of construction accomplishment. At Cadolto, an object of 10 thousands square meters is ready within 5 months. What is more, the projects are realized without any disturbance to the regular work of the extended building. That is of great importance for any buildings of medical functions. By the construction of the objects, Cadolto does its best to minimalize the inconveniences connected with the process. The whole object is produced at the works of the company in Germany. Later on, the modules – prefabricated in almost 100% – are transported to the construction site and the time required for their assembly

is a matter of a few days. It means that the actual presence of the enterprise at the construction site is incredibly short and that the hospital does not incur ant costs connected with a longer stoppage of any of its departments. Last but not least, the company is not afraid of demanding, difficult and complex tasks. The requirements of the customers are realized as professionally as possible, no matter what the level of their difficulty is.


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The enterprise knows that the topic of modular construction is rather complex

The offer of Cadolto is as impressive as the principles describing its service delivery. It includes buildings of a wide variety of functions, among others clinics and bed pavilions, technologically advanced laboratories and sterile rooms as well as corporate headquarters, office and administrative buildings or public institutions.

BioCote® provides ALVO’s stainless steel panel systems with 24-hour protection against bacteria, fungi and mould, such as MRSA, Salmonella, E-coli and Legionella. ul. Południowa 21 A 64-030 Śmigiel, Polska

Insight into the technology

The spectrum of the offer

Stainless steel cladding system for operating theaters with antimicrobial BioCote ® protection.

Golden Aesculap Award SALMED International Medical Fair 2008

of medical objects and the administrative requirements compelling the institutions to quickly catch up with the prerequisites of the European Union. The company is more than sure that it poses a great chance for development and full establishment on the Polish market. Modular technology is quickly becoming more and more popular in this country and experience from other states allows Cadolto to predict that sooner or later it will be used commonly.

tel. +48 65 518 86 07 fax +48 65 518 98 56

Cadolto Poland decided to concentrate its attention on the medical sector in the first line. The decision is connected with the fact that at the current moment the number of specialists being able to fully encapsulate the issues of medical constructions is rather small. However, Cadolto can take advantage from its experience on the European market and it actually does so in Poland. What makes the development chances on the Polish market even more unique, is the bad infrastructure

and not familiar to everyone. The novelty of this construction type causes that the clients are overwhelmed by the very idea of getting involved in any project realized according to its rules. That is why, by the negotiations with the clients, the issues connected with the very technology process and its details are frequently limited to the minimum and substituted by the benefits that the innovative technology may bring. In a nutshell – modular construction is nothing more than playing with bricks. The realized project is divided by the Cadolto experts into singular modules. They are produced at the corporate works in Germany and include all installations (medical gases, electricity, ventilation, water, etc.), top off elements as well as some equipment elements (washbasins, toilets, showers, medical equipment and devices). Modules in that form are subsequently transported to the site of their assembly and placed at the appropriate place with the help of a crane. The finish-up works come in the end – basically, they come down to combining installations and finish-up works of the floors,

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dolto as the one who is already cooperating with the enterprise. The quality and professionalism of service delivered to the customers is actually one of the areas on which the final opinion about the company is based. That is why the customers are perceived as an additional marketing department whereas the image that the company wants to widespread is that of high quality and quick project accomplishment as well as knowledge and experience on the market of medical sector investment services. In fact, lots is done to promote that image, especially in Poland. The personnel of Cadolto Poland is a small team with sales being one of its most significant tasks. Basically, all employees of the company function on the side of the parent company, i.e. Cadolto Fertiggebäude. The number of the personnel amounts currently to 300 employees responsible for production, delivery and assembly organization. The background of the employees ranges from engiTelefon : +48 (0)61 6525-830 neering and sales Telefax : +48 (0)61 6525-845 to regional ject management.

walls and ceilings between the modules. Obviously, there are no limits as far as the trimming materials for the interior and the exterior of the objects are concerned. There are also no barriers with respect to equipment elements. The end product is then a reflection of the construction project and individual expectations of the customer. This is an absolutely new approach in the area of construction as every single building is treated as a pre-configured product of a certain quality, price and delivery time. Once the agreement is signed, the customer awaits the product as though it was any piece of device used in everyday, medical work. The comfort for the customer is really inestimable – the technology allows not only to manage and monitor the investment but also to control its acceptance. There is also a financial incentive. The possibility of dividing the project into stages suggested by the Cadolto specialists is a great solution in case of any financial deficits or shortages.

Uniwersal Transport Poznań Spółka z o.o. Stefana Batorego 101, Batorowo 62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne, Polen

Customer at the top

In the activities of Cadolto the priority is reliable and professional servicing of the customers. The company knows that its development is dependant on the satisfaction of the clientele. All standards of the operations are therefore oriented towards potential purchasers. The chances to meet their requirements are the bigger, the better the marketing, sales and production support function. So far, the servicing potential has been so efficient and effective that there is no anxiety as far as servicing even the most demanding clients is concerned. The quality of Cadolto service is unchangeable and does not depend on the size of the customer or any other factor. Each customer who telephoned, mailed or visited the company with some tentative questions is of the same importance to Ca-

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Looking back and ahead

Cadolto Poland has been functioning on the Polish market for eight years. The beginnings of the company were marked by getting to know the local market as well as checking and estimating its potential. Nowadays, when more and more Cadolto objects are successfully assessed by the clientele, the rules and principles of corporate politics are being revised. Great support comes from a sales office in Wrocław, where customer service logistics is handled. Next to that, the circle of trade partners, contractors, architects, experts, specialists and customers from public

as well as private sector has significantly increased. Furthermore, the enterprise does not have any doubts or hesitations connected with the future. It believes that the medical market represents a very dynamic trade, both in the sense of the equipment as well as new construction standards. Cadolto is also perfectly informed on the most recent solutions in the built-in equipment, especially surgical and anaesthesiological columns and operation lamps. With all that, it is ready and eager to provide the customers with the most modern, state-of-the-art solutions and technologies. It is then most probable that the development direction will not be transformed and it will continue to be oriented at the constructions of the medical sector. The fact that the company managed to find its own market place in the difficult financial reality of the medical sector of Poland, emphasizes how much work has been invested in its development as well as cooperation with the architects and clients. Yet, observations and experience from the western part of Europe are the best evidence that modular technology is the future of construction investments and that Cadolto excels at their realization.

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Effective quality management system - the key to success of FRITEX Stock Co. (Yaroslavl, Russia)


RITEX Stock Company was established in 1932 and has become the first in Russia and the largest in Europe at that time “Plant of friction and heatresistant materials”, equipped with foreign machinery. In 1992 FRITEX became a stock company and found itself in new economic circum-

stances. To meet the challenges of existing market situation, the following measures of reorganization have been taken at the plant: •

All shop floors of the plant have been reconstructed and re-equipped with modern machinery; technical center has been established; Ecologically unfriendly production of

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asbestos articles has been stopped; Production of new asbestos-free articles of high quality has been launched.

Today, FRITEX Stock Co. is the biggest, fast-developing producer of brake pads, brake linings, clutch facings and sealing gaskets for automotive industry. FRITEX Stock Co technical center including R&D, testing and environmental laboratories develops new articles with improved characteristics. Sixty highly qualified engineers working there, provide constant control over the production process and over the quality of the articles, thus, achieving the reduction of environmental pollution.

Quality management system

FRITEX Stock Company management considers the following terms as major directions of plant development strategy: •

meeting the continuously growing requirements of automotive industry for the quality of the goods and for the environmental safety of the production; engineering reconstruction of production facilities with maintenance of modern up-to-date equipment.

The quality management system that was established at FRITEX Stock Company in 1996 has become the key-point and the instrument to achieve this strategy. The leaders of the plant have made the great efforts to teach the managers of all levels the aims and the strategy of ISO 9001 as well as to inform the plant stuff about general purposes and values of quality system and to engage the people in all processes. The first certification according to the requirements of ISO 9001 that our company had passed in year 2000 showed the correctness of chosen strategy.

Protection of the environment.

FRITEX Stock Company managers always consider the protection of the environment and of the working stuff health as one of the major tasks of its activity and as an integral part of business intended for long-term success. Today, the achievement of high efficiency of the environmental protection can only be performed by application of system concept Manufacturing-Journal 19

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in environment management. In 2001 this system was approved at FRITEX Stock Company according to the requirements of ISO 14001. In 2005 FRITEX Stock Company re-certified its quality management system according to the requirements of ISO 9001 and got the certification according to the ISO 14001 in the version of 2004. Nowadays FRITEX Stock Company is recognized as the leader in the field of environmental safety among the companies of Yaroslavl city: in 2006 and 2007 the plant got the first prize in the “Best company of the city” contest in the “Environmental safety” category.

Quality of the products according to the requirements of ISO/ TS 16949

These days the companies of the Russian automotive industry should adjust their activities according to the intensified competition and to the growing demand for products quality. FRITEX Stock Company made first steps in learning the requirements of ISO/TS 16949 in 2002. At that time the company already had a well -functioning quality management system with clear, standardized procedures; well-trained stuff and complex of motivations stimulating the responsibility of the executives.All these instruments helped the company to learn additional requirements of ISO 16949 specified for the automotive industry. In May, 2006 the quality management system of FRITEX Stock Company got the approvement in accordance with the requirements of ISO/TS 16949.

Trust in FRITEX brand

FRITEX Stock Co. Adress: 79, Sovetskaya str., Yaroslavl, Russia 150003 Tel./fax: +007 4852 72 07 65 E-mail:

The secret of FRITEX Stock Company success is based on the continuously improvement of the quality management system according to the modern tendencies. The company makes big investments in production renovation, in quality of produced articles; controls the stability and reproduction of the processes, transforms the corporative culture through the stuff acknowledgement of values, principals and terms of corporative behavior. The company partners are well informed about the development of FRITEX quality management system. This helps the plant to create a good business image and enlargers the trust in FRITEX brand.

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incibec is the star in the world of flooring and ceramics that gives the biggest contribute to the challenge for the leadership in the sector.

Hints from the past.



Sassuolo is a town in the north of Italy where Fincibec was first established in the far 1960 with the innovative line of porcelain stoneware CIBEC . The company gained an immediate worldwide success. The strong predisposition to the innovation and progress allowed the firm to spring over the bush of time anticipating the most relevant evolutions of the ceramic product of the last forty years. It is a long run that goes from the ‘grés ceramic’ of the sixties to the production of the frost-proof glazed single-fired tiles brought in the market under the trademark MONOCIBEC during seventies up to the white-paste coatings of the nineties. MONOCIBEC opened in 1981 its first plant in Sassuolo Casiglie. The business was focused on the manufacture of glazed ceramic stoneware . Solignano saw its first plant named SAXOS only in 1992 with the specialization in the production of large-sized white body wall tiles afore mentioned. The CENTURY factory was born in the town of Roteglia ( Reggio Emilia) during 1995 particularly dedicated with its expertise at producing technical fine porcelain stoneware.

Successful strategies and winning solutions.

The actual position on the top list of FINCIBEC amongst the competitor companies challenging the top position in the field of ceramic floorings and walls is neither a case nor the well-known and very common beginner’s luck. On the contrary FINCIBEC orientated its research towards the achievement of notable esthetical results along with the physical, chemical and mechanical characteristics of the finished good with the aim of obtaining always better performance and technical efficiency in usage of the product in question. All this has been possible even with the support of avant-garde technologies and devices.

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Designing is creativity, Production is workforce, art is FINCIBEC!

Nowadays the group introduces itself on the world market with three different trademarks. Hence, the MONOCIBEC CERAMIC, NAXOS CERAMIC and CENTURY CERAMIC are the three brands managed by the head office FINCIBEC S.p.A. which guarantees the financial and strategic coordination of the three brands. The exclusive of the group is determined by an attentive and continuous overlook at the ceramic world market focused at the identification and capture of the style tendencies and technological innovations in real time. The specific research is carried out principally in the three laboratories of the Group guaranteeing originality and protection of the result. The lot happens in a much personalised way. The Fincibec S.p.A. Group reaches a production of 9 million squared metres tiles for flooring and walls per annum . These tiles are all destined to the residential, public and commercial building trade. In the three manufacture plants plus the service centres, 500 competent and professional employees carry on the FINCIBEC’s cart day by day. Thanks to this the company is able to offer a vast array of products in the catalogue for the contemporary architecture and building industry. FINCIBEC’s production is in a constant run to the expansion a progress. The biggest effort of the company concerning the creation of the product from the scratch has been dedicate at the production and realization of large-sized ceramic tiles used both for the flooring and walls. The decoration and glazing phases a great attention has been dedicated at the study and application of nano-pigments. Concerning to the investments made by the Group, a great attention has been focused on the lines of “Ceramic Digital Print” ( Inkjet UV). It is a high definition tile decoration system which allows the decoration without the contact. Furthermore the investments have been focused also towards the introduction of measuring and squaring devices and techniques in order to achieve a mono-size product.

Quality is Fincibec.

FINCIBEC was born to offer to its customers a high quality and efficient product. The group is equipped of a quality management system licensed according to the regulatory UNI-EN-ISO 9001:2000 which consents the constant monitoring of all Manufacturing-Journal 23

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the phases of the production cycle. The whole process is done within the respect of the quality standard established beforehand. This is the reason of the highest satisfaction of the clients. The certification of the quality management system UNIEN-ISO 9001:2000 is also supported, for numerous sets produced and commercialized by the FINCIBEC GROUP, by the certification that witnesses the conformity of the products to the law UNI EN 14411:2004 nationally with UNI MARK and around Europe with the KEY-MARK. To cut it short, FINCIBEC S.p.A. guarantees the true and total quality of its ceramic business and ensures the customers with the maximum technical and aesthetical result. The managing director Angelo Borelli ensures to our reporter Claudio Corciulo the best product ever in the field.

Fincibec market.

The products FINCIBEC CERAMICS, NAXOS CERAMICS and CENTURY CERAMICS are regularly shipped in 56 different counties around the world. The main consumers are represented by the markets in USA, France, Germany, Benelux, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Middle East and Far East. The distribution of FINCIBEC goods happens mainly through retailers and exhibition hall administrators.

Time changes

During the last few years the market and clients have definitely changed , but especially the ceramic product has been subject to a transformation. Nowadays it is not anymore just a construction material but it has become a precious furnishing complement. This has been enough to determine a total transformation of the distribution system and the market approach: marketing, facilities, customer service, logistics, presale and post-sale investments in addiction to the continuous innovation represent nowadays the surplus value of FINCIBEC S.p.A. But the market tendency is continuously changing therefore Fincibec does it best to keep updated and achieve the best result for its own satisfaction and the customer’s. This is why Fincibec aim is an always better and more technical product that will make the company protagonist of the grand modern architecture. Fincibec S.p.A. is the most worldwide chosen company and the customers prefer it for the high quality joint to the style of its products.

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The future is not unknown with Fincibec S.p.A.

The future of Fincibec keeps aside many expectation such as the expansion in new countries around the world. The company aims at an always greater market globalization although today’s energetic and financial crisis does not allow any reliable forecast. The plan is focused on joint-venture and new platforms on the far markets, eventual productions on the areas of consume, a major involvement in the distribution chain of the product. All this characteristics will be indispensable for the future of Fincibec so that the company will stick on the top list amongst the competitors. Like mentioned before, it is unlikely to do a perfect prediction of what the future of Fincibec will be in five or ten year’s time, but it is essential to consider that there are many countries around the world so far considered third world countries. These countries are now becoming forth world countries, which mean developing countries. This is why Fincibec is focused on the internationalization of the group in terms of space. “Our next big commitment is the participation to the CERSAIE” said Mr. Angelo Borelli. The CERSAIE is the biggest exhibition in the ceramics sector that will be held in Bologna at the end of September, on the exact from September the 30th to October the 4th . “We are waiting for you in our exhibition district”. Fincibec is going to show once more the quality and style of its manufacture. Many are the reasons of pride that Fincibec S.p.A. can brag, such as to be considered the world leader in the field. Because Fincibec is a pleasant floor to walk on, a cosy wall to lean against.

Fincibec is what you are looking for

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etallurgy is the science that deals with procedures used in extracting metals from their ores: purifying, alloying and creating useful objects form them. Achieving balance between cost of material, its weight, strenght, toughness, hardness, corrosion, fatigue resistance and performance in temperature extremes can be for metalurgist a hard nut to crack. But not for the Interpipe. For them it is just a piece of cake. There is no doubt that the Interpipe is the company with creativity, knowledge, and persistance. The company which knows how to make desirable outcome imaginable. Figures speak for themselves. The company’s revenue in 2007 reached $1,8 billion and was 24, 3 per cent higher than the previuos year. Gross profit increased 18 per cent and was $549 million. Production capacity is more than impressive. In 2007 company produced 1 467 million tons of steel pipes and railroad wheels. Thus, the company is unquestionable globally- important player on the metal pipes (hence the name), steel wheels and ferroalloys markets. Interpipe Group combines four large manufacturers: Interpipe NTRP- Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine), Interpipe NIKO TUBE- Nikopol (Ukraine), Interpipe NTC- Nikopol (Ukraine) and Interpipe NMPP- Novomoskovsk (Ukraine). All their products are made in the high standard conditions. The oldest and largest operational unit with over 110 years tradition of seamless tubemaking is the first one- Interpipe NTRP located in Dnepropetrovsk. Its annual production amounts up to 764 000 tons. It has got 700 kt inhouse meltshop with vacuum degassing unit, four hot seamless pipe mills 4 ½’’- 14’’, OCTG finishing floors including Quench and Temper line, cold rolling facilities including ball bearing pipe finishing, small diameter ERW pipe welding shop, railway wheels and tyres forging shop. The mill produces wide range of OCTG and Non- OCTG pipes from 36-377 mm OD and wall thickness up to 60 mm. The company’s most modern seamless pipe mill is Interpipe NIKO TUBE. It offers comprehensive range of tubing, casing, line pipes, boiler pipes,

mother pipes for cold drawing, geological survey pipes and pipes for general use from 30 to 114,3 mm OD. Currently the mill is a subject of several additional modernisation projects focused mainly on process and quality control and on further development of special finishing floors. One of them is buing new equipment which will produce upset ends for pipes in 60,3 mm to 89 mm diameters. Project, worth $6,5 million, allows company increase its production capacity by 30 000 t/y up to 62 000 t/y. The youngest manufacturer among the group is the Interpipe NTC. The mill development is focused mainly on oil and gas pipe segment, including concerns of the hot mill as well as its finishing floors. It offers seamless green pipes and tubes for oil and gas and power industries, headers, stainless and special alloy pipes. In 2006 the mill’s share in production was 132 000 tons. And last but not least Interpipe Novomoskovsk Pipe Producting Plant (NMPP) which manufactures welded pipes by HFI, ERW and SAW process. New edge milling, scarfing, welding, seam annealing, hydrotesting and ultrasonic and MPI testing units are in operation. On top of that in 2008 3LPE coating was installed. Thus full body annealing is possible on request. Overall Interpipe manufactures broad range of pipes in more than 3000 sizes and steel railroad wheels of more than 240 types. This large range of seamless and welded pipes address all major fields of application- oil and gas exploration and transport, automotive, shipbuilding, aircraft and power generation, mechanical, submersible motors, bearings, steam generators and high-precision parts of aeronautical engineering use. What is worth to stress is that all of them are made in accordance with international standards such as API 5L, API 5CT, ASTM, EN (DIN), NF, GOST and UIC- Merkblatt 812-3V, 812-2V, sowie DB BN 918 277, AAR M 107, GOST 10791. Moreover, all four mills’ successfully implemented the quality management system in compliance with world recognised Standards ISO 9001 and API Q1. The company presents

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also environmental sensitive approach. Through the constant modernisation of production processes and technologies Interpipe transforms its production methods and facilities to become more ecologically and environmentally friendly. The company conducts annual environmental review in order to update its policies in such areas as air quality, water and waste management. As a result, in spite of growing cost of energy, during the last three years, Interpipe reduced the monetary value of its energy consumption by 35 per cent ton of production. Interpipe also considers independent environmental analysis in respect of all of its major investment projects, such as the new EAF mill, for which an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment was prepared by Fichtner GmbH. Interpipe was the first company in Ukraine to hold an open public hearing to consider the opinion of the local community in relation to the implementation of such a project. No wonder that in strive for perfection all four mills have introduced a system for ecological management, certified by TUV CERT and TUV NORD CERT and operate according to EN ISO 14001: 2004 standards. The recognition of Interpipe’s high quality business by international standards results in strong partnership relations with such companies as Gazpromneft, Lukoil, Rosneft, Surgutneftegaz, Transneft, Kaztransoil, Kaztransgaz, Turkmenneft, Uzbekneftegaz, Ukrnafta, Ukrgazdobycha, SOCAR, Kuwait Oil Company, Oil India Ltd., Syrian Petroleum Co and Orient Petroleum Co. and SITEP. Interpipe is conscious that without satisfied customers the organisation is in peril. Therefore it builds long- term partnerships with its customers on firm foundations: a guarantee of quality and rapid delivery times. Interpipe has got branch offices all over the vast country in Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Mariupol, Odessa, Illichevsk, Izmail but also in Lugano (Switzerland), whereas overseas in Houston (USA), and recently opened Middle East base in Dubai (UEA) making sure that its top of the range products are available from both Americas, through Europe and Africa to Asia. We cannot omit to mention the logistical advantage of the company which is its proximity to five deep sea ports in the Black and Azov Seas. That allows the company to respond quickly on its customers’ demands and meet short deadlines. In 2007 Interpipe through its 14 large-scale retail warehouses in Ukraine, but also in Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and former

CIS countries exported 71 per cent of its products to more than 76 countries around the world. Interpipe’s sales force will surely expand letting the company to meet customers’ expectations wherever they are. According to common saying “hope the best, prepare for the worst” Interpipe took actions to strenghten its vertical integration by signing in 2007 agreement with company Danieli for building modern 1,3 million ton meltshop. A 16,8 per cent increase of EBITDA (a non-GAAP metric) shows that the company delt with the higher prices of raw materials with a confidence. EBITDA is used when evaluating a company’s ability to earn a profit and Interpipe outlines it for its customers whose expectations the company not only justifies but exceeds. Interpipe takes a pride in its well educated team because the company firmly believes that it is its most valuable asset. Therefore the company is determined to make Interpipe the most attractive and appealing place to work for all of its employees. Its human resources policy is based strongly on long-term investment in personnel. It provides training and career opportunities such as educational programs which correspond with MBA level at the Rotterdam Business School but also offers extensive range development possibilities for its middle management. Interpipe’s experts have also chance to consolidate their skills through the cooperation and sharing the knowledge with the best academic staff of the national universities. The total number of employees working on full time bases is over 15 000. Outstanding enthusiasm, everlasting engagement in modernisation of the production process, constant implementation of new technologies, commitment to their customers and excellent knowledge of market and clients’ needs these are the Interpipe’s virtues which have been prised throughout its operating on the steel market. Let us present only the most recent company’s achievments: • In 2006 European Association of Railroad Wheels Producers claimed Interpipe to be the biggest european exporter of railroad wheels and third in the world producer of them with its 12,8 per cent share in world production. • National Committee of Technology and Demand Policy gave Interpipe NTRP the diploma of The Best Manufacturer for producing high quality various goods of industrial use.

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On 4th of July 2008 Interpipe NTRP was announced The Best Company of the First Quarter 2008. It is the only metallurgical company which appeared among ten others awarded by the Ukrainian Ministry of Finance.

they are succesfully proving so. “Release your potential!” is the Interpipe’s slogan. Driven by that notion the company wishes to all their customers, partners and readers of Manufacturing Journal achieving their goals in professional and private life.

However Interpipe does not rest on its laurels. Its passion for quality drives the company to invest more and more in production facilities. In March 2008 Interpipe installed a new railway wheel machining line supplied by Germany’s HEGENSCHEIDT MFD. This has allowed company to produce wheels independently, without any subcontractor involvement. The improvements include also cost reductions through increasing the steel yield, debottlenecking, flow rationalisation and the building of a new electric steel mill to be completed in 2009. With no doubt Interpipe is liding producer of steel pipes in Eastern and Central Europe. The company has a strong track record of geographical reach and is confident that this trend will continue. By making one of its very first aims to fully satisfy wants of customers by enhancing quality of products and services as well as promtitude of delivers

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ADPOL S.A. Luxury for reasonable price


dpol S.A. is a Polish company established at the end of the 1980ies. Since the time a series of changes has been introduced in order to create the nowadays image of the company, i.e. a producer of exclusive woodwork and wooden-aluminium joinery as well as a manufacturer of façades and conservatories. The image that the company aims at is in line with its mission, which propels the actions and operations of every day. The twenty years of history have resulted in many successful ventures. The company has elaborated and implemented new construction solutions as well as created its own distribution channels consisting of 107 sales offices and 8 corporate sales salons. All that enabled the enterprise to compete with joinery producers of foreign capital. Undoubtedly, what brought the company so far is innovation. Adpol S.A. has always enjoyed a leading position in this respect. The company believes that the first one always can be one. Because of that, in 1999 Adpol S.A., as the first com-

pany in Poland, received the Certificate of Adherence to the Technical Approval for the windows in DJ68 system. It was also Adpol S.A. which, as the first Polish company, was granted the technical approval for balcony windows and doors in Adpol 68 system made out of pinewood and Red Meranti wood. On top of that, Adpol S.A., as one of the very few Polish producers of window joinery, received the FSC Certificate for its products, which confirms that they are made of materials originating from appropriately managed forest areas.

Defining moments

There are a few key dates in the history of the company. 1995 witnessed the start of wooden windows production, which was followed by the manufacturing of wooden doors just a year later. In 2001 the company managed to implement ISO 9001:2000 and in 2002 added conservatories and wooden-aluminium façades to its offer. In 2004 the enterprise was transformed to a joint stock company. Soon after it decided to expand the markets of

its operations. 2005 witnessed the occurrence of new window constructions (so called 2+1), tailored for the Scandinavian countries. The turn of 2006 and 2007 was also very hectic and busy – new window constructions appeared again (Sash, Stormproof), this time for the British market. Last but not least, in 2007 Adpol S.A. established a company in Great Britain, which specializes in the sales of window joinery of Adpol S.A. enterprise.

Leader position

Currently, Adpol S.A. stands for top quality and complexity of offered products and services. It is also a synonym for innovation and a trendsetter in the trade of window joinery in Poland. Annually, 75 000 of windows are produced, which gives an impressing figure of 6 000 pieces a month. The offer of Adpol S.A. includes: wooden and wooden-aluminium window joinery, inner and outer wooden doors, conservatories, wooden-aluminium façades, wooden elevations, window shutters as well as inner windowsills. All together, it is more

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than twenty diverse systems and possibilities, manufactured in a plant in Chełmża and looked after by a team of around 340 people. The systems of the company are characterized not only by high quality and complexity. Another factor which brought the company so far is its creativity as well as readiness to take to new solutions and untypical or challenging ventures. The company has completed projects which were turned down by all other market players in Poland. What also distincts Adpol S.A. form the competitors, is its constant effort to bring the products and the offer to perfection. The sales figures also reflect the fact that the company has been doing well in the recent time. In 2007 sales leveled to 42 mln PLN, which was a 17% growth in comparison to 2006. The financial plans for 2008 predict further growth (around 38%) to the level of 58 mln PLN. The results for the first quarter of 2008 indicate that it will be plausible to turn the plans into reality. Despite the seasonal changes of the construction trade, the first quarter was closed with an above-the-plan sales surplus of a few percent.

Strength is in the personnel

All that would not be possible without the team of highly qualified, experienced and creative employees. Particularly important is the project team, indispensable in the business reality of today and of crucial value for the market serviced by Adpol S.A. The main duty of the team is to offer non-standard solutions, which requires that all dubious matters are eliminated before the agreements are signed and the production is started. Project team’s range of tasks includes implementation of new solutions to the production process, both with regards to new products as well as innovation in the manufacturer’s current offer. The priority is to satisfy the needs of the customers and to quickly adapt to all the signals coming from the market. The company is aware of the fact that process of production does not engage the production departments solely. For Adpol S.A. the process starts once the customer visits the sales office and it believes that only full and appropriate arrangements of all the parameters guarantee non-problematic production. Because of that, employees for all departments are painstakingly chosen and in their search and recruitment a mix of predispositions, skills and experience is taken into consideration. Each of the new employees has to undergo a series of trainings and gets a mentor, who looks after the adaptation to the rules and customs of the company.

A frequent procedure at Adpol S.A. is internal recruitment – promotion possibility is a good motivator. Moreover, the company invests in the development of its personnel. Trainings covering various topics are conducted on a regular basis.

Quality focus

Another concern of the company is the quality of its products. The quality control system has been functioning at Adpol S.A. since the beginnings of its operations. With the aim of offering exclusive products there is no place for any failures or imperfections. The first months of 2008 witnessed implementation of the Plant Production Control. Thanks to the regulations, the products of Adpol S.A. can be labeled with

CE sign. Almost at the same time other quality certifications came along – ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004 and FSC.

Export and distribution

From the very onset of the company on, export activity has been an obvious goal of its top management. In fact, exports is currently one of the pillars on which the enterprise is based. During all its years of operations and no matter what the economic situation of Poland and the trends in the global economy were, Adpol S.A. has always been present on the foreign markets. Foreign customers have been offered top quality products manufactured according to the most modern technologies and available at competitive prices. In order to interest and attract foreign

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cony doors HS type. It is not all that the company offers to its foreign contractors. It is frequent that the local partner’s position is built thanks to Adpol S.A. and its active sales and technological support. Speaking of the company’s distribution channels, it must be mentioned that the products are directed to two segments of the market – individual customers as well as construction companies and developers. The individual customer oriented distribution takes place through an extensive sales network. The investments are serviced by an experienced agreement team from the Central Sales Office in Toruń, in the North of Poland. Orders from foreign markets are executed by a network of trade partners abroad as well as an own managed sales office in London. Next to that, direct sales to key foreign customers also plays a significant role. clientele, Adpol S.A. products have been presented at a number of trade fairs in various locations of the world. To mention a few of them: Munich, Leipzig, Berlin, Stuttgart, Frankfurt/Oder, Birmingham and Minsk. Owing to intensive promotional activities, Adpol S.A. windows now decorate apartments, residences and villas in eleven European countries and Canada. In the very city centre of Moscow, the Red Square, exclusive oak windows from Adpol S.A. adorn the Ritz Hotel, a worldwide recognized symbol of luxury. The share of export sales amounted to around 30% in 2006. In 2007, due to the strengthening Polish currency, the export figure fell down to 15%, whereas for 2008 it is predicted that exports will constitute around 25% of total sales of the

company. The level is plausible to be realized despite the retaining unfavourable tide of the export markets. The foreign sales of Adpol S.A. are focused on new sales destinations, i.e. Great Britain and Ireland. The reason behind that is that in November 2007 the company has opened an own sales office in London and in the autumn of 2007 it presented its products at a trade fair in Birmingham. It allowed Adpol S.A. to recognize that the products designed for those markets solely (sliding windows of Sash type and outwards opening Stormproof windows), are in the interest of the local clientele. The same interest concerns other window constructions of Adpol S.A.: wooden windows of Adpol 68 system, wooden-aluminum windows EKO68 as well as sliding bal-

What the future holds

The last year has been very busy for the company. The calendar included modernization of the production hall, renovation of the office space in the Chełmża plant as well as extension of the joinery warehouse. Additionally, a change in the timber joinery logistics system is soon to be introduced. What the enterprise will implement is a peculiar delivery system of the windows including specialist stands. Another change regards the corporate IT systems – these will also be updated. Last but not least, new corporate sales salons will be opened in the nearest future. Yet the most demanding and challenging task is still ahead. In 2009 Adpol S.A. intends to enter the Stock Exchange in Warsaw. The capital gained through this venture is to be allocated in the expansion of the plant and canvassing. Taking into consideration the achievements of Adpol S.A. so far, one can assume that next successes are on their way.

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he Centre of Precise Machining ‘PRECIZO’ originated from a company producing components for agricultural machines, ‘Rol-Mar’, in late eighties of the previous century. The fact of creation of the company helped ‘PRECIZO’ to concentrate on the market of B2B services. Moreover, ‘PRECIZO’ could develop its potential, regarding both technological and productive issues. As a result, ‘PRECIZO’ started cooperation with a client of world range. This client was CNH, the member of FIAT group. The success of PRECIZO is related directly to several features of the company. These include, among others, high level of specification. The company specializes in the production of details designated for first montage. The production offer comprises also machining long shafts <max 2,5 meters long, 6 cm in diameter>, iron details, as well as brake systems for cranes and gantries. ‘PRECIZO’ works also with many companies from motor industry, and is particularly proud of its cooperation with MAN. The mentioned company is one of the leaders in a truck sector. It is worth mentioning, that the proper standard of ‘ PRECIZO’ services is soon to be confirmed by the ISO TS Certificate. The certification process is in progress.

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What helped ‘PRECIZO’ to gain the opinion of a trustworthy partner to its clients?

First of all it was (and still is) the question of good identification of customer’s expectations. The company pays special attention to it. In the sector of services, the customer’s satisfaction is the crucial factor, because it is related directly to the economic success. It is also a good prerequisite to further cooperation. It should be stated that ‘Precizo’ is known for its business attitude, defined as follows:

Perfection, Timeliness and Reliability.

ness relations. The company pays much attention to the quality of produced items. Owing to the system of quality management ISO TS the production procedure is carefully controlled. Other tools particularly useful in making the production process even more smooth are: lean management and production management based on the Theory of Constraints <TOC>. In order to remain competitive on European markets, one has to keep up with new technological solutions. Hen-

ce, the company constantly invests in its technical infrastructure. The company is equipped with high quality Machine Park, comprising inductive hardening shop, the device considered to be one of the best in Europe. People working for ‘PRECIZO’ constitute a vital part of the company, they not only execute their duties perfectly, but they are willing to keep abreast with all technological novelties. ‘PRECIZO’ guaranties short terms of implementation, high quality of production, PPM level

As for the first attribute, one may definitely state that the work in the company is coordinated in such a way, that internal perfection of the production is combined with strict organization. This, in turn, brings us to another virtue of ‘PRECIZO’ one may be sure of: timeliness. The company declares that 100% of orders shall be realized in time. The abovementioned declaration is realized with no exceptions. This rule was appreciated by satisfied business partners. Moreover, it was confirmed by numerous accomplishments - the company ‘PRECIZO’ was awarded the prize “Mazowiecka Firma Roku” (“The Mazovian Firm of the Year”). It is more than evident, that timeliness is particularly important. From the point of view of a client it is a guarantee of a fact that the production process will not be interrupted. Hence, the client will not suffer financial loss, caused by unwanted and unintended work stoppage. ‘PRECIZO’ is strongly convinced that meeting deadlines is the best basis of satisfactory busi34 Manufacturing-Journal

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than evident, that any technical delays may have serious financial consequences later on. Deliveries on time is a vital part of company policy. In their business relationships PRECIZO adopts WIN-WIN startegy which brings satisfaction both to the company and the customers. The strive for internal perfection involves all deparments of the company, makes them work smoothly and efficiently. ‘PRECIZO’ would like to be associated with ‘3x R’: reliability as for delivery, reliability as for timeliness, reliability as for the quality of their products. The overall mission of the company can be described as follows: working Precisely

using Quality Rules

<the ratio of defective items per million> amounting at 100, timeliness. As for services, ‘PRECIZO’ offers milling, grinding, sanding, drilling, broaching – both vertical and horizontal, screw-threads rolling, inductive hardening, volumetric hardening, normalizing, annealing, welding, padding, carburetion and more. Such a big range of services enables ‘PRECIZO’ to widen its scope of business activities. In other words, the company is able to offer proper solutions on many levels. These include also production of both iron-cast and steel-cast components.

What is PRECIZO’s ‘recipe for success’?

It is based on two factors: meeting customer’s expectations and keeping constant, very high level of quality of products and services, which is related to perfect quality of products and timeliness of delivery, treated as a rule. In fact, customers may be sure, that they will receive ordered materials without delay. For PRECIZO it is more

taking care of Education acting with Charisma

realising Innovative ideas with Zealous and

Openmind Precizo’s emplyees

PRECIZO will show you, that the world of your dreams about reliable suppliers may become your reality.

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IBP Instalfittings Sp. z o.o. PASSION FOR EXCELLENCE


xcellence is a key word for IBP Instalfittings Sp. z o.o.. The company believes that in order to succeed in the thriving and demanding business environment of today, it is not enough to be just a little better than the competition. Because of that it strives for perfection in every aspect of its activity and avoids being merely average. The excellence is visible not only in the innovation, design and reliability of the products but first and foremost in the customer service as well as relations with the contractors.

Nearly 100 years of history

IBP is a world leading manufacture of fittings for domestic, commercial, industrial, air conditioning, refrigeration as well as shipbuilding applications. Next

to its excellence priority, the company is committed to ongoing investments in its manufacturing capabilities to ensure that it continually offers competitively priced, high quality products which give its customers true market advantage. The beginnings of the enterprise go back to the year 1909 when the Bänninger company was founded. The first transformations and changes in the product range and the company itself came very soon. In 1919 one of the corporate entities, Sanbra Engineering Company started the production of brass water fittings in Birmingham, UK. As the years went by, the company developed to Sanbra Limited, which in 1957 joined powers with the Delta Group. Since that time the company has not stopped to make progress through evolu-

tion and quick adaptation to the customer needs as well as the goings-on of the market. The seventies and eighties witnessed a number of events as far as the corporate history is concerned. In 1976 the ATCOSA company started its operations in Spain and a little more than a decade later, in 1987 Nibco made the decision to sell all of its European investments to Delta. At that point some companies would undoubtedly call it a day, but for the IBP Group the growth had not finished. In 1989 IBP Bänninger Italia was established, a year later the company took over a French firm ATUB and in 1991 end feed fittings helped to establish the Portuguese market. Last but not least, the wave of expansion made its way to Poland. In 1992 the IBP organization incorporated Instalfittings and the

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first IBP fittings left the plant of Poznan. The location turned out to be so adequate that the IBP company started to transfer there its red brass foundry. The Poznan entity was chosen to serve as the Eastern Europe Logistic Centre of the company. The Poznan branch has also undertaken export activities. The destinations include central and eastern markets, the Baltic as well as the CIS countries. Nowadays, nearly one century after the foundation of the IBP company, it operates

over 65,000 square metres of manufacturing and warehousing facilities in Europe and its business ventures are supported by eight sales teams together with an impressive distribution and agency partnerships.

The product range

The product range of the company is diversified. As well as offering its customers a more traditional product range, the firm strives to develop state-of-the-art products that benefit the end users. Next to that, it specializes in the production and distribution of a wide range of complimentary materials. The innovation is reflected in the product range, which includes:

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>B<Banninger end feed >B<Press, >B<Press Gas, >B<Press Solar >B<Press Inox >B< Flex multilayer

The international portfolio is more extensive and includes a variety of jointing techniques suitable for a wider spectrum of applications. The commitment of the company to deliver top quality products starts already at the very tentative design phase. The professional customer service allows the company to get an insight into their needs. In fact, the clients are the best advisors of the company. The enterprise values their observations and remarks and is not afraid to turn their wishes into reality. The expertise and years of manufacturing experience cause that the products always turn into innovative solutions, immediately followed by the other market players of the trade.

The novelties of the offer

In order to exemplify the forefront product range of the company it is enough to present one of its most recent products – >B<Flex multilayer tubes. The product is suitable for application in heating, sanitary and chemical systems as well as in the food industry. It is pressure, temperature and corrosion resistant and can be installed with the minimum of tools. Its smooth inner and outer plastic layers prevent deposit accumulation, corrosion and contamination whereas an aluminum core stops gases permeating into the pipe. What is more, it is flexible and easy to bend. The launch of the new >B<Flex multilayer product range across Eastern Europe has been supported by the IBP Group’s recent investment in sales, branding, manufacturing and logistics within the region. Another novelty in the product range is B-Press, which – thanks to a unique o-ring, easily identifies unpressed fittings. The product is ideal for installation work where multiple joints are being fitted simultaneously and provides peace of mind to plumbers as well as every-day users. Two of the brands of the company are considered to be of crucial value – Conex and Bänninger. Throughout the whole world they stand for best quality and technological innovation. Conex standard compression fittings are manufactured in sizes from 6 to 108mm. The versatility of the fitting enables it to be used for connecting tubes in a wide variety of domestic and Manufacturing-Journal 37

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commercial applications such as plumbing, heating, fluid distribution, air pressure lines and air conditioning. Moreover, its simplicity and speed of installation makes it a popular choice with installers. The ability to connect different types of tube is also of special meaning to original equipment manufacturers – it encourages them to incorporate the Conex brand within their designs. On the other hand, the Bänninger brand includes: copper capillary fittings (series 5000), red brass fittings (series 3000 and 4000), yellow brass fittings (series 8000) as well as ACR. The highest

quality characteristics of the enterprise are confirmed by the ISO 9000 Quality certificate. The company emphasizes that next to its interest in providing good, reliable products it tries not only to meet but to exceed the expectations and needs of the customers. IBP can also boast approvals from numerous national and international institutions including DVGW, KIWA, GASTEC, WRAS, AENOR, AFNOR, SWEDECERT as well as many others.

The customer relations

The expansion and the multinational character of the company have never blurred its customer orientation. The customers

and their expectations appear at the very initial stage of product development and do not disappear once the product is purchased. On the contrary, the clients can rest assured that the representatives of IBP Instalfittings Sp. z o.o. will be always there at their disposal and willing to provide them with support concerning the choice of the right product, its application or installation guidelines. An initiative illustrating the customer focus of the IBP company is without doubt an online learning website. It was designed to allow visitors to learn more about the wide range of Conex fittings in their own time and at their own pace. The website provides an insight into the advantages of different types of installation methods and offers a comprehensive guide to the Conex product range including compression and >B<Press fittings. As well as detailed product information, the site contains also installation videos that can be viewed.

The trade fair activity

The greatest interest of the IBP Instalfittings Sp. z o.o. is in the Eastern markets, which is reflected in its marketing activities and trade fair as well as exhibition participation. Just in the current year, the company made its way to Moscow and Kiev and participated in the Aquatherm exhibitions. It was the right choice. The Aquatherm of Moscow is one of the largest sanitary and heating exhibitions in Russia and attracts thousands of visitors. It concerns heating, water supply and hygienic systems as well as air-conditioning technologies. During the exhibition, the IBP’s sales team presented the complete product range including >B<Bänninger end feed, ACR, >B<Press crimp and Conex compression fittings. The response was impressive – not only wholesalers, but also installers were very much interested in the new range of the >B<Flex multilayer tube and fitting system. Without doubt then, the future of IBP Instalfittings Sp. z o.o. is more than bright. The closeness of the booming Eastern markets and their clientele ensure that in the years to come the company will develop and the onward trend known from the corporate past will continue.

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Consumer Goods&Textile Industry Szynaka Meble

40- 45



Dr. Irena ERIS


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zynaka-Meble is one of the leading furniture manufacturers in Poland. Half a century of traditions, knowledge of trade and passion are converted into furniture solutions for homes, shops, offices and pharmacies. The company is also the owner of Wolsztyńska Fabryka Mebli, the leading kitchen furniture manufacturer for over sixty years. Szynaka-Meble has made it so far thanks to helping its customers to arrange a friendly space in their homes and bearing in mind that its success is dependent on the effectiveness of the efforts. Next to that, Szynaka-Meble combines business activities with taking care of people and looking after the natural environment.



A little bit of history

The company was established in 1957, in Lubawa (now in the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship in Poland) by Jan Szynaka Sr. Today, after 50 years, the company is still based in Lubawa and owned by the Szynaka family. However, the modest workshop adjacent to the family house was replaced by 4 production halls using state-of-the-art technologies. One of the most crucial dates in the history of the company is 1st January 2001. On that day the company underwent a legal transformation. Szynaka-Meble Ltd, a production company, was disengaged and it took over the manufacturing of house furniture and office furniture. The hitherto Szynaka

company continued to manufacture house furniture, office and shop furniture as well as proceeded with the vocational training of students. Another important event took place in 2003. Wolsztyńska Fabryka Mebli, a producer of high quality kitchen furniture, becomes a part of Szynaka-Meble. Further extension followed in 2007 and 2008. In 2007 the company took over the bankrupt MMI Logo and MMI International plants, which since that time have been functioning as MM Szynaka-Living Ltd in Iława and MM Szynaka-Interline Ltd in Nowe Miasto Lubawskie. The town of Nowe Miasto Lubawskie witnessed another event in the corporate history. At the beginning of July 2008, a new plant of the company, named Fabryka Mebli Szynaka Ltd, started the production process.

Reasons behind the success

Nowadays, around 10 million units of furniture are sold every year and it is not a matter of chance. The company is well known in the trade for taking great care with the durability and functionality of furniture. Another pillar of the success

is the safety of furniture delivered to the customers. All products which are on display at the corporate showrooms are controlled. Szynaka-Meble sends them to the most rigorous Polish institution carrying out tests and issuing furniture certificates – Instytut Technologii Drewna (the Wood Technology Institute) in Poznań. The certifying body awarded the furniture of the company the E1 hygienic class, which means that it can be used even in young children’s rooms. One of the reasons behind this distinction is that SzynakaMeble always uses tempered glass in its furniture, so, when broken, it shatters into blunt small pieces and minimizes the risk of injury. Undoubtedly, what brought the company so far is also the functionality of the furniture. Szynaka-Meble is aware of the fact that the customers expect the purchased furniture to be suitable for numerous uses and small spaces. Therefore, the company has decided to put furniture systems in its offer. Due to the multiplicity of their elements and the right construction, they can take various forms. Modular furniture systems, thanks to the diversity and

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In the past stone was:


Stone Veneer ® „A NEW LIGHTNESS OF STONE” Today stone is:

LIGHT. FLEXIBLE. PAPER THIN. LAMINart Sp. z o.o. ul. Laskowa 24 62-060 Stęszew tel. +48 61 813 47 33 tel./fax +48 61 813 50 70



• •

reconstituted and predyed veneers range of colours of Italian style and design express deliveries from stock in Poland

filie handlowe: ul. Piłsudskiego 2 34-130 Kalwaria Zebrz. tel./fax (33) 87 65 355 GSM 509 735 005

ul. Piekarnicza 12A 80-126 Gdańsk tel. (58) 300 05 16 fax (58) 300 05 17

ul. Sportowa 1 05-840 Brwinów tel./fax (22) 729 79 33 GSM 509 735 006

ul. Gen.F.Kleeberga 14B 15-691 Białystok tel. (85) 662 37 19 GSM 509 735 007

• •

the widest range of metal decorative surfaces copper, aluminium, steel, brass, gold in an ultra modern style simple to work with and wide choice of applications

„ Solid Surface GALACTICOS”

• • • •

more than 250 decors more than 50 types of bowls and sinks range of accesoriess and specialized tools trainings and service

„The Most Complete Collection of Decorative Surfacing Products For the Furniture and Interiors” Stone Veneer, Metal, Veneers, Solid Surface HPL, MFC, Worktops, Edge bandings, Adhesives

Manufacturing Journal

We will surprise you !!!

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We specialize in production of furniture accessory from plastic materials, connecting plastic goods and timber. We own in offer: • • • • • •

legs and feets knobs metal and plastic handles pipes frames and other small accesories Kuncar Sp. z o.o. ul. Gliwicka 366 43-190 Mikołów tel.+48/032/22 61 391 fax.+48/032/22 61 303 e-mail:

OFFER: • • • •

Boxes Flap, customized Paperboard corrugated in bales self-adhesives tapes, PP Foamed polystyrene

ul . Przemysłowa 3, 87-321 Bartniczka tel./fax + 48 56 493 64 19, +48 56 493 66 47 e-mail:


lK wa o K d rom bran f ing ty ag uali k c Pa is a q

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versatility of their elements, can be transformed according to the changing tastes of the customers. Last but not least, the durability of Szynaka-Meble products has also played a role. The durability of the furniture is tested at Instytut Technologii Drewna in Poznań. The products have no problems to go through the painstaking control procedure and easily receive adequate certificates. This is due to a rigorous quality policy, which steers the actions of the company at every stage of the manufacturing process and on everyday basis. What is more, the company uses high quality, solid materials: birch wood or laminated particle board. The latter is resistant to scratches, high temperature, chemicals (detergents), wood abrasion and decolouration caused by sunlight. Stability of high quality standards is ensured by the Quality Management System implemented in accordance with ISO 9001:2000, 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:1999. The credibility of the company is proven by a number of laurels and distinctions received from various institutions, e.g. a business newspaper Puls Biznesu („The Pillar of the Polish Economy” and „The Business Gazelles”), the National Econo-

mic Chamber, the State Agency for Work Inspection, the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivode, the Speaker of the Lower Chamber of the Polish Parliament, the Economic Chamber of Lithuania or the Minister of National Education. Moreover, the company does not have any greater problems in winning public funding (e.g. EXPROM I, EXPROM II, STRUDER, PHARE programs and a number of programs organised by the local Job Centre in the Iława district).

furniture, whereas the shop furniture constitutes a small share of the enterprise’s total production. What one can purchase at Szynaka-Meble are among others: cabinets and wardrobes, tables and coffee tables, chairs, beds, shelves and bookcases, desks, cabinets and chests of drawers, furniture sets as well as other furniture elements (filing cabinets, bed racks, mirrors, handles, banks, etc.) At the current moment none of the products is of special importance to the company. The volume of their production is rather level. Yet the offer is wide enough to satisfy the needs of diverse customers, various tastes and expectations. In fact, this ability is what the company perceives as its strategic potential. Szynaka-Meble is namely one of the very few producers present on the Polish market, which uses all possible technologies in their manufacturing process and offers a wide spectrum of prices. Thanks to that, it is possible for the company to exist and operate in every market segment. On top of that, each

The corporate offer

The history of production at the Szynaka family business started with shop and office furniture. With the flow of time the assortment started to extend. The company took to furniture sets and soon after the first commodes, wardrobes, etc. appeared. The house furniture production started to gain on importance and to gradually supersede the manufacturing of shop furniture. Nowadays, the focus is undoubtedly on house

customer will find furniture adequate for their needs and financial possibilities.

Socially responsible, locally active

Interesting enough, high quality and reasonable prices of the products are not the sole concern of the company. It does its best to combine the business activity with taking care of its people, the local community and looking after the natural environment. The company believes that its duty is to make the production process Manufacturing-Journal 43

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as neutral to the environment as possible. In order to achieve this goal, it has introduced the system of selective collection of manufacturing waste which is then diverted to recycling. The central extraction of manufacturing waste eliminates dust emission into the atmosphere and, in addition, makes it possible to recover heated air and save energy. The efforts of the company were perceived and appreciated. In recognition of its commitment to environmental protection it was given the „Ecoleader” and „Fair Play Enterprise” awards. The enterprise is also very active in supporting the local community. It is more than sure that charitable actions are an integral part of cooperation with the communities in which its customers and workers live. Due to that, Szynaka-Meble has been improving the access to culture for the residents of the Lubawa region by providing support for the local cultural centre. The company is also the sponsor of

the several local sport clubs. What is more, the company is a member of many national and local associations concentrated around business, entrepreneurship, exports and production. The list of the institutions with which the President of the Management Board, Mr. Jan Szynaka, has been cooperating with, is uncommonly long.

The staff is valuable

A lot of attention is also paid to the employees. At Szynaka-Meble, investments in the development of the staff are much more than simply making sure that each employee has a comfortable and safe

workplace. The company tries to increase the value of its human capital by allowing it to learn and to increase the

milies. Currently, the number of employees working at all the companies of the Szynaka Group amounts to 2000 and it is incessantly growing. Just like the environment-oriented actions, the responsible staff policy of the firm has been recognized and distinguished by The Reliable Employer title and a number of awards presented by Państwowa Inspekcja Pracy (the State Agency for Work Inspection). With so many accomplishments already gathered, the company does not want to stop developing. It is still eager to expand, to gain new customers, to meet their requirements and expectations. The fact that Szynaka-Meble still has a lot ahead is confirmed during the domestic and international trade fairs that it participates in. Every of those events brings about new clients or cooperation agreements, which depicts how well the company and its products are perceived. Without doubt, the high quality and socially responsible image that Szynaka-Meble has been enjoying, make it more than sure that further accomplishments are on their way.

qualifications and competences. In order to do that, the company pays for the personnel’s participation in trainings, seminars and events of the trade as well as finances diverse graduate and post-graduate courses. Besides, regular integration meetings (e.g. domestic and international trips, carnival parties, excursions for children) are organized. All that to maintain good relation with workers and their fa-

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ver one hundred years of history, two textile plants in Andrychów and Białystok, leader position on the Polish market, recognition among foreign consumers as well as products of high quality, sophisticated design and fashionable colouring. With all that achieved, Andropol S.A. does not intend to rest on its oars. Long traditions in the weaving craft go arm in arm with state-of-the-art technical and technological standards, which allow the company to successfully compete with other market players and courageously face the things to come.

Long history, great traditions

The beginnings of Andropol S.A. go back to 1906 when Pierwsza Galicyjska Tkalnia Mechaniczna (The First Galician Mechanical Weaving-Mill) in Andrychów was established. In 1994 the plant was transformed into a joint-stock company. At the beginning of the 21st century Andropol S.A. expands its production capacity and starts cooperation with leading producers in Europe and Asia. In 2008 Andropol S.A. is a company of an annual turnover of 100 000 000 USD and the financial services of the enterprise are conducted by the most prestigious banks of Europe. Next to its tradition of one hundred years Andropol S.A. can boast the

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most qualified technological personnel on the Polish textile industry. In fact, tradition and many years of experience are the most major trump cards of Andropol S.A. The logo of the company is recognized all over the country and the products can enjoy unchangeable trust of the customers. At the present moment, Andropol S.A. consists of production units in An-

drychów (weaving plant, yarn dye-works, textile dye-works) and Białystok (dyeworks and textile printing works). Since their grounding the plants have belonged to the biggest works of the textile industry in Poland and – what is more significant – to the most prestigious ones. The products of Andropol S.A. have always been considered the best ones in Poland and they are also acknowledged and respected overseas. Large diversity of the products manufactured by the company causes that the possessed machine park is universal and offers huge production possibilities.

Extensive production profile

As mentioned above, the products of the company constitute an impressively wide spectrum of manufactures and include among others: clothing, sheeting, workwear, upholstery and military fabrics as well as bed and table linen. Clothing fabrics produced in the plants of Andropol S.A. are made of cotton in the first line.

The manufacturing process includes prewashing, which gives the products a worn-off look and makes them appropriate for casual wear. Wide range of gsm values, weave variety and rich diversity of colours and prints guarantee that every customer will find a product suitable for their needs. Another important product range includes workwear and military fabrics. The industrial customer can then choose among textiles of exceptionally wide applications: cotton fabrics, blends (Polyester and cotton or polyester and viscose blends) or aramid (Nomex and Kermel). The workwear offer of Andropol S.A. can be of interest to the medical sector, chemical and fuel industries (anti-electrostatic, slow-burning, acid-proof fabrics), fire brigades (uniforms and special-purpose fabrics), as well as construction industry (dust-proof and warning textiles). The company is particularly proud of two novelties in its offer: the anti -electrostatic and anti-bacteria textile and the NEON cotton textile. The former is in particular interest of doctors and medical personnel. This double function textile is an ultimately new product elaborated by a team of specialist from Andropol S.A. and scientists from the Textile Institute in Łódź. The cloth is currently searched for by hospitals and clinics as it minimalizes the number of hospital infections and counteracts the expansion of infections between patients and the personnel. The product is also acknowledged by the staff of consulting rooms in which prophylactic examinations with the help of medical equipment or devices which can cause generation of electrostatic discharges are conducted. In the elaboration of the product the specialists of Andropol S.A. have used material combining both protective as well as utilitarian attributes. Thanks to that the textile of which the clothing for doctors and medical personnel is sewed (medical clothing, smocks, gowns) do not lose their properties even after several dozens of cleaning cycles conducted by professional servicing companies. The double function textile meets adequate Polish, European and world-wide requirements and its functions have been confirmed by a series of successful tests conducted in the laboratories of the Textile Institute in Łódź. What Andropol S.A. also possesses in its offer are the so called barrier-textiles predestined for clothing for staff working at operation blocs. This particular kind of clothing Manufacturing-Journal 47

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must adhere to the conditions of the PN EN 13795 norm, which includes among others: strict requirements considering resistance to microorganisms permeation in dry and humid conditions as well as prerequisites of microbiological cleanliness and lack of particles contaminating the material, which can be released as a result of mechanical action. Furthermore, the Andrychów company – as the first one in Poland – produced a cotton textile predestined for sewing warning clothes of intensive visibility. So far, the latter characteristics belonged only to textiles with additions of synthetic fibres. High parameters of the textile were confirmed by the certificate of adherence to the norm EN 471. What is more, the durability of the textile was confirmed as well. This time with the certificate of adherence to the EN 340 norm for protective clothing. So far, this type of clothes has also been made out of synthetic textiles only. The authors of the new textile called NEON are again the chemists and new technology specialists of Andropol S.A. The materials used in the production of the NEON 150 textile assure high comfort of work typical for natural fibres. The manufactures made out of the NEON 150 textile were presented at the “A+A” trade fairs in Dusseldorf. Due to the effect achieved on the material used, they stirred up lots of interest among the producers of protective and professional clothing. Next to the above described textiles, a wide spectrum of top-quality, military fabrics has made the enterprise to one of the major textile suppliers of the Polish army and police. The unquestionable assets of the textiles have been recognized also outside of the Polish borders – the company cooperates with a number of foreign military importers. Thanks to adding diverse, highly specialized finishes, the textiles become not only water-resistant, but also oil-proof and flame retardant. What is more, the process of sanforization causes that the products are characterized by very low, after-thewash shrinkage parameters, which do not

exceed 2%. All that results in good overall performance in the peculiar conditions of the military service. A very wide product range are bed linen sets and tableclothing. They are designed to meet the requirements of customers searching for luxury, top quality and modern solutions for their restaurants, hotels and conference halls. A novelty at Andropol S.A. are towels for hotels. The are distinguished by great mechanical endurance and water absorptivity. The set is supplemented by exclusive dressing gowns. Yet the variety of available colours, sizes, fabrics and – in case of bed linen – sewing methods makes this group of products attractive also to regular customers, who wish to emphasize festive occasions by luxurious elements in their dining rooms or bedrooms.

Sweet Home and intensive marketing

In order to meet the requirements of the most demanding retail customers, Andropol S.A. has decided to create a separate offer focused on those clients solely and totally adapted to their individual needs. The offer is known and promoted as Sweet Home brand. Lots of marketing effort has been given to make the Sweet Home brand stand for luxury and prestige. At first, the offer was presented in a catalogue inserted to newspapers. The first catalogues came out in November 2006. The promotional activity turned out to be a successful one – currently the fourth edition of the catalogue is being prepared and its issue is scheduled for the beginning of November. The offer presented in the catalogue is constantly expanded and ranges from bed linen (for adults, teenagers and children), towels and dressing gowns to blankets, carpets as well as decorative elements like candles or vases. It includes then as well: bed sheets, table cloths, quilts, pillows and kitchen textiles. To make access to the Sweet Home products easier than before, the company made the decision to open an e-shop. Its offer is in line with the catalogue positions. In the months to come, Andropol S.A. intends to launch two new language versions of the Sweet Home web site – German, Slovak and Lithuanian. The elegant and sophisticated interior decorations will be then present also in the homes of the neighbouring countries. Generally, the promotional activities of the Sweet Home brand proceed on an enormous scale and have a multidi-

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mensional character. The actions include first and foremost a coherent advertising campaign, outlook and layout of the web site, mail-catalogues, labels, mailings, media contacts, trade press presence and corporate shops in Poland. Other ventures are connected with a selective choice of distribution channels and adequate product choice. However, the activities are worth their while. The Sweet Home assortment made its way to a prestigious, French mail-catalogue Impressionnen and one of the patterns of the Mystic Collection became a part of its regular offer.

Customers from all over the world

Because of the fact that the Andropol brand is identified with high quality products manufactured in a painstaking and solid way, the company managed to start cooperation with a substantial number of acclaimed companies of the textile trade overseas. The partnership with some of them goes into years and mostprobably will continue for many more. The list of the countries served through export activities includes: Germany, Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Romania, Greece, France, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. More far-flung destinations are: Kuwait, Canada and Jamaica. In fact, the company does not wait for the foreign clientele to come – it goes to them. Andropol S.A. is a regular participant of many international trade fairs, e.g. Heimtextil in Germany. During the 2008 edition of the event, the newest project of the corporate designers – Fantasy bed linen, enchanted the visitors and collected

many compliments and positive words. As a result, the stall of the enterprise was visited by more than 50 companies – among them business partners from the past as well as new, potential clients.

Certified quality and recognition

Undoubtedly, one of the factors attracting foreign customers to Andropol S.A. are the products, as their quality has been confirmed by prestigious certificates issued by many domestic and international bodies. One of the guarantee of stable and repeatable quality are ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certificates. Next to that, the AQAP 2110 certificate confirms that the process of research and production works design ensures adaptation to the permanently changing market surrounding and meeting the top quality expectations of the clients. In fact, the high esteem among the customers finds its reflection in honourable distinctions of various consumer contests. To exemplify that it is enough to refer to one of the most recent ones. Andropol S.A. was nominated to the circle of laureates of the 7th edition of Konsumencki Konkurs Jakości Produktów Najlepsze w Polsce - The Best in Poland (The Product Quality Consumer Contest - The Best in Poland), gaining a certificate for the product Satin Bed Linen. What made the product a winner was not only the quality, a prerequisite to outpoint the competitors. A crucial factor was the design – effect of the intuition and fantasy of the designers as well as their outstanding orientation in the newest design trends. The company can then rest assured that the years to come will bring more and more distinctions and prizes. With the top-league quality, innovative production and creative designers’ concepts it is the only thing that the future can hold.

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A company with a mission he Dr Irena Eris brand is one of the most highly valued and recognized brands in Poland. High quality, reliability, respect for people, innovation and a modern approach to all operations – these are the values, which just as twenty five years ago, are extremely important to the firm. The company is very well aware that in cosmetic industry research and innovation is the key to keeping up with the competition and market trends – Agnieszka Rutkowska reports.

pany was a cottage industry with a single employee and producing only one type of cream. After 25 years and, by then, with 500 employees, the company became a market leader. It produces more than 2 million units a month and has a range of several hundred cosmetic products. The whole production is coordinated from the headquarters in Piaseczno near Warsaw, A milestone in the history of the company was the idea of the Dr Irena Eris Centre of Science and Research. Created in 2001, the laboratory enabled to conduct multi-directional research and experiments in the field of cosmetology.

The Dr Irena Eris Cosmetic Laboratories is a dynamic cosmetic company. The firm was established on the basis of dreams, passion and hard work. Its rise to success started in 1983 and at that time the com-

The company’s mission


We want our cosmetics to make women more beautiful and to let them look young for a long time so that they can more easily fulfill their life aims – this is the

mission of the Dr Irena Eris Cosmetic Laboratories. The firm achieves its goals by means of its main area of operations, namely the creation and sale of skin care cosmetics and support services. The Dr Irena Eris brand is the greatest value of the company and it is recognized and known all over the world, and regarded as prestigiously equal with other leading cosmetic brands. Today 93% of Poles know the Dr Irena Eris brand name.

Award-winning company

In 1996, the Dr Irena Eris Cosmetic Laboratories were awarded the international certificate ISO 9001. It also posses the ISO 14001 environmental certificate, which confirms the company’s good relationship with the environment. Products, the company itself and its owners have already received more than 100 awards and

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Similar initiatives are taken in other West European countries, e.g.: E-quality competition in Germany, Le Label Egalité in France, and also very popular and acting for equality in the workplace, Ambassadeursnetwerk in Holland. honors. Among them there are such prestigious awards and distinctions as Excellence of the Year (Twój Styl), Prix d’Excellence Marie Claire, The Best Beauty Product, Gold Glamour award by the British edition of Glamour, Beauty Premium, IT Leader. Dr Irena Eris was awarded the Marqa 2005 prize for the strongest Polish cosmetic enterprise and the company was awarded the international Superbrands 2005 prize. The Dr Irena Eris Cosmetic Laboratories were nominated twice for the Polish President’s Economic Prize (in 2000 and 2005) and in 2005 prize has been awarded to the company. The company’s gross profit in 2007 was 19 293 390,06 PLN (15 390 195,79 PLN – net profit). The company’s total turnover 2007 was 148 million PLN (41 million Euro). Earlier, in 2006, it was 127 million PLN (32 million Euro).

Looking after its employees

Founders of the Dr Irena Eris Cosmetic Laboratories, Irena Eris and Henryk Orfinger, have their golden rule: “we always follow a simple and honest way”. All company’s principles are based and developed on this fundamental rule. In building brand’s competence and prestige, the company follows those business princi-

Equal Opportunity Strategy

The Dr Irena Eris Cosmetic Laboratories believes in equal employment opportunities. An equal opportunity employer means that the company’s employment policies and procedures are designed to ensure that no worker receives less favorable treatment than another, especially on the grounds of their gender. It is the company’s policy to comply with all equal employment opportunity laws. The efforts made by the company in this field were appreciated as in 2006 it received Gender Index - a Company of Equal Opportunities award. Thanks to the Company of Equal Opportunities competition it was possible to select those leaders of Polish business who introduce the most effective solution for the management of equal status of both women and men in the place of work.

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ples which call for acting with respect for people and behaving responsibly towards the working environment. What the company really stresses is people’s individual nature and the importance of cooperation with them. Care for others can be seen both in the high quality of company’s cosmetic products and also the quality of its internal and external personal relations. This is a very responsible approach and one which proves an important point about the Dr Irena Eris Cosmetic Laboratories: it is a reliable and stable employer for whom its people really matter. The Dr Irena Eris Cosmetic Laboratories base on its employees’ individual knowledge and

talents that it tries to develop all the time. The firm professionally provides the most advanced scientific research in the modern Centre of Science and Research. The aim of the research is to produce effective and safe cosmetics. Achievement of the above aims is made by abiding strictly by requirements of the law that are used in organization and relate to the products, economic activity and environmental aspects, agreeing economic interests with social and ecological rights, making requirements for its employees but simultaneously assuring them of a range of possibilities and of unceasing development. Moreover, the company believes in honest and reliable analyses of work effects. It assures the employment stability, good atmosphere and good work conditions, runs a developed scheme of social benefits and satisfies economic outcome along with employees’ satisfaction – these are equal measures of the success of our company. The policy of quality and environment is overt, conveyed to all employees who work in the Dr Irena Eris Cosmetic Laboratories. The company also respects the working environment. It uses the latest proecological technologies. The quality and modernity of its products and good relationship with the environment - these form the basis of the company’s operations. Customer satisfaction and at the same time a satisfactory economic result - are equal measures of the success achieved by the Dr Irena Eris Cosmetic Laboratories.

The role of the Center of Science and Research

As mentioned, one of the most significant fields of activity of the Dr Irena Eris Co-

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smetic Laboratories is scientific research. The Dr Irena Eris Cosmetic Laboratories is the only producer of cosmetics in Poland and one of the few not only in Europe but also throughout the whole world that has its own Centre of Science and Research that conducts innovative unique in vitro and in vivo research in the cosmetic industry. The Centre of Science and Research, was set up with a state of the art laboratory that enables to conduct multidirectional research and experiments in the field of cosmetology. These studies are conducted under the direction of doctors in dermatology, pharmacy, biology and chemistry. The results of the research are presented at international conferences and published in scientific periodicals. The Dr Irena Eris Centre of Science and Research cooperates with scientific centers within Poland and abroad, e.g. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (Poland), University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein (Germany), Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology at the Jagiellonian University (Poland), Medical University of Warsaw (Poland), Technical University of Poznan, (Poland) Medical University of Lodz (Poland) and many others. The company is the only Polish manufacturer invited to work on the creation of the Polish Platform Agreement for the Development of Alternative Methods to animal testing. Honorable participation in the creation of the Platform was enabled by the fact that the company conducts its own research. Today, the production of good cosmetics requires very good technological background. Currently, cosmetics and medicines are produced in the same way. This is above all the cleanliness and care of

production. However, not only. To make a cosmetic safe, effective and innovative a scientific background is needed. The tests conducted in the Centre are performed in two different directions and greatly exceed the required frames. The first, highly innovative type of research concerned the specification of the behaviour of isolated skin cells under the influence of complex cosmetic substances. This signifies

that the effectiveness of new active substances is observed and analysed on cell cultures. The second area of study – effectiveness research, provide undeniable attestation of the properties of a given cosmetic product by confirming intended action on the skin and allow the beneficial properties of the preparation to be assessed. In vitro studies also let the company explore new cosmetic properties of the cosmetic substances as well as the active substance not previously used in cosmetology. And so, in 2002 the firm became the first in the world to use folacin, i.e. folic acid in cosmetics products. Cosmetic formulas are devised and their stability and physical chemistry properties are checked. The cosmetic product thus prepared has to go through application testing. The tests are carried out on volunteers that are selected in terms of

age and skin type. Taking into consideration the indications concerning the beneficial skin care properties of the assessed product and analysing the results of the scientific apparatus tests obtained on the condition of the skin, the cosmetic formula undergoes an improvement stage in order to meet all the highest demanding standards. The crowning of the preparation process of the cosmetic product is the confirmation of its effectiveness in an external, independent research laboratory. Dr Irena Eris cosmetic offer is divided into several series targeted at different age groups: Sin Skin, Skin Mood, Young&Unique ReAct!, , , Fortessimo, Fortessimo Maxima, Nano Entrée and Body Art In 2003, the company created a line of Dr Irena Eris Prosystem Home Care products. Dr Irena Eris Prosystem Home Care is a professional, customized beauty care programme which can be followed at home. Its purpose is to maintain the results of cosmetic treatments for longer, taking into account the biological age, type, and cosmetic problems of the skin. Those products are available exclusively in the Dr Irena Eris Skin Care Institutes after individual skin diagnosis and consultation.

Not only cosmetics

Continuous investment is a part of the company’s strategy. A good example is opening the Dr Irena Eris Hotel & SPA in Krynica Zdrój in 1997. Seven years later, in 2004, the cornerstone was laid for the second hotel – Hotel SPA Dr Irena Eris Wzgórza Dylewskie in Mazury district of Poland. It was opened in 2006. November 2007 was a very successful month for the Wzgórza Dylewskie Hotel. It received a Top Ten certificate – it was ranked by the Conference Venues and Services Catalogue 2007 as one of the top ten in the category of wellness-spa venues. Moreover, the hotel was recognized as one of the best hotels for outdoor training and air events by the firm Training Partners. It is also worth to mention about

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the Romantic Restaurant at the Wzgórza Dylewskie hotel, The restaurant was the first one in Poland recommended by Slow Food Polska organization. Today, SPA is a synonym of luxury and holistic care for your comfort and mood. Using the latest know-how in the fields of cosmetics and biological regeneration, both hotels – Wzgórza Dylewskie and Krynica Zdrój – provide superior quality services with treatments and therapies that match the customers’ individual needs and preferences. Not without a reason the hotel motto is “luxury close to nature”. In an atmosphere of full harmony and comfort, the hotel guests may also find a wide variety of cosmetics services and a professional dermatological advice. Hotels build the prestige of the Dr Irena Eris brand. Both exclusive Dr Irena Eris SPA Hotels, as the only hotels in Poland, belong to the international and elitist organization called International SPA Association.

A global player

The Dr Irena Eris Cosmetic Laboratories had its debut as an exporter to the USA in 1989. The company’s cosmetic products are distributed to more than 1000 American beauty parlours. The company sells its products in 29 countries in the world. The major markets are: Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Products are also exported to the United States, Ireland, but the company has also customers in such exotic places as Tasmania or the United Arab Emirates. The company has recently started selling in Singapore and Taiwan. Sales abroad continues to rise.

vation. In order to continue to be able to give its customers the best products and services, the company ensures it will stay one step ahead all the time. The Dr Irena Eris Cosmetic Laboratories therefore plan to keep investing heavily in the company’s development. One of the most significant fields of activity of the enterprise will be scientific research. The company also plans to open further Skin Care Institutes in Poland and abroad. Nowadays, the firm has three foreign Institutes: in Bogota, Colombia, in Kaliningrad, Russia and the third one, opened in 2007, in Prague, Czech Republic. The company publishes a “Sense of Beauty” magazine, which is a source of information about the Dr Irena Eris cosmetics and trends in cosmetology and about the research that are conducted in the Centre of Science and Research. There can also be found the Dr Irena Eris Skin Care Institutes and Hotels SPA offers. The Dr Irena Eris Cosmetic Laboratory is very well aware that in cosmetic industry research and product innovation is the key to keep up with the competition and market trends.

A strong future ahead

The future success of the Dr Irena Eris Cosmetic Laboratories and its products depends on the continued focus on inno-

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Paper&Printing Industry 55-57

Polpak Karton



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OLPAK-KARTON puts the focus on top product quality and comprehensive customer service. It reinforce the highest level of delivery reliability. Constant innovation keeps the company, a producer of corrugated board sheets and boxes, ahead of competition. Every year brings with it important changes for the Polpak-Karton company. At the beginning, its operations were relatively limited, but today, with the current market position, the company look back at the initial production challenges with nostalgia. Polpak, which was founded in 1994, is a family-run business. The firm located in a small village Poledno, 10 kilometers south of Świecie, Poland, has a workforce of more than 500 people. First sheets from a self-made corrugator were produced in February 1995, in adapted

workshops. However, constant technical innovation and skilful marketing have jointly contributed to the company’s successful development. Nowadays, Polpak, is a leading domestic manufacturer of corrugated board sheets and boxes. It sales its products both in Poland and abroad. Polpak’s operations include distribution of packaging machines as complete packaging systems for industry and trade. The company is ISO 9001:2000 certified. It received such prestigious awards as the Hussar of Europe, Business Gazelle, Leader of Export, Fair Play Company and Hit, but it also posses many regional awards and honors. The Polpak Group consist of Polpak-Karton, Polpak-Paper, Polpak-Recycling and Polpak-Machines.

Investment strategy

The Polpak company knows about the

pressures in the marketplace: the trend in the market is very clearly towards holding back on investments. Therefore, an important part of the company’s business is the modernization and reconstruction of its plants and investment in new ones. In 1998, Polpak set up a new production plant. That allowed to broaden its offer, and since then the company has been producing boxes. First processing machines were called Bobst and Martin Fleksokompakt. A milestone in the company’s history was an investment in a new BHS 2500 corrugator. The machine has already manufactured about 1 billion square meters of cupboard. Soon it will be replaced by a new one. The company constantly followed the market innovations and this led to its entry into the machine segment – so far Polpak lunched more than 30 machine projects in various branches. In 2005,

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Polpak run two hi-tech machines which let the company to produce a wide variety of box constructions with graphics in flexo technology up to five colors. “That is why we call this period a “polygraphic year,” the company says. What the Polpak company will undoubtedly remember about this year is the construction of the new paper factory in Grudziądz. While the decision to build the factory was taken in May 2007, in April 2008 the construction was completed and the first paper machine MP1 was run. Both, employees and the President of the Polpak Group, Stefan Medeński, were the creators of this achievement. What did led the company to this success was hard work. Polpak, however, has no plans to slow down its growth.

Building customer confidence

Achieving the market position has been possible due to consequent implementation of the Polpak strategy. The company focuses on comprehensive customer service, encouraging clients to establish long-term co-operation. The priority in the company strategy is product quality, as well as short order lead-time and in-time delivery. Polpak believes in working together with its clients. This ensures that correct order are delivered on time, and thus its customers are able to progress with their projects according to their own schedules . Delivery is one of the most important things – delivery at the right time and deli-

very reliability. “We understand the consequences, which our client may face if the delivery is late,” the company says. “We treat customer’s matters as our own, and we always help them to find most effective and economic solutions.” “The fact is that the customer expect us to be flexible. If he needs a little bit more, or something happens, we should be able to help him,” it adds. The company often observes the process of packaging in its client’s factory and it suggests how to improve it. “Many of our proposals have been adopted,” Polpak says. Efficient and competent execution of orders constitutes the basis of the company’s reliability. Salesmen and customer service constitute a cohesive team, focusing in their efforts on understanding and meeting all needs and expectations of the company’s customers. Execution of these assumptions is the foundation of company functioning and successful growth. Among the Polpak’s customers there are companies, with whom the manufacturer started its “adventure business.” Some of them have expanded its business and services, other remained unchanged, but “we are still together,” the company says. One of the company’s motto is: “every customer is very important for us.”

Production, printing and projects

Boxes from corrugated board protect customer’s products. Selection of proper construction and optimal raw material allows to obtain maximal utility of PolpakKarton products –strength and printing possibilities. The essential role of packaging is to serve as a source of marketing information. Polpak-Karton put a strong emphasis on excellent quality of printing, starting from development of graphics in its own design studio. Converting machines provide an opportunity to a very precise flexo printing up to five colors. Designed constructions take into consideration the marketing role of packaging, e.g. display, cardboard with perforation, and automatic bottom. Properly designed box brings measurable advantages in the form of cost cutting. Decrease of sheet area, which are redundant material losses, adjustment of construction to actual needs and conditions, use of optimal paper qualities, are only some ways to cut costs. An advanced design department of Polpak-Karton provide opportunity to create the optimal packaging design. Packaging machines installed by Polpak-Karton are used separately or as

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elements of complete packing lines. They are used for packing of various products in corrugated board. Parameters and functionality of machines and packing lines are adjusted to the needs of the customer and designed to fulfill individual requirements. Polpak’s business partners, to whom the company deliver its products, are mainly retail sales leaders and companies operating in the food industry. The manufacturer is aware of the fact, that because of the high diversification of orders, Polpak is expected to offer a wide range of packaging constructions, designs, graphics, raw materials and packaging systems. “Paying attention to the way of management and approach to the product and employee, the IKEA project is said to be the most important,” Polpak says. From the technical point of view, projects that are implemented in the dairy industry are significant. Moreover, the company takes part in building the image of many Polish companies connected with the food and fruit industry and, as the Polpak says, it gives the company a great satisfaction.

Problems in the Eastern market

The Polpak Group is mainly focused on the domestic market. But, it possess a lot of contacts abroad. Its export directions are the most demanding markets – German and Scandinavian countries. “Currently, the export of our products reaches 40% of the production,” the company says. The most difficult to cooperate with are clients in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. However, it is not the result of contact between the various clients. Difficulties refer to the administrative limitations and to the flow of financial resources.

Internal cooperation and its effects

A strong and a fluent communication at all levels is a powerful tool used inside the company. Every single order is not only precisely discussed, but it also remains a very important experience which outlines the Polpak further development trends. Polpak’s strategic value is strong cooperation between the company and its crew. There can be seen an enormous commitment of its employees in the realization of the Polpak’s goals. President Stefan Medeński stresses that proper implementation of contracts is the company most important aim. This approach determines the Polpak’s investment and development process – ‘we are aware that we have to respond to every customer need and stay ahead

of competition”. Polpak-Karton invests in people. Safety, work environment, teams autonomy are items which are followed by managers and workers. In order to develop the employees satisfaction the company keeps high standards of socio-sanitary care.

More challenges in the market

The market environment has become much more challenging. In these days the ecological awareness has risen. Polpak has considered all environmental aspects of all of its operations. It is an eco-friendly company as it constantly expands its base of modern and pro-environmental technology solutions. The past five years showed a systematic growth of paper and packaging consumption. Eco-friendly products replaced plastic packaging. The company does not forget that consumer expects more and more new, and more attractive packaging. Polpak, however, is well prepared, both mentally and technically, to quick response to its customers wishes and demands.

pany says. What the Polpak is proud of? “For many years we were watching other companies – their progress and development. We followed in their footsteps. Today more and more young companies benefit from our experiences and methods of operation, and this really make us proud,” the company says. PolpakKarton is a company which understands its mission and its place on the market. It knows how important the process of manufacturing its goods is. “We want our customers to benefit from the cooperation with the Polpak Group. We are confident that many of our potential customer, after discovering the advantages of our company, will significantly increase the competitiveness of its products. We invite everybody to cooperate with us.”

The way to success

According to the company, Polpak-Karton is on its half way to success. However, the fact is that the company is already recognized and respected brand both in Poland and abroad. As it says, only hard work can establish client trust. “During the years of our activity on the Polish and European market many well-known companies were forced to give up its business, so we have humility before what is before us”, the com-

POLPAK-KARTON Sp. z o. o. Poledno 2, 86-122 Bukowiec POLAND Fax. +4852 3330903

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Focus on products quality and environmental protection he W. Lewandowski is a private firm based solely on Polish capital. The firm specializes in production of a wide range of hygienic papers. Nowadays, it is one of the biggest manufacturers and distributors in this line of business in Poland and its success looks set to continue.


The W. Lewandowski company has undergone many transformations since it was founded in 1992. However, through all these years, the company’s main premises remained unchanged. The company is relentlessly focused on: • • •

meeting customers’ demands by supplying them with products of highest quality protection of the environment operating in accordance with ethical rules

The current shape of the company, which employs 120 people, is a result of sixteen years of hard work, improving its products and strengthening market position. During years of investments the company created three distinct brands: Bunny Soft, EkoClean and EkoSoft, which contain a wide range of products for both individual and institutional clients. An eco-friendly attitude is an issue that the company is truly focused on. However, before saying about that, lets reveal the W. Lewandowski company’s eventful history.

The company’s milestones

As mentioned, the firm was established in 1992. Two years later, Mr. Wiesław Lewandowski, the company founder and owner, buys a paper machine and the firm starts its independent and full production

process, which begins in the moment of recycled materials collection and ends when the product is ready. In 1997 the company purchases leased buildings and land, and from this moment it has full independence. A year later the firm, as one of the first paper producer in Poland, introduces the ISO quality system. In 2002, the company upgrades the ISO: 9002 quality system to the newest ISO 9001:2000 standard. That is why the manufacturer guarantees the best product and perfect customer service. In 2000, a new EkoClean brand appears on the market. This move is directly connected with a new production line of paper towels and paper cleaning materials. EkoClean hygienic papers is a wide selection of articles targeted at industrial use. It comprises articles made from waste paper, which are more absorbent and resistant. A year later the company introduce another brand EkoSoft, which links itself attractive price with the appropriate product quality. 2002 and 2003 are the years of many investments and achievements. The W. Lewandowski firm starts the modernization of the factory facilities and buys new

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machines, in example a production line of zz-fold towels. It also purchases the historic building located in the center of Łódź, once belonging to one of the Łódź fabricators, and starts renovation work to restore building’s lost splendor and adapt it to the needs of the office. Worth to mention that the renovated building awards first prize in a Polish Open Contest for the “Modernization of the Year 2004”. The contest is organized by the Pomeranian Fair Ltd., in cooperation with Polish Economy and Trade Construction Chamber, Association for the Protection of Material National Heritage, under the honorary auspices of the President of the Republic of Poland. The launching of multi-ply toilet paper made form waste paper and implement a modern system of paper packaging in 2006,

are another milestones for the company.

Eco-friendly company

“Environmental protection is our top priority,” the company says. The firm’s assortment comprises hygienic papers made of recycled paper. It means that the company does not consume such raw material as wood and this allows to limit deforestation. Moreover, it also reduces environmental pollution. The company is always proceeding in accordance with the principles of respect for ecology.

Bunny Soft, EkoSoft and EkoClean

At present time the most significant product is a multi-ply toilet paper made form selected waste paper. Among them there are hygienic paper, zz-fold towels, paper towels and paper cleaning materials. One- and two-ply toilet papers, kitchen towels, pocket and cosmetic tissues, as well as napkins, are sold under the

brand names BunnySoft and EkoSoft. BunnySoft hygienic papers is a reputed brand offering a wide selection of articles made from select waste paper, as well as high quality, delicate cellulose, designed specifically to meet the needs of a demanding customer. EkoSoft toilet paper is targeted at customers looking for inexpensive products. It is a brand combining attractive prices with high quality of the products, which is ensured by high-tech methods of production. The packaging is adapted to customers’ needs, and contains 8 or 16 rolls. Toilet papers in so called „big rolls”, „Mini” and „Maxi” industrial towels, zz-fold towels and paper cleaning materials form the range of EkoClean products. This selection of articles is targeted at industrial use. The W. Lewandowski company and its Bunny Soft, EkoClean and EkoSoft brands, should be associated with the best quality of products and with professional approach to customers. High quality of all the articles is guaranteed by the quality management certificate ISO 9001:2000. The company also possess a National Institute of Hygiene Health Quality Certificate. It means that the manufacturer undertakes steps to prevent materials and products which pose a threat to people’s health and life from entering into common use. Hygienic certificate is issued on the basis of analyses comprising the chemical composition of materials and products. All the W. Lewandowski products meet most rigorous requirements, being safe both for users and the environment.

Closer to its customers

The W. Lewandowski firm creates confidence and trust among its customers not only thanks to investing in new technologies, offering a wide range of goods, which are sold at reasonable and competitive prices, and upgrading their quality, but also thanks to the mentioned protection of the environment. It is all connected with market changes. The firm notices that the sale of paper made from cellulose, which is mainly produced by western companies, gets bigger every year. Polish producers suffer because of that, according to the company. However, the Manufacturing-Journal 59

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firm has no doubts that by growing public awareness and concerns about environmental issues, ecological papers produced from waste paper will have more and more followers. “Our customers cooperate with us because we are a reliable, credible and flexible partner. Each client is equally important for us. We exist on the market thanks to our customers’ trust and we do everything to meet all of their expectations,” the company says. “The trust raises our long activity on the market and the fact that we are a company based solely on the Polish capital,” it adds.

Awards and distinctions

During sixteen years of operations, the W. Lewandowski company, its products and the way of activity have acquired many prestigious awards and distinctions. “Awards, which we are the most proud of, is the Solid Firm Certificate and Title,” the company says. This certificates are awarded for prompt squaring of one’s obligations, as well as respect for ecology and consumer’s rights. The W. Lewandowski company awarded Solid Firm Certificate and Title in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006. Moreover, it won a Special Silver Certificate for a three-time winner in 2005 and a Special Golden Certificate for a five-time winner in 2006. Another programme, organized by the Polish Chamber of Commerce and the Foundation „Democracy and Private Company Studies Institute”,

promoting honesty, reliability and ethics in commercial activities gave another seven title to the company. Those were Business Fair Play Certificate and Title in 2002, 2003 and 2005, Business Fair Play Golden Certificate and Title in 2004, Business Fair Play Golden Statuette in 2006. The company’s products also awarded several times an European medal prize and got a Łódź recommends. The last one is a contest organized by the President of Łódź and it aims at awarding and promoting best Łódź products. “As a company that stimulate economic development of

the country and that is based solely on Polish capital, we awarded Polish Success 2001 distinction and nomination and Polish Success 2003 Statuette and the Laureate Title”. It is also worth to say about the Polish Promotional Programme under the honorary auspices of the President of the Republic of Poland. As known, its main goal is to promote highest quality services and products on the Polish market, propagate modern methods of production and management, and help firms build and strengthen their brands. Every year, the Programme organizes the prestigious Poland Now Contest for Best Products and Services. “Polish Promotional Emblem Poland Now was awarded to our firm in 2006, in the 16th edition of the contest”.

Being proud of

“What we are most proud of is that we achieved all our aims and objectives, that we had from the very beginning. We remain loyal to sincerity, reliability and to our all ethical principles. We are proud of our customers’ confidence. We truly enjoy the fact that our success enables us to support other people and this gives us enormous satisfaction.”

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